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Charles Schumer
  House Speaker Pelosi Senate Minority Leader Schumer Holds News Conference  CSPAN  November 12, 2020 5:47pm-6:11pm EST

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watch book tv this weekend on c-span2. >> sunday night on cue and a, university at texas austin professor sarah bray talks about big data and law enforcement. >> the police have long collected their own data on information but that is on people to have contact with. what's happening now in the digital age is police are increasingly collecting information on folks who have no direct criminal justice contact. part of that has to do with this variety component of the three v's of big data. they use tools like automatic license plate -- readers where you don't have to be pulled over for them to put your data into
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the system. night atbrayne sunday 8:00 eastern on c-span's "q7a." earlier today, nancy pelosi and chuck schumer held a briefing at the u.s. capitol. this is about 25 minutes. rep. pelosi: good morning, everyone. as always, it is an honor to welcome back to the house inside , andormer colleagues here our democratic leader in the senate, chuck schumer. welcome, mr. leader. words have power. when the president speaks, his words way a ton. we have heard some things lately that are very disconcerting. but numbers have eloquence, too.
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yesterday, our nation suffered a horrifying 144,000 new infections recorded. of overth straight day 100,000 cases being reported. more than 65,000 americans hospitalized with covid. a new record that threatens to overwhelm our hospitals and hospitals in rural areas particularly affected. the devastating milestone of 10 million americans infected has been passed. 144,000 yesterday. over 100,000. 65,000 people hospitalized with covid. thanllion americans, more 10 million americans affected, and more than 240,000 americans have died. more than 20 million americans
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are on unemployment. america has one million fewer teachers than a year ago. saying,why we keep honor our bureaus. state and local federal government -- state and local governments, that's where over 90% of their budget comes from. 8 million have fallen into poverty. 17 million children in america are food insecure. this is a red alert and all hands on deck, but it should have been a long time ago. the president and republican delay,s have ignored by distortion, denial, deaths have been caused. what are they doing now? continuing to ignore, in spite of these numbers. and should be so compelling imperative for us to act upon this.
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every kind of avoidance of taking responsibility has been witnessed. every chance we had for testing, tracing, treatment, mask wearing, separation, sanitation, but what science tells us to do, they have ignored. their contempt for science and disdain for governance. science says wear our mask, governance says let's enforce that. science and governance, that's not what they are about. that's not what they are about. are that is, is they engaged in an absurd circus right now refusing to accept reality. republicans are shamefully on proceeding without recognizing what our responsibility is and making it even harder to address the and economich crisis we are facing.
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ascertainment of the major harm caused to the presidential transition is another subject. right now, we are talking about addressing the crisis, the pandemic. if we do so, scientifically, we will be able to open our economy. we will be able to open our schools safely. we can do so in a way that recognizes the tragedy that has befallen us in our country because of the republican denial of science and disdain for governance. circus and get to work on what really matters to the american people, their health, and economic security.
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to yield, i am pleased to distinguished democratic leader, mr. schumer. sen. schumer: thank you, madam speaker. it is good to be back. greats a great moment of national challenge. covid-19 is surging. are shuttering. families are struggling. people continue to lose drop -- jobs and not gain new ones. we just fought a divisive and hard-fought presidential election. but instead of working to pull the country back together so we enemy,ht our common covid-19, republicans in congress are spreading conspiracy theories, denying reality, and poisoning the well of our democracy. the republicans should stop their shenanigans about an election that president has already lost and focus on the immediate issue at hand, providing relief to a country
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living through the covid health and economic crises. comes to the election, congressional republicans don't have the evidence, they don't have the proof, they don't have anything. neither does the president. congressional republicans are deliberately casting doubt on our elections for no other reason but fear of donald trump. these republicans are all auditioning for profiles and cowardice. -- in cowardice. this morning, i have a simple message for senate republicans. the election is over. it wasn't close. president trump lost. joe biden will be the next president of the united states. kamala harris will be the next vice president of the united states. senate republicans, stop denying reality. stop deliberately and recklessly sowing doubt about our democratic process, and start focusing on covid.
