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tv   2024 Campaign Trail A Trump- Backed Win in Ohio and Biden Heads West  CSPAN  March 24, 2024 7:30pm-8:04pm EDT

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>> this week, 2024 campaign trail takes you on the road with in ohio. and with president biden, as he headed for campaign also, a look at the latest delegate counts. but first, a preview of the u.s. senate race in wisconsin, concerted a critical must win for president biden and former president trump. >> thus far there is this one high-profile republican
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candidate in the race, a banking mogul, raised in madison. he's got some business ties out of california. already spending a lot on the race. a lot of ads on the air. possibly more challengers ■ming in, but right now eric update and tammy baldwin. >> what is it look like, the prospects for another term? >> tammy baldwin has been a traditionally strong candidate in wisconsin. our races are decided on razor thin margins. she won her second term reelection in 2018 with an 11 point margin, which is unheard of in wisconsin. candidate, fundraising come out on the trail. any republican strategist would tell you not to underestimate her. think democrats throughout the country are concerned about the economy, about joe biden's approval rating. it will be a tough challenge for her if eric hovde is the
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candidate, he's poised to spend as much as $20 million of his own money on this race. >> what about fundraising for her part? >> she has been doing well. shconsistently $3.5 million a quarter. we will see national group spending on her behalf as well. >> what issue do voters in wisconsin care about? >> it will remain to be seen how much abortion is an issue. certainly was an important issue in our most recent supreme court election. the economy is an issue here. people are concerned about infl prices, the bread-and-butter kitchen table issues. >> explain how wisconsin se a tammy baldwin on the left to the u.s. senate and ron johnson on the right. >> we are a very unique state. hat is responsible for the two of them,
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for electing scott walker and barack obama in the same year. we have a strong history of really diametrically opposed candidates being equally successful. we are operable state. we are evenly split. -- we are a purple state. voters care more about the candidate. >> what do you watch statewide about the red areas and blue areas that, when combined, make the state purple? >> the lucky is a strong area -- ■ïmilwaukee is a strong area for democrats. then we have more suburban areas throughout the state, rural areas that have been up for grabs, potentially strong for republicans. >> what races should voters be watching in wisconsin,
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or ballot measures this year? >> we will have a new legislative map that will be more competitive than previously. our entire statewide election will be something to watch. one ballot measure has drawn a lot of attention that would ban the use of private grant funding in elections. it is being referred to as the zuckerbucks referendum. a lot of cities received support from the group thate election during the pandemic. this would ban that if voters choose to amend the constitution to do that. >> a political reporter for the milwaukee journal sentinel, thank you. >> thank you. >> tuesday brought results from five more primary states, arizona, illinois, kansas, ohio and florida. republican presumptive nominee and former president donald trump notched his delegate count for this summer's republican
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national convention to 1639. meanwhile on the democratic side, president biden had 2491 delegates with 20 uncommitted. after numerous visits along the east coast in recent weeks, president biden took his reelection campaign out west in recent days. next, some of his stops in nevada and arizona. pres. biden: the bottom line is, all of us in this room have onen us and trump. i mean this sincerely. we have a different value set. to me, i have been campaigning around the country. the more i thought about it, it's fundamentally different. you mentioned vets. this is a guy who said when he would not go to visit a cemetery, the veterans, that they are a bunch of losers, suckers. our son was one of those losers.
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never heard a president say the things that this guy said. the difference is he means what he says. with your help, we got elected the first time around. this county and state is really, really critical. [applause] pres. biden: number two, my campaignager here, she's had enough. [laughter] she doesn't like all that noise either. look, last week donald trump and i clinched the nominations. we are going to beat him again. [applause] folks, you know we will keep making the case by lowering the cost and creating more jobs.
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we have grassroots support. so far this campaign, we've had more than 1,300,000 people contribute. and 500,000 of those people were brand-new from before. [applause] ♪
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[indiscernible chatter] jqpres. biden: i want to provide an annual americans $400 a montr the next two years as mortgage rates come down to put towards their mortgage. we are also making more affordable to refinance your home by eliminating title insurance on federally funding back mortgages -- federally mortgages. the government can afford to do that. last week the national association of realtors agreed for the first time that americans can negotiate lower commissions when they buy or sell their home.
