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tv   Shift  Deutsche Welle  May 8, 2023 8:15am-8:31am CEST

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months to sit just one point behind buying off the $31.00 matches plane. you're watching dw news coming to live from berlin up ext. it's shift with report on an online troll whose turn to funding 8 speech force and get all the latest news and information anytime a warranty on our website that's dw, don't com and to check out our social media accounts. i'm terry martin from me and all of us here at dw, thanks for watching the people in trucks injured one trying to feed the city center. more and more refugees are being turned away, the bees correct? don't straighten people's extreme.
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getting 200 people around more than 300000000 people are seeking because no one should have to make up your own mind. w. made for mines the, the online tools make it the mission to harass all the internet to use us. they spread provocative messages on social media on the comments sections of online articles. who are these people and what's the impact of their hate speech? trolls our topic on shift today the
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just likes roles. i'm not taking this apology, cost trouble online tools to the same thing on the web. trolls distract use us with disruptive comments and calls chaos and discussions by making provocative statements. then joyce are in a wrench into public debates. one study of canadian universities found some trolls, took sadistic pleasure implementing the victims. and that's why they do it again and again. control systematically attack that targets in extreme cases. the even post addresses. i'll call the cops to that homes. organize troll farms, manipulate public opinion by spreading lies on behalf of governments. trolls achieve that goal when the victim withdrawals from public discourse. i managed to meet a former troll, gone yesterday from austria. his targets radical right wing uses and conspiracy theorists. the former tro, a tech members of the scene, a full week movement,
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picky the for example, you have to, to make fun of them. the rest of them connect to the impulse of private information about them. but when the tables were turned on him and his partner, that was his wake up call. and now he fights hate speech with his organization, hate speech psych the which translates to hate speech reported. he spoke about his time as a troll. and what he did showed up stupid nazi many estna comments. i wrote my 1st comment into the key to group on facebook. facebook . i actually want to show my goal was to cause trouble in the community by getting users into personal conflicts and distracting them from spreading their propaganda, wendy, in groups and but there's a lot of conflicts between users on facebook. good luck, the group at some point in the group will eventually disappear if there are many reports about hate speech or threats of violence over the official side.
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these are struggling to see what is disruption somewhat necessary, because these groups will stop facebook. facebook doesn't do anything, you've got to do something with, with some other stuff to kind of get us and i didn't have any boundaries because i wasn't aware i could cause so much damage shot too much with this. i filed for instance, and it was this one case from funds or not if at all a facebook group were private information about a woman was shared at the office and she at least adds on sooner sites and shared details about our private life. our children are partner and so on until night. and i used to harbor publicly and with him and effect on your fingers to make shots, which probably is almost one controls aren't always on happy people and it keeps i know some who are super successful in working as freelancer's funding businesses on with 80 or 90 work weeks and on the light off
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some steam by trolling coffee shop and they assume multiple identities and take on these roles. it's like acting, moving showers, speed on. so sort of aggression goes up because firstly, you're acting aggressively yourself and this energy gets directed back, not you by my doesn't imply conforming getting on to go to enemies or you can get to either equal or superior to you. one that the result as aggression is due to an august you one, assess a visual time sized by before, you know, it's, you've just been 6 hours trolling facies produced because you get a sectional number. i'll give you the product. and i was told myself that in mind throughout the day that someone on earth to my private details and found out who my girlfriend was at the time and started attacking her big on. so i calling her horse and other things. that's where the additions down deals on that happened and i realized how much i'd been harming
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others from shot. and i've been in the mean time, but i'm going to talk with hard to i really regrets what i did now have you talk kind of mentioned that i used to not get through to anyone and maybe inspire them or even a negative way or to target today i tried to be a positive inspiration and it's a long term project for me. tied always could you please sometimes send all the time project. thankfully there an increasing number of projects aiming to help and support hate speech victims. because trolls rally face criminal charges. i'm not enough on horseback works to fight digital violence and of the consequences. she's the head of hate 8. the charities supports victims of online building and to tex. according to her marginalized groups faced many threats online, and in some cases, even being forced of social media from which my teeth pass yet. but ultimately
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happens is that certain people, certain groups keep getting attacked and then withdraw from these platforms and stop talking about certain topics. if it just isn't that for me to look through the door to. so in places where we have public debate, certain people in groups can no longer take part system to quote. and that's problem added for our democracy and we'll catch. it's not just a problem for democracy, but also for the pockets of hate speech, including trans people, like just to cut them up a 5 minute. but jesse cuts them, i had always seen herself as a woman. at the age of 14, she had to 1st tv appearances as the youngest trance woman in the german state of tessa. back then she experienced online hate and took a step back from the limelight. at age 18, she underwent and assuming surgery off of the surgical procedure she made to me to come back and even was the 1st trends woman to take part in the midst germany beauty competition. now just to get some, i refused this to be the victim. instead of ignoring the head comments,
