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tv   Campaign 2024 Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Announces Vice Presidential Pick  CSPAN  March 27, 2024 10:02am-11:15am EDT

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asked middle and high school students across the country to look forward while considering the past. participants were given the option to look 20 years or 20 ye past. in response, we received inspiring and thought-provoking documentaries from over 3200 students from 42 states. the top award of $5,000 goes to nate coleman and jonah, 10th graders at weston high school in connecticut. innocence held hostage, navigating past and future conflicts with iran. >> it is evident in the next 20 years puts heavier restrictions on all americans traveling to iran. hostage taking, but the united states will no longer have to participate in such negotiations with iran. >> congratulations to our winners and don't miss out. the winning documentaries air every morning at 6:50. beginng april 1, you the 100 50g
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studentcam films anytime at >> this evening on q and a, patti davis discusses her book "dear mom and dad," and memoir written to her late parents. c-span, c-span now, our mobile video app, or live on . robert f. kennedy, jr. announced as vice president in his independent presidential bid. her legal work focuses on artificial intelligence and she created her own foundation de with women's reproductive health. from oakland, california, this is about one hour and 10 minutes. >> the brilliant, the beautiful, the hilarious, cheryl hines. [applause]
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♪ cheryl: hi, everybody. thank you for being here today. gosh, i am so excited that you are here to help us celebrate another milestone on bobby's campaign for the yes. i just want to take a moment to say, as we move through our day, bout the people in baltimore who are experiencing their tra in our thoughts, our hearts, and our prayers today. yes. [applause]■a you are probably here bobby has.
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it is a very exciting day, and you will not be disappointed. one of the things that i love about bobby, there are a lot. i won't spend the day naming them. but one of the things that i truly respect about him, i have watched him, and continue to watch him, inspire parties to ce together for the greater good of this country. yes. so, when you look around you you are probably going to see republicans, democrats, indepets all gathered together to see what we have in common and how we can work together. that is what about, who he is, and what he's doing. america is listening and is inspired. [applause]
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■/i think we should just do it. are you ready to hear from bobby? are you at all interested to hear from the new vp pick? let's m■@e i want to really hear how enthusiastic you are about this. please, ladies and gentlen, put youranr my love, for the next president of the united states jr.. ♪
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mr. kennedy: thank you all, very much. thank you all very much. thank you, thank you. i want to start out, first of all, thanking all of you, thinking oakland andday. i also want to thank the tribalf the tribal
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me today, putting their faith in me. +/[applause] they know very much the struggle for indige tribes has consumed a lot of my personal and professional life and this work will continue when we are in the white house. they are one of the many tribes thater decertified in t1950's,'o be re-legitimized. that is something i will do as soon as i get to the white i want to say something.
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my father spent a lot of -- a lot of time on the poverty committee in 1967 when he was senator. he came back here in 1968 on the presidential campaign. during that presidential run he made an unscheduledm3d visit to oakland's memorial church. he went there with willierown, who became the mayor of san francisco but at that time was a family man. he came to meet with a lotk of local activists in oakland at a very violent, turbulent time. he met with the naacp and black panther party. it was a very rancorous meeting.
