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tv   Europe in Concert - Mario Biondi Italy  Deutsche Welle  October 21, 2017 5:15pm-6:00pm CEST

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enter his first tournament as a pro. i want to measure on the on stage and that was so amazing i mean i almost had tears in my eyes to go with a wonderful tool to show everybody that even with a disability that you can participate in the real world if you want your. heart i really hope that what i'm doing can inspire other people to do the same or to go for what they want in their life even if it's impossible as they think that there's always a way to do something if you want to spend wants to help make games more vision impaired friendly in the future. thanks for watching the news see at the top of next hour. it's reformation day on d w we have programs one on the clock marking its five hundredth anniversary we're going live to the commemoration ceremony that barack will be documentaries
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magazines and talk shows focusing on luther and the groundbreaking events he helped set in motion restoration day october thirty first g.w. . right. or. wrong but i know there was no way the big. dog. dog. with a. cold
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. your. dog your mind your. dog. you saw me. wrong i hope.
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if you're. no. the rest is all the. way. we've. got. long. walk.
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out screaming when you go there with no. i can't believe you're really going on here you just. never want. me to move not. from our whole. site down. when i get up with. the nazis but. really all. he's done for her.
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self you want but. actions on and treat. with who you. voted for like street. the good things. all. by yourself. good. thing left for. your. son there you are. we'll.
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go by. i won't live. here. yesterday live. this life. as. smooth as. other. young. something. forget about soap. real. real.
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real. real. long. real. stuff. now with dog. bob don.
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imus. you lying to run away. now for dog. and all my love. all over a. dog. the dog. my . self just saying. my. right point but i. feel they. are. just. a dog. oh. god. what was wrong. yes ninety dollars you're
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all young of the day. but done right away. dog. when i was. her. number guy form. of testing. every night. this was your day. never. die die. never
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a. dog. were. lying around where. my were. never. done. on.
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the. car. i am.
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sure. your heart once upon. a time. your was. no more. and i was so relieved. that my soul to. our. daughter was oh we're reaching. our souls.
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now to see. what you are inside. me. insane.
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for. sure.
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where. you live. don. bob. dole. her. long long. long. long long. long.
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long. road with. sana you are. young. the ball long a bolt long long long long. long long long long long the only. look.
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long long. long long. long ago. was no longer. young as. the born. long long long long and sad.
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thank you. live. here. not.
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knowing some. trouble. really aside from the. one on the. march. just.
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the. song. long. trouble. shot. up to. one of your. much vocal. much more. dire.
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on one believes are far more reliably. the dharmas my. mother and i was born given to me. with brain damage done to me. i'm sure you. know what you mean. by.
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all the borg. kind those are for you feel. like waves of the shore on the morning good. luck to. him with. the other day. long. back. to the. source. but the back. of. your fingers right.
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we're. already burying. the. brain. tumor. but very. very. serious. form.
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one one. one. one one. one. ever bought i'm looking for something of a dream. ever potus look good without having to say. ever. someone. ever but i was looking for in the girl still runs in. the
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body with more coming down the luck. to you and me than about a listen to the same voice that i feel. that i'm in the center of. morning and saw . this listen to what's more i say. something but i'm not sure. the. listening wrong me. wrong i. long long long long. long. to the bottom look in the rhythm and blues yeah i'll never buy the new boy group without. ever. knowing what never. ever
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was waiting for the birds to move in the mind of morning you're in the stores when the song. in a minute or a stranger knocking the door. i don't want. this one to me. along with. something soothing not true with. a dream. you're. not with me.
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the. matter. with. me. for. trying to. order.
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me. to. for. sure. it's. hard for her. son turning just former. song for her. son turning just for. her.
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to be. forced. to. stay on her store. to.
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store to store. or just. write us. you'll be. the down home with. my eyes look around. listen to the song. this is what you are.
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not me i'll. good when you arms just for the chairs are. what you're wrong. this is what you want. right there nothing. got. shot all my stuff. this is what you want. this is what you are. song by. god god god god god god. god god god. god
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. what long.
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long. for you. what you. think. what. song.
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hello soledad . about the muslim brothers are told but above. they're going to be. the man who does the to. thank you for the whatever your band together. muslim over there go. thank you marcos you're going to thank president obama. and his son you mum i love your mother all the time of the
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toyota. my you're going to get you got them up the food. the scorpions they're superstars and they've been rocking fans the world over for more than fifty years on stage in the museum. and in the documentary for ever ended a koan. the scorpion it's a special on. politics for thirty minutes d.w. . money can buy you a. leg or can it i'm german online dating websites ten of the two hundred fourteen million year is
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a year. and. thirty percent of germans now find their partner on line. length the dating business our special focus on made. in germany starting october twenty fourth on d w. when cities are engulfed by the sea. walls and costly protective measures with. nothing. more challenging our future starting november night own.
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this is d w news live from berlin a show of defiance in barcelona you are about to see some live pictures of catalogs .


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