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tv   U.S. House of Representatives Opening of 118th Congress 3  CSPAN  January 6, 2023 1:48am-3:21am EST

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gentleman from texas rise? >> madam clerk, i rise to nominate kevin mccarthy as speaker of the house. the clerk of the house: the gentlema >> the gentleman is recognized. >> kevin mccarthy has been our leader for the past four years,
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and has overwhelming support within this congress. my intent today is to address proceedings -- my intent today is to address the american people who have been watching these proceedings and are concerned about what they have seen in this chamber over the past two days. i am a member of the house freedom caucus and i am proud to say so. i believe the 20 members that have not nominated an alternate candidate have expressed their concerns with leadership and many of those concerns have been addressed and accepted by leader mccarthy and this conference. i believe this battle we are waging must end. kevin mccarthy fully understands that being speaker of the house will not be easy.
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kevin is aware that any legislation he would like to pass out of this house will require support and endorsement from the freedom caucus. this is where i believe we can hold the speaker accountable. kevin has made changes to the house rules at the request of all members. one of those rules changes was the motion to vacate the chair which nancy pelosi removed four years ago to avoid the scrutiny and the accountability. the motion to vacate the chair that has not been offered for a floor vote in over 100 years calls for the removal of the speaker of the house. kevin has reinstated the motion to vacate the chair which i believe was the right thing to do. this motion allows us to, the
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republican conference, to hold the speaker accountable. the american people gave us, my friends, us, the republicans, the majority and their vote of confidence to change the direction of our country. the american people are begging for leadership because the biden administration certainly has not placed the american people first. kevin mccarthy understands. he understands he must protect that speaker's gavel and abide the will of the american people. the decisions we make in the 118th congress are critical to the future of our country. the decisions we make, the legislation we pass as a republican majority must have the support of the american people. we have a crisis on every corner
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in america, and the american people are expecting republicans to bring this much-needed change, we must come together today and implement that change. to those of you outside of washington that are watching, kevin mccarthy and this republican majority understand your pain. we understand your pain. we feel it. we understand we must secure our southern border. we must unleash our energy sector and become energy independent. we must curb inflation by reducing spending. and we must support our law enforcement officers, folks. we've got to get crime under control. we must place america and its people first. and all this -- and all this, my
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friends, on the republican side, all this, we can do this. all while holding the republican administration accountable. and the washington bureaucrats who have infringed and abused the rights of the american people and their families long enough. under speaker mccarthy, they will be held accountable. they will be held accountable. so today, let's do what's in the best interests of the american people. let's get to work, let's elect kevin mccarthy as speaker of the house. and at the direction of the republican conference, i advance the name of kevin mccarthy as the next speaker of the house for the 118th congress.
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the clerk of the house: for what purpose does the gentleman from california rise? >> madam clerk, i rise today to nominate hakeem jeffries for speaker of the house. the clerk of the house: the gentleman is recognized. >> volt after vote, democrats stand united and ready to get to work on behalf of the american people under the leadership of hakeem jeffries. vote after vote, nomination after nomination, democrats are united, just like we were united when we passed the american rescue plan to get our economy back on track. united when we passed infrastructure law to rebuild america. united when we capped insulin at $35, passed historic gun safety
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legislation and passed the pact act to help our nation's veterans. united when democrats passed the chips and science act to bring manufacturing back to america. united when democrats passed the inflation reduction act to reduce our deficit and protect our environment. democrats are unified to tackle the climate crisis while republicans are mired in their own leadership crisis. madam clerk, house democrats are ready, willing and able to get to work for the american people. we will do so under leadership of hakeem jeffries who has a plan for the american people. therefore, as vice chair of the democratic caucus, i'm directed by the vote of our caucus to present for election to the office of speaker of the house of representatives for the 118th congress, representative elect from the state of new york,
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hakeem jeffries. the clerk of the house: for what purpose dud the gentleman from montana rise? >> thank you very much, madam clerk. i would like to nominate the name of byron donalds to speaker of the house of representatives. the clerk of the house: the gentleman is recognized. >> let me start by saying it is an absolute privilege to be standing here with each and every one of you. i know we have differences of opinions and differences of ayen das we would like to pursue but i would tell you we all are representing the united states of america in the best fashion that i know that we truly believe in. so thank you. and it is a privilege. when i walk out every evening from the longworth office
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building, i will tell you as i look back on the capitol, with the lights gleaming upon it, that i recognize the honor, the privilege, and the responsibility that each one of us has taken on to be in this place that we are right now. mr. rosendale: and the obligations that we have to the districts that we represent back home. it is an incredible privilege but it is also an incredible responsibility and i do not take it lightly and i know that no one in this room does. we are participating in a system that has endured 247 years. through drought and through flood. through world wars and through a civil war. and some way, we return to this place, year after year, to serve
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the people of the united states of america. but unfortunately, over the past 15 years, the process that we use has been dramatically broken. the voices that were sent here to equally -- to equally represent each of the 435 districts across this nation, have become diminished. this through the consolidation of power into the hands of the speaker and a fortunate few who happen to serve on the rule committees which control every aspect of legislation that travels through this body.
