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tv   Washington Journal Open Forum  CSPAN  February 14, 2024 8:48pm-9:01pm EST

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there is something for every c-span fan and every purchase supports our nonprofit operations. shop now or anytime at >> c-span's washington journal, our live form involving you to discuss the latest issues in government, politics and public policy from washington and across the country. thursday morning, a pennsylvania republican congressman and oregon democratic congresswoman discuss the importance of technical skills programs for the u.s. economy and workforce. then we will look at the rising cost of prescription drugs with gerard anderson. washington journal, join the conversation live at 7:00
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eastern thursday morning on c-span, c-span now or online at . host: welcome back to washington journal, it is open for. we will take care calls. we wanted to show you this first, president biden delivered remarks to urge house republicans to take up that 95 billion foreign aid bill that provided assistance to ukraine. [video clip] >> history is watching. failure to support ukraine will never be forgotten. i want to be clear about something. i know it's important to the american people. while this sin support ukraine
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is spends it right here in places where the missiles are built. the way it works is we supply military equipment with our stockpiles and we replenish those stockpiles sore military has access to them. stockpiles made in america by american workers. in not only supports americans but it allows us to invest in our own defense manufacturing capacity. it creates greater support for our troops serving in the region. it also provides israel with what it needs to protect his people from hamas, hezbollah and others and provides lifesaving
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aid to the palestinian people. finally, this bill includes funding for our priorities in asia. as we focus on the conflicts in gaza and ukraine we have national security responsibilities in the pacific. we are a great nation. the rest of the world books to us. host: that was the president at the white house into your calls in fort lauderdale, florida. caller: hi there. thank you for c-span. i am really sad that i did not get to talk to that lady that was on there before but i will have to settle to talking to you . and you're a lovely lady yourself. i have a lot of problems with her organization.
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she is very practiced and very good. she is out there working on behalf of the billionaires. when you asked how does your organization get money and she says foundations. it comes from billionaires foundation like pete peterson. as practiced as she is, the rich and poor have to buy the bullet and participate in helping our budget deficit. she let something slip there. right after she was done talking about the debt thermometer, you remember what she talked about? host: yep.
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caller: she said this past year it's been pretty good. the deficit has been reduced a couple of trillion dollars because of the act president biden sign. she is saying that her deficit went down but she doesn't answer that the people who call. that never gets mentioned or brought up. you might look back at your own tape or video and see right there at the end of her but she said that. host: people can go to and watch all of our programs there. rudy on our independent line. caller: good morning how are you today? host: good. caller: the reason i was calling is that my point of view with
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the border and the way things are. i believe they are trying to do the best they can with all of these people coming over. i hear about people coming in from other parties and saying biden is not doing his job. they don't want to work with them but i think they need to come together on this situation, on both sides and work together. pass an immigration law, something has to be done about this. it doesn't look like they want to work together. host: james in kingston, new hampshire on the independent line. caller: red is definitely a color. my sinuses social security
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recipient and we are tired of hearing about cuts. we worked hard for our benefits, ok? i learned so much every day from watching it and we need cameras in the courtrooms. but once again mimi, we need increases social security not decreases. host: ruth in houston, texas. caller: thank you so much for taking my call. i agree with all the other colors that maya was such a breath of fresh air. but the reality is, washington is broken. they cannot raise taxes and decrease spending so the only
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way we will have a change is if we have a constitutional amendment that requires a balanced budget. washington dc is broken but luckily our founding fathers provided another path for us to have a constitutional amended through article five. we would need 33 states to call a convention and pass a constitutional amendment and we would need 38 states to ratify it. i feel we have given washington many tries and i don't think they are capable of increasing taxes and cut spending. thank you for taking my call. thank you for c-span. i have one suggestion for you to think about. we are all americans here and they wonder if you take away the
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republican, democrat lines and not pit us against each other by putting us in categories. host: richard is next in missouri. caller: we got the border thing fixed yesterday. we impeach that guy so we could go down and take care of the order. -- the border. they can bankrupt the company and wipe out all of the debt. i will get outta here. host: memphis, tennessee. caller: thank you for taking my call. this is a big topic but before
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we start talking about raising taxes which is not a good thing. we first have to look out the taxes we have created. where is the money going? it causes a great burden at the dinner table. but we don't account for where this money is going. i don't think raising taxes on the small, it will never hit the billionaires. it is always going to hit the middle class and lower middle class people. they are going to suffer the worst. we first have to stop to say, pulled back from the table and let's see where this money is going and where we are wasting
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money before we talk about raising more taxes. thank you so much. host: dave in las vegas, and independent. caller: first of all, the democrats are going to lose this election unless biden puts a military on the border. if he could do that he would win the next election, easily. everybody has bought about the border. you don't need a wall. you might as well call him sleeping joe. he cares about everybody else's border but ours. send all that money to ukraine? if trump gets in there he will cut social security and medicare. he already said he's gonna cut obama care. host: have you decided who you were going to vote for?
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caller: i'm not really sure but i would not vote for trump. i don't want to vote for biden either. he's asleep at the wheel. i would probably vote for kennedy if he was running or liz cheney. someone who is a good person. trump broke the law. >> coming tonight on c-span, congressnal budget office director philip slagle gives his projections for the budget and u.s. economic outlook. in polital analyst charlie cook on his assessment of the 2024 presidential election cycle. later, house republican and democratic leaders speak to the press about the democratic agenda and the resul of last night's special agenda in new york that will narw the republican agenda in the chamber.
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that is coming up tonight on c-span. >> c-span is your unfiltered view of government. we are funded by these television companies and more, including cox. >> the syndrome is extremely rare, but friends don't have to be. >> this is joe. >>hen you are connected, you are not alone. >> cox supports c-span as a public service along with these other television providers, giving you a front row seat to democracy. >> the director of the congressional budget office, philip slagle, says the federal deficit is projected to grow by $2.6 trillion over the next 10 years, which is 50% larger than the historical average. he made the comment while testifying on the budget and economic outlook before the house budget committee. this is two and


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