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[applause] on a typical home purchase, that alone could save folks an average of $10,000. i'm realtors to follow through to protect homebuyers. we are also working to end t■[he legacy of discrimination on the basis of home valuations. it has exacerbated the racial wealth gap. [applause] in 2020, 55 of the largest fortune 500 companies made $40 billion in profits. they paid zero in federal taxes. not anymore. thanks to the law i wrote and we signed, big companies now have to pay a minimum of 15%. that is still little to pay. would you all tried that? -- trade that? no company should have to pay
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less than a teacher. sif i am reelected, we will get it done, a minimum tax of 25% for billionaires. that's not even the highest tax rate. you know how that would -- how much that would raise? $500 billion in 10 years. [applause] folks, there is so much we can do. my predecessor has a totally different view when it comes to fair taxes. he said this to his friends inaf you, you are rich as hell, and we will give you tax cuts." that is what he says out loud. the president enacted a $2 trillion tax cut that overwhelmingly benefits the wealthy and biggest corporations. he exploded the federal deficit. he added more to the national debt than any president has in one termhistory. he wants to do it again. he is committed to another $2 trillion tax cut for the biggest
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corporations. he ao propable housing, not building them, cutting the funds for them. does anyone really think that thyou don't think the wealthy ad big operations need another $2 trillion tax cut, do you? they are doing pretty well. i sure as hell don't. we have a lot more due this election. it is not about me, it is about the future. he wants to undo everything we have done if he gets elected, he stated it straight up. there is so much more to keep and do. i've never been more optimistic about our future. we just have to remember who the hell we are, we are the united states of america. think aboutt, there is nothing beyond our capacity when we work together. we are the only nation in the
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world that has come out of every crisis stronger than we went in. worked together. with your help, we will get people working together in a way they haven't for decades. god bless you and may god protect our troops. >> former president donald trump, now this year's presumptive republican presidential nominee, went to ohio in hopes of boosting the campaign of u.s. senate hopeful bernie marino. he made headlines for some of these comments, which included him predicting a "bloodbath" if he did not win election this year. mr. trump's campaign said the comments were taken out of context by journalists, saying the president was referring to the to mystic auto industry. -- domestic auto industry. mr. trump: you see the spirit from the hostages, and that is what they are,osthey have been y and very unfairly. everybody knows that. we will be working on that soon.
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the first day we get into office we will save our country, work with the people to treat those unbelievable patriots, and they were unbelievable patriots and are, you see this cheering while they are doing that. prison. it is a disgrace in my opinion. in 2016, one of the biggest issues was the border. i sort of won on the border. we fixed it so good that i could not even use it in 2020 even though we got millions more votes. ■we could not even talk about i. i said i want to talk about the border. they said, sir, you fixed it, nobody c border was a tiny fracn of what this border is. this border is the worst in history of the world. millions and millions of people are pouring into our country, descending from all over the world, not just latin america.
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they are sending them from asia, from africa, the congo. last night, 22 people arrived from the congo. the congo is a very nice place i would imagine, but they arrived from the congo, and they came from prison. where are yo1om address? prison. these are rough people. they are coming from africa, from asia,■r frmo the middle eat -- from the middle east, all over the place from yemen. i thought we were bombing yemen. here we go with the bombing again. you can solve that whole problem with the phone call if they respected you. i would do the same thing. if i had presidents teaming with ms-13 and all the people they have to take care of for the next 50 years, young people in jail for years, if you call them in some cases they are not people in my opinion. i'm not allowed to say that because the radical left says
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that is a terrible thing to say. they say you have to vote against it, because did you hear what he said about humanity? i have seen the humanity. these are animals, okay? no one has been hurt by joe biden's migrant invasion more than our great african-american and hispanic american communities. they are taking your jobs and creating lots of problems. remember this, joe biden is a great threat to our democracy. he is a tremendous threat to our democracy. his and competence the number one reason. also, he uses the justice department to go after his political opponent who happens to be me. he has driven my numbers through the roof. do it one or two more times. how about a couple more indictments, joe, you dumb son of a -- [laughter]
