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tv   U.S. House of Representatives Debate on Govt Funding Until October 31  CSPAN  September 30, 2023 4:12am-5:23am EDT

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mr. diaz-balart, seek recognition? mr. diaz-balart: i call up house resolution 741 call up the bill h.r. 5525 and ask for its immediate consideration in the house. the speaker pro tempore: the clerk will report the title of the bill. the clerk: a bill making continuing appropriations for fiscal year 2024 and for other purposes. pursuant to house resolution 741 amendments printed in house report to 230 are adopted and the bill is considered. the bill shall be debated for one hour equally divided and controlled by the chair and ranking member of the committee on appropriations or their respective designees. the gentleman from florida, mr. diaz-balart, and the gentlewoman from connecticut,
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ms. delauro, each will control 30 minutes. the chair recognizes the gentleman from florida. mr. diaz-balart: i ask unanimous consent that all members may have five legislative days to revise and extend their remarks and include extraneous materials on the measure under consideration. i the speaker pro tempore: without objection mr. diaz-balart: i am proud to speak on the spending reduction and border security act of 2024. as we all know, the most basic duty that congress has and must complete every year is that constitutional power of congress to fund the federal government. this bill, mr. speaker, will provide funding to keep our government open until october 31. so unless we act now, the government will shut down
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midnight on saturday. let's be very clear, mr. speaker, the house has already passed four appropriation bills. they constitute the majority of funding for our government. now unfortunately, the senate continues to sit on its hands and has failed to pass any of them, any of them thus far. and unfortunately, it's something we have seen something time and time again from our friends across this building. the country, mr. speaker, has nearly $32.9 trillion, trillion with a t, mr. speaker, dollars in debt. and our deficit this year is $1.9 trillion dollars. the biden administration has gone on a crazy and
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irresponsible spending binge with money that we do not have to spend, money that is borrowed mostly from communist china. it is time, it is time that we slow this out of control, unsustainable spending to a level that is sustainable. yesterday, mr. speaker, i was proud that the house of representatives passed the state and foreign operations appropriations bill, one that i was pleased and honored to lead that cut wasteful spending while making crucial investments in our national security, all while the total cost of that bill passed last night, is way below fiscal year 2015 spending levels. that bill that we passed will slow our spending by really taking discretionary spending back to fiscal year 2022
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overall. now excluded from those reductions in this bill are any reductions from defense, veterans, homeland security and disaster relief. it is a very important start and well overdue to fund our priorities the american peoples' priorities but doing so in a responsible way that does not bankrupt the american taxpayer. mr. speaker, in addition, this bill provides flexibilities of the department of defense for new starts. but this bill does more than just out of control spending. it will help stem the just inhumane tide at our southern border. our southern border is out of
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control. the biden administration has failed to do the bare minimum to secure our border. as i have said before, mr. speaker, it is beyond negligence and incompetence and it has fatal consequences that just irresponsible attitude of the biden administration when it comes to the southern border. in just the last few days, we have seen a surge at the border with an average of over 9,000 apprehensions each and every day. this is unsustainable. it's unthinkable and i would add, it's immoral. mr. speaker, our border is out of control. actually, no, let me correct myself right here on the floor of the house, mr. speaker, no, it is controlled now 100% by the narco terrorists cartels on the
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mexican side of the border. that's who the administration hasc eded control of the southern border to and this crisis will continue to get worse and worse unless we act. earlier this year, the house approved the bill that i was just honored to lead, h.r. 2, the border security act of 2023. as you know, this bill would make changes to our immigration policies that would reclaim control of the southern border and i am proud to say that the spending reduction and border security act of 2024 which i am speaking about today includes the border security act of 2023 already passed by this house. this bill provides a solution, this bill i'm talking about now, mentioning now, provides a
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solution to keep the government open. this bill keeps the government open, and it restrains the growth of government while giving us an opportunity to continue negotiation on the appropriation bills. so mr. speaker, i urge my colleagues to do the responsible thing, support this bill so that we can send it to the senate and keep the federal government open. that's what we are dealing with. that's what the vote is about. and i urge all of our colleagues to do the right thing and vote yes on this bill. i reserve the remaining part of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from florida reserves. the gentlewoman from connecticut is recognized. ms. delauro: thank you. i yield myself as much time as i may consume. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady is recognized. ms. delauro: i rise to oppose this resolution. if you cannot agree to the funding levels of 2024 in order to keep government open, you
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must pass a continuing resolution. a 30% slashing of the federal government only, quote, continues the majority's inability and unwillingness to govern responsibly. i would argue you can't call it a, quote, conservative resolution either. there's nothing conservative about the indiscriminate destruction of public investments in america's families. but regardless of what it is called, this bill inflicts serious consequences on the american people, whether it is signed into law, which it never will be, or because of the costly shutdown it triggers. we are less than 48 hours from a government shutdown, and what do we have to show for it? the american people are tired of the double-speak coming from the majority. there are house republicans who
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have repeatedly assured the public that nobody wants a shutdown, and there are others who tell us they think a shutdown would be a good thing for the country. and maybe they are not worried about a shutdown because they know that members of congress will not miss a paycheck. i can speak for every democrat in the congress when i say we oppose this republican shutdown, a shutdown that will be devastating for our country. so what have the republicans offered as their effort to avoid a government shutdown? what would this bill do? this bill would slash investments in cancer research, leave communities recovering from natural disasters out to dry, undercut allies with a $1 billion cut to israel, and
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further cuts to our support of ukraine. it defunds law enforcement by 30% and makes our communities less safe, and it takes food out of the mouths of millions. this bill raises costs on american families at a time when the cost of living is already too high. it cuts title 1 education funding, the bedrock of public education, to the tune of 150,000 teachers being pulled out of classrooms and 275,000 children would lose access to head start, undermining early education and making it harder for parents to work. in an unprecedented move, the house republican bill cuts the low income home energy assistance program, the liheap program funding, by roughly 74%, more than five million households will lose their home
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heating or cooling benefits or have their benefits cut by hundreds of dollars, threatening their ability to heat their homes in winter or cool their homes in summer. house republicans are threatening public health by cutting food safety and inspection service by 30%. withouted a get inspection of our meat -- without adequate inspection of our meat and poultry factories. it raises the cost of food for american families and risks the consumption of contaminated food. with the cuts in this bill, 400,000 fewer small businesses would be assisted by the small business administration. entrepreneurial development programs, this would have significant impact on small business owners especially among
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veterans, women, and native american entrepreneurs. this bill has no future. at best, it is dead on arrival in the senate and would never be signed by the president of the united states. everyone in this room knows that keeping the government operating and passing bills to fully fund the next fiscal year will require bipartisan cooperation. you need the house and the senate, democrats and republicans, to pass appropriation bills. and yet house republicans are refusing to work with and negotiate with democrats. this is a pointless charade with grave consequences for the american people. house democrats are ready to work. we were ready in the spring. we were ready last week. we are ready this weekend.
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we are ready today, tomorrow, and every day to work in good faith with our colleagues on the other side of the aisle to meet the needs of the american people. let's get to work, serious work. thank you and i reserve the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman from connecticut reserves. the gentleman from florida is recognized. mr. diaz-balart: mr. speaker, let's be very clear. we're going to know shortly who wants to shut down the government and who wants to keep it open because we're going to have a vote. and this in front of us today, this resolution, is to keep the government open. i know there's going to be a lot of talk. but we're going to have a vote. if you vote for this resolution, it keeps the government open. and if you vote against it, government shuts down saturday night. that's not too complicated. the american people are smart. they get that. so all the talk that we're going to hear, we will know on that
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vote if you vote for this resolution, you're voting to keep the government open. if you vote against it, well, you're voting to shut it down. i now would like to yield two minutes to the distinguished chairman of the committee of natural resources, mr. weserman -- westerman, for two minutes. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized. mr. westerman: serving in congress means making big choices on the big stage that are chronicled in our votes. take out all the policy disagreements and after this debate, every member of the house will have a vote to make and making choices is about setting priorities. house republicans have made it clear that cutting spending, securing the border, and keeping the government open while we finish the year long spending bills are our priorities.
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it's no secret based on previous actions that my friends across the aisle prioritize out of control spending and an open border. i guesstimate their priorities will outweigh keeping the government open. that's their choice. since president biden took office, our debt skyrocketed, inflation is strangling our citizens, thousands of pounds of fentanyl and millions of illegal immigrants, including more than 150 on the terror watch list, have poured over our southern border and into our communities. this immigration crisis is so bad the biden administration has resorted to building migrant shelters in our national parks and waiving environmental laws to do it. this has to stop. the choices are clear. the conservative solution will avoid a government shutdown, secure our borders, and will keep us on track to restore fiscal sanity.
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a vote against this bill, let me be clear, a vote against this bill is a vote to continue down the path of out-of-control spending, to keep our borders open and to shut down the government. i've made my choice to vote yes, and i encourage others to do the same and i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman reserves back. the gentleman from florida reserves? mr. diaz-balart: yes, thank you, sir. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady is recognized. ms. delauro: with this bill you will cut 1, 460 teachers from your district and almost 46,000 households will be terminated with their low income energy assistance benefits. with that let me yield two minutes to the gentlewoman from florida, the distinguished ranking member of the military construction and veterans' affairs subcommittee, ms. wassermann shultz. the speaker pro tempore: how long?
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ms. delauro: two minutes, i'm sorry. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady is recognized for two minutes. ms. wassermann shultz: thank you. i rise in opposition to this so-called c.r. which is a maga gift basket to extremists. let's address the reality. the gutting cuts in this bill do not continue current funding like we've historically done in continuing resolutions. the so-called c.r. slashes cancer and alzheimer's research, defunds police and undercuts allies like israel and ukraine. republicans claim to care about our borders but this invites more immigration problems. instead of giving migrants the path to work and pay taxes, it leaves them to languish in substandard prison also. this grab bag of garbage has no chance of becoming law and slingshots to a shutdown in 36 hours and it harms everyone from seniors and service members to this nation's most vulnerable in its very security and snarls small business loans and delays home loans and can force
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government contractors in chaos. my home state of florida will feel it first. the longer it drags, the deeper the airport lines will get as t.s.a. agents and traffic controllers go without pay and passport processing slows down. at worse, it makes our military serve without pay. don't forget in the 2019g.o.p. shutdown they forced coast guard members into food banks. it doesn't make america stronger. instead of making communities less safe and handcuffing fema's responsiveness which this c.r. does, why don't republicans join democrats to fight big phrma and lower drug prices like insulin instead of a shutdown which closes social security field offices which this c.r. does and takes food from the mouths of children, why won't republicans join democrats to bolster education, health care and climate investment like americans want. why? because maga extremists don't want to make life better for all americans but inflict pain on our own leadership, our government and the american
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people. why? because it covers up their lack of agenda and excites their base and throws gas on their bonfires of distraction and chaos. america deserves better than that and so does this institution. i yield back the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady's time has expired. the gentlewoman from connecticut reserves? ms. delauro: yes. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from florida is recognized. mr. diaz-balart: thank you, mr. speaker. it's a privilege to yield to the chairman on the committee on the budget, mr. arrington, for two minutes. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized. mr. arrington: policies have consequences. over the last two years we've seen a string of self-inflicted crises because of my democrat colleagues and this president. i'll give you two examples. $11 trillion over two years from my democrat colleagues. $6 trillion went to the national debt, all of which lit the fuse on this inflation firestorm, this cost of living crisis that is punishing working families
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from coast to coast. we've got to stop the spending that's bankrupting this great country of ours. this president's dereliction of duties to uphold the laws of the land, his failure to provide for a common defense, to defend our sovereign borders, and to put the safety and security of the american people first has created unmitigated and unprecedented crisis at the border where we are being flooded with criminal activity and drugs that are killing people 300 a day, leading cause of death in the united states. i've got a plan. we have a plan. and my democratic colleagues are going to have to respond to that. we're going to fund the government and keep it open but we're going to give you measures to secure the border and prioritize the safety of the american people. and we're going to reduce the spending. we're going to save this country and our children's future while we're at it because that's the
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responsible thing to do, not only for our country and our citizens of our country but future generations of americans who will inherit the whirlwind if we don't start reining in this wasteful washington spending. i rise in support of the republican funding bill and i ask my colleagues to do the same. i yield back. mr. diaz-balart: reserve. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman from connecticut is recognized. ms. delauro: i would like the gentleman from texas the state of texas will lose -- almost 14,000 teachers. going to be tough to explain that to families when their children do not have a teacher in the classroom. in addition to that, 77,000 texans will lose their
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low-income energy assistance or have the benefits cut. going to be a tough time for folks come the cooler months or the warmer months for them to take advantage of this. i think people need to be mindful of the consequences of 30% cut or in the case of liheap a 74% cut that they are proposing here today. with that, i yield two minutes to the the gentlewoman from illinois. the speaker pro tempore: the gam -- the gentlewoman from illinois is recognized. >> i have to remind my colleagues that we are a nation of immigrants. but you know what -- i'm going to come to this podium after republicans have a.m. niece where their families come from.
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introducing a continuing resolution that cuts services, ending asylum and shows the truth about my colleagues. they are more willing to scape goat and sacrifice immigrants, children, they say they care so much about, veterans, the elderly and people experiencing poverty that to do the hard work of owning up to their failures, hypocrisy. it is hypocritical to target immigrants when many of the people in this chamber have reaped the benefits of immigrant labor and have become wealthy on the backs of immigrant sacrifice. let me tell you, because my mother tells me about her journey, it takes courage to cross the border, to seek a job
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and raise children in safety. this stands in contrast to the coward is of our colleagues. there is nothing noble or redeeming about this. it is time for a clean c.r. that does not scape goat the people this nation has been built on and for this reason, speaker, i will offer a motion to recommit back to the committee. i would have offered the motion with an important amendment to my bill. that amendment would strike the section that makes 30% cuts across the board. i ask unanimous consent to enter into the record -- the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman's time has expired. >> i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: without objection the request is granted. reserve. the woman from connecticut
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reserves. the gentleman from florida is recognized. mr. diaz-balart: i would remind my colleagues in the house just last year 900 immigrants died trying to cross the border. that is not humane. that is insane. and that we are not willing to look away and tolerate in the name of what? no. that is what is intolerable and i will not be lectured, mr. speaker when 900 migrants died to get to the united states, died. and when there are thousands of children who are now missing that were supposed to be taken care of by the united states federal government. you don't hear about that. that is not humane. this legislation puts an end to that insanity. mr. speaker, now i am honored to
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yield to the gentleman from ohio, the chairman of the committee on judiciary, mr. jordan, for two minutes. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized mr. jordan: the fiscal year ends in 36 hours this bill funds the government. 33 trillion debt, this bill cuts spending. we have a border that's wide open. this bill secures the border. three simple commonsense things. the most important of these three is the one that mr. diaz-balart was talking about, the border situation. 2021 was the highest number on record for illegal migrants entering until 2022 and that was the highest year on record until this year. that's how bad this is. and here's the important point, it's not just conservatives or republicans talking about securing the border. the mayor of new york said the crisis will destroy new york
