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tv   U.S. House of Representatives U.S. House of Representatives  CSPAN  March 12, 2024 4:30pm-7:06pm EDT

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let's hear from freddie in georgia. independent line. caller: i am calling as an independent and i think the democrats need to be more concerned about the independent vote. we make up 47% of the electorate and -- my point is republicans and democrats continue to control the government and they control the war in gaza that is a genocide on the palestinian people. both parties continue that. they also continue the war in ukraine, which the u.s. is responsible for initiating, denier eating -- denying russia the opportunity to express its security concerns. the democrats lie to your of h.r. 6276 will now resume. the clerk will report the title. the clerk: a bill to direct the
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administrator of general services and director of the office of management and budget to identify the utilization rate of certain public buildings and federally leased spaces and for other purposes. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentleman from virginia seek recognition? >> i have a motion to recommit at the desk. the clerk: mr. beyer of virginia moves to recommit the bill h.r. 6276 to the committee on transportation and infrastructure. pursuant to clause 2-b of rule 19. the previous question is on the motion t recommit. those in favor, say aye. those opposed, no. in the opinion of the chair the noes have it. mr. beyer: i ask for the yeas and nays. the speaker pro tempore: the yeas and nays are requested. those favoring a vote by the yeas and nays will rise. a sufficient number having
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arisen, yeas and nays are ordered members will record their votes by electronic device. pursuant to clause 9 of rule 20, this 15-minute vote on the motion to recommit will be followed bynute votes on passage of the bill if ordered and passage of house resolution 1065. 15-minute vote. [captioning made possible by the national captioning institute, inc., in cooperation with the united states house of representatives. any use of the closed-captioned coverage of the house proceedings for political or commercial purposes is expressly prohibited by the u.s. house of representatives.]
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the speaker pro tempore: on this vote there 206, the nays are 213. the motion is not adopted. the question is on passage of the bill. those in favor say aye. those opposed, no. the ayes have it. the bill is passed. without objection the motion -- >> mr. speaker. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentleman from washington seek recognition? >> on that i ask for a recorded vote. the speaker pro tempore: a recorded vote is requested. those favoring a a sufficient number having risen, a railroaded vote is ordered. members will record their votes by electronic device. this will be a five-minute vote. [captioning made possible by the national captioning institute, inc., in cooperation with the united states house of representatives. any use of the closed-captioned coverage of the house proceedings for political or commercial purposes is expressly prohibited by the u.s. house of representatives.]
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the speaker pro tempore: on this vote, the yeas are 217.
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the nays are 203. the bill is psed. without oti motion to reconsider is laid on the table. without objection the title is amended. pursuant to clause 8 of rule 20, the unfinished business is the vote on adoption of house resolution 1065, on which the yeas and nays are ordered. the clerk will report the title of the resolution. the clerk: house resolution 1065 resolution denouncing the biden administration's immigration policies. the speaker pro tempore: the question is on adoption of the resolution. members will record their votes by electronic this is a five-minute vote. [captioning made possible by the national captioning institute, inc., in cooperation with the united states house of representatives. any use of the closed-captioned coverage of the house proceedings for political or commercial purposes is expressly prohibited by the u.s. house of representatives.]
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the speaker pro tempore: on this vote the yeas are 226 the nays are 193.
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the regulationlusion -- resolution is adopted. without objection, the motion to reconsider slade on the table. for what purpose does the gentleman from pennsylvania seek recognition? mr. perry: mr. speaker i ask unanimous consent that the clerk be authorized to make technicalections in the engrossment of h.r. 6276 to include corrections in spelling, punctuation, section numbering and cross the insertion of appropriate headings. the speaker pro tempore: without objection. for what purpose does the gentleman from pennsylvania seek recoit unanimous consent that when the house adjourns today it adjourn to meet at 9:00 a.m. tomorrow. the speaker pro mpore: without objection.
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the speaker pro tempore: the house will be in order. the house will be in order. for what purpose does the gentleman from california seek recognition? thank you. >> madam speaker i seek
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unanimous consent to address the house for one minute and revise and extend my remarks. is that ok? the speaker pro tempore: yes without objection. the gentleman is recognized for one minute. >> thank you, madam speaker. you know, folks at home are wondering about their utility rate why they're going up so high. mr. lamalfa: and it isn't always the fault of the utility. when i look around and see what government does to make things cost so much more, whether it's stopping the exploration for oil and gas in order to run power plants or tearing dams down beca because it might impede fish passage, so we don't have hydroelectric power. but then some of the demands government makes in order to give them a permit to operate once again like they've been doing for 50 or 100 years, do you know they demand things like well, we want you to build a road for us here and maintain it for us, even though the utility doesn't necessarily actually use that road or at least a big chunk of that road. and they don't have a partnership with the forest
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service, for example to say well you do half, we'll do half. no they just make demands. like don finucci walking around in "the god father." the speaker pro tempore: please take your conversations outside. sir, please continue. the house will be in order. please. mr. lamalfa: the demands governmeak people to just operate it's like don walking around in the godfather part ii, collecting a little bit from everything. it has no nexus to the actual operation of the utility in order to just deliver electricity to the people. government needs to be reined in on its demands on the thuggery it is in order to just do business. and so when people are wondering, why is my utility bill so high, it isn't just because evil utilities. it's government. operating permit, permits to trim around trees so we don't burn down all of northern california. one thing after another. government needs to be reeled in. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentleman
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from pennsylvania seek recognition? >> i request unanimous consent to address the house for one minute, revise and extend my remarks. the speaker pro tempore: without objection, the gentleman from pennsylvania is recognized for one minute. >> madam speaker today i want to congratulate sister linda c.e.o. of the holy family institute, on b as a pittsburgh business times woman of influence and receiving their career achievement award. it's an honor justly earned for her 40 years of service. a woman of faith at the holy family institute and decades of dedication to at-risk youth in communities across western pa. congratulations -- p.a. congratulations. madam speaker i rise today to join so many in western pennsylvania in celebrating the life of jim roddy extending my condolences to his family and loved ones. a proud marine, jim led allegheny county through a critical first cnty executive and ushering in a new era of county government. i had the privilege ever working with jim -- privilege of working
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with jim on the bipartisan commission on pennsylvania's election security where his counsel was invaluable and where patriotism carried the day over any party label. fair winds and following seas. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: for wh purpose does the gentleman from georgia seek recognition? mr. carter: i ask unanimous consent to address the hnd extend my remarks. the speaker pro tempore: without objection, the gentleman from georgia is recognized for one minute. mr. carter: madam speaker i rise today to congratulate andrew rodriguez a savannah eagle scout who is the first in the united states to achieve all five religious patches awarded from the national catholic committee on scouting. at the age of 5 andrew recognized his interest in the boy scouts of america. 15-year-old high school sophomore has continued as a scout but believes that his participation has much more tremendous value beyond earning badges and medals. being in boy scouts has given andrew a community of life-long friendships and skills that he can carry into his adult life.
