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tv   Redesigning Urban Space  Deutsche Welle  May 13, 2023 4:15am-5:00am CEST

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the computers then, now smart governments that go crazy for your data, explain how these technologies work. so that's how they can also watch it now runs loudest voice. i am must see all the new jobs. she's the face of a protest movement. i did not think so many women would send me the photos she's there motivator. all of us hire a little must be the end. she won't give up to watch the assignment for public took my brother hostage a few days ago. the trying to sign in the scene of the job, they won't be silent. starts june, 3rd, on dw,
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the, the, the city of barcelona is creating new sensation worldwide. entire neighborhoods are being closed off to traffic, the asphalt ripped up and trees signed. and it sends the cities deputy mer is behind the change, the key for another that's gonna be, that's a jonas. this is where we start to, to restore public spaces. as you can see, we've created spaces for pedestrian. every when to come into the section where the primary focus on the most popular and those processed them that there's be almost leave convention this form a traffic into sections into completely new holidays or the most sun. a
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100 sons is one of the many planners worldwide working to regenerate cities. metropolises such as barcelona powers, berlin and copenhagen based 3 huge challenges. air pollution, climate change, and lack of space. the probably the cds dealing with these challenges the 3 years barcelona has struggled with rising pollution levels. limits for both nitrogen oxides and particulate matter are constantly exceeded. meanwhile,
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global warming continues to cause record temperatures. city council has responded with radical changes. they're closing off entire districts to road traffic and creating stability. yes or super blocks be over to dining concept is causing the stair. the people we now have numerous green areas for generating a cooler oven time it and we've also created a space where costs can still drive that very slowly. um, the speed limit here is just 10 kilometers per hour. barcelona is especially well suited to change. urban planners are taking advantage of the cities distinctive checkerboard structure. the videos are to be built everywhere. the concept, just re purposing space for the pedestrians inside the list and parts to sum
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squares and streets will be completely closed. the others will be single lane through traffic is no longer possible. apart from a few selected streams. nitrogen oxide pollution filled by 33 percent in the 1st 2 districts where super blocks were created. the colonial pandemic showed just how clean the air and bus so the one that can be joining the lock down in spring and summer. 2020 air pollution in the city st dramatically for the 1st time. and you air quality standards were met. but it's pandemic restrictions receive. air pollution is on the rice again see month to get them on the bottle fuel. during the pandemic life, it was hardly any traffic. so pollution level as well. no. get a model if we just contain that level of idea, we could save $600.00 lives. that's the yeah, the $600.00, if you, with that, with those kinds of stuff, it would be irresponsible to do nothing at all. if you only response have
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a need up. but what does this change mean for business people and shop owners? at 1st that was skepticism and protest. because as judy audi, yes, explains. business owners weren't involved. that young person of the sometimes only traitors association own safety shop on one of the districts converted streets like to help this development. they escaped, a less cortez and the, for the main creases in these big con, con, drive into the neighborhood. again, some traders have complained that it's main to lots of custom to be on possibly that way. i'm fairly the studio, the name was escaped and the studies show that people who come on foot by trade do indeed go shopping. in fact, they buy more when they will come through the city. the discovery in the shop implemented a c o e. in that i see that called no one's studies indicates this is from the call
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dr. as by may want to go to them on combining what if we have to get that idea figured out to go ahead, go to be glad all is going to be a good idea of this been done. the majority of the us is also taking part in the study since january 2019. the city has been evaluating credit card payments to retailers and the district results show that despite the pandemic stump singles and this to buddy are considerably higher than elsewhere in the city. a join or the other one didn't get into the me sales have increased. yes, some complained about not being able to come by cost, but people adapting and then now taking the underground the super e a hasn't stokes that from shopping the numbers i am with the,
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the oldest buddy of the city. both lino was opened in 2016 today, yoga classes meet at the black golf street. the super audio still looks a bit to make shift. most of the trees have yet to be planted, but that will all change soon. you can find a bicycle at one of the many rented bike stations or get yourself a cheap public transport ticket. the ideas to make the car redundant spaces once designed for cars, now belong to foot. traffic is no money to we go much more space. and it's easier to meet the neighbors and work outside of activity that all of us here, the residential. so we're very grateful as low the symbols, the city governments is already created 6,
