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tv   Close up - The Rich the Poor and the Trash  Deutsche Welle  June 13, 2018 11:15am-11:46am CEST

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also no longer this failed experiment of of giving out two world cup hosting spots in one because that led to a lot of vote swapping so expecting a fairer result this time as we speak the fee for congress has taken its coffee break so we're little bit delayed jonathan crane my colleague is there in moscow and he'll give us the latest once and once it all becomes clear and obvious for us reporter max merrill thank you for your time. bye for now thanks for watching. who do you think is going to be a little shook up. the matches for the scores. two thousand a soccer world cup starts june fourteenth on t.w. news.
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in the hope of getting on the. do loop come on a good commuter. and if someone is getting richer and there are someone below him boys and me with each duke why don't the rich people and all of those who are suffering in poverty most often on the walk walk walk. only to. the rich don't care about inequality. they are different too. and if this continues there will be major disruptions where the political but the social and military but ecological for the terms of health. inequality undermines the social cohesion and a sense of a shared society if that's the undermines people's willingness to protect the
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environment. you know my name is god no cheating on the hi i'm twenty eight years old. and i work in waste management. news and my day is always very busy. i don't even have time to rest i start working at the dump site at five o'clock in the morning sometimes i wish i could give myself a day off down here but it's not possible anything else that can move.
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this is kenya's biggest trash dump. he's just a few kilometers away from nairobi's commercial district every day hundreds of trucks around with garbage from the city's not fluent districts and its hotels and restaurants. say neither of us were moved just things in my store the trash because i'm trying to earn a little money these days to come one. day i'm no longer alone and i have a wife and child mouth. and they're waiting for me to come back with milk or bread in the evening. it was happening on human that they'll complain if i come home empty handed and i think yeah yeah. they're going to convert your i collect food and put it aside to feed my pigs they have to eat to. drown you sometimes i might be lucky and find some packed meat and
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chips here. and that would be lunch for today just like that. some might think this is not a good job if they see me looking as dirty as i am now they might look down on me but i know what i'm getting out of it. is not worth it. you know when you can find food you know but there's meat you know it will make you see these people around here but when the f.b.i. depend on i mean it's not going to get me into if we do. mainly here because of meat maybe they live somewhere nearby and they haven't had anything to eat yet today on the. line. every day hundreds of people from the nearby slums come here in the hope of scavenging food or anything else that might come in handy one of them is one but we
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get don't go my mom was working here and this is where. she how high up and because she didn't have a lot of money and we are many families. first it was coming here and alacrity have not been. so i learned before the place i can't play money. back i have my own. no three i want to be in my paycheck and. first was seen as something that was necessary for growth to happen was something that was necessary for in israel productivity. would be no productivity. then we started to realize that ok too much and good maybe a little profit. it's
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five am in brooklyn new york. bureau simmons is on his way to work. people look at you. they think with a good thing or look at that person that picking up the garbage and things like that you can that this stuff. if you have bread to pay and you worry about that you'll it doesn't get. ezekial walk outside when they went around the corner and i saw recycle bags full of bottles and cans and i said you know something. i see all that money that's what it that's what it translates to money. you get up at four o'clock in the morning go out they hit the streets roku o'clock the world is yours you hit those key places with a big enough shopping cart but eight o'clock the shopping cart is blooming.
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what i like about it is my in the panda feed. i go out i make seventy five state i pay my self so. my mother took me around they do not depend on people you must get your own. my goal was to just get breakfast lunch or whatever yes it. appears simmons never had much growing up sixty five year old held many different jobs then he became unemployed. for me to be happy i need peace with god. people who look down on can as i think a lot of them have a surprise waiting for them down that. they need not be judgment too about the people because they themselves are
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a paycheck away from home. actually inequality results from people's life chances from the starting point and often from just luck or an unlucky turn and inequality actually really damages society. no longer able to pay the rent simmons ended up on the street for months. being homeless to search a psychologist this is bill richardson psychologist only one extreme of the poor extreme it could drive you mad. a lot of people don't want to go to the shelters defrayed they'll be great killed a deafening all be right. when i was homeless i rode ferry back and forth all night what was the stuff so one child you can't stay on you gotta get off me for the next year or so i imagine you trying to sleep. or. you sleep on the manhattan
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side so in the morning when you wake in the new york city is walking all over going to work people looking down at you is still thought this guy has a key he can just go in his house illegally get much t.v. you don't know how those simple things you miss the today gone. through. garbage dumps can provide a lifeline for people like godwin or she. gets dirty work but there is very little other work here. ten years economy is booming but most of the wealth ends up with the country's tiny upper class. and. it's unfair when some people are so rich a profile when families own land and farms you know others are living in slums and
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have to sleep rough and there are some people who even i sleep on that dump site because they don't have homes and imo yes and in my opinion on otley people who have money should open something like a resource center which can help lift up those who are below them or help the younger adults who are facing a tough life it is going to agree at least that would help reduce poverty in the slum incentives and that it will and with all my skinny work again. well. actually what really matters to lift people out of poverty is investments in education and health it is for structure it's whether or not the government's doing these investments it's really important for a society to try to enable children for low income families to have the opportunity to get the kind of education that gives them a chance but also not to leave people falling vulnerably into poverty. the social inequality here is striking most kenyans have neither health insurance nor state
