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tv   Prime Ministers Questions Prime Ministers Question Time  CSPAN  March 10, 2024 9:02pm-9:35pm EDT

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robert hurt is scheduled to testify before the house judiciary committee on his reportn president biden's handling of classified documents. the senate budget committee will hear testimony from the director of office of management and budget on president biden's 2025 proposed budget. watch live on the c-span networksr on c-span now, our free mobile video app. had to for scheduling information or to watch live or on-demand any time. c-span, your unfiltered view of government. british prime minister rishi sunak fielded questions from house of commons on a range of issues including the u.k.'s loss for police vetting and sexual violence against women. mr. sunak andr starmer debated these issues on the anniversary of the killing of a woman by a police officer.
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>> we now come to prime minister's questions. we are joined in the gallery by the>> number one please mr. speaker. >> mr.peaker, this morning i had meetings with ministerial colleagues and others. i shall further such meetings later today. >> thank you mr. speaker. the u.k. used to be a world leader but despite the calls from the select committee leading researchers, charities, and veterans organizations, and the royal college of psychiatry, ave fallen behind on breakthrough achievements on ptsd and depression causing for millions of people in this country. can the prime minister explain why it is ok that american, canadian, and australian patients can access treatment
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british patients cannot? >> prime minister. >> mr. speaker, i understand why people suffering from distressing conditions would want to see the best possible treatment available. we are committed to ensuring the u.k. is a world leading jurisdiction for pharmaceuticals ,f% research. we have an advisory council on the misuse of drugs, asked to review research as psilocybin. our recommendation will be published as soon as possible. >> mr. speaker, my constituent -- helping to feed our nation. food security is national security. wh i doing to support our fantastic
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farmers? >> mr. speaker, as i sat down at the conference a couple weeks ago, we will always back british farmers. we are accelerating that plan with the largest package of grants ever. one of those new schemes opens just today. supporting farmers with up to 135,000 pounds toward the purchase of new equipment and technology it is about more choice and not less area unlike labor we will never introduce top-down arbitrary targets that damage farming and damage food security and take farmers back to square one. leader of the opposition, kier starmer. >> thank you mr. speaker. three years ago sarah everd homs abducted and murdered by a serving police officer who should have been trusted to keep her safe. as a father i cannot imagine the pain parents, family, and
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friends are going through in this difficult annivsamaybe an's the appalling failure in police vetting and misconduct processes. i am very tred is, i'm going to quote it, nothing to stop another operating in plain sight. how can that be the case three years on from this horrendous crime? >> mr. speaker, first, i'm sure all members of the house have been thinking about sarah everard in recent weeks. it was an absolute shocking case and the abuse of power in particular was appalling. that is why we took action quickly, mr. speaker, to strengthen police vetting, strengthen the rules for rooting out officers, andonducted the largest ever screening of all serving officers and staff. we are now ensuring all any
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officer who has been charged for a crime will be suspended from ty the case is concluded. we will thoroughly consider all the report's recommendations and respond. >> the prime minister mentions vetting. i want to press on that. serious failures in police vetting were raised in independent reports as long-ago as 2012, 2019, 2022, and 202than arguing for mandatory national vetting standards which would stop anybody with a history of domestic abuse or sex offending being allowed to join the police in the first place. why a mandatory national vetting -- why are mandatory national vetting standards not already in place? >> mr. speaker, it is goofo are not fit to wear the badge are rooted out and not allowed to join in the first.