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but he has 3 more are on the way of further 8 pacified zones are in planning. one advantage of the concept is that it's relatively cheap. barcelona has invested and planning is feminist. no one's left behind till now and time is heavily collected, an important part of the population. then we know that women are more likely to use public transport. less likely to use a call for the women who suffer more from the bad air and ask for the pregnant women. there's a higher risk to the child. this is an injustice which needs to be corrected with sensible planning on the categories and left for my planning. the city government once every 3rd street in barcelona to be closed by the end of the decade. by the end there should be $500.00 super. yes. the urban climate will be substantially improved and citizens will have
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a much greater freedom of movement. the germany's capital g. many residents would welcome carp restraints. they were specially concerned for the safety of their children. in 2020 a total of 17 cyclists died in rude accidents in berlin. 3 times more than 2019. the white painted ghost bikes memorialize the victims. i know and then you've got to be brave to cycling the then not okay. and do to get the food assign quotes, but actually has the fewest driver's picky hoax that a po due to an angry tetra ones. the streets blocked in their district pleaded side and quite so bad. only one in 5 people on a car, but traffic from outside the city flows right through their residential area. each
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change has to be individually font for and justified in great cetera, has long been fighting to have a single street blocked off in her neighborhood. getting street posts installed was a tedious process to stay inside on good 12 and water is basically it took before the 20121220. 19. i'm gonna make a decision based on 6 months and it though us, so my on i thought i was around 7 years. is that normal disability enough? and this is as i've been in standards, it's almost 5 a job. why does it take so long? his asthma and didn't, that's a lie. jones lloyd administration was hung up on a cost and to $15.00 to go on the call. the cutting down is another thing that was our experience. if i want designs to give us is about to see only thing that message was free flowing from like us. not us. light is and if not, seal mindset is everything else is viewed as
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a disruption stubs. and lisa cans of the see something, nothing new happens to although berlin has wide streets and a well developed public transport system, the biggest portion of public space, 58 percent, is claimed by the car, pedestrians, cyclists, and public transport have to share the rest. multi main roads defined the landscape . this is what plan is referred to as special injustice. if you were to share the space in proportion to actual usage, you would have quite a different picture. cars would be a lot of 25 percent of the space. the remaining 75 percent would go to cyclists, pedestrians, and public transport. in our example, drivers would be granted just one lane and there would be no parking spaces. the cars didn't always dominate,
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the city would be considered normal, wasn't the original plan. the honda show in mathias, he's come from the the on the boys on funding initiative. want to have a psychopath. constructed under the elevated railway and quite sped and reclaimed the space for citizens. cities, as we know them, were not originally designed for congress, but for pedestrians and horse drawn carriages the infant, everyone's talking about mobility transition. it's a trendy phrase, but it's not just a fad. but if you look closely at history, they've already had to traffic up. he was 1120 years ago when berlin's population grew quite a bit different transit modes, criss crossed everywhere. so it was decided to move the track up higher. i just see it now above us. it left the room on the ground for pedestrians encourage and that's just also a brilliant elevated railway was completed in
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1902. today these images seemed strangely empty. without the parked cars and dense traffic sun, the rising 50. yeah, this page are honest. who is out within 30 to 40 years later it was all about the car and people want in the best transport. but instead ended up stuck in traffic jams out of space. and now another 70 years later. and we'd like to undo the mistakes and reclaim the space with the original intention to talk with. you see what's happening down here and once it's used for dumping, suppressing on your start when we're up the, this is how much. yes. so honda end of the i level of outbound envisioned the space under the elevated railway not just the cycle path, but also an attractive urban space. the city of berlin intends to build the path at some point. but planning and construction of very slow parking spaces which were proposed 15 years ago are
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currently being built under the railway. if the psycho path becomes a reality lead me to, we converted all what looks like a nice lane for cyclists is actually the opposite. we're standing in a parking space if the initiatives, ideas implemented the cycle path will run from oba bound book, you in the east to bon hope. so in the west, a total of 9 kilometers a lease. i go from princeton, wisconsin to move back and look at the part of the route and smooth sailing for you on it. and what to us with the pets is full of obstacles. the,
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the federal government in the state of berlin are sponsoring the project with 3300000 euro. initially, only a few 100 meters of track will be developed. while many citizens want the transport revolution. the authorities are sluggish and implementing it. there's a lack of political vision and willpower parish. the problems are even more urgent due to the lack of space power, as is the most densely populated city in europe. about 12000000 people live in the metropolitan area. positions have always had to fight hard for room to move. please you is so tight that you pop dancers like people play. i'm ok, be use the street as their state.
