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tv   Washington Journal Open Forum  CSPAN  January 18, 2023 10:21am-11:10am EST

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>> fridays at 8:00 p.m. eastern, c-span brings you afterwards from book tv, a program where nonfiction authors are interviewed by journalists, legislators andthers about their latest books. this week, washington post columnist philip baum examines how baby boomers have impacted the economy and political system and its effect on future generations. is interviewed by layla zedin. friday at 8:00 p.m. eastern on c-span. >> over four days, c-span scammers had unprecedented access to the floor of the u.s. house as california republican representative kevin mccarthy begin the 55th speaker of the house. it was history in the making with guns gifted political moments from the house floor. like we always have for the past 43 years, complete, unfiltered
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stay current with the latest episodes of washington journal and by scheduling information for c-span's tv networks and c-span radio. plus, compelling podcasts. c-span now was available at the apple store, google play. download for free today. c-span now. your unfiltered seat for washington anytime, anywhere. abc picking up the story from the white house about the documents from a story that you can find on their website, citing president joe biden tuesday today to avoid answering questions from reporters about the ongoing classified document drama as the white house faces questions about transparency about what it told the american public. white house difficulty dealing with the perception problem continued as the press secretary again struggled with questions in the briefing since news broke that biden aides found five more
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classified documents, which was not mentioned friday at the briefing. you can see the whole briefing friday. you can also go to our app at c-span now. when it comes to the documents and questions about it, here's more from the white house press conference briefing yesterday. >> the white house says republicans are faking outrage on this issue. why shouldn't americans be outraged about classified documents being found in a garage? >> look, i think i've been very clear about this. we have answered questions on this at this podium. you've heard, twice from the president, talk about this. he said that he didn't know. he said that he was surprised. he said that he takes classified information and documents very, very seriously. we heard directly from the president on this issue. anything else, anything beyond that, we're just not going to talk about. there's an investigation going on. there's a legal process here, as we've been very, very clear about. i will let the white house
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counsel talk about specific details about that, but we're going to be prudent here and make sure that we are not interfering in this process. >> i guess that's why i'm asking, because you said you don't want to interfere and be prudent about the process, but the white house did post a statement saying that republicans are faking outrage. to that point, why shouldn't americans be upset about documents found in a garage? >> that's for the american people to decide, right? i'm sure you'll talk to many folks out there and have this conversation. but what we do know, what we do know from polling we have seen over and over again, from your coverage, from what we hear, when the president goes out and talks to the american people, they also care about the economy. they also care about what the president does to lower costs, which is why he wanted to make sure gas prices went down at the gas pump, and we saw that happen by more than $1.70. that's the work the president is going to focus on. you think about the inflation reduction act. that's going to lower
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prescription drug costs, lower medical costs, when you think about that, lower energy costs. so that's going to be our focus here. we know that's what the american people truly care about as well, and it is very important for them. >> here's a report yesterday that the white house tuesday defending sitting on information about obama administration classified documents found at the president's first private and think tank t. quotes ian sames, the spokesman for oversight and investigation the, "we understand that there's a tension between the need to be cooperative with an ongoing information and rightful demands for additional information, so we're trying to spike that balance and being clear ads we can." also sames being quoted in several tweets sent out by reporters with a press briefing via telephone in which he also responds to house republicans and how they're reacting.