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the debate and the discussion has been all but eliminated and the balance of us are left to vote yes or no. those are our options. and that is what has led to the disintegration of the relationships that we see across this floor. that is not equal representation which is guaranteed by our constitution and expected by our constituents. we have had more discussion and debate over the last three days than i have participated in on this floor for the last two years. and it's healthy. it absolutely promotes the
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collegiality that everyone is striving to obtain. we're having discussions not just within our own party but amongst each other as we walk around and start planning for the legislation that we will need to address over the next two years in the 118th congress that sooner or later, yes, sooner or later we will begin to function as. those are the good days. and guess what? our constituents think, as they watch us on c-span today, that this is how every day functions. they think that this is how every bill gets addressed in this body. and they will be shocked to learn the ones that you have not disclosed the little nasty credit to, that unfortunately, that's not how it works around
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this place. that under the current rules, and under the current leadership construction, that on fly-in day, typically monday at the beginning of the week, the leadership on both sides of the aisle negotiate a number of bills, 15 to 20 pieces of legislation that one democrat and one republican stand on this floor, they discuss momentarily, and then they say the magic words. without objection. we will pass this by unanimous consent. and there are two people standing on the floor passing pieces of legislation that often times are the naming of buildings that don't really
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bother anybody or affect one's life, but in many circumstances spend millions and tens of millions of dollars that the taxpayers are obligated to cover and their representative was not even here to vote upon it. and that, my friends, is wrong. it is it is wrong. so, yes, we need to have change. we need to fix this broken system. several of us have taken it upon ourselves to fly in and object to those very bills. not because we are objecting to the bill but just to force them to be brought out into the daylight so that everyone can hear about those bills, to force
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people to come out and vote up or down for those those bills ar constituents believe that they're doing right now. that's just one of the little secrets, and it demonstrates, again, how broken this system is. last summer we began to negotiate, a group of us in good faith, a list of changes, amendments to the rules of this body. not to empower ourselves, not to bring personal benefit to ourselves, but to empower you and you and you, maxine, and you, and you, and everyone sitting in this chamber equally.
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there's no rules. i did not use anyone's name. everyone should be -- excuse me. maxine. the clerk of the house: members, direct your remarks to the chair, please. mr. rosendale: i will. thank you. that is so everyone will have equal representation. equal representation for the districts that elected them. these are not radical deviations from the norm. these are a restoration of the rules so that this place can function function properly. things like single-subject legislation that most state houses utilize right now so that we don't have 4,000-page documents that we are given a matter of hours to review that
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are filled with many, many subject matters that are trillions of dollars in cost. rules like germaneness so you can bring an amendment on the floor as long as it pertains to the bill that was originally being addressed. an open rule process, again, so that each individual here can participate in the thing that we were sent here to do, to help collaborate and craft legislation and work together. that is what we were sent here to do. these are commonsense amendments that would restore the process and give each of us an equal voice. this is how we're going to secure the border, that everyone now, i do believe, has recognized that there is a problem with. this is how we are going to
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regain energy dominance again, which is not just an economic issue. it's a national security issue. this is how we are going to reduce the inflation rate, by working together. but we cannot call it working together if you cede all of that power to the hands of a few. hoping for this change will not create this change, and change is uncomfortable. we understand that. but it is not unachievable, and we we must make change in this broken system. we must. the current leadership that is
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in place will continue and support the use of earmarks in this body, and that is the golden trail to corruption. the golden trail to corruption. it is a way to buy votes and spread money around this body from places outside of this city that leads to bad legislation and bad decisions. the current leadership, i was told, i should not be so concerned with these suspension bills that get passed every week because now they have made an amendment -- we keep hearing about these amendments and the concessions that were made. the concession was that they will not ask for anything to be suspended that costs more than