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andrew is on the right path to being an influential leader in his community. as i said, he's the firstco of these religious patches which are not required. it is young people who if above and beyond like andrew who are destined to lead. i would like to thank andrew forsetting a good example for his peers and i congratulate him on this amazing achievement. thank you, madam speaker and i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentleman from new jersey seek recognition? mr. payne: i ask unanimous consent to address the house for one minute, to revise and extend my remarks. the speaker pro tempore: without objection, the gentleman is recognized for one minute. mr. payne: mr. speaker i rise today to congratulate reverend brian rauls sr. for becoming the 13th pastor of st. paul's church.
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reverend rauls continues the family legacy, his father bishop hilt rauls sr. has been the pastor of st. paul's freewell baptist church in newark for more than 40 years. reverendrian rauls comes to church with exptional credentials. he earned a master's ofdy vin tip degree and a doctorate of divinity degree from new brunswick thee logical seminary. he was the director of the newark youth one stop career center and a former chair of the mayor's commission on the homeless for the city of newark. today reverend rauls is the dean of the school o studies and assistant professor of church ministry and leadership for pillar college in newark. in addition he's traveled the world to teach about the kingdom of god and again
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congratulations to my friend, the right reverend brian rauls his church is getting an outstanding leader. and with that i yield back. . the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentlemannimous consent to address the house for one minute and revise and extend my remarks. the speaker pro tempore: without objection, the gentleman from florida is recognized for one minute. mr. bean: i rise to honor the life of dr. jerald in 1960 when he joined the faculty at the university of florida he was the first pediatric cardiologist inddxo north florida. in addition to saving lives in the hospital, dr. shebler saved lives with his lifelong advocacy having established protocols for pediatric cardiology and the florida poison control center, along with his late wife audrey he launched child protection teams
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and the guardian add litem programs protections for kids we take advantage today were established by the sheblers. perhaps his finest moment was this past year when his late wife audrey was inducted into the florida women's hall of fame. she lee needed to finish in their lifelong advocacy in the medical and child welfare fields and i believe he did. he was a friend, i loved him of. my family loved him. we will miss him. i ask my colleagues to join in celebrating the amazing life of dr. jerald shebler along with offer his deepest -- our deepest con low lenses -- condolences to his friends and family. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentlelady seek recognition? >> i ask unanimous copt to address the house for one minute and revise and extend my remarks. the speaker pro tempore: the
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gentlelady is recognized for one minute. ms. wild: i rise in honor of judge, the detection dog. judge came to the city fire department at about 1 queer of age and had been specifically trained as an accelerant detection do he would sniff out slierants -- accelerants like gasoline, paint thinner and his work led to 16 convictions of arsonists leading to prison time. because of his formidable reputation arsons dropped by 60% in that -- in allentown. judge spent his time, all of his time 24-rbg-7, with fire chief lee lobach and was a beloved member of the family. first working dog. we all miss you judge. may you rest in peace.
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i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentlewoman from louisiana seek recognition? >> i ask to address the house for one minute and rhett let's -- and revise and extend my remarks.e speaker pro tempore: without objection, the gentlewoman is recognized for one minute. >> madam speaker i rise today to recognize mr. jim harper stein as president of the louisiana farm bureau. he's a longtime resident of the parish where he farmed some of louisiana's finest crops. ms. letlow: he's given 25 years of his life to the louisiana farm b directors. i join countless people thanking him for the work he's done to protect our farm, ranchers and producers. our louisiana agriculture industry is better because of his dedication and commitment to louisiana's largest industry. jim has been a friend and a true colleagu and there is not a soul who doesn't enjoy the opportunity to work with him. i wish him nothing but the best in his next phase of life, spending more time with his wife debbie and their grandchildren.
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i knowill never be a stranger to the louisiana agriculture community. thank you, madam speaker, i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentlewoman from texas seek recognition? >> unanimous consent to address the house for one minute and eaker pro tempore: without objection, the gentlewoman is recognized for one minute. ms. jackson lee: with a great deal of consternation i rise in opposition to the the opposition. h.res. 1065, here we go again rather than solutions republicans denouncing the biden administration's immigration policies. offer? this is an outrage. and i thought it was extremely important to make sure they put my statement in the record about a president who is putting forward solutions by putting forward a supplemental almost a year ago that would have provided more resources our southern border, where i live. more resource in termsf dealing with asylum. more border patrol. more customs and border protection.
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more courts, many lawyers to be able to address what the american people want to be addressed. but what do we spend our time doing on the floor of the house? condemning not solving. not finding a solution for our daca young people who are doctors, lawyers teachers, and others e.m.s. supporters if you will or workers. all we're doing led by the republican majority, is condemn condemn, i want solutions as a member of the homeland security committee second in seniority we're going to continue to work on the positive solutions of joe biden president of the united states. he has solutions to be able to be bring us all together to have the comprehensive immigration reform. let's work with the president of the united states. stop denouncing. do your job. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentleman from wisconsin seek recognition? mr. grothman: i'd like to ask unanimous consent to speak for one minute and revise and extend my remarks. the speaker pro tempore: without objection, the gentleman from wisconsin is recognized for one minute. mr. grothman: kind of an appropriate buildup to what i
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have to same earlier this morning i attended a meeting with people who should know what's going on at the southern border and they brought up something that i don't think has been in the public yet. they brought up the age at which border patrol agents are retiring is dropping. it's dropping to such a degree, i almost don't believe it, but we're told that the average age ofrom 57 to 50. so not only are we having a hard time filling new spots but people are leaving the old slots quicker than ever. why is that? they get no support from the white house. people have said, does anybody have any discussion what to do with the border?merica that at the time joe biden took office about 20,000 people a month were coming here. and now -- in decemr, we 350,000. about an increased times 18. it's not sometng we have to sit down and talk about and figure out what we have to do, though i'd be happy to talk about it. the solution was there under the prior administration. we could cut the number of people coming across by 17 or 18
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to one. instead we're going the opposite direction by poorly treating the border patrol and not only further allowing over 100,000 a year to die of illegal drug everdose. thank you much. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentleman from north carolina seek recognition? >> to address the house for one minute and revise and extend my remarks. the speaker pro tempore: without objection, the gentleman from north carolina is recognized for one minute. mr. davis: madam speaker breonna landis is a greenville, north carolina, native and a researcher living with multiple sclerosis. he was diagnosed with m.s. at the age of 4 but never let the disease define her. instead, she's an m.s. advocate and uses her diagnosis to help others. congress must support individuals like breonna by for initiatives like the m.s.
