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  Campaign 2024 Teamsters President Remarks Following Meeting with Fmr. Pres....  CSPAN  January 31, 2024 6:22pm-6:36pm EST

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making a terrible mistake if they vote for the bill. it's a terrible bill. terrible bill for our country. terrible bill. 5,000 people alone. don't even look at the rest of the bill. 5,000 people? a day? coming into our country. who is negotiating this bill. it's a terrible bill. thank you all. we'll see you on the trail, right? mr. trump: your hand. what was wrong with it? reporter: the other one. no one told you? mr. trump: nothing. maybe it's a.i. [laughter] mr. trump: nothing. i didn't see that. [inaudible] mr. trump: infrastructure is very important for the teamsters. sean very important. we talked about it. we had a very good -- we just
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had a very good discussion we didn't is come to any conclusion. thank you all very much. thank you. [captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 2024] [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. visit] >>ollowing his meeting with republican presidential candidate donald trump, teamsters president sean o'bryan spoke with reporters. >> how you doing? sean o'brien, president of the
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international brotherhood of teamsters. it it's been the process with don over the past five meetings. we've got specific questions and issues. more importantly we have rank and file members that are out there working in the trenches every single day that had an opportunity to present questions like we've cone in the past. to the candidates. and you know, there's a lot of -- still there's a lot of due diligence that needs to be done. there's a lot of boxes that need to be checked. we've got a long way to go before we make a decision. president biden has committed, hasn't committed a date as of yet. reporter: what's your reaction? >> she hasn't reached out back to us, we have no reaction as of this point. it's not surprising. she's publicly stated that, you know she doesn't support unions. i think in one press conference she said, you know, the reason why boeing chose to go to south
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carolina was because there wasn't a strong union presence. he she supports. that doesn't surprise us. reporter: you talked in the past about issues you've had with the former president's record on union issues. did that come up? >> we had a long conversation, dialogue about right to work. pro act, making it easy to organize. supporting workers' rights legislation. today's dialogue was about putting our issues out on the table and letting people know, letting all the candidates know how important these issues are. this is what's going to determine an endorsement or nonendorsement. it was an engaging conversation. a lot of this, i think, with every single candidate we've found, they're not as well versed on a lot of these issues. it's up to us that we can articulate exactly what it is. we've been working hard across the street with a lot of senators that aren't democrats,
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that we've been able to get support on a lot of issues that i they wouldn't support prior. this will be a continued work in progress before we make a decision. reporter: are any of the answers surprising? >> no, every candidate has a way of answering questions, some are more direct than others. what we've seen in all candidates who meet with us, they say they're pro workers and say they'll support workers. at the end of the day no matter what choice we make, we have to be the conscience of the people we support. the conversation was pleasant. it was direct. and at the end of the day we still have some more questions that need to be asked of both candidates. and more importantly we've got to get consensus. we'll be doing a lot of polling with our members. this is going to be the most important decision under our administration, the
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o'brien-zuckerman administration moving forward. we need to get it right. the way we'll get it right is the inclusiveness and transparency of our 1.3 million rank and file members. reporter: president trump talks about rank and file union members supporting him. what's your read on that? what's your sense on members for president trump? >> we done have the polling done yet, it's tough to speak. i don't support any other union than the teamsters union. that's why over the next several weeks and several mops we'll be doing our due diligence, we can revisit that question. there is no doubt about, there's union support for president trump. as always union support for president biden. regardless, president biden has done a lot of good work for union members. he fixed pension funds that were on the verge of being insolvent. a lot of issues important to us.
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but what you've done in the pats doesn't guarantee us a future with us. are you going to support our issues in our time of need? are you going to step up and do what's right by working people in the country. historically the candidates have endorsed after respective conventions. we've got a great executive board. the faster we get president biden in here and the more questions we get answered from both candidates with strong commitments, the endorsement or nonendorsement may come sooner than later. we haven't made a decision yet. reporter: how much was president trump focused on exclusive labor policy and pro act versus immigration policy? >> a lot of the conversation, the narrative we were putting forward was, all our members' issues. he has a strong passion, a strong opposition to what's
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going on at the border right now. look, we are all products of immigration. and you know, the teamsters union supports immigrant workers because we all come from people that came from different countries. there is a opinion that there's a lot of criminals coming across the border, a lot of crime being committed, a lot of countries releasing prisoners. we don't know if that's factual or not, it's some of the:u due diligence we'll check on as a result of the meeting today. [inaudible] reporter: you said that -- he said you may endorse him, is that realistic possibly? >> i'm sorry, you said it too fast, i'm from boston.
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the only realistic possibility out there, whoever candidate supports our issues is going to get our endorsement. we don't hr candidate, we won't give our endorsement. reporter: what about the rank and file? >> they're more important than i am. >> what's the most important issue for everybody in the endorsement decision? >> for me it's right to work. >> i would agree with, right to work. reporter: is there a difference between political support from the rank and file versus union leadership? >> one more time? >> do you also feel the way president trump stated there's a difference from the rank and file versus union officials? >> i can answer that question. i was posed the question last --
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i was posed the question, you know, you're a union boss. so you know, you have to, you know guide your members the right way. i'm not a union boss. these are the bosses. our rank and file members that allow us the privilege. whatever decision is going to be made, it's going to be very inclusive and transparent. we're a bottom-up organization. >> is right to work nlrb versus the trump nlrb, what's the argument to support president trump given what happened with organizing? >> there's no question, there's no question the biden administration has been great for unions. but again, sometimes dialogue helps formulate difference of opinions that will be favorable to unions and positions moving forward. that's what our goal. is again we're not looking at what happened in the past. we're looking at what's going to happen in the future.
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>> we have to wrap up. thank you so much. >> thank you, appreciate it. >> today in the house, members consider a tax benefits package totaling $7 billion. the bill expands the child tax credit, it also provides a series of tax breaks for businesses. several new york republican moderates had threatened to block legislative action on the floor in protest over the tax bill not including an increase in the state and local tax deduction known as salt. they have received a commitment from republican leader hipp to continue working on salt legislation. also today, lawmakers consider several immigration policy bills include regular voaking benefits for noncitizens who participated in the october 7 hamas attack on israel. the other calls for imgrants who
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commit social security fraud to be deporred. at the start of the session, speaker johnson gave remarks on the policy. these are his first floor remarks since becoming speaker. we'll have live coverage when the house returns here on c-span. >> c-span's "washington journal," a live forum involving you to discuss the latest issues in government, politics and public policy. from washington, d.c. and across the country. coming up thursday morning, pennsylvania democratic congresswoman houlahan, air forceeteran and member of the armed services and intelligence committees discusses the dren attack in jordan, imgrition and border security, and u.s. aid to ukraine and israel. and ryan birch, a political scientist at east illinois university who studies religious trends talks about the impact of recent polling showing more than a quarter of adults in the united states are religiously unaffiliated.
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