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tv   Business - News  Deutsche Welle  March 23, 2018 2:15pm-2:31pm CET

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do you think that it could potentially put on the table there's a lot of discussion whether some of the old teach of discussion should be raised again there are a lot of good things that were in the tip discussion a lot of mutual reduction of tariffs or a lot of unfair tariffs that so the residue of history fifty year old tariff situation needs to be rectified both sides can complain i think there is some gain from discussion but not again from a trade war all right well if it's. singapore then talking about a trade war and the potential for tate for tat moves what can we expect to happen now with regards to china what do you think that they will now day. well china says it's plenty of measures to fight bag areas of. in part so i've been through all the electronic chips and. don't forget you know that she was the largest manufacturing base for some of the largest our u.s. electronics companies such as apple as well as intel and of the u.s.
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also has traits up last surprisingly in the small area of every culture and that's where china presence d.t.p. is actually are hitting at it's actually launch a poke in to u.s. exports of soybeans saw them and is studying ways to restrict shipments also have been coming into the country and of these are target and other crops that mr trump's support and some politically important farming states and china can quickly also throw out non-tariff obstacles to trade such as stepping up safety inspections and the people were essential for goods and to the country so these are some of the tit for tat things that china could do to the u.s. to get back all right linda was just talking to michael about some hot rhetoric from china towards the united states do you think that will work do you think that somehow there will now be the ability to close what is a sizeable trade gap well there's
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a there are some complaints on both sides the united states complaining about the highly subsidized production of steel in the overcapacity which is lead trying to export to very low prices if the united states does this this is going to be a spillover effect on the european union and i think we should see concerns here as well i think both sides need to return to the table and try to concede that on both sides otherwise for the consumers can be bad news that is certainly sounds like the sensible approach linda over to you then because we've just been talking about the fallout for the consumer as well it's not just about the united states the european union and china what about other countries in the region where you are how they affect it. that's right you see there's also announcements about steel an alum union in parts as well and that affected japan as well as south korea and don't forget we were talking about tit for tat and now that the world's largest economy is taking back is stance on free trade what else is going to happen next and then
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don't forget also we are also seeing a highly globalized global economy dependent on very complex global supply chains so that in itself could actually affect small businesses in ways that the headlines current the don't really talk about much for now. correspondent linda hong for us in singapore and here in the studio with me michael bird of the economist at the university here in berlin thank you very much see both for your analysis. well as we've just been discussing the e.u. has been temporarily exempted from the u.s. tariffs on steel president of the steel trade association hands reacted with the following the e.u.'s preliminary exemption from the u.s. tariffs on steel imports is of course essentially to be welcomed but it is too early yet to give the all clear large parts of the u.s. steel market will be shut off he said which could mean that the steel produces will now divert their exports to the open market the e.u.
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needs to quickly implement measures to prevent an imminent diversion of trade. it's the early shift it to some crops steel works and there's just one topic of conversation for those clocking in the preliminary agreement about the u.s. steel tariffs. we don't really believe it we know donald trump always goes back and forth with things. it's not a real agreement because the largest steel producers have been excluded and of course it's only valid until the beginning of may so nothing's set to stone on from my size for coming on of course. it's not a proper settlement is donald trump has clearly had so much pressure from within his own country for trouble from the federal reserve banks and the us economy for another garnish of your chaffed. exports around four billion euros worth of products to the u.s. every year industrial facilities machines and steel high quality high tech steel.