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research program additionally, we must work toward expanding telehealth services for on medicare for their health care needs. in honor of m.s. awareness week, i proudly wear orange for my dear friend breonna and all those fighting against m.s. let us reaffirm our commitment to funding research, improving treatment option, and ensuring access to health care for our most vulnerable patients. breonna, i admire your enormous strength. madam speaker, i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentleman from new york seek recognition? >> madam speaker unanimous consent to address the house for one minute and to revise and extend my remarks. the speaker pro tempore: without objection, the the gentleman from new york is recognized
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mr. tonko: madam speaker i rise to stand with the people of ukraine. in two long years since putin's war against ukraine, i have been heart broke ton hear the personal stories of so many ukrainian americans in my district and beyond who are living in fear for their families and frien. yet evidently heedless to this call to action, from ukraine from our constituents, and from many of our nation's allies, republicans in the house continue to obstruct the senate-passed bipartisan national security bill which would deliver military, economic and humanitarian aid to ukraine. their g.o.p. gridlock plays directly into putin's hands. at the top of his state of the union message last week, our president, president biden said if now it will put ukraine at risk. europe at risk. the free world at risk. emboldening others who wish to do us harm. enough is enough. it's past time to stop this gamesmanship and at last rise together to oppose tyranny and
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defe. the senate has acted put tt senate bill to a vote in the house, the world is watching, i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentleman from illinois seek recognition? >> address the house for one minute and revise and extend my remarks. the speaker pro tempore: without objection, the gentleman from illinois is recognized for one minute. >> thank you, madam speaker. i rise today to celebrate march 14 3/14, or pi day. pi is a greek letter and in mathematics the symbol for the number of yao get when you divide a circle's circumference by its diameter. mr. foster: the number is irrational. if you try to write down the exact number for pi there's an infinite number of digits to the right of the decimal point and there would be no discernible pattern. that means we're down to a mere infinity number of digits to be found. there's so much new math to be discovered. mathematics is critical to everything that we do.
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it's the language of science the language of engineering and technology. so amidst all of the irrationality that we see about us in congress, let's celebrate a little of that irrationality on march 14 and celebrate pi day. thank you and i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the chair lays before the house the following personal request. the clerk: leave of absence requested by mr. tanny k. davis of illinois for today and tomorrow. the speaker pro tempore: without objection, the request is granted. under the speaker's announced policy of january 9 2023, the gentleman from texas mr. roy is recognized for 60 minutes as the designee of the majority leader. speaker and i am glad to be here in an empty chamber having the rigorous debate we're so accustomed to here in the people's house.
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but that's again where we find ourselves with the level of debate at the moment. we're left with bringing bills to the floor having a couple of hours cut up and then moving on with whatever bill is put on the suspension calendar. that's not the kind of debate we should have. there's a bill coming before us tomorrow that i believe should have vigorous debate. i believe it does raise consequential issues. anduld debate them here, vigorously, on the floor of the house. but i want to be unequivocally clear to the american people that i support it. and i support it unapologetically. we have legislation before us that would ensure that foreign adversaries are not able to collect information on the american people, collect data on the american people, use that data to target the american people undermine our national security undermine our democracy, and undermine our way of life which is precisely what is happening with the evidence we have before us. both classified and very publicly known information
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indicates very much that tiktok, that ownership by the chinese communist party that that is targeting american citizens. and there are some who are out professing that this would -- legislation that would try prevent that would somehow undermine our freedom. look. i do not like the heavy hand of government being used. certainly not wantonly. an individual today fairly well known out in the socialedia sphere put out and said that we had this classified briefing today and the issue of election interference was brought up, this was a classified briefing that was not supposed to leak by the way. that's how things work in washington. it was leaked. then we had the additional point here not coincidently, thean legislation, let me clarify and stop, it is not specifically anti-tiktok legislation. it is anti-foreign adversary
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control of american tai tay and information -- data and information legislation. that this legislation according to this individual now being debated on theill would allow the federal government to force the sale of any social media platform that interferes in elections just so you know what's coming in 2025. now, if i believe that to be true i certainly wouldn't support the legislation. it is 12 pages long. i would note that a friend of mine who serves on the f.c.c., brendan carr, responded to this and i happen to agree with mr. carr. mr. carr wrote it would be concerning to many if the bill allowed this, this being the post on x by someone this afternoon that i just recounted. . the text is definitive on this point. the bill does not apply to just any social media platform. far from it.
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he application, mr. carr writes. one, if you're an individual user the bill can purge zero authority to the government over you. that is true. two, the bill only applies to applications controlled by one of four foreign adversary governments previously codified in law by congress. china, iran, north korea or russia. the bill is clear that it is not enough to merely have operations there or do business there it must be controlled by one of those four governments. number three even then the bill only applies if the application presents a demonstrated and significant threat to national security. control by one of four foreign governments alone isn't even enough under the bill. so you got to have significant governments, you've got to have a demonstrated and significant threat to national security, and then number four, only after
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public process provided and congress reported to with a description of the national security threat. every single one of those hoops and more must be cleared and met. it is very narrow. it confers no authority to go after any other application even if someone were to allege that it engaged in election interference. what is happening here is a reflective reaction and a scare mongering tactic. let me pause. i do believe this legislation should have full debate. this is also why i prefer legislation to go through the rules committee. this is also why i prefer legislation to be amendable amended, debated. but this bill was passed out it's trying to be moved so it doesn't open up for the possibility of undermining the legislation that was very narrowly crafted with a 50-0 vote out of the e.n.c. committee. not many of my conservative and more libertarian friends say
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well 50-0 vote gives me the heebee-jeebies and i don't likeault position in this town. but this is different than what i'm about to talk about in a minute which is the uni party in this town that decides everything for you and is bent on whatever the defense industrial complex says and jams through spending bills and limits our ability to proceed. this is different because it is very specific and narrowly tailored towards the end of ensuring that americans' data and americans' safety and security are being protected. that's it. may not be perfect. nothing this body ever does is perfect. but this bl was put forward to address that issue and it is a giant step forward in my opinion to recognize the threatst our freedom and our liberty cha the thigh comees -- that the chinese communist party poses to our grandchildren. the extent to which they're
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using algorithms to undermine and focus on our kids. that's what they're doing. they are targeting our children. we know it. they are targeting our people. we know it. they are skewing the data on the results. if you do a search for china virus, just my utterance of that word makes my colleagues on the other side of the aisle's heads explode, if you search for china virus, the dferenc instagram, which is hardly some paragon of right wing reporting the difference in the algorithm response on versus tiktok, it's 400-1. the responses you get if you certain for china -- search for china for hong kong i think it's 180-1. if you search for tin men square, i think -- tiananmen square, i think it's 80-1. the fact is you're getting demonstrably shaped information out of tiktok and what most people don't understand, most parents at home, while they're kids are out using tiktok, and this is a parental problem not just china china is
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specifically limiting the information that kids can see in china, they're makingure that the kids in china see patriotic pro-china engineering, all of the stuff you want to try to have your kids see in order to make them into what you want to make them. in our country we're allowing freedom to undermine our freedom. and that's what's actually happening here. clear. to undermine our freedom. it's not actual freedom because the freedom that we have is being attacked by china and we're sitting back in the false name of freedom saying, oh, no, let's not touch that. i hope that tomorrow we will crack through that. i hope tomorrow on a bipartisanl send a message to the chinese communist party cannot knowingly attack us and get a response that is a whimper. because that's what we've been doing so far. if you wanted to destroy america, you would set out and do exactly what china has been doing. bit b bit targeting our people undermining our access