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the tweet in "usa today" includes the statement saying house republicans have no credibility. their demands should be met with skepticism and should face questions about why they're politicizing this issue and admitting they do not care about the underlying classified material. as president biden has said, he takes classified information seriously, which is why he immediately directed his team to ensure documents were sent back to the government. president biden is doing the right thing and is cooperating fully with a thorough review, but house republicans are playing politics in an attempt to attack president biden. that's a statement released yesterday. your thoughts on the white house's handling of this document, this document ace case, and in new york, mark starts us off on our republican line. go ahead. caller: good morning. i think president biden is nothing but a crook. i think he smuggled those top-secret documents out. he kept them in his house. he gave them to hunter. hunter sold the secrets, and
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then hunter laundered the money through joe biden by paying his dad rent. this is the hype of hypocrisy. joe biden attacks trump for having classified documents, talking about how reckless it is. yet joe biden himself has classified documents. joe biden was vice president when he had the classified. he was unable to declassify them. what's he doing with them and how did he get them? what were they being used for? thank you. host: ruth is next on our line for democrats in capitol heights, maryland. caller: yes, sir, it is so much about what president biden is doing, and it is such a shame. president biden is a very smart man. and if he had documents, after what mr. trump did, he wouldn't
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have kept them in his home. i believe someone has set him up and stuck those documents there instead of the republicans in congress doing their business they should let it be investigated. i know for a fact, only one president has had a president out of a barn country sit in the white house with an interpreter, why don't they talk about that. putin was in the office, nobodynd what they talked about. it's just a shame. they're not for the american people. why don't they be for the business of americans, period? so i hope they soon get this straight, because biden has not done anything, and they keep asking him. host: do you think the administration should be more forth right about these documents? caller: why should they be forth right when they were stuck in his home in his garage? why would he have them in his home and the garage, where they know they -- that trump refused for a year to turn them over? host: as a matter of fact, they were found in his -- they
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were -- caller: i can tell when i listen to these conversations, i can tell the ones that's republican. but you know what? republicans got children and family too. what goes down when god bring it all down, nobody going to have to ask question, and it's not going to be a republican or democrat. host: ok, let's go to kevin in cleveland, ohio, also on the line for democrats. go ahead, you're next. caller: good morning. i think that they're doing a good job as far as i can tell. he's admitted he had them. he is the right thing, turned them over to the authorities. you mean, it's a complete difference from how trump handled his thing. he kept them. host: should more be coming directly from the white house via the spokesperson versus the justice department? caller: i beg your pardon? host: should more information be coming from the white house versus the justice department? caller: not really, when there's an investigation, a criminal
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investigation, something involving law enforcements, they don't typically go out and put everything out there. i think that we should just let the process play out. but so far, it seems like he's doing the right thing. i mean, he's not trying to hide, he's not trying to keep them. the people keep saying, well, they raided trump's house. but he kept the documents. that's what they do. if the police are looking for you and you got something that they want, they coming in and taking it. i don't see why people don't understand that. that is the law. host: ok, that's kevin there in ohio, one of the other people talking about the documents case was the house speaker, kevin cart cart, with reporters at the capitol yesterday. here's part of that exchange from yesterday. reporter: the white house has calling outside republicans with the reaction about classified documents to trump. what's your reaction to that statement? do you see a difference in the two investigations?
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>> look, i see, from an aspect of how it's treat. the one thing you always want is fair justice in america. so let's just put it on its premise that the past president, president trump, had documents that his lawyers were talking with. the archives knew they were there. they actually asked to put another lock on. any time they could have walked in and grabbed them. no, they had the f.b.i. come and raid mar-a-lago. it was all public when it was taking place. now we have a current sitting president that had gone on "60 minutes" criticizing president trump. we had all the democrats attacking. they even put a special counsel, a prosecutor to go after president trump by this. before the election, they found out president biden had these documents, not under lock, a simple push of a button that could open a garage door that every american has and knows what happens how people get
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robbed mainly by going through a garage door makes it quite easy. prior to an election, they kept it secret. at no time did he get raided by the f.b.i. ad no time did they come forward and say who was there could actually see these documents that are sitting in the garage behind a corvette. said this is all we had, but we found time and time again. they put a special prosecutor only after people raised the issue. but the same amount of agents investigating this that are investigating trump? is the same push behind it? it just does not seem fair. this is why the american people get so upset and distrust their government when they see that the law is not applied equally. why is somebody doing this? are they going after somebody because they politically disagree with them, they feel they're a political opponent? that's what's wrong in this system. and this is why there's such hypocrisy behind the bidens once
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again something big that comes forward prior to an election where they try to keep it quiet, where the american public could actually have a say in it. host: house speaker kevin mccarthy from yesterday. you can see that at the website and the app. again, if you want to comment on the white house's handling of the documents case by president biden and the white house, you can do so, democrats, 202-748-8000. republicans, 202-748-8001. independents, 202-748-8002. text us at 202-748-8003. this is mike in orlando, saying anybody who's broken the law with the comparison to former president trump taking 600-plus documents or biden's 20 documents needs to be investigated. it's called accountability. unfortunately our country has lost its way with accountability when former president trump became president, or mr. trump became president. sounds like a biden impeachment is needed. the documents were just laying in a garage, horrible double
