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tv   U.S. House of Representatives 14th Vote for House Speaker  CSPAN  January 7, 2023 2:00am-3:21am EST

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the clerk: vicente gonzalez. jeffries. rosendale. present. [captions copyright natl
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cable satellite corp. 2023] [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. visit] [speaking in foreign language] translator:
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chows the house will be in order. cloys the house will be in order. the prayer will be offered by chaplain kibben.
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chaplain kibben: dear god, it seems that this evening we may be at last standing at the threshold of a new congress. i'm not done yet. should we, with your blessing find our way through the doorway this night cause us to consider carefully what we have learned on the way, turning to you each day we ask for your help in our deliberations and you answered us. but your answer was to allow us the uncertainty, anxiety and aggravation that follows when we choose to engage in degate and unproductive argument. yet in your mercy you transformed this foray into discord into an opportunity to learn to find common ground with unlikely partners. would that this be a habit we continue. remind us that while the spirit of dispute can be traced to our government's earliest days we have served this country best
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when we sought to reck re-con sile our differences with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience. may we be more willing to wield these fruits of your spirit in our future discourse with one another. we pray your continued mercy on us. may your anger with us last but a moment and your favor a lifetime. for all that we endure this night, allow joy to come in the morning. in the hope found in your name we pray, amen. the clerk of the house: the chair has examined the journal of the last day's proceedings
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and announces to the house the approval thereof. representatives-elect are invited to join in the pledge of allegiance. i pledge allegiance to the flag of the united states of america and to the republic for which it stands, one nation, under god, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. for what purpose does the gentleman from north carolina rise? >> madam clerk i'm honored to rise tonight to nominate my good friend, the gentleman from california, kevin mccarthy to serve as speaker of the house.
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the clerk of the house: the gentleman will suspend. the gentleman will suspend. the question recurs on the election of a speaker and the tellers will please come forward and take their seats.
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the gentleman is recognized for his nomination. >> madam clerk. i'm honored to rise tonight to nominate my good friend, the gentleman from california, kevin mccarthy, to serve as speaker of this house.
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madam clerk, it's been a long week. and a lot of attention has been placed upon us here in the house. but the again, i state that to the most famous woman in washington this week. it was a better joke as written, actually, than delivered. but i want to start by thanking the men and women who make this house run. from the janitorial staff to the parliamentarians to the the door keepers to the sergeant at arms to the capitol police officers to the men and women who make this institution run. we thank you.
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and this day, it's a source of charity, we even thank the capitol press corps for sitting on floors that. too is actually funnier on the paper than how it was delivered. i don't know why you asked me to do this, kevin. the president has called this process and embarrassment. talking heads have labeled it chaos and a mess. some would call it shambolic, even. but this is democracy. this is a hallmark of a free society where every voice and every vote counts. we know it's messy. we know it's messy. but open and transparent debate is what sets us apart from
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authoritarian regimes. in order to out-compete our adversaries we must adhere to the principles that make our nation this nation, our constitutional republic, great. and that starts with a free and open exchange of ideas. and that's exactly what we've done this week. to some, it may have felt like congress was unhold. but alternative, a government that assembles with no input from the representatives elected by the people, is a for a worse alternative. in these constitutional principles, we are adhearing to in this complicated process of setting up the house. over these last few days, kevin mccarthy has allowed this process to work among house republicans. and he's empowered members to come together to find consensus on behalf of conservative policy and a greater involvement of all voices throughout our conference. we've all played a part.