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to information or at least information that they're trying to control and target our kids with propaganda. very specifically. yes, we have problems with google. but i'm getting tired of the butroblems with facebook but i'm getting tired of the buffetsbook. because -- buffetsbook. because -- but facebook. because i get that a lot. we want to break up google, let's sit down. you want to deal with facebook, happy to have that conversation. you want to talk about the misuse of the power of those big companies, attacking first amendment rights, targeting people for their political belief happy to have that conversation.w how hard that is? because none of us want to use the power of the government to go after companies so that the government is saying what they know i for our freedom and our rights here in this country. that's what we're wrestling with under our constitution, to protect our rights. but when the chinese communist party is actively targeting the american citizens, i'm tired of people hiding behind the flag to
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let china do it. and that's what's happening. and people are going to do it in the false name of freedom and in the false name of, oh, let's go do this because i don't know, a former preside so or a media personality says so. how about we do our job here in the house chamber to take on the chinese communist party a not act like they're not doing what they're doing. i think it's important. i support the legislation. i appreciate my friend, mike gallagher, working on i co-sponsor it. i will defend it tomorrow. i will defend it in the future. i'm defending it now. i hope we pass it tomorrow on the floor of the house. but i want to bring something up. because that brings up the question of the uni party in thisthe fact is we have yet again reverted to the meme. this town has it does best. which is a handful of people making decisions dropping it on the floor and then walking away
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from the deliberative process. now, again i want to reiterate the bill i just talked about, i think we should go through committee and i think we ought to amend it. but we are walng away from our duty that we fought for 14 months ago, to have amendments, to open through the normal regular order. but more importantly than that, even to actually stand up to the powers that be in this town that make all the decisions. three years ago i stood on the floor and i pointed out that our border was in chaos already. a mere two months into the biden administration. in his month in office federal law enforcement had already encountered more than 100,000 migrants at the border. it was spiking. it was spiking rapidly. and we all knew it. and those of us who went down to the southern boarder in texas we went down and sounded the alarm and we got a lot of
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contradicts in this town. that was -- crickets in this town. that was the beginning of the radical progressive democrats' efforts to reshape america with mass releases into our country. just in december, we saw 370,000 migrant this crisis now, radical progressive democrats are trying to blame the crisis on republicans. you heard the gentleman mr. mcgovern from massachusetts on the floor of the house today. he said something in the zip code of, republicans own this crisis now. which by the way was a giveaway. it was a tell. because it was because our radical democratic colleaguesorked to try to get a bill in the senate so they'd have something to hide behind. and unfortunately a handful of republicans either wittingly or unwittingly went along. but the bill died because the bill doesn't do the job. but here's the question. we've got a situation in our
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country where we've got wide-open borders. i'm going to go through some of the details in a minute. and yet today we passed a relution i supported it, i voted for it, i went to the rules committee did my job defended it, argued for it, came to the floor debated it, argued for it, i support it. but come on. it's a resolution. why? you want to refuse to use the power of the purse to stop president biden. that's the truth. that's what we're actually doing. next week, in about eight or nine days, this republican party will saddle up with that democratic party filled with radical progressive democrats who want to remake america dump
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people into the country through mass releases, my republican colleagues will saddle up with democrats to pass a funding bill that will fund all of those open borders. and then they'll try to go home and campaign, but i passed a but i passed a bill that was named after laken riley. aren't i great? aren't i awesome? the answer to that question is no you're not. you're not great. you're not awesome. great and awesome is when you're willing to stand up and for the people you said you would fight for when you came here. we control the power of the purse. and i'm tired of the excuses. we had another member of congress resign today. so now i'll be told, chip, we only have a one-seat majority or two-seat majority. i d let me ask the question, does it matter? in 2018 we had the house we had the senate, we had the white house and we had a bigger majority than we have today and we utterly failed to secure the
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border. totally dropped the ball. didn't do it. why? i remember why. they would say chip, we don't have 60 votes in the senate. let me be very clear to the american people back home, there is why those who campaign to come to this town fail to deliver. always. here's a glimpse into what we will be funding next week. here's a glimpse into what your members of congress, both sides of the aisle led by radical progressive democrats who by the way you will get more votes out of them than you do out of republicans, every bill we have passed over the last four, five months of consequence have had more democrat votes than republican votes. let's be very clear. that's the truth. can't hide from the truth. can't hide behind rules votes can't hide behind pointing fingers. the republicans who run it, we're giving the ability for bills to come up to this floor
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with more democrat votes filled with radical progressive democrats who want to remake america than republican votes. the last bill, the first half of this omnibus spending bill that spend at nancy pelosi's levels, no, i'm so sorry more than nancy pelosi's level that legislation passed i think with ly two democrats voting against it. two. do you know who was in the democratic party? two voted we had 83 republicans vote no. you do the math. which way do you think that bill tilts? here's what we're going to fund next week. we had 1,200 known gotaways recorded at the border on sundayalone. in this country 1,200 people came into this country we don't know who they are we don't know where they came from, we don't know what they're doing but i promise you for at least a large block of them, they ain't up to good. 1,200 on sunday.
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four were caught in 48 hours in kenny county just this week, just south of san antonio. these are friends of mine that live in that county. virginia authorities apprehended an illegal immigrant from mexico in connection with the february 29 abduction of a 15-year-old unaccompanied alien child. illegal alien. an illegal alien from mexico was arrested for allegedly crashing into a washington state trooper while drunk and high. killing the 27-year-old husband and father. i've gone through and recounted all of the deaths. we've talked about laken riley. we've talked about the 2-year-old who was killed just out of the nation's capital by somebody who was released here by joe biden. meanwhile, criminals with ties to ms-13 and other gangs are selling fake green cards and social security c aliens on street corners in queens. that's happening right now. you're going to fund that. a smuggler from a smuggler from sullivan city
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led deputies on a high-speed chase and arrested for d.w. illegal alien has been charged with manslaughter for a wrong-way accident that killed a 12-year-old boy. f.b.i. warned this agency is about a network with ties tore isis to gain entry. 300 known o suspected terrorists. 169 in fiscal year 23, 58 so far this year. cartels shot at patrol officers leaving one woman dead. no one crosses the border. 7.3 illegal aliens cross our border since biden took office. more than the population of 38
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u.s. states. and the got-aways i was talking about, w have released 4.5 million illegal jailens that cross our border. i want to stop there for my radical progressive colleagues that nothing is wrong and are not doing anything, they are making policy choices to release people in the united states against the law including the man that came in here affiliated with a dangerous gang in venezuela who killed laken riley. 331 on the terrorist watch list, 75,000 fentanyl deaths. they have paroled illegal aliens many of whom come from haiti and
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veeps waila and come from haiti. anybody looked at haiti recently? some dude named barbecue, running the show. a dude named barbecue. they are cannibals in haiti and mass imports. released 230,000 under the categorical program. 83 200 haitians, 63,000 venezuela wailance. 36 from in nicaragua. i would go on and on. chinese nationals, more than 20,000 chinese nationals encountered since october 1 2023 m friend from
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pennsylvania 21,000 chinese nationals. more than 24,000 nationals were encountered in f.y.23. we have had 20,000 since october 2021. i could go down the list. but i give time to my good friend from pennsylvania, he served the country who sves his country m friend from pennsylvania. i assume that you are concerned who has defended this country from around the globe flew helicopters for the united states military, i assume it concerns you that we have 20,000 chinese nationals since october 21 2023 and we are poised as republicans to vote next week to fund fully money the government that is doing
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that to the american people. mr. perry: i am, my good friend from texas 20,000 chinese. and i think to myself, how did they get out of or escape the communist par of china? well to my good friend, representative roy, i don't think they escaped. theommunist party of china uses facial recognition software and programs oftentimes created in the united states of america to track every single movement and every decision that the people of china make. so they know where they are here. we aren't sure why they are here. but i suspect it's not because they love america. we are going to fund that. and you know what else we are going to fund and it is important to put a little boy's name girl's name and that is what it is.