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companions, john glenn, the astronaut, one of his best friends. johnson, the decathlon champion in 1960 and one of my father's closest friends. the meeting was so rancorous and at one point they advised my father to leave. peoplexb were insulting and threatening him. my dad refused. he said, this is between me ann. i need to hear what they are going to say. hen=d through the meeting. the next day, all of the people who were at that meeting signed up to join his campaign. the black panther party provided his security detail in oakland and continued to provide
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security for him later on in the campaign in his convoys. it was a lesson that i just wanted to share with you, because it is a lesson all at tn our history. we need to start listening to each other, even when it is difficult. we need to sit through the we need to sit with each other and listen to the feelings and not walk away and not see each other as enemies. arn to love each other even through that anger and vitriol. we need to start coming back to [applause]
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the last time i was in oakland was when i served in the monsanto cases. we tried two of three cases. won $289 million in the first. the third, we asked oakland jure us $2.2 billion. that brought monsanto to the negotiating table. we settled in all 40,000 cases. i lived reab for several months during that trial. i got to really love the city. the monsanto case was the latest in a lifetime of battles for me
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to get poisons out of our food, our farms, and restore our soils. that effort has consumed a lot of my life. i wanted a vice president who shared my psi -- for wholesome, foods, good soils. person. among other things she has used over the past several years cutting technology, including ai, to calculate the catastrophic health consequences of toxins in our soil, our air, our water, and our food. technology has been a lifelong passion for my future vice president. i also
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wanted a vice president who shares my indignation about the participation of big tech as a ■/s% censorship and surveillance and information warfare that our government is currently that is i am bringing on someone with a deep inside knowledge about how big tech uses ai to manipulate the ic. i want a partner with strong ideas about tsee threats to democracy and our freedoms. i managed to find a technologist at the forefront of ai. decade relying on neural networks, artificial intelligence, and cutting edge science government. she understands that the health
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of every american is a national security issue and a national securityt2her work has proven td again that health drives our economy d is the foundation of our mental health, our national happiness, our ability to lead the world in innovation and prosperity, and in peace. i also wanted someone who was an athlete, who could help me inspire americans to in shape. i am happy to report that my vice president is an avid surfe] who attended school on a softball scholarship. i wanted someone who is battle tested,ble to withstand
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criticism, controversy, deformations, slanders, and perjury's throne against anyone3 8embarks on a presidential campaign -- perjuries thrown against anyone who embarks on a i wanted someone who shared my indignation about the way it allows industries to commoditize our food, wildi wanted someone r the traditions of our nation as a nation of immigrants, who also understands that to be a nation we need secure borders. i wanted a partner who was a gifted administrator and also possesses the gift of curiosity. an open, inquiring mind and confidence to change even her strongest opinion in the face of
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contrary evidence. i wanted someone with a spiritualon, idealism, and above all a deep love of the united states of america. i found all of those qualities in a woman who grew up right here in oakland. the daughter of immigrants who overcame every daunting obstacle and went on to achieve the highest levels of the american dream. that is why i am so proud to introduce to you the next vice president of the united lawyer,t scientist, technologist, fierce warrior-mom, nicole[applause]
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■ji have to tell you a little about cole■ring her out here. nicole's personal story began in oakland, the daughter of impoverished immigrants. grew up on food stamps and welfare in the city beset by many unique challenges, all of which she overcame. her very, very american journey turned into a career as a patent attorney and silicon valley tech entrepreneuriversity fellow. like many of us, nicole assumed our government was working for our7x people. our defense and intelligence
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agencies wanted peace. our public health agencies wanted us to be healthy. at the usda supported wholesome foods and family farms. that the epa would stand up d c. that the fed wanted prosperous america. that the democratic party was on the side of the middle poor, ann street small businesses, that scientists were incorru that sc- an exalted search for the truth. that the president of the united states could always be counted on to defend free speech. i too used to believe those things. do you remember those days? she will tell you that she now understands that the defense agencies work for the
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military-industrial complex. usda works for big ag and the procesd fo in cahoots with the polluters. that scientists can be mercenaries. that government officials censors.that the fed works for wall street and allows bankers to prey on main street and the american that is why nicole and i both left the democratic party. [applause] our values didn't change, but the democratic party did. the things that we love we love our families, our
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children, our faiths. we love clean air, clean water, productive soil, good we love the wilderness, our purple mountain's majesty, and above all, we love our country. we want america to live up to her highest ideals. we want her to be an exemplary nation again. a global leader in freedom, opportunity, and responsible government. we want america to be a peacemaker, a moral authority. we want our children to grow up as i did, in( a country for whih they feel love and pride. we want them to feel safe and have every opportunity for , prosperity, and community. we want them to have confidence in their futures. we want them to have the best be friendly to foreigners and entrepreneurs.