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that is why the college of policing has updated its code on vetting and that happened quickly. in addition, the policing inspector carried out a rapid inspection of all -- and in addition to that, a check against the national database was carried out of all serving officers. >> mr. speaker, i'm very familiar with codes and criminal justice systems. this is too serious for that. there's a world of difference between a code and mandatory standards. both have legal effect. cousins history of sexual offending stretched back many years. on four occasionsof indecent exposure, we know indecent exposure is a gateway to more
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horrific crimes, as was tragically the case not only in sarah everard's case, but also libby squier. but it is not treated with the seriousness required. the angelina report recommends reviewing all indecent exposure allegations against serving officers to identify, investigate, and remove those officers from service. given the obvious urgency of this recommendation, can the prime minister categorical assurance it will be implemented immediately? >> mr. speaker, the home secretary address this specifically when he made his statement. indecent exposure like any other kind of sexually motivated crime is abhorrent.we expect the polit seriously and we expect police chief to suspend an officer charged with any kind of sexually motivatedrime. and it is worth pointing out in
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addition to the new chief constables have existing powers to suspend any officer in the air force when allegations expect them to use those. >> i think the recommendation i referred to should be implemented urgently. ■i asked the prime minister to look again. every day that goes past when it is not ample amended carries risks -- implemented, caies risks for victims. sarah everard's murder should've been a watershed moment for police reform, on violen girls. the sad reality is that victims of rape who have the courage and bravery to come forward have a.4% chance of their perpetrators being caught and charged within the year. how does the prime minister expect women to have confidence in the criminal justice system when almost all rapists do not
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see the inside of a courtroom? >> mr. speaker, as weof course o improve rape outcomes in the criminal justice system. the rape action review pl an is showing significant progress. we have increase the average sentences by a third since labor were last in office. by the way, using a power that the labour party voted against. in this house. thanks to our action plan we think lease referrals have doubled, charg there was a 50% increase in convictions. now they will serve every day of their sentence behind bars area he has not acknowledged that under his tenure, convictions actually dropped. >> the prime minister knows that is going to be fact checked.
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he also support -- i really do think the victims of violence against women and girls deserve to be taken seriously. it is not games, prime minister. we all want victims to come forward. but we have to be honest. unless things change, the criminal justice system will continue to fail's why o introducing specialist rape and sexual offenses teams in every forced to give victims specialist support and confidence their experience will be investigated properly. when will the prime minister commit to doing the same? >> mr. speaker, we have implemented the rape action review plan. here are the things that we have done, mr. speaker. we've ended thedigital process o go through with their mobile phones.
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we have made sure there's better use of prerecorded cross-examination. we'vesources -- national police forces and we have increased significantly the number of independent sexual domestic violence and abuse to -- abuse advisors to up to and 1000. there is more specialist training in all police forces. that is a plan that h it is a plan that is working to make sure that we are keeping women and girls in our country m is. the rosy picture the prime minister tries to paint is completely at odds w■ith therrey have in the justice system. with the publiport, the countryo know that we are doing all we can to make our country safe for women. that starts with what should be the most basic task creating a safe workplace year in -- workplace another moment everyone in this house knows that we are failing
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in that endeavor and we all have a duty to change this. so when will he make time on the vote on banning from parliament those with allegations of sex offenses. >> mr. right that we ensure our communities are is safe for women and girls. that is we set up a new victim support line. it is why we sponsored more funding for victim support and why we are investing in practical things like cctv and better street lighting for safer communities up and down the country. of course there is always more that we can do. but this government has a strong track record ensuring women across this country will feel safe. >> mr. speaker, sir. i want the prime minister toknoe struggling with ever-increasing
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energy prices yet providers are making huge profits running into hundreds of millions. so, does the prime minister agree with the that reductions in wholesale prices should be passed on to the consumers and standing charges brought down? will the government hold utility companies to account for their actions? >> mr.■c76 speaker, my honorable friend is right to highlight the challenge bills have posed not just to his constituents, but across the country. that is whyupport paying for half the typical household energy bill when prices were higher. i know we are joined in welcoming the fact that the energy price cap is set to fall by 250 pounds. but we must hold companies to account. that is why we introduced taxes on windfall profits causedun-exy
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prices. we are going to further cut costs to people by cutting their taxes and putting more money in their family bank accounts. >> mr. speaker, much to my surprise this morning it has been widely reported that the conservative party in scotland, are absolutely furious westminster is about to tax scotland's national resources to paper a tax cut ito pay a tan england. >>■0gi i will not comment on the budget. what i would say, when i was in scotland last week, there is only ever been one party energy industry.nding up for the >> the prime minister knows that not to be the case.
