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tv   Senate Republicans Hold News Conference  CSPAN  March 6, 2024 8:41pm-9:00pm EST

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state of the union, except he will show the good, strong shape america is in. yes? sen. schumer: as you know, many of the bills we passed our bipartisan and of the big hills we passed in 2022, they were bipartisan. we will work hard on many different things. we want to get insulin to $35 for everybody. we want to work on making sure health care has improved. we believe very strongly in so many things and we are going to continue to work on the agenda that we put before us. we first have to fund the government, the supplemental is important. after that you will see us turn
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to bills we safer act, safer on the rails, so many other things. last one. >> on the subject of robert menendez, you reappointed him to senate national security working group, why was it appropriate to reappoint him? as i said, the senate has certain standards that every senator must live up to. senator menendez has not, i'm deeply disappointe■d in him. thank you, everybody. >> senate minority leader mitch mcconnell was asked about his endorsement of donald trump for president for 2024 after saying he responsible for the january 6 attack on the u.s. capitol.
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republican leaders discuss president biden's upcoming state of the union speech. from capitol hill, this news conference is about 15 minutes. >> good afternoon, everyone. as you already last week, and this week we are going to pass the first of six appropriation bills and we will make it our best effort to do the other six before march 22. that's important to get the government funded in getting it funded in a non-cr way. the speaker and i recommended our junior senator from alabama replied to the president tomorrow night. we think she is particularly affected to make the points that
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many americans are concerned re pretty excited to have her do the response for president biden. >> we are finally, and i emphasize finally, turning to the appropriations process around here. the house will send over a bus that includes six appropriation bills and, remember, this fiscal year started october 1. we are well into this fiscal year and still trying to fund the government. honestly, that is something that hasn't been a priority these appropriation bills, to the credit of senator collins, who's the vice chair and member of this in our appropriations committee, pointed out all these bills by the end of july and we are finally getting some of these and a chance to vote while i'm on the floor.
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if you look up the process succn getting three of those bills on the floor in the month of november, and it has been now four months since we've had any activity on the appropriation fills around here. what i would point out is when we did have those on the floor in november, we had an open amendment process. we were able to get 40 amendments considered. when people have input around ■jhere, when they have a voice d lawmaking and some input into the bills being produced by the senate, you get a lot better outcome. we had a couple of amendments adopted that are good, conservative wins. j.d. vance amendment prohibits mask mandates on public transportation. another amendment was offered by senator kennedy that protects the amendment right for veterans. quite simply, when you have an appropriations process that was brought up on the floor and
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opened up the amendment process, you get a better better result. not only people feel more invested in the process, but you get better pills because you get the representation of people from all across this country on both sides of the political aisle. the plan i would simply make is this has got to change in the future. we have to do a better job on the appropriations process on the way we go about finding our government. mark my words, tomorrow night will be joe biden's last state of the union address and that's because the american people are not going to invite him back to give another one next year. and that's because on issue after issue that the americanops failed the american people. people are worn now and they are worried for themselves and their families. they understand their lives a been made worse by joe biden and the democrats. people are begging for solutions. but we are likely to here is the
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president bragging about bidenomics and blaming others for their crisis that he has created at the border. it is clear what american people are concerned about. it's high grocery prices that are eating in the paychecks. it's 9 million illegal immigrants who have come here since joe biden has gone to the white house. it is americans murdered by illegal immigrants. on energy, joe biden has surrendered america's energy strength, handed it over, russia, iran and china. around the world, our friends don't trust us, our enemies don't fear us, joe biden has made america week. republicans havegnificant solute problems we face. tomorrow you will hear katie adjust those in her response to the president. but it's secure the border, stop this wasteful washington spending, it's unleash american energy. that's why the state of the
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union tomorrow by joe biden will be his last. >> tomorrow, before we hear from joe biden on the state of our country, he should take a look around and actually see what truly is going on in this state of our great union, the united states of america. if you lk at what has happened during joe biden's time in office, over the course of the last three years we have an open border situation where we have interdicted drugs. fentanyl flooding into our communities. we have seen terrorists that have come across the border and interdict it. we have by inflation that has hurt our families backi talked e cost of groceries, the cost of gases through the roof since he
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took office. if you look across the middle east on the world is on fire right now, our service members are sitting ducks in the middle east as they are being attacked. folks, we still have six americans that are being held by hamas. these are americans and their families don't even know whether they are dead or alive. all of this has happened under joe biden's watch with no solutions in sight. we have no national security strategy, we have no budget. and yet, the president is coming to address congress. so ask, mr. president, get your priorities straight. protect this nation, protect your people, get serious about this nation you deliver an address to the congress. >>i'm sure the leader will not