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we have all played a part. whether it's the dean or members who have just been waiting for four days and voting loyally. it's kevin's leadership style, leadership style that's been lacking in this institution for too long. it's the same style kevin employed with each of us as we developed our policy proposal, a commitment to america. a plan that works to secure our border and stop the flow of fentanyl into our communities, to give chairman comer and chairman jordan the tools they need to hold the biden administration accountable for their failures, and to take china on and end the president's covid emergency powers that have been abused far too many times. to finally reopen the people's house and empower standing committees and get people back to regular order here on the house floor. and countless other conservative
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solutions that are very powerful and good for constituents in bakersville or lincolnton, north carolina. madam clerk, i am one of the few members left on the republican side who has had the pleasure of serving with kevin for the entirety of his tenure in the house. in those years, i have worked closely with kevin. in a variety of different capacities. and while -- he's a good friend. but serving with him in these capacities has meant i have heard every one of his stories. and the stories of kevin's deli i have heard way too many times. i don't know if you heard he won the lottery as well. those stories, i can recount them chapter and verse. he's a dear friend. but all of you have heard these stories too. it's also by my seat able to watch him on a front row seat as he's grown as a leader. and especially this week, how he's grown as a leader.
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he knows more about members than they know about themselves. if your spouse is sick, he may send flowers or fruit before your -- actually i did, actually, on that story. but he cares so much about members, not for politics but because he cares about people. he's unflinchingly optimistic. the glass is always half full. that's been a hell of a trait especially this week. he's relentless. the man does not quit.
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and it was kevin that led republicans back to the majority in this house. the only republican institution in washington this day. and kevin has led us through these challenges the last few days. and kevin is the right person to lead us over the coming two years. and that's why at the direction of the republican conference i advance the name of kevin mccarthy as the next speaker of the united states house of representatives.
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the clerk of the house: for what purpose does the gentleman from california rise? >> i rise to nominate hakeem jeffries for speaker of the house. the clerk of the house: the gentlemanis recognized. mr. aguilar: house democrats are united behind the son of a social worker and substance abuse counselor, a leader who is
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deeply involved in his community and is involved. he is a voice for the people. and madam clerk, this is the people's house. two years ago today, dual elected members of this body gathered here to certify the results of a free and fair election and in doing so, we participateed in a tradition that makes our democracy a marvel and envy of the world, a peaceful transfer of power. but this is more than a ceremonial chamber. this is a workplace where hundreds of men and women before they punch out and go home to their families, where good people come to work each day and steal a quiet moment to themselves to lock up at the ceiling or look up at the
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paintings, the statue of abraham lincoln and thank god for the blessings of liberty, because this place is much more than a chamber or a workplace. it is a sign that we intend the union shall go on. and i'm not just talking about the members either, madam clerk. you and your staff, the custodial staff, the floor staff, the congressional staff, the sergeant-at-arms. our beloved chaplain and capitol police, i'm talking about the people that make this house work, the people who hakeem jeffries will never take for granted.
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two years ago, we witnessed this place under siege by a violent mob, who desecrated this building in the other chamber. but this feels a little familiar. today, we adjourned amidst utter confusion, only this time, we are returning in the dark of night, not to cast a vote to bring this country together and to do our jobs, but one that will set the path toward division and default. so if we are forced to be here this evening because of the chaos and crisis on the other side, only fair to point out that the same individuals that fanned the flames of january 6, who told their followers and followers followers that they
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needed to fight back and who challenged the swearing-in of members based on a bogus may be in charge of the people's house based on those who can lead them. the clerk of the house: will the house be in order. mr. aguilar: that's why house democrats stand united behind hakeem jeffries. he is the only candidate in this race for speaker who will defend this democracy. only candidate in this race willing to call out the lie that the election was stolen and only candidate in this race that thinks everyone involved in january 6 ought to be held accountable regardless of the positions they hold in power.
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for justice and truth and in memory of the lives lost on january 6, i nominate hakeem jeffries as speaker of the house.
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the clerk of the house: the reading clerk will call the roll. the clerk: adams. jeffries. aderholt. mccarthy. aguilar. jeffries. alford. mccarthy. allen. mccarthy. allred. jeffries.