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standard and how they treated trump. this is from longview washington, a viewer david saying that president biden's people have done a lot better than former trump did concerning classified documents. and then from our facebook page saying since it was president biden's staff that found the documents and notified the national archives, they're handling it very well. unlike former president trump, mr. biden hasn't fought to keep the documents or has president biden tried to hide the documents. better question is to whom did president trump sell top-secret documents. again, that's some of the reaction from facebook and texting. you can go that route, too, if you want to make your thoughts known on this. let's hear from matt in damascus, maryland, independent line. caller: hey, this is kind of great, because it shows how safe everything is going that's going on, these investigations, they're fake. like into trump or into whoever,
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it's just conservative you're getting lambasted, is that a term? it shows how fake everything is that's going on. i worked for the feds twice two different times, and they don't care about any of these rules. they have them, but they're more or less for people that work like under them f. you're up at the top, you're using any email you want, you're using any kind of -- you get to take anything home you want, and it's ok. it's how it works. they're not going hamper their work by saying you can't walk around with classified documents that you're currently working on. it's a big joke. right now, there's an arm of the government -- a small faction of the house or whatever it is being led against conservatives. law enforcement, it normally isn't enforced. they don't normally enforce these rules, especially against someone like the president, let alone like, i don't know, my
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manager at the e.p.a. they don't enforce rules. it's stupid. host: kathleen is next in chicago. democrats line. caller: good morning. how you doing? host: fine, thank you. go ahead. caller: you know, it's just amazing. i'm listening to kevin mccarthy, how dare he even show his face, who sold his soul to get that seat. but they just now start investigating joe biden. they been investigating trump for over two years, and each time it gets worse and worse and worse. give it time. if biden did something wrong, he supposed to get justice done towards him. but how in the world these same republicans, when all this stuff was come out on trump, oh, they kept quiet, he didn't do nothing. it didn't matter to them. host: could the white house be doing a better job in talking about this issue? should they be doing more in talking about this issue? caller: you know what? i'm listening to people saying
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when you part of an investigation, they telling them, you already can say so much -- and you ought to know that yourself. if you an investigation, your lawyers will tell you, let us handle this. if biden can come out and say more, i believe he would. but you can't put the cart in front of the horse. trump has still yet come out and said nothing. and they been investigating him two years by the fact, when they found all them documents, they belong to me. and how dare these republicans come out, they so concerned, let me finish. host: no, no, we're going to move on to katherine. this is katherine in new hampshire, independent line. caller: hi, and good morning. i'm concerned. the world needs to figure out how to live in peace. and i'm concerned that due to investigating biden's top
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classified documents that biden and the democrats using propaganda will drum up support for ukraine by sending u.s. troops to fight in ukraine. and that's thinking we would be so involved and more in ukraine that the biden classified papers would be forgotten due to our income ukraine. host: the focus for today is how the white house is handling this issue. what do you think about that? caller: well, i think i'm just a little concerned that it's an issue for them. i think to get away from that issue, they'll do something like have troops in ukraine. we'll just be fighting another war.
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host: ok, that's katherine there in new hampshire. "the washington post," their lead editorial taking a look at the larger aspects of this issue. there's too much material marked for classification. they make the case that overclassification is counterproductive, making it harder for agencies to funds, draining budget and eroding public confidence. going on to say, a good start would be simply, simplify the classification process into two tiers. secret and top secret. eliminating the lower confidential level, while protecting those secrets that need special handling. at the same time the federal board outlined a vision that modernized the system that would utilize the tools of big data, artificial intelligence and cloud storage and retrieval. the idea of automation gives some people pause, but increasingly it seems to make good sense, the mountain of data is already unmanageable. more there at that editorial from "the washington post" this morning if you want to read about it. if you want to comment on the white house's handling of the documents case, you can do so on
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the phone lines, social media, text us. john in ohio, republican line. caller: yes, thank you for taking my call. something in addition to what kevin mccarthy said just a few minutes ago, trump was still president when he took those files to mar-a-lago, number one. also, president biden has the authority to declassify anything that he wants. and the difference between that and what biden did, biden, those files were at his home, in the garage, and wherever else they happen to found these things for the last six years. anybody could have seen those things. and i have a feeling that
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president biden has kind of sold out america between china. who knows. host: do you think there's vast differences, the response as far as how biden reacted once the documents were found versus how trump reacted and resisting called for turning over the documents. caller: well, i mean, listen, the f.b.i. or whoever was there to begin with, they took the files that they thought they needed and then they came back again and said you should put a lock on the door, and he put a lock on the door. i mean, mar-a-lago is more secure than president biden's garage. i mean, they have special service people there. what do you call them? host: secret service. let's hear from isaac in bowie, maryland, democrats line.
