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tv   Conservative Lawmakers Political Advocates Speak at CPAC  CSPAN  February 23, 2024 11:34am-12:43pm EST

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approved. the chair will lead now the house in the pledge of allegiance. i pledge allegiance to the flag of the united states of ame america and to the republic for which it stands, one nation, under god, and to the republic for which it stands, one nation, indivisible, withliberty and jd to the republic for which it ipledge allegiance to the flag f the united states of america indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. pursuant to section 3-z of house resolution 5, the house stands adjourned number 3-g p.m. on -- 3:00 p.m. on monday, february 26, 2024.
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club? everything they have done is justified.
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[inaudible] [chanting]
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i would like to know who is funding the students for justice for palestine and where this money is coming from that is creating this propaganda infiltrating our academic institutions and trying to drive this anti-jewish message. >> ladies and gentlemen please welcome the mayor of riverton, utah, trent stagg. >> stuck in the venezuelan person josh hold was being held on fabricated charges by a brutalist government.
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his mother and father were distraught the obama administration had done nothing. i too felt discouraged over the years wondering, pleading for someone to show they cared and then came president trump. he cared about josh he knew about the situation and directed america's best negotiators to work on the case. trump never gave up and after two years in prison he secured his release. this can only be described as a miracle. we need leaders today who care about everyday americans. we need them to use the full might and power of our country to defend our citizens.
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we need a leader who will put america first. like josh and his family everyday americans are suffering from a government, the weaponization of federal agencies against us. regulation that cripples business and criminalize routine behavior. the enslavement of our children to massive debt. the prioritization of a climate change crusade. caring more about the borders of other nations than our own and allowing innovation across our southern border that will go down as one of the worst
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preventable tragedies in history. what image is worse, emperor nero fiddling as rome burned or joe biden licking an ice cream cone as fentanyl continues to pour over the border. i say enough is enough. the conservatives in this room are ready to make our voices heard. all courageous leadership is needed to turn this country around but it's up to us to make sure establishment forces don't get in the way and they are looking to absurd the american first agenda. mitch mcconnell and others teamed up with democrats to betray our needs at the border. spare me the speech on how
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macconnell is playing the long game. i heard that from too many people who end up spending more of our money on liberal priorities. conservative americans have a choice in the months ahead. are we going to allow so-called conservatives to continue their america last policies? will we continue them to masquerade as conservatives but vote in the interest of liberals? will conservative leadership be allowed to throw their own party's under the bus? i say no. america used to roar like lions but now we delete like sheep for security. the establishment cares more about maintaining power than unleashing american liberty.
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this stops today. bold, true conservative leadership well restore our constitutional republic. america will fight for our own interest other than those of any other nation and uses full might and power to defended citizen and i am confident that as americans learn to roar like lions for liberty it will once again become a government of, by and for the people. thank you cpac, conservatives[and may god bless america. thank you. ou. >> ladies and gentlemen speaker of the oklahoma house of
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representatives, charles mccall. >> i bring you greetings from the great state of oklahoma where we like our stakes the way we like our politics, red, bright red. i'm honored to be the speaker of the most conservative house in the nation. oklahoma is a state anchored in bedrock conservative values from physical restraint to have faith in the almighty. we believe in common sense and the freedom to chart our own course. we exercise our amendment rights under the constitution to push back against washington. oklahoma senates national guard members to protect the southern border as a biden administration
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fails to do its job. we have zero tolerance for illegal immigration. we believe her children are the most precious resource in their education shapes our future. we are a state where parents control their children's education. they can use their education dollars for public schools, private schools, charter schools and homeschooling is been protected in our constitution since 1907. the oklahoma plan keeps government out of home schools, christian schools and keep private schools private, and parents, not bureaucrats to make educational decisions. we
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believe god gives children to parents, not government. we have protected women sports. we spent so much time on common sense. we recognize our right to bear arms. it's not open carry, is constitutional carry. we have a healthy economy, fewer regulations and we cut the personal income tax. we have grown to be the fifth best economy in the nation. we've increased teacher pay and
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provided 52 percent more funding over the past six years which is more then the past 25 years combined. we balance our budget every year. we cannot spend more money that we have. a concept washington should adopt. that fiscal discipline has given us a state fighting back and lighting the way for others because the oklahoma standard is the american standard. freedom, self-reliance and faith . if we hold fast of these principles i believe america's
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finest hours still lie ahead. stand up, rub up in make america great again and i mean again. god bless us, the great state of oklahoma in the united states of america. thank you. [applause] >> ladies and gentlemen, from west virginia, businessman chris miller. >> my name is chris miller. i was born and raised in west virginia. i am a husband, father, businessman a bison farmer and
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boxer and believing and good old-fashioned family values drives liberals crazy. i am a conservative businessman and we need more of that. if i ran my businesses the way politicians spend dollars i would go broke. i also know services everything. politicians only put themselves first. we need to run government like a business that treats taxpayers like shareholders. we deserve a government who audits every time they spend so they can have a return on investment for our tax dollars. you know what else drives liberals crazy? we own guns because we like them. we shoot guns because it is fun.
