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tv   DW News - News  Deutsche Welle  September 19, 2017 3:00pm-3:15pm CEST

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johnson. comes to germany. because it's september twenty. year watching d w news live from berlin hurricane maria rips across the caribbean after causing widespread devastation in domenica korea is now bearing down on the virgin islands and puerto rico a category five storm lashing the region already battered by hurricane wilma. also coming up to me and marks later on song says she breaks her silence on the road
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hinge or refugee crisis and condemns the violence but human rights groups say she is burying her head in the sand. and the tiny parasite that's sending the price of sound that soaring we report on the sea life threatening canada's multibillion dollar fish farming industry. i'm sumi so much gonda good to have you with us the prime minister of dominica has described hurricane maria as devastating and mind boggling after the hurricane swept over the small caribbean island maria has now intensified again and has regained strength to become a category five storm hurricane maria is moving roughly along the same string of islands as erma the hurricane that devastated the region earlier this month now it is expected to move towards the virgin islands and puerto rico tonight and tomorrow
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maria made landfall on monday with winds of up to two hundred sixty kilometers per hour. here we can maria has been battering the french island of quite low and much sneak with its final and winds it's a similar story on the island of dominica. its prime minister roosevelt's garrett has recorded his harrowing experience on social media he said he didn't know what was happening outside as the storm surge and didn't even dare look out an hour later his roof was gone many of the islands on high alert for maria a still reeling from hurricane earlier this month. this one of them here people are bracing for another potential disaster. a similar scene in puerto rico shelves in supermarkets emptied as residents stockpile supplies the u.s. territory could receive
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a direct hit from the. right now we're not prepared for next her because we're still recovering from the last two weeks ago. puerto rico is not prepared for this. we're going to have a bad time of it. almighty god to get us through this without serious damage. after a brief drop in strength maria has again intensified into a category five hurricane and could cause further damage as it moved towards puerto rico and the virgin islands. let's talk to a jeffrey soaker and he's the host of island ninety two radio in st martin in the virgin islands hi jeffrey what is the state of things in st maarten right now how are island residents preparing for maria. you know we are doing all the things that we did just two weeks ago to prepare for months the thing that is just different
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this time around is there is debris everywhere the last twenty four to thirty six hours is all about trying to clean up the debris that could become something that just takes off in in that wind of maria that's really been the focus for the last twenty four thirty six hours as we repair from maria it looks like maria is going to stay just enough to our south that we're going to get a fair amount of rain and be subject to some tropical storm force winds which is nothing compared to what we went through with irma and you know my heart goes out to everyone on dominique because i completely understand what what they're going through as they. look outside for the very first time as as light comes up and it is just devastating everywhere when i look around st martin you know there's not a single building that is not somehow touched by armor that has passed and we're
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hopeful. and praying that maria stays well enough to our south that it's somewhat even simmering and but everyone we are we're all for down in prepared it looks like maria will be in her approach to us around ten o'clock this morning should be one of her closest points almost to our due south so we've got our fingers crossed jeffrey you mentioned you know we've seen some of these images of the debris after has there been any relief from that devastation have the rain efforts to clean up and start to rebuild. but absolutely within or without a doubt if you look at the way this i would look right after burma and the way it looks today. the it's astounding just yesterday morning i looked outside my house and a lot of the government workers were outside cleaning up trying to remove large pieces
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of the material that they were afraid would be comes flying objects in the next storm so there are there are big fish in all of the debris in the earth most of the really important in spots to fight areas so it can be shipped all island women drive your way from where it's going to directly impact both residential and tourist areas all right jeffrey so can the host of island ninety two radio in st martin in the virgin islands thank you very much for that update. if you would like now to some other stories making news around the world spain has become the latest country to scale back ties with north korea and protests over its with the nuclear tests spanish authorities have ordered north korea's ambassador to leave the country by the end of the month the u.n. security council impose new sanctions on pyongyang after its sixth and largest nuclear test this month. suicide bombings in nigeria have killed at least twelve people and injured more than twenty at least two blasts had
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a settlement in the northeastern state of borno witnesses say the bombers detonated their devices at a gathering of farmers the region is at the center of the islamist vocal harami surgeons the. oscar pistorius a six year jail term could be extended south africa state prosecutors are seeking a harsher punishment for the olympic and paralympic star they will present their arguments to the court of appeal on november third pistorius was sentenced last year for the murder of his girlfriend reeva steenkamp. mian mars de facto leader aung san suu kyi has broken her silence on the rohingya refugee crisis an army led crackdown has driven more than four hundred thousand minority muslims into bangladesh triggering a major humanitarian emergency so she's national address was highly anticipated she's been facing intense criticism for remaining silent on what the u.n. is now describing as ethnic cleansing let's listen to some of her speech there has been much concern around the world with regard to the situation in the kind it is
