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tv   Campaign 2024 Fmr. Pres. Trump Speaks to Reporters After Meeting With...  CSPAN  February 2, 2024 11:19am-11:39am EST

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>> midco supports c-span as a public service, along with these other television providers, giving you a front row seat to democracy. >> former president donald trump also met with union members. he spoke with reporters after meeting witthe head of teamsters. he said he thought head a good shot of getting the union's endorsement. the union endorsed president biden in 2020 and hillary clinton in 2016. following th'brietold reportersn has a long way to go before making a decision. ■mr. trump: we have had a very
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productive meeting, normally a republican would not get that endorsement. in my case it is different because i have employed thousands of teamsters. i thought we should come over and pay our respects. a big part of the voting block votes for me. some people say more than 50%. no one knows the exact numbers.
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we had a very productive meeting with a lot of teamster representatives upstairs. >> teamster said they wanted to sit down with nikki haley. [indiscernible] mr. trump: she is gone at 12%. if they want to waste their time, they can do that. >> president biden said he is going to respond. if you are the -- if you were in the white house, would you respond? mr. trump: it would not have happened. he would not have the attack on israel, he would not have the attack on ukraine, you would not have inflation that is destroying our country. the damage done already by inflation has beenowhile it mayp
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30%. prices are up higher than they ago. you would not have had any of that. he would not have attacks on -- you would not have had attacks. i knocked out isis, we took over 100% of the isis caliphate. we pulled our troops out, nobody has done what i did. people would not have attacked. he would not have done it against me. we used to talk about ukraine, it was the apple of his eye read he would not have done it. israel would have never been attacked. china would not be talking about taiwan. all these things it is so sad to see and here we go with the middle east dropping bombs all over the place. it would have never happened. >> [indiscernible]
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mr. trump: i want to bring jobs back to the we were doing that e trump administration. it is so terrible. we want to bring jobs back to the country and sometimes terrorists can do that. we will bring back millions of jobstart making our product. we started that process and did very well with it and we will finish it up. right now a lot of the progress we made, whether it is on the border -- because we had the safest border ever and now we have the worst border ever. there has never been a border like this ever in the world what is happening at our border. i hope the republicans and democrats to make a backward deal because a bad border deal would be worse than any deal at all.
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you don't need a deal to tighten the border. i had the most secure border in history. i said no people are coming in, no drugs are coming in, we don't want to have human trafficking. you look at that border, human trafficking is up 100 -- 114%. you would not have that. we were working so hard on human trafficking, it is a horrible thing. it is not ancient. because of the internet, it is a tremendous moneymaker for the people who do it. he would have had none of that. the numbers are adrugs pouring . you have the right to close up your border. you don't needthey are complicat to a level nobody is going to be
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able to do it. the minimum was 5000 people per day. it is hard to believe that could be right. they were negotiating to allow 5000 people a day. that is a tremendous amount. nobody wants that you have that habit. they are still not good to know where they're coming from. we have no idea who these people are that are pouring into our borders. last night i watched where they were beating up police officers in new york city, a gang that did not speak english. nobody knows who they are or where they come from. they come from jails and■ prisons, mental institutions and insane asylums. and they are terrorists, they have a lot of terrorists coming. we do, them -- do not want them. >> [indiscernible]
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mr. trump: i don't understand. >> [indiscernible] mr. trump: what penalties? >> for the fraud case. mr. trump: i did not do anything wrong. we won under the court of appeals, that case has largely been won. that was a political case coordinated with the white house by the attorney general. we won the case largely in the court of appeals. >> the eugene carol case. mr. trump: ridiculous. she did not know anything about me, she did not do what happened. . it is a ridiculous case. >> [indiscernible] mr. trump: i think it is a
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horrible thing. when j%napwould block it instan. >> [indiscernible] which you expect intelligence briefings as the republican nominee? mr. trump: i would not give him intelligence briefings because i don't believe he is competent. i would cancel them for him. i don't believe he is competent. >> [indiscernible] is it true you told people you the 20 c democrats in a runoff -- to see democrats in her enough? mr. trump: i did not say that. i said if you are not going to get a good immigration bill, don't do a bill. if it is not going to solve the border problem, don't do the
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bill. a lot of people respect me. they say what you think? if the bill is not going to be a great bill, i would not do it. not for political reasons, for u.s. reasons. >> [indiscernible] mr. trump: they could do it either way. i just want to see a great bill. this is not republican or democrat, 5000 people a day is a lot. i want to see a great bill. if we get a great bill, we should do it. i don't think you're going to get a great bill. if you are starting at 5000 people a day, it is insane. we just had a meeting with the te problem is the have are millions of people pouring into the country. that is a killer. i am going to stop it. that is why the teamsters support me. within the unit itself, i have
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tremendous -- the unit itself, i have tremendous support. we have a good shot, i think. they like what i do. they never had a better four years then during the trump administration. i can say that for a lot of businesses and a lot of people. african-american, asian american, hispanic american, the best years they had. everyone of them. >> [indiscernible] mr. trump: p.o.w. made a terrible decision by allowing electric cars. they will all be made in china, you have no jobs here. i will have all kinds of cars because the electric mandate is a disaster. they don't go far enough, they cost too much, we don't have the
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materials to make them but china does. you have heard me say that 100 times. you can buy an electric car, absolutely, but you will be able to buy other types of cars. depending on what you want, you will be able to buy what you want to buy. i will, it was 40 degrees below zero on voting night. did you notice all of those cars pulled over? they were all electric cars, they don't work well any cold weather weather. i just wan■t to say, though, we had an incredible month. we beat in iowa, knocked out the competition. got the best percentage, marginalize, of any candidate that ever ran. we went to new hampshire and got the most votes -- that was sort of like the home run record. we got the most votes of anybody that ever ran in the new
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hampshire primary. we just had an incredible time. we are now focused on nevada, which is next, and we think we will get close to 100% of those votes, and then we have the islands coming up, by the way. dope forget that. that coming up. then we go to a place that has been very good to me and i've been very good to them. it is south carolina. we see apel today we are 40 points up. we actually went up over the last week or two. right now, we are going to nevada, where we have the caucus, the big caucus, and i think we will do very well. >> [indiscernible] >> i do not understand the question. say it again, louder. >> for trade representatives --
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>> which one? >> has created policies on china -- how can you campaign against a platform that -- >> i do not know her. i generally say tariff should be higher, and i have a lot of respect for bob. he has really been very good. i think he has a friend, i do not know her, but they are friendly. we are going to see what happens. what i want to do is ringback manufacturing. i want to make the cars sold by china in here in the united states. and i think we'll do that. and i had a very good relationship with china. it came apart when we had the covid situation. i didn't want -- that was a step too far. what happened there was a step too far. i said from the beginning it was wuhan, and it was wuhan..