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it is our god-given right. the constitution protects it. any attempt to infringe on a mountaineer to keep and bear arms will be met with resistance. as the father of an 11-year-old girl. you are darn right i don't want her sharing a locker room with any biological men. protecting the integrity of girl's is common sense. we can't let the woke left redefined the truth. the boy is not a girl and girl's locker rooms surfer girls. i will always protect our girls to stand for the truth. today's caudal culture is making boy is making boys more like girls.
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doctors are making boys into girls. they are practicing mutilation and they should be in prison. the marxist and communist on the left believes we are racist. let's require k-12 to teach patriotism and civics starting in grade school. america is not a racist country. it's the greatest country on earth. thus propaganda, is the truth. most politicians don't never have a real plan that i am not a politician. we always have plans. in west virginia we have to look at our past to understand our future. even though we have been taken advantage of our history is full
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of greatness. we mind the coal that led to the victory in world war i and world war ii and we mind the coal in the greatest capitalistic expansion in history. and again, west virginia has what people were looking for. if we play our cards right we could do something amazing. we have coal, natural gas, rare earth elements and more usable water than any state in the country. we could become the states that powers everyone. we could have affordable energy and lower taxes. a lean government that works for the people and treats taxpayers like shareholders and valued
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customers. we can do all of this with people are trying to get back to, a foundation of faith and family. in west virginia we don't have the biggest cities are the best boarding schools. we have the best people. if your tesla breaks down, coal miners will pusher car and get you charge so you could go down the road. that is a true story. it's a way of life that's almost heaven. faith in god, focus on family and the respect for the sanctity of life, we are not a racist country we are the greatest country. big cities full of snobs that marcus, those family values are almost extinct.
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west virginia is almost heaven and i'm want to keep it that way. thank you. [applause] >> there's a conservator effort to censor conservative thinkers. our ways are being threatened by liberal progressives. it seems like everything they do is to the detriment of our great nation but there are plenty of patriots with the courage to stand up to the left. stand with over 2 million patrons. >> we join this fight to hold traffickers accountable and ensure justice for all victims. we started with sound freedom and we are working to end modern-day slavery.
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♪ >> an exclusive look at reagan
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starring dennis quaid. >> i'm running for governor and i would like your boat. roy rogers is here and he is running for governor. what do you want out of this life? i just want something good for this world, make a difference. >> you know what you have to do. >> what would you say is the issue of our time? >> no doubt about it, communism and the soviet union. you blew up eight years of diplomacy. what would you have me do? i want you to fight. mr. gorbachev, tear down this wall.
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>> i think president reagan said, were from the government we're here to help. the most terrifying words in the english language are we are from the government, we are here to help. ladies and gentleman, up next, combating human trafficking. please welcome the director of the attorney general of west virginia 10 yet gould. ohio attorney general and dear moderator, senior fellow mercedes slot. chlapp.