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there's just enough time between the traffic lights bridge dense interlude because nobody could meet the pope was never invited any way. it just took over space that wasn't intended for it in the streets and elsewhere and made it its own and spread the office. that's so pedestrians cyclists, parisians. you've got to do that to. of the citizens of paris have already assertive themselves at the ballot box. the parisian government funded by new doug who is rebuilding the city on the sand. the dance group already knows the value of the streets, the urban center carlos movie know is the
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brains behind the change. immeasurably decimal or keep it down to what you feel. now, public space has been dominated by cars. it can, but they take the life out of the city. stop what you're getting from. can i say stop the cars, which are only passing through? let's read, claim this public space for people to live in peace. the movie know is the mayor's advisor. together they launched the mobility transition in paris shortly after taking office. and you don't go close to the last section of the city motorway on the backs of the center and turned into a prominent the. she also enforced a 30 kilometers speed limit throughout the city. the provisions enjoyed the new space, the banks of the saint on nova cities living room, the plan stairways parks and swimming gardens will come later.
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the 1st draft already exists and due to go is scaling up. the cycle path network has been expanded by over 1000 kilometers. who do they believe has been completely converted into a cycling street? 20000 trees have been planted with it for the 170002 come. in 2024. these little cars will be bent and the french capital and all combustion engines will follow in 2030. the metro network empowers will double by 23rd. from 220 to 450 kilometers, to better connect the outskirts of the city. the grand parents express project directly connected cities up to 60 kilometers away. everything should be ready by 20, 30 april reduced con traffic into the city and offer a faster alternative. taking pressure off the metro lines in the inner city,
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the kids can get to the bottom. you know what from here you can see the suburbs very well. the ones over there, the eastern suburbs of terrorist and back there are the western one to 2 definitely at the very back you can see the towers of la default the business district. i think it was the old rece to get drunk. i did a lot by them they. so if you live in the east and working on the phones, you have to drive across paris 6. you pick the cool fucking bus stop by a really good job on the bus. good level, really do you feel now the entire transport concept was focused on the center of parasite, but thanks to this new station, you won't need to drive to the city center anymore. say about that april homepage. it was off to you as acceptable. got a question, how about the funding and go on your level? really, we will reduce the burden on the whole apparently, especially on certain lines that are heavily used today, extending your crew gold re soma. if someone's such
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a way that their phones is europe's largest business district, many international corporations have their headquarters here. and many managers drive to work in their own car or take a cab. the electric air tax. these will offer these high earners different transport option in time for the 2024 summer olympics. so in the future business, people will be able to fly from allowed the phones in the west to the airport in the north in just a few minutes. probably next month is from photo cost to the company, offering the air taxi. the witnesses, so you'll hear and you go to your flight with follow cops around the yeah. then you're all through that. you get into the of all a cup to fly directly to show the goal level and get on the plane the then the,
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the, the whole thing will be a balance as expensive as a normal taxi. so from here to the airport, something between $75.00 and a $115.00 europe depending on how long the trip to pay, cuz we don't, because it'll definitely be within this range street. you can fly from here to the airport for about 100 euro. is it the song? where is the, the defaults a shuttle to go over to an air show and power sparks of lot of interest the but not all technical and legal problems have been solved yet. they still need to build blending pads and charging facilities for the big batteries that supply electricity to the 18 rotors the today, the 1st test flight is being conducted in paris. the
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as fascinating is, the vision is air tax. these like those from photocopy, there are still in the early days, a ring shower can disrupt the plants, like the they don't, they don't have the faces the aviation sector. so if there are a strong winds, very heavy rain or snow, but we don't fly, but they'll be no 9th flights. it's the rule easy to use your boss because that's car. so some couple and there's also a weight limit in the beginning that will be a maximum of $200.00 kilos. your own bound volume for mass, the pilots in me with my luggage to they'll fly under the mall to the are tax. these will be a transport mode for the wealthy. they won't solve the traffic problems in the cramped, parisian metropolis. it's not that simple. even
