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tv   Check-in - A visit to Passau the City of Three Rivers  Deutsche Welle  February 7, 2018 12:30pm-1:01pm CET

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thank you very much for coming to the studio today through with us for more because going to like this story the world's first passenger drone made its inaugural flight on tuesday in south china's one joe city all passengers need to do is to get into the cabin of the de hang wanted for and fosse in the seatbelts the automated flight system then takes over the electrically powered drone can take a single passenger on a twenty three minute flight at one hundred kilometers per hour last year the city of dubai announced plans to cooperate with the developing cell flying taxis to take people across the city. it's like an interesting ride now to american tech company that is flying high as well off a successful blastoff and soon as that story that's very cared for space x. is the company it's launched the world's most powerful rocket the falcon heavy roared off the launch pad on florida's cape canaveral it's the latest milestone for
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a billionaire entrepreneurial and musk and his aerospace company and to mark the occasion must ensure the rocket contained some very special cargo. i he said it was either going to be a great rocket launch or the best fireworks display ever be thankfully for a long mouse it was the former not least because the rocket was carrying one of his test list sports cars. you know that this image of just joined exposures that you. get that we all about their daily lives in their lives because a lot of the anything good that i miss you just is or inspiring as it once was here some fifty years ago they provided the backdrop to missions to the moon now it could be about getting to models be the focal
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heaviest special not just because of its power but also because of its price it can carry twice the weight of its closest rival about five double decker buses for a third of the cost so can have the will be the biggest rocket since the saturn five moon booster it's not quite that but it's on the path to enabling that kind of exploration whether it's the moon or mars basically beyond low earth orbit and. much of the cost saving comes from being able to reuse the rocket boosters so this was a critical point in the launch when they successfully separated from the main rockets cheers erupted in mission control in california obliged to chew side base just touching down perfectly on twin landing pads less than ten minutes after launch b. . as for the cargo space x. imagine that piece of david bowie inspired fear itself which could have come
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straight out of the james bones playbook musk's cherry red tesla piloted by a mannequin in. but blurring the lines between dreams reality and p.r. the company streamed video of the car through space following the launch. if all goes to plan attacks that will be thrust into a soda over it which will take it. you're watching news still to come protesting on that territory demonstrators are unhappy with the president's immigration overhaul plan but even more worried about how he's portraying many migrants as criminals. and plastic surgeons aren't just in demand in hollywood china is now the world's third largest market for cosmetic surgery we'll tell you who's doing it and why. now let's get you updated with all
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the things going on in south korea ahead of the start of the winter olympics athletes have been arriving and chang ahead of the opening ceremony on friday but there is more than just sports on the agenda as international politics are once more dominating the olympics. musicians not athletes arrived at the south korean ferry port of mukoko on wednesday this one hundred forty strong north korean orchestra will perform. also in the south capital seoul. the border and paul jude north korea's cheering squad arrived with high hopes for the upcoming games. i'm glad the winter olympics will be held with the successful cooperation between north and south korea i hope that athletes from the two koreas will achieve good results from this elim pics. the political undertone of the games extends beyond the korean peninsula lawyers of fifteen russian athletes appealed to the court of arbitration for sport as they seek to be admitted to the olympics they follow
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thirty two russians who unsuccessfully appealed on tuesday but the i.o.c. expects one hundred sixty eight russian athletes to compete under a neutral flag other athletes have still found time to get into the olympic mood my game is on the ice is totally different from right now and. it's like it's like you don't know in my way because i'm probably going to kill you. is hoping jokes and smiles will prevail as athletes continue to arrive ahead of the opening ceremony on friday. fredricka. and to our breaking news our top story at this hour in berlin it's now been confirmed that germany's two biggest political groups have reached an agreement on the forming a coalition government outside of the c.d.u. party headquarters that's chancellor merkel's party here in berlin any minute now
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her conservatives and the social democrats under martin schultz are set to announce plans for a new grand coalition this follows days of negotiations in which the two were deadlocked over issues like health care reform today's agreement a still faces a vote buying nearly half a million social democratic party members. and let's go back to our political correspondent hans front who is standing by for us outside of the party headquarters monitoring the story any more details on this breakthrough agreement that you can that you've been hearing. i think what we can say it's been is this certainly has been confirmed now that the agreement has been reached of what is happening at the moment is that the various leading party bodies are being informed of all the details and a few logistical things still to be solved in other words the agreement has to be put into its final written form and has to be printed out to be distributed to