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mercedes: hello, cpac. how is everybody doing this morning? it's been hustling and bustling. so much going on on radio row. it's an honor to be here with you. we have to turn to a very serious topic. a topic that cpac has been involved in. i want to bring in this incredible panel of experts, of fighters on the front line to save the lives of children who are being sex trafficed -- trafficked. this has nothing to do with politics. it's about humanity. if we do not save our children, if we don't say these innocent victims then why are we here? to get started, attorney general, great to have you from ohio.
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you ran an effective -- very effective operation. operation buyers remorse. what did you do? how did it work? >> law enforcement agencies and support services agencies. we are not just doing the law enforcement cop thing. we make sure the survivors of human trafficking, when we encounter them in the field are connected with services. whether that is a meal, addiction treatment, shelter. we are there to help support them, what we call the highway to hope. here's the other thing. buyers remorse. there is no market for human trafficking. -- trafficking if there is not buyers. we have shifted in ohio from a focus on enforcing laws against soliciting and prostitution to actually enforcing the laws
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against buying sex. we have a law that makes it -- yeah. that is the right way to go. we are trying to send a message to all the buyers of sex. don't buy sex in ohio. if money dries up, the trafficking dries up. mercedes: what is unfortunate is it is part of this is the fact that you have the u.s. being the largest consumer of sex trafficking. tanya, you are saying yes, it's a horrible problem. what's happening in virginia? you are a survivor. what are you hearing? what has been able to get done at the state level? >> our attorney general made this a priority, and the governor. we have that. in doing so we started a commission to really look at what we have been doing and the
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gaps. we want to be intentional about making sure we have a trauma informed response person and make sure we are reaching our citizens so they would understand they are a part of the solution. one thing that is going well. we started a program, businesses against trafficking. we are focusing on awareness to send out to businesses to make sure their employees are watching it. they are firsthand. a lot of people always think human trafficking happens somewhere else. definitely places i went to a retail store, and ice cream shop while i was being trafficked. it is making sure people understand they can be a part of the solution. we have had chambers of
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commerce saving want this to make this available throughout the commonwealth. it's been very successful. mercedes: elizabeth, you run this incredible home. leticia's home. i had the owner to visit and see where you care for these victims. you have seen the horrors of human trafficking and sex trafficking. what has to be done so that victims get a second chance? elizabeth: so many things need to be done. they need to find safety. they are so few places where they can go. they need to be in a housing setting. victims have complex trauma. they have mental illness. they have addiction. they have a lot of things that need to be dealt with. those things don't change overnight. we have two houses and we are going national where women, they can stay and there is addiction
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counseling and parenting classes and financial literacy. we have to overcome barriers like felonies. women overwhelmingly are victims of trafficking and overwhelmingly have felonies. mercedes: what is the average age? elizabeth: for girls, 24. they start the sex trafficking. mercedes: the average a's is 12 years old. i hope the media back there is really capturing that. the average age of sex trafficking is 12 years old. they are raped multiple times a day. they are handed off. who takes care of them? elizabeth: a lot of them don't make it into a safe place and they die or incarcerated. the other thing people may not know is 99% to 100% of survivors were all sexually abused as children. it is the number one predicated for people being trafficked.
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usually under the age of five. then they end of trafficked. mercedes: attorney general, we look at ohio. you are not a border state, yet with a border crisis, with the chaos we are seeing with over 86,000 children that are missing that have crossed the border, how does this tie between the border in ohio and these other states? >> there is no such thing as a border state anymore, or maybe i should say every state is a border state. our southern border is so wide open that whether we are talking about human trafficking or drugs, it is pouring into our country and going right up the middle and dispersing everywhere. the border is the largest issue this year in america. whether we are talking about the economy, drugs, human trafficking, get control of the border first.