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the republican refusal to deal with reality is hurting our country in many ways. fighting the health crisis of covid, improving our economy, and not compromising national security. on and get tomove work for the american people. i want to be very clear with the american people. the election is not in doubt. this is nothing more than a temper tantrum by republicans, nothing more than a pathetic political performance for an audience of one, president donald john trump. is nothing like the 2000 election, won the presidential election came down to one state and the difference between candidates was only 537 votes. joe biden's victory in the electoral college has been secured by several states where
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tens of thousands of votes separate the candidates. joe biden leads in wisconsin by 20,000, pennsylvania 50,000, michigan, 146,000. that is the facts. won.iden has nothing republicans or trump can do will change that. all over the country, legal claims by the report -- the president and allies are left out-of-court. one reported any evidence of fraud or irregularities. these frivolous lawsuits have less than a snowballs chance in hell of succeeding. let me speak directly to my republican colleagues in the senate once again. joe biden has won. now move on and work with us to solve the covid crisis. let us bring the country together and get things done. as theing -- every day,
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speaker mentioned, hundreds of thousands are getting sick and thousands are dying. we don't have time for these kinds of games. the american people are waiting for relief from the covid virus, but republicans refused to take comprehensive action that meets the needs of the country. the heroes act, passed in the house, does meet this moment. it does not pick and choose who we are going to help during the greatest health and economic crises in decades. it is laser focused on health care issues at the heart of this pandemic. the heroes act does something that is vital. it strengthens medicaid and improves access to health care coverage, support for hospitals. at a time when how covid is raging, health care should be at the top of the list. these are the issues we should be discussing and debating. and the heroes act should be the starting point.
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bill thatciated prioritizes protections for corporations and considers the needs of american families as an afterthought. every day that goes by without the republican party acknowledging and accepting the results of this election is another day that americans' faith in their wonderful democracy declines. the longer senate republicans play this sad game is the longer they are denying working families much needed relief from the covid health and economic crises. speaker. mr. pelosi: thank you, leader. indeed, the heroes act has now, for nearly six months, has been a formula for crushing the virus, for honoring our heroes, our health care workers, police and fire, first responders, teachers, sanitation, transportation, food workers.
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people who make our economy and our society work. over one earlier, million teachers have already lost their jobs since last year. we need to help our state and local government. they say from time to time that they want to do that, but we have not seen that evidence. secondly, and this is almost sinful, crushing the virus is essential. pandemic, instead of crushing the virus, they want to crush the affordable care act as was demonstrated in the supreme court the other day. a very important point among many others that the leader made about the expansion of medicaid. many seniors, this is a middle income family benefit, many, many seniors who are in 70% of long-term
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care is covered by medicaid. yes, it is for poor children and poor families, but an overwhelming amount of it goes to help middle-class families have long-term care for their seniors. again, part of the affordable , not fully implemented by some states but again under siege in the court the central issue of it, access to affordable preventive care and protecting the pre-existing condition benefit, which will go right down the drain with the president's case in the court. so it's -- what are they thinking? rmi using the word inking loosely? people are suffering, even before the coronavirus, the affordable care act was
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essential. not just to the 150 million families that have private health care to employment and have been if it's in the bill as well as the medicaid expansion. the list goes on and on. i won't go through all of the benefits except to say that over 75 million people voted -- crush the virus so we can open up our economy in a healthy way. it is all doable. just on a hopeful note. the news of another virus -- vaccine that are very promising with high levels of protection should give people motivation to do what is necessary, to self-quarantine, to wear a mask, etc.
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it will only take a short time with many more people doing that to reduce the incidence of the virus as we go onto the path of a vaccine. so again we should be hopeful, , but we have to be careful and have to honor the science. whether it is about how we brace -- embrace a vaccine. the more it is embraced, the more incentive it will be. i call upon the president to use the defense production act to make sure enough is produced so everyone is cared for. unless we are all protected that , means in the world, not just our country. then none of us are protected. they seem to have a mental block to doing the right thing, a moral block for respecting what it is doing to american families.