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party members but also to the public through the press to us as it were so that's all happening at the moment and the official announcement is that going to follow it's clear that the social democrats have achieved quite a lot in these negotiations there have been given three of the major ministries the ministry of foreign affairs the ministry of finance and the ministry of labor obviously the ministry of labor is particularly important for the social democrats but most remarkable is the fact that they will be controlling finances this is something that the conservative party of america has been controlled controlling for the past four years so i think one can say that the social democrats have managed to make major to gain major concessions during these negotiations the conservatives have as anglo-american has put it made painful concessions as a result i think the possibility of selling this agreement to the membership of the social democrats which is the next hurdle that has to be taken is is intact at
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least the certain democratic leadership will be able to go to the membership with a substantial agreement which might well be something that the membership will in the end support and so we see the crowd of the journalists and their cameras behind you waiting for the official statement from the party leaders but little by little members of the negotiating parties have been coming out some have been speaking to the to the press what is the sense that you're getting from them about how these talks have concluded. i think one can say that the social democrats in general are well everyone is relieved i think one can say everyone is relieved that finally an agreement has been falling for months after the election more than four months after the elections at the end of september the prospect of getting a new government in germany is now real although it will still take a couple of weeks but i think one can say that the social democrats feel that fair
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have made a very good deal here that they have negotiated very hard driven a hard bargain and i think get the sense that the conservative represent as a conservative politicians are somewhat on the back foot a little bit on the defensive having to say well they have to make concessions on the major ministries on quite a number of important points of discussion but they feel they're defending the agreement in the sense that they are saying finally they have made it possible for germany once again to have a reliable government and the government that represents a majority of voters in this country that obviously is something that has taken more than four months now more than four months times give us an idea of how significant this breakthrough is after a such a long time after the elections. well absolutely is it is totally significant after all we've had a lot of trying a lot of failing in the last four months. there was an attempt to form
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a different kind of coalition initially after the elections and the preferred government for anglo-american her party was in fact a cooperation with the business friendly free democrats and the green party there's a coalition talks failed. after several weeks of very intense discussions leaving the country somewhat in the lurch and leaving both the social democrats and the christian democrats very little option but to agree on another grand coalition in the similar way that the grand coalition had that has existed for the power. for years that has ruled the country for the past four years so since some time before christmas we have finally been on the rights to this agreement that has been reached today and it will be a relief not only for people here in germany but also for europe and probably for the world especially i think you can say in the european union one has been waiting for germany to have a government again that can make major decisions and that country can contribute
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major decisions to. issues that are waiting in your in the european union union major decisions that have been taken in brussels for the european union our political correspondent hans brian taking us up to date thank you hans. and we have our political editor with us here in studio again who's also been following the story very closely for us we heard there that does some reports have been leaking out what more can you tell us about the agreement of how the chips are falling in terms of the ministry posts and what this ingredient actually entails well some are saying that it shows anglo-american weakened position of course in german politics that the cd used to her party has had to make major concessions that anglo machall will probably sell this coalition deal as something where she managed to. guarantee that germany has a strong and stable government and that she's going to lead this government at the
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same time the ministries are going to the more conservative system party c.s.u. the most important ministry of the interior is going to the c.s.u. and the big three ministries of foreign and finance and labor and social affairs is going to the s.p.d. so this is something we go america has clearly lost yet she was probably also one of those who was relieved today to reach an agreement and you know because if there was an agreement it would could have meant a new elections for germany i mean this really was one of the the last ditch efforts that they had on the table well and we're not quite there yet i mean we still have to have this agreement the approval by the s.p.d. members four hundred sixty thousand people voting on they still say whether or not they're happy with what the s.p.d. managed to get out of this. conservative blog of uncle americal and so yes of course it's something that is still going to be interesting for another three weeks
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whether or not the s.p.d. members will actually say what you think we can expect from that vote it is hard to say because i mean we've talked about the ministries the three important ministries that the s.p.d. are going to get and of course. the head of the s.p.d. and also his. party negotiators have tried to sell this as their big victory at the same time many people are already criticizing when you look at the the deal that's on the table we've got preliminary versions of it on the table it is actually a very conservative deal and uncle americal z. conservative block has managed to control the policies that are part of this deal and then there are some s.p.d. members who have said from the beginning i don't care what they negotiate i just don't want to be in a government with ungrammatical because essentially she steals the expertise identity and that the party needs desperately needs a renewal could that change this time around we are seeing as we've said