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mercedes: it is not just sex trafficking but labor trafficking. what is that? >> labor trafficking is the same except they are using trafficking a human being for their labor, not for sex. mercedes: and you have found unaccompanied minors on farms in ohio. >> happens all over the country. it is a function of our indiscriminate enforcement -- nonenforcement of the southern border. mercedes: tanya, 20 look at the policies we are talking about the victim and helping them heal. the reality is how are we catching these human traffickers? are they being prosecuted? tanya: traffickers are master manipulators. they do everything they can to make sure someone else, you know, is blamed for what they are doing. this is something they have done
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forever. how they do their work, it's their operation. to really take the time to figure out what traffickers are doing and how they are doing it. that's a lot of work. i don't believe we have enough resources to put on that side. when we talk about traffickers, about buyers, that is one thing. it is easier when we talk about picking the lowest hanging fruit. it is easier to go after victims and survivors. we want to switch that. not only switch that with our mindset but also switch that with our funds and make sure we are going after traffickers. it is very difficult. they are master manipulators which is how they are able to after people who don't think they are vulnerable. they understand what vulnerability is. this is how they do it. mercedes: we see this in cases where women are part of these crimes.
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then they get thrown into jail and their lives are completely ruined. elizabeth, you have dealt with these issues time and time again trying to get these women out of jail to help them rebuild their lives. elizabeth: we have. it is not unusual to have 70 trafficked for 12 years who comes to our house. the average number of felonies in the house is 11. is identity theft. survivors are people who are trafficked and they will have credit cards that don't belong to them. their children might be in the next room and they get five counts of child endangerment. try getting a job with a felony. it's almost impossible. we have one person we loved and she was trafficked at 12 by her mom. we have a lot of parents trafficking kids in the u.s. it is real. her mom sold her for drugs. she was with the same in in a very complex organization. she was arrested in virginia. she had a bunch of felonies. she testified against him a year and a half later. he would drop dead in the meantime.
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he got 14 years. she was trafficked by him for 18 years. mercedes: it's an injustice. elizabeth: we help them with jobs. we pay for school. but help them find ways to be employed. mercedes: they cannot get nail technician licensing. elizabeth: you can be a chef or psychologist. you can be a legal aid. mercedes: you are limited. elizabeth: you are limited. mercedes: attorney general, what can we do more for these victims in terms of -- you talk about the state offices. helping them change the laws so they can have more opportunities to be able to rebuild. >> elizabeth hit on something that is big, which is these collateral sanctions. if you are walking -- if you have a, no record and -- if you have a criminal record and forced into the situations where you have theft, you have drug
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problems, any number of criminal actions, you can't get an apartment. you can't go to school. in ohio, we have loosened the restrictions for survivors of trafficking. they have a better opportunity to get their records expunged or sealed so they can actually rebuild their lives. [applause] here's the other thing. i hear politicians so often say, voice for the voiceless. survivors have a voice. it is time for us to listen. thank you for your courage. [applause] mercedes: we were talking about virginia. we know virginia, both the house and the assembly and the senate are both democrat-run. how much support do you get from
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the democrats on tackling this issue of sex trafficking? >> it depends on what issues are at the table. we have a long ways to go when it comes to human trafficking and understanding and learning. that is one thing. there is still the learning curve. educating leaders and making sure the understand. we do have on both sides -- we are able to get some good policies and legislation there. however, it depends. we are purple. sometimes we are purple because we don't make any decisions. mercedes: don't you think this is a no-brainer bipartisan issue? for cpac, as we do with criminal justice reform, we want to find the centerleftists to work with us and find common ground and get through -- >> we get enough support to at least, you know, get a lot of
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bills heard. again, if we are trying to do harsher penalties on buyers, that is not going to go. mercedes: how is it with the budget? is there enough money to help the victims? i can't wait for elizabeth to jump in. tanya: like i said, it's about educating our state and commonwealth. that is really where we are. until legislators understand human trafficking -- for example, we don't have a great data collecting system yet. if we don't have the numbers we cannot prove this is happening. there is still a lot of work to be done in order for legislators to understand, you know, this is the path we need to go down. we know this is where we need to go but we have to have the data and we are working on that. mercedes: elizabeth, in terms of the recovery process, sometimes
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these women are like o2 soon and they end up back in a situation where they are being sex trafficking again. what is the frustration you were feeling as you try to make your home be able to be -- bring in more girls and help them rebuild their lives? elizabeth: the biggest frustration is that we are very limited. there's a time constraint. overwhelmingly, the women have lost custody of the kids or the kids are in foster care and there's a tight window for them to get custody back. we have 12 to 13 months to help somebody recover from addiction, get their ged. maybe they have a fifth grade education. learn five skills, financial literacy, improve their credit score, fisa miracle get a job so they can get an apartment with their five felonies and the kids back. it is insurmountable. i want to add -- safe is a critical part of the recovery process.