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amodei. mccarthy. armstrong. mccarthy. arrington. mccarthy. auchincloss. jeffries. babin. mccarthy. bacon. mccarthy. baird. mccarthy. balderson. mccarthy. balint. jeffries. banks. mccarthy. bar r. mccarthy. bar began. jeffries. bean of florida. mccarthy.
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beatty. jeffries. bentz. mccarthy. bera. jeffries. bergman. mccarthy. beyer. jeffries. bice. mccarthy. biggs. biggs. jordan. bilirakis. mccarthy. bishop of georgia. jeffries. bishop of north carolina. mccarthy. blumenauer. jeffries. blunt roties cheer tear.
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jeffries. boebert. present. bonamici. jeffries. boston -- bost. bost. mccarthy. bowman. jeffries. boyle of pennsylvania. jeffries. brecheen. mccarthy. brown.
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jeffries. brownley. jeffries. buchanan. mccarthy. buck. buck. bucshon. mccarthy. budzinski. jeffries. burchett. mccarthy. burgess. mccarthy. burlison. mccarthy. bush. jeffries. calvert. mccarthy. cammack. mccarthy. caraveo. jeffries. carbajal. jeffries.
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cardenas. jeffries. carey. mccarthy. carl. mccarthy. carson. jeffries. carter of georgia. mccarthy. carter of louisiana. jeffries. carter of texas. mccarthy. cartwright. jeffries. casar. jeffries. case. jeffries. casten.
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jeffries. castor of florida. jeffries. castro of texas. jeffries. chavez did he reamer. mccarthy. cherfilus-mccormick. jeffries. chu. jeffries. cicilline. jeffries. cisco many. mccarthy. clark of massachusetts. jeffries. clarke of new york. jeffries. cleaver. jeffries. cline. mccarthy. cloud. mccarthy. clyburn.
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clyburn. jeffries. clyde. mccarthy. cohen. jeffries. cole. mccarthy. collins. mccarthy. comer. mccarthy. connolly. jeffries. correa. jeffries. costa. jeffries. courtney. jeffries. craig.
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jeffries. crane. biggs. crawford. mccarthy. crenshaw. mccarthy. crockett. jeffries. crow. jeffries. cuellar. jeffries. curtis. mccarthy. davids of kansas. jeffries. davidson. mccarthy. davis of illinois. jeffries. davis of north carolina. jeffries. dean of pennsylvania. jeffries. degette.
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jeffries. de la cruz. mccarthy. delauro. jeffries. delbene. jeffries. deluzio. jeffries. desaulnier. jeffries. desjarlais. mccarthy. d'esposito. mccarthy. diaz-balart. mccarthy. dingell. jeffries. doggett. jeffries. donalds. mccarthy. duarte.
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mccarthy. duncan. mccarthy. dunn edwards. mccarthy. ellzey. mccarthy. emmer. mccarthy. escobar. jeffries. eshoo. jeffries. espaillat. jeffries. estes. mccarthy. evans. jeffries. ezell. mccarthy. fallon. mccarthy. feenstra. mccarthy. ferguson.
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mccarthy. finstad. mccarthy. fischbach. mccarthy. fitzgerald. mccarthy. fitzpatrick. mccarthy. fleischmann. mccarthy. fletcher. jeffries. flood. mccarthy. foster. jeffries. foushee. jeffries. foxx. mccarthy. lois frankel. jeffries. c. scott franklin. mccarthy. frost.
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jeffries. fry. mccarthy. fulcher. mccarthy. gaetz. gaetz. gallagher. mccarthy. gallego. jeffries. garamendi. jeffries. garbarino. mccarthy. mike garcia. mccarthy. robert garcia. jeffries. garcia of illinois. jeffries. garcia of texas. jeffries. gimenez. mccarthy.
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golden of maine. jeffries. goldman of new york. jeffries. gomez. jeffries. tony gonzales. mccarthy. vicente gonzalez. jeffries. good of virginia. jordan. gooden of texas. gooden of texas. mccarthy. gosar. gosar. gottheimer.