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a chancellor who is not a strong as she was in the last government. i think it could change i think we would see if martin shows this is all speculation of course but if martin shows becomes the foreign minister there are media reports that he is set to stand down as the party cham and then we would see another leftwing member of the s.p.d. under the analysis following his party chairwoman and she is somebody who could bring renewal to the party at the same time with these three ministries the s.p.d. what manage to influence policies on an international level also when it comes to working together with a french president among women are calling trying to bring through e.u. reforms and this is something that they could potentially sell to the s.p.d. members ask you also what we're talking about with han's and you know how significant do you think important it is for germany to have to have finally reached this breakthrough after so many months of political limbo how significant is it for the country and also for europe for example well we are experiencing
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a time where the political landscape is changing it is being shaken up by the fringes by fringe parties and also in germany the far right of the party and that the path. element in september for the first time and of course they're shaking up politics as well so it was very much a fact that the traditional parties the conservatives and the social democrats said all right we need to have this government in place now or else we'll lose even more voters and if we have fresh elections there may be even more people will. lose their face in democracy altogether and not go to the polls all vote for fringe parties and so this is very significant political editor nina keeping a very close eye on the story for us and you know we're waiting for more details on what exactly this agreement entails will continue to take a look at those as they come to us we'll talk to a little later nina thank you very much for now though we're going to move on to
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some other news and to the u.s. the debate there over the status of migrants who arrived illegally as children also known as dreamers next month the dock out program that gives them temporary protection is due to expire as democrats and republicans haven't yet agreed on how to reform migration policy about seven hundred thousand dreamers stand to lose the protection that allow them to work and study in the u.s. the issue is hotly disputed not only in congress cutting a few more years talk to people on both sides of the fence. even on a cold day in washington d.c. activists gathered in front of the truck will tell to protest against the president's new proposal for an immigration law and border security that his proposal targets not only illegal but also illegal migration. and it's very important that we continue in this fight but as i am because we know the terms words are conquering
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a lot of people in this country. first that competes them one of the main proposals of trump's plan is to limit family reunification immigration that's matthew o'brien works for fair an organization that supports this fair seeks to reduce immigration in the united states family reunification if you stop and think about it it's kind of a silly policy for immigration because families can stay unified if they stay home together so the average immigrant to united states based on research conducted by princeton university brings approximately three point four five people with him or her so that means that every time that the u.s. allows someone to come in here that is an initiating immigrant who then causes a chain reaction where other immigrants are able to come here but the question is why some immigrants leave their homes and come to the u.s. at zero zero zero zero zero zero in this i came because the gangs in el salvador killed my brother in law with twelve shots make it so should i wait until
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my husband is next or my children this is why i'm here not because i have nothing to eat or a place to live i'm here to save my life here supports most of the points in trying to make race an agenda as well as his general view on immigrants asked about the correlation between immigration and crime mr o'brien has a clear opinion based on his former wark deporting immigrants from new york state prisons and my personal experience was that there were a very very disturbing the large number of people who were both it legally. but also lawful migrants who had committed crimes and wound up in prison was that's one of the main reasons they're protesting there we jack this portrayal of themselves. or presentation of us a statement which is not true and that everyone is a criminal we are we are workers we are you know a sudanese where here you know making their country the better players in the popularly held belief that immigrants are criminals is not backed up by statistics
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a president of the migration policy center in washington tells us there are number of studies that tell us you know quite conclusively that immigrants are much less likely to commit crimes the native born americans and authorized immigrants those that are here without legal papers are also particularly less likely to commit crime. which is interesting i mean but but it also makes sense right people who are who come to this country come to work if they don't have papers they're worried about getting in tangled with the authorities and even if they do have papers even if they're here as as legal residence the reality is most immigrants are really here to work and they don't want to get caught up in a legal system. when it comes to me gratian policy of the united states seems more polarized than ever. now cosmetic surgery is on the rise in china making it the third biggest market worldwide after the u.s. and brazil filled by rising incomes and the imperative of looking good on social
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media more than fourteen million chinese asked last year for facelifts nose jobs or hair transplants here's a look at who is doing it and why. it was just a slight incision a tiny teresa but this young woman says it changed her life. the surgery added a fold to her upper eyelid it's one of the most popular operations in china was it was a boy you liked was suddenly interested in me after i had the operation and i have much more self-confidence a job interviews i tell them what i want my chances on the job market are much stronger. and i. unlike trends elsewhere it's mostly younger people who are having cosmetic surgery in china where finding work can be highly competitive so every edge helps telzey doesn't want her real name used she didn't think of herself with ugly just not pretty enough her parents were ambivalent about paying for the