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she actively response to a hate us dollar to hey everyone, i keep getting comments that i'm a man, i'm ugly. we're going to tell you what we've have done. and so bullying death threats. that's like for jessica, some of the content creator deals with hate speech. every day she talks openly about her surgeries and trends life. i sometimes have 50 moms. honda, ma'am, someone will write something like 2 minutes. you'll always be a man. no matter how much surgery you hungry, she to mar the florida is always home. and so i thought, what do you think i have a follow smocks to back to my mom, which kind of thing hurt me in the world though? i've read too many of these come and difficult to let them phase me dresses and switch 9 to time out product as a teenager and has a just a good summer. as many t v appearances unexperienced backlash, she had to take a break from having to increase the max. then i realize i didn't actually want to
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step back me about the spot. i like being on camera. it's fun and photo components itself. and why should i have to when i'm not the problem about the auto saves me from it all within all. i took some time off and i came back with not strong enough on the that's what a good come nowadays, jessica makes a point of not ignoring hate comments. she draws inspiration from and sort of post insights hates. what humor, dollar these companies, you pay every well now i signed up for the genuine and under the last post everyone off, when he's got will you change your clothes? so am i so mean that's pretty clear. if you know me and everything i've done right hand experience or isn't it obvious it's, it's done with a man has cooled off the truly side in min um jessica demos wants to use our openness to be a role model for others. the vision at all possible. i'd recommend for hate speech. rick tends to respond with directness and confidence, and strength vince items. and if it's too much for your personal matter, of course,
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you can just report the comment. that's totally fine too. i'll stop and don't make yourself a victim the minute because people posting stuff on the problem with the appropriate use of spreading hate or speech other ones in the wrong. if you don't miss feel. but not every hate speech victim have the strength to actively defend themselves that jessica had zelma and it's important to seek help, especially in everyday life. aside from the media platforms, many web uses know the saying don't feed the trolls. it suggests that tools will quickly induce interest if you just ignore them and don't react the can help, but it won't always work. these type of police, a professional life, think the approach and even forming communities troll farms such as those font and russia, according to research of the most blatant outgrowth of this to and there are also other countries but tools. i'm more than just bored individuals raging online. but one thing a search and no one should have to face online page alone. here our top 3 tips for
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dealing with hate speech. what helps with online hate? step one finds the parent victims of digital violence shut off the family, friends, and other people. they trust for health research as they need to look after themselves and not read everything, but instead good support system in real life. hazy does one of several organizations in germany that promotes human rights in cyber space. there are some of the establishment and many other countries to the 2nd step take to stand. hate messages shouldn't go on challenged online. taking us down shows victims then also load play intervening. you show solidarity with them and send a message. this can prevent groups from being discriminated against and discouraged by it until brutal comments. they say she's looking for people in your circle of friends who support you if you need somebody not just offline,
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but that also show digital solidarity with you that you don't want only hate comments underneath your policies. but also encouraging comments from other pieces of equipment at home, then there's more balance to the situation and also continued take away a bit of the gravity of this digital violence has provided this hated speech. functions feel, step 3 documents and reports that youtube, instagram and other platforms feature reports. it continues to have confidence reviewed on diseases. if you were targeted by hate speech and wish to report that you should take screenshot as evidence in sizing, hates insults and threats with a digital or in real life or crimes. in some countries, meaning they should be reported to the police because without the police reports for witness testimony, crimes go one prosecution. hate speech happens every well online. this is for the most part due to
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a neck of record nation and rules on digital platforms. public debates are the has of private businesses, like metro at the own of facebook or alphabet. the owner of google is not necessarily in the interest to empower democratic debate. they usually more focused on making money. hateful content spreads quite well and the more people interact with it, the more the algorithm promotes that. the goal is to keep users on social media platforms for as long as possible in the european union. the digital services act will take effect in 2024 platforms with the obligated to protect stuff and use those rights and reveal how the algorithms work. i think it's really important that policy makers of trying to console hate and misinformation online and do something against this problem. what do you think kinda like this, have an impact and make a change with it? always be hates age no matter what regulations we have. that is, know what you think by and see you next time the
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somalia has been hit hard by anything with it on the side of the issue. but there is a way out affordable the celebration of sea water and initiative by somali. businessman demonstrates how it can be done to go africa next on d. w from is rich past 2, it's dynamics present. we discover the captivating music theme of cameras. the joint in our street debates,
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80 percent of cumberland continues to be enjoyed as a way identity as it kind of kind of goes out to be said to 77 percent in 60 minutes on d w. right. he's got any issues with a lot say what the the wild animals and what uh those are the topics into these echo offer to show our.