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tv   Washington Journal Melanie Campbell  CSPAN  February 18, 2024 10:27pm-10:41pm EST

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c-span's 2024 campaign trail. a weekly round up as he stands campaign coverage. providing a one-stop shop over the candidates are traveling across the country. this, along with first-hand accounts from political reporters, updated poll numbers, fundraising data and campaign acts. watch campaign trail. friday nights at 7:00 eastern on c-span, at, or download as a podcast on c-span now. c-span, your unfiltered view of politics. >> for c-span's voice is 2024, we're asking voters across the country what issue is most important to you in this election and why. >> the most important issue is immigration. >> economics. >> homelessness is an issue that
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needs to be addressed. >> share your voice by going to our website, 2024. record a 32nd video telling us your issue and why. c-span's voices 2024. be a part of the conversation. back. we are joined by melanie campbell, president and ceo of national coalition on black civic participation. welcome to the program. guest: thank you for the invitation. a beautiful cold sunday morning. host: can you tell us more about the national coalition on black civic participation? what your organization does, where your funding comes from and who is involved? guest: the -- focusing on voting, empowerment, issues of importance.
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we get our funding from myriad places. individuals, foundations, donations, unions. host: what kind of work do you do? are you partisan in any way? guest: we are nonpartisan. it's about empowerment. it's about power building and fighting for justice. host: how many members do you have, and who is generally involved? guest: we are a membership and leadership organization. we are in 12 states with affiliates and state partners, mostly in the south but also in the midwest and northeast. host: how do you see your organization's role in the 2024 president election? guest: we focus on the black community to make sure they are civic we engaged.
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we work to engage our communities around local elections and national elections, and all between -- and all that in between. we also focus on leveraging that vote, engaging people on how to vote. we come to capitol hill once a year and have a day on capitol hill. we are starting a black men's gathering later on this year, so the people can connect the dots to their vote. through our state affiliates, they work on a local level and a state-level to do the same. host: recent polls have illustrated that the democratic party and president biden are losing ground, not just among black voters but also among hispanic voters. the past three years in particular have shown a steep decline in the support among black voters. i will show some information on this from gallup that kind of
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gets into these numbers. scrolling down a little bit, here it is. that decline among non-hispanic black adults as well as hispanic adults. i wonder, your take on this, the decline in support of democrats by some black voters. guest: i think part of it is the biden administration has not done a good job, showing what they have done and showing what unfinished business they plan to address if they are reelected. we had a bus tour with five cities in three days, small towns and big towns. we are nonpartisan. we are not telling you who to vote for but just to own that ballot. we had a conversation with black men, and folks didn't see the
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connections and most of it was other people in those conversations you had information about what happened with student loans, that there were things done on criminal justice. we didn't get the george floyd justice in police act passed yet. we need to be able to correct what happened with the roe v. wade overturn. as a black woman, i know that for us, we have also seen some great things. we have different conversations, conversations with black women. they've got to do what they need to do to change that. host: we're going to be taking your calls coming up on these issues and for democrats, that number is (202)-748-8000. republicans, (202)-748-8001. independents, (202)-748-8002.
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miss campbell, i want to ask what you think some of the top issues facing voters of color are in this election and if they are different from other voters? guest: a lot of it is about justice. there are also economic issues. a couple of small towns in florida, they are not necessarily seen, they are not seeing that 3% unemployment. there is still a big wage gap. and then of course, issues of inflation, hitting people's pocketbooks. those are some of the things that i know need to be done. there are still people concerned about what is happening with over policing. at the same time, people want to deal with issues of crime, as well. the issues are very personal to people's quality of life. but also, we want to deal with
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the things i mentioned, about our lives. black women, we are the strongest vote when it comes to the election. i also know that there are some things that they have done. we know we have more judges, black women judges on the bench. we have ketanji brown jackson. this is one of the ministrations that has have one of the most diverse administrations in my lifetime. we have our first black woman as vice president. we also have to get down to how does this make you feel? if i don't feel we are doing well then we have to address that. some of that is sharing what you have done but also share what you haven't done in a way that people say, this is going to be my choice because they are fighting for me. host: you mentioned black women in leadership roles. there is an article here in the 19th news, saying for the first
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time, black women are leading democrats in early primary states. the women serve as the public face of the democrat party in south carolina, nevada and michigan. i wonder what you think the idea -- do you think that the democrat party leadership and its apparatus are reflective of the prominent black women who are at the grassroots in the united states, organizing for democrats? guest: i think georgia has a black woman too. i think you see it is better. it can get better. we are the most loyal vote and we need to see that. we are moving in the right direction but more needs to be done. there is also pushback on black women in leadership. when you think about what happened with vice president kamala harris, letitia james,
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fani willis. there is a concern that as black women are moving and progressing, there is a backlash. that needs to be spoken to as well. host: you mentioned vice president kamala harris. republican for the initial candidate nikki haley -- republican presidential candidate nikki haley a few weeks ago was saying that vice president harris is not up to the job of being president. here is that. [video clip] >> it is from an experience standpoint. she has never been a governor. she's never had executive experience. she was a senator for a couple of years. the things that biden gave her, she didn't do anything with. the border, she didn't do anything. i spent more time at the border than her. when it came to artificial intelligence, he gave her that and she didn't do anything with it. america has behind everyone else when it comes to artificial intelligence. i haven't seen her do anything.
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she went to oversee -- he sent her to a foreign policy conference. she should have been talking about how we will have more allies. she didn't say anything. china just had their way with that conversation. it is not about her personally. it's about the fact that we are looking at a dangerous time in our country. this is not the time to go and put someone in and say we are going to do this because. you do it because we've got to get the right person in. stop with the labels and stop with the division and stop with who is in whose camp and focus on how we are going to get america patriotic again and loving each other again. host: what do you think of this argument that the vice president hasn't accomplished any of these tasks set out before her? guest: i think it is bogus. i think dickie haley is not being sincere and she is not doing women a service and what she is doing and running for president and that is my
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personal opinion because i don't want to be partisan. but the reality is vice president kamala harris has done a wonderful job. she is not the president. she has been on the foreign policy stage and domestic stage, focusing on some really challenging issues. unfinished business yes for the administration. i think she is exceptionally >> c-span's washington journal. our live form involving you to discuss the latest issues in government, politics and public policy. coming up monday morning, an author discusses his book the search for reagan which examines the former president's intellectual strengths as well as what he describes as his
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