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we want america to honor its veterans and teachers. we want scientists to stand up for science and truth. we want our government to defend our right to free speech. [applause]nicole and i share ale values. you know what? despite the artificially orchions, nearly all americans share the same values that we do. i am grafu put herself interest aside and made the momentous to an -- mo■ntouanmbark with me on this extraordinary crusade to win back our country. [applause]
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i was most importantly looking partner who is a young person. nicole is only 38 yes [applause] i wanted that because ian champe growing number of millennials and gen faith in their future ad lost their pride in our country. many in her generation have stopped believing that older people whogovernment for so long understand them or represent their interests. that older generation now dominates congress, the supreme court, and the white house. it is the same generation, the same people who ran up the $34 trillion debt. millennials, gen zs, and their
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children will shoulder the ■cburden. it was my baby-boom generation that unleashed the epidemic of chronic disease that made america the sickest country in ■the rlcalamity by government os today is to gaslight us into pretending thatthat it's not re. nicole and i both share doubts about the corporate captured unipart it can produce leaders capable of imagining a different version of america, a version of the future. we doubt the republican or democratic nominees are capable of dealing with the complexities d the great promise of a technology-driven economy. in the right hands technology it can give us the path out of debt chaos, out of the chronic disease epidemic.
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but we both fear that in the wrong hands technology can turn its power against humanity. we don'tt either president trump or president biden understands the promise or peril of technology sufficientl< trajectory towards freedom and healing and prosperity. [applause] ■.we are now■ the contest between the two oldest presidential candidates in history. those two men during their terms ■) b as president both worked to close our main street businesses for a year. 3.3 million businesses with no due citation, no public hearings, no
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environmental impact statements.they just ■told us hu down. those policies that both of them engineered transferred $4 trillion from the middle class to this new oligarchy of billionaires. they created 500 new billionaires in billionaire a d. together, they ran up a greater debt than all previous combined since george washington. two men with a single term in office each. they don't want us talking about those things. they want us instead to hate each other. to fear the r guy. two young americans, they look if we vote for either of them again we can expect, and we
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deserve, more of the sthe furthf the working poor. moremore epidemics. more environmental destruction. more debt. more war. fewer constitutional rights. i have asked nicole to use the platform of the vice presidency to speak for all, not just young people, but all the invisible, voiceless americans who feel let down by our government. as your vice president, nicole will represent working poor who feel forgotten, who sink every day deeper into debt. she will fight for all those americans who know what it's like to skip meals to pay for gasoline and who watched food prices spike ever higher and wonder how in the world they through the grocery store checkout line. i want her to stand up for the
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children.i w aand for the vetere feeding their families in soup kitchens. and for t parents served in afghanistan and iraq, and who silently struggle withaumatic b. i want her to represent the mothers who struggle to protect their chilenchemicals, bad phar, and bad food. [applause] as v president, she will stand between them and the big ag, big pharma, and the processed food industry, the government regulators who are colluding to poison our kids for
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profit. as vice president, she is going to stand with me against the military-industrial complex. [applause] ■2and the neocon interventioniss and all of their forever wars. in 1932 franklin roosevelt had my grandfather run his new social securities exchange commission. my grandfather had fdr wanted a chairman who understood the stock inside and out as the only person who could reform it. in a similar vein, nicole vall, which she knows inside and out. [applause]
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she will stand up to wall street, the big banks, the larcenous, k street lobbyists, the regulatory czars, the money printers, the crony capitalists, and all of the other people who have turned our country from a democracy into a corporate kleptocracy. these are the people -- [applause] they drive our corrupt campaign-finance system that is no more than legalized bribery. this system has put agency capture on steroids and made our government regulators sock
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puppets for the indurihat they are supposed to regulate. the corrupt merger of state and corporate power now straddles our harpy, sucking the economic, social, and moral free citizens.f the nation's gorging itself on the bleaching bones of the american middle class. nicole is going to help mey froy cabal. [applause] our independent run for the presidency is fina bring down the democratic and republican duopoly. that gave us this ruinous debt, chronic disease, enlist wars, lockdowns, mandates, agency
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ure, and the same trump-biden unit -- uniparty that has turned it over to blackrock and vanguard and the other corporate donors. nicole shanahan me rally support for our revolution against the uniparty rule from the right and left political let me tell you what nicole and i are up against. and what we need to do to are g. the new york times this week published an article estimating that theá% warchest will ultimately be 1.1 billion today already. the largest in history of any political party. within a few months it will be $3 billion and the democratic