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mercedes: they had the bible. it is prayer. that is part of the healing. explain the importance of faith. tonya, i want you to weigh in on that a well. elizabeth: everyone is created in the image of god. we are certified. we believe when women find out they have always been loved and there is no one like them are house manager says you are the apple of god's eye. we say that because they don't have moms and dads. overwhelmingly, their parents are dead or imprisoned. they have to have that connection. if they develop that while at our house they do better going through counseling. they do better dealing with addiction. it is transformative because it lets them know they are loved. the first young lady we helped said i feel love for the first time in my life. it is vitally important. my wish list is that we would have enough funds so we could provide that transformative
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longer housing period so moms don't lose their children, because nobody should have their rights severed because they've been in jail for 12 months. it is so wrong. children who go into the foster care system, 70% end up in the trafficking pipeline. we want the housing to be there so at the end of 3, 4, 5 years they are independent. they have jobs. they have dignity. they know who they are. their children are growing up loved. we break the cycle and the are free forever. we have to do it. [applause] mercedes: just mentioned briefly on the faith component in your own expense. tanya: i remember when you were little, all of you were small like myself, there are dreams. ideas, thoughts about life. what you want to be, who you want to be. i'm no different. i had the same dream and ideas
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and aspirations. when the traffic experience came so many other types of trauma happened in my life. there was a big disconnect. we are talking about faith. it takes faith to believe you are still that person after all of this has happened to you. having people believe in that, me being human and who i am. being in the image of god and having god in me, that whole thing, there was a huge disconnect. they need to come back to that and have places to do that is just beautiful. mercedes: i'm sure the department of justice does not care about the faith component and they will try to force their own regulations with these homes. attorney general, i want to ask about big tech. we saw mark zuckerberg basically apologize to families for
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pushing their disgusting child-abuse type of content on big tech. should they be held liable? what changes should be made immediate lead to stop sex trafficking? >> they should be held liable. that's one of the reasons why ohio is part of a group suing them. [applause] mercedes: good. >> just this morning i'm sure you read this in the wall street journal like i did. an exclusive new bombshell about these parental accounts that are featuring underaged models in bikinis and underwear. they are selling the stuff. the meta algorithm is linking those accounts of children to known pedophile profiles. there is something seriously wrong with the algorithms that are driving our society. meta is at the top of it.
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i wonder sometimes they changed the name meta to be short for metastasized. mercedes: that's right. final thoughts as we are wrapping up. what is one think you want to leave to our cpac audience? this is the heart of movement. what do you want them to remember as we get off the stage? tanya: for me being a victim of domestic sex trafficking was something at one point even understanding i was a victim was, you know, hard to get past. a lot of shame there. finally, thanks to president trump, he made a big difference making sure i had a voice as someone who was trafficked here in our country. as we are moving and talking about the border, talking about this happening somewhere else, remember this is happening here. in america.