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if you look at the united auto workers, with a have done to their people is horrible. they want to do this all electric nonsense where the cars don't go far, they cost too much and they are all made in china. and ahead of the united auto workers, probably never shook hands with a republican before. mexico has taken 34% of the automobile manufacturing business in our country. china now is building a couple of massive plants where they will think they will sold those cars into the united states with no tax at the border. let me tel if you are listening president xi, he understands the way ideal, those big monster car manufacturing plants you are building in mexico right now, and you think you are going to get that and not hire americans,
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no, we will put a 100% tariff on every car that comes across the line. if i get elected. now if i don't get elected, it will be a bloodbath. that will be the least of it. it will be a bloodbath for the . >> mr. trump's remarks drew rebukes from democrats as well as his former vice president mike pence. the next day, he told cbs's 'face the nation' he would not endorse trump's 2024 bid. mr. pence: after a lot of prayer and reflection i will not be endorsing donald trump this year. look, i very proud of the record of our administration. it was a record that left america more prosperous and more secure and our liberties and the sanctity of life stronger than ever before in my lifetime. >> would you say mr. trump
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walked away from conservative values? mr. pence: i said it during my campaign the president and i have profound differences. many of think it is just over january 6. and frankly the fact the president continues to insist that i had the right to overturn the election is a fundamental difference. i want to be clear, i have forgiven the president in my heart for what happened that day. as a christian i'm required to do that. i have prayed for him in that regard. the issue of fealty to the constitution ino matter. it is not just that. the reason i cannot in good conscience endorse donald trump this year also has to do with the fact that he is walking away not just from keeping faith with the constitution on that day, but also with a commitment to fiscal responsibility, a commitment to the sanctity of life, a commitment to american leadership in the world.
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the president's reversal in the last week on tiktok following an administration where we china is the reasone nationa why after a lot of reflection i cannot endorse the carrying into this national debate. >> is that the final word from you? can you be persuaded if he changes, to vote for him? mr. pence: i will not be voting for donald trump this year. i respect the right of republican voters who made it clear who they are for, who they want to be our standardbearer this year. what i will focus my energies on is what remains of this year, what we should be for. i joined this party when i was in college because i heard the voice and the values of another good irishman named ronald reagan who said we need to have
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a strong national defense but also recognize we are leader of the free world. we need to stand for the constitution and limited government. the balance of this year and in the years ahead, i will continue to champion those values that i think are not just good for the republican party, but are the right policies for a stronger america. >> while former president trump was casting his own ballot in florida's gop presidential primary on tuesday, he had this to say about former vice president pence's remarks. mr. less. we need patriots. we need strong people in our country. our country is going downhill rapidly. millions of people coming across the border, from jails, from prisons, from mental institutions, terrorist. we country. >> former president trump's remarks in ohio did not harm the race of the candidate he was endorsing. three days later, bernie moreno
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went on to win republican's ohio senate primary by 18 points. next, some of his victory órks on tuesday night. >> i want to thank president trump. i just got off the phone with president trump. [applause] and the reality is we have an opportunity now. we have an opportunity to tire the old and save this country. this is what we are going to do. trump for all he did for me, for this campaign, his unwavering support, for his love of this cotri don't think i have ever sn someone who loves this country the way he does. thank you to president trump. one of the things that came up during this campaign is the idea that chuck schumer put some money in to help me.
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if helping me means running really mean and horrible ads about me. yeah, but he said you were tied to trump. i wear with honor my endorsement from president trump. i wear that with a badge of honor. [applause] because under president trump, this nation was safer, more secure, we had prosperity around the world, we had low-interest rates and generationally low-inflation. under jill biden, everything is objectively worse. here is what i wonder, i wonder whether brown will wear with honor his 99% voting record with joe biden, whether joe biden is the kind of person he likes to associate with. i will predict this, if joe biden enters ohio, sherrod brown will run out like a scaredy-cat.
