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tv   President Trump Departure Remarks  CSPAN  July 21, 2019 2:42pm-3:00pm EDT

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about his tweets directed at democratican congress women of color. as well as chants from the crowd at a recent campaign stop directed at congresswoman ilhan omar of minnesota. he also talked about iran and the robert mueller hearings.
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pres. trump: hello, everybody. how are you? very good numbers, economically. the country is doing really well. we expect great things. we have a lot of potential. we are the hottest economy for the last -- quite a bit. i think we have tremendous potential for a lot of growth. europe is not doing well, a lot of places are not doing well, we are doing very well. i want to let you know. [indiscernible] pres. trump: we have a very close alliance with the u.k. we always have. we heard that.
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the u.s. has very few tankers going in, because we are using our own energy. we have made a lot of progress over the last few years. we don't have very many tankers going in, but we have a lot of warships. we will talk to the u.k. we have no written agreement, but we have an agreement. they have been a great ally. we heard it was one, we heard it was 2. we will be working with the u.k. they will have a prime minister soon, which is good for itwe have no written agreement.
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we have an agreement that is long-standing. [indiscernible] pres. trump: if you go back into the 4 congresswomen, the thing they said about our country is terrible. what they said about israel is terrible. i don't know, i can't say for sure. a lot of people say they hate our country. it is a disgrace with a have said. you can't talk that way about the u.s. i think frankly to say that about israel, we does gave the
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embassy in jerusalem, making jerusalem the capital of israel. i recognized goal on heights. i have done all of this for israel. omar, i find it hard to believe i hear her put in a sanctions bill against israel and other things beyond sanctions. when i hear that, you can't talk about our country that way. when people are angry at them, i understand. reporter: this political feud you are having with congressman omar and the rest of the democrat, is a good politically for you?
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pres. trump: i don't know if it is good or bad, i don't care. when people are speaking so badly, when they call our country garbage, think of that. that is worse than deplorable. when they call our country garbage, i don't care about politics, i don't care if it is good or bad. many say it is good, i don't know. i can tell you this, you cannot talk that way about our country. not when i'm the president. i think they have said horrible things. they are anti-semitic. you look at what the statements they made about israel are, it is a disgrace. