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tv   U.S. House of Representatives U.S. House of Representatives  CSPAN  September 14, 2023 11:59am-4:00pm EDT

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behave? no. we teach them to work together, communicate, to get the goal that they need to get to. it is ridiculous that you think it is ok to shut down the biggest employer in the country for your own needs. it is kind of selfish. not really a question and i doubt that you care, but the american people know this is ridiculous. let's shut everything down when we don't get our way. guest: that is a ridiculous comment. we are working for her. want to get the government under control. i guess you think the numbers, 32 trillion dollars and counting, is imaginary.
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it is like defying cavity. -- gravity. >> we are going to leave this to honor our more than 40-year commitment to live gavel to gavel coverage of congress. the house is coming in to debate and vote on a measure that prohibits the e.p.a. from issuing wears that would ban new sales of gasoline-powered vehicles. live you to the house floor here on c-span. the spe the speaker: the house will be in order. the prayer will be offered by guest chaplain, chaplain major troy s. bates from the u.s. army united states military academy west point, west point, new york. the chaplain: almighty god, commander of the host of heaven, would you humbly hear and grant our prayer today?
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we pause before conducting the people's business, asking for wisdom and currently. wisdom to know the right way to lead and the courage to lead the right way. 9/11 anniversary reminds us our freedoms come with a cost. so i am thankful for those who pay that cost. for men like staff sergeant patrick quinn, who sacrificed his life in afghanistan, as well as captain doug frazier, class of 75, who selflessly served humanity his entire long life. people like these represent our why. god, you have shown us what you require. to do justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with you. may we seek justice for all by living justly before all. may we proclaim mercy by being merciful. and may we walk humbly before you by living in humility before
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others. and we pray this in the name of the father and the son and the holy spirit. amen. the speaker: amen. the chair has examined the journal of the last day's proceedings and announces to the house the approval thereof. pursuant to clause 1 of rule 1, the journal stands approved. the pledge of allegiance will be led by the gentleman from illinois, mr. sorensen. sout mr. sorensen: i pledge allegiance to the flag of the united states of america and to the republic for which it stands, one nation, under god, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. the speaker: without objection, the gentleman from texas, mr. self, is recognized for one minute. mr. self: mr. speaker, i rise today to welcome chaplain major troy bates to the u.s. house of representatives. he currently serves as the
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tbarson family -- garcon family life chaplain at west point. he was direct commissioned into the army chaplain corps in august of 2009 as a reserve chaplain. this chaplain has provided spiritual support for our troops in harm's way on combat deployments in six combat deployments. he first deployed as the battalion chaplain from the 25th i.d. to afghanistan. he then became a member of the 10th special forces group, my old group, deployed twice to afghanistan with the special forces group, once to africa. he then joined the 18th air born corps to iraq and then became a j sock cap clayne -- jsoc chaplain and deployed to a classified location.
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he has ex tensive education, including -- extensive education, including many of the military schools and numerous awards, leading off with the bronze star and, especially interesting and meaningful to me, he has the u.s., the british, the canadian, the italian and the german jump wings, as well as the combat action badge. his education includes an associate of arts from the pacific coast baptist bible college, a bachelor's from the baptist bible college of the liberty university, a master's of divinity and religion from liberty baptist theological seminary and a master's in counseling from webster university. he is joined by his wife today, dutchess. they have five children, three of which serve in the military today. i thank the chaplain for not only his service, but his legacy and his family. chaplain major troy bates.
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of i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman yields back the balance of his time. the chair will entertain up to 15 further requests for one-minute speeches on each side of the aisle. the gentlelady from texas is -- for what purpose does the gentlewoman from texas seek recognition? >> mr. speaker, i ask unanimous consent to address the house for one minute. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman is recognized. >> thank you, mr. speaker. i am honored to celebrate hispanic heritage month as the first latina from my community and the first republican latina to represent the great state of texas in the people's house for a full term. ms. de la cruz: the foundations of this great nation are engrained with hispanic influence, from our beginnings with the spanish settlers to general bernardo de galvez, hero of the american revolution. the nation's pulse beats rich with -- and vibrant with our
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vibrant culture. for generations, our families have woven their stories into the fabric of this great nation. our contributions in arts, agriculture, business, military and public service have left an indelible remark on america's history. our communities' success lies in our faith in god, hard work, family values and love of country. i'm so proud of what we have achieved and will continue to achieve. let us renew our commitment to supporting policies that uplift hispanic families and all americans. together we build a future that honors our past and preserves el suenoamericano for the future. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentlewoman from texas, for what
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purpose do you seek recognition? >> i ask unanimous consent to address the house for one minute, revise and extend my remarks. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman is recognized for one minute. ms. garcia: thank you, mr. speaker. i rise today to honor the life of bill richardson, former governor bill richardson was a devoted public servant and a skilled diplomat whose career improved countless lives in new mexico and across america and indeed the world. as governor of new mexico, he tirelessly worked to improve the lives of his constituents while making history, leading as a latino. but bill richardson's influence extended well beyond the borders of new mexico. he served as energy secretary and also as a u.s. ambassador to the united nations, where his diplomatic skills and commitment to peace played a role, a pick of toll role in addressing -- a pivotal role in addressing many global challenges.
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today we remember governor bill richardson and we also honor his legacy of public service, diplomacy and continuing with his work at his center. he was an inspiration to all of us and he was a true american patriot. his leadership and kindness will forever be remembered. rest in peace, my friend. thank you, and i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman yields back. for what purpose does the gentlewoman from illinois seek recognition? >> i seek unanimous consent to address the house for one minute. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman is recognized. mrs. miller: mr. speaker, i rise to address the historic impeachment inquiry into joe biden. congress must hold joe bidenle accountable -- joe biden accountable for serving as the kingpin over a shady, a series of shady foreign business deals involving his family members.
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bank records and extensive evidence show that the biden family received $20 million in cash, diamonds and sports cars from china, russia, ukraine, romania and other foreign entities. joe biden was correctly involved in this foreign influence peddling scheme and when biden's son demanded $5 million in cash from a chinese official, he wrote, i'm sitting here with my father. congress has a duty to the american people to protect taxpayers from this type of foreign corruption. thank you and i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman yields back. the chair reminds members to refrain from engaging in personalities toward the president. for what purpose does the gentleman from new york seek recognition? the gentleman is recognized for one minute. >> mr. speaker, i rise today in support of nearly 150,000 united auto workers. mr. higgins: including 3,000 members in western new york, at
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the ford stamping plant and general motors plants. auto workers have historically weathered the storm to support the automotive industry, through the great recession and economic hardship. now during a time when companies are experiencing record profits, the people delivering the goods deserve a contract that recognizes the critical role they play in that success. u.a.w. members will be an important part of the next generation of manufacturing, making electric vehicles more accessible and readily available. as of september 14, there's a deadline and it's approaching, negotiators must come to the table with a contract that includes competitive wages and rewards quality work. i ask my colleagues to join me in solidarity with the u.a.w. as they negotiate a secure future for the workers driving success in the oosk industry today -- automotive industry today. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman yields back. for what purpose does the gentleman from georgia seek recognition?
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>> mr. speaker, i ask unanimous consent to address the house for one minute and to revise and extend my remarks. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized for one minute. >> thank you. mr. speaker, the ox is in the ditch. and it's time to go to work and get him out. you see, we were sent to washington to work. mr. collins: but it sure doesn't feel like we're doing that right now. we promised the american people we would rein in these out-of-control federal agencies and get spending under control. and the way we do that is by uniting and passing conservative appropriation bills that will give us leverage against the senate and the white house. colleagues, this has gotten out of hand and we need to start voting. let's put these bills on the house floor to debate and amend so members can put themselves on record. i'm fine defending my votes back home. what i'm not fine with is going home and telling people that we
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clocked in this week and we didn't do any work. mr. speaker, we should stay here until we pass all 12 appropriation bills and send them to the senate. until we do that, the job's not done. thank you, mr. speaker. and i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman yields back. for what purpose does the gentleman from illinois seek recognition? >> i rise to seek unanimous consent to speak for one minute and revise and extend my remarks. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized for one minute. >> mr. speaker, i rise today in solidarity with the more than 10,000 united auto workers in my district as they negotiate a fair contract with the nation's auto industry employers. let's remember, it was workers who built this country. and their high quality union jobs gave working people a pathway to the middle class, not just in illinois, but across this great nation. mr. sorensen: the current negotiations have implications not just for workers, but for
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the future of the auto industry and our economic competitiveness. while companies the unfinished business is the request for a recorded vote on the amendment profits -- while companies record record profits and c.e.o.'s take home tens of millions of dollars in compensation, the salary of the average auto worker has declined by 30% over the past 20 years. our u.a.w. neighbors are simply asking for their fair share. to the u.a.w. workers in central and northwestern illinois and across the country, i've got your back. and i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman yields back. for what purpose does the gentleman from guam seek recognition? mr. moylan: i ask unanimous consent to address the house for one minute. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized for one minute. mr. moylan: thank you, mr. speaker. this past weekend the guam national u football federation -- youth football federation held its championship on saturday. three teams won their championship games and are officially known as the
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2023gnyff champions. under this historic dome of democracy, i would like to congratulate the following youth football champion teams. the guam eagles for winning the division championship. the hell's angels for winning mecca division championships. and the guam eagles for winning the matua division champions. i would also like to congratulate the coaches, trainers, sponsors and families of all the teams for their many efforts and sacrifices, for instilling in their kids the values of sportsmanship, character and teamwork. thank you, mr. speaker, i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman yields back. for what purpose does the gentleman from massachusetts seek recognition? >> i ask unanimous consent to address the house for one minute, to revise and extend my remarks. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized for one minute. >> mr. speaker, i rise today in honor of my friend, the six-term congressman from utah, chris stewart, who retires from congress this week.
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of all the things we've worked on together, i'm most proud of passing the bill that created the 988 member health lifeline. mr. moulton: since it went live last summer, millions of americans have received help in a moment of mental health crisis, countless lives saved as a result. as fellow veterans, we seen firsthand the consequences of inadequate mental health care, but we knew it could be an uphill battle to pass our bill and it was. you wouldn't believe some of the stories. and that's why you need a partner you can trust. that's chris. beyond his admirable commitment to his family and this job, it's also just plain hard not to like chris. he's an air force veteran who broke the world record for fastest nonstop flight around the world, he's a successful businessman and he's authored multiple best selling books, what can't this guy do? one thing he didn't have to he didn't have toe the take political risks and political courage means something to chris. we need more leaders like him in
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washington. chris, thank you for your service. we'll miss you and wish you and your family only the best. i ask unanimous consent that along with my remarks letters of congratulations from the massachusetts and utah foundation for suicide be placed in the record. the speaker pro tempore: without objection, so ordered. for what purpose does the gentlewoman from texas seek recognition? >> i request unanimous consent to address the house for one minute and revise and extend my remarks. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman is recognized for one minute. >> mr. speaker, i rise today to recognize our texas 24 hometown hero grapevine high school wrestling team. on the 22nd anniversary of september 11 terrorist acts, the team paid their respects by hosting a tribute climb. on the steps, participants
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climbed 110 flights in remembrance of this tragic day. student athletes, first responders and members of the community climbed to mourn those lost and remember the sacrifices of our first responders made for the american people. imencourageed by their leadership and their work to unite the community in commemoration of the heroes of september 11. their patriotism in country and love for our country is apparent. and representing north texas so well. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman yields back. for what purpose does the gentleman from california seek recognition? >> i request unanimous consent to address the house for one minute and revise and extend my remarks. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized for one minute. >> i rise today deeply
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frustrated that so many members on the other side of the aisle seem determined to shut down the government and create a national crisis of massive proportions. we are not asking republicans to bake new ground but live up to the bipartisan budget agreement that a majority on both sides of the aisle already voted for and passed the house. we are asking you to support the programs critical to seniors, veterans, farmers and retirees. the people i care about and came to serve. because again, let's be clear. if you force a government shutdown, they are the people who will suffer most. veterans won't receive full benefits and retirees will lose economic security and for what? a political stunt created by extremists rallying up their base. we swore an oath to serve our constituents. time to live up to that oath.
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i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman yields back the balance of his time for what purpose does the gentleman from michigan seek recognition? >> i request unanimous consent to address the house for one minute and revise and extend my remarks. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized. >> thank you, mr. speaker. mr. kildee: i stand in solidarity with the hard men and working of united auto workers. unions help build the middle class. the movement was large part in the 8th congressional district in my hometown of flint where the auto workers sat down to stand up for safer working conditions and better benefits. every day u.a.w. members build award-winning vehicles and standing up to demand a fair share of the value they produce. every worker, knots just those at the top should benefit from
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that. the fight is not just about fair contracts for union workers, it's about fairness and the future of all workers in this country. in congress i have championed bills to expand workers' rights including the right to join a union and stood in opposition of those efforts to try and take those rights to pass antiworker that would hurt american families. to the men and women of u.a.w. who are fighting, i stand in solidarity with you. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman yields back the balance of his time for what purpose does -- the chair will remind all persons in the gallery they are guests of the house and any manifestation of approval or disapproval of any proceedings is in violation of the rules of the house. for what purpose does the gentlewoman from michigan seek -- excuse me, from ohio
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seek recognition? >> i request unanimous consent to address the house for one minute and revise and extend my remarks. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman is recognized for one minute. >> thank you, mr. speaker. we have just 16 days to pass a budget and avoid a government shutdown. just 16 days to prevent a completely unnecessary shutdown that would be devastating to people, families and communities of ohio's 13th congressional district and americans. this would cripple government services hurting small businesses and veterans without pay. thousands of federal workers who do vital work would not be able to do their job where the public misses on essential government services and lower quality of life. instead of governing, what has
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the majority decided to do. they are playing games. it is reckless and irresponsible and failure of leadership. people in ohio are tired of partisan politics. they sent me to congress to put people over politics to keep our communities safe and protect our fundamental freedoms. i'm committed to passing a budget that invests in the people and communities, not extreme politics and top to stop the political games. honor the budget agreement and avoid a government shutdown. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman's time has expired. for what purpose does the gentlewoman from virgin islands seek recognition? ms. plaskett: i ask unanimous consent to revise and extend my remarks. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman is recognized. ms. plaskett: we find ourselves in a critical juncture in our nation's history.
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you have heard my colleagues say we have 16 days left. that is only nine legislative days awhich from a government shutdown. the extreme maga republicans in the republican conference are driving the entire republican majority to time and time again pursue their divisive agenda at the cost of american lives. this would inflict undold harm on american families, jeopardize our national security. this is not governance but political gehmanship. they have embarked on the path that threatens the fabric of our government and well-being of our citizens in an attempt to slash health care, child care, education, food assistance. this senseless self-manufactured
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crisis would disrupt critical government services. i implore my colleagues to stop political games and join us in the commitment to the american people. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman's time has expired. for what purpose does the gentleman from pennsylvania seek recognition? mr. thompson: i request unanimous consent to address the house for one minute and revise and extend my remarks. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized for one minute. mr. thompson: tomorrow, september 15 is p.o.w.-m.i.a. recognition day. this is a time to remember the great men and women who have yet to return home. there are more than 80,000 american servicemembers that remain missing and unaccounted from world war ii, korean war, gulf wars. our servicemembers are the bravest and they have called to
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protect and defend our country. while many return home, some do not. we must uphold our promise and never stop searching until they are returned to their loved ones. this is why representative connolly re-introduced the prisoners and war and missing in action trade agreement resolution. it urges our trade agreements to include clued a commitment from trading partners to continue to search and recovery efforts of our missing servicemembers. it is imperative to bring home members of our armed services. this amendment will assist the united states in upholding the eternal promise to always bring our men and women home and i urge my colleagues to support this resolution. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman yields back the balance of his time for what purpose does the gentlewoman from pennsylvania seek recognition? >> i request unanimous consent
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to address the house for one minute and revise and extend my remarks. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman is recognized for one minute. ms. dean: mr. speaker, my husband and i have raised three hungry boys. i know how difficult and expensive it can be. our government should not be making it any harder. the republicans in this chamber are working overtime to make it harder for families to receive snap benefits butting 14 million children in hunger. only when it is their agenda and trusting parents to use programs like snap, this republican majority pushes more regulation less trust. we have seen it play out
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firsthand. in the last congress, democrats expanded the child tax credit and cut child poverty in half. and when it ended and every republican refused to restore it, children plunged back into poverty. as the speaker's self-inflicted chaos is closer to a federal budget deadline, our children are suffering because of the antics and extremism of the republican majority. rethink your chaos and protect snap benefits, lift all of our children out of poverty. i yield. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman's time has expired. for what purpose does the gentleman from texas seek recognition? >> i request unanimous consent to address the house for one minute and revise and extend my remarks. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized for one minute. mr. green: mr. speaker, a
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mistake has been made and it falls upon me to correct the mistake. mr. barr of kentucky by way of a mistake been added to h.r. 68. at this time, i ask unanimous consent to remove representative barr from that co-sponsorship. and i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: without objection. the request is granted. for what purpose does the gentlewoman from oregon seek recognition? >> i request unanimous consent to address the house for one minute and revise and extend my remarks. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman is recognized for one minute.
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>> when u.s. auto manufacturers were suffering during the recession, the u.a.w. workers took pay cuts and willing to forething pay raises for the greater good of u.s. manufacturing believing that when u.s. auto manufacturers that they would repay their sacrifice once they were earning good profits. well, that didn't happen. i rise in support of the united auto workers and i urge the big three auto manufacturers to treat employees fairly in these negotiations and share the wealth that is earned from their labor. u.a.w. is making green jobs good union jobs and organized the first batterry plant in ohio. they are willing to move forward and work with manufacturers to get the job done and we need
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those jobs. thank you, mr. speaker. i yield. the speaker pro tempore: the chair recognizes the gentlewoman from -- for what purpose does the gentlewoman from new mexico seek recognition? >> i request unanimous consent to address the house for one minute and revise and extend my remarks. the speaker pro tempore: without objection. ms. leger fernandez: last week the new ms. leger fernandez: last week families seeking justice everywhere lost a saits statesman, governor bill richardson is survived by our former first lady of incredible grace, ms. barbara richardson. in 19le 3, governor -- 1983, governor richardson began his public service career as the first representative of the newly formed third congressional
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district of nuevo mexico. my first visit to congress was as a young attorney representing the nask hoe nation -- navajo nation into governor richardson's office. i stand on the shoulders and am grateful for his sage advice on how to serve this beautiful district. as chair of the congressional hispanic caucus, he opposed cruel immigration policies and brought attention to latino policy priorities everywhere, as governor he recognized the importance of education and economic diversity, as he raised teacher salaries and increased phone production. may we honor bill richardson as a tenacious champion for new mexicans, skillful diplomatic and a committed public servant. i seek unanimous consent to enter into the record linda lynch's story on how bill richardson rescued her husband held hostage. and with that, i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: without objection. for what purpose does the gentlewoman from new mexico seek recognition?
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ms. stansbury: i ask unanimous consent to address the house for one minute and to revise and extend my remarks. the speaker pro tempore: without objection, the gentlewoman is recognized for one minute. ms. stansbury: mr. speaker, as the speaker of new mexico and the world are grieving governor richardson, i rise today here in the house where he served to honor his life and his legacy. governor richardson has left an indelible mark on new mexico politics and on public service. throughout his career as a governor, member of congress, u.n. ambassador, secretary of energy and working in international diplomacy, anyone who knew governor richardson knows that he lived big, he laughed big and he loved big. he mentored a generation of leaders in new mexico and served our great state and nation to the very end. i personally met governor
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richardson as a young person when he was my congressman and, like so many others, was catalyzed into a path of public service on behalf of our state and our communities. governor richardson's loss will be felt deeply across our state and across the planet. and today my prayers go to his family, to everyone in new mexico who is remembering and grieving his loss, and to the loss of this giant in new mexico politics. rest in peace, governor. today we honor your legacy here in your home, in the u.s. house of representatives. and with that, i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentleman from new mexico seek recognition? mr. vasquez: mr. speaker, i ask unanimous consent to address the house for one minute, revise and extend my remarks. the speaker pro tempore: without objection, the gentleman from new mexico is recognized. mr. vasquez: today i join the representatives of new mexico to
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honor the legendary governor bill richardson of new mexico. i want to highlight what his work means for the latino community. bill's lasting legacy of advocacy for millions of latinos and his work on the national political stage has made all the difference in all of our lives. as one of the most influential mexican americans in history, bill devoted his life to improving the lives of new mexicans, latinos and americans at home and abroad. his unwavering commitment to the betterment of the latino community and the nation has left an undeniable impact. as one of the most powerful latinos in politics this nation has seen, he's made many of our pathways to public service possible. this year we are celebrating the largest numbers of members in the congressional hispanic caucus. we thank bill for his work for new mexico, the united states and for the world. as members of the u.s. house of representatives, we will honor
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his commitment to public service every day. mr. speaker, i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman yields back. for what purpose does the gentleman from florida seek recognition? >> mr. speaker, i ask unanimous consent to address the house for one minute, to revise and extend my remarks. the speaker pro tempore: without objection, the gentleman from florida is recognized for one minute. >> mr. speaker, i rise today because the american people are getting a front row seat at the circus that speaker kevin mccarthy and extremists in the republican party are unleashing on our country. mr. frost: we are 15 days away from a government shutdown that will impact millions of working people and speaker kevin mccarthy cannot even get his own party to pass any significant pieces of legislation. and the cherry on top of all of this is that instead of getting to work to fund the government, they're trying to impeach hunter biden, i think, which, spoiler alert, is not the president of the united states.
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this speaker doesn't even have the votes for impeachment, doesn't have the votes to fund the government, it's unclear whether or not he even has the votes to keep his own job. kevin mccarthy doesn't even know what kevin mccarthy stands for because it sure looks like his morals and beliefs about how this place should run only apply when other people are holding the gavel. so, america, in 15 days from now when our country comes to a halt, remember who did this to you. speaker kevin mccarthy and the extremist house republicans who care more about themselves and their politics than you. i yield back the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: members are reminded to direct their comments to the chair. for what purpose does the gentleman from texas seek recognition? mr. burgess: mr. speaker, by direction of the committee on rules, i call up house resolution 681 and ask for its immediate consideration. the speaker pro tempore: the clerk will report. the clerk: house calendar number 34.
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house resolution 681. resolved, that upon adoption of this resolution it shall be in order to consider in the house the bill, h.r. 1435, to amend the clean air act to prevent the elimination of the sale of internal combustion engines. all points of order against consideration of the bill are waived. the bill shall be considered as read. all points of order against provisions in the bill are waived. the previous question shall be considered as ordered on the bill and on any amendment thereto to final passage without intervening motion except, one, one hour of debate equally divided and controlled by the chair and ranking minority member of the committee on energy and commerce or their respective designees, and one motion to recommit. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from texas is recognized for one hour. mr. burgess: thank you, mr. speaker. for purposes of debate only,le i yield the customary 30 minutes to the gentlelady from new mexico, ms. leger fernandez, pending which i yield myself such time as i may consume. during consideration of the
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resolution, all time yielded is for the purpose of debate only. mr. speaker, i ask unanimous consent that all members have five legislative days to revise and extend their remarks. the speaker pro tempore: without objection. mr. burgess: mr. speaker, last night the rules committee met and reported a rule, house resolution 681, providing for consideration of h.r. 1435. the rule provides for consideration of h.r. 1435 under a closed rule with one hour of debate equally divided and controlled by the chair and ranking minority member of the committee on energy and commerce or their designees. the rule does provide one motion to recommit. mr. speaker, i rise today in support fortunate rule and i rise in support of the -- in support of the rule and i rise in support of the underlying bill. today the republican majority continues to stand between president biden and their disastrous policies that they want to inflict on the american public. mr. speaker, this bill is pretty simple. republicans are for consumer choice. democrats apparently are not. democrats don't like it when
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consumers have choices. it seems that our friends across the aisle, however well intentioned they may be, are a bit scweemish about leaving choices in the hands of consumers because, mr. speaker, in their heart of hearts, they don't trust consumers, they think they will make the wrong choice. the tendency amongst my democratic friends is emblematic of the larger liberal movement, that perspective, mr. speaker, can be distilled succinctly. the general population requires guidance and directions from elites who are more enlightened to prevent them from making decisions that contradict progressive principles. so, mr. speaker, i applaud my good friend from pennsylvania, dr. joyce, for standing between the democrats and their central planners and protecting american consumers. without this bill, mr. speaker, california and other democratic states could effectively ban internal combustion engines for all americans, regardless of where they reside.
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this is not what the founders intended when they designed our federalist system. but a de facto ban on the internal combustion engine is the point, mr. speaker. when president biden and his surrogates in the democratic party said, and i quote, mr. speaker, to end fossil fuels as we know them, end quote. shame on us if we don't take the democrats at their word when they say things like that. i understand that my friend and fellow member of the rules committee, who i have the privilege of debating today on the floor, will likely tell us the standards that california is looking to implement are the prerogative of california and in most circumstances i would agree with that. but this isn't most circumstances, mr. speaker. what california is trying to do is to usher in a de facto ban on the internal combustion engine nationwide. i will give my friends across the aisle cunning for their initiative.
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democrats have known that several states are aligned with california in such a manner that allows california to set vehicle emission standards that other states must then follow. why any state would surrender their own sovereignty to another is not consistent with this country's founding. there's a debate, mr. speaker, there, but it's for another day. this is why we republicans, particularly republicans on the energy and commerce committee, oppose state attempts to ban the internal combustion engine. this will adversely effect all americans. mr. speaker, california's waiver is a trojan horse. what democrats can't win at the ballot box, they intend to farm out to their friends in federal agencies. california is part of america, but does not speak for the whole of america. mr. speaker, with that i'll reserve the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from texas reserves. the gentlewoman from new mexico
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is recognized. ms. leger fernandez: thank you, mr. speaker. and thank you so much, dr. burgess, for the customary 30 minutes to discuss this bill. mr. speaker, i rise to oppose today's rule. eight legislative days, let's count them, eight legislative days left to fund the government. and in the republican leadership, what have we done? we've passed one, just one of the 12 appropriations bills necessary. one of 12. we were supposed to take up the rule for the defense appropriations bill yesterday. but last night, last evening, in a rushed meeting, we changed the rule to limit it to this single bill. the only thing we have to show for an entire week in session is a bill that attacks states'
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rights and california's ability to decide for its own what regulations it wants under the clean air act, as it is allowed to do under existing law and has been allowed to do for decades. you know what. when democrats were in the majority in the previous congress, we didn't hear what we're hearing from republicans. we did not hear democrats saying, we're going to shut it down. no, democrats have always looked for solutions. we have not been calling to shut it down, we have always worked to work it out. over and over again, not just this week, but over the summer, we have heard extreme maga republicans voice their goal of a forced government shutdown. we need to remember that the times that we have faced a shutdown and suffered through a shutdown, it has been when republican speakers were in charge.
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remember 1995 and 1996? 2013? 2018? we needed to have speaker pelosi take charge so we could open our government back up. in the rules committee we heard republicans say, let's shut it down. let's make clear that that it that is sometimes referred to as it was, something that is not beneficial, that it are the people who make sure our food is safe. the it they want to shut down is the program that makes sure that our women, infants and children, our seniors and veterans have enough food on their table. the it are the people who serve and protect our country and our services. the it are the people who maintain our beautiful national parks and allow us to see america's wonders.
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americans don't want us to head toward a goal of we are shutting it down. why don't we work it out? as ranking member mcgovern noted yesterday, the last time our government shut down, it was the longest in history due to inaction by then-president trump and republican majorities in the house and senate. it cost americans $11 billion, $3 billion permanently, and caused sizable suffering for our constituents. we are talking about people having to take out loans all through our country. i have been visited over and the auto dealers came to my chambers yesterday and talked about the repercussions that the shutdown will have on their business. people will have a hard time paying their mortgage and food on the table. the white house democrats and republicans negotiated in the
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fiscal responsibility act in june. that set up the pathway to how are we going to fund the government with cuts making sure that we kept government funding level. a mere three months later, they are backing out on their commitment. extreme republicans are blowing up our commitment to the american people. my district will suffer as well as all rural districts. rural america is the backbone of this country and they are sacrificing it. a shutdown could delay veteran and social security payments. with eight legislative days we have a bill totally not funding the government. this is an attack on efforts to reduce pollution and climate change. i have noticed that the
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republicans have a habit of naming their bills to do the opposite of what the bill actually does. this legislation will remove the choice that californians have exercised as they elect their own government and as they choose to look as to how they want to make sure they exercise their right to adopt clean air standards. for decades, the clean air act has reduced harmful air pollutants leading to cardiovascular problems and other health issues. it is their choice for california and other states to adopt strict standards. h.r. 1435 threatens our efforts to lessen air pollution and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. it disrupts the u.s. vehicle market and could harm our global
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competitiveness and the electric vehicle market. i will say it again, however, at a time when we have a duty to fund the government, the republican majority is instead picking on states' rights, picking on states that want to clean up their air and fight climate change. i hope my colleagues and urge my colleagues to change course and oppose this rule. i reserve. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman reserves. the gentleman from texas is recognized. mr. burgess: i recognize mr. langeworthy of new york. the speaker pro tempore: without objection. mr. langeworthy: i rise in support of this legislation that will put to a full stop my own state of new york from banning affordable, reliable gas-powered. new york governor would move
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forward with a ban on a sale of gas-powered vehicles by 2035. mr. speaker, this approach is only the latest in a long list of actions taken by the biden administration and by democrats in my state to enforce bans and regulations on the backs of hardworking middle-class americans. my colleagues on the other side of the aisle believe that ditching our combustion engines is the silver bullet. but my constituents in upstate new york and rural upstate new york are facing energy costs that are 30% higher than in previous years and they are projected to increase further and further. rural towns and communities in western new york along the pennsylvania border they cannot
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survive on transportation that is solely battery power. charger accessibility and lack of reliability that comes with the current crop of e.v.'s. secretary granholm put out on a masters class. from tailing to find charger stations, her easy road trip was a total disaster and we cannot this a reality for every day americans. not only is it costly and not only impractical but our electric grids are not capable of this added burden. a survey shows that new york state's electrical grid is strained in approaching a breaking up. and ban stoaives, to cars to natural gas hookups. it is very simple folks.
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ban inning gas vehicles forces new yorkers and californians and one day all americans if we keep going down this path that is less affordable and less safe and more dependent on our most dangerous adversary, china. i support this legislation today and this rule. as a step towards ensuring america does not follow the lead of the radical left in california and new york. let's put a stop to these nonsensical bans that only benefit our foreign adversaries that makes life much harder for every day americans. i yield back. mr. burgess: i reserve. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady from new mexico is recognized. ms. leger fernandez: the existing rule allows choice of each tate. what works for california may not work for new mexico or new
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york, that's why the clean air act builds in flexibility and those states that continue to adopt stricter vehicle standards that work for them. i want to make a point that car makers make business plans several years in the future. for congress to come in and change the setting of what is happening because right now 75% of vehicles sold with lower emissions are being manufactured here in america. and what they are doing is creating culture wars that hurt our industry workers. mr. speaker, i ask unanimous consent to enter into the record the september 13, 2023 letter from the united auto workers entitled u.a.w. urges to vote no on the so-called preserving choice. the speaker pro tempore: without objection. ms. leger fernandez: we should be funding the government this
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week not attacking individual states or workers. mr. speaker, i have the great honor of yielding to the speaker from the state of california such time as she may consume or inspiring, madam speaker, ms. pelosi. ms. pelosi: thank you for giving us the opportunity to speak on the rule that would bring this shameful legislation to the floor. mr. speaker, i strongly oppose this republicans' latest assault on the health and safety of our children. every child deserves clean air to breathe. we in california believe this is our duty. that is why our state is taking strong action to reduce vehicle pollutants and preserve our environment and protect our children. i have one question for our
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colleagues across the aisle. why? why don't you children to have cleaner air to breathe? why don't you understand what this means to their health? why do you not understand the connection between pollution and asthma? and how unfair that is to children and our population. more than five decades ago, this congress acted to preserve california's authority to protect our children and repeatedly re-authorized that since. despite this precedent, this bill would restrict the ability of states like california to protect families from dangerous pollution. it's important for you to understand that as the gentlelady pointed out, this is at the discretion of the states. 17 states have decided that they would use such a waiver in order
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to protect the children and air that they breathe. so why, why you want to throw the american auto industry into disarray. diminishing leadership and electric vehicle future? you know, mr. speaker, as the gentlelady referenced, economic decision auto industry makes. we have in this body, democratic majority come to the aid of the auto industry, not corporations, but the industry and the workers, and we want our auto industry to be preimminent in the world. california is a very big market for the auto industry. for 50 years lived they have lived with this waiver that enables that to happen. if you are making cars in california, it's easier than to make the same safe cars for the
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rest of the country because it's a big market in california. and 16 other states have followed suit representing at least 40% of new auto purchases in our country. a big chunk of our auto industry economy. so again, what would be the reason that you would interfere into the free market of the auto industry and the free breathing of our children of cleaner air? the only explanation could be that big oil opposes this legislation. they are so living in the past. they don't even realize it that the future is upon us and that the future is for the children. with that, i urge a no on this rule and yield back the balance of my time. ms. leger fernandez: reserve.
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the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman reserves sf. the gentleman from texas is recognized. mr. burgess: i recognize the gentleman from minnesota plrks stauber, for five minutes. the speaker pro tempore: without objection. mr. stauber: just moments ago the distinguished gentlelady from california made the statement and ask why -- asked why republicans don't want clean water and clean air. i reject that premise because this administration would rather mine in the congo where they use child labor, zero labor standards to get to these e.v. vehicles. this administration has stopped mining in the biggest copper-nickel mine in northeast minnesota and my colleagues on the other side of the aisle and
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this administration has stopped it. so don't come here and ask me why my republican colleagues and i have the stance we have. we are environmentalists and we want clean air and clean water. that's an excuse. we can mine in this country. we do not have to put memorandums of understanding with the congo who use child slairve labor. and that's a fact. we can mine in northeast minnesota using union labor with the best environmental standards and the best labor standards in the world. but my colleagues on the other side of the aisle refuse to allow it to happen along with this administration. don't stand on this house floor and say this about the republican party and my colleagues. we are environmentalists as well. we mine in the united states of america. we mine in northeast minnesota.
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we can show the world, because when we allow china to take the demands for critical minerals, that pollutant gets in the jet stream and affects us all as the dpol from california says. we breathe that disgusting air that comes from the communist country of china. so let us mine here, mr. speaker. allow this administration to let us mine here. mr. speaker, i rise today in strong support of this rule so we can consider h.r. 1435 in preserving choice in purchasing vehicles act. this read we read about horrific cross country secretary of energy faced as she tried to travel the country in her electric vehicle. at every stop she struggled to
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pay. she had staffers in gas-powered vehicles to stand in line at the e.v. charging station going so far to block families from charging their own vehicles on hot summer days. her gas-powered vehicle had to sit in front of a charging station waiting for her to come so she could charge her vehicle to make a statement and let that family suffer, waiting for the charging station to be opened. . . .. 20 below, 37 below, 50 below. by the way that cold in minnesota we still go to work and we still mine and we still weld. in the bold coldest of temperatures.
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can you imagine her trying to do that? i'm not even sure her e.v. would even start. my constituents do not have the luxury of having government-paid staffers to advance their road trips and access e.v. charging stations ahead of time. my constituents cannot afford to pay an extra $17,000 on average for electric vehicle, especially as bidenomics destroys the pocketbooks of my constituents who have had to pay an average of $10,000 more a year. if americans want to drive e.v.'s, they can, but they shouldn't be forced to. it should be their choice. today nearly 95% of americans drive an internal combustion engine, vehicle powered by gasoline or some form of ethanol or biofuels. if liberal elitists from california want to drive electric vehicles, so be it.
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but my constituents, mr. chair, should not be forced to do the same. i believe in choice not mandates by the federal government. and i urge my colleagues to join me supporting this rule and supporting h.r. 1435 because it is time that congress steps up and projects our constituents from ridiculous mandates that affect our way of life. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from texas reserves. the gentlelady from new mexico is recognized -- is recognized. ms. leger fernandez: mr. speaker, i truly appreciated the speaker emerita leading us to think about the why. and to think about the children. to think about the children and their health. because we must remember that democrats are not against consumer choices, but we are for
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is consumer safety. should we allow consumers to choose leaded gas once again? no. because we know what it does to our children's lungs. and i want to enter into the record unanimous consent, i seek unanimous consent to enter into the record a july 26, 2023 letter from the american lung association opposing h.r. 1435. the speaker pro tempore: without objection. ms. leger fernandez: 100 million americans live in counties with unhealthy air pollution. our children -- throw income communities and communities of color are most at risk. you know what? the good news is we are addressing it. the good news is with the chips and science act we started to do the research that will lead to even bigger and bert advances and how -- better advances and how we bring down those emissions. with it bipartisan
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infrastructure law and inflation reduction act. we are building out the electric charging stations that we need so you can get across minnesota and new mexico and everywhere in between. if you choose to have an electric vehicle. that is going to be your choice. for now i'd like to yield two minutes for my amazing the gentlewoman from new mexico and sister who believes in fighting for the clean air of our beautiful state. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman from new mexico is recognized for two minutes. miss vazquez: i'd like to thank the gentlelady. i rise in opposition today to this rule. what we should be focusing on is funding the government, which is our constitutional duty. instead we are here kuwait debating a ridiculous rule and on the eaves of the republican shut down, manufactured by extremists in the g.o.p. ms. stansbury: i want to remind everyone that the last time the
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government was shut down, it cost the american people $11 million -- $11 billion. the very same people who tried to tank our economy just months ago over the debt ceiling are threatening a government shutdown that would cost our country billions of dollars and threaten the economies, livelihoods, and people of my state in new mexico with far-reaching consequences. mr. speaker, thousands of new mexicans, federal employees, active duty military, and others would go unpaid and it's shameful. i urge my colleagues to oppose this rule. mr. speaker, i rise today to honor the amazing mr. ian, a dedicated member of my team over the last two years. since june of 2021, he has fiercely and loyally served the people of new mexico's first congressional district.
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he has served as a dedicated legislative staffer for nearly a decade, serving in the offices of congressman jim costa, g.k. butterfield, mark desaulnier, and for me. he was raised in las vegas and received his bachelor's degree in political science and government at the university of nevada reason know. and his love for government and making the world a better place is what propelled him into a career in public service. during his time in my office, he has proven to be a talented, brilliant, and truly extraordinary staffer. he's been instrumental guiding my office leading our legislative team, serving the constituents of our state, managing our -- the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady's time has expired. ms. stansbury: mentoring young staffers and helping them to thrive. i am deeply grateful to him for his service. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady's time has expired. the gentlelady from new mexico
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yielded 15 seconds. ms. stansbury: and on behalf of new mexico's first congressional district, i ask my colleagues to join me in honoring and thanking ian for his nearly nine years of service on capitol hill. his quick wit and constant support will be missed every single day in our office. and i wish him all the best. and we'll miss him very much. thank you. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman reserves. the gentleman from texas is recognized. mr. burgess: reserve. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from texas reserves. the gentlewoman from new mexico is recognized. ms. leger fernandez: mr. speaker, i think we need to constantly talk about what we are not doing here today. we are not talking about the appropriations bills that we need to fund our government. and maybe it's because the other side doesn't really want us to know, does not want the american public to know the awful things
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that are in those appropriations bills. the 2024 funding bill that the republicans vote are so extreme their own conference is having a hard time swallowing the devastation, drastic cuts it will do to america. these bills are a direct attack on rural america, on families, our service members, on our climate goals, and the list goes on. what are some of the terrible provisions we have reviewed in the rules committee that we are not talking about on the floor today? inching towards the national abortion ban. in defense appropriation bill they included a ban for service members, women, and their families from taking paid leave or traveling to -- traveling to obtain an abortion or related health care services related to a woman's reproductive health. if a woman is raped and wants an abortion, and lives in a state where there are no exceptions,
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that service woman, who joined to serve our country, has no choice if she lives in one of 14 states in this country. they told our service women that if they choose to serve our country they will be drive of the -- deprived of the care they need. in the same bill they cut $714 million for the department of defense climate change programs. i need to tell you, we read into the record the fact that it has been told that the nation who has the advantage of addressing climate change and building resilience will have a military strategic advantage. once again they are taking away our military's strategic advantages not just with that but refusing the republicans to go ahead and allow our nominations for flag officers to serve. over and over again in this build they are weakening, they are weakening our ability to serve and defend our country.
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in the agricultural appropriations bill they returned funding to 2007 levels. imagine what that kind of cut does to our rural communities. from slashing cuts for rural electric co-ops like i have throughout my district to making sure that our children go hungry. a mother cannot feed herself or her baby if she's cut back to 2007 levels. but that's what republicans are prioritizing. but we are not really talking about these bills because we are not talking about funding the government, are we? so, mr. speaker, i yield four minutes to the gentleman from colorado, a distinguished member of the rules committee, who i'm sure will address some of these issues. i yield to congressman, mr. neguse. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from colorado is recognized for four minutes mr. neguse: i thank the gentlewoman. thank you, mr. speaker.
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16 days. 16 days. that's how much time we have left until the government runs out of funding. six weeks ago, mr. speaker, i stood here on the floor of the house with my colleagues as house republicans gaveled the house out of session for a 45-day recession. you may recall, mr. speaker, the priority that house republicans were pursuing on that day as we gaveled out of session. i can assure you it was not to fund the government. it was, instead, a bill targeting the lesser prairie chicken and the long-eared bat. literally. this came oven the heels -- on the heels of a summer spent on republican bills to protect gas stoves. six weeks later we are back in washington.
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republicans have gaveled the congress back into session. here we are on the house floor yet again. what are we spending our time doing? perhaps a billion to fund the government? no. a bill to ensure that members of our armed forces are paid, that the operations of our government remain up and running? no. instead house republicans choose to spend the time of this body debating a bill attacking electric vehicles. electric vehicles, gas stoves, the long-eared bat, and lesser prairie chicken. those are the priorities of the house republican caucus. 16 days away from a government shutdown. and this is how house republicans choose to spend our time. the priorities that house republicans are pursuing are
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grossly out of step with the priorities of the american people. you are in charge, mr. speaker. you can choose today to put bills on the floor, to build safer communities, or lower cost, or grow the middle class. instead, we are left with political games. oh, that's right. and a baseless impeachment inquiry. that the speaker announced 48 hours ago. maybe we can get back to the basic job of the u.s. house of governing, of passing a budget. you know, mr. speaker, there is a good place to start. the fiscal responsibility act that this body passed, a mere four months ago, set out negotiated spending levels. i don't know if the speaker voted for it, but 149 of your
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colleagues did in the republican caucus. the ranking member, my friend from texas, he voted for it. and now months later the republican caucus, the speaker, they have abandoned, they have revoked, reneglected -- reneged on that deal, why? because the far right members of their caucus demanded it. here we are. 16 days away. from a government shutdown that many members of the republican conference seem fixated on creating. we had a rules committee hearing, the distinguished gentlewoman joined me, just a few days ago, where one of our colleagues on the other side of the aisle was unabashed who said, let's shut it down. and of course, for those americans watching, they know that we have been here before. they have seen this movie.
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they have seen how it ends. ms. leger fernandez: another 30 seconds. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from colorado yielded 30 seconds. mr. neguse: they know, mr. speaker, if republicans are control of the house, there is one thing they can count on. and that is that republicans will shut the government down. as they did in 199 -- 1990's under speaker newt gingrich. as they did in 2013 under speaker boehner, as they did in 2018 under speaker ryan. i implore my colleagues to get back to the basics of governing. work with us in good faith and honor the agreement you voted for four months ago. let's fund the government, mr. speaker. and with that, i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from texas. mr. burgess: reserve. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman from new mexico is
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recognized. ms. leger fernandez: if we defeat the previous question, i will offer an amendment to the rule to provide for consideration of a resolution which states that it is the peoples' house duty to keep our promise to american workers and seniors to protect and preserve social security and medicare and fight dpens any cuts to these vital programs. i ask unanimous consent to insert into the text of my amendment into the record along with any extraneous material immediately prior to the vote on the previous question. the speaker pro tempore: without objection. ms. leger fernandez: to discuss our proposal, i yield two minutes to the the gentlewoman from virginia. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman is recognized. >> i rise in opposition to this harmful, ridiculous rule because it pushes partisan provisions and does not address the issues that matter to the american people, as i hear in my
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district. i ask my colleagues to defeat the previous question so we can bring up house resolution 178 for a vote to reaffirm our commitment to protecting social security and medicare. these vital programs are lifelines for seniors and provide our seniors with the financial support and health coverage they have earned and rightfully deserve. in virginia's 4th, there are over 150,000 on social security and eligible for medicare. virginians and americans need congress to focus on the issues that really matter to them and i know hundreds of thousands of seniors rely on these programs to keep food on the table and access to health care services and prescription drugs they need. for years, extreme republicans have sought to cut social security and medicare benefits,
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privatize these programs and raise the eligibility to social security and medicare. house democrats stand united in our efforts to strengthen and preserve these programs to ensure our seniors have the support they need to live with dignity. mr. speaker, it is past time for house republicans to stop the partisan messaging bills and get back to the challenges that face our constituents. i yield back. ms. leger fernandez: reserve. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from texas. mr. burgess: reserve. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from new mexico. ms. leger fernandez: i yield one minute to the the gentlewoman from from california. ms. porter: california's leadership on protecting public health and safeguarding our environment should be a national model. when the federal government has failed to guarantee cleaner air to every californian, our state
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government has acted to reduce harm. when washington, d.c., poll lish answer were doing the bidding of big oil, california had the courage to improve air quality. california's recent strengthening of emission standards will save $13 billion in health care costs and prevent 1, 200 lives from being cut short. house republicans wrong-headed legislation would undo this progress and substitute their judgment for that of californian's own representatives. i urge my colleagues to reject h.r. 1435 and instead work to provide cleaner air to every american. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman reserves. the gentleman from texas is
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recognized. the gentleman reserves. ms. leger fernandez: gentleman prepared to close? gentlem an is prepared to close. mr. speaker , following up on the the gentlewoman from california's comments and on the importance of looking at this industry and how it's growing, i ask unanimous consent to enter into the record a january 12, 2023 article entitled e.v.'s made in the u.s. are dominating the market. the speaker pro tempore: without objection. ms. leger fernandez: there are benefits from the clean air act but there are also benefits to our manufacturing sector as well. and this completely ignores the benefits of e.v. production. they completely are going to be undermining the importance of manufacturing in the united states, what we need in the united states.
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why would we want the industry to move to other countries when we can make it here in america? but, mr. speaker, i want to go back the reason why so many of us have stood up today in opposition to this rule. and we have stood in opposition to this rule for what it does not do. it does not address the looming crisis that the extreme republicans and entire republican conference, because my colleagues on the other side could meet and work with us, but, no. once again, they want to shut it down. it's our duty. it's our duty to govern. but under republican leadership, we have not seen any governing happening. we have not passed the appropriations bills that america needs to keep our
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government open. imagine would that be acceptable in any other arena? it would not be acceptable in my state of new mexico to allow to shut down our government. that would be republic hence i believe. the republicans cannot escape that this is their playbook. they do it over and over again when they hold the gavel in this house, they shut down the government. and for what? for what? for extreme demands that we have already discussed. demands that attack women and their ability to make choices about their own reproductive health care in consultation with their own faith, with their own family and those they love and
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not with their congress person, but with their doctor. and for what? because they don't want to and they are protecting their millionaire friends and the big corporations because they do not want to make sure they pay their fair share of taxes, so they prefer to shut down the government, a government that serves the american people in so many different ways. but our voice, our democratic voices that are coming to this chamber, that are coming to the peoples' house from districts as diverse and beautiful as mine know that we must bring their voices to the table and say to this house and say keep it open, keep offering the services that protect us, that keep us safe, that make sure that our education is broad and has help where it is needed and native
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communities that continue to receive the health care, the law enforcement that we need, that we make sure that our department of justice its doing its job. that we do our work so our railroads are safe, our food is safe. we must do all that work to make sure that our government is kept open. i urge my colleagues to oppose today's rule. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from texas. mr. burgess: i do hope the special prosecutor is ensuring that the president's family pays their fair share in taxes. mr. speaker, according to a stanford university study california needs to double its like that supply to ensure electric vehicles are on the
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road. the expansion is going to cost californians $75 billion in higher electric rates. i do want to reference a document prepared by the energy and commerce committee. their discussion on electric vehicle mandates on how they are unaffordable and impractical. the majority of vehicles, 95% on the road today run on internal combustion. electric vehicles are still too expensive for many americans. baiivelly they are subsidized toys for rich people. the average transaction price of an electric vehicle was $17,000 more than a gas-powered vehicle in 2022. gas-powered vehicles continue to outperform and less susceptible to issues caused by severe weather conditions.
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electric vehicles lose 40% of their range in cold weather. and we are going to put all our kids on electric school buses in northern states in the winter time and hope they get to their destination on time if they don't the bus won't have enough power to keep the children warm. the lack of charging stations makes electric vehicles impractical thank you to the secretary of energy for demonstrating that fact last week. rapid e.v. expansion to overwhelm the electric grid and compromise grid reliability. we had a hot summer in texas and made the newspapers in several locations. good news, solar energy did supply the grid with a lot of solar power. news flash for you, the sun goes
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down every night. just when everyone is getting home or plugging in their electric vehicles or school bus and come in the back door and say this hot is hotter crank up the a.c. and solar power is offline and the grid can't handle it and that is dangerous. and as the gentleman from minnesota pointed out to us, china controls the vast majority of the mining, processing of critical minerals for electric vehicles including 75% of lithium ion batteries and processing and refining for lithium, cobalt and graphite. the administration unwisely prohibited mining in the northern range of minnesota and the administration can go to the republic of congo to employ
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slairve -- slave employment. and roll back some of the damage that president biden has placed on the middle class. i don't know why this administration has declared war on the middle class but they have and it's been unfortunately readily apparent every day since inauguration day, 2021. republicans remain united in pursuing an agenda that puts the welfare of the american people above the interest of a few. i urge members to support the rule and underlying legislation and i yield back and move the previous question on the resolution. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman yields back the balance of his time the question is on ordering the previous question on the resolution. those in favor, say aye. those opposed, no. in the opinion of the chair, the ayes have it. ms. leger fernandez: yeas and nays. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentlewoman from new mexico rise? ms. leger fernandez: request the yeas and nays.
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the speaker pro tempore: the yeas and nays are requested. those favoring a vote by the yeas and nays will rise. a sufficient number having arisen, yeas and nays are ordered members will record their votes by electronic device. pursuant to clause 9 of rule 20, the chair will reduce to five minutes the minimum time for any electronic vote on adoption on question of the resolution. this is a 15-minute vote. [captioning made possible by the national captioning institute, inc., in cooperation with the united states house of representatives. any use of the closed-captioned coverage of the house proceedings for political or commercial purposes is expressly prohibited by the u.s. house of representatives.]
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the speaker pro tempore: on this vote, the yeas are 214, the nays are 198. the previous question is ordered. the question now is on adoption of the resolution. those in favor, say aye. those opposed, no. in the opinion of the chair, the ayes have it. for what purpose does the gentlelady rise? ms. scanlon: we would request a recorded vote. the speaker pro tempore: a recorded vote is requested. those favoring a recorded vote will rise. a sufficient number having arisen, a recorded vote is
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ordered. members will record their votes by electronic device. this is a five-minute vote. [captioning made possible by the national captioning institute, inc., in cooperation with the united states house of representatives. any use of the closed-captioned coverage of the house proceedings for political or commercial purposes is expressly prohibited by the u.s. house of representatives.]
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the speaker pro tempore: on this vote the yeas are 215. the nays are 200. the resolution is adopted. without objection, the motion to reconsider is laid upon the table.
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the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentlewoman from washington, mrs. rodgers, seek recognition? mrs. rodgers: mr. speaker, pursuant to house resolution 68 1, i call up h.r. 1435. and ask for its immediate consideration. the speaker pro tempore: the clerk will report the title of the bill. the clerk: union calendar number 133, h.r. 1435, a bill to amend the clean air act to prevent the elimination of the sale of internal combustion engines. the speaker pro tempore: pursuant to house resolution 681, the bill is considered as read. the house will be in order. the bill shall be debatable for one hour equally divided and
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controlled by the chair and ranking minority member of the energy and -- the committee on energy and commerce or their respective designees. the gentlewoman from washington, mrs. rodgers, and the gentleman from new jersey, mr. pallone, each will control 30 minutes. the house will be in order. the chair recognizes the gentlewoman from washington, mrs. rodgers. mrs. rodgers: thank you, mr. speaker. i ask unanimous consent that all members may have five legislative days to revise and extend their remarks on the legislation and to insert extraneous material on h.r. 1435. the speaker pro tempore: without objection. mrs. rodgers: mr. speaker, i yield myself five minutes. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman is recognized. mrs. rodgers: thank you, mr. speaker. i urge support of h.r. 1435 from the energy and commerce committee member, my colleague,
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dr. john joyce. for more than a century the internal combustion engine has allowed people to increase their mobility and raise their standard of living. restrictive government mandates isn't how we are going to lead the next 100 years. that's what the e.p.a. and california are trying to do. by mandating the new vehicles sold in the state be electric. 17 other states are ready to follow suit if the e.p.a. approves the recent waiver request from california. the reality is, gas powered cars are much less expensive than e.v.'s and continue to outperform them in range, toeing capacity, and ability to operate in severe weather conditions. studies have also warned that a rushed e.v. expansion could overwhelm our electric crede. in california governor newsom has reported asking people not to charge their e.v.'s during blackouts. and e.v.'s currently make up just 4% of the vehicles in his
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state. the decision to choose should apply across the board. whether that's for gas powered e.v.'s or hybrid. h.r. 1435 prevents e.p.a. from granting california a waiver to limit the sale or use of new gas powered cars. it's vital that we stop this effort to force an electricity transition on americans, especially when you consider how china dominates the industry. supply chains. and even taken steps to build its own electric vehicle footholds in mexico. specifically so it can access the u.s. market. we need to focus on ensuring access to affordable, reliable transportation and ensuring our electric grid is dependable so people can keep their lights on. keep going to the store to get their groceries. stay warm. and live their lives. protecting people's way of life and their ability to provide for
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their families is the fund goal of this bill. i urge my colleagues to vote yes. i reserve the balance of my t time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman from washington reserves. the gentleman from new jersey is recognized. mr. pallone: thank you, mr. speaker. i yield myself such time as i may consume. i rise in opposition to h.r. 1435. tens of millions of americans battle extreme heat, blooding, and storms this summer threatening both their health, homes, and livelihoods. last month's hurricane idalia became the nation's 23rd billion dollar weather disaster this year. that's a record and it's only september. the damage caused by climate change and dangerous pollution cannot be ignored. that's exactly what house republicans are doing with this bill. they are once again doing the bidding of their corporate polluter friends at the expense of americans' health and security and our nation's economy. the prosecution sector is the single largest contributor of greenhouse gas emissions and other dangerous air pollution. but once again republicans want
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to bury their heads in the sand and ignore reality, even while more than 100 million americans are right now living in counties with unhealthy levels of air pollution. thanks to decades of innovation, the american auto industry spurred forward by technology driven standards we have a large and growing fleet of cleaner, more affordable cars that benefit all americans. these standards have helped cement the united states as a global leader in the transportation sector, and congress carefully crafted the clean air act to recognize the diverse air pollution challenges facing each state due to a history of severe air quality problems, the e.p.a. can grant california waivers to set vehicle emission standards that are more protective than those at the federal level. and other states can voluntarily adopt california's standards if they choose to do so. e.p.a. has granted dozens of these waivers and 17 states and the district of columbia have followed california's lead, including my home state of new
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jersey. now the law ensures any state has the freedom to choose to adopt these stronger vehicle emission standards if it works for them. h.r. 1435 would gut that freedom of choice. the bill directs the e.p.a. to revoke all existing waivers and future waivers under the clean air act for any california vehicle, emission standards related to internal combustion engines. this bill would turn back the clock for over 50 years of both congress and the e.p.a. recognizing california's statutory authority to set more protective vehicle emission standards. it infringes on the rights of states like my home state of new jersey to voluntarily adopt those standards to protect people from dangerous air pollution. this bill would also cause chaos and uncertainty for the american automotive industry by forcing the e.p.a. to revoke waivers going all the way back to 2013. republicans portray this bill as it is completely detached from reality.
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this bill will discourage any manufacturing of hybrid or electric vehicles, there would be no incentive for automakers to invest in the production of hybrids and e.v.'s and they would simply not be available as a cleaner and cheaper choice. so the bill blocks any state's ability to break free from the grip r grips of -- from the grips of big oil. let me be clear, mr. speaker, nobody is taking away your gas-powered vehicle. republicans are fearmongerring in a deliberate effort to mislead the american people. the truth is republicans are trying to legislate away years of american innovation and clean -- in cleaner transportation and yet -- in yet another attempt to do the bidding of their big oil friends. they're once again putting polluters over people. so i urge my colleagues to vote no and i reserve the balance of my time. t the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from new jersey reserves. the gentlewoman from washington is recognized. aa mrs. rodgers: thank you, mr. speaker. i yield to dr. joyce.
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the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized. mr. joyce: thank you for yielding, chair rogers. there is -- rodgers. there is truly nothing more american than the freedom of the open road. americans have built their lives around reliable and affordable transportation and now government overreach is threatening to put their cars, their trucks and s.u.v.'s that hardworking americans need out of reach. at its core, the vote on h.r. 1435 asks a very simple question. should consumers or the federal government decide what type of vehicles americans can drive? this legislation is designed to address an issue created by california's advanced clean cars 2 regulations that seek to ban the sale of gas-powered vehicles in the next decade by requiring 35% of new vehicle sales to be electric vehicles in 2026. and fully 100% of sales to be
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electric vehicles by 2035. because of the fact that 17 other states have adopted portions of california's clean air act regulations, this decision could potentially impact over 40% of american auto markets and if enacted would create a de facto ban on all gas-powered vehicles in the united states. as originally created, california's carve-out in the clean air act of 1970 was designed to combat smog and pollution in and around los angeles and it was never intended to be used as a tool to ban the vehicles that have transported americans for over 100 years. currently the home thing standing in the way of california's implementation of this policy is a required e.p.a. waiver. that's why i, along with representative latta, bilirakis and obernotle, introduced
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h.r. 1435, the preserving choice in vehicle purchases act. this bill would prevent the e.p.a. administrator from granting a waiver to any regulation that would limit the sale or use of new vehicles with internal combustion engines. we cannot expect vehicle manufacturers to build one car in california and another one for pennsylvania. in areas like my district in central and western pennsylvania, electric vehicles are unable to perform in the mountainous terrain and lose range in high heat and extreme cold. on a recent trip, energy secretary was unable to use a fleet of electric vehicles to go across the state of georgia without using a gas-powered vehicle to block a public charging station ahead of her arrival. mr. speaker, not every family will have an advanced staffer ready to reserve a charger for
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their vehicle. even the biden administrator's e.p.a. administrator did not sport banning of internal combustion engines in. may, when i asked the administrator if he supported such a ban during an energy and commerce committee hearing, he responded, and i quote, no, not at all. it's clear that more government interference cannot deliver innovation that americans rely on. there are fundamental issues of our nation's infrastructure that would prevent us from transitioning to an all-electric model. including the state of our electric grid. under president biden's green new deal agenda, we have seen coal power plants close. we've seen him stop the production of natural gas and we've seen new drilling leases canceled from alaska to the gulf of mexico. instead of utilizing the power sources underneath the feet of my constituents, president
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biden's administration has attempted to subsidize energy sources like wind turbines and solar panels that are proven to be ineffective at providing our grid with the power necessary for charging electric vehicles enmalice -- en masse. as we look toward the future of electric vehicles, the chinese communityist party is taking agrees -- communist party is taking aggressive steps to position themselves as the leader in developing e.v. battery technology. though the c.c.p.'s control of critical minerals and resources are needed to make electric batteries, a full transition to these vehicles would be a boom for the chinese economy, while hurting americans. it has become clear that transinging to a fully electric -- transitioning to a fully electric auto market would put china and not american auto workers in the driver's seat. today it is time to -- for the house to pass the preserving choice in vehicle purchases act
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and allow american families and american consumers to choose the vehicles that they want. and the vehicles that they can afford. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman's time has expired. mr. joyce: may i have 15 more seconds? mrs. rodgers: i yield the gentleman 15 seconds. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized. mr. joyce: the governor of california doesn't have the right to determine what type of vehicles my constituents in pennsylvania are able to buy. i urge my colleagues to support this important legislation and i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman yields. the gentlewoman from washington reserves. the gentleman from new jersey is recognized. mr. pallone: thank you, mr. speaker. i yield three minutes now to the gentleman from new york who is the ranking member of our environment subcommittee. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized for three minutes. mr. tonko: thank you, mr. speaker. and i thank the gentleman for yielding. and i rise in opposition to h.r. 1435. make no mistake, we are at a critical moment in history. the climate crisis is here. and over 100 million americans live in counties with unhealthy levels of traditional air
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pollution. but thanks to vehicle standards, incentives and r&d policies, the u.s. auto industry is poised to lead the world in clean transportation innovation. we should focus on supporting these policies, not weakening them. sadly, h.r. 1435 would toss aside decades of legal precedent, upending the california waiver process and threatening the innovation already under way. but rather than restate what my californian colleagues have said and will say about the history of the clean air act and the importance of the waiver process to protecting public health, i want to look forward. because for over 100 years, america has been the greatest auto manufacturing nation in the world. and this is largely because we have embraced innovation and we have embraced our skilled unionized work force. and if we want to continue to retain this title, we need to embrace the changes that are
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occurring in that sector. the transportation revolution is here. it is already creating jobs and reducing pollution. in large part thanks to the infrastructure investment and jobs act and the i.r.a. so when we hear concerns about inadequate clarnlging options, we -- charging options, we need to remember that charging infrastructure is going to become much more widespread and better performing in the near future thanks to the $7.5 billion enacted in the infrastructure law. and when we hear about stresses on the grid, let's remember that there are tens of billions of dollars in the infrastructure law and the i.r.a. to make our electric system smarter, more resilient and, yes, more capable of meeting these new demands. and when we hear that clean vehicles will support china, let's acknowledge that this will only be true if we fail to develop our own domestic supply chains. just two weeks ago d.o.e. announced $15.5 billion in grants and loans to support
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retooling existing factories for the transition to e.v.'s. this will be complimentary to so many public and private investments that are enabling critical mineral processing and battery manufacturing here in the u.s. we can continue to be the world's leader in automotive innovation for the next century, but only if we embrace the regulatory policie and the incentives that will drive us forward to a cleaner and healthier future, which is why i urge members to oppose this bill. and with that, mr. speaker, i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman yields. the gentleman from new jersey reserves. the gentlewoman from washington is recognized. mrs. rodgers: thank you, mr. speaker. just to clarify, states are not free under the clean air act to regulate cars any way they wan. there are conditions. also, the bill does not repeal or weaken any of the clean air act levels. we have the strictest clean air regulations of anyplace in the
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world. pleased to yield two minutes to the gentleman from ohio, mr. latta. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized for two minutes. mr. latta: thank you, mr. speaker. and thank you to our chair of the energy and commerce committee. i rise in support of h.r. 1435, the preserving choice in vehicle purchases act, which is legislation i co-led. california air resources board has made the decision to ban the sale of new internal combustion engines by the year 2035. this action is a major component in the state's radical climate agenda that is being forced on their citizens. normally the actions of one state would not require a federal response. however, in this case, california's actions extend far beyond their state's borders and will have consequences for all americans. this is because 17 other states follow california's standards, representing 40% of the nation's car market. when congress first set up this process, it never intended for california to be able to dictate to the rest of the country what
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types of vehicles they can purchase. instead congress wanted to give california additional tools to combat smog levels. to make matters worse, california has not clearly considered the impact these actions will have on the nation's electric grid. as officials from the d.o.e. confirmed to me this week, we are going to need more power, not less power, in this country to meet consumer demand. if california's governor is already calling on his residents to conserve energy to avoid blackouts and brownouts, how in the world will the grid be able to handle the load with millions of additional electric cars? additionally, the biden administration is doing nothing to address the problem of assertion all the rare earth minerals that we need to manufacture an all-e.v. fleet. these materials are controlled by communist china who will stand to reap the windfall of these policies. h.r. 14 35 is a commonsense -- 1435 is a commonsense bill because it institutes a check on
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any state that seeks to exploit the clean air act. the american people are the better arbiters of what vehicles will serve their families' needs, not the bureaucrats with political agendas. and let me be clear, this legislation does not prevent california from being able to retain a waiver from the u.s. e.p.a. to combat smog issues which was the original intent of the c.a.a. i urge my colleagues to support this commonsense legislation and i yield back the balance of my time. mrs. rodgers: i reserve. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman reserves. the gentleman from new jersey is recognized. mr. pallone: thank you, mr. speaker. i yield now 2 1/2 minutes to the gentlewoman from california, msg member of our subcommittee on communications and technology. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman is recognized. ms. matsui: thank you, mr. speaker. i rise today to speak in opposition to h.r. 1435. california has long been a global leader in the fight against air pollution. whether it's greenhouse gases,
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smog or other harmful pollutants, california has often by the first state to protect our citizens from the terrible health impacts of dirty air. you get a lot of criticism when you're a leader and californians are no stranger to criticism. but time and again that criticism fades as the rest of the country and often other countries see the benefits of california's emissions policies. in 19 -- 1966, california established the first tail pipe emission standard in the nation. the country soon followed with the clean air act of 1970, which created the e.p.a. and established the first national air pollution standards. but the clean air act also recognized california's leadership by explicitly affirming california's authority to set more stringent emission standards. thanks to that authority,
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california continued to lead the fight against air pollution and adopted the first naaqs standards and the first particulate matter standards for motor vehicles. in 2004, california adopted the first greenhouse gas pollution standards for vehicles. e.p.a. followed in 2010 with the first national standards for greenhouse gas pollution from vehicles. now the impacts of climate change caused by fossil fuel pollution are becoming more numerous and deadlier. more frequent and more intense floods, hurricanes, wildfires and heat waves threaten to make our communities unlivable. this bill, this bill, however, enshrines the internal combustion engine in the clean air act. we are leading the nation with cutting-edge vehicle emission standards that reduce greenhouse gas pollutants and lead the world in the fight against climate change.
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but this bill is a loeffler to big oil. legally -- is a love letter to big oil. we have a chance to stop climate change before it's too late. this bill would keep dirty gas and diesel cars on the field forever. dooming our children to face the world impacts of climate change. i urge my colleagues to vote no on h.r. 1435. i yield back the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from new jersey reserves. the gentlewoman from washington is recognized. mrs. rodgers: thank you, mr. speaker. pleased to yield 1 1/2 minutes to the leader on the energy and commerce committee, the gentleman from florida, mr. bilirakis. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized. mr. bilirakis: thank you, mr. speaker. thank you, madam chair. she's doing a great job. we are so fortunate to be on this committee. i think the best committee in congress. i do. i rise in strong support of this
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legislation that i co-lead with representatives joyce, latta, and the gentleman from california, mr. obernolte. the california ban would have far-reaching national effects. not only indirectly forcing e.v. vehicles into consumers outside of california, and the 17 other states tied to california's standards, but also likely increasing the costs of all new vehicles nationwide. and giving consumers fewer choices. we are all about choices, mr. speaker. currently, auto manufacturers face significant losses with their e.v. divisions and rely on the profits from their gas produce-powered -- gas-powered vehicle sales to maintain profitability. if this california rule standards, auto manufacturers will likely be forced to increase retail costs on all
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their vehicle options to remain profitable. many of my constituents are on fixed incomes and cannot afford to humor california's or the biden administration's radical green policies. i urge passage of this particular bill and i yield back the balance of my time. thank you. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman from washington reserves. the gentleman from new jersey is recognized. mr. pallone: thank you, mr. speaker. i yield two minutes to the gentleman from maryland, mr. sarbanes, member of our committee. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized. mr. sarbanes: i thank the gentleman for yielding. i rise in strong opposition to h.r. 1435. despite its name, the preserving choice in vehicle purchases act, this bill would reduce choice for both consumers and the states they live in, by making egregious changes to the clean air act, sections 209 waiver authority. this bill would add significant impacts on our collective
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ability to adopt clean vehicle technologies. combat climate change, and promote environmental justice t would not only imperil california's statutorily granted ability to seek waivers to implement more protective standards for vehicle emissions, but also snificantly hamper the rights of any states that have chosen or may choose to follow california's lead. under section 177 of the clean air act, states may voluntarily adopt any california vehicle emission standard that has been granted a waiver from e.p.a. and to date 17 states, including the state of maryland, where i live, have done so. no one is forcing states to adopt california's standards. but for many states across the country like maryland, doing so makes a lot of sense. that is why in march of this year our governor, governor moore, announced the adoption of the advanced clean cars tool rule which would align our state with the emission standards
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pioneered by california and speed our transition from internal combustion engines to electric vehicles. according to maryland department of environment, this will provide in-state health benefits of nearly $40 million per year by 2040, to say nothing of the energy savings, climate impacts, and economic benefits of building out our green economy. the bill before us today would take away maryland's freedom to adopt regulatory standards like these that meet its needs, and would encroach on the rights of all states to choose to follow california's lead in adopting vehicle emission standards that will provide benefits to each and every one of our commu communities. h.r. 1435 is a blatant attack on states that are taking ambitious steps to curb air pollution from cars and trucks and create greener, healthier futures for their residents. i urge my colleagues to vote no on this legislation. yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from new jersey
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reserves. the gentlewoman from washington is recognized. mrs. rodgers: thank you, mr. speaker. i'm pleased to yield two minutes to a leader on the energy and commerce committee, subcommittee chairman from ohio, mr. johnson. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized. mr. johnson: thank you, mr. speaker. thank you, madam chair. i rise in support of h.r. 1435, the preserving choice and vehicle purchases act. as environment subcommittee chairman, i am proud to support this bill led by my energy and commerce committee colleagues, representatives joyce, latta, bilirakis, and obernolte. h.r. 1435 is a critical step in protecting consumer choice and safeguarding americans' access to affordable and reliable vehicles. the legislation would prohibit the e.p.a. from granting california a waiver for vehicle emission standards if the state standards directly or indirectly limit the sale of new gas-powered vehicles. why is this important? california recently submit add waiver request which would
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require all new passenger vehicles in the state to be zero emission vehicles by 2035. effectively phasing out new gas-powered cars. even worse, if california is granted that e.p.a. waiver, 17 states representing 40% of the u.s. market for new vehicles are poised to adopt california's exact standards. this would result in california effectively forcing their values and their mandates on all of us. and how would that work out? ask the energy secretary. it was recently reported that on a road trip with her entourage to tout electric vehicles, her advanced staff actually blocked a family with a baby in their car from the one functioning e.v. charging station at a particular stop, until the secretary arrived to recharge her luxury e.v. mr. speaker, i think it's safe to say that my constituents
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don't get that privilege. i want to be clear, this legislation does not prevent americans from purchasing e.v.'s if they want one. house republicans are simply ensuring that all americans can choose the car that best fits their needs -- their needs, right now. and in the decades to come. i urge my colleagues to support h.r. 1435. and i yield back. mrs. rodgers: reserve. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman from washington reserves. the gentleman from new jersey is recognized. mr. pallone: mr. speaker, i yield two minutes to the gentlewoman from new york, miss clarke, a member of the energy and commerce committee. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman is recognized. ms. clarke: thank you, mr. speaker. i thank the gentleman for yielding. i rise in strong opposition to h.r. 1435. h.r. 1435 would have disastrous consequences not only on california's ability to regulate dangerous air pollution from its own transportation sector, but for all of the other states who have adopted its standards, including my h of new
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york. my colleagues, climate change is accelerating in real time. and we are experiencing the impact to our own detriment. the transportation sector accounts for nearly 1/3 of the nation's greenhouse gas contributions. heavy duty transportation makes up a significant piece of this polluting sector. heavy duty vehicles make up approximately 6% of vehicles on the road but generate 59% of the nitrogen oxides and other dangerous pollutants that contribute to ozone and particulate matter. an estimated 72 million people live near truck freight routes across the united states. these communities, whose residents are more likely to be people of color and vulnerable populations have lower incomes and experience higher rates of
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adverse health effects. this bill would harm and potentially reverse decades of progress on cleaning up our heavy duty transportation sector. republicans are putting polluters over people by attempting to block states' ability to regulate air pollution from heavy duty trucks. in direct contradiction to the clean air act. while my republican colleagues continue to try to block commonsense air pollution control efforts, i, along with my fellow house democrats, will continue to fight for cleaner air and a clean energy future. i urge my colleagues to vote no on h.r. 1435. and i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from new jersey reserves. the gentlewoman from washington is recognized. mrs. rodgers: thank you, mr. speaker. just noting for the record in a 2017 midterm review, the california air resources board
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confessed its law could lead to long-term job losses in industries tied to manufacturing, supplying, and servicing of conventional vehicles. pleased to yield a minute to the gentleman from georgia, mr. carter. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized. mr. carter: thank mr. speaker. i rise today in support of this bill. i feel like i'm repeating myself. this is yet another bill that would overturn a radical rule from the biden administration's e.p.a. the agency's recent actions to provide california waiver request to strictly regulate vehicle emissions in its proposed emission standards combined combine to a de facto e.v. mandate. allowing california to ban the sale of internal combustion engines by 2035 will significantly distort the market and manufacturing of vehicles throughout our country. this is entirely inappropriate. the federal government is not in the business of dictating consumer choice, especially when it can be detrimental to the lives of americans from all walks of life. if people want an e.v., they can
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make that choice. many people have already made that choice and i suspect more will. as e.v. vehicles improve and become more accessible. however, they are not the right choice for all americans. for most they are simply out of reach. they are too expensive even when existing incentives and do not have the range nor reliability consumers desire yet. portions of my district are incredibly rural and not practical for e.v.'s. my constituents deserve access to affordable vehicles that can be depended on. thank you, mr. speaker. i urge passage of this bill. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman's time has expired. the gentlewoman from washington reserves. the gentleman from new jersey is recognized. mr. pallone: thank you, mr. speaker. i yield 2 1/2 minutes to the gentleman from california, member of our committee. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized. >> thank you, mr. speaker. my republican colleagues like to attack california for its forward thinking policies to adangerous dangerous air pollution, especially from the transportation sector.
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california has been a leader in reducing air pollution for decades because of our unique air pollution challenges. in fact, we were the very first state to regulate tailpipe emission pollutions from vehicles. mr. peters: the federal government followed california's lead by enacting the first iteration of the clean air act in 1970, over 10 years after california had legislation to adopt standards for community air quality and motor vehicle emissions. since california had tailpipe emissions on the books, congress drafted the clean air act to accommodate their ongoing innovation and progress in addressing air pollution from the transportation sector and all this occurred under the governorship of ronald reagan. over the years, e.p.a. has granted california dozens of waivers for its emission standards. that's enabled california not only to adoctors its significant air pollution challenges, but also cemented california as a worldwide leader in deploying emission reduction technologies. our ambitious standards in
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california pave the way for the invention of the cat littic converter and -- cat littic converter. unfortunately this bill seeks to erase decades of promise addressing air pollution, driving innovation, and protecting public health. the goal of this shortsighted bill is to keep us stuck in the past. and our heads in the sand. while the real tangible dangers of climate change continue to harm our communities, our environment, and our economy. we should not reverse decades of california's historic leadership in protecting public health and addressing air pollution from the transportation sector. i urge my colleagues to vote no on h.r. 1435. mr. speaker, i yield back the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from new jersey reserves. the gentlewoman from washington is recognized. mrs. rodgers: thank you, mr. speaker. pleased to yield to the chairman of the energy subcommittee, the gentleman from south carolina, one minute, mr. duncan. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized. mr. duncan: i thank the chairwoman. i'm proud to be original
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co-sponsor of preserving choice in vehicles act. electric vehicles will be part of our energy matrix for a long time. no republican denies that. but government is trying to pick what you drive, america. our electric grid does not support electric vehicles now. power generation and infrastructure is far from ready across most of america. strip away america's freedom to choose, government is picking the type of car you have to drive, that's like saying i'm from the government i'm here to help. i know bert than you do, america. that's wrong -- better than you do, america that's wrong. we got a long ways to build out a infrastructure. can i tell you in wyoming and nebraska and montana and washington state is a long way from ready. . china's building all the infrastructure, all the solar panels, a lot of components for electric vehiclings. they're using coal -- vehicles. they're using coal-fired power plants to build those renewable components, creating pollution that ends up on the west coast.
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this is wrong for america, government should not tell people in south carolina or washington state or anywhere else what kind of vehicle they drive. i support this legislation, urge my colleagues to do so. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman from washington reserves. the gentleman from new jersey is recognized. mr. pallone: thank you, mr. speaker. i yield three minutes now to the gentlewoman from michigan. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman is recognized. >> thank you, mr. speaker. mrs. dingell: i rise today in strong opposition of h.r. 1435. the preserving choice in vehicles purchases act. it's disappointing and, quite frankly, it's dangerous that this political messaging bill is intentionally being brought to the floor, given its potential impact onion going labor negotiations that expire at midnight tonight unfortunately this is just yet another republican attack on the environmental protection agency's authority to keep americans safe from dangerous
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air pollution, and it will have widespread harmful effects on the future of the automotive industry. the domestic automotive industry. i urge all of my colleagues to reject this false choice between protecting our environment and protecting our working families. we can and must do both. the u.a.w. opposes this bill. sierra club opposes this bill. l.c.v. opposes this bill. we must stand with men and women who know what's best and oppose this bill. this bill prevents e.p.a. from granting a waiver of federal preemption under the clean air act for any california vehicle emissions standards that, quote, directly or indirectly limits the sale or use of vehicles with an internal combustion engine. on top of this, it directs the e.p.a. to revoke waivers that were already granted more than a decade ago, that don't comply with this vague metric.
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this would immediately put existing waivers dating back a decade in jeopardy. this doesn't just effect california. it has nationwide ramifications that every member should be concerned about. it infringes on states' ability to voluntarily adopt standards to protect their citizens from dangerous air pollution and climate change. and my republican cleag, year always saying -- colleague, you're always saying, we have to protect states' rights. you're not doing it in this. the clean air act is explicit in the e.p.a. having the authority to protect all americans from dangerous air pollution, including the transportation sector. but you know what worries me the most, it's whether we're going to be prepared to be competitive in a global marketplace. revoking past waivers would throw unnecessary uncertainty into the marketplace, companies need certainty to be competitive and create confusion for both
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the industry and consumer. so beyond undoing standards to protect citizens from the dangerous air pollution, it will also stymie future automotive innovation that drives this nation forward. i will not secede our american leadership in the transportation sector to any other country in the world. europe is already -- has already succeeded selling electric vehicles -- exceeded selling electric vehicles beyond the 50% market. we can't let partisanship stand in the way of building these cars here in this country. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman's time has expired. mr. pallone: i would yield the gentlewoman another minute. mrs. dingell: we cannot let the future -- thank you. we cannot let the future mobility be dictated to us by foreign competitors when we put the world on wheels. you know, i love my republican colleagues and they know that i do. but we couldn't get the defense
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bill this week so we're playing this game with the livelihoods of my constituents. the auto workers in my district. i'm not going to let these cars be built in china. i'm not going to let them be built anywhere but in america. and that means we got to compete. i'll fight for them every single day and i'm not going to stop. so this bill is not good for the american automobile industry and i urge my colleagues to oppose the legislation. and i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from new jersey reserves. the gentlewoman from washington is recognized. mrs. rodgers: thank you, mr. speaker. pleased to yield one minute to the lady, the gentlelady from arizona, mrs. lesko. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman is recognized. mrs.lesko: thank you, madam chair. and, mr. speaker, i rise today in support of the preserving choice in vehicle purchases act. when i first read the biden administration's plan to increase fuel standards which requires 67% of all new vehicles
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manufactured be all-electric by 2032, i was appalled. this plan does nothing to benefit america and everything to benefit our greatest adversary, china. electric vehicle batteries require at least 1,000% increase in materials extracted from the earth compared to a gasoline-powered vehicle. well, who dominates the extraction and processing of these materials? you guessed it, china. nearly all the growth in mining to meet this demand is expected to come from offshore, non-u.s. mines. who has been buying these mines? you guessed it, china. china is the only one who stands to benefit from this drastic change in policy and america's consumers will suffer. i ask my colleagues to support
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this bill and i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman from washington reserves. the gentleman from new jersey is recognized. mr. pallone: mr. speaker, i yield a minute now to the gentleman from california, mr. mullin. mr. mullin: i rise today in opposition to this bill. the only choice h.r. 1435 preserves is big oil's choice to worsen the climate crisis. in california, we boldly led the way on pollution reduction standards. h.r. 1435 is a direct attack on the progress we are just starting to make in transitioning cars from fossil fuels to a clean energy one. it would devastate california's goal to transition to e.v.'s by 2035, a groundbreaking policy i proudly supported while serving in the california legislature. this bill is a regressive measure which would doom not only california's goals but also
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undermine the entire nation's efforts to combat the climate crisis. with that, i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from new jersey reserves. the gentlewoman from washington is recognized. mrs. rodgers: thank you, mr. speaker. pleased to yield a minute and a half to the gentleman from indiana, mr. pence. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from indiana is recognized for one minute and 30 seconds. mr. pence: thank you, madam chair. mr. speaker, i rise in support of h.r. 1435, the preserving choice in vehicle purchases act. i'd like to thank congressman john joyce for his leadership on this bill. you know, the electrification or nothing timeline of this administration is far ahead of what is possible, practical and affordable. giving california authority to dictate to the transportation industry for almost half the nation is just another tool of this administration is using to force e.v.'s onto the american people. fuel distribution for our
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transportation industry was built over the course of 100 years. it's not reasonable to assume the same can be done for an e.v. industry just in a few short years. while this administration seeks to mandate, subsidize electric vehicles at every turn, they lack any sense of a coherent plan to put this into reality. e.v. inventories are piling up on dealer lots because, simply put, nobody's buying them. this legislation would make important strides to protect hoosiers' ability to choose the car that they think best fits their family. i urge my colleagues to support this bill and i yield back. mrs. rodgers: i reserve. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from washington reserves. the gentleman from new jersey is recognized. mr. pallone: i thank you, mr. speaker. i yield myself such time as i may consume. you know, i hear the republicans constantly talk about a choice. choice of vehicles.
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i mean, let me just stress again that nobody is taking away your gas-powered vehicle. we are actually providing you the choice and the states that are adopting the california standards are providing you the choice of vehicles, because if you pass this bill, then you're basically insisting that people have to have gas-powered vehicles because nobody's going to develop e.v.'s. the fact of the matter is, contrary to my colleague from indiana, people are buying e.v.'s. more people than ever, even republicans are buying electric vehicles. but this bill will discurrently any -- discourage any manufacturing of hybrid or electric vehicles because there will be no incentives for the automakers to invest in the production of hybrids or e.v.'s, and they would simply not be available. and so people won't have a choice of a cleaner car, either because of better emission standards, if it's gas-powered, or because they might want to buy a hybrid or an e.v.
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we're trying to -- you know, the other argument that's being made here is about china. i have to dispute that as well. republicans are making the claim that this bill protects america from playing into china's hands and i totally disgrea. basically -- disagree. basically americans think china is leading on the e.v. space and rather than competing with china, republicans think we should just step aside. they basically say, we'll just stand down. so while the global demand and the american demand for e.v.'s is rising, if we don't compete, china benefits. if we step back, china ends up controlling all the supply chains. now, democrats aren't denying that china is very active in this space and controls a lot of the existing supply chains for electric vehicles, but rather than ceding more ground, we're vifnting in america's -- we're investing in america's ability to compete. we're creating jobs here and reducing our dependence on
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foreign supply chains and republicans are operating under the assumption that by stepping away from electric vehicles, china's dominance in this space disappears. well, that's nonsense. in reality, it means that the growing global demand for electric vehicles will be met by china and american progress and competitiveness just recedes. look, one of my colleagues, i think it was mr. peters, said that the republican are stuck in the past. that's -- republicans are stuck in the past. that's exactly the problem here. they don't understand that the auto industry is innovating. the auto industry is -- has been creating cars, gas-powered, with lessee missions. the -- with less emissions. let them flower, let them do what they can so ultimately we're in charge of this -- of manufacturing these vehicles and americans buy and the rest of the world buys our electric vehicles. don't let china continue to dominate the market. and that's what this bill will do. i reserve the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from new jersey reserves.
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the gentlewoman from washington is recognized. mrs. rodgers: thank you, mr. speaker. pleased to yield 1 1/2 minutes to the gentleman, the republican that's all about winning the future, from ohio, mr. balderson. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized for one minute and 30 seconds. mr. balderson: thank you, mr. speaker, and thank you, madam chair, for that great introduction. i rise today in strong support of h.r. 1435, the preserving choice in vehicle purchases act. we are here today because lawmakers in california want to outright ban the sale of new vehicles with an internal combustion engine. they are fed up with the pace of free market and they want to force their consumers to switch to more expensive electric vehicles. this bill would simply prevent president biden's e.p.a. from granting california the waiver needed to approve this ban. if the california waiver is approved, over a dozen other states could adopt identical standards to ban the internal combustion engine. but house republicans believe that americans should be able to purchase the vehicle that meets their needs. the fact of the matter is
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consumers across america are wary of making the shift to electric vehicles. as cox automotive experts pointed out in july, the unsold inventories of e.v.'s across the nation swelled nearly 350% this year. that's 92,000 e.v.'s currently signature unsold on dealers' lots. as shown during the secretary of energy's recent e.v. road trip, there are still major problems with owning and charging an e.v. in america outside the big cities. but regardless of whether you want to buy an e.v. or a traditional internal combustion vehicle, house republicans believe that you should have the choice to purchase the vehicle that's best for you and your family. this bill will do just that. i strongly encourage my colleagues to support this commonsense bill. thank you, mr. speaker, i yield back. mrs. rodgers: i reserve. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman from washington reserves. the gentleman from new jersey is now recognized. mr. pallone: mr. speaker, could i ask how much time remains on both sides? the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from new jersey has seven minutes remaining.
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the gentlelady from washington has 10 1/4 minutes remaining. mr. pallone: i'm going to yield five minutes now to my colleague from california. mr. levin: i rise today in opposition to h.r. 1435. this legislation specifically targets the ability of my home state of california and the ability of 17 other states to set their own auto emissions standards, improve public health, and tackle the climate with this legislation they're pushing their polluters over people which endangers people. air pollution is linked to more than 100,000 premature deaths every year. the transportation sector is the largest
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contributor to the emission of greenhouse gases making up 1/3's total pollution. in the mid 21st century creatively was plagued by vehicles that spewed pollution in the air and caused hazardous health conditions for residents. with this reality in mind, my state took action. california has been a national leader in addressing air pollution from the transportation sector for decades and regulated vehicle emissions for years. in fact, california established the first tailpipe emissions standards in the country in 1966. well before the federal government did. a year later, then governor reagan, approved the mulford- carroll air resources act to create the air resources board. you heard that right, ronald reagan, a conservative republican, established a statewide agency to address air pollution. they were bipartisan for
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years with president nixon signing the clean air act into law, another californian, i might add. the clean air act allowed california to receive a waiver from the environmental protection agency to establish vehicle standards that are more protective and aggressive than those at the federal level. with that authority, governor reagan's air resources board adopted the nation's first nitrogen oxide emission standards for motor vehicles and here's what we've seen in the years since. ambitious vehicle standards empower the auto industry to produce better, cleaner cars. they are a win-win-win for consumers growing our domestic auto industry and meeting our climate goals. for more than five decades the e.p.a. has granted dozens of waivers to california which has enabled my state to cut pollution from as much as 35 parts per million in 1970 to under nine parts per million in 2018.
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the waivers have helped improve conditions for residents and have driven innovation in the auto industry. california's ambitious emissions standards have led the way for historic technological breakthroughs such as the invention of the catalytic converter, the dashboard check engine light and yes, the development of zero emission vehicles. h.r.1435 looks to erase decades of progress on tackling air pollution, advancing technological innovation and protecting public health. this bill attacks the clean air act and the long-standing authority of states to make their own decisions to keep their air clean and climate pollution low. republicans frequently tout state's rights so why is this different? the bill would provoke existing waivers going to 2013, causing chaos and confusion for the entire auto industry and disrupting the
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transition to electric vehicles that is already underway across the country. the regulatory framework that california and its 17 partner states have in place empowers the auto industry to produce better and cleaner cars that are cheaper to maintain and provide significant cost savings for american families. h.r.1435's reckless requirement that the e.p.a. revoke existing clean air act waivers jeopardizes over 50 years of progress in innovation. not only would the auto industry suffer but the american consumer would lose out on cheaper, cleaner vehicle options today and in the future. let's be clear, the only party that would benefit from this regulatory uncertainty in vehicle emissions standards is the fossil fuel industry. ultimately h.r.1435 is not based in science. and it fails to recognize the effects our constituents are already feeling from
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unmitigated climate change. it fails to acknowledge the public health consequences of air pollution. for this reason, at the appropriate time, i will offer a recommit this bill back to committee. if the house rule is permitted i would have offered the motion with an important amendment to the bill and would strike the section of the bill to require the e.p.a. administrator to revoke all existing waivers which would throw the -- the speaker pro tempore: t he gentleman's time has expired. the gentleman from new jersey reserves, the gentlewoman from washington is recognized. mrs. rodgers: pleased to yield to mr. pfluger 1:30. the speaker pro tempore: t he gentleman is recognized. mr. pfluger: i rise in strong support of representative joyce's vehicle act and would ban the sales of new motorcycles with gas-powered or internal
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combustion engines last year california enacted new requirements effectively banning the sales of light trucks by 2035 eliminating new choice in vehicles to electric vehicles. we have a choice presented before us today, we can expand california's failed and expensive green energy mandates to the rest of the nation or invest in liquid fuels to restore independence and secure our future. h.r.1435 will accomplish these goals. electric vehicles are not for everybody, ask secretary granholm throughout the recent united states. and spoiler alert, the police were called. when you think about the costly and ineffective proposal from those of california and the biden administration they reject the proven benefits of liquid fuel sector and investing in biofuels and convention fuels that provide immediate environmental benefits and support our domestic economy and bolsters national security while keeping
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costs low. when we asked the secretary recently about how much electricity the united states uses on an annual basis, she couldn't answer it nor can any administration official answer it but yet they want to mandate this not just in california but throughout the united states. i strongly support 1435 and i urge a yes vote. and with that, mr. speaker, i yield back. mrs. rodgers: i reserve. the speaker pro tempore: t he gentlelady reserves. mr. pallone: i continue to reserve my time. the speaker pro tempore: t he gentlelady is recognized. mrs. rodgers: i yield to mr. wahlberg from the state of michigan, the car capital of the world. mr. wahlberg: i rise in supporting the vehicle choice and purchases act. why wouldn't i? i deal in the sense of reality and live in a state that produces automobiles and live in a state now at risk of having a major disruption due to a strike potential.
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i have autoworkers that are concerned about their jobs because of the push on e.v. that isn't working. we even have one of the major chair men of the auto company's attempt to take a e.v. trip across the nation and couldn't make it. we don't have the infrastructure available. but beyond that, h.r.1435 prevents a waiver for california to effectively ban the internal combustion engine. california's political agenda does not reflect how the rest of america operates and i would suggest it doesn't reflect what a lot of californians need. look no further than e.v. sales to know how the american people don't want this forced transition. they may like that f-150 lightning. it's a hot rod. but it doesn't do the job. the speaker pro tempore: t he gentleman's time has expired. mr. pallone: 30 seconds. mrs. rodgers: i yield an additional 15 seconds.
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mr. walberg: i thank the gentlelady. let consumers and innovators in the auto industry guide the future, not california's politicians. i yield back. mrs. rodgers: i reserve. the speaker pro tempore: t he gentlewoman reserves. the gentleman from new jersey is recognized. mr. pallone: you can't reserve because we have very little time remaining. the speaker pro tempore: t he gentleman reserves. mrs. rodgers: pleased to yield a minute and a half to mr. allen, the gentleman from georgia. the speaker pro tempore: t he gentleman is recognized. mr. allen: thank you, mr. speaker, and madam chairman. i rise in strong support of the choice in vehicles purchasing act which i'm a original co-sponsor. americans want choice. the consumers deserve it. when they buy a vehicle. it's one of the biggest purchases they'll make other than their home.
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whether they choose internal combustion vehicle or electric vehicle, that decision should be left up to the consumer, not federal bureaucrats and i mean that by nonelected bureaucrats. but this has blinded their ability to recognize the inevitable consequences and shortcomings of such restrictive government mandates. take the secretary of energy recent four-day e.v. road trip debacle, due to the limited availability of e.v. charges in america including in grove town in my district, the secretary's advanced team chose to use non-e.v. vehicles to reserve working chargers for the secretary's use at the expense of my constituents. i want to add i didn't have a thing to do with that. madam speaker, my constituents do not have advanced teams. georgians who don't wish to wait for working chargers on a family trip should not have to do so.
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demand for electric vehicles should be market driven, not government manufactured. and i urge a yes vote on m.r.1435. and i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: t he gentleman from washington reserves. the gentleman from new jersey is recognized. mr. pallone: continue to reserve. the speaker pro tempore: t he gentleman reserves. the gentlelady from washington recognized. mrs. rodgers: pleased to yield one minute to mr. self. mr. self: i rise in support of this bill. the golden state is turning into a soviet state. california's attempt to ban vehicle is yet another step towards marxism and no wonder people are fleeing california in droves as their state attempts to partner with the radical e.p.a. by handcuffing people to purchase electric vehicles. the biden administration
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is weaponizing federal agencies to ensure his radical green new deal agenda while saddling americans with the costs involved. limiting consumer choice is a veiled attempt to force marxist principles down the throats of consumers. your support and my support of this bill pushes back against radical ideals and promotes the opportunity for free markets to prevail. mr. speaker, i yield back. mrs. rodgers: i reserve. the gentlewoman from washington reserves. the gentleman from new jersey is recognized. mr. pallone: can i ask of the time remaining on both sides inform. the speaker pro tempore: t he gentleman from new jersey has two minutes remaining and the gentlewoman from washington has five minutes remaining. mr. pallone: i'll continue to reserve. the speaker pro tempore: t he gentleman reserves, the gentlelady from washington is now recognized. mrs. rodgers: thank you, mr. speaker, i'm pleased to yield 1 1/2 minutes
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to the gentleman from california, mr. kiley. [. the speaker pro tempore: t he gentleman is recognized. mr. kiley: thank you. today i'm urging the support of the vehicle purchases act which would prevent california from banning gas-powered vehicles. i'm the strongest supporter of anyone of clean energy and could not be more excited about the future of clean energy that awaits us. but the way to move rapidly towards that future is through innovation. it is not through regulation. and no state has gone further down the road of overreaching, overbearing, unattentive regulation to the needs of its citizens than california has. and this particular measure that california is now attempting is more radical than any that came before it, specifically the california air resources board approved a plan in august and is now asking the environmental protection agency to approve a waiver under the clean air act to implement its new rules
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that set yearly rising zero emission rules starting in 2026 and would end the sale of vehicles only powered by gasoline by 2035. this is no trivial matter. the majority of vehicles, 95% on the road today in the united states, run on internal combustion engines. what's the consequence of this going to be? first and foremost, there's the cost. the price of an electric vehicle is $17,000 higher than a gas-powered car and will make life even harder for people in california where we already have the highest energy prices, the highest gas prices, the highest cost of living, the highest poverty rate, and far too many people having to leave our state because it's simply too hard to get by and will make our state even more unaffordable and this will & grace save californias from this burden and help many of my constituents. i yield back. mrs. rodgers: i reserve. the speaker pro tempore: t he gentleman from new jersey is now recognized. mr. pallone: i'll yield one minute to the
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gentleman from california. the speaker pro tempore: t he gentleman is recognized. >> i'm strongly opposed to the so-called choice in vehicle purchasing act. no only does this bill hinder our efforts in investments in reducing greenhouse gas emissions and addressing the climate crisis but reduces successful work already implemented across the country and in my home state of california. this bill would stop california from getting waivers that allow it to implement stronger and more aggressive emission standards than the federal government sets. this waiver was signed into law by richard nixon. over the last 50 years, california has received over 100 clean air act waivers over that same time span many pollutant levels have decreased between 75% and 99%. even while the state's population even while the population doubled and vehicles quadrupled. 17 states have adopted all or part of california's stronger regulations. with california's leadership we
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have seen benefits to the environment, the economy, and public health. as someone who was appointed by two republican governors and one democrat, i strongly oppose this bill. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman reserves. the gentlewoman from washington is recognized. mrs. rodgers: i'm pleased to yield two minutes to the gentleman from california, mr. observer knoll theism. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized. mr. obernolte: i rise in strong support of the preserving choice in vehicle choice act, a bill i introduced with several of my colleagues in the energy and commerce committee. i represent a rural district in california. mr. speaker, this bill does nothing more or less than preserving their ability to choose for themselves what vehicle works best for them. mr. speaker, i tell you, i represent over 100,000 people who commute long distances to work and back every day. if electric vehicles were a less expensive and more efficient way to perform that commute they'd
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already own them. in addition we've heard testimony that we do not have even a quarter of the copper we would need to convert the current fleet of vehicles to electric vehicles. not eaive quarter for the current production year. that's not to mention other minerals like graphite, cobalt, lithium. it would be more efficient to convert our current vehicles to hybrid vehicles that require a battery only a fifth the size. unfortunately, the waver that's being -- the waiver being sought by the statele of kale would prevent hybrid vehicles from being sold in the state starting in year 2035. mr. speaker, this bill is common sense and if you believe in being good stewards of the environment, which i think everyone in this chamber does, we should vote nor bill because five times as many hybrids is much, much better than one times as many electric vehicles. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman from washington reserves. the gentleman from new jersey is recognized.
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mr. pallone: thank you, mr. speaker. i yield 30 seconds to the gentlewoman, ms. stevens. ms. stevens: i rise in opposition. to make a few things clear, our environmental groups are opposed this legislation. the u.a.w., for those who don't know, the united auto workers are opposed to this legislation. this is not states rights and frankly it is absolutely mind-blowing that after the hottest summer on record this is what the majority party is pushing forward amidst talks of a government shutdown and the need to take on climate. i urge my colleagues to vote no. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from new jersey reserves. the gentlewoman from washington is recognized. mrs. rodgers: thank you, mr. speaker. pleased to yield one minute to the gentlewoman from georgia, ms. taylor greene. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman is recognized. ms. taylor greene: i rise in support of h.r. 1345, the preserving choice in vehicle purchases act. democrats' radical green new deal agenda is once again being forced on the american people.
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this comes on the heels, after the biden administration has sold 40% of our oil reserves and none have been replenished. endangering our national security. they passed the green new deal in multiple bills, the infrastructure bill, to build 500,000 electric vehicle charging stations in the u.s. even though there's no mass demand for electric vehicles. they're also forcing americans to go net zero by 2035, a date that our current president will unlikely ever even see. forcing americans to have no choice in the type of automobile that they drive on the type of engine that they -- that they prefer is forcing every american's knee to bend to china, our worst enemy. this is a traitor, this is traitorous to autoworkers, traitorous to autounions and traitorous to every american auto consumer.
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thank you, mr. speaker. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman reserves. the gentleman from new jersey is recognized. mr. pallone: i'm prepared to close, jon if the gentlewoman has more speakers. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman reserves. the gentleman from new jersey is recognized. mrs. rodgers: i'm pleased to yield one minute to the gentleman from california, mr. la mall fasm. mr. lamalfa: i hear a lot of complaining about what it's going to do for california. don't cry for california, we do a lot of bad ideas that affect the whole country. we have one eighth of the country's population, a little over one eighth of the country's auto sales. what does that mean? we're not going to get a lot of help from manufacturers and c.e.o. thierks want to get along with washington, d.c. but we're here about preserving choice for all americans on automobiles. california resources board is an unelected board appointed by governor gavp newsome who is not
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on your side for freedom. as well, recently, after this mandate in california came out by 2035, a few days later he said, oh, people, would you please not charge your electric vehicles right now because it's going to affect our grid because we don't have enough power on the grid. rolling blackout, bans on hydroelectric dam they almost took on our last nuclear power plant. california is not the place a lot of solutions will come from you said republicans put these in place, these have been weaponized in the 50 years since then with air board and all the other entity that was been put in place. so 1435 will preserve choices for people. i've lived myself as i've had a real job on a farm -- the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman'stizetime has expired. mr. lamalfa: vote no on the motion to recommit, yes on h.r. 1435. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady from washington's time has expired. the gentleman from new jersey is recognized. mr. pallone: is the chairwoman prepared to close. the speaker pro tempore: the
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gentleman from new jersey has the only time remaining. mr. pallone: i yield myself such time as is available. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized. mr. 35 loan: i want to -- mr. pallone: i want to be clear again. nobody is taking away your gas-powered vehicles if this bill becomes law there'd be no choice because the united states would not build electric vehicles and we'd fall further and further behind china the republicans are trying to legislate away years american innovation and cleaner transportation and yet another attempt to do the bidding of their big oil friends. they're once again putting polluters over people. so mr. speaker, i urge my colleagues to vote no and i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman yields back. all time for debate has expired. pursuant to house resolution 681, the previous question is ordered on the bill dwhesm see on -- the question is on engrossment and third reading of the bill. those in favor say aye. those opposed, no. the ayes have it. third reading. the clerk: a bill to amend the clean air act to eliminate -- to
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prevent the elimination of the self internal combustion engines. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentleman from california seek recognition? >> i have a motion to recommit at the desk. the speaker pro tempore: the clerk will report the motion. the clerk: mr. levin of california moves to recommit the bill h.r. 1435 to the committee on energy and commerce. the speaker pro tempore: the previous question is ordered on the motion to recommit. the question is on the motion. those in favor say aye. those opposed, no. the noes have it. mr. levin: i ask for the yeas and nays. the speaker pro tempore: the yeas and nays are requested. those favoring a vote by the yeas and nays will rise. a sufficient number having risen the yeas and nays will order -- are orderrered. pursuant to clause 9 of rule 20 the chair will reduce to five minutes any time required for the vote on passage of the bill. that is a 15-minute vote. [captioning made possible by the national captioning institute, inc., in cooperation with the
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united states house of representatives. any use of the closed-captioned coverage of the house proceedings for political or commercial purposes is expressly prohibited by the u.s. house of representatives.]
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the speaker pro tempore: on this vote, the yeas are 193. the nays are 212. the motion is not adopted. the question is on passage of the bill. those in favor say aye. those opposed, no. the noes have it. the bill is not passed. the gentlewoman from washington is now recognized. mrs. rodgers: i request the yeas and nays. the speaker pro tempore: the yeas and nays are requested. those favoring a vote by the yeas and nays will rise. a sufficient number having risen the yeas and nays are ordered. members will record their votes by electronic device. this is a five-minute vote. [captioning made possible by the national captioning institute, inc., in cooperation with the united states house of representatives. any use of the closed-captioned coverage of the house proceedings for political or commercial purposes is expressly prohibited by the u.s. house of representatives.]
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