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tv   CPAC Discussion on Israeli Hostages and U.S. Support for Israel  CSPAN  February 25, 2024 6:11pm-6:42pm EST

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unless they are terrorist or really bad criminals. this is exactly what they want, it's all designed by our own government so we are at war with the cartels, the chinese and our own president against the united states. we have to have a new president because this is not working. >> that is the end, thank you so much. ♪ ponsoring terrorism. ladies and gentlemen please welcome mark levin.
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good morning cpac were so happy to be here this year thank you for having us again. we love coming here and this year we will join us is jonathan, a hostage in gaza. one of the six americans being held at the hands of the terrorist organization, hamas.
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we will visit with jonathan and he's going to share with us something any of us has had to relate to. let's jump in because we don't have a lot of time. you moved to israel when you are 18. what made you move to israel? >> i grew up in connecticut in a small town that had a small jewish community. made up in great part of holocaust survivors and my parents were both holocaust survivors. a zionistic community and several people moved to israel hoping to build a country.
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i fell in love with the idea of the kubbitz and wanted to make the desert bloom. by 1982i was in israel and got drafted into the army and served until fairly recently by 19 80 five, i started having kids. those kids came back to live on our kubbitz. my formas
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about a mile from gaza. my day job for many years was working on the farm as the director of our agriculture machinery department. it's a highly productive agricultural farm and we invented irrigation in many respects it was an idyllic existence a little over 400 people lived on the kibbutz and supported one another.
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in a way we realize the zionist dream of defending borders and serving as the breadbasket of israel and along the way i had other horizons but with two professional academics at the university of jerusalem. >> you described the kibbutz as a paradise. walk everyone here with what happened on that day. you were in the states for a wedding, tell us about the day. >> october 7 i was on my way to a wedding in baltimore headed towards an academic conference
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and we were woken up by a friend who us was what was going on and we had no idea. we looked at our internal communication system and saw the people were crying out for help at 12:30 in the afternoon and i'm a member of the security team and so i was seeing the communication between our civilian first responders and as of 9:30 they were no longer responding. i was unable to get into contact with my son or his wife who was seven months pregnant with two little girls.
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i was able to get in contact with my son-in-law who was exchanging fire with hamas terrorist it's sheltering an hour bomb shelters in my ex-wife one of the two women who were able to escape captivity on the day and crawled back through the fields to the family. today, she is fine, thank goodness. >> her story is incredible. she was being taken the cause of in a helicopter? >> a group of about 10 people
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were being taken by hamas. they had been driving towards gaza and an israeli helicopter fired on them and killed the terrorist but everyone else will run off the wagon. my ex-wife played dead. she was able to crawl her way back. >> she was out there that morning and what did you see? >> he woke up early that morning
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as he usually did on saturdays to work on his pet project. he grew up alongside with me on the machine shop and he went off to our metal shop to refurbish old buses to become mobile classrooms and he saw a group of terrorist. well armed, well-trained moving through the kibbutz. they warned for everyone to shelter-in-place and over the next two hours what they realized it was not just one group of terrorists, it was 200 heavily armed hamas commandos with the looters.
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for two hours our brave men did everything they could to defend the kibbutz. he went back to his home to ensure that his wife and the two girls were safely inside of the bomb shelter and then exited again and continued exchanging fire with terrorist. his wife and daughters survive but he was taken and has not been heard from since.
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some of the hostages saw him in the tunnels so as of late november he was alive but 40 of our community were murdered in a be taken captive. that is the state of affairs. our homes were destroyed the looters told everything from tricycles up to our largest farming tractors. this paradise in the desert that i lived on for 40 years and invested my life there, it no longer exists. at some point it may be rebuilt but there's a question about if
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anyone wants to return. >> that's a horrific experience. i saw a video of her giving birth she gave birth in her own husband was not there to celebrate it with her. we pray every day for the release of the hostages and everybody shares in that prayer with you. [applause]. i'm going to ask cpac to put up on the screen a website everyone should take note of because each and every one of us does have a role to play.