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warchest to amplify president biden's voice. they are u stop opponents from getting on the ballot and turn americans against each other, and inundate us with fear. incidentally, the republican party raise about the same amount. does anybody here thinkthese bie giving all that money are acting out of a patriotic impulse? they are acting out of a humanitarian impulse? no, of course they're not. t. they expect a return on that investment. they expect a very, very big return. the campaign-finance system has transformed our government from a model democracy into a corporate laptop to her --
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a corporate kleptocracy. we powerful campaign interest in history and the determination to keep us off the foul. they have little faith in their candidates to win the old-fashioned way at the voting booth. we are goingfinancial legal cha. i want to talk about another obstacle that's even more important. the obstacle of cynicism. the obstacle of fear. it is the deeply ingrained habit of voting for someone you have little passion for because he is the lesser of two evils because you are so afraid that the other guy will win. , don't you want to vote for someone this time? [applause]
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and not against someone? don't you want to vote for a candidate and a country that you can be proud of? i know you do, because 70% of americans say they don't want to have to choose between president trump and president biden. they don't want to choose between the lesser of two evils again. they especially don't wa t brought us the $34 trillion debt, the endless wars, the censorship, a corrupt merger of state and corporate power. they have taken turns in office and all of these problems have gotten worse. th same polls
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show that my approval ratings are far above those of president trump and president biden. ■, the democrats and republicans are looking at those poll results and devising ways to keep me off the ballot. they don't want to give you the .ichmyoice. when i was a kid, the democratic party was fighting -- it'sn hade right to vote and none of us were disenfranchised. today's democratic party is doing the opposite. it is rkany americans who they't think will vote for their agenda. the principal technique is to call me a spoiler and instill fear in americans that voting for me will get some other
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terrifying candidate elected. our campaign is a spoiler. i rewi that. [applause] it is a spoibiden and for presi. [applause] spoiler for the war machine. [applause] ■lit is a spoiler for wall stret and big ag, big tech, big telecom, big pharma, the corporate-owned media, and all the corrupt politicians and corporations. that is why they are trying to keep me off the ballot and frighten you into choosing between the two tired and unpopular heads of the uniparty.
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millions of americans are not going to vote at all if they are not given another choice. they are simply withdrawing from american democracy. the democrats and republicanse are trying to divide america. they tell us other, to mistrust you just there, to accuse each other of treason, to warn us against■! will terms that democracy is doomed if the other side wins. they turn families against each other. they turned neighbors and friends against each other. they are trying to divide america. nicole and i will unite it. that is our path to victory.
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[applause] s how we are going to win. that is how we are going to forge unstoppable coalition of homeless democrats and homeless republicans who are ready to look at the universal values that unite us all and that every conscientious american wants the same way nicole wants it and i wantall of those things that i described. love our children. good food. good soil. moral authority around the world. an incorruptible government. in all those things we want. if we cod ly persuade enough americans to vote out of hope rather than of fear we are going to be■>pñ in the white house in november.
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[applause] we have all had the adv of seeing what president trump and president biden can do for our country. do any of you want more of the same? if you want more of the same you should vote out of fear. if you want genuine change, you need to take a risk and join team kennedy. [applause] join the new american revolution. what that means is to vote fm conscience. vote from your heart. vote out of idealism. vote out of optimism for this country. refuse, abovell, to vote from
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fear. you know, in 1776he generation of americans who believed that democracy, something that didn't exist anywhere else in the world, most people thought it was a joke. they took a risk. not a little risk. not the little risk that you're taking today by going through a voting booth. they risked their lives, and many of them lost it. ■b their properties. they risked their reputations. they gave us the democracy we have today, the model democracy for the whole world. if you vote out of fear on this i6election, you are dishonoring that generation of americans and
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the hundreds of thousands of americans who gave their lives of the civil war, world war ii, world war i, and all of the other times that people went and risked their lives to defend our country. if nicole and i can get americans to refuse to vote from fear, we are going to be in the white house in november. [applause] nicole and i are running
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cleared from our water and our soil. [applause] until the last american child gets to live a healthy life and the land of the free. until the last censor is gone from our government. i'm confident that there is no american more qualified than nicole shanahan to play this role. i am proud to introduce to all next vice president of the united states of america, nicole shanahan. ♪
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s. sna hi, everybody. thank you so much for being here today. it is so good to be here in oakland. this city will always have a special place in my heart. up two miles from this very spot. my mother, who is standing right there with her phone up, she immigrated here from gong show, china. and my late father wasn irish-german-american. i wanted to tell you a little about my childhood. so that you can understand thsod conviction.