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martin luther king said of all the inequalities inequality of access to health care is the most inhuman because people will die. any questions? we are sticking with the subject today, tomorrow i will have my weekly and we can go into other things. >> is it fair to say your position on the coronavirus relief has not changed since where it was before the election? the position of where you are on the coronavirus has not changed? rep. pelosi: it has been our position all along to crush the virus, honor our heroes, put money in the pockets of the american people. you have the administration saying -- 55% of the language which addressed what we were trying to do for communities of color. we are at the same place, even more so with the pandemic.
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look at these numbers. look at the predictions from the scientific community. i have come before you over and over again, some weeks ago with frank pallone saying this is what we put in the heroes act to crush the virus. why won't they do it? they were in a herd immunity mood then. sen. schumer: i would add one more thing. given how covid is raging, the number of hospitalizations, the number of deaths has increased, it makes the health care provisions in the heroes act even more important and more vital that they be included. >> [indiscernible]
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it seems this decision on the larger bill, you have a weaker hand to play in the lame-duck session. rep. pelosi: the most compelling argument is what i said earlier. 144,000 people yesterday. these people are spread all over the country. the pressure on hospitals is all over the country, including in rural areas. if the republicans want to be coldhearted and say don't care or as the president's son said "that is no big number." every single death is important to us. we carry those people in our hearts. they should be carrying them on their conscience for what they did not do. since we passed the heroes act, over 100,000 people have died. that could have been prevented.
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you have heard me say it million times that public sentiment is everything. now that the people have expressed their views, joe biden has won, kamala harris will be the first woman vice president of the united states. i said to them if we didn't have , masks last week, they could see us beaming with that success. what they have been proposing is very similar to what we have in the heroes act. we just have to fight to make sure if the republicans decide they don't care about the health and well-being about medicaid and what it means for people in their lives, the public will know. sen. schumer: i will add one more thing. first, mitch mcconnell isn't -- is sticking to his bill which he tried twice and didn't get a republican vote. that is a nonstarter. he said because there is a vaccine there is less need of a bill.
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a vaccine makes a greater need of a bill because it has to be distributed equitably and has to be healthy. the second change since the election date is that donald trump who is not for helping us in covid and against the heroes bill has lost. that was an overwhelming referendum by the american people. so yes, we think there has been change. it should move things in our direction. we are willing to talk, they don't want to talk. they seem to be stuck to their position. rep. pelosi: what joe biden got in this election was a mandate address the challenges that our country faces, as well as to have a positive initiative on how to grow the economy in a fair way. in order to do that, we must address the covid pandemic. sen. schumer: this election was more a referendum on who can
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handle covid well than anything else. the donald trump approach was repudiated, the joe biden approach was embraced and that is why we think there is a better chance to get a bill in the lame-duck if only the republicans. embracing the ridiculous shenanigans trump is forcing them to do in the election and focus on what people need. >> speaker pelosi, in 2000 was -- democrat al gore was allowed to challenge george w. bush in florida for 37 days. do you think the same type of patience should be afforded to trump and his legal challenges? rep. pelosi: i will say what dick cheney said at the time. it caused many difficulties. the bush administration was outspoken about the difficulties in the country.
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as the leader said this is a , different situation, we are talking about one state. dick cheney said we will pay a heavy price for planning an assembly for the next administration. joe biden having been vice president of the u.s., the chairman of the foreign affairs committee, the chairman of the industry committee, he knows the territory. he is going to be just fine in the transition. he is going to be just fine in the transition. it is unfortunate the republicans have decided that they will not respect the will of the people. let me just say, it is like the house is burning down and they refused to throw water on it. we are on a path now, the vaccine which is coming out of the private sector, showed great
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promise. that promise is to say all the more reason to wear a mask, self-isolate -- self-quarantine and let us work together to get this done. this is like a gift from god to come down and help prevent it from being spread. with a vaccine, to inoculate against it. as we inoculate against the virus, we should be inoculating against the injustices that are contained in how it is being spread and the rest. thank you all very much.