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tv   House Republican Leaders on Govt Funding Deadline  CSPAN  March 20, 2024 11:13am-11:39am EDT

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student cam 2024. >> oh, my god. thank you. >> thank you so much. wow. >> this is a huge honor. we are so grateful for this opportunity. we thank you a lot. >> we extend our gratitude to the educators, parents, and participants who have supported each of these young filmmakers on their creative journeys. congratulations to all our winners. don't miss out, the top winng■x documentaries will be broadcast on c-span starting april 1. plus you can catch each of the 150 award winning student cam films online any time at student join us in celebrating the civically engaged and inspiring young minds. as they share their opions on to them and affect our world. >> housepeak johnson said he expected to shortly release the text of a bill that would extend government funding past friday night's deadline.
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and allow democrats and republicans still had a wide chasm of policy differences, they were able to come together for a deal to ensure the continuous operation of federal agencies. this is about 20 miss staff fannic: good morning -- ms. stefanik: , good morning, americans have had enough of joe bideicies. since his first day in office he has destroyed american energy independence. he canceled the keystone pipeline, killing thousands of jobs and launched an■a unprecedented war on american energy. joe biden has forced america to rely on foreign adversaries like russia and iran■ind left american families to foot the bill for skyrocketing energy costs due to this unwanted far
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left agenda. from the gas station to the stos are hurting. gas prices are once again on the rise. and in my district in upstate new york, which relies heavily on home heatingil, sky-high utility and heating costs are crushing tpapls, increasing by over 80% in the last three years. joe biden created this energy crisis and the american people know it. republicans know that we need to unleash american energy, not st we ensure america's energy dominance and provide true energy security. that is what we are focused on for energy week in the house. we havesthand. under the pro-american energy policies of president donald trump we were the world energy leader. our nationiv the pro-national security, pro-american job energy agenda that lowered costs and prioritized domestic production. todawe areoined by our colleagues, congressman dan newhouse leading the resolution denouncing all of the
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anti-american energy policies of joe biden. and we also have congresswoman harshbarger whose work on house energy and commerce committee is fighting back against theseti-ae biden. with that i turn it over to diana. mrs. harshbarger hro*pb good morning, everybody. thank u,lise, for affording me the opportunity to address this critical issue. when it comes to wreaking havoc on a economy nobody seems to have mastered the art quite like president biden. from day one of his presidency he wage add relentless assault on american energy. his first tact, the termination of the keystone x.l. pipeline. through a barrage of executive actions and detrimental regulations he systemically dismantling our energy sector, driving our economy dr he's mortally wounded or strategic petroleum reserve which is intended to be used for
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national security emergencies. and this is being drained at an unprecedented rate to compensate for the diminished supply resulting from biden's policies. merely weeks ago the biden administration inflicted another blow by halting permit applications for liquefied not content with hroelding our l.n.g. exports hostage, his actions are now jeopardizin our allies, nudging them toward energy suppliers who stand in direct opposition to our interests such as russia and iran. if there is one take away say ty security is national security. it's time the biden administration prioritiz of hars over demands of environmental activists. to achieve true energy independence, we ever to focus on four key priorities and these are harnessing the abundant resources within our own borders, championing energy production on american soil,
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ensuring the environmentally sound transportation of our energy through pipelines, and reclaiming our status as a net exporter house republicans have taken decisive action by passing groundbreaking legislation aimed at boosting domestic energy production, implementing permitting reforms, and reversing biden's anti-energy directives. the house has done their job. by passing h.r. 1, the lower ergy cos■gt it's time for the white house and the senate to do their job. and provide american families with the relief they urgently require. with that i will turn it over to dan newhouse from the great state of washington. thank you. mr. newhouse: thank you, good morning. everybody. it's no secret that since day one in the white house presid pt biden
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proposed and finalized regulation that is increased the cost of energy for consumers, punished domestic producers, and adversaries for our energy needs. as a third generation farmer, i hear every dayenges that just our sector alone is dealing with. this administration has driven fuel prices so high compromising farmers' ability to operate profitably and at capacity. this is draining not onlyoss our country, it is snowballing into damaging domestic food supply chains. as chairman of the congressi i m people across the country that are literally cutting their grocery spending to help pay for bills. everyone from small businesses to single family households, all family households are strained f