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my mother's first job when she came to was as a live-in caretar to an elderly woman here at lake merritt. by the time that i was born she secretary. my father loved my brother and i de troubled , plagued by substance abuse and he struggled to keep a job. from watching my father and his struggles, i learned not to be judgmental. he was doing the best he could. i think of him when i see the statistics of the millions of americans who are addicted, depressed, or suffering. our of the epidemi it affects nearly every american family. i wish my experience was unusual. but it's not.
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it has become part of my determination to doevery time mb our family just couldn't cover expenses. food, gas,g, upkeep. it adds up more in that situation. i know a lot of americans know exactly what that's like. to just be one misfortune away from disaster. i think -- i don't think we uld have made it without food stamps and government help. my mom worked hard. that it wouldn't have been that -- but it wouldn't have been possible to keep it together without that help. as you know i became wealthy later on in oakland taught me ms
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i've never forgotten. that the purpose of wealth is to help those in need. that's what it's for. i want to bring back -- i want to bring that back to polits.thf privilege. i went to st. mary's high school, just a few miles from . in my junior year -- we have some st. mary's panthers here. in my junior i had another formative experience. that set me up forical consciou. i applied for a program to live with families in el salvador. with these families and helping them rebuild after the civil war there, i learned what war really is. i apart. it brutalize his children.
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how it visits unspeakable horror on the innocent. learned the resilience of the human spirit and its infinite capacity to heal. el salvador is where i came to understand war, but more importtl■that is what inspired e my first political action in high sl. at the onset of the iraq war i became an iraq war activist. if i didn't really know how to do it. i printed pamphlets and i led a walkout. we went to our local radio station. i knew in my bones then that violence begets more violence. i had seen what that does to society and i didn't want my
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country, the country i love so dearly, to be doing that in the world. [applause] mi■
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find him in the democratic party or republican party. he. [applause] yes. yes it is his commitment to the peace and welfare of the hard-working people of america that drew me as a person of compassion to his candidacy. yes. [applause] as recently as a year ago i reallythink much of bobby kennedy because i didn't know much about him. all i had was the mainstream media narrative that was effectively telling m horrible discouraging things. then a friend who is here today pu aside and said, nicole, please, do me a favor. just listen to an interview with bobby kennedy just wants. $/i did. then i listened to another one,
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%(an another one, and i recognized the person i was seeing in these interviews was the opposite of the media slander of his character. i saw a person of intelligence, of compassion, and of reason. i saw a fellow lawyer who committed himself to finding the truth and fighting for the environment and people. i discovered a person who speaks out on issues■í though they are critically important to human health and welfare are consistently ignored by our government. for the first time in a long felt hope for our democracy again. we can do this. [applause] it is possible. one of those issues also happens to be a paion of■t mine and focus of my philanthropic work. chronic disease.
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i got into it through my own journey of reproductive health followed by a steep learning curve caring for my daughter who has an autism diagnosis. in that journey i discovered that women's fertility is in precipitous decline around the world. we are facing a crisis in reproductive that is embedded in a larger epidemic of chronic disease. because it has been so personal for me and my daughter, i got deep into the research and consulted some of the best scientists and doctors. let me tell you what i found. there are three main causes. one is a toxic substances in our environment, like andrew can disrupting chemicals in our food, water, and soil. like the pesticide residues, the micro plastics, the psa's, the
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food additives, the forever chemicals that have nearly every human cell. it makes you angry to hear this. it makes me angry to say this because we should'second is elec pollution. you don't hear politicians talking much about that either, but it is something we need to look at. as bobby says, we need to investigate every possibleause of chronic disease epidemic that is devouring our nation from the inside. third, i'm sorry tomedication. pharmaceutical medicine has its place, but no single safety study can assess the cumulative impact of one prescription on top of another prescription and one-shot on shot throughout the course of childhood.