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caller: thank you so much for taking my call. i approve of the white house handling this situation because everything is relative. we have to compare how biden, president biden, reacted to the issue of having this classified document, and how ex-president trump reacted. president biden immediately had this issue reported to the department of justice and also the archives, and everything has been handled by them. and because it's an ongoing investigation for the white house to let the department of justice do their job. host: you're talking about responses. what about the fact the president had the documents in the first place. isn't that a concern? caller: no, because he said he didn't know about it. and nobody challenged trump when he lied openly and everybody
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sees that he's lying. i believe president biden, that he did not know about it. and when he found out about it, he didn't contest it like trump. the exchange went between him, he refused to handle the documents, and his lawyers with the letter they had, handed over all the documents, when they knew that he had extra documents. the republicans are the problem that we have in america, because they are hypocritical. they did not say anything when all this was going on with trump, who clearly violated every rule. host: that's isaac there in maryland. you can continue calling on "the washington post," also looking at questions surrounding the discovery of the documents. one of the sections from that, from a story that was published yesterday, what crimes could even be at play, going on to say there's no clear evidence that president biden committed a crime, nor potential criminal charges the justice department
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cited for its search of mar-a-lago clear to apply here. they generally dealt with mr. trump's refusal to return the documents and potential obstruction of justice. this is you now an investigation, so it's worth looking at what crimes could be at play. chief among them, the espionage act, which was a focal point in hillary clinton's private email investigation. sensitive documents to be removed from their proper place of custody or delivered to anybody's violation of trust or to be lost, stolen, distracted or destroyed through gross negligence. gross negligence is a high bar, which f.b.i. director james comey said that hillary clinton hadn't cleared. it essentially requires mr. biden's conduct to walk up to the line of intentionally retaining the documents. the other part of that provision that could hypothetically be in play prohibits knowing such documents have been improperly removed and failing "to make a prompt report of such steps or destruction to his superior officer." it goes on from there, but if you want to read more about the
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rules, the federal code when it comes to how papers are stored, particularly classified documents, find it on the "washington post." independent line, ruth in indiana. caller: hello. host: you're on. go ahead. caller: yeah, i'm just getting sick of the coverage. i think there's a total difference between the way biden has handled it and the way trump handled it. there are thousands of documents out there. i'm so glad we finally have an adult in the white house. i'd be very prized if he tried to hide things or this is something going on. i think that the archives should better handle all the documents that are being released to people. as i say, i'd be very surprised if biden is hiding these things purposely. i think he didn't know about it. i think the man has worked for years to try to help this
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country, and we need to get on to more important things. thank you so much. host: republican line in california. caller: hi, yeah, to me, this whole thing is just a mess. the democrats weaponized the archives department just to attack trump because they knew, as everybody in washington, d.c. knew, everyone from the president to the vice president to his offices on down, if you raided all of their houses, you would find documents. so that's why they went after trump, because they knew he had documents. so they ginned up all this stuff about documents and tried to put in criminal prosecutions. well, surprise, surprise. joe biden is getting hit with the same crap stick that the democrats manufactured, and oh, my, why are we doing this to joe biden? hey, the documents been sitting there in the front seat of his
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corvette for six years, and we're supposed to pretend that joe biden didn't know anything about it? he knew about it. he just didn't care. if you went to obama's place of residence you would find some documents. if you went to bush's residence, you would find some documents. we're very sloppy in the way that we handle documents. host: is that the core problem at the bottom of the, how we handle classified documents? caller: that's why the democrats weaponized the archives in the first place, because they knew that trump would have documents they could point at. host: you talked about the possibility of all presidents doing so. is the classification the real problem? caller: i think that the real problem is that we are sloppy. if we're going to be very, handle these documents in a special manner, we should handle them in a special manner. but we are sloppy. from the archives department on up, we are sloppy in how we are
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handling these documents, and what we should have is some kind of an olly olly oxen free, and everybody who has documents please turn them in to the archives department. if we really cared. but actually, we don't care about these documents. we just care who's holding them so that we can prosecute them. host: let's hear from rockville, maryland, democrats line. caller: hi, good morning. thanks for taking my call. i was calling, just the opposite of the gentleman from ohio i believe had said. i think the difference is that president biden is still in office. back when he was senator or now as president or whoever, he is entitled to view these