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city. everyone in the country what needs to be done. this bill does it, does it in a commonsense way. reasonable cuts in spending to deal with the huge deficits but addresses the most pressing issue we have which is the border situation and everyone in the country knows it except democrats in the united states congress. i urge a yes vote. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman reserves. the gentlewoman from connecticut. ms. delauro: i would like to let the gentleman now, 232,000 people in ohio will be without low-income energy assistance benefits. and further, there will be 5500 teachers pulled out of classrooms and the families in those instances will suffer while the gentleman talks about
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issues that are not truly affecting what is happening in the every day lives of the people that he represents. with that, let me yield two minutes to the the gentlewoman from texas, ms. jackson lee. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman from texas is recognized for two minutes. ms. jackson lee: let me take a moment to offer my deepest sympathy to the people of california, her family and people of this nation for the passing of senator feinstein. this is a serious moment in history. this is a serious moment for patriots and persons courageous enough to do the right thing. i started out this morning by saying it will be the american people that will suffer. it will be my neighbors in houston and fellow texans. we have a solution and i think it should be very clearly stated
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what my friends on the other side of the aisle are arguing, they are arguing chaos and confusion. they are arguing no solution. they are shouting from the top of their lungs to be heard and to generate excitement and social media, but we have a very calm solution. the senate has voted 77-19 to put forth a reasoned extension keeping the funding and making sure our military is being paid, not cutting off women and infants and taking care of the firefighters in the west who are suffering after fighting fires and other natural disasters. they have a c.r. it will come here. it has a privileged status.
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that status will allow us to vote the government will be opened and engagement on issues that are in disagreement or agreement could be worked. but if we continue this shrill talk and don't reasonably act courageously as patriots and to be able to stop the suffering of the american people, we will have 50,000 pounds of cocaine because we won't have customs and border officers. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman's time has expired -- ms. jackson lee: we'll have your children where parents are going to work will have no hid start slots. 65,000 children will not have access to child care. seniors will be robbed of nutrition programs and 2.3 million infants, women and children without w.i.c. fewer teachers, 4,000 safety inspections and undermining law
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enforcement. if anyone wants to be shrill, here's the solution. bring the temperature down. pass the senate c.r. and stop these draconian cuts. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman from connecticut reserves. the gentleman from florida is recognized. mr. diaz-balart: i remind everyone what we are talking about today this keeps the government open. it secures the border and frankly reduces wasteful spending. that's what we are dealing with here. it is a real pleasure to the gentleman from tech as, mr. roy, two minutes. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from tech as is recognized. mr. roy: i rise in support of this legislation strongly in support of this legislation. this is legislation that will make sure our troops are paid. it will make sure that our
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military can continue to do its job. it will make sure that our border is secure and it will simply return funding to the federal bureaucracy to precovid levels. that's what we are talking about here. that's what my colleagues on the other side of the of the aisle are upset about. we must have a budget so bloated or your life as you know it is going to end. when the declaration of independences was written, when our inalienable rights were drafted, those rights did not come from this floor. that pursuit of happiness did not come from this floor or anywhere in this building because that building didn't exist. it didn't come from congress because congress didn't exist. no matter what happens heading into this weekend, whatever the result, there are 50 state
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governments that are continuing to operate. there are 3,000 counties, county governments operating. there are 20,000 city and municipalities with governments operating, 12,000 school districts operating. and we are supposed to take care of ourselves, families and communities not supposed to bankrupt our country and devalue the dollar and drive up inflation such that the american people can no longer afford to live and that's what my colleagues on the other side of the aisle are doing with blank checks, more spending. that stops now. we stand up on this side of the aisle for sanity and a secure border. i support this legislation. and i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman yields back the balance of his time the gentleman from florida reserves. the gentlewoman from connecticut is recognized. ms. delauro: i'm finding it hard to believe that wasteful
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spending on teachers who teach our youngsters and 14,000 of them will be gone in the state of texas. wasteful spending to deal with 77,000 people who will lose their liheap benefits. is that wasteful spending to have heat or cool. talk about the tax cuts that the other side of the aisle is willing to give to the richest corporations and tax cheats i might add as well. i yield two minutes to the gentleman from new york, mr. espaillat. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from new york is recognized. mr. espaillat: i rise in strong objects the so-called spending reduction and border security act. you want border security, mr. speaker. let's do immigration reform and
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do ronald reagan did it when he looked at all the families and allowed them in so they could work and contribute to our economy. this is a reprehensible spending bill that slashes critical resources from working class families. house republicans are defunding law enforcement, the so-called party of law enforcement. something is happening in your district and something happening in your neighborhood and you call the police and they're late, blame these cuts on law enforcement. their response time will be impacted dramatically. social security offices will be closing. i see the lines going around the block with seniors as early as 6:00 in the morning. guess what? they will be closing and taking food out of children's and families' mouths, impacting
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title 1 schools with property levels unseen poverty levels and title 3 students, english-language students and taking thousands and thousands of teachers out of the classroom. is this a way to avoid a shutdown. this hurts working class and middle class families that depend on these vital programs to survive and move forward. nearly 150,000 teachers and service providers will be removed from the classroom serving low-income students and students with disabilities. in addition to that, approximately 275,000 kids will lose access to head start, head start. the only program the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman's time has expired. the gentleman's time has expired. mr. espaillat: i yield back.
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the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from connecticut reserves. the gentleman from florida is recognized. mr. diaz-balart: it's a privilege to yield to a neighbor and a friend in my district from the great state of florida, mr. donalds, for two minutes. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized for two minutes. mr. donalds: $33 million in debt and washington wants to continue to grow. inflation cripples every family in our country and 8% interest rates squeezing our real estate market and washington wants to grow and grow. our cities are overrun with migrants because of the reckless policies of the president of the united states and fentanyl is killing 85,000 americans year over year. and the congressional democrats refuse to secure the border. mr. speaker, enough is enough. this bill does two very important things.
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number one, it turns our government back to precovid spending levels of 2019. 2019 is over. why can't the government live within its means? people have to live within their means. our government should as well. i remember when there was a baby formula shortage and mothers couldn't get food for their infants. joe biden was nowhere. congressional democrats were nowhere. all they said was spend more money while the problems persisted. when they're building shelters in parks in new york city to house migrants, congressional democrats say there's no issue at the border though everybody sees the problems that exist. this is the time to secure the border of our nation. cut wasteless spending in our government. if year going to have a society and government worthy of the people that we serve, washington has to do something that washington never seems to want to do, america, restrain itself. we have a fundamental obligation
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to secure this nation and to secure the people that we all serve. coming out here, talking about what's going to happen with w.i.c. is not going to solve the problem. talking about the fiscal house of this -- fiscal health of this nation will solve the problem. our national debt has been downgraded twice now. the democrats want to spend more money. support this measure. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from yields back. the gentleman from florida reserves. the gentlewoman from connecticut is recognized. ms. delauro: to both the the gentlemen of florida, 8500 teachers gone. think of the kids going to school and there's no teacher for them. think about folks who need to heat or cool their homes. we're looking at 36,000 households that will be without those benefits. do they really care about those folks? probably "sportscenter's not top 10". probably not. and as a democrat who took the
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lead on the infant formula crisis, i don't know where my colleague was during that crisis, and called to attention a company that knowingly sold tainted product and wound up killing three or four people. i don't know where he was during that effort. i know where i was and i know where the administration was. let me provide two minutes to the gentleman from mississippi, the distinguished ranking member of the homeland security committee, mr. thompson. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from mississippi is recognized for two minutes. mr. thompson: thank you very much, mr. speaker. and i thank the gentlelady from connecticut for the time. i rise in strong opposition to h.r. 5525, a bill more designed to appease the extreme maga wing of the republican party than to stave off a government shutdown. with just hours remaining before our nation is struck into an
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unnecessary shutdown, the house is being forced to waste time on a measure that would impose draconian cuts to vital federal programs and compel the enactment of h.r. 2, the child deportation act. when we considered h.r. 2 in may, i called it a cruel, extreme, unworkable immigration and border security measure. time has not been kind to the bill. it still would wreck our economy, cripple our ports of industry, destroy the asylum system, criminalize visa overstays, force unaccompanied children into dangerous situations, jail families and children indefinitely, and on top of all that, worsen conditions at the border. the child deportation act would upend c.b.p.'s ability to process migrants at ports of entry and borrow funding to
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humanitarian organizations that provide transportation and legal assistance to children and families fleeing horrific conditions. and it does nothing to stem the flow of deadly fentanyl in the united states. the senate will not take up h.r. 5525 and it will never go to the president's desk. the house must come together today and stop coddling extreme maga members looking to get former president trump's failed, illegal, and immoral policies enacted into law. i urge my colleagues to join me in defeating h.r. 5525 and call upon the speaker to have the house consider the senate's bipartisan continuing resolution. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman's time has expired. the gentleman yields back. the gentlewoman from reserves? ms. ms. delauro: reserves. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized. mr. diaz-balart: it's a privilege to yield to the
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gentleman from arizona whose life's story symbolizes what america's dream is all about, a member of the appropriations committee, for two minutes. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized for two minutes. >> thank you. we're living in a border crisis, the worst we've ever seen. mr. sisisky cities mr. ciscomani: the tucson sector where i live, we're seeing street releases, last week alone, 11,000 apprehensions and during this month about 40,000. these are again annual numbers in the past and now they are -- what we consider almost on a weekly basis. now, i live on the county that's on the border. and we are seeing it firsthand. i know exactly how life is there. as mario diaz-balart, my good friend from florida mentioned,
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i'm an immigrant myself. i know the journey. i became a u.s. citizen in 2006 and became a u.s. congressman in 2022, 16 years later. i know this country is the country of opportunity and i get why people want to come here. however, this administration has allowed the cartels to run amuck and handle the border and abuse people while trying to do so. our local communities are suffering because of that. they hold the burden. i hear cries on both side of the aisles. i hear from mayors that are democrats, mayors that are republicans. it doesn't matter the party, they're all being impacted the same way. this administration has not prioritized this crisis. and i have to tell you, living on the border, i understand what i call the three buckets, we can talk about immigration and trading commerce and we can talk about security and all three are suffering now because of the lack of attention on this issue, and it's also a humanitarian problem when this administration has lost track of 85,000 miners, it's nothing short in the
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humanitarian crisis as well and not even that will make them wake up to this. this is the worst time to be on the verge of a shutdown in less than 48 hours. we cannot shut down and have to do what we can to protect our border and keep our government funded. with that i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman yields back. the gentleman from florida reserves? mr. diaz-balart: may i inquire to the time remaining? the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman has 10 minutes. mr. diaz-balart: i would reserve. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman from connecticut is recognized. ms. delauro: let me remind the gentleman from arizona, there will be 6300 households in arizona who will be without the low income energy assistance benefits. and this is not -- these are not numbers, these are people. and what's happening in their lives. and how we are making it more difficult at a time when there is serious inflation, when there
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is in fact a high cost of living. my colleagues on the other side of the aisle are only adding and increasing to that high cost of living. i might also remind the gentleman from arizona that we are looking at about 2800 teachers. now, again, this is just not a number. children go to school. if there is no teacher to teach them, what is the result? what happens to parents when they find out that their teachers are gone? and now there's a teaching shortage. this will make it even worse. that is the result of the cuts that my colleagues on the other side of the aisle want to make. it's there. it's in black and white. you can't make up the numbers. with that, i'm proud to be able to yield two minutes to the
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gentlewoman from michigan. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady is recognized for two minutes. >> thanks so much. there are human beings behind every number we talk about. but folks want to debate policy and different kinds of extremist agenda items when they're in charge. ms. tlaib: they can have committee hearings and deal with it separately. right now we're literally hours away from direct impact to families and even federal workers, many of which are living paycheck to paycheck. a government shutdown will harm the american people and that needs to be at the center of the urgency in this chamber as we move forward. in michigan i'm going to see 2 -- 200,000 lose w.i.c. that provides nutrition assistance and nearly 100,000 of them are directly children. i still remember, mr. chair, in 2019 there was a shutdown for 35 days. colleagues were wondering why
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the federal workers were in food bank lines. why can't they get loans some of them said? what are you talking about? these are federal workers you're expecting for a whole month where not only federal employees are living paycheck to paycheck and you're expecting them to pay their rent and get food on the table and all the utilities that continue to go up but let's cut liheap by 75%. republicans' priorities in this chamber are clear, starve, evict families living in poverty, and cut people from essential services. but they don't care. you don't care because you'll continue to get paid. y'all will continue to get paid while your residents are getting impacted. and if i hear one more time you lying to the american people and say federal employees will get paid, they're not. they'll be forced to work without pay, especially those on our military bases and those that are on the frontlines that cannot sit at home while y'all fight among each other. it's time for republicans to stop playing these games with the american people's lives.
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they know it's an extremist bill. many of them know it's not going anywhere. the american people deserve better. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman yields back. members are reminded to direct your remarks to the chair. ms. delauro: reserve. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from florida is recognized. mr. diaz-balart: thank you, mr. speaker. i'd now like to yield to the gentleman from texas, mr. pfluger, for one minute. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized for one minute. mr. pfluger: i thank the chair. thank you. i rise in strong support of the house republican's plan to cut spending and keep the government open and to shut down the border. the president has failed americans. he's failed texans. he's failed us but not securing our border. 7.5 million illegal immigrants, 150 people just this year who matched the terror watch list,
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100,000 plus fentanyl poisoning deaths. it's unacceptable. enough is enough. this plan which also would include h.r. 2, the most secure border act in decades, puts the president on notice. now is the time. this is the most important border security vote in 20 years. this vote right here not only cuts spending but it shuts down the border and the disaster and chaos and unacceptable level of death our president has caused. this bill deserves our attention. i urge my colleagues to cut the spending to keep the government open and to shut down the border and i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman's time has expired. mr. diaz-balart: i reserve. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman from connecticut is recognized. ms. delauro: i remind the gentleman from texas the eyes from texas are upon you when you're thinking about really 77,000 seniors, kids without any
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benefits from the low income energy assistance program, and also 14,000 teachers that will be gone from texas schools. with that, let me yield 1 1/2 minutes to the gentlewoman from new york, ms. clarke. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from new york is recognized for 1 1/2 minutes. ms. clarke: mr. speaker, i rise on this day in opposition to the continuing resolution which includes the republican extreme and restrictive immigration and border security legislation, h.r. 2. this cruel legislation would force draconian restrictions and punishments on migrants and asylum seekers and set america's immigration priorities back decades. this bill would damage the asylum process, millions upon let's be
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clear. any bill that would allow migrant children to be detained for up to a month to be ripped from their families and locked up from the world is unacceptable and fundamentally unamerican. to treat npt people who are looking for a better life in our nation while putting american families vulnerable to put food on their tables. that's not leadership. every american no matter how long call this country their own should be outraged at the g.o.p. embracing the trump administration failed and immoral border policies to keep the government open. i yield back.
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the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman yields back. the gentlewoman from connecticut reseverance. the gentleman from florida. mr. diaz-balart: i yield to mr. johnson for two minutes from south dakota. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized for two minutes. mr. johnson: as you know so often around here we vote on hair measures and bills that are in a modest way. this is not this bill. this is an opportunity and one vote to shut the border and keep the government open and reduce spending. the five conservative leaders crafted this proposal knew that bold action was needed. crisis one, for $33 trillion in debt that is pushing us towards insolvency and has grown by 50% in the last four years. this bill puts us back on the right track and cuts billions of
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spending even in the next month. number two, a shutdown accomplishes nothing. it does not save a nickel but costs american taxpayers millions. and number three, 1.8 million illegal crossings at our southern border is unacceptable. this bill puts into place the policies that we know work to secure our border. i'll admit to not understanding fully those who oppose this bill. i do not understand why anyone would choose open borders over an open government. mr. speaker, we are here to solve problems. chaos is not a legislative strategy. in a few moments i will vote to keep the government open to cut spending and secure our border. i urge my colleagues to do the
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same and i yield. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman yields back the balance of his time the gentleman from florida reserves. the gentlewoman from connecticut is recognized. ms. delauro: almost laughable to think about chaos. the ma jofort has demonstrated overwhelmingly the last several days and months unwillingness and inability to govern and chaos, general chaos here. the gentleman from south dakota where last i understood little bit like the northeast and new england, where it gets cold. it gets cold in the winter time in south dakota. but the gentleman is happy to see 24,000 individuals not get energy assistance, low income heating assistance. maybe taking up a collection of
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hats and coats and gloves, hornets because they are not going to get their liheap benefits in a cold climate. with that, i reserve. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman from connecticut reserves. the gentleman from florida is recognized. mr. diaz-balart: i am pleased to yield to the gentleman from wisconsin, mr. grothman for one minute. mr. grothman: we are here today the government going to shut down on sunday because there are supposed to be 12 separate bills that comprise our budget that was supposed to be passed now. we have passed the you four most important. the senate hasn't passed any. we don't know what the shutdown means. i hope the press is on the ball and pays careful attention, if anything is shut down that president trump did not shut down a few years ago. there is a lot of flexibility
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for presidents to show their compassion or not. if there is anything that president trump doesn't shut down. listen to the problems. two big things, going on at the border. 10,000 people cross the border a month. we are addressing it. the american public are tired and seeing an open border every night. we have to pass the bill. we have to make a dent on the out of control spending. in any event, i urge my colleagues to vote yes on h.r. 5525. mr. diaz-balart: i reserve. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman from connecticut is recognized. ms. delauro: i want to let the gentleman know 195,000 households are beneficiaries of the lie heap program. if you think it's cold in this
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chamber, head to wisconsin and you'll know how cold it is in the wirm time. think twice about whether or not you will vote to cut 195,000 peoples' benefits. i reserve. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman reserves. the gentleman from florida is recognized. mr. diaz-balart: i yield to the distinguished the gentleman from georgia, mr. scott, for one minute. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized mr. scott: i thought i would go ahead and respond because as soon as i sit down the gentlelady is going to talk about the school teachers in georgia and my sister and she gets the check from the county. it bothers me you think they get the check from the federal government. they get paid by the county. how do we get there. the left talked about the chaos caucus candidly and what gives
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them the power. well, it only takes five of them to create a disruption. and how do five get the power? the five in our party get the power because 212 of you on the democratic side are going to vote with them to shut down the government. a continuing resolution is a 30-day piece of legislation i will admit is not perfect and better than a shutdown and we as republicans and the american citizens have to eat a $2 trillion deficit is absolutely ridiculous. we are not at war. we are not in a recession and no health emergency. show a little responsibility. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman's time has expired mr. diaz-balart: i reserve. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman reserves. remind members please direct your remarks to the chair.
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ms. delauro: reserve. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady reserves. the gentleman from florida is recognized. mr. diaz-balart: pleasure to yield to the the gentlewoman from new york. the speaker pro tempore: for how much time? mr. diaz-balart: one minute. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady is recognized for one minute. >> i hope the american people are listening right now that the democrats would rather shut down government than unsustainable and unsafe border crisis that has flooded our streets with fentanyl and illegal immigrants destroying new york city as mayor adams says and only enriching the drug cartels. this bill is common sense. it does three things things that the american people want, avoids a shutdown, cuts excessive wasteful spending and led us to $33 trillion debt and stops an unsustainable crisis. put tax paying hardworking
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american citizens and their safety first. my colleague from new york city that this is cruel. you know what's cruel? a 7-year-old girl was sexually abused. you know what was ruled that someone was established at the roosevelt shelter in manhattan and dozens of crimes are being committed and you are doing nothing about it. mr. diaz-balart: i would like to inquire how much time is remaining. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman has 41/4 minutes. and the gentlelady from connecticut has 3 1/2. ms. delauro: i find it unbelievable that the gentlewoman from new york would support a bill that cuts money from ourial eye and i reserve.
