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  Campaign 2024 Former President Trump Meets with Voters at Atlanta...  CSPAN  April 15, 2024 5:36am-5:51am EDT

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they came from insane asylums and mental institutions. many terrorists. many drug dealers at the high estlevel. i predict november 5 it's all going to turn around. we are going to get our country back. this inkpeant man -- incompetent man that's president, he's a terrible person, a terrible president. a manchurian candidate. because he gets money from everybody. he's a manchurian candidate. i predict that biden is going to be gone. in six months, that's all we have. six months is a long time because the damage he can do in six months -- he's done more damage than the 10 worst presidents in the history of our country. there has never been anybody that's damaged our country like crooked joe biden. i predict november 5 the most important day in the history of our country. and it's going to be christian
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visibility day. christian visibility day. christians are going to come out and they are going to vote like never before. thank you. [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its ca congressional district in the u.s. house. president trump: wow. that's beautiful.
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can i have 30 milk shakes? and also some chicken. we are going to take care -- is business good? make ago lot of money? >> yes. president trump: want to get rich, right? >> yes! president trump: thank you very much. you like each other, right? i think that's very nice. have a good time. nice to see you. thank you very much. 30 milk shakes? we'll get them out to the people and take some for ourselves, ok? thank you very much, everybody. hello. this is great american franchise. it's a great franchise. the owner is great man, a member of one of my clubs. he's fantastic. they do very well. they are closed on sunday. >> the lord's chicken. president trump: you're right. good chicken. >> good to see you. president trump: thank you very much. thank you. hello, everybody. get ready for a milk shake. you got plenty of them.
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>> this is an original from 2016. president trump: i love this guy. i like that guy. do you have a pen for me? give me a pen. that is the original. >> 2016, cleveland. president trump: you have been there from the beginning. you knew what was happening. you got it. what's your name? >> lawrence. president trump: let me get this pen out of here. come here. >> thank you. president trump: he understood long before the rest. you are fantastic. you know shelly? great host. you guys friends? because he's -- he's been there a long time, too. i think right from the beginning. we did a radio interview. i appreciated it. i hung up i said what a nice guy that is. >> i'll bring my clubs to march alago -- march a--maa lago.
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mar-a-lago. president trump: you o got it. everybody, thank you. lots of milk shakes. look at that handsome guy. hi, fellows. nice to see everybody. >> how you doing, petroleump? president trump: i'm doing good. how you doing, trump? president trump: i'm doing good. you having one? you have it, i'll sign it >> i don't got one, i'll need one. president trump: see if i can find one. that's a valuable one. grab one of these.
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thank you. that's great. your family's good, right? >> yes, sir. president trump: we are not letting them -- >> stop the steal. president trump: take that. make you good and healthy. who wants it? ok. you can afford to have t you know why? because you're thin. [laughter] >> who wants one?
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president trump: brian jack. does everybody know him? brian jack is running district 3. we have to vote for him. running for congress. >> i do. i put canvasses together. all these hbcu students you see here around here to meet you, mr. president. yes. we have also knocked doors for you in the past. and when you ran the first time. i was interning for the g.o.p. doing a lot for your tax credit reform bill. president trump: we took care of those colleges. >> sure did. much better than biden did. this is morehouse. i don't care what the media tells you, mr. petroleump. we support you. president trump: we love you. let me give you a hug. mr. trump, we support you. president trump: we love you. let me give you a hug. >> i'll tell my massachusetts.
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momma. president trump: that's really nice. we took care of the -- black kohl colleges, university, they are taken care of. biden did nothing for them. i did everything. it's really nice. >> no housing. president trump: do you two know each other? you should. >> that's my mentee. >> picked me up in 2017. he's been a great mentor ever since then. president trump: he's a great mentor to me, too. had a great talk yesterday. that talk covered all over the place. all over the world that talk did. >> they said i went over my time. president trump: my team, don't worry about t we'll do it again.
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>> i left my pen you gave me. president trump: you did? take a picture. take a picture.
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[indiscernible] president trump: thank you, everybody. you are a special woman. >> i look forward to helping you. president trump: thank you, darling. you won't forget it, either. thank you. if they run a little bit low, give them extras, ok. are you the boss? >> no, sir. president trump: you look like a boss. come here. you take care of yourself. thank you. with that beautiful hair? [captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 2024]
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[captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy visit] president trump: i want one with you. >> he personally requested. president trump: that's good, beautiful. >> a come on in. we are going to get rid of biden. >> yes! >> bye-bye sleepy joe. president trump: worst president in the history of the united states. he's horrible to the black community. like it or not. and check out his record in the 1990's. check out his record in the 1990's. >> economic for us. president trump: opportunity. best job numbers ever. opportunity -- colleges and universities. got the whole thing down. one picture.
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[indiscernible] president trump: thank you very much -- president trump: thank you very much. that was really nice. a lot of people don't want to -- come over here. >> thank you so much. president trump: thank you, everybody. >> thank you. [applause] president trump: it's always nice we are setting records. and we are doing well. we don't need with the democrats. they pass it around to everybody. meaning politicians. we don't do that. hillary had more than twice the money we had.
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and how did that race turn out? i'm not 14u7bd% sure. we don't need the same. we could get as much. we are doing very well. we broke the all time record the "nightlights," $52 million. more importantly we take in more than everybody with small donation. $61 average. that's never happened for a republican before. we take in $61 average. and we take in a lot of money that way. that to me is the most important money. those people vote. they are not in monte-carlo, their yacht, they are voting. this group of people we just met is unbelievable. that young lady was unplebable. >> people that might not have heard you did historical things for black colleges. touch on that. president trump: i funded them long-term. they were going on a year-to-year basis and always being chiseled and cut. i got to know the heads of the black colleges and universities when they came in. they saw me. after three years i said how come you keep coming back? they said they make us come back every year. nope. no longer. i gave them long-term financing,
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long-term commitments from the government. they do a fantastic job. and they all love me, i will tell you. that young lady was so nice to bring it up. most people forget. it's nice. nice to see you again. you ok? >> i'm with the abc affiliate here. president trump: that's not good, is it? >> it's great. quick question. you answered questions about abortion. do you think a doctor should be punished who performs abortions. president trump: i'll let that be to the states. everything we are doing now is states. state rights what we wanted to do is get it back to the states because for 53 years it's been a fight. now the states are handling it. some have handled it very well. the others will end up handling it well. and those are the states that will make a determination. >> the people of atlanta vote for you? president trump: because i have done more for the people of atlanta than any other president by far. i have done more for the black community than any other president since abraham lincoln.
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and maybe including abraham lincoln. but since abraham lincoln. and it looks like our polling is very good in the state of georgia overall. we are very happy about t we have had -- you see the support. it's been really something. >> thank you. >> the masters, who you got? president trump: they are all friends of mine. every one of those players is a friend of mine. i better not pick. you have great ones. it will be some competition. ail have some -- dustin's been great. rory's playing great. they are all playing great. the fact is they are very good golfers. the masters is this weekend and it will be special. and it's right around the corner. have a good time. >> thank you. president trump: thank you, everybody. make a lot of money. make a lot of
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