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here is the message i want to leave you with. it is march of 2024. things seem dire in o country today. they will probably get a little worse over the next seven months because you have an radicals in their party. i remember there was a time when there were rational democrats. those people may still exist, but controlled by the absolute extremists in their party. for the next seven months you will see joe biden try to recapture that extreme position in order to keep his base, so who knows what they will do, but it will be a tough next seven months. here is what i will tell you. we are going to win this race in november. ,we will retake the u.s. senate. we will have president trump in the white house. >> here is a look at the results from the more interesting u.s. housthis past
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tuesday. in ohio, republican derek maren, a current member of the statehouse of representatives, won the gop ohio's ninth congressional district. he will now face the democratic representative in the general election. in illinois, congress men mike bost survived a challenge in the gop primary from darren bailey, a snagged the endorsement of matt gaetz. a democratic congressman also beat his primary challengers. both women appealed to voters as the new generation of leadership, but the 82-year-old congressman who first won federal office in 1996 won calil face a runoff in his bid to represent california's 20th congressional district, the seat
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vacated by his former boss and ex-speaker of the house kevin mccarthy. both republicans now head to him a runoff since neither amassed more than 50% support in tuesday's specialdemocratic conm took his legal challenge to the state democratic party's line system to court. he's fighting against a longtime rule unique to new jersey that lists candidates endorsed by county party boards as the official endorsed line for voters. congressman kim, who was running against new jersey first lady tammy murphy, has■ charged that system unfairly disadvantages political newcomers. next, some of the coverage from nonprofit nj spotlight news. jersey's county party bosses are potentially on the verge of a massive shift to their power after a marathon hearing on monday in a federal
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courtroom in trenton over the constitutionality of the state's ballot design, more often referred to as the party line system. during nine hours of oral arguments, lawyers representing congressman andy kim, who brought the lawsuit, andthers in support of ending the line, argue it goes against the pursuit of democracy because it gives an unfair advantage to those awarded the line prospective candidates dropped election bids in the past if they did not secure the endorsement. kim lost in a heated primary raceinst tammy murphy for the u.s. senate seat currently occupied by bob menendez. attorneys for the defendants, the 19 counties that use this ballot structure, argue it is not feasible to change how candidates are grouped on a ballot design before the june election. the court hearing took place as murphy nabbed her eighth organization line from gloucester county democrats, though it may not matter much after the judge issues a ruling.
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i'm joined now by the man at the center of this lawsuit, representative andy kim. did you get any indication from the judge how he's leaning after the testimony? >> thank you for having me. indication. he was very clear he wanted to be fair about this and how they structured the process. i do appreciate the ability for us to make our case and to talk about why we think this is unfair and unconstitutional. i was really proud of our team. >> you spoke for about an hour. what was the crux of the argument you presented personally? >> the crux of the argument is this is the system unlike any other system in the united states. 49 other states in america use a
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very standard ballot for our elections. new jersey does not. we are the outlier. we do it in a way that allows party leaders to give preferential placement to their preferred candidates. that is not fair. the parties can endorse the candidates that they would like, but don't structure that in terms of a ballot line for reelections. that is what is causing this to be unfair. that is what we are asking to change. >> democratic senator bob menendez, the current holder of the office congressman kim is seeking, released a nine minuteb video sayinge democrat, but hed leave open the door to an independent bid if he was exonerated on charges of bribery related to his position chairing the senate relations committee. >> it has been in honoryou in te u.s. senate.
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if you told me growing up poor in a tenement, the son of refugees, the first of my family to go to college, that i could go up to be one of 100 u.s. senators of 330 million people, i probably would not have believed it, but it is the promise of america fulfilled. it is that history and promise jcfor i would want to bring to a reelection for the u.s. senate. the present accusations of which i am facing of which i'm innocent and i will do so will not allow me to at that type of dialogue and debate with political have already made it the cornerstone of their campaign. new jerseyans deserved better than that. you deserve to hear from those who wish to represent you in what they would do for your families in the future. therefore cratic primary this june.
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i am hopeful my exoneration will take place this summer and allow me to pursue my candidacy as an independent democrat in the general election. this would allow me the time to not only remind new jerseyans on how i have succeeded in being your champion, but how we will secure financial futures, meet the challenge of raising a family, own a home, provide for a college education, and secure a more peaceful world for all of us to live in. i know many of you are hurt and disappointed in me with the accusations i am facing. believe me, i am disappointed at the false accusations as well. all i can■jis to withhold judgment until justice takes place. until then, i will continue to work my heart out ea and every day as i have for the past 19 years to fight new jersey, for you, your family, and a more prosperous secur you, and may he
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continue to bless these united states of america. announcer: a reminder, this program and announcer: c-span has been delivering unfiltered congressional coverage for 45 years. here is a highlight fr a just te midst of a terrible tragedy on the potomac, we saw again the spirit■é%é of american heroism t its finest. rescue workers saving crash victims from icy waters. and we saw the heroism of one of our young government employees, lenny, who, when he saw a woman lose her grip on the helicopter li dived into the water and dragged her to safety. [applause] c-span, powered by cable.
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