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documents, and if he has some of them at his home, he took some work home with him. so whether he was aware or not, doesn't matter. he's entitled to see them. president trump is no longer in office. he left office, and he's supposed to leave everything behind. so he should not have taken documents with him. host: but the documents go back to when president biden was vice president biden at the time. how would it be relevant to the current day of president biden's job? caller: well, even back then he had clearance, so he was entitled to see those documents. that's lying taking them home to work on them or read them or whatever. so his clearance was valid way back when as well. so president trump is no longer in office. so he should not have clearance
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and he should not take the documents with him. he could have had them with him when he was still president, but once he was not president he had to give them back. host: rockville, maryland. this is a viewer in virginia, the white house handling of the latest controversy is on par with the many walkbacks they had to wish through in the last two years having this much practice should be true experts. carol in panama city saying the hypocrisy from the republicans knows no bounds. president trump stole the documents, refused to give them back, said they belonged to him. mr. biden did the opposite, he notified the national archives immediately. an investigation will sort all this out and we'll know what the results are. our facebook page, the white house has botched this, we should have been told of the found docs in early november before the election. and brent crawford saying president biden seems to be fully cooperative with whatever investigation is taking place.
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should have an appropriate consequence if he played a role in the documents being where they were. based on everything we know currently, former president trump's actions are still far more troubling. let's hear from richard. richard on this documents case in the white house handling of it. he's in wilmington, delaware, independent line. caller: good morning, pedro. i keep wondering about this, the president declassifying documents. i think that only came about when george bush told the world how we were tracking osama bin laden. so they just made that up. as far as anything being weaponized, you can thank the patriot act. you have a good day, pedro. host: next in florida, republican line. you're next, good morning. caller: yes, i don't know how they can keep saying that biden and the white house cooperated immediately.
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if they found these documents in november, conveniently right before the midterms and they did not make it public until now. how can you say they cooperated immediately? and this is just like the hunter biden computer. they knew about that. in the 2020 election, but they didn't let it come out that it was really true until after the election. that's really all i have to say is there's such a double standard it's unbelievable. host: that's florida. we've got about a half-hour of your calls, taking a look at the handling of the classified documents case by the white house. we'll continue on until 8:00. 202-748-8000 for democrats. 202-748-8001 for republicans. 202-748-8002 for independents. text us at 202-748-8003. other news taking place to share with you as we continue on calls about the documents case.
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george santos in the news. he sit on the white house in the house, science, space and technology committee, according so sources familiar with the assignments. his assignments to the panel comes after multiple members of his own party have called on him to resign over admitted fabbri indications about his work history and education, questions about his campaign finances, misleading claims of jewish heritage, and reported charges in brazil reported to checkbook fraud, which santos has denied among other issues. also when it comes to committee assignments, ax i don't say picking up the story, saying that members of the right-wing house freedom talk russ seeing the first dividends from the deal they struck with house speaker mccarthy, his prime committee assignments. a key concession that mr. mccarthy made. they also include that representative donalds, gosar, perry, and luna, who initially
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opposed for striking a deal, and boebert sit on the house oversight committee. marjorie taylor greene, they also said that the freedom caucus can have the new committee gavel, along of jim jordan's chairmanship, with representative greene. that's some of the assignments stemming from the house elections that you saw on c-span. follow up the story on axios. democrats line, ricardo, hello. caller: yes, what i'm thinking is trump had all them files, and i got a feeling that the fascist movement is going on, and i think they planted those things
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on biden so that they can get way on the fascist movement. thank you. host: who planted them exactly? caller: who? trump was going through all them documents, and he was trying to find dirt, and he had somebody plant those things over there on biden's properties. that's what i think. all it is, i can tell by the election of mccarthy that there was a fascist movement going on. people don't come, we're going to end up in fascism. host: bill in delaware, independent line. you're nicks. caller: thanks for taking my call. joe biden is nothing but a impulsive liar. been a liar all his life.