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the conservative party wants to use scotland's natural resources pay for tax cuts in a glint. the labour party wants toaoos ue scotland's natural resources to pay for nuclear power stations in england. and the cost of that, up to 100,000 jobs scotland's wealth, scotland's resources, scotland's jobs, all a game to westminster. just 16% in the polls in scotland. will the prime minister college general election? >> mr. speaker, the honorable gentleman claims to be a supporter of the energy industry. ñwhy is he opposed to all the measures we've taken to protect those jobs in scotland? he talks about tax in scotland and england.i would point out tt thanks to the actions of this u.k. government, everyone in scotland has received a
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significant tax cut and in contrast to the chancellor's last budget, scotland is now the high tax capital of the u.k.. this government is going to keep cutting= tax fscots. >> mr. speaker, the government is rightly acting to properly compensate victims■ of unabated legal challenge. however there are thousands more across the country who are not prosecuted but who face financial penalties for bogus shortfalls causing enormous financial and personal distress. doould do everything possible to do right by all victims of the miscarriage of justice, clear their names, and at last properly financially compensate them? >> my honorable friend is absolute right to highlight the
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pallin impact this miscarriage of justice has had on people's mental health. let me acknowledge our focus is on delivering justice and that is why we will introduce legislation to overturn convictions and pave the way for swift compensation. think my friend for his long-standing campaign on this issue of mental health and i can assure him the posta examining s he raises and considering nextstep's. we will keep the right honorable gentleman in the loop going forward. >> thank you, mr. speaker. the governments proposals to be the legacy of our troubled past in northern ireland continue to be subject to scrutiny, especially with the high court ruling with rights obligations. and yet many families of victims in return ireland are deeply
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disappointed with the lack of rish government in relation to murders committed in their jurisdiction or from their jurisdiction. in relation, there are some that have declined to conduct on this -- conduct a public inquiry on this worst atrocity in our troubled past despite the courts are urging it to do so. will the prime minister continue to press the irish government on the need for them to makep) available facilities to enable the families of innocent victims to pursue justice for their loved ones? >> i thank my friend for his question on this topic which i know will be of great interest not just to his constituents but many across the government was n its plan to deal with the legacy and will continue to engage with everyone in northern ireland no matter what their views about the best way forward. i can confirm to him we have
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raised this directly with the government and will continue to do so. we would hope to see collaboration on this and many other outstanding cases that involve irish jurisdiction. like him, i want to ve informats possible. >> thank you, mr. speaker. . putin has increased russian military spending by 60% to newr arms industry which now employs an estimated three and a half million russians. my recent visit to ukraine i met with government officials and senior military figures. both expressed concerns. building a defense manufacturing capability jointly with uk defense compans in uai will my honorable friend meet with me to discuss how we can unblk bureaucracy and as
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our ukrainian friends say, build the arsenal of the free world together? >> i can reassure my honorable friend tha r in our support to ukraine. we will not allow putin to achieve his aim in eradicating ukrainian freedom and democracy. our cross government task force is working diligently to support the armed forces of ukraine and lead the u.s. and ukrainian defense industrial corporation. last year we conducted our first successful trade mission to ukraine alongside the uk. defense industry. 5ói can tell him the government and the defense industry will continue to work hand in glove with o uboration and bolstering our joint defense industry. >> mr. speaker, last week the icc are published a paper that predicted wealth inequality is already too large between the north and the south and would
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increase toward a quarter of a million pounds per head by the end of this decade. the prime minister accepts that his agenda has failed or did he never want it to succeed?ry, any quality has declined under this government. when it comes to the north, the north has seen the highest per capita growth of any region in the country. asking about my investment in the north, i wonder if he has got an answer as to whathe labour party position on hs 2 is. what we are doing is taking that money and reinvesting every penny a bit across the north in forms of transportation people use every day, delivering benefits quickly to communities not just in his constituency but across the entire north. it has been warmly weld everywhere i have been.
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>> thank you, mr. speaker. would my honorable fri agreed that voting down our rwanda bill in the house of lords is a disgrace? only the conservative governmenl immigration. action on illegal immigration is a top priority in my constuency labor has no plan on this at all. >> mr. speaker, my honorable friend makes an excellent point. if you want to fully stop the boats, you need to have a working -- if someone arrives illegally you must be able to remove them to a third country. see this through. it was just in the last week an independent report was published talking about the labour party policies in this area.