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$100 million. now, i don't know about the neighborhoods that you live in, but the neighborhood that i live in, $100 million is a lot of money, and my constituents expect me to vote upon $100 million bills and $80 million bills and $10 million bills so they know what in the world is in them and what is going on. and they do not expect them to be passed by unanimous consent with no one on the floor. i made a living developing property. and as many of you properly know, it takes a while to take a piece of ground from bare earth to a community. and my mother, god rest her soul, came out to one of my projects and i had just opened it up and it had been two years
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since the time i had bought the property. and by the time we went out, i had a nice entrance built and the streets were built and the streetlights were there and they were just starting to build homes. and she said, my goodness, matthew, you must really, really be pleased to finally see your project coming up out of the ground. and i said, no, mom. actually, i'm pleased that everyone else can see it, because i saw it two years ago when i first walked out there. well, i have a vision for this place. that we can restore regular order so that each of us may have the ability to represent our districts and our constituents equally as we move through this process.
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and then again, at that time, we will be able to call it truly the people's house again. i have been here just two years, and i have watched byron donalds during that time and previously as he proudly served in the florida legislature. and i can tell you this, he's a man of intellect. he is a man of integrity, and he is a man that i am proud to nominate as the next speaker of the house of representatives. the clerk of the house: the reading clerk will call the roll. for what purpose does the gentlewoman from colorado rise? mrs. boebert: madam clerk, i
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rise to nominate mr. hern as speaker of the house. the clerk of the house: the gentlewoman is recognized. mrs. boebert: thank you, madam clerk. we have been accused of not having a plan. well, we presented many, many plans and are even presenting two plans simultaneously right now. for speaker of the people as you house -- of the people's house. i sat in my chair anticipating to vote for byron donalds who whom i respect, whom i see as a leader, and there was a gut check that said we need someone that is going to convince my colleagues on this side of the aisle that it's time to get tha going, it's time to build momentum. many of you have said it. you see that kevin mccarthy does not have the votes. you are understanding that he is not going to get there. we have the votes for him. i cannot produce those anymore.
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the colleagues that i brought with me to offer those 218 votes on the first ballot aren't there anymore. it is not happening. and as has been said, we need to get to a point where we start evaluating what life after kevin mccarthy looks like. america doesn't want more talk. and i am going to keep my speech a little short. they want action. i'll take that. i want to get to work, too. america's tired of rhetoric and they want results. this isn't chaos. this is a constitutional republic at work. i am a mom of four boys. i know what chaos and dysfunction looks like. this is actually really a beautiful thing to be here with all of my colleagues debating just as the gentleman from montana said, we have not experienced this in the two years that we have served here
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in washington, d.c. this is the most debate that has taken place, and i love it. i love the conversations love t are going on the floor, in the cloakroom, in the halls. there's nothing extreme. there's nothing unreasonable. we are trying to get this right. as my conservative colleagues and i have stated time and time again, congress is broken and fundamentally needs change. i'm here to get this right. we need a leader that is not of broken system, someone who is not beholdened to the lobbyists but to the people who sent us here, someone who can unite our party and most importantly, someone who can deliver on the promises that we have all made to the american people. i believe that there are many people on the floor today that can do just that.
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i voted for my friend, jim jordan. i voted for my friend, byron donalds. i'm voting for kevin hern, the gentleman from oklahoma. mr. hern went from rags to riches. like myself and many other members, is a small business owner. he's lived the american dream. he's a father, a family man. and as kevin likes to say, he's a conservative but he's not mad about it. we can have a happy warrior leading us. i understand that threats have been made about committee assignments, that you won't receive committee assignments if you do not vote for kevin mccarthy. that is true. it happened in conference and that is exactly what we were told. but we don't govern in fear. we govern for the people, on
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principle. don't be afraid to do the right thing. i believe that kevin hern is a unifier. he just received the chairman of the republican study committee by unanimous consent. this is the largest caucus in our conference. look how many people have already put their trust in kevin hern to lead them. i get asked by my constituents, where does this go? who can unify the unify the par? who can deliver results? representative kevin hern can do just that, and i am proud to enter his name into the nomination. and i hope that some of you join me. thank you and i yield back. the clerk of the house: the reading clerk will call the roll.