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touch policies that seem to have no end. i'm proud to bring this resolution, number 987, forward to help denounce these policies for their unnecessary and unprecedented, war or american energy. now's the time for commonsense solutions to the disaster that they have led us to. i want to thank speaker johnson, leader scalise, whip emmer, and chairwoman stefanik for championing this issue. now i'm proud to turn over to o. mr. emmer: as you already heard from our colleagues, this week is energy week in the house. after three years of joe biden's war on american energy, here we are. the house republicans are once again fighting against the biden administration's radical climate
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agenda by bringing six commonsense energy bills to the floor. the core tenets of these bills are simple. it's allbout restoring american energy dominance. lowering costs for families. and counteracting the biden administration's detrimental green new deal agenda. by canceling the keystone x.l. pipeline on his first day in office, joe biden made it clear that he cares more about appeasing the far left members of his party than protecting american jobs and american energy. his anti-american ey antics continued with decisions to halt approval of liquefied natural gas exports and drain our strategic petroleum reserve. what have been the results? americans are paying 45% more for gas and 28% more for electricity. plus our strategic petroleum reserve is at its lowest levels in four decades. we must stand for
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american -- america's energy independence and american workers and their families. the question is, will democrats join us? with that i turn it over to our majority leader, steve scalise. mr. scalise: thank you, whip. this is energy week in the house. house republicans continue to bring a number of bills to the house floor that arenergy costsr america, standing up for american energy, and standing up against the radical extreme policies of threaten to shut off american energy. interestingly if you look at joe biden's policies over and over again president, as mrs. harshbarger talked about, key killing the keystone pipe russian pieline. you have seen him over and over again killing permits, killing other projects here in america and then gettinge
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one and flying to saudi arabia and begging them to produce more energy. empowering putin. if l.n.g. export ban that the president put in place, it hurts american energy dramatically. really crushes our ability to supply lick which tpaoeud -- liquefied natural gas to our alleys in places like europe. what does that mean? europe needs natural gas. all it means is they have to get it from countries like russia. why would joe biden want to continue to empower putin and fund putin's war machine? which he's using against ukraine. joe biden is helping putin fund the war effort against ukraine when he crushes american energy. we are going to continue to bring these bills to the floor. the dan newhouse resolution goes through item dozens of specific actions taken by joe biden, listing the dates, if you want to walk down memory lane, done since his very first day in
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office to attack american energy, that resolution lists all those specific things. look, the people paying the price for this are middle and low-income families here in the united states. paying dramatically higher costs at the pump and higher cost uti. we are going to continue standing up for those families. we are also going to continue standing by our ally, israel. you saw over the weekend this leadership team spoke very strongly against chuck schumer's comments when he tried to undermine the democratically elected leadership of israel at a time of war. when israel is fighting foing to eviscerate hamas after the october 7 attacks. and you see joe biden standing right there with chuck schumer continuing to work to undermine israel's elected leadership. continuing to do things like calling for amas ended the ceasn
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october 7. you hear joe biden talking about a two-state solution. joe biden talks about a two-state solution, seems like the only thing he's interested in are michigan and nevada. areh that. just because his politics are bad here at home doesn't mean you go and undermine one of your strongest allies in the especially in a time of war. this is a time we should all be standing by israel. you have seen this leadership team stand strongly with our friends in israel in their right to defend themselves. we will not waiver regardless of schumer or joe biden continue to do. with that a man who has been leading that charge, our speaker, mike johnson. mr. johnson: thank you, mr. leader. thank you for being here. good morning. i'm glad you began with israel. hi hra*epbty conversation this morning with prime minister netanyahu. reiterated to him the house
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republicans strong support for israel and their efforts there. and expressed my strong< disagreement with leader schumer about what he said last week. that's been well covered. i won't ery the gate it here. it's not -- i won't relitigate it here. you'll see the house republicans continue to stanford and reiterate our support for israel at this very critical time. this is energy week in the house. we are happy to bring that theme to the house. it's very, very important as you have heard. i energy week in a perfect place, in midland, texas, with congressman august pfluger there. that's his district. we were on a great oil rig in the permian basin on monday. got our hands dirty and talked with the workers and the people who work around the clock to supply america's ene