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i had a very good relationship with china. but we want china to manufacture here. we don't want them to make their cars in china. and you know, bob and i have these discussions all the time. there are pros and cons, but not very many of them. the fact is, we want them to manufacture. we want them to spend money in this country. if they're going to sell cars in this country, they should make them in this country. we want them to make them in this country. we want them to put our workers to work. thank you very much. any other questions? >> you repeatedly said it's fallen off, i'm curious, now that you're here for the day, what would you do if back that the white house to actually it safer -- >> you used to come to d.c., and it felt safe. you would coming from nebraska, iowa, different places, and you would say this is so beautiful,
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so safe, so nice. now, you come in and you have a good chance of being shot. they had three people killed last week, too. so you know, it's just -- the crime is -- you have to have strong procedures on law enforcement, and they don't have them. and i know a lot of the police in d.c. got to know them. they're great. but they're not allowed to do their job. you have to let them do their job. it's a crime fest right now. and we can't have that. also, physically, graffiti all ians falling downarbage all over on the roadways. when foreign leaders come to this country, they probably look around and says this is d.c.? the graffiti is horrible. you have beautiful white columns
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and a swastika on the white column. it's got to be -- the place has got to be cleaned up. it's got to be made great again to be honest with you. because it was something so special. think about over the years, frankly, in my term, when i saw parks, we took them out, we had to take them out immediately, because once you have, you know, you can take out two or three. when you have 1,000, but when you look at what's happening with the homeless in d.c. and probably migrants, too, because the migrants are coming into d.c. at levels they have never seen before. in all fairness to d.c., and you have hundreds of thousands of people coming in to this country, millions and millions of people, a lot of them coming right here. we have to make our capital safe, anwe have to make it clean and respected and beautiful, and that's part of my plan. we're going to run it through the federal government, and it's going to be run very tough and very smart and very safe. people are coming here, and they're getting shot. they come here for an evening, i want to see the lincoln memorial, i want to see something, i want to see something so beautiful. i want to look at the capitol building, i want to look at the white house.
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not going to happen. we're going to straighten it out. >> you said they wouldn't have happened, the strike, if you were president but president biden is now facing a decision to react. what would you do if you were? >> you shouldn't say what you're going to do. he says we're thinking about doing so. you have to do something. this should have never happened. when i was president, iran had no money. they had no money to do this. they had money, but they didn't have money to do this. we would have made a great deal with them. i would say, had it worked out differently, two weeks after the election, we would have had a great deal with iran. everybody would have been happy. instead, iran now has $200 billion, and they're spreading their money all over the place. and things are happening that would have never happened with me. and most democrats aimrea with that. i watched over the weekend, one of the shows. they said -- two people said i
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do agree that this would not have happened with trump as president. >> [indiscernible] >> they are wrong about that. i've dealt with unions my whole life. i have a great relationship with unions. some parts of the country, they do not have unions. if you wanted a union, they do not have them. other parts -- i happen to grow up in new york, and we had unions, just about. now, i could have gone a different way, but i didn't. you have companies that will build nonunion in new york. but i didn't do that. i think they respected that. i think we had a great meeting today. it's going to be very■e interesting. nice to see you all. thank you very much. >> what do you say to americans who argue that the country needs more workers not fewer? >> most people need it closed down. i can tell you, people feel differently about different
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things, but the unions and the teamsters, if they don't have it closed down, they're not going to exist. they're not going to be able to exist. so thank you very much. thank you. >> what about those who vote for the bill -- >> i think they're making a terrible mistake if they vote for the bill. it's a terrible bill. terrible bill for our country. it's a terrible bill. 5,000 people alone. don't even look at the rest of the bill. 5,000 people? a day? coming into our country. who is negotiating this bill? it's a terrible bill. thank you, all. see you on the trail, right? >> what is wrong with your hand? >> what was wrong with it? >> you do not see the photo? >> no one told you? >> the other one. >> nothing. maybe it's a.i. [laughter] nothing. i didn't see that. >>


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