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the clerk: adams. adams, jeffries. aderholt, mccarthy. aguilar, jeffries. alford, mccarthy. allen, mccarthy. allred, jeffries. amodei, mccarthy. armstrong, mccarthy.
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arrington. arrington. auchincloss. jeffries. babin. mccarthy. bacon. mccarthy. baird. mccarthy. balderson. mccarthy. balint. jeffries. banks. mccarthy. barr. mccarthy. barragan. barragan. jeffries. bean of florida. mccarthy.
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beatty. jeffries. bentz. mccarthy. bera. jeffries. bergman. mccarthy. beyer. jeffries. bice. mccarthy. biggs. donalds. bilirakis. mccarthy. bishop of georgia. jeffries. bishop of north carolina. donalds. blumenauer. jeffries. blunt rochester.
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jeffries. boebert. hern. bonamici. jeffries. bost. mccarthy. bowman. jeffries. boyle of pennsylvania. jeffries. brecheen. mccarthy. brecheen. hern. brown. jeffries. brownley. jeffries.
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buchanan. mccarthy. buck. buck. bucshon. mccarthy. budzinski. jeffries. burchett. mccarthy. burgess. mccarthy. burlison. mccarthy. bush. jeffries. calvert. mccarthy. cammack. cammack. mccarthy. caraveo.
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jeffries. carbajal. jeffries. cardenas. jeffries. carey. mccarthy. carl. mccarthy. carson. jeffries. carter of georgia. mccarthy. carter of louisiana. jeffries. carter of texas. mccarthy. cartwright. jeffries. casar. jeffries. case. jeffries.
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casten. jeffries. castor of florida. jeffries. castro of texas. jeffries. chavez-deremer. mccarthy. cherfilus-mccormick. jeffries. chu. jeffries. cicilline. jeffries. ciscomani. mccarthy. clark of massachusetts. jeffries. clarke of new york. jeffries. cleaver. jeffries. cline. mccarthy. cloud. donalds.
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clyburn. jeffries. clyde. donalds. cohen. jeffries. cole. mccarthy. collins. mccarthy. comer. comer. mccarthy. connolly. jeffries. correa. jeffries. costa.
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costa. courtney. jeffries. craig. jeffries. crane. donalds. crawford. mccarthy. crenshaw. mccarthy. crockett. jeffries. crow. jeffries. cuellar. cuellar. curtis. mccarthy. davids of kansas.
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jeffries. davidson. mccarthy. davis of illinois. jeffries. davis of north carolina. jeffries. dean of pennsylvania. jeffries. degette. jeffries. de la cruz. mccarthy. delauro. jeffries. delbene. jeffries. deluzio. jeffries. desaulnier. jeffries. desjarlais. mccarthy.
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d'esposito. mccarthy. diaz-balart. mccarthy. dingell. jeffries. doggett. doggett. donalds. donalds. duarte. mccarthy. duncan. mccarthy. dunn of florida. mccarthy. edwards. mccarthy. ellzey. mccarthy.
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emmer. mccarthy. escobar. jeffries. eshoo. jeffries. espaillat. jeffries. estes. mccarthy. evans. jeffries. ezell. mccarthy. fallon. mccarthy. feenstra. mccarthy. ferguson. mccarthy. finstad. mccarthy.
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fischbach. mccarthy. fitzgerald. mccarthy. fitzpatrick. mccarthy. fleischmann. mccarthy. fletcher. jeffries. flood. mccarthy. foster. jeffries. foushee. jeffries. foxx. mccarthy. lois frankel. jeffries. c. scott franklin. mccarthy. frost.
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frost. jeffries. fry. mccarthy. fulcher. mccarthy. gaetz. hern. gallagher. mccarthy. gallego. jeffries. garamendi. jeffries. garbarino. mccarthy. mike garcia. mccarthy. robert garcia. jeffries.