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pensions. forty percent of the population lives on less than two u.s. dollars a day at the same time there are more than nine thousand dollar millionaires and kenya they include some of the country's leading politicians. every afternoon or cheering sifts through his daily bookings separating food from plastic and metal. is it in the new form of you see these containers and i arrange them on paper on the floor and i employ a guy who comes in on sundays and week days to watch claim and write i make up with santa monica when they look clean and shiny people buy them like you. got my easy. if i sell these containers today then i might get about three hundred to four hundred shillings on me that's enough to feed my family for today and even tomorrow afternoon before i get back home after workers are in town i'm john not
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going anywhere. his income of three or four dollars a day the lip synching over the international poverty line set by the world bank at one dollar and ninety cents. to the united states is not just one of the richest countries in the world it's also home to some of the most glaring inequality as the rich rapidly get richer. the poor continue to get poured. over in that period thirty eight years now it was massive growth in this country but the bottom fifty percent americans they did not benefit from that with. the us is now home to almost six hundred billion dollars at the same time about forty million americans live in poverty. in twenty four jean-pierre simmons gave a speech about poverty to the united nations under half of sure we can and cannot profit recycling center in new york well sure we can is
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a very unique place when i first came here i was struck here is a place that opened up the gates i see a community of people they're all working cut the boxes and i looked around and i've seen people bringing out fresh home cooked food they trays of it. and i said to myself what is this this showed me what to do i thought you just put twenty four bottles in a box no they said you want more money sort. he began explaining to me who was who that system is running this place and right did not assume this is such a god. here to be in the five cents and you recall that also the dignity and of value of each human being. can do i lacked given the chance i don't think anybody here we can wants to live like because we
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have riches some way and i think when the persons have the ability to participate in decision making in managing their own life that this will greatly increase poverty. i. resilience strength and conviction doesn't depend upon money it depends upon spirit and i feel from community so there is amazing transformative power lying in many of the world's poorest communities. thousands of traders are set up shop near nairobi's dumb dora landfill they buy and sell the goods that the garbage bigger is bringing in from the dump it's a bustling economy but with very little profit margins will. be made both there are
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millions of poor people but there's a huge wealth gap between kenya and the united states takes the average kenyan twenty years to learn the equivalent of the average annual income in the us people like you would need the better part of a lifetime the world is more unequal than any one nation within it it's extreme levels of inequality between the poorest nations and the rich. just and in fact when you look at wealth the cumulation of wealth is rising to a fraction of a global one percent at an extraordinary rate. new york is not just one of the cities with the most billionaires it's also one of the most wasteful urban centers on earth more trash is produced per capita year than in most other cities. but many of the objects don't belong in the garbage in the first place yes as retired sanitation worker nelson molina can testify for thirty two years he salvaged treasures from the trash you know if to fill
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a small museum. that you did you did you set this all up i set all this up my debts ain't shit yet hand this over forty seven years old and movie to get this oh come on super eight silver age and i got to say yes original sonny they say we're. real that's it that's. that's it wow this is flight we'll destroy everything this is just and if you give me a three months i could furnish a two bedroom apartment and i'm talking my living room bedroom bathroom everything is all out there. when i was a kid my mother always told us if you can use it again you say that. she is part of a professional discipline for anthropologist robert nagle she also worked as a garbage collector which made her see trash with different arms. you could almost say trash doesn't exist we could decide it's not trash it's simply
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something in between my use and its next use the cultural forces in which many of us exist today tell us to hurry and go faster and do more and never slow down and as long as we keep moving fast we're going to generate lots and lots of trash. food waste as a subcategory of garbage is its own challenge because proximately a quarter of all food in grown produced in the united states never even reaches the table because straight into the garbage how that addresses problems of inequality it's getting worse the disparity between the wealthy and people who don't have enough resources to feed their kids across a week right the gap is getting bigger and bigger and. wealthy people not only produce more ways to than poor people but also use more of the planet's resources and cause more environmental damage ecological footprint of industrialized countries is much bigger than that in the developing world i think there are two
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sides to human prosperity that so simple i have them in my pocket from the one side a b. everybody needs to use water housing education health care the basic subsistence of life that each person has a claim to we know these as human rights but at the same time. this little blue marble our planetary home we need a stable climate fertile soils healthy oceans are protected so we need to and depravation extremes of inequality while creating a sustainable future they go together so beautifully. as per capita kenyans produce just two percent of the c.e.o. two generated by americans and use only one hundredth of the electricity but consumption is growing in kenya two fueled by the man from the rich. for my t.v. now my watch is leaving t.v.'s and watches are
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a luxury. but when you have the money you can buy them and feel like everyone else . in the job i feel relaxed being here. feeling but since i walked in i have this feeling of like i am in a place of a different class and around. a place where i am not supposed to be. miley but i also deserve to be here. in the news and be on the monotony of laboring i have noticed more shopping malls being built in schools in children's homes in the way i see it they are investing more in malls than in homes hospitals and schools. actually disrupt an economy. an economy that is too unequal is an economy that is not going to do the proper investments in order to for this economy to flourish in the future of your
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technician ok new york based artist saul vilinsky has also figured out how to make money out of trash he creates art works using discarded everyday objects like the cans collected by p.r. seminars this is trash but the rich are willing to invest in one of billions he's works adorns of friends luxury apartment so this is it in the sense for thirty two park avenue. well to have to hire. you got a picture. apartment in a manhattan skyscraper sold for between seventeen and ninety five million dollars coming with your cans. all wow ok. what this wanted was is we transform the what we see now. as still in memory of what it was. ok. do you feel any.