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a few new metro lines are hardly enough and call us will be no noticed that at every driver in power. so use the metro tomorrow, the system would collapse. that's why i'm only know what's to make commuting itself redundant. to let the cat with a show on the sofa ski for c, c, climate neutral, commuting alone is not enough funded with the we need to ask deeper questions of why do we need to move around in the 1st place? i would really think, why do we have to travel so far? is that the whole yes, considerations don't just mean changing mobility with questioning it as a whole. that's the most important question. and this question will lead to another profound change in the next 1020 years. and indeed, the questions i fully know invented the concept of the 15 minutes city. captivating
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urban planners worldwide. the idea everything you need shops, work places, schools should be reachable from your home. in 15 minutes, he takes us to the cities 19 avalon small, near rosa park station, where the concept has already been implemented. to prevent the general vacation, sailors take care to maintain a social mix. so social housing, luxury, apartments, and student dormitories are all in one place during the once i get a more let me see this. so she has these buildings are also an example of social mixing because they're student dormitories. a, they've been lost all this activity in this district, there was a mix of the most diverse activities, the commercial professional. and of course, the students are also part of a my, the district to see 65 to see the i love really can't keep the wait in the middle of it all is and this
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cargo, the largest start up hub in your city council, purposely allocated residential areas for companies and build social housing in the middle of business district, $55000.00 departments are going up. the plan to reduce the number of commuters people will no longer have to travel long distances to work. less time commuting, spend more time with friends and family. that's the vision empower the . the city of the future is also coming to berlin at the former to go airport. soon construction will begin here on berlin's version of the 15 minutes city. the
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here directly in front of the old airport building a research park for the future technologies will be built. a residential quarter for 10000 people will occupied the former runway. hardly any parking spaces or plan, but there will be 6 meter wide cycle paths. residents can borrow everything they need from mobility hubs, including e cars, scooters and cargo bikes. the mobility helps induce mobility hubs are always connected to public transport and we're linked up to the underground and there are various buses servicing the area on each mobility hub. every parking garage is directly linked to a stop to ensure that you really won't need a car in the end. and that's the basic premise to get people to give up their cars . we have to offer an alternative system. we reckon them ability needs will increase the tense, cut off not to get it booked to the is the
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project manager for the new district, the 500 heck. their area is huge. 5 percent of the size of power the the projects time table is ambitious. since it's not just mobility that's set to change, the building process will be c o 2 neutral. the risk a central quarter will be made entirely of wood, the largest pure wood settlement in the world. there will be a solar power system and water captures owens for heavy rain, the clipping, the district for climate change, the guns, and a lot of people call us and ask, how can we get an apartment? how can we get in? because they understand that in the end, we as humans are biological beings, we need a biological environment. and as in here's the prospect of no longer having to lock yourself up in a reinforced concrete cage. it's attractive and mean besides lots of biodiversity
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in the streets converted into green habitats and place spaces, as i'm also very keen for. and it will be at least another 5 years till the project on the former airport site is completed. but the city is setting the course for the future. the in copenhagen, you can experience the future today. it's become a mobility transition model from many other cities around the world. in the 19 sixty's, the 1st streets in the city center were closed off the car traffic. currently 62 percent of residents commute by bike or on foot, or even bike traffic jams. here the,
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the city of the future was invented by john gale over 50 years ago, the architect to pose the concept of a car friendly city. back then he was ridiculed as a dreamer. today he showered with praise. he's copenhagen has become a place of pilgrimage for mobility planners where ever you make most rates on more lane ways. you have more traffics, 3 years later, or 5 years later. so if you invite cause you get more traffic. but he, in copenhagen, we have found that if you invite people to walk, see, to live all by seeking. you get more of that. it's exactly the same. you get in each city what you invite for. the principle of supply and demand works and reverse in urban planning. if more supplies created, the demand follows the
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commuters like me now ride their bikes. she lives with their family 20 kilometers from the city center in fellows, a suburb of copenhagen. because there are more bike paths, she and her husband have switched to cycling to them. even though the one outside is my car go bike. my husband has taken his with him. these are our children's bikes. and then we have 2 more bikes, or the stanley doesn't own the car. the, the works at a bank of a city center. for the last 4 years. she's been commuting 40 kilometers per day with her electric cargo. bye. for children's school is on the way