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garcia of illinois. jeffries. garcia of texas. jeffries. gimenez. mccarthy. goldman of maine. jeffries. goldman of new york. jeffries. gomez. gomez. tony gonzales. mccarthy. vicente gonzalez. jeffries. good of virginia.
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donalds. gooden of texas. mccarthy. gosar. donalds. gottheimer. jeffries. granger. mccarthy. graves of louisiana. mccarthy. graves of missouri. mccarthy. green of tennessee. green of tennessee. green of texas.
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jeffries. greene of georgia. mccarthy. griffith. mccarthy. grijalva. jeffries. grothman. grothman. guest. mccarthy. guthrie. mccarthy. hageman. mccarthy. harder of california. jeffries. harris. donalds.
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harshbarger. mccarthy. hayes. jeffries. hern. mccarthy. higgins of louisiana. mccarthy. higgins of new york. jeffries. hill. mccarthy. himes. jeffries. hinson. mccarthy. horsford. jeffries. houchin. mccarthy. houlahan. jeffries. hoyer. jeffries.
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hoyle of oregon. jeffries. hudson. mccarthy. huffman. jeffries. huizenga. mccarthy. hunt. mccarthy. issa. mccarthy. ivey. jeffries. jackson of illinois. jeffries. jackson of north carolina. jeffries. jackson of texas. mccarthy. jackson lee. jeffries. jacobs.
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jeffries. james. mccarthy. jayapal. jeffries. jeffries. jeffries. johnson of georgia. jeffries. johnson of louisiana. mccarthy. johnson of ohio. johnson of ohio. mccarthy.
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johnson of south dakota. mccarthy. jordan. mccarthy. joyce of ohio. mccarthy. joyce of pennsylvania. mccarthy. kamlager-dove. jeffries. kaptur. jeffries. kean of new jersey. mccarthy. keating. jeffries. kelly of illinois. jeffries. kelly of mississippi. mccarthy. kelly of pennsylvania. mccarthy. khanna. jeffries. kiggans of virginia.
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mccarthy. kildee. jeffries. kiley. mccarthy. kilmer. jeffries. kim of california. kim of california. kim of new jersey. jeffries. krishnamoorthi. jeffries. kuster. jeffries. kustoff. mccarthy. lahood. mccarthy.
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lalota. lalota. mccarthy. lamalfa. mccarthy. lamborn. mccarthy. landsman. the clerk of the house: the house will be in order. the clerk: jeffries. langworthy. mccarthy. larsen of washington. jeffries. larson of connecticut. jeffries. latta. mccarthy.
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laturner. mccarthy. lawler. mccarthy. lee of california. jeffries. lee of florida. mccarthy. lee of nevada. jeffries. lee of pennsylvania. jeffries. leger fernandez. jeffries. lesko. mccarthy. letlow. mccarthy. levin. jeffries. lieu. jeffries. lofgren. jeffries. loudermilk.
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mccarthy. lucas. mccarthy. luetkemeyer. mccarthy. luna. donalds. luttrell. mccarthy. lynch. jeffries. mace. mccarthy. magaziner. jeffries. malliotakis. mccarthy. mann. mccarthy. manning. jeffries. massie. mccarthy. mast. mccarthy.
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matsui. jeffries. mcbath. jeffries. mccarthy. mccarthy. mccaul. mccarthy. mcclain. mccarthy. mcclintock. mccarthy. mccollum. jeffries. mccormick. mccarthy. mcgarvey. jeffries. mcgovern.
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jeffries. mchenry. mccarthy. meeks. jeffries. menendez. jeffries. meng. jeffries. meuser. mccarthy. mfume. jeffries. miller of illinois. donalds. miller of ohio. mccarthy. miller of west virginia. mccarthy. miller-meeks.
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miller-meeks. mills. mccarthy. molinaro. mccarthy. moolenaar. mccarthy. mooney. mccarthy. moore of alabama. moore of alabama. mccarthy. moore of utah. mccarthy. moore of wisconsin. jeffries. moran. mccarthy. morelle. jeffries. moskowitz. jeffries. moulton. jeffries.
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mrvan. jeffries. mullin. jeffries. murphy. mccarthy. nadler. jeffries. napolitano. jeffries. neal. jeffries. neguse. jeffries. nehls. mccarthy. newhouse. mccarthy. nickel. jeffries. norcross. jeffries. norman. donalds.