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jeffries. granger. mccarthy. graves of louisiana. graves of louisiana. graves of missouri. mccarthy. green of tennessee. mccarthy. green of texas. jeffries. greene of georgia. mccarthy. griffith. mccarthy. grijalva. jeffries. grothman. mccarthy.
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guest. mccarthy. guthrie. mccarthy. hageman. mccarthy. harder of california. harder of california. harris. harris. mccarthy. harshbarger. mccarthy. hayes. jeffries. hern. mccarthy. higgins of louisiana. mccarthy. higgins of new york. jeffries. hill.
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mccarthy. himes. jeffries. hinson. mccarthy. horsford. jeffries. houchin. mccarthy. houlahan. jeffries. hoyer. jeffries. hoyle of oregon. jeffries. hudson. mccarthy. huffman. jeffries. huizenga. mccarthy. hunt. mccarthy. issa.
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issa. mccarthy. ivey. jeffries. jackson of illinois. jeffries. jackson of north carolina. jeffries. jackson of texas. mccarthy. jackson lee.
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jeffries. jacobs. jeffries. james. mccarthy. jayapal. jeffries. jeffries. jeffries. johnson of georgia. jeffries.
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johnson of louisiana. mccarthy. johnson of ohio. mccarthy. johnson of south dakota. mccarthy. jordan. mccarthy. joyce of ohio. mccarthy. joyce of pennsylvania. mccarthy. kamlager-dove. jeffries. kaptur. jeffries. kean of new jersey. mccarthy. keating. jeffries. kelly of illinois. jeffries. kelly of mississippi.
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mccarthy. kelly of pennsylvania. mccarthy. khanna. jeffries. kiggans of virginia. mccarthy. kildee. jeffries. kiley. mccarthy. kilmer. jeffries. kim of california. mccarthy. kim of new jersey. jeffries. krishnamoorthi. jeffries. kuster. jeffries. kustoff. mccarthy. lahood. mccarthy. lalota.
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mccarthy. lamalfa. mccarthy. lamborn. mccarthy. landsman. jeffries. langworthy. mccarthy. larsen of washington. jeffries. larson of connecticut. jeffries. latta. mccarthy. laturner. mccarthy. lawler. mccarthy. lee of california. jeffries. lee of florida. mccarthy.
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lee of nevada. jeffries. lee of pennsylvania. jeffries. leger fernandez. jeffries. lesko. mccarthy. letlow. mccarthy. levin. jeffries. lieu. jeffries. lofgren. jeffries. loudermilk. mccarthy. lucas. mccarthy. luetkemeyer. mccarthy. luna. mccarthy. luttrell. mccarthy.
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lynch. jeffries. mace. mccarthy. magaziner. jeffries. malliotakis. mccarthy. mann. mccarthy. manning. jeffries. massie. mccarthy. mast. mast. mccarthy. matsui. jeffries. mcbath. jeffries. mccarthy. mccarthy.
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mccaul. mccarthy. mcclain. mccarthy. mcclintock. mccarthy. mccollum. jeffries. mccormick. mccarthy. mcgarvey. jeffries. mcgovern. jeffries. mchenry. mccarthy. meeks. jeffries. menendez. jeffries.
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meng. jeffries. meuser. mccarthy. miller of illinois. mccarthy. miller of ohio. mccarthy. miller of west virginia. mccarthy. miller-meeks. mccarthy. mills. mccarthy. molin airo. mccarthy. mule enair. mccarthy.
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moore of alabama. maryt. moore of utah. mccarthy. moore of wisconsin. jeffries. moran. mccarthy. morelle. jeffries. moskowitz. jeffries. moulton. jeffries. mrvan, jeffries. mullin, jeffries. murphy, mccarthy. nadler. jeffries. napolitano. jeffries. neal. jeffries. neguse.