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the from her home town to for those a bike path leads directly into copenhagen. that was the reason she moved here. she's perfectly connected by blanc. and at the same time, she can leaving a house in the countryside without the need for a car the as the. so the most important thing is that the infrastructure is right. otherwise you can't cycle such long distances. the bike paths here are wide. i feel safe and i'm shielded from the cars. i was going to call. this wasn't there. i certainly wouldn't be riding about it. he said the
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in the last 10 years, copenhagen has continuously develop since psycho super highways. a compact network already connected to the city with suburbs up to 40 kilometers away. in the coming years, the network will expand further and grow denser for planners. the number one transit mode is the bicycle every year the city spends $35.00 euros per capita and cycling most other european cities invest on the 10th of this studies show that if it were more convenient copenhagen residents to would prefer to use the car. the idea is that no one's journey should take longer by bike or train than by car. when you ask the copenhagen bicyclist, why are you bicycling? and that came some very interesting results because they said that you're doing this with the climate. no. but, but i are doing this because it's very cheap. no,
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but i are doing this because it's healthy for it says, no. why are you bicycling? because it's the fastest and most convenient way to get around. that wasn't meant your to say, that's my major argument for taking the bike. that it's so easy and so direct and it's faster as a big. but if i'm supposed to move, i don't ride a bike because i'm a climate same as in, you know, i ride a bike and save the world as well. no, i'm as good as an additional. first and foremost, it's more convenient if it doesn't take much longer than the train or the car. so i'm not a saint, it's just fine. and above all practical, it would be to show the, for the mobility transition to be successful, companies must also change locksmith. be a,
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go go. god already has. he supplies his services by blake. the box full of heavy tools and metal parts weighs 80 kilos to transported. he needs an electric cargo bike. there was like a missing link between the car and the regular bicycle, the st. but then his dogs and i was getting a stick to send a notice, i'm just gonna hit tools and materials. don't take up much space on see if i have to change your log somewhere. i don't need account. i can easily load everything onto a condo bike with a car. i might have to punch several streets away. it's just the bike solves that problem. it gets me door to door better for me. and the comes to my bill of recording. since switching to the bike, the bro guard has last 8 kilo to and it's been sick, less often the mobility transition has actually made people healthier.
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the people are moving more and it's led to a decline in conditions like cardiovascular disease, obesity and diabetes. with electro cargo bikes. more companies in the city are likely to switch from cars to bicycles. the he said, the store store puts in chain to put them some hot relatives smoke. in any case, they have great potential among craftsman like me who only have to transport small things. so it looks me, it's electricians, or even plumbing st. somebody, you can gun guy. there is certainly more possibilities. like a 1st thing you just need to get inspired and do it continue. yeah. tell us god, it's authentic. somebody's had come out and been staying here in copenhagen. there's a ship who works from a bicycle when he rides around and cooks for people,
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or even a photographer. there are no limits. yeah. consent to seeing if people are inspired, they'll do it and it's a solution for everything. a cool offense among events case it is showing of volt minutes compilers. to make city life more visible, copenhagen knows wish to return some space to nature. there are already plans to create forested areas on central squares and streets. and then we know what to count. you careful, and if you only count the cause you care for the cause in copenhagen was the 1st city in the world where we were able to develop systems to document the life of the city. and we were able to see if he was able to make it department for safety, life and pedestrians as they have always had a department for traffic and transport and cause. so we started very early in
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copenhagen to take an interest in phoebe and that had an impact. and that is a connection to the fact that copenhagen now is could see that one of the more livable cities in the world, the single for to once fuel cars. but they're taking a different route than copenhagen, single pores metro networks is considered one of the best in the world. almost half of all trips taking here go by public transport. to 6000000 prison metropolis avoids congestion by adjusting ticket prices. tickets are cheaper outside rush hour . the same system applies to drivers like gallery to every day he drives 13 kilometers to the city center and pass several electronic toll systems.