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nunn of iowa. mccarthy. obernolte. mccarthy. ocasio-cortez. jeffries. ogles. donalds. omar, jeffries. owens. owens.
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pallone, jeffries. palmer, mccarthy. panetta, jeffries. pappas, jeffries. pascrell, jeffries. payne, jeffries. pelosi, jeffries. peltola, jeffries. pence, mccarthy. perez, jeffries. perry, donalds. peters, jeffries.
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pettersen, jeffries. pfluger, mccarthy. phillips, jeffries. pingree, jeffries. pocan, jeffries. porter, jeffries. posey, mccarthy. pressley, jeffries. quigley, jeffries. ramirez, jeffries.
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raskin, jeffries. reschenthaler, mccarthy. rodgers of washington, mccarthy. rogers of alabama, mccarthy. rogers of kentucky, mccarthy. rose, mccarthy. rosendale, donalds. ross, jeffries. rouzer, mccarthy. roy, donalds. ruiz, jeffries. ruppersberger, jeffries. rutherford, mccarthy.
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ryan, jeffries. salazar. salazar. salinas, jeffries. sanchez. jeffries. santos, mccarthy. sarbanes, jeffries. scalise, mccarthy. scanlon, jeffries. schakowsky, jeffries. schiff, jeffries. schneider, jeffries. scholten, jeffries.
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schrier, jeffries. schweikert, mccarthy. austin scott, mccarthy. -- austin scott. david scott, jeffries. scott of virginia, jeffries. self, donalds. sessions, mccarthy. sewell, jeffries. sherman, jeffries. sherrill. sherrill. simpson, mccarthy. slotkin, jeffries.
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smith of missouri, mccarthy. smith of nebraska. smith of nebraska. mccarthy. smith of new jersey, mccarthy. smith of washington, jeffries. smucker, mccarthy. sorensen, jeffries. soto, jeffries. spanberger. spanberger. spartz. spartz.
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stansbury, jeffries. stanton, jeffries. stauber, mccarthy. steel, mccarthy. stefanik, mccarthy. steil, mccarthy. steube, mccarthy. stevens, jeffries. stewart, mccarthy. strickland, jeffries. strong, mccarthy. swalwell, jeffries. sykes, jeffries.
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takano, jeffries. tenney, mccarthy. thanedar, jeffries. thompson of california. jeffries. thompson of mississippi jeffries. thompson of pennsylvania. mccarthy. tiffany, mccarthy. timmons, mccarthy. titus, jeffries. tlaib, jeffries. tokuda, jeffries. tonko, jeffries.
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torres of california, jeffries. torres of new york, jeffries. trahan, jeffries. trone, jeffries. turner, mccarthy. underwood, jeffries. valadao, mccarthy. van drew, mccarthy. van duyne, mccarthy. van orden, mccarthy. vargas, jeffries. vasquez, jeffries.
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veasey, jeffries. velazquez, jeffries. wagner, mccarthy. walberg, mccarthy. waltz, mccarthy. wasserman schultz, jeffries.
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waters, jeffries. watson coleman, jeffries. weber of texas, mccarthy. webster of florida, mccarthy. wenstrup, mccarthy. westerman, mccarthy. wexton, jeffries. wild, jeffries. williams of georgia, jeffries. williams of new york, mccarthy. williams of texas, mccarthy. wilson of florida, jeffries.
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wilson of south carolina. mccarthy. wittman, mccarthy. womack, mccarthy. yakym, mccarthy. zinke, mccarthy. the clerk of the house: the reading clerk will now call the names of the members-elect who did not answer the first call of the roll. the clerk: arrington.
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mccarthy. buck. buck. costa. jeffries. cuellar. jeffries. doggett. jeffries. donalds. donalds.
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gomez. jeffries. green of tennessee. mccarthy. grothman. mccarthy. kim of california. mccarthy. miller mooks. mccarthy.
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salazar. mccarthy. austin scott. mccarthy. sherrill. jeffries. spanberger. jeffries. spartz. present.
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the clerk of the house: is there any member elect who did not answer the call of the roll may come to the well and vote at this time.
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the clerk of the house: the tellers agree in their tallies that the total number of votes cast is 432. of which the honorable hakeem jeffries of the state of new york has received 212. the honorable kevin mccarthy of the state of california has received 200.


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