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we just don't do that study right now and we ought to. we can and we will. conditions like autism used to be one in 10,000. now here in the state of california it is one in 22. one in 22 children affected. allergies, obesity, anxiety, depression, our children are not well. our people are not well. our country will not be well for very much longer if we don't heed this desperate callor ati have spoken to our governmet agencies. trust me, i've tried. spoken to senators. i've spoken to governors. they all know something is
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wrong, but none of them take any action. only one candidate i have met for president who takes the chronic disease epidemic seriously. it is robert f. kennedy, jr. and i will be hislly in making our nation healthy again. yes. !oit is not about a new pill or "finding thewe know the cure isp our environment and providing the basic public goods■l foundah and healing. it is about a shift in our priorities. it is about compassion. chronicession, poverty. this is where americans are hurting the most. it is time for politicians to listen. [applause]
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so, here is how the kennedy-shanahan ticket will end the epide=ámi while bobby is focusing on the capture of our agencies, i will assemble the best technologists and scientists in the world and we will use t l examine the health records databases of our nation and those other nations who are also on ac disease. we will find the answers. answers. to our most pressing health concerns within weeks, not decades. we can if we have access to those databases. it is time to move out of the dark ages of medicine. we can solve the mysteries guarded by corporate influence. we can move from band-aid
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solutions and we can e■b this chronic disease epidemic once and for all. i believe it. [applause] you know, my son is most american moms and dads know the truth of the matter and it is long overdue that the duty of care owed to the arican family is actually given. we can find the answers conclusively. i have a bacroin tech. i tend to think in terms of data. in my tech days, i developed ai-powered software to automate affordable legal services. well, guess what. the cdc and research institutions have the data we need. we can apply technology to
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figure out environmental factors. we can figure out whmawe just ht questions, do the right research, and apply the right tools. we have to rid science of the corporate bias that contaminates it today. then we put this thing intovers. so, tech background to what criminal justice. it was across the bay in san where the district attorney's office needed help examining thousands of police records not to contain eviden a, and patterns of prejudice. i put together a team of computer scientists to develop a computational method collate these records and design a method for analysis. what i really learned through
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this was the sorry state of criminal justice in our country. it isn't just about policing. it is about the school p■yson pipeline. it is about a broken and dismally functioning infrastructure. it is about recidivism that we have not taken the right approach to. how do we make our systems a system of rehabilitation and not punishment? these questions don't haveai kn. very hard, but they are the right questions to be asked. there is only one candidate asking them, and it is bobby kennedy. [applause] to mention one more issue close to my heart. this has to do with climate.
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my interest in health and solving climate issues has led me to the realm of agriculture. i realize that a nation's health comes down thealthy soil is then of healthy food, it is the foundation and it is our answer to the climate crisis. [applause] the foundation of healthy economy. but what politician besides bobby kennedy do you ever hear talking about soil? we have some common ground people here. thank you for coming out. i have talked to congresspeople and senators but all i've gotten our vague promises that never amount to real change.
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republ alike have fallen under the sway of big agrochemical companies and food conglomerates. they might invokthf the family farm but they have betrayed it again and again. i am entering myself -- i am not a politician until just now, but i'm entering myself to do this work and a highlight this need because i have met some of most inno american farmers. their method to rebuild soil, sequesteraquifers to revitalizee economy. [applause] you know what? we do not have to force anyone to do anything or to imitate them. all whave to do is change their our system of regulation and subsidy to support those methods.