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travis wolf, a day away from his 12-year-old birthday, one day away from being 12. unfortunately adrina bracco, driving 70 miles an hour in missouri crashed into him and his parents' car. on march 6 they took travis off of life support. he didn't make -- he didn't celebrate his 12th birthday because now he has passed on. and i imagine travis wolf's parents are thinking, i live in america. i had fourth grade shivics the -- civics, they are going to defend me against a foreign invasion, i have lost my son.
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what am i paying taxes for? what am i voting for in this country if you can't keep my son alive at the hands of someone who doesn't belong here. just a month ago travis was doing well, smiling and laughing and now he is gone a left with, the consolation that we pass a bill in the house of representatives that says illegal foreign nationals in the country that's bad. that doesn't make up for tr don't know travis or his parents but i'm and no one will stand up for parents and i know chip roy will stand up for travis. how about elizabeth medina. murdered in december, her murderer was a criminal on
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probation. he was here illegally and already committed crimes, but let him out. so he talked elizabeth and went into her apartment. she is 16. she lived with her mother. but rafael went in and bashed her head in and cheerleader in high school. aim, the place that is supposed to protect its citizens. supposed to protect its meanwhile, elizabeth's mom lives in an empty house because her daughter is gone. why is her daughter gone? because president because rafael and adreeno bracco deserve to be in america deserve to be here. t they deserve to be in
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america because everybody deserves to be in america and even though we have a system of legal immigration the same system that my great-grandmother and grandmother from colombia south america isn't good enough. the -- athey wait in line and take the test and no more about american civics, but according to president biden, how many million people, mr. roy -- 7.3 million people can come from these other countries and don't have to abide the law and kill american citizens. you know what the insult is to elizabeth's money, we are going to make sure they are going to
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kill american citizens. it is unacceptable and unconscionable and somebody has to stand if the majority of the foacts in this chamber won't do it, maybe majority of the people in this chamber ought to get a different job. we are here to represent the united states of america and our citizens our citizens and dying at the hands of people that are here illegally and arrested for crimes committedo the country illegally and disrespecting the people that folloaw around here, but then commit crimes, in addition to that. and me and mr. roy madam speaker, you are expected to fund all of that. it's just too hard. mr. roy: if you would like to engage in colloquy.
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next week, we are going to take up the second half of an omnibus appropriations package. omnibus bill broken into two it will spend at dislrs 1.66 trillion or stated in plain terms, 30 billion more than nancy pelosi spending levels with objections from the republicans who are going to vote to put it around two bills to make spending package that will crack the bipartisan caps that we could haved adequate level spending, is that what the gentleman understand? mr. perry: 15 months every single no on what was and what is just unbelievable spending and spending a trillion every 100
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days. the policy was awful. led to the death of these two individuals, the spending was unaffordable and we have avoided an omnibus to to do two minibuses mr. roy: we are racking $1 i will trillion dollars of debt. and we will be cracking a trillion dollars of interest in 2026 and now going to pass a package that spends 1.66 trillion that the c.b.o. will rack up disiforts into the future and do that after having voting for a bill last week from the milcon-v.a. and energy and water. next week, voting on defense and
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state and foreign operations and department of homeland security. now a lot of these are bills we passed last year as republicans in the house. and i would ask the gentleman when we passed legislation last year we passed legislation to push back on the radical progressive democrat agenda and the state and foreigntions agenda next week, i would remind that the united nations is a part of to the of $2.5 billion. texans have spent that to defend itself. but $12.5 billion funded next week by this body, a united nations that has the human rights council that has passed
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condemnation 104 times. and the fund is complicit in china's control programs. the world health organization complicit. organization that was exposed as to its invasion by hamas on the people of israel. we are funding it. now biden said he is not funding it but will we make that clear next week? last fall, we did. why is that? floor to defund the united nations' relief and works agency that funds directly hamas. unfortunately, it didn't pass and then within days of that, hamas atangd israel. mr. roy: it didn't pass because it didn't have the you nammity.
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will we vote to f unwra. even if it is taken out will we fund these so-called humani relief? mr. perry: what about the funding to the united nations that is funneled to south of the border which is used to move people from 150-plus countries through my good friend's district in texas to the rest of the united states? funding the people that are taking the life of travis wolf? funding those people? . . .. mr. roy: will we pass the pro-life protections like the mexico city policy or no? what will we b funding? the anti-life policies of this administration. will we be voting to end or will
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we be voting to fund all of the manner of wasteful and woke international envoys. the special unvow for racial equity and justice. the special unvow to advance the human rights of lbgtq+ persons. the special representative for palestinianwill we be voting to fund that next week? mr. perry: i suspect we'll get that many votes from that side of the aisle from a bill brought by the republican majority and the reason why that is is because most of their priorities the vast priority of their priorities are funded. mr. roy: the the united states army and flew helicopters, right? mr. perry: correct. mr. roy: rose to the ranks of general. mr. perry: right. mr. roy: should we vote to fund chief diversity officers across the department of defense destroying our recruiting and
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turning recruiting to social experimentations? or the air force cutting the total number of airmen to the service after missing its goals? how about transgender surgeries at the department of defense being funded? how about the department of defense tourism funding? how about funding for a department of defense that failed to fully state members impacted by the vaccine mandates at least 8,000 one o the other night randomly at a bar/restaurant here in the area in northern virginia who was upset he got forced out of service in the united states military? does the gentleman think we should be funding that? mr. perry: i will he register a no to those things destroying the greatest military the world has ever mr. roy: those who say we must fund this do it on the back of those in uniform saying we must do this for defense and must do this to make our defense stronger?