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that's the critically important thing to our country and something the white house seems not to know anything about. vale of american energy, but president biden obviously does not. it's such a stark contrast. i think about this all the time. compare the trump administration with the biden administration. i was here as a freshman in 2017. we had not begun the congress but maybe a couple weeks, few weeks into it, and president■@ house republican conference. i remember so vividly when he talked about american energy, the main treatment thao*epl hisd administration. he said we don't want to talk about energy independence anymore. american energy independence. we want to talk about american energy dominance. he introduced the term. we applauded. and he achieved it. we were the net exporter of energy jt the first two years of that administration. joe biden came to office. as noted just on the first day in the oval office he began to y
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industry. and it's producers. you heard he killed the keystone x.l. pipeline. he demonized the energy producers, people providing the jobs in the energy and national security force. he depleted our strategic petroleum reserve and sold it to china. he placed an effective ban on new l.n.g. export terminals. i'm not even sure he fully understands the implications en. that's what's happened. we see the effects. we are expecting to see the administration finalize now its misguided electric vehicle mandate. it will decimate the auto industry and it will hamstring consumers. that rule is going to target gas powered vehicles which we all ty on communist china for critical minerals to produce these things. and it's going to make american consumers pay more. at a time >/when they can least afford it. this is a perfect example of this administration's approach to energy. more regulations, higher cost. thover. house republicans are committed
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to protecting american jobs, to unleashing american energy dominance, to reducing costs, and helping ou reducing emissions. this week house republicans will pass the legislation promoting anti-energyrgy independence anñ agenda. there is no other way to describe t our bills as you have heard support fracking, expeditingnd gas producers, we will continue to denounce president biden's radical policies. this is a continuation of the pro-american energy agenda that house republicans have been pursuing and will always pursue. we passed h.r. 1, our signature piece of legislation, right out of the blocks. thwe and that legislation was to support our l.n.g. producers and protect gas powered vehicles. this is very cl the white house is more eager to appease radical environmental activists than the american people. there is no other way to assess this. house republicans will stand wi a■a■m energy producers
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for lower energy costs for americans. democrats simply cannot say the same thing. that's the contrast. americans see t we will be reiterating that theme over and over. with that i'll take questions. second row. reporter: you took over at a very difficult time and circumstances. what has been your guiding principle for leading on this tit's great. talk about that for about an hour. we have learned a lot of lessons. what we are doing right now is unprecedented. speaker mid course in the history of congress. and we did it at the time where we have the smallest majority in the u.s. history. almost congress in 1917 during world war i before women had the right to vote when they had a.43% margin. ours is by next week will 1.16%. that's the max. one vote. yet we have to govern and demonstrate can keep this thing together and keep the train on the tracks.
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we are. by getting appropriations bills done. by moving key pieces of legislation. and by keepid that. how do we stay focused? how do we do that? to me it boils down to adhering and to our foundational principles. there is a move afoot to change the foundational principles of america, the things that made us the great, extraordinary, most successful, most powerful, most free nation in the history of the world. not even close. the reason is youv probably head me say before, i call the seven core principles of american conservatism. it's the seven core principles of america itself. i think it's individual freedom. limitegovernnt the rule of law. peace through strength. fiscal responsibility. free markets. human dignity. those are the fixed points on the horizon. i grew up in louisiana. everything's explained in either a football or hurricane metaphor. the hurricane metaphor when you weres, dark
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skies on the horizon, you have to know where the fixed points on the horizon are. those are the fixed pois. make sure we are still anchored to that. we are not adrift on the sea. i think that will serve us well. ronald reagan said in his faweommon great communicator, i paraphrase him, i was simply communicating great things. the same great things that natie founding. the great things don't change. we are the stewards of them. all of us. certainly elected represent kwreufts in congress. that what we try to adhere to and advance. that's what will save the republic. jake? reporter: could you give us then aid -- mr. johnson: we have been consistent and adamant we had to get our government funded. the appropriatipr tell you we ae coming to the end of that. we'll have the bill text hopefully by this afternoon and begin to finish up the second bf bills. it includes the department of