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he lied about a paper going to school. that's why he didn't make it the first time he ran for election. host: how that relates to the current handling of the documents case? caller: because he says he know nothing about it. that's crap. he knew they were there. better yet, why don't they go to the university of delaware. there's stuff locked up that people don't know about. he lied about when his wife got killed in a carment, blamed it on the truck driver. she pulled through the stop sign and killed her. host: ok, let's hear from ava in mississippi, republican line. caller: thanks. i want to start off by saying i do not consider myself a legal authority like some of them seem to do, but remember when trump home was raid and had somebody asked about obama's papers and they were obama's, not biden's, we were told they were the national archives. ok, they were not there. did they give them to biden or did biden steal them?
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then the last six or seven years, we don't know where all those papers have been. maybe they were planted in that bag. we don't know where they been or who done it. let's investigate him the same as we do trump, because democrats don't want him investigated. what happened to equal justice under the law? this is still america. everybody should get the same treatment. thank you. host: from kyle in maryland on our democrats line, hello. caller: good morning. what a night and day difference. it was interesting hearing the hypocrisy of kevin mccarthy yesterday speaking about how -- the lawyers signed off on trump, saying all documents were released, and that was not the case. that's exactly where they had to continue on with the f.b.i. raid to get the remaining documents.
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to me it falls in the same vein ads what happened with the roe vs. wade decision that was released by samuel alito, a conservative. that just has fallen underneath the radar. no one has gone back and requested on that that was released by conservatives. host: let's talk about the specific white house handling of the matter. how would you rate it? caller: i think thee done an excellent job being very forthcoming. i agree, i do think there should be an investigation, but keep it fair, the same exact vein of how they're approaching trump. obviously significantly different volume of documents, but keep it fair. have the same kind of investigation. i just hope when jim jordan is doing his investigation, he keeps in mind the same reporting that trump had where he can just declassify items by just thinking about them. i hope he remembers that. host: that's kyle there in maryland. punch bowl news reporting the house oversight chair jim comer is seeking a wide range of
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information about those who had access to the think tank's d.c. office. the effort is the latest development of how classified documents and the possession of them ended up in an unsecured closet, and a letter to the university of, it is imperative to understand whether any biden family members or associates gained access to the classified documents while stored at the penn biden center. mr. comer is requesting a list of all employees, the names of everyone with key card access to the center, a visitor log of anyone who met with president biden, and all documents and communications related to security at the penn biden center. it was while he was overseas secretary of state antony blinken previously served as the managing director of the penn biden center, asked about those documents at a press availability with the british foreign secretary. here's part of secretary of state's response. >> while you were at the state department, not at the white
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house, the vice president's office, you were for two years the managing director of the penn biden center. just ask if you were aware of any reason why classified documents would have been packed and brought there while you were there. and whether you would be available for an interview if the special counsel requests. >> the short answer is no. just as you heard from president biden about a week ago, i was surprised to learn that there were any government records taken to the penn biden center. i had no knowledge of it at the time. the white house, of course, has indicated that the administration is cooperating fully with the review that the justice department has undertaken, and i, of course, would cooperate full well that review myself. host: next in tennessee, watertown, tennessee, independent line. caller: yeah, i'm going touch on something real quick. there's a difference between a president and a vice president and their ability to declassify.