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we can no longer support extrac agriculture. i hope you understand what has brought me into politics and at this moment i am leaving the democratic party. [applause] i want to say two thin afirst, g the party, i believe i amv takig the best ideals and impulses with me. [applause] th is supposed to be the party of compassion. it is supposed to be the party of diplomacy and science. it is supposed to be the party
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of civil liberties and free speech and most important a the party of the middle class and the american dream. still abide by those values i want to point out that i do believe they have lost their w's overwhelming interest in elitism, celebrity, and winning at all costs. i believe they do if that means turning a blind eye on the issues they all know to be true. i know this because i have been in those circles for the last eight years and i've grown increasingly tired of it. [applause]
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not until i met bobby and the people supporting him i felt any hope in the outcome of this election. i re-examine my democratic party assumptions, i have seen conservative voters with new eyes, too. i'veet farmers and hunters who are some of the most staunch conservationists i have ever met. stems better than most. i have met mothers protecting their children who are searching every possible avenue for their the republican party, like the democratic, is letting them down becausactiths of the party are diverting from the values who support individual freedom. [applause] in fact, the very failure of both parties values
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has contributed to the decline of this country in my lifetime. maybe that is why i see so mareh their party as i become disillusioned with mine. if you are one of those disilluscans i welcome you to join me, a disillusioned democrat come in this movement to unify and heal america. [applause] movement comes at a time of extreme division in america that threatens to tear this country apart. let's fix it. it is time for a realignment. it is time to focus on our unifying values rather than our divisions. if there is anyone listening who never considered an independent ticket,antoth
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same invitation to you that my friend did to me last year. please listen to bobby kennedy h words. take a look at his vision for america. it is a vision that i too , as i spent the next seven months of my life getting him on each and every ballot in this country. we are going to do at. we are going to do it. the vision we share is a vision of national healing. it is in america that leads the world not through force of but through the power of example. it is america that wages peace through diplomacy and in america
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that had become the biggest industrialized country on earth and turned it around. we will turn it around. america where everyone who works hard can afford a decent life. it is an america where people of all receive fair and equal treatment under the law. it is an america whose freedoms are the envy of the world. it is an america where the honest and transparent government institutions. can you imagine■! a country whoe government does not lie to you? [applause] people talk about my age. true. i will be the youngest vice president in american history.
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[a you why so many of us young people have turned away from politics. it is because we lost hope that changever from inside the system. which party wins with promises of hope or change or to drain the swamp, things proceed as usual, declining that is the reason. the other reason is we cannot stand the phoniness anymore. we cannot stand the lies. we cannot stand the inauthenticity. that is why bobby kennedy leads in all of polls among young people. we are hearing our voice in his. [applause]
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i come to you today as a former democrat, i come to you as a woman not quite 40. i you as someone who has experienced sickness and health and poverty and wealth. finally i come to you as a mother. [applause] most of the philanthropists i work with are women, other mothers. initially i was a is here -- initially it was a mother who is here today who reached out to inspire support in this campaign. i never in a million years thought i would be up here running for vice president. [applause]
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no. what i am doing is joining the millions of candidacy. [applause] and democrats and independents. they read the labels at the supermarket to keep their kids healthy. anguish when their children suffer from chronic disease. they cry silently as their teenagers deal with depression, anxiety, and addiction. they do their best to hold it together and they do because they are strong. as a motheryself who knows the
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first 10 challenges of raising a child with special needs, i promised you to make this world a little less crazy. kennedy to make america once again a country of peace, country of compassion, antry that is prosperous and free. this will not happen overnight but i have seen miracles th accomplish and have seen this resilience, and i have seen capacity to heal. what is possible for the human for our nation. please, jo jr. in the healing of america. we've got this. we are going to douse]
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#x[captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 2024] [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. visit] >> a couple of headlines in
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reaction to robert f kennedy's vice presidential pick. in the new york times, with nicole shanahan robert f. kennedy, jr. makes a new play for the disaffected, saying his choice of -- will inject new support into his independent bid for the white house. emme kratz ramp up attacks on rfk junior -- democrats ramp up attacks on rp jr. with the headline "he should ashamuw hio will benefit former president trump. friday night, watching c-span's 2024 campaign trail. a weekly roundup of campaign , providing a one stop shop to determine what candidates around the country are saying to voter
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