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the chair: the gentleman from florida is recognized. mr. diaz-balart: i yield to the gentleman from from arkansas for one minute. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized mr. hill: i thank the chairman from florida. this is an important day, mr. speaker. this congress needs to come together to go back and get our spending under control and also get our border under control, both of which are concern to the american people. we hear it in our offices every day. spending is unsustainable, 2,000 people a month coming across the border and living in this country illegally is unsustainable. this is a product of hard work for weeks to give us time to complete our appropriations work and negotiate with the senate while at the same time reducing spending that has been an avalanche of out of control spending for the last two years
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and secure our border. i urge my colleagues to support it. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman yields back the balance of his time the gentleman from florida. mr. diaz-balart: i reserve. ms. delauro: i reserve. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from florida is recognized. mr. diaz-balart: i yield 1 1/2 minutes to the gentleman from new york. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized for 1 1/2 minutes. >> after pouring trillions of dollars into the american economy and after ignoring the crisis at our southern border, after closing schools and forcing kids to learn from home, after denying life-affirming services to young people with disabilities we have been lectured to about how great these last two years have been for the american people. we have in this very moment the ability to avert a government shutdown and at the same time to take some responsibility for reckless, wasteful federal
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spending. this is no excuse to pick the pockets of hardworking american families who are already overburdened because of inflation, high cost of gas and groceries, inability to access or find a job, running up their credit cards. we have the ability to avert a government shutdown, control government spending and secure the border, an open border that is taking too many american children's lives because of fentanyl and destroying communities. the mayor of new york saying the president has ignored his call and that inaction at the border is destroying the city of new york. we have the ability to avert a shutdown, respect american taxpayers and secure the american borders. and with that, i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman yields back the balance of his time the gentleman from florida is recognized. mr. diaz-balart: i would like to inquire of the ranking member of the full appropriations committee if she has any further
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speakers? ms. delauro: no, i don't. i yield to you to close. mr. diaz-balart: i reserve. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from florida reserves. the gentlelady from connecticut is recognized for the purpose of closing. ms. delauro: what we are looking here is at a piece of legislation that makes a 30% cut in programs that have a serious, serious effect on the lives of the people in this country. let me just lay out some of them because these have not been talked about so far. the national institutes of health will be cut. there would be a reduction of 7,000 research grants. i'm a cancer survivor and we have people in this chamber on
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both sides of the aisle who have a loved one with a cancer diagnosis, alzheimer's or heart disease but there is a willingness to cut 7,000 research grants. look at our ally and israel and ukraine and israel will receive a $1 billion cut in the funds that the u.s. provides and we talk about israel as being our closest ally in the middle east. people should understand what is people should ups what's in this bill. we defund -- not we, my republican colleague defund law enforcement. redeuces federal law enforcement officer, eliminates hundreds of state and local law enforcement. and they talk about crime, they talk about law and order. but there's a willingness to cut the funds in order for us to
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make our communities safe. social security offices. the field offices. would be forced to close down. reduce access to in-person services. people applying for disability benefits will wait additional months for the processes, that's what is in store nor bill if you support it. wild fire suppression efforts will be hindered. 57% cut and we know what devastation wildfires have had all over our country. look at what happened in maui. unbelievable. that they would talk about a bill and talk -- and extol a bill that has such devastate regular percussions on the people this country. they slashed the resources for the 988 suicide crisis line. opioid use disorder. they talk about worried about the opioid crisis but let's cut
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off the avenue where people can get treatment and help and potentially save their lives. education. it is an abomination what they will do to education. because they're on a march to eliminate public education in the united states. that opportunitier that all of our families have said, go to school, get an education so you can succeed. rural america? let's care about rural america. not cutting the loans and grants for farmers and rural communities. they will make it harder for farmers to access loans and grants, to make home ownership more difficult. they cut rural house, rural you tillties, broadband. to keep people in touch. and they eliminate health services for rural and underserved families. two million vulnerable individuals and families will lose access to health care services. they take food out of the mouths
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of children. fam -- out of the mouths of children, families and seniors. mr. speaker, there needs to be a no vote on this irresponsible continuing resolution. i yield back the balance of my time. the chair: the gentleman from florida is recognize -- the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from florida is recognized. mr. thrart: oh, so many words. we have a choice right now to vote yes to keep the federal government open, to control inflation-causing overspending, and to secure the southern border. that's a yes vote. or vote no to shut down the federal government, to keep the narco cartels in control of the southern border. this is simple. government likes to complicate
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things but this is simple. we have a choice. i ask our colleagues to do the responsible thing. secure the border. stop out of control inflation-causing spending, and yes, keep the government open by voting yes.


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