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a district judge amy berman jackson ruled with the bill clinton deal, a subtle law that the president can segregate personal materials. but that's not why i'm calling. when the d.o.j. and f.b.i. started an investigation, the investigation itself is the coverup. let me say that again. the investigation itself is the coverup. look what comey did with the hillary emails. he gave immunity to people for no reason. he let witnesses in on depositions. the hunter laptop, they been looking at that for years, nothing's happened. john durham took three or four years, nothing happened on that. and now we have a special counsel looking at the biden deal. the special counsel, the deep state operative, so nothing is going happen on that. any time the d.o.j. and f.b.i. start an investigation, that is itself the coverup. you're never going to find out what happened. three or four years from now it's going to get drug out. if you ask a question about it,
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they're going say we can't talk about it, because it's under investigation. so there you go. host: texas, republican line. caller: yeah, thanks, c-span. i'm just curious why we have to believe that biden's attorneys found this on the fourth of november and turned it in. they might have it for months before or after trump got raided. i'm sure they went and looked for it and found it and said what do we do with it. well, let's wait till the fourth and that's why we can claim it interfered with an election. if it were rudy giuliani who found trump's papers and held on to them, i'm sure people would be curious as to why it was waited so long to hold onto it. that question haven't been asked yet, not to mention the presidents are allowed to take home boxes of information
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because most of them have libraries, clinton library, every one of them got huge libraries now. and trump was in consultation with the national archives and with the f.b.i. they had been out to his house. they told him to put a padlock on the door. who was out to joe biden's house and told him to put a padlock on the garage, put a padlock on the closet door in some biden center. it's been there for seven years. god only knows who's been in there. and hunter biden has got all his fingers in china, in you're drawn, if if these papers are related to china and ukraine and he's been using them to gone access to those different entities to that the biden family can enrich themselves, then we've got a whole different ball of wax than with trump. trump is just debating whether or not they belong to him or not, because he said he declassified them. he's in dispute, and that has to go to the supreme court.
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with joe biden, he was a vice president. host: host: another texan in fort worth, james, democrats line. caller: good morning. thank you for c-span. the difference between the two is trump hid. i was a military navy cryptographer, responsible for classified information between the conflict and the pentagon. i can spend my life in leavenworth for revealing anything above confidential, including confidential. what we found out, no matter how sensitive it was, once it reached the congress, it was walking around in people's pockets, and next thing we knew stuff that would put me in prison showed up in the newspapers. that's the truth of what happened. as far as what's going on now, i'm hearing a lot of consequences and speculations with people who don't know the
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first thing about who knew what,&when. what we do know, trump kept the documents and lied. biden wasn't aware they were there and released them as soon as he found out, and that's just the gist of it. host: you being a security professional, the idea that the president didn't know and were sitting in his garage, do you think that holds water? host: no, i don't think it makes any difference. of course it depends on the level of classification and the documents contained therein. we did see stuff that was -- like i said, i was handling stuff that was officers eyes only, top secret, that was in the newspapers three or four days after it hit the pentagon and after it hit the congress. the release and the handling by an elected official in washington, d.c. has never been secure. host: ok, james in fort worth, texas there. let's hear from republican mike
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johnson with the judiciary committee on fox news yesterday talking about the president's documents issue and some of his comments there. >> there are a lot of unanswered questions. we're seeing the biden department of justice applying justice based on politics. there's no other way to say it. there are a lot of questions that i believe are select committee and certainly on my house judiciary committee are going to go after. the logsing and who visited that house are critically important. if they didn't write it down anywhere, we're going to have to seek those answers some other way. we may have to subpoena members of the biden family and others who may have worked at the residence to find out who was there. why? because we had critical, very highly sensitive classified information there. and among the people who listed that as a residence, by the way, is hunting biden himself in recent years. we have a lot to seek answers to. and if the d.o.j. did not supply it, we'll have to get it another way. host: that from fox news
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yesterday. from p.j. in mississippi on our independent line on the white house's handling of this documents case, good morning. caller: good morning. i'm talk a different twist on your discussion. this is a mishandling of sensitive information, and if we look at the historical point, we now have a sitting president whose personnel has mangled classified documents with unclassified. not only that, we have a sitting congressional committee, the january 6 committee, who released personally identifiable information. the investigation should be why elected officials so cavalier at mishandling suspects active information. host: steve is next in michigan,
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republican line. good morning. caller: you need to remind the callers of the question. trump has nothing to do with biden, what he did. you need to remind that. earlier a caller, kevin, a democrat from ohio, admitted, he said that biden admitted he took the documents. jonathan turley, a democratic constitutional lawyer, did admit on tv that biden admitted and his lawyers admitted that biden took the documents. so case is basically closed, except for you got to see how much damage exactly was done. he admitted. trump has never been admitted that he did anything wrong. that's the big difference. host: andre is from colonial beach, virginia, democrats line. you're next, good morning. caller: hello,


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