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will they not vote for those policies undermining our defense department? mr. perry: they wilkes indeed. mr. roy: on bo sides of the aisle. mr. perry: on both sides of the aisle. mr. roy: the office of refugeethe gentleman knows of 85,000 migrant children, according to the bashed right wing conspiracy "the new york times," and working with the n.g.o.'s to make the crisis worse the very n.g.o.'s receiving from the united nations and fund through h.h.s. the office of refugee resettlement that lost 85,000 children and we're not going to demand change is necessary? is the gentleman concerned about that? mr. perry: of course we're all concerned. it's unconscionable. those who say our border is inhumane. i would submit losing track of 85,000 children who just let your mind wonder, dealing with
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what right now? to other cartel members in the united states for just horrific circumstances and yet yet we're supposed to just turn our face from that and act like well, that's the cost of doing business? mr. roy: does the gentleman agree we'll be fully funding joe biden's student loan bailout schemes found to be unlawful by the united states supreme court and he literally stood at the microphone and said i don't care i'm doing it anyway, should we fund that? mr. perry: of course not. mr. roy: should we fund under covid, the continued funding of the wuhan lab or those that sent our economy to a tailspin, sending our kids back in time in terms of their ability to compete, should we continue to fund those things? mr. perry: no american, left, right, or center listening top to support that. mr. roy: on conclusion on this point, back to the border, is
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unfolding for americans reeling like laken riley's parents like elizabeth's mom and you left out the fact she was to cheer at an event and her mom went to see her daughter and when her daughter didn't show up went home to find her daughter's lifeless body in the bathtub killed by someone here illegally, an illegal alien. again, i want to be very clear the president of the united states whether he knows it or not, is a subject we explored today in the judiciary committee, whether it's wiff or not, he's -- willful or not he's complicit because the buck stops with the president that they're releasing people in the united states in mass form, contrary to law and endangering people like laken riley like lisbeth and the 2-year-old in montgomery county, like hundreds of examples and thousands of
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fentanyl deaths. by the way put all that aside the fact is that we're destroying our country through the weight of what that means through our school districts and prisons and hospitals what is means -- what it means for health care. we have 50 million foreign born people in this country and my colleagues on the other side of the aisle act like somehow this is anti-immigrant or we don't want immigrants in the united states when nothing could be further from the truth. i assume that the vast majority of the people working at the border patrol, they are mostl want the law enforced. i assume we want to back the people who want the law enforced. yet we're going to, i want to be clear, fund all of the things we just articulated and fund a department of homeland security to continue to carry releases in the form of parole asylum abuse of the law
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undermining our security and safety and by the way, i'd point out we're going to continue to fund salary of mayorkas who we impeached to violating the oath of the constitution and violating the laws and endangering the lives of the american people. how do you feel about that? mr. perry: it's astounding that's our circumsta we find ourselves and where americans find themselves. i have some of the folks that know me say you're so dramatic, you're so dramatic about it and it's really not that bad immigration has been an issue and hasn't changed that much, you're just trying to increase people's anxiety you're over the top. but i guarantee you i don't know but i guarantee you travis wolf's parents lisbeth madina's mother there's nothing more dramatic than losing your child laken riley's parents there's nothing more dramatic and the hopelessness they must feel at
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the inability to do anything happening in the country knowing that we know -- they know we know. we hear the stories and read the news. but we're going to fund it. what will we say to them w it? that's the best we could do? i know mr. roy feels the same way. no one else is here. the speaker is here, mr. roy from texas is here, i'm here. i'm sure there's a lot going on in washington, d.c. tonight. i'm sure there is. but we're going to use this time to honor and to acknowledge travis wolf and laken riley and hundreds of thousands of pennsylvaniaians died of drug overdose last year. that's happening for a reason. that's happening because these drugs are coming across our border. the cartels are running them. the cartels are providing them.
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america under this president is doing nothing to stop it. mr. roy: the america i know enforces the rule of law. the america i know establishes a rule of law that attracts people from the world to come to our country. that's why people come to the united states, because the rule of law affords them the ability to prosper. yet we're undermining the very thing that attracts people from around the world to come here. i know it's quality justice freedom, but if you don't have the rule of law none of things matter. if you don't have the rule of law, you have chaos. if you don't have the rule of law, you have what's happening in haiti. if you don't have the rule of law, you don't have a country. if you don't have sovereignty and borders you don't have a country. if you don't have that, then there is no america to stand side by side with israel. if you don't have that, there's nobody to come to the rescue of or anybody else.
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if you don't have a country you have nothing on this earth to be able to organize, to be able to defend the very liberty we say this country stands for. i would note that this body, republicans passed h.r. 2 just under a year ago. that bill would demonstrably change the situation at the border. it would enforce the law. it would re-establish the rule of law. it would still allow people to come here and make claims if they need them, if they're being persecuted beliefs or political beliefs and would do so through the normal order and chaos would end and america would be better off and the western hemisphere would be better off and the world would be better off. most of them, the individuals seeking to come to this country would be better off they're not being forced to run up the darian gap and make the tough journey to come to america and get here and have difficulty? why do i want to bring it up?
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i'll be wrapping up here reasonably shortly to give the floor to another colleague. but why does it matter we pass that bill last year? because it's a good bill. it's a bill that would do the job. while my colleagues on the other side of the aisle are playing games trying to hide behind legislation in the senate that never would have gotten the job done. and my colleague from massachusetts, mr. m and gave up the game on the floor today when he said republicans now own this -- i'm sorry, republicans own this issue now. it was purposesful. he gave it up. he gave away the game. they want to hide behind a bill they knew wouldn't pass. we passed legislation that would make a difference and save people's lives and better for migrants and better for our country. here's the thing. i hear a lot of my colleague on this side of the aisle run around and say can we just get migrant protection protocols and just get remain in mexico? let me be very clear that will not fix if you simply pass migrant protection protocol
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requirements the president can just ignore them. if you do not end the releases, if you do not force an end to the releases -- which, by the way, i did in a three-page bill -- then you have no border security. you cannot implement remain in mexico and believe that that alone will solve the problem when parole is being abused, asylum is being abused, unaccompanied children will be abused. but that's what some of our colleagues even on this side of the aisle will be a solution if we package it together with ukraine or israel to move a bill. let me be v to everybody watching. any of our colleagues sitting in their offices watching, that is not good enough. it won't work. don't bring that to the floor. that's not the way we should go. at the end of the day earlier today, passed a resolution condemning the biden administration for its failures
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at the border and releasing people in the united states. every r it. every republican voted to it. fine. what will it do? what will it actually do? i voted for it. the. should be condemned. many of those same republicans will vote next week to fund fully at a higher level the very things they voted against or condemned, i should say in the resolution that they just passed today? what do you think my friend from pennsylvania? mr. perry: going to be quite a number unfortunately. it's going to be quite a number of republicans that this week condemn the biden administration for dereliction of duty and the lost lives created by wide open
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borders and next week they'll say well, we didn't have any choice we had to fund it, we didn't have any choice, there was nothing more we could do. that's the sad state of affairs and how the country ends up $34 trillion in debt, racking up $100 trillion every 11 days of additional debt with murderers who have been caught by the law running around here illegally killing american citizens. that's how you end up with that, and unfortunately that's what we're headed for. we're supposed to take a victory lap because it didn't happen in december. it wasn't the prechristmas omnibus. so that's a win. that's something to celebrate. that's what i'm told. but i guarantee you lisbeth's mom and travis' parents they're not celebrating that. they want something done. they demand something be done. they can't bring back but we can damn sure make sure that it doesn't happen
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to anyone else. and the way to do it is to stop border. and people say well, you passed h.r. 2 it's dead on arrival in the senate and they'll never take it up, you have to something less. well how about we accept something less that's this. how about this president institute the same policies that he eviscerated on day one of his presidency and at least start bringing us back to some semblance of a nation that has a border and that is sovat is determining its own destiny? . mr. roy: i'll close this, this country will be celebrating 250th birthday on july 2 and whether or not we have a to pass down to our kids and grandkids. we only will if the people who campaign and go to the saying they are going to containing this town and stop the unlimited spending and saying they are going to do