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like this, but i would like to take a moment to thank him for his leadership. i know he's not going anywh this from the last time we saw each other. i know you and elaine are going through a tough time and you have our thoughts with you all the time. we think about you daily. even in the midst of his personalremained a strong leadet has stuck by his conservative principles. as is next for nape -- next-door ■1neighbor in west virgia, there is no better friend than mitch mcconnell. always, he named his book the long game because he always looks at the long game. but the one thing he has exceedingly led us through and i think we'll have a legacy through this country is his respect for the rule of law and the judicial system. as we saw on monday, we saw the unanimous decision by the supreme court to allow president
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trump to remain on the ballot in colorado and they voted last night. ofto be on the ballot? the people. who chooses who's going to be the leader? the people. not actavis, not officeholders who don't like a particular candidate during one season of the other, but the voters in the supreme court voted 9-0 to back up that principal. one of their principles the leader has searched his entire service respecting, and the one we as voters in america should respect as well. >> we don't need an hour and a half long speech tomorrow night to know what the state of the union is. ask the american people. abc reported 76% of the american people believe the country is on
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the wrong track.because of joe'd leadership, the state of the union right now is chaos, as is the state of the world. under joe biden, our southern border is wide open, and the latest news has just come out in the last 48 hours is absurd. on top of the record number of illegal immigrants coming across the border, we have now found out the biden administration was secretly transporting over 300 thousand illegal migrants on planes to 43 different cities. you can see the story right here, it talks about it. meanwhile, we've got a record number of illegal immigrants on the fbi terror watch list who are entering our country. in this additional news came out , the president and the czar of the border, the vice president,
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never even spoke with the chief of border patrol. many of us who have been to the southern border have spoken with chief ortiz. i met with him in 2019, he's a devoted public servant dedicated to protecting our country. thursday night, when joe biden tells us he's trying to tell america that he serious about the border, all i've got to say is, come on, man. under joe biden, american families can barely afford to keep food on the table, gas tanks full, wasteful spending continues. sadly, under joe biden's weaknesses, our enemies are emboldened, the world is less safe. look back on that horrible afghanistan withdraw. look at that embarrassing chinese spy balloon that came over my state. look at the war in ukraine and the war in the middle east. under joestate of
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our union is dire. no amount of sugar coating he will try tomorrow night can convince the american people otherwise. >> how do you reconcile your trump endorsement with the fact that you called morally responsible for january 6 and the fact that he insulted you and your wife repeatedly? >> february the 25th 2021, shortly after the attack on the u.s. capitol, i was asked a similar question. i said i would support the nominee for president, even if it were the former president. >> in april of last year you indicated and did not answer the question as to whether or not trump if he was in the middle of criminal trials and indictments, he was the nominee. that means you're comfortable with it? >> to add
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to what i said. i said in february of 2021, shortly after the attack on the u.s. capitol, that i would support president trump if you were the nominee of our party, and he obviously is going to be the nominee of our party. >>xn■" your colleagues would sau had an effective 17 years, what do you think of the new idea of term limits? >> we have term limits now, they are called elections. i had a contest myself during my last election as leader. erence ought to be able to be free to choose whoever. those in -- there's no limit on the spker the other house leaders. that won't be my decision to make, but i think it's totally inappropriate. the leadership? a >> no. no i'm not.
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x c-span encourages you to express your opinions. you want to know which issues are most important to you as the president stated the union address approaches. caller: i'm from new jersey. one of the most important issues for me that i would like to hear president biden touch upon is the -- crisis. e mental health crisis that's going on, and what he will do to address those problems. >> my name is jacob, i may post off lol johns hopkins university. i do research in intellectual history and social theory. i think the most important issue that i would love to see the
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president discuss at the state of the union is theanger that artificial intelligence poses to our civilization. particularly in the way that i think it might undermine our ability toeconomy. and it might threaten our culture. >> my name is george snyder from st. louis, missouri, i would like the president to take care and close the border because we are getting too many people, ills here. it's just getting overwhelming and a lot of crime. >> hello, i'm from new jersey. i would like to see the president address anything related to gaza and palestine. it's very important right now se and people not talking about it and choosing to look at it one way. >> watch the state of the union adess live thursday at 8:00 p.m. eastern on c-span, c-span
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policy. from washington, d.c. and across the country. thursday morning we will discuss tomorrow state of the union address, government funding deadlines and conflicts in gaza and ukraine with nebraska's republican congressman, texas congressman, california's democratic congressman and the oklahoma republican congressman. c-span's washi the conversationt 7:00 eastern thursday morning on c-span, c-span now our free mobile app, or online at >> get project information from members of government right into the palm of your hands when you preorder your copy of c-span's 2020 four congressional directory. with bio and contact information for every house and senate member of the 118th congress. important information on congressional committees, federal agencies, and state governors. the congressional directory


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