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tv   Washington Journal Open Forum  CSPAN  January 10, 2023 11:31am-11:59am EST

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>> s us house in recess now until noon eastern today. members will be working on two bills to create a select committee on strategic competition between the united states and chinese communist party. the other bill would create a subcommittee to investigate u.s. government and private companies collecting and sharing information of individuals. we'll have live coverage of the u.s. house when members return here on c-span. >> c-span is your unfiltered view of government. we are funded by these television companies and more. including wow. >> the world has changed. today the fast reliable internet connection is something no one can live without. wow is there for our customers
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with speed, reliability, value, and choice. now more than ever it all starts with great internet. wow. >> wow, supports c-span as a public service. along with these other television providers. giving you a front row seat to democracy. democrats (202) 748-8002 and you can also reach out to us on facebook/c-span. we have the latest reporting on these documents. attorney general merrick garland decided to investigate documents mark classified that were found at the -- they are from president biden vice presidential office at the center. and cbs news has learned that they are involved in the u.s. attorney inquiries.
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and they were discovered november 2 just before the presidential election. and there was a statement put out yesterday on the documents to various news organizations. here is that statement the white house is cooperating with the national archives and the department of justice with the discovery of what appears to be the -- biden obama administration. including -- classified marking. thdiovery of these documents were made of president biden's personal attorneys. there were not at the request of in the individual. the process is ensuring that any obama biden administration records are appropriately in the archives. that statement coming from the special counsel president biden yesterday area and as we said, those documents are getting a lot of attention in the wake of
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the rate of former president trump's mar-a-lago -- the raid of former president trump's mar-a-lago home. it was posted on his troops social account yesterday where it said that the many homes of joe biden -- these documents were not being classified. president trump and his social account yesterday. we show more action around capitol hill and washington but we want to hear your reaction to this story about the classified documents being found at the private think tank here in washington dc ending back to the obama administration. democrats independents (202)
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748-8002 and we have a democrat from florida. go ahead. caller: i'm curious to see if there hypocritical yet again. joe biden cap documents in his house, trout cap documents in his house but we see so much democracy in democrats democrats accused trump of trying to subvert the mark was was it not democrats that tried to overturn the election with the line in 2017. we see democrats criticized trump for january 6 inciting violence and public riots. but did democrats not support the 2020 riot throughout the country? we see democrats criticize trump for that tax cut in 2017 yet joe biden has not yet appealed the tax cut and there is no criticism for him to do so.
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why not? i hope we can find consistency from the democratic party. we can wait and see. host: staying in florida, branford florida this is richard for the democrat line. good morning. caller: yes sir, thank you for having me. host: what are your thoughts on the story, richard? [no audio] host: i think we lost richard. it is democrats (202) 748-8000 republicans (202) 748-8001 independents (202) 748-8002 caller: yes, i feel like if they don't -- it is a double standard and it is not fair to the american people or president trump. host: that's pamela in south
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carolina. republican members on capitol hill echoing some of the comments this is from congress roman marjorie taylor greene tweeting yesterday evening that joe biden at the white house did not have the power to seek the classified only president joe biden stole classified documents this is a serious crime and the department of justice. and it cannot be swept under the rug and persecute trump. this is from the republican of florida. the question was what was former vice president biden doing with those classified documents in his possession? why did it take six years to search for it. and why was there a raid at mar-a-lago? and the chief quoting james covert who is the incoming oversight at the main investigative body in the house. the republicans now control.
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president biden nash be responsible under the biden administration, the doj, and the presidential record makes it a top priority. he goes on to say we expect the same treatment for president biden which apparently inappropriately maintained unclassified documents in a similar setting for several years. that is a reaction on capitol hill. and the reaction across the aisle as well including tweets from matthew miller. a few miller was the department of justice public affairs press record spokesperson during the obama administration. he said in a series of tweets yesterday noting the former government official -- that what former government officials have said since the mar-a-lago raid. the documents removed from the government is still -- fairly
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frequently and he reported the document and they didn't damage assessment and that is usually the end of it. and that is in a series of tweets yesterday he went on to say that if you cover up and lie about repeatedly they have a range of documents to receive and you can expect a criminal charge in that case. saying the difference between what happened with president biden and vice president biden at the time and former president trump he said the biden administration prioritized and turn them over and cooperated with the doj and what difference with another official. that tweet again is from one of a former spokesman from the justice department during the obama administration. back to your phone calls on this story this is allie in bristol, virginia. good morning. caller: yes good morning you
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read the statement i was going to make what is the big deal here? the documents, what is the big deal? the president did not clear this to them. so for me, this is just republican making a lot of noise. we have biden -- he will not go anywhere. thank you, sir. host: craggy and kansas, independent good morning. go ahead -- craig in kansas, independent, good morning. caller: like i can see who with the caller who was on. you don't know -- host: do not know where the last color was from so please focus on your comment. -- caller was from so please focus on your comment. caller: i am waiting for china
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to us. that would be very helpful. thank you. host: we have another caller in. caller: good morning. i think this will be another chance for it to be a got you moment. i do understand that there is criminality behind this that is what we need to find out and know for sure. on both sides whether it is trump having document issues, or biden document issues, but it will be a talking point. and i think it is being more harming to a toxic environment. i think this creates more of a rift and adds political fire on both sides. host: in pennsylvania this is lisa a republican good morning.
