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tv   DW News - News  Deutsche Welle  October 12, 2018 1:00am-1:03am CEST

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if this continues. they should be. pretty. enough to. bangladesh the dawn of islamism and exclusive g.w. report starts october eighteenth. a russian cosmonaut and a u.s. astronaut aboard a so you spacecraft made an emergency landing after the rocket engine failed on lift off the soyuz rocket took off in kazakhstan and was supposed to head to the international space station nothe a said the crew is in good condition. one of the most powerful storms to hit the u.s. in decades has killed at least five people hurricane michael made landfall in florida on wednesday where rows of homes were smashed to pieces michael has now
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been downgraded to a tropical storm and is moving towards the atlantic ocean. the head of the eastern orthodox churches has agreed to recognize the independence of the ukrainian orthodox church despite protests from russia. the decision is a blow to moscow spiritual authority in the orthodox world. a highway bridge has collapsed on the italian island of sardinia during heavy rainfall it had been closed off due to a sinkhole no vehicles were on the road at the time the country's infrastructure has been under scrutiny since dozens died in a bridge collapse in genoa in august. hold
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on to your seats global stocks slump is this the next crisis for the us continues its news ing it straight european equities or treat asia sees the worst losses in years. and who's in the driver's seat now b.m.w. takes a majority stake in its joint venture in china the first to you said. this is your business update on how an arm free and glad you could join me when the international monetary fund's warnings about slower global growth rates weighed on stock markets on thursday germany's dax shed one and a half percent to close at a twenty one month low wall street was also still reeling the dow jones dropping nearly fourteen hundred points in just two days the biggest plunge since the beginning of this year. president trump's initial criticism of the federal reserve's rate hikes had only added to market jitters and.


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