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the german state association has welcomed the agreement with the u.s. government but it says the e.u. is far from being in the clear the u.s. will still be sealed off for many of the steel exporting nations from eastern europe and asia their exports may well end up on e.u. markets. we believe that that could mean around thirteen million tons is being diverted to a. form that's an impulse. increase of fourteen percent which would completely swamp european steel market him some place considerable pressure on companies to adapt. that donald trump steel dispute has changed the way many workers at towson crip see the us and has done a lot of damage at least as far as trust is concerned there will be more on the issue now with amrita thank you very much helena as we heard earlier trump assemble really exempted the european union from high
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a tally of sins to the ninety million which were meant to come into effect today now the topic is overshadowing the original main item on the agenda at the e.u. summit in brussels that was supposed to be briggs it even leaders have welcomed their exemption from trump's terrorists but they want it to be permanent here's what they had to say. i'll be working with my shadow e.u. leaders today on is to start to see how we can secure a permanent exemption for the e.u. for the steel tariffs and with this will be about what the next steps might be going through sit well the good thing is that this issue has a reinforced our unity the european commission has spoken with one voice very rapidly so you're happy that in this room when it comes to raising tyrants against the european union will respond with countermeasures that was our collective reaction we want good transatlantic relations but we may also respond if we believe that international trade rules have been violated. that we now draw in our correspondent who was in brussels until guess because maggie warned that if the out
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of so imposed on the e.u. the bloc will retaliate and that's a pretty strong message coming from the e.u. . the e.u. average or practically is being cautious here they want to set the message that retaliator e tariffs from the e.u. also remain on the table if donald trump things that is the message sent to the united states a few things you can out muscle the votes largest trading block keep. other things again the real concern here on the european side is that either he wants to use these tariffs as a bargaining chip if you want to get a better deal on the tariffs that europeans put on american products coming into the european market or even worse that he is targeting the. system that this tariff declaration is only a first waif in what is a bigger assault on the global architecture of the current trading system but it is that optimistic that they'll find
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a more permanent solution for the tag of exemption. it really depends now on the negotiations that will be an ongoing in the next weeks and months to come and to what extent donald trump is really obsessed with this idea of reciprocity if you look at the tariffs on either side the difference is really minor of course each side protects a specific area for instance europe is very keen on agricultural products to bring all of these in equal line is virtually impossible and so it will because it depends on on the trade results for the european union ever since the second world war trade in europe has been a truly to achieve not only prosperity but also to reduce conflict go just a way you are because there's been another development where you european leaders have signed off on guidelines for the future trading relationship between the u.k. and the e.u. as brigs it to gather momentum the plans agreed at the summit in brussels and
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formed the basis for the next stage of withdrawal negotiations talks for now focus on trade and security you need is also agreed to a twenty one month transition period to britain's departure from the block british prime minister to resign may praise the spirit of cooperation during today's talks like that what can you tell us about that if you break the transition off. the transition phase a sense. only delays the brakes at the final departure of the u.k. from the european union by twenty one months and that is good news for business because they have more time until a potentially if there's no deal scenario. the relationship reach a cliff actually if you want in the transitional phase itself there's good news and bad news for the u.k. the good news is they can start negotiating trade deals although they can come only into effect at the end of the transition period the bad news is they remain
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basically they're treated like a e.u. member states with all the operations supplied with the jurisdiction of the international court of justice in place but they will have no voting rights in the european union's affairs just let us in brussels thank you very much. let's not return to the breaking news coming in from france efficiency a hostage situation is under way inside a supermarket security forces at the scene in the southwestern town of clear and close the city of gas on the interior ministry says two people are dead and three people wounded it's being reported that the gunman claimed allegiance this is the state reports and french media also say the gunman shot one person before the hostage taking the french prime minister edward phillipe is on the way to trim he is said to have believed has said that the situation is very serious. for the very latest on this breaking news situation i'm joined by correspondent and is a bit in paris on elizabeth what is the latest you're hearing from ted. the
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latest i'm hearing unfortunately is that a third person has been killed we do not know who got to the third person who has been killed but the hostage taker we know a bit more about the hostage taker he's a moroccan he werther's and it's something that saudi happens all the time he was followed by the pretty for radicalization but not to the point where he was arrested preemptively. he has asked for the liberation of the single survivor of the backlund killings and descent. and the slum area and he is right now still in the in the supermarket and we know there is a hostage with the hostage is no longer one of the shoppers the hostage is actually . a colonel from the functional that really who exchanged insult for all the member of the public was trapped inside and some of this information what the government to sing the treating this as a terrorist attack what else would it be. treatable
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killed a man with weapons of war asking for the liberation of a known terrorist response one of the responsible for one of the greatest terrorist killings in paris two years ago. saying that he's doing this for syria what else could it be that france has suffered from a series of jihadist and its famous attacks since two thousand and fifteen the country is still on high alert isn't it and it is about. yes. high alert is when being. a small town of under full four thousand about four thousand people living there they are caucus and fifteen minutes away from your concern which is about forty thousand people living there are these are quiet places of southwestern frost's south southwest and from it's. the sort of place where you'd never expect to have to show the inside of your humbug to somebody to
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go into a tsunami get. from a goal that you have possibly one shot out in thailand and you go to the homes of the major domo he didn't get concerned. there's a difference between you could he please state and having reasonable doubts when you get that place we have to leave it there and there is an it is a bit we have to leave it there thank you very much for that update from paris that there's an elizabeth in paris. i have more news coming up the inhofe analyse of that. hard fought. car culture. car hair. superman. superfood stylish dog gone.
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want to start families to become farmers or engineers every one of them has a problem of. sending is just that the children who have already been the boy and those that will follow are part of a new process. they could be the future of. colombia. granting opportunities global news that matters d. w. made. hi there and welcome from our studios in berlin where the weather still has us wanting to cover our heads luckily we've just the thing coming right up. friends.


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