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jeffries. nehls. mccarthy. newhouse. mccarthy. nickel. jeffries. norcross. jeffries. norman. mccarthy. nunn of iowa. mccarthy. obernolte. mccarthy. ocasio-cortez. jeffries. ogles. mccarthy. omar. jeffries. owens.
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mccarthy. pallone. jeffries. palmer. mccarthy. panetta. jeffries. pap as. jeffries. pascrell. jeffries. payne. jeffries. pelosi. jeffries. peltola. jeffries. pents. mccarthy -- pence. mccarthy. peters. jeffries. pettersen. jeffries.
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pfluger. mccarthy. phillips. jeffries. pingree. jeffries. pocan. jeffries. porter. jeffries. posey. mccarthy. pressley. jeffries. quigley. jeffries. ramirez. jeffries. raskin. jeffries. reschenthaler. mccarthy. rogers rodgers of washington. mccarthy. rogers of alabama.
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mccarthy. rogers of kentucky. mccarthy. rose. mccarthy. rosendale. biggs. ross. jeffries. rouzer. mccarthy. roy. mccarthy. ruiz. jeffries. ruppersberger. jeffries. rutherford. mccarthy. ryan. jeffries. salazar.
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mccarthy. salinas. jeffries. sanchez. jeffries. santos. mccarthy. sarbanes. jeffries. scalise. mccarthy. scanlon. jeffries. schakowsky. jeffries. schiff. jeffries. schneider. jeffries. scholten. jeffries. schrier. jeffries. schweikert.
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mccarthy. austin scott. mccarthy. david scott. david scott. scott of virginia. jeffries. self. mccarthy. sessions. mccarthy. sewell. jeffries. sherman. jeffries. sherrill. jeffries. simpson. mccarthy. slotkin. jeffries. smith of missouri.
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mccarthy. smith of nebraska. mccarthy. smith of new jersey. mccarthy. smith of washington. jeffries. smucker. mccarthy. soren sen. jeffries. soto. jeffries. spanberger. jeffries. spartz. mccarthy. stance bury. jeffries. stanton. jeffries. stauber. mccarthy. steel. mccarthy.
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stefanik. mccarthy. steil. mccarthy. steube. mccarthy. stevens. jeffries. stewart. mccarthy. strickland. jeffries. strong. mccarthy. swalwell. jeffries. sykes. jeffries. takano. jeffries. tenney.
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mccarthy. thanedar. jeffries. thompson of california. jeffries. thompson of mississippi. jeffries. thompson of pennsylvania. mccarthy. tiffany. mccarthy. timmons. mccarthy. titus. jeffries. tlaib. jeffries. to kudo, jeffries. tonko. jeffries. torres of california. jeffries. torres of new york. jeffries. tray hawaiian.
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trahan. jeffries. turner. mccarthy. underwood. jeffries. valadao. mccarthy. van drew. mccarthy. van duyne. mccarthy. van orden. mccarthy. vargas. jeffries. vases chez. jeffries. veasey, jeffries. velasquez. and walberg.
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mccarthy. waltz. wasserman schultz. jeffries. waters. jeffries. watson coleman. jeffries. weber of texas. mccarthy. webster of florida. mccarthy. wenstrup. mccarthy. westerman. mccarthy. wexton. jeffries. wild. jeffries. williams of georgia. jeffries. williams of new york. williams of new york.
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mccarthy. williams of texas. mccarthy. wilson of florida. jeffries. wilson of south carolina. mccarthy. wittman. mccarthy. womack. mccarthy. yakym. mccarthy. zinke. mccarthy. the clerk of the house: the reading clerk will now call the name of the members-elect who did not answer the first call of the roll.
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the clerk: buck. mccarthy. gaetz. present.
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gosar mccarthy. graves of louisiana. mccarthy. harder of california. jeffries. david scott. jeffries.
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the clerk of the house: the tellers agree in their tallies that the total number of votes is 432 of which the honorable kevin mccarthy of the state of california has received 216. the honorable hakeem jeffries of the state of new york has received 212.


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