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caller: good morning. why was kamala harris allowed to start a fund to have violent criminals out of jail during the insurrection. host: what are your thoughts on the document story? caller: the document story i think it is great. they should have limits 12 years. also, i feel if the state is not doing their job they should be dismissed from their job. i am glad that people are stepping up and going after joe biden and kamala harris, and hopefully nancy pelosi and also the fbi and exposing their corruption and also the corrupt election. in georgia where they pooled suitcases under the table and stated there was no border drying. host: out of pennsylvania with
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the ability to dismiss a speaker and making it easier under the rules of the 118th congress. it is now a lot easier to dismiss a speaker. republicans in the house on the front line voted late yesterday having their rules package that discover how they will operate the 118th congress. here is the front page from the washington times. the first big win yesterday for republicans making a significant change to the way that it operates. this was -- house lawmakers will make it easier for them to pass bills that have spending. and more difficult to improve tax increases. two republicans did not vote. the role in dallas did not vote and otherwise it was a straight
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party line balance to the new york times story. this is a breakdown of what is actually in the package specifically on the issue of making it easier for the speaker. it is the most disgusting change in the rules package and it promotes a single lawmaker to vacate the chair allowing them to remove the speaker. historically that has been the position of the house and lawmakers refrained from deploying that since 2018 and then they used it as a threat for john boehner. and they say a majority of the house members get the -- republicans have reverted to requiring that to a single member. that is from the new york times. that rules package is passing yesterday -- late yesterday evening. it is after the speaker vote that the house takes. back to your phone calls about
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the classified documents being found at the biden think tank. the private office in d.c.. a caller out of california independent good morning. caller: good morning how are you doing? host: doing well. caller: this is crazy stuff because the democrats will say no, no, no, and i do not think this will win because they have crazy stuff. and they've been getting away with this. i hope that they will opt to cool out joe biden. host: what constitutes a win? what constitutes that she said i hope they get a win what constitutes a win? caller: trump tries to do something right everybody -- becoming president and nothing was addressed. they never let him govern the country. right from the beginning they
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harassed the guy. they never let him do anything right. they say impeach him, and now, joe biden they will do it again. it is crazy so i hope republicans get a win on this. is there a difference in this story from your mind the fact that we know from the reporting so part that the biden administration we are being told it was about 10 documents discovered by the president's lawyer that they reported specifically to the national archives and return those when it comes to former president trump. we are talking 325 classified documents and it resulted in a raid to get those documents back. is there a difference in your mind to the circumstances of those stories? caller: yes, because joe biden was the vice president and he
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took office nothing happened. why, i will tell you when president trump -- as soon as he -- takes office they jump on him. wanted to take so long on biden and not so long on trump? that is the difference to me. that is a big difference, you know. they should have judged joe biden a long time ago. and with trump they had already done that. host: back in california. this is shuri republican good morning. caller: thank you for taking my call. the thing is they tried to get biden's from the university and they denied trump that. so it is not the reporting, you are referring to, that is incorrect.
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they have tried to get those records. so, joe biden they knew the records where they are. -- where there. so it is not like his lawyers immediately just now found out that they were there. that is not true. host: for those who do not know, tom sitton the judicial watch and the network that has often, during the biden administration, saw for a request and several other investigations. caller: excuse me? host: were trying to explain who tom was. caller: yeah he tried to avoid the records. and the university was not releasing them. this was right after joe biden got into office, i believe.