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operation. i told them that i would never develop enough self-confidence if i didn't get this done i'm a bit introverted and feel insecure at job interviews that convince them. plastic surgery is booming here some fourteen million chinese went under the knife last year most had work done on their noses and eyes how do the chinese women find the guys with folds in their eyelids attractive like women from the west they want their faces to be more three dimensional they want to stand out from others in photos or at parties. ninety percent of the patients are women but men are starting to take an interest to. male hair transplants have become increasingly popular. to get their hair has grown in a well here you won't have hair loss anymore. not even here. like women men often decide to have plastic surgery for job related reasons you know what you
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call five on the road a lot dealing directly with clients when i introduced myself in the past people were always surprised to hear that i'm only twenty eight. that was not a good thing where the body. selfie culture has exacerbated the preoccupation with appearance and the wish for perfection female students are courted by the beauty industry with credit offers so not many in the younger generation see anything wrong with cosmetic surgery. i heard of it so i didn't get any weird looks i got lots of compliments my girlfriends want to get the operation to tell us he still comes regularly to the beauty clinic mostly for facials that helps her new eyelids stand out even more. all right switching gears to sports now and the german cup return in football last
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night it was a chance for a david versus goliath ending as byron munich visited third division potter bourne that the last time these teams met it was in the bundesliga in two thousand and fifteen back then biron won six nil and they were eager to let history repeat itself. there were no surprises in the david versus goliath clash part of bourne did have the ball in the net first but sebastian show was ruled offside after twenty minutes point asserted their authority confusion in the box and kings the command took advantage one nil brian. come on turn provide a five minutes later robert leaven dusty with the finishing touch to nail. the bavarians were able to take their foot off the gas but that didn't stop the goal fest yahshua kim ish with an aussie called finish. the game already decided at the half time whistle after the break an unmarked car in time to leave so not
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enough for a simple training drill for the guests. in the dying minutes there was still time for robinson score brace six nil the final score. client progressing to the semifinals with the. tuesday's other cup clash also featured six goals as leverkusen down bremen four two after extra time the guest a took a fast two goal lead but leverkusen yulian punt level the game with a true first half goals below robbie and have it scored for the hosts deep into extra time to secure leverkusen their semifinal berth. we're not coleman has been appointed as head coach of the netherlands national team he's the seventh manager in eight years for the dutch coleman has been out of work since being dismissed by everton last october after a poor run of form in the premier league he has been tasked with resurrecting dutch football after the one successful team failed to qualify for the last european championship and at the upcoming world cup in brush. a reminder now of
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our top stories at this hour germany's two biggest parties have struck a deal on forming a coalition government these are pictures here from outside anglo-american conservative headquarters we are expecting to hear an announcement from them the social democrat rank and file still have to ratify an agreement extending for another few weeks the country's months long wait for a new government taiwan rescue crews are searching for survivors in the aftermath of a six point four magnitude earthquake that has killed at least four people authorities say around one hundred fifty people are still unaccounted for the quake struck just north of the popular tourist city while. and space x. has launched the world's most powerful rocket after a spectacular launch its reusable boosters guy get themselves back to earth and in a whimsical touch the jumbo spaceship or the cherry red test flight just into to motor past mars. few things you're watching t.v.
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we're back in a few minutes. before .
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the. first they cheated on diesel emissions and they experimented on monkeys and schumann's thank you fox wagon faces global economy. again and again still business is. sales top ten million cars last year how do they do it how big companies shrug off scandals. of. freedom of expression. of value that in ways has to be
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defended and new. all over the world. of freedom freedom of art. a multimedia project about artists and their right to express their views freely. d w dot com to freedom. tells us stories stories. it makes us laugh. and cry. trouble and smile. magical images. emotions that. no. can see every weekend on t w.
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so instead of using pesticides which kills all the animals in the field one can use pheromones to control and sex you know for a natural way pheromones or chemicals that end sex use to communicate with each other the males fly around until they smell less and they find a female and they make and then the female lays eggs on the fruit and causes all the problems so what the farmer can do is to use pheromones to spread all over the field you can produce hundreds of trails thousands of frills all the male can find if there's insect pests globally the. all by using pheromones and so if we can develop further. and broadly along the route it will be used by the. little.
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this is news live from a breakthrough months in the making germany's to talk political parties agree on terms for a new government. conservatives on the social democrats are set to announce that they have struck a deal but how much enthusiasm is there for another so-called grand coalition trying to for a comprehensive live coverage. thank you for join.


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