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not the intention of the government to apportion blame all to edna gauge responsibility we condemn all human rights violations and unlawful violence we are committed to the restoration of peace stability and rule of law throughout the state. since a fifth of september there have been no on clashes and there have been no clearance operations nevertheless we are concerned to hear that numbers of muslims are fleeing across the border to bungler dave. we want to find out why this exodus is happening we were let's get some reaction to that speech now with david griffiths from amnesty international in london he joins us on our program thank you david now amnesty has put out a statement saying that she and her government have their heads in the sand on the
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crisis what do you mean by that. well let's get a little bit of a sense of proportion about what's happening in record instead. we're seeing ethnic cleansing happening on a horrific scale almost half of the injured population is being driven out of rakhine state we've identified eighty plus sites which have been razed to the ground we have plenty of evidence from eyewitnesses backed up by satellite and fire detection data telling us about the kinds of abuses that are happening security forces surrounding villages firing at people as they flee in panic and then setting their homes on fire this is a horrific campaign of ethnic plant saying and since she's words were frankly of the butt of a whitewash but david what do you expect from her she's in a difficult position isn't she the military leaders are watching her every word and can she really speak out against what is happening. she is in a difficult position and the military authorities are the only ones who can stop
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this pull of use violence and they need to do just that but i'm sensitive as a truck. she can choose to call for an end to the appalling violence or she can just sit quiet and she can make excuses and frankly what we have seen is too much of the latter claims that the. the the violence stopped on the fifth of september ring hollow we have plenty of evidence of ongoing violence driving rough injured people away from their villages happening since that time the violence is still ongoing every day that we continue to provoke eight hundreds more men and boys are being destroyed here and women and elderly are being forced to flee and houses and being incinerated uncensored she needs to stop being an apologist and to speak out much more likely to condemn this and to call for an
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end to it they've also made the point in her speech today that me and mar is a young democracy that still has many challenges to overcome of the world hasn't acknowledged the progress that's been made the positive things that have happened in the amar is that a fair point. you know i mean there is there is truth to the fact that myanmar is a young democracy but what we need to see happening as part of the transition and she's promising us a focus on. security and peace and stability and he distinguish between you know what makes for peace and stability and this kind of continued but let's also remember that the range of people have something but decades of discrimination and segregation denied citizenship in their homeland and this is the kind of context against which these abuses are taking place now that needs to be dealt with and i'm
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sensing she needs to take responsibility for that all right david griffiths from amnesty international london thank you very much for your insight and we'll have a report on the situation of the rancho a flood to bangladesh a little bit later in the show now donald trump is set to take center stage at today's annual gathering of world leaders at the united nations the u.s. president is expected to make a speech in the coming hour the general assembly is already underway in new york these are live pictures of the secretary general antonio terrorist speaking at the moment donald trump's speech is highly anticipated with many waiting to hear what his america first vision means for world politics will have live coverage and analysis of that speech for you right. while we're waiting the let's go out to do that news aleksandr fundament she is covering the general assembly meeting for us in new york hi aleksandr good to see you this
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a meeting is already underway we saw those images there of the secretary general what are the largest the base we're going to see the u.n. nations the deal with this week. well as you know this general assembly is the first one for antonius because terrorists although he is a very experienced and his spokesman told me that this is a challenge and an unique experience for the you and secretary general and he is expected to talk about the challenges lying or had he is expected to talk about crises and wars going on and how the united nations to address them and he is also expected to talk about his main goal during his ten to n.c. about the plan to end reforms alexander the big question is what to expect from donald trump he made his debut at the u.n.
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yesterday that went down fairly well his big speech is today out what are we expecting to hear from him. what are we hearing from white house officials so far is the president is going to talk about this threat to the world is facing the tween threat what big he cold calls threats so he is going to focus on north korea and also on iran and one white house aide said that the president and is going to urge all nations to come to government to address those threats and that he's going to warn that no nation should be a bystander in history and then what is quite interesting here is also as expect you know to tell the general assembly that the united states is not going to tell them how to live or how to govern and that is something that reminds me of for the speech he held in saudi arabia but of course we have to wait and see because this
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is a very unpredictable president all right that speech expected to within the hour we will be covering it live alexander phenomena for us in new york will be coming back to a little bit later in the program thank you alexandra. you're watching d.w. still to come the tourism business in greece is booming but little of that money is flowing back into the troubled government's coffers bence's zylon will be here in just a minute to tell us why. they were did i mean. make your store t.v. smarter with a d. w. bush more to. what you want when you want it up to date extraordinary.


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