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defense bill. labor-h. leg branch. sfops. that last piece, homeland, was the most difficult to negotiate. the two parties have a wide chasm betweeth i think the final product is something that we were able to achieve a lot of key provisions in and wins and move in the direction we want. our tiny hisy small majority. that having come to an end now, the attention aso the supplemental issues. there is a number of avenues we have been looking at to address that. i'm not going to say is, but juo know that work has been done along the way. first. to get the approps having done that now, we'll turn our attention to it. we won't delay on that. back row. reporter: what do you make of the comments saying --
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[indiscernible] mr. johnson: iak for president trump. i understand the sentiment he's trying to express. if you look at the voting records. look at the israel funding. we talked about the ppmental. i have tried on two different occasions to push the israel funding request through. we did it with a after i became speaker. we did a clean israel bill. and the president issued a veto threat over that. i was stunned. i couldn't believe that peeled off 160-plus democrats voted against funding for ra wel are fighting for their very existence and need it so desperately. i think people interpret that for what it is. i think the facts speak for i think you see the house republicans, the republican party at large, and president trump for that matter standing strong with israel. you see increasingly, an increasingly large number of
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democrats and a big faction of the democratic party who are standing against israel. openly. they are saying the quietat's a. i think it's shameful. i think that's what president trump's prefer to. la i think that's the sentiment most of the american people understand. that's how they interpret it. reporter: you mentioned you are considering severa comes providing additional to ukraine. one thing being quoted by sometg this idea provide aid to ukraine do it in the form of a loan? is that something that's on the table? mr. johnson: i haveot the mechanism of funding ukraine. we are talking about the whole supplemental and all these pieces whether they would go individu and discussed. internally i think there is a big distinction in the minds of people between lethal aidukrain.
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the repo act you know. where you could use the ceased ---i oligarchs in some manner to pay for the support of ukraine. and then the loan concept is being discussed. there is thoughtful deliberate work and discussion going o su*s about -- sub sets of members about that. we understand the role that america plays in the world. we understand the importance of send ago strong signal to the world. that we stand by our allies and we cannot allow terrorists and tyrants to march globe. you unsettle the world order since world war ii if america's not projecting strength.hear me say this a lot. i am deeply concerned this white house and this president are projecting weakness on the world stage. i believe that is the reason that all o our -- so many of our adversaries are acting provocatively. i think that's something that should concern every single american. don't care what political par■ you are in. we maintain peace through strength. one of our guiding foundational
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principles. ronald reagan used to talk about it all the time. i still believe t most of us do. we have to project strength on the world stage. we'll do that. we'll meet our obligations. and we'll turn to that immediately as apro*eps proeps are over. thank you -- approps are over. thank you. [captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 2024]ormee national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy visit] >> the house will be back at noon eastern today to start debate on six eney licy bills. includg a measureul fracking and one that would block the bureau of land management from increasing the bonds required for drilling compaesn reclamation projects. and waitingor legislative text for funding half the federal government. following the guidelines require it be public 72 hours before vogt.
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house republicans may or may not stick to that. all of this adds up to the votid tend into the weekend. and a partial government shutdown could happen at midnight on friday. as always, live coverage of the u.s. house is here on■t c-span.d unfiltered congressional coverage for 45 years. here's a highlight from key moment. >> just two weeks ago in the midst of a terrible tragedy on the potomac, we saw again the spirit of american heroism at its finest. the heroism of■÷ated rescue workers save crashed victims from icy waters. and the heroism of one of our young government■.nny, who, when lose her grip on the helicopter line, dived into the water and dragged h to [applause]
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>> c-span, powered by cable. >> c-span is your unfiltered view of government. we are fundedon companies and m. including cox. ♪ >> this syndrome is extremely. but friends don't have to be. when you are connected, you're not alo >> cox, supports c-span, as a public service. along with these other television providers. giving you a front row seat to democracy. we are joined byfó brian, the correspondent for the christian science monitor. welcome to the program. guest: pleasure to be here. host: there is a government funding deadline. again on friday. but t w


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