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bitterness about the fact that you know the residents of this apartment are able to spend you know tens of thousands of dollars on artwork. i don't want to judge them i don't want to judge them i don't maybe that might cross my mind. but it's not them that i'm concerned about i'm glad that they like it they don't they love your work that they're willing to pay you for and i think you deserve it because that is your sole genius you know but. i don't concentrate on this. i told the man and. you know the people i don't want to be rich i would love to have the money and the resources of the ridge and then actually what i said because then i can do things that need to be done in education health care. housing decent housing mental health
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services mental health we need we need people who are i believe america right now is associate bad think society is no love there's no compassion people don't want to hear it. and i think is so soon as you pat think that maybe it's only to privilege ones who can have sensitivity they can look at that. and enjoy it i mean for me it's a moment amused by this that our work originates in the gutter and here it is you know in the tallest residential building in the world you know at one of the apostles the dresses little york city you know but it comes directly from the gutters of queens and brooklyn you know you look at this something kind of you know this lovely beautiful about ignored and beautiful. i mean who.
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the ten square meter room that god we know cheating shares with his wife lorna and their daughter early on are costs about thirty five dollars a month are cheering lives in constant fear of being unable to pay the rent he can't imagine trash as a laundry object he uses it to feed his family and furnish is home. it's hard all these years we've grown up with hardship. i grew up like you and i would like to get away from march again and have a good life if i don't think those in power will help us where they only think of their own skin and i can feel. like a carrot once they have filled their own pockets the rest of us who are poor will just have to struggle and if you don't struggle us you will stay poor always. when we were there are those who have money and those who don't so if you don't have much and you compare yourself with those you do you'll get tired so if you
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don't have much you know it is better not to stress yourself one day you will make it. the rich don't care about inequality. there is different to any quality of america is growing so far. it's so far at one time one person or for one salary was able to support the whole family it's gone. it's gone disparity between rich and poor they'll try and make you think it doesn't
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exist when used to bring these things up the first thing that they'll say is oh you're talking about class warfare yes i'm talking about class warfare yes i'm the one who goes into the refrigerated has met him. on that one not to. use a stock tip ching's wall street these people on a mission they want more money they want more control there's going to have to be either a great rebellion or great revolution i don't care what is is that you boycott it you stop watching t.v. . stop stop look at the advertisements stop buying stuff. people in america work to buys stuff. cellphone is flat screen t.v. it's the computers as soon as you take them out of the box. they are obsolete but
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can't amend the system. the poor can dish what this system to the very core even if one day. everybody got together middle class pork we're not going to work simple as that it would seem by bridges to one of the sole control. you could see threatens the well for the good function of the could it also threatens the health of the society it also threatens the quality of the democratic institutions and of democratic debate you know wealth is not just wealth. is shares of companies it shares of used papers so it buys you basically social power if this continues. there will be major disruptions. did you.
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hear the drum sergeant john doerr is a youth club here young people meet and sing about life love poverty drugs and violence. but they're driven about and there is a lot of knowledge in the slum areas un is now but much of it gets waste anything like when they can't make money out of music they switch to selling drugs. that was in my opinion the government doesn't support young. and school me my you would. be the one person who tries to help you it's in the slum is godwin or ching's role model you probably start the yani who are sort of honest from done with the founder of the youth club wants to radically change in society but. if we're going to
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believe that so from poverty anybody who is going to do i do question system is i never did you anybody that is going to have a system and most likely come out bad then the life you see so he's the one for all this fits so he is foster organize strive to get informed it's five o'clock to be active so that we get things done i've always these we don't we can't promise our kids anything do i think any quality could ever be a good thing no day has to be we either we're all going to. sail this ship together it was going to sink. in a. new
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car. to. where she. was the guy. next door. yes. the fast pace of life in the digital shift has the lowdown on the web showing new developments and providing useful information the wittiest finds and interviews with the makers and users. shift next on the. climate change. waste. pollution
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c. isn't it time for good news eco africa people and projects that are changing our environment for the better it's up to us to make a difference let's inspire shut. the committee for go the farming magazine. on d. w. . shift living in the digital age today fake videos. and out for musicians. and a digital nightmare but first citizen scientists today thanks to digital technology anyone can be a researcher does citizen science offer the chance to take part in fascinating
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projects or are the volunteers merely being used as cheaply.


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