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the land of the free, the home of the brave. i remember going and saying the pledge of allegiance and singing the songs. that is for me too. just a member that. -- remember that this happens in america. mercedes: elizabeth? elizabeth: we have a big heart and we went to see trafficking end in my lifetime. everybody needs to get on board. we will help you do restorative care homes. we will help you with transitional housing. we will help anyone and everyone who wants to take this national and stop it. contact us at and we will help you gladly -- >> our rule of law, society, civilization is built on a profound insight that everyone,
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every human being is created in the image of god. that they are recipients of god-given rights and of equal worth and dignity. tonya, i know survivors are frequently looked down upon and blamed. the truth of the matter is, this fight is a fundamentally conservative fight about the dignity and the quality of everybody. we don't throw away human beings in america. [applause] mercedes: i want to thank my panel. also -- we launched our cpac center for combating human trafficking. we are supporting these incredible heroes across the country. thank you all and god bless. [applause] ♪
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>> -- has been terrific. >> millions are switching to newsmax. it is the fastest growing streaming service in america. just get newsmax plus. watch the best shows like greg kelly, rob schmidt, greta van susteren. >> greg kelly at newsmax and the newsmax people have been really, really terrific. >> gain access to exclusive documentaries, series, and special briefings. it is free to start. go to to sign up and watch newsmax anytime, anywhere. >> are you following cpac on
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social media yet? if not, do so now. we are at cpac on all of your favorite social media sites. it is the best way to keep up with everything we are doing in the conservative movement. >> they put their lives on the line to preserve our american dream. everything we have is because of everything they give. now more than ever they need to know we stand behind them. each year our community salutes thousands of high school seniors who made the simplest decision to pursue military service. not knowing where that journey may lead. for just $19 a month you can provide the recognition and resources so urgently needed. say thank you together. -- let's say thank you together. ♪ >> ladies and gentlemen, this is shooting from the hip. please welcome from second amendment foundation, alan gottlieb.
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from florida, congressman cory mills. and your moderator, host of the carl higbee frontline on newsmax, carl higbee. carl: are you ready to do some gun stuff? congress and cory mills -- congressman cory mills and alan gottlieb doing great work challenging basically the biden administration is doing to take away our freedom. i want to get to a little social stuff on guns. first legal. congressman, the left has been waging a war on our gun rights for 60 years. now it is kind of turned to an
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atf administrative state because they cannot get it through congress. the supreme court is smacking them down left and right. how are we navigating the administrative state banning things and making laws outside of your body? rep. mills: it would be good -- the fbi has been tracking close enough. we know there has been a continuous asian and weaponization. we have seen whether it was the nsa, which should be repealed. i truly believe in the abolishment of the atf in its entirety. carl: here here. rep. mills: you pay attention to every single word of every single bill text. the second amendment cannot be clearer. it's a shall not be infringed. we have a constitutional and inhalable right to the defense of our family and home and ourselves. what you are seeing is there is a multipronged attack of not only allowing open borders to give millions of people to stream across and hundreds
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unknown watchlist as the fbi indicated. these are individuals who are wanting to say more laws and more regulations are going to stop criminals from the laws and regulations they are already violating. it actually stops the american people from their ability to protect themselves. as a constitutionalist -- i consider myself a constitutional conservative. those seven articles, the 27 amendments, is our right and protections. i will die -- fight to my last breath to make sure our second moment is protected because that is what protects our first. carl: the other fundamental thing is you have a significant number of people, not in this room, that believe we will ban guns. we tried that with crack, cocaine, heroin. parmesan cheese, my bed. alan, you are the fundamental