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the price is proportional to the traffic density. drive to work from the suburbs right into the season to it only costs $0.50 at 70 in $1.00 at 8 am. and it would be for example, of $2.00 at $830.00. so it gets more expensive as you get later into the you know, to look at all this. i think way of going back home its 30 bucks. the buying a car is also expensive. with import taxes and registration. gary's bmw costs the equivalent of $100000.00 bureaus and then there's the additional monthly cost, the to be able to text. so that's a textbook i'm gonna type just to just use the call plus petrol plus parking. i probably spend about 2 to 2.5. okay. i'd like maintained it's gone. only one in 10 residents bones their own car significantly less than in european
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cities. but despite increasing costs, this number is barely falling. wealthy citizens like gary to are holding onto their cars in single pour. it's fast, inconvenient, surprising, the rising, the last few years. so i think for me it might be to a point where i think it's the cost of the weather and sample anymore. but i don't know what that price point is because to me i, i do enjoy driving. i think the price you pay if you want to be a driver here, when it comes to climate protection, the single pour we development authority is also taking drastic steps. the plan is to make the city greener with more cycle paths, parks and c, o 2 neutral buildings. the . the main problem with urban planning here is the lack of space. single port is an
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island nation. more space here means building upward architect jason palmer. roy specializes in sustainable high rise buildings. take your 2 dimensional plan of a city flip at 90 degrees and move sky would see as you're moving up through the lifts while you while while you're going get to a sky, cool to sky. gotten half that immediate connection to the next building and ultimately is creating this new next this hold open space is a heights that will then allow you to get to the next time in the the, this is how the city planning authorities seized. the single part of the future cars and trains will only run underground city life will take place on several levels. the building routes will support parks and landing pads like the
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square and the street where those places for people to meet and go from the ground to sky. coffee sky calls will be a similar up in space in the future, in cities around the world. and those sky coast and sky columns will be a means of connecting building to building enhancing movement further. and we could even take that to the next level by then thinking about how those eh, taxi terminals like the ones that we're creating for sky pools are going to be the next i mention to move beyond the building and stop helping from place to place the cities like singapore, copenhagen, barcelona, paris, and berlin all faced the same challenge. private transport is suffocating them, and they share a common goal of severely restricting con traffic. but their concepts look very different.
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the streets of them oh, cookie. i am completely convinced that the future of mobility lies in reducing mobility. a deal that will be need to see from the city of the future is one that relies on bicycles, pedestrians and public transport people. sometimes electric vehicles to come up and we need stop the change. now, what are the, what we do between now and 2030 is if you're showing well, then the only way we can meet the challenges facing cities around the wells that you have like that this is not given by got it is given by your politicians and the traffic planters, my experience is that people can ex, immediately recognize what they like and will ask for is the
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wonders of the ocean. these 2 highly specialized creatures and highly sought after raw materials, deep sea mining is still in its infancy and is still completely unregulated. how is it threatening eco system? tomorrow to do in 30 minutes. d. w. our specialties.
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spaced with the luxury. flavored with a touch of art, culinary excellence, all the ashes. europe to save your romance. 19 minutes on dw. evelyn charmaya. welcome to my pod cast, loved the matter that i advise celebrities influenza and experts to talk about all plain loves. thanks and data and get today. nothing less successful. all these things in more, in the new season of the fuck cost. to make sure it's a tune and wherever you get your costs and join the conversation because you know it's last matter the,
5:00 am
this is dw news live from berlin, a temporary reprieve for him. from con, taco stands, former prime minister is granted 2 weeks baylock and one corruption case. and the portal is he can't be re arrested in the other cases against him. also on the program ahead of sunday's presidential elections and.


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