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host: that is shuri in florida we have david in madison lake michigan. good morning. democrat. caller: thank you very much for taking my call. conservative span there is no there, there. what trump did, they say they found some documents for what? 10 or 12 years ago, really? well, trump stole the documents. they have been to find documents that joe biden's name was on. while, --wow there is no there there. i am surprised you took my call beaten with me being -- with me being a democrat and you right wing over there. i love that you have conspiracy this and you have conversations
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while we waited on the phone that we have a great. it is ridiculous how conservative span turned into a fox news. host: we have conversations with callers every day democrats, republicans, independent and we usually put up the lines like we did this morning getting your reaction to this story. this is mike, go ahead. caller: high john, i am sorry for so of the call -- some of the callers. they are just misinformed. i am upset about this previous caller because john does a good job c-span does a fine job. host: i appreciate that what is your thought on the story that we are talking about. caller: i was looking on the internet and this is the first heard about it and i turn on the channel this morning. host: in most of the major -- we
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have a headline that biden has major classified times at the washington times this morning. -- classified documents at the washington times this morning. caller: i just got on google and everybody has got it. cvs, nbc, they got it. they are liberal media. and this guy that called in, i will tell you what is going on here o*eurpblgtsdz o d1 kamala harris impeachment? guess who gets in as kamala harris is -- she would be impeached and then you have the speaker of the house is next in line. isn't that ironic? that we can have kevin mccarthy as president here before summer. host: that is the thing you would want? caller: oh yeah, we would be in a better place for the country.
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look at inflation i worked three jobs, john, to make ann's meet. explain up from $.59 -- to make ends meet. eggs went up four dollars higher in the past 51 years. are we receiving mexicans that are coming in, there are supply shortages. look at the prices. the middle class, we were bearing the brunt of what is going on in this country. host: that is mike, democrats in north carolina. go ahead. caller: yes, in here. -- i am here. ok let me mute my tv. host: i appreciate that.
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caller: yeah, i really do not know why we are having a conversation about the biden papers. i guess this is what we are in for the next two years this kind of silliness. this situation does not even compare to what trump did. you know, a few papers found years later on a close down office, you know, that can happen, trump had truckloads of documents that walked out right along with him. he made sure of it. then, they had to go through -- try to get the stuff back while he claimed the papers were his. what is more intentional than that? i cannot understand why we are you been having this conversation thank you for letting me speak. that is loretta in northville, carolina. and the council making it
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important enough to put out a statement in the media a two paragraph statement with reggie park making that statement saying that these documents were found in a locked closet. they were found as files were being cleared out as they were preparing to vacate the office space at the pin biden center in washington dc. reporting they are getting that statement from richard soured the special counsel to the president yesterday. a little more on the pin biden center according to the washington post, the biden opened the center in december 2018. the university of pennsylvania in washington attracting that country's top policy efforts and leaders that -- many include the top roles in the biden administration. that was a -- michael carpenter
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followed mckinney in that moment and served as u.s. ambassador to the organization for security and cooperation in europe. that included amy gottman who at the time was at the university of pennsylvania. and the board of trustees now serving as u.s. ambassadors. the background on the biden center here in d.c.. joanne, nevada, republican, good morning, silver state. caller: yes, i am a little upset about this. and the cover-up is not going to get it. he was vice president at the time. he cannot declassify anything. and he had those papers we are
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where a basal whole time when he -- where were they the whole time? and democrats would follow this as he shoot somebody in hollywood i tell you this is something. host: gary and independent. good morning. caller: good morning i am an independent and i am thankful for that. it allows me to make parties for both parties republican and democrat. i have no alliance with anyone
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party. -- annie --any one party. in this situation we have to be fair. if we do it to a republican and investigation of the republican we need to have one on the democrats. we need to stop the party alliance and stop being unfair to the american people. whether democrat or republican, we fear each other. that is the only thing i have to say for today. thank you so much. host: republican california. good morning. caller: good morning. i am just so taken back at the democrat stance when it comes to biden versus trump. this is loretta in north carolina, first of all, trump has not been getting a single thing. he has been accused. and everything he was accused of
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doing was so true. you would think in years, they would have convicted him of something. secondly, joe biden is a joke. at the end of his day, i do not know how anyone can believe this imbecile of a president. everything he touches goes to pot, i will say that word. at the end of the day, he is the worst president in american history. at the end of the day, the bottom line is if biden had the same thing going on with the classified documents as trump and not only trump and bill clinton, not even clinton, but obama. i remember when obama was there and protected susan -- and she was getting ready to get in trouble and he took her stuff and put it in his library to
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keep her from being convicted or prosecuted or brought up on investigation charges for whatever it was. with her corruption. host: that is ivanka in california speaking of president biden in mexico city meeting today as part of the north american leaders summit is this part of the 10th north american leaders summit they had meetings this morning with the prime minister and the so-called family photo with lucas over door -- and the event at the national palace at mexico city. you will likely see those photos out of the photo op that will happen today. in the meetings that will happen today between various leaders you saw yesterday the arrival ceremony in mexico city as the biden and first lady attend that event. cheryl is in new york city, democrat, good morning, your


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