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clear they don't have a plan to stop the boats. their idea would see the uk acceptg >> thank you very much, mr. speaker. which part of his economi legacy is the prime minister so proud of? is it presiding over the highest tax burden since the send world war? age growth since the napoleonic war? >> mr. speaker saving 10 million jobs in the pandemic. >> the prime minister will know there is consensus on the need to build new houses. where consensus breaks down is where those houses should be built. does the prime minister agree with me that wherever possible n
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brownfields? not on grn and certainly not on green farmland. >> my honorable friend is actually right. sustainable planning must be at the heart of our system. that is why we are committed to meeting the needs of all communities. by building homes in the right we have made it clear that should be the priority. we put extra funding aside to changes providees. their how future housings by addressed. that is the difference between our parties. we will protect the greenbelt and the labour party will >> mr. speaker, in some jurisdictions, ministers voluntarily publish their tax returns.
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the prime minister voluntarily published his u.k. tax returns last year. does the prime minister agreed that ministers of the crown should publish their tax returns as a matter of course? has he ever filed any returns in the usa that have not been published? >> mr. speaker, i do not think that would be proportionate or appropriate. i don't. i d' proportionate for all ministers to publish their tax returns. and keeping with a long-standing tradition, i voluntarily published my tax returns, as did the chancellor. i think that is the right balance. i've been transparent about that. >> thank you, mr. speaker. a number of us were on the first transatlantic flight powered by -- feel.the first major purchast fuel. that fuel is coming from the united states. it is really important that we
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have the industry in this country. will the prime minister tell the department of transport to accelerate the work they are doing to put the right support mechanisms in for the aviation sector of the future? can i thank my honorable friend for his championing of this cause? he is right. and reassurev] him we will show him that we are committed to ensuring that the mandate is in place in 2025. that will require about 10% of■w jet fuel to be made from sustainable feedstock. we have provided 135 million pounds to 13 different aviation fuel projects to kickstart our domestic industry, and we have committed to introducingmechanin in the u.k. as soon as practical possible. >> thank you.
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2000 year-old roman walls are around an important monument of world-renowned. +will dpm join me in -- will te pm join me and explore how the government can support the upkeep these structures which unlike the conservative party are stable, solid, and in no danger of collapse? >> mr. speaker. i join t in paying tribute to the history of our local community. and i am pleased the city of chester is benefitin investmente conservative government that it can maintain its local infrastructure. >> thank you mr. speaker. five weeks agoío■a mp is from southeast london and kent wrote to the mayor of london calling on them to do the right thing following the
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implementation of a 40 mile-per-hour speed limit, which has had thousands oflicense? this includes emergency service workers and teachers, at risk of losing their licenses despite traveling in a less than 50 mile-per-hour zone. does the prime minister agree with me that must come clean about a number of fines? friend for the question and i share concerns. it is disappointing the labour mayor d hlabour in wales are hammering drivers at every opportunity, whether that is temporary speed limits -- but i will make sure my honorable friend has a meeting with the responsible minister to discuss his concern.
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current legislation, forensic evidence is essential. the nhs does not have uniformvi. we can pass all the laws we want but to ave justice, forensic evidence is vital. will the prime minister commit to ensuring that emergency department have a statutory obligation to take examples from -- take forensic samples from these victims? >> i agree,ó spiking is an appalling, violating crime that undermines public safety, particularly the safety of women and girls and we want to make sure that the existing laws recognize the threat spiking poses. that is why we announced a raft of new measures to confront spiking and support victims including changing the law to make it clear without any doubt that spiking is illegal as well as other measures like online reporting, investing in
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research in rapid testing kits, and training for staff, but i will ensure we look into the issue she raises and right back to her. >> this winter flood and storm damage is caused significant damage to the infrastructure in my constituency. this is a moment of the highest concern. i'm grateful t particular theres infrastructure funding coming our way. what can my honorable friend do to help constituents now? áer, i'm pleased in 2020 we announced we would double our flood investment to a record high 2 billion. we have invested over 50 million for 15,000 properties. ■cere is a program in mansfield which is looking at surface water and drainage improvements. i will make sure that we have a strong economy to invest in
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local infrastructure. that's what we are about to hear from our right honorable friend. >> prime minister's questions. >> if you miss any of c-span's coverage, you can find it any time, videos of key hearings, debates, and other events future markers that guide you to interesting and newsworthy highlights. of interest markers appear on the right-hand side of your screen when you hit play on select videos. this timeline tool makesf what s debated and decided in washington. scroll through and spend a few minutes on c-span's point of interest. >> a healthy democracy does not just look like this. it looks like this. s can see democracy at work.
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