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people challenging nearly every single tyrannical thing that comes out of this administration. you have three cases right now at the supreme court. what you have going on? alan: we have 59 cases nationally we are working on a court. we have filed two cert petitions . one on magazine capacity. one challenging illinois's similar ban on so-called assault weapons and magazine capacity. those are at the supreme court. the third one is the federal government's. we won a case challenging their regulations. in the fifth circuit we won. they are not happy about it. they are trying to overturn a victory. it'll be good for us. it will reaffirm our victory and make it national. [applause] carl: congressman, they push
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these rules, the atf, sometime states. i live in the socialist republic of connecticut. they are basically trying to take everything for me. they make stupid laws and then say you can't have this anymore. with 1160, the assault weapon ban a connecticut, 68% of law enforcement say they will not enforce that. when you say i'm taking everybody's ar-15's, 30 round magazines, whatever it may be, whatever is fun, who are they going to fight to enforce that? come any people want to knock on your door or my door? rep. mills: we have to go ahead and call this what it is. this is not about policing. it's politics. they are trying to weaken the american people to make us dependent upon the administrative state. they have continued to do this. they thought they could just tax us out of it. they could charge us with these frivolous payments. you have to pay this to own this weapon. you have to pay this to hold and possess your weapon. then you have these red flag
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laws that are unconstitutional. i come from the greatest freest state in america, the state of florida. there are a couple of my floridians out there. while everyone in the blue states is talking but the highest regulations, you know as they have? the highest criminality. if you come to our house, you better bring a corner with you. -- coroner with you. this is why it not be infringed, the ability to protect ourselves, the businesses, the american way of life. i wore the uniform. carl wore the uniform. we swore to protect and defend against all enemies, foreign and domestic. the greatest threats we have, i have got afghanistan, iraq, somalia, kenya. blown up twice. the person i'm concerned with is the united states government
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because they are continuing to be weaponized. we have to stand tall. we cannot be the silent majority. we have to make sure shall not be infringed shall not be carl: he is most threatened when he comes to d.c. rep. mills: i had to wear a bullet-proof vest in the capitol. carl: it is the individual's right to have a gun outside the home. i live in connecticut. i have been trying to get my gun license there for eight or nine years and they will not give it to you. how do we enforce the supreme court's decision? alan: we have lawsuits going on against connecticut and new york. what is interesting, i expect that they would figure out we
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will try to be a little less so we can try to get away with it. they did not do it. they doubled and tripled down on laws that are worse. it makes our job easier with court cases. we had one in the ninth circuit where they tried to ban advertising that might reach minors and might entice young people to want to own a firearm in the future. the attorney general end california try to get a panel of judges to hear a case and get it thrown out. they could not get one judge in the ninth circuit to say yes. carl: california. i want to get to the more social aspect of the war on guns. you look at all these mass shootings happening recently, most of them happen in joe biden's gun free zones that he was the original architect of. the top 10 most dangerous cities
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are democratically held cities, some in republican states, but they are not prosecuting the bad guys. none of these guys to my knowledge are nra members. how do we fight back on this social matter when all these groups demand action, all these groups with billions of dollars in their pocket, they play the social war of if you do not want to give up your guns, you are for guns but no one is for gun violence. rep. mills: this is where the fake media and fake news comes in. the only report on mass shootings when it fit the narrative. let it be in illegal migrant. let someone of color and watch our fast a runaway from the story. they want to not vilify the actual criminal committing an act which is illegal they want to criminalize our ability to hold arms.
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what we are seeing right now is there is this weaponization in an effort to control the narrative and we have to stop being silent majority and we have to be more vocal. as joe biden has already leaked in between his ice cream and hair sniffing, he made it clear our constitution is not absolute. let me tell you something -- let him go walk through arlington, the headstones of people who fought and died for this nation to make sure we could do something worthy of their sacrifices. protecting our rights, our second amendment, our sovereignty and making sure we are not allowing a police state to be weaponized against us and that is what i fight for every single day in d.c. carl: that is a problem. there is not enough politicians to put your name to it. rep. mills: you said politicians. it needs to be statesmen and representatives.