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go to the website, it gives you tools on how to reach out to your members of congress. we have to keep the thought and prayers of these people. mark and i are wearing dog tags that say bring them home and we encourage you to go to the website and by these and all the proceeds go to the families. people will ask you, what are you wearing and it gives you opportunity to speak for these young men and women. tell us how these people can be ambassadors? >> is a great suggestion to go
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to that website. i feel blessed by being here and feeling a partnership from your community to ours. sometimes friends have to say a pleasant thing to other friends and it's difficult for the hostage families. it seems the israeli government is prioritizing the lives of the hostages. i've lived on the border with gaza and live through rocket attacks, sniper fire. no one needs to explain to me how much hamas needs to be destroyed. if i could ask for your partnership to reach out to your israeli partners to emphasize to
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them there cannot be a victory for any of us over hamas without getting these 136 israeli hostages home alive and that means as much action needs to be done to get them alive. >> the website is bring them home, please go to it. our prayers are with you. >> imagine having your son kidnapped by these barbarians and yet coming here to talk
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about it and try to explain it. it's a remarkable person that can do that. i would like to say a couple of things. to our media, you are doing a lot of damage to these people. when you spew the propaganda of these hamas terrorists to give them hope. they quote you cnn, new york times you river to the sea crowd. you are giving aid and comfort to a blood lust ideology. this is an ideology, a
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fundamentalist, islamic ideology , anyone who does not agree with them must be slaughtered. including muslims by the way. >> and christians. >> the jewish ancestral home is there in the christian ancestral home is there. jesus was born there, jesus was murdered there. bethlehem is there, hebron is there, buried there. and the palestinian say it is all there is. that is what river to the sea
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means. i believe river to the sea should not have one damn hamas survivor period. they want to move to america. we are not here to burn down our country. we are not here to ruin democracy. we are here to defend our country, preserve our constitution and preserve our liberty. that is what conservatives do.
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he wanted not talk about dictatorships? women is the last time joe biden spoke about the constitution or cited the declaration of independence or liberal talked about individual liberties, property rights? they never talk about it because they don't believe in it. this is a battle between good and evil. we are good, they're evil . you know why we want to preserve our culture? it's the greatest culture on the face of the earth. americans aren't swarming to other countries people are swarming to america because
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america is the greatest country on the face of the earth. the greatest culture on the face of the earth. no matter what you call us, you are mouthpieces of the democratic party and hamas, you will not change a damn one of us. my ancestors fought for this country. we talk about world war ii, my ancestors showed blood in europe , all through iwo jima, quam. i don't need to hear from some candy ass at cnn, i can tell you that.
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we are not isolationists. we are not pacifist because we are not stupid. we live through world war ii. it cost us for hundreds 50,000 american lives. because other people millions of lives. we are not funding our military we are funding climate change, socialism. we are not supporting our cobs were supporting illegal aliens. we are not supporting the border we allowed anyone to flow into this country and they will send in spies and terrorists.
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that's on you democrats and that's on your ideology. they love to talk about a free press but i wish we had one. that constitution you hate, that first amendment and you hate the constitution and the men who wrote it? how dare you. everything we have in this country is a result of the revolutionary were. as a result of the civil war. we had our problems and fought through our problems. the biggest battles were in the civil war and slavery. no other nation had a civil war to end slavery.
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and we will not be fooled. that state of israel, those people want to live. they want to be free. they want to be left alone. god put those people there 5000 years ago. there were no palestinians there. the jews used to be called palestinians. now they are the palestinians, there arabs. and they had a homeland it was called jordan. you want a second state? it's called jordan.
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that came stood next to that imbecile. i'm supposed to ignore it and so many words. we all know he is and he is dangerous. he is issuing executive orders against the jewish indigenous people. since when does the president pardons people? or he tells them they must have a two state solution. >> and anti-semite does that. >> you have to give up your
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home. you have to give up shilo. >> our first capital. >> where all the tribes came together. they say i don't care, give it to the palestinians. the peaceful palestinians. where is the leader of the peaceful palestinians will he presented himself so i can interview him? >> i could tell you that american first legal has sued the biden administration for
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-- let's say thank you together. ♪ >> ladies and gentlemen, i


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