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about trillion dolrs of interest and spending morend saying they are going to secure the border. saying they are going to make sure we don't have endless wars that are making our military overstretched and woke military undermining their ability to recruit, when our colleagues go out and campaign on those things we should deliver and do something about it and willing to give up the precious, the quote the "lord of the rings" the election certificate taking the steps necessary. when the founders gave us the power of the purse and federalist 58, that power of the purse was supposed to be used. if you don't use it washington do you have left? an impeachment that you send it over to the senate to die in the
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senate and campaign on it. the separation of power matters. when the president of the united states is ignoring the law and violating the supreme court spend money we don't have, the law make us weaker around the globe when the president is doing those things, it is incumbent upon the house and the senate but particularly the house to do something about it. and you shouldn't hide -- you shouldn't hide behind rules votes and thin majorities and senate has or doesn't have to say we could use that power of the purse to force change out of the president. i believe on july 2 2026, we are going to be able to stand up and say we are doing the right thing. i believe something is stirring
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in this country and what is actually happening. i believe people are seeing their country being taken away from them and hrm and scott smith in loudoun county and the parents who are taking the schools back and we just had a school election to stand up for universal school choice and stand up for our kids. i believe that the american people are going through a great awakening and time for this body to catch up to the people and stand up and do our part because we need to restore that constitutional order and the premise outlined in the pursuit of happiness so in july of 2026 we can say that our people live in a free country and have ep kept the republic to quote
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franklin after the constitutional convention. with that, i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: under the speaker's announced policy, january 9 2023, the chair recognizes the gentleman from california mr. kiley for 20 minutes. mr. kiley: last week, president bidenresented his state of the union address and the reviews from the public so it to be the most poorly received than ever been measured when the state of the union has appeared on television and no secret why. the president's tone and general approach to the address encapsulated why why people are turned off by politics and
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government. the partisanship and the eagerness to cast blame and scape goat rather than to seek common ground solutions is why so many people are frustrated with the direction of our country. the president said a lot of things that simply did not accord withry atlanta. i wanted to present the 10 most false and misleading s from president biden's state of the union address. first, near the beginning of his speech president biden said not since president lincoln and the civil war have freedom and democracy been under assault as they are at home today. i am afraid that president biden has a short memory because we just lived through the covid era. the most basic freedoms are not
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just insulted but banished entirely. governor newsom capitol was barricaded and threatening to martial law. and children were not allow to go to school or play sports. people of faith were not allowed to worship. curfews were imposed even couples pedestrians were tackled for not wearing masks walking around outdoors, employees were fired fm their jobs and kids were expelled and consumers banned from cofe shops over their personal medical decisions. and deviating fro the government's narrativeven if they presented true
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information. it is understandable biden would like to pretend this never happened and w lived through it for a very long time. a sond related statent that the presint made is that the pandemic no longer controls our lives. the truth is the pandemic never controlled our lives. it was government actions in response to the pandec that controlled our lives. and if you look at the data now where you hav different states that different approaches dealing with covid what we have learned, states like california, where peoples' liv were controlled far more actually had among the outcomes. what you see on the part of many and in particular the biden administration is that it's very clear that this was in many ways
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the worst set of policy decisions our country that is seen in modern times with restrictions on personal liberty, damage to our economy and children and all done for no reason and attempt to pretend that none of this even occurred, which is what the president's remarks in his state of the union is an example of, but evenook at the testimony of this administration. you had education secretary who gave false testimony to our education and work force committee when he claimed he never encourage to adopt student vaccine mandates or health and human services secretary becerra who claimed that he never forced anyone to do anything and didn't impose a toddler mask mandate which head start did have a mask
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mandate that flew in the face of even the policy of the european counter parts of the c.d.c. he could not point to one public health benefit. and douglas parker, head of osha claimed that the biden administration never tried to do an employer vaccine mandate when they tried to do that just that that would have applied to tens of millions of americans had the supreme court not struck it down. the third statement from president biden that he has cut the federal deficit by over $1 trillion. this is plainly false. when president biden took office the national debt was $27.8. and it has gone to $34.2 the president
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went on a massive spending spree with bills passed that included multiple trillion dollar increases in spending that has not only increased the debt but what has triggered inflation crisis that is causing families to struggle. the next statement of the president's state of the union which is now our e the envy of the world. far from being the envy of the world, our economy is a source of great dissatisfactione folks who live in our country. a recent "new york times" poll asked is our economy better? 21% said it is better, 63% said it is worse three times as many people said the economy is worse today than it was four years ago. the times asked how would you
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rate economic conditions today? 28% said either excellent or good. 72% said 28% to 72%. a related statement from the president's state of the union wages keep going up and inflation keeps coming down, both are false. since president biden took office real wages and take-home pay has are decreased because people are not getting the same hours. when it comes to inflation. prices today at this point compared to three years ago. the price of gasoline has gone up 33%. price of 31%. price of energy, 29%. price of transportation 29 puerto rico. price of groceries 21%.
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price of restaurant males 2 1-r%. housing, rent, overall inflation, personal care furniture all in the high teens. the list goes on. and the president's statement that inflation is coming down, that is not a source of personal satisfaction or having to deal with these cries sees. jerome powell noted we don't expect to see a decline. that doesn't happen to in economies. we don't expect to see a decline. it has not happened yet and not going to happen according to the chairman of the federal reserve. the irresponsible spending policies of this administration have unleashed inflags and rise in prices that is not going away
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for american families. in president's state of union he said we need education system in the world. the problem is that this president's policies have made it more difficult for us to have system let alone the best education system in the world. last week, we held a hearing on charter schools which have been shown to produce tremendous results and expanding opportunity and student achievement across the board and one of the first things that the biden administration did is to go after charter schools and cut charter school grants not to mention the shutdowns that were enacted across this country in states like california and this president never came out and got governors to get kids come school and we will be dealing with these shutdowns for a long time perhaps the biggesty
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mistake. no bigger one than the school shutdown. president biden stated, i introduced a comprehensive plan to fix our immigration system secure the border. he did no such thing. he did quite the contrary on his first day in office and first days in office with dozens of executive actions that made the border less secure. and the results were predictable and 8 million illegal border crossings. set the all-time record in first year second year and third year. before he took office, there was only handful of months in all of those months and years and 100,000 people coming across the border illegally and that number has been met each and every
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month since president biden took office. you can trace these consequences to those changes inicy where he ended the migrant proper colls remain in mexico. he enended distorted and warped the parole and asylum so thousands of people came into the country. . . . securing the system and protecting the border could not be farther from reality. he said i'm ready to fix it. if he was ready to fix it, he would have fixed it and reversed the unilateral actions he took when he became president which caused this unprecedented number of people to come across the
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border. what's more, he could provide encouragement for the senate to pass h.r. 2 which we passed in the house towards the very last year and has been gathering dust over in the senate. if the president was ready to at the border, he would have done so. the ninth false and misleading statement from the president's remarks are that violent crime lowest level in the last 50 years. in reality violent crime still has not gone back to whatbefore covid and what's more? property crime has skyrocketed across the country including a huge increase in vehicle thefts. on the judiciary committee we've held field hearings in manhattan, in chicago, right here in washington d.c. where we've seen the absolute horrifying amounts of violent crime and number of victims that are being created as a result. we see cities in california like los angeles and san francisco
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and oakland where they're literally collapsing. governor newsome sent in extra crime fighting because it's out of control. and in los angeles they say don't go outside wearing your jewelry to avoid getting mugged. in oakland the in and out just closed its first ever restaurant because it wasn't safe for their customers and their consumers. in oakland taco bell just announced its four restaurants no longer will have indoor dining and no longer going to accept cash. in san francisco we see more and more businesse day even the stores that inspired toy story that's been there for decades recently closed as well. and the final truly misleading statement from the president that for many, many americans could not be more false is whenight we can proudly say the state of our union is strong. americans overwhelmingly disagree with that statement.
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overwhelmingly dissatisfied with the direction of the country. it's time for change. it's time for a new direction. and my hope is that the president would have recognized that and would have acknowledged his mistakes when it comes to the economy when it comes to the border, when it comes to public safety and proposed a new direction, proposed turning a new page. i would be happy to work with him if he does that and still will work with him if he's going to change his approach to the economy and to immigration and to crime and to several other areas. have not seen that yet. and as someone who comes from california i can tell you where we're going because we've seen it already play out in california. this president continues to copy california's failed policies. he newsom when he says that california is a model for the nation. but in fact, california is losing people each and every day. it is very sad the state -- it
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used to be the state anyone could get ahead but now has become the state so many can't wait to leave behind. for the fourth straight year, we've led the nation in one-way you haul rent always. and if joe biden's administration continues to copy california's policies, we'll see similar results for the entire country. madam speaker, yesterday was a very important and i think will be remembered as a notorious day in the history of the united states work force. for two reasons. first of all it was the one year anniversary of julie sue being installed as acting secretary of labor. she was the labor secretary in california for gavin newsom. during her tenure, california had the worst unemployment in
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the country. california has had the highest poverty rate, the lowest level of wage growth in the country. she was responsible for $31 billion for fraud at the state's unemployment office and was ahead of ab-5. unfortunately, president biden thought this was a good resume to be the new secretary of labor so he nominated her last year. and the administration set up a war room inside of the white house to get her confirmed. it was a very, very aggressive campaign to convince senator to confirm her. after all that, the senate rejected her nomination and it was never brought to the floor for a vote and there was bipartisan opposition. at the end of the year, the senate returned the nomination to president biden not having confirmed ms. sue and yet she remains as secretary of labor, acting secretary of labor, and
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has just passed her one year anniversary. this is truly a lawless situation. an end run around the adv consent process in the united states constitution. the fact ms. sue has been there for a year despite the senate rejecting her nomination, despite the white everything they possibly could to get her confirmed and the senate still refusing to confirm her is an insult to our constitution and to our workers but on the day ms. sue marked her anniversary as the unconfirmed secretary of labor. the new rule her department has proposed and it was modeled after the ab-5 rule in california went into effect. now, ab-5 has been a complete
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and utter disaster for our state and caused folks in over 600 professions to lose their livelihood and ability to make a living. what the new rule d ab-5 is significantly restrict one's ability to be an independent contractor, to work on your own terms to beo set your own schedule. in many industries and for many people if you don't have that ability, your entire enterprise or business model becomes nonviable which is exactly what happened in california. after ab-5 went into effect or even before that in late 2019, early 2020, you had all kinds of people that suddenly had lost their ability to earn a living. and now a few years later we recently got some empirical evidence for this as well out of george mason university which studied the employment effects in california specifically of ab-5 and what the study found is that it decreased self employment by 10% and decreased
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overall employment by 4%. which might be one reason why just today with the new job numbers out californians unployment rate ticked up again at 5.2%, the second highest unemployment rate in the entire country. now, ms. su's independent contractor rule is modeled on ab-5 in california. president biden cited ab-5 as his model for labor relations nationwide. it's worth noting, by the way that ab-5 has become so toxic and so i asked ms. su about it in the committee, she wouldn't eno pine whether it was a good law and had no opinion on the matter. she was the architect and lead enforcer of that very law. but the new independent contractor rule that the administration is proposing is also creating an extraordinary amount of uncertainty. it has six different factors in fact more than that, and places
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an extraordinary amount of discretion of the enforcer, in ms. su the architect of ab-5 -- in fact it was so bad in california over 100 professions were exempted and is not exempted in this new independent contractor rule in the department of labor. so when i asked in a recent hearing the head of the wage and hour division, does this apply to various different professions, she could not give an answer to any ofer about realtors, a couple million realtors in this country, can they be considered independent contractors and she couldn't say. this new rule is about to throw our entire work force into chaos. fortunately, it is already invited four different lawsuits that are proceeding in different parts of the country. on account of those legal challenges i ms. su yesterday saying at the very least obviously she should withdraw the rule but at the very least given the pendency of this litigation, she ought to put the rule on hold until the
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matter is litigated until these challenges which are based on the process which is based on statute, which is based on the constitution and due process until they can be heard so that the affected individuals will not be in this whiplash depending on what the courts do and the department decides to do from that moment forward. i wrote that letter to ms. su yesterday with it being the effective date of the new rule. but beyond that, i have also introduced legislation under the congressional review act. the congressional review act for a fast tracked piece of a rule or regulation that's been put out by a department of or agency like this one. so my congressional resolution simply nullifies and stops this new rule propounded by the department of labor. co-sponsors for this legislation. and we marked it up in
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committee. and i'm urging my colleagues on both sides of the aisle to join me in passing this legislation to t congress' rightful authority over this area and to prevent our work force from being thrown into chaos at a time when the american economy simply cannot afford it. madam speaker, today -- earlier this week i filed an am cuss brief with -- amicus brief with the united states supreme court in the city of grant's pass, oregon versus gloria johnson. this is challenging a ninth circuit decision and it's been agreed to be heard by the supreme court and matter of fact an oral argument will be taking place next month and we expect a decision later this year. several ofouse who serve and
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represent districts in california and on the west coast have joined me and signed on to the amicus bring the supreme court to overturn a line of ninth circuit cases that started in what known as the boise decision and has contributed to the explosion of homelessness and crime in california. california's homelessness situation has continued to get worse and worse even as homelessness has gone down in many other parts of the country. as a matter of fact, right now about half of the unsheltered homeless in the united states, in the entire country are in california. and the boise decision is one reason why. what this decision and its progeny has done is handcuff cities and counties municipalities from being able to enforce camping bans or otherwise clear out homeless encampments in public spaces. made it extremely difficult for cities that even want to take a smart and
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compassionate and pro public safety app from being able to do so for fear that they will immediately get sued. so this is an opportunity for the u.s. supreme court to weigh in in a way that will reverse a legal error that was made by the ninth circuit that has created many different social problems. and i am very encouraged by this opportunity. because if we can reempower local jurisdictions to take accountability and ownership of this issue and give them the tools that they need to stop this disorder from playing out in our public spaces, then that's going to go a long way towards fighting the crisis of towards combating crime, towards getting help to folks who need it who are suffering from -- or are abusing drugs or issues related to mental illness and we can get
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this it happens california put on the ballot propose 47, decriminalized huge swaths of behavior when it came to retail theft and drug abuse and taking tools from law enforcement and releasing people from our jails it has contributed to the crisis and growing problem of homelessness and crime in california. for folks in our state who look at the growing problems, the disorder in oakland, san francisco, there may be hope. there is a path to sanity if the u.s. supreme court follows us and the voters pass the initiative to reverse propose 47
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and bring sanity back and improve the quality of leif for people in our state. i yield back.
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the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentleman from seek recognition? the question is on the motion tothose in favor, say aye. those opposed, no. the ayes have it. accordingly, the house stands
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