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we have to many politicians. carl: 100%. it is an armed citizenry. after the germans bombed pearl harbor -- it is like animal house -- after the japanese bombed pearl harbor, they refused to invade america because they were worried about a gun behind every blade of grass. had we make sure people understand this is the part, the deterrence against maybe not someone breaking into your house but we are talking about people nations getting nuclear weapons the want to do harm to us. how do we encourage people to say to protect yourself? alan: that is a great point you are bringing up. i like to point out when there are international incidents like israel being invaded, all gun sales in the u.s. jump in numbers. people get it when it comes to protecting your home and your country, it is up to you. any time there is an
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international incident or national incident that happens with someone being attacked, gun sales go up. the american population gets it. it is the liberal democrats who do not get it. talking about the social part of this, we just had a court case in hawaii, the supreme court of hawaii ruled it overrides the constitution. deal though how spirit says you should not have -- the aloha spirit says you should not have a gun. groups are extremely well-funded, they are outspending the gun rights lobby by millions of dollars. we could not do it without people like you and the audience supporting us. carl: we can invite the aloha spirit to have this conversation. rep. mills: after the october 7 incident, a horrendous incident
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that took 1200 lives in israel, we saw where the need to be able to defend ourselves was so important. only days after this occurred i could not sit. i have said this before, in october of 2021, i was the only person who went over that sits in the house, october 10 i went over to israel and was very fortunate through our actions to be able to get out 255 americans trapped in various places. at that point, i realized what keeps america, to your point and to your point, safe, free is a well armed, well-trained militia the shall not be infringed of our rights and we should have that as long as i am alive. carl: in the same vein, i was a navy seal, i spent nine years in and out of iraq.
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i understand a society that is unarmed, uneducated and untrained can fall to basically anyone. but in the same article that congressman mills is talking about, the liberal left, they cheer when we armed ukraine. we will not even secure our own border until we arm ukraine. we want to give millions of dollars in weapons to every black hole in the world but not take care of our own citizens. yet when we want to own a gun for our protection because they just let 20 million illegals into this country, we cannot have that. alan: it is so blatantly political, their agenda of socialism and controlling lives, gun control is not about controlling guns, it is about controlling people. . that is what their agenda is. fax, figures -- facts, figures, statistics do not matter to them.
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all they are worried about is taking away our rights. carl: the constitution is not absolute, you cannot do this or that, to your point, the shall not be infringed is pretty clear. they always say you can have april action rifle. why do you need in ar-15? our founding fathers did not come back from a hunting trip. rep. mills: the way i look at it is this -- i would rather be judged by 12 than carried by six. the bottom line is we do have that right. we are the longest standing -- by the way, not democracy, constitutional republic. i want to make something very clear -- one thing that is clear about this is our constitution is backed up on one key item. our judeo-christian beliefs. are inalienable rights, our god-given rights that exist from god to man -- the biden
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administration would say it is from god to government to go ahead and politic and then to man -- our right to defense, free-speech, religion, our right to have a jury of our peers and b tried -- the idea that we have to protect these rights and they will go after the first little fracture. that fracture is our second amendment. i have said this multiple times, our second protects our first amendment. if we allow this to happen we will see more indictments against other americans. they will continue these frivolous indictments like letitia james in new york or fani willis in georgia. this is a hill to die on for every american. we must protect our second amendment. alan: you mentioned the ar-15, america's most popular firearm.
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the national media does not want to talk about it. there are people out there every day that use a so-called ar-15 to defend themselves and their family but you never see in our national news. you never see a story where someone sent their family or children -- sometimes going about in the house and their mother because they had an ar-15 for self-defense. it is a one-sided debate in the national media. it is disgusting. carl: most of them do not even know what "ar" stands for. some say assault rifle. the reality is, our millett rifle. it does not fit their narrative. we have to be louder. help to support things like the nra. continue to fight this. we have to control the narrative. we have to control our ability
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to control our own rights. rep. mills: democrats are the greatest gun salesman. every time a democrat comes into office they keep driving up the numbers. we are at 400 million -- ricky numbers -- go ahead and buy some more. carl: congressman cory mills, alan gottlieb, we appreciate you coming out tonight. ♪ ♪ >> we will be back with cpac conference. we will hear from the south
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dakota governor and jim jordan. watch live coverage from national harbor, maryland at 1:10 eastern on c-span, c-span now or online at >> c-span is your unfiltered view of government. we are funded by these television companies and more, including sparklight. >> the greatest town on earth is the place you call home. at sparklight, it is our home, too. we are facing our greatest challenge. sparklight is working around the clock to keep you connected. ♪ >> spalight supports c-span as a public service, along with these other television providers. giving you a front row seato democracy. >> today, supreme court justice sia sotomayor and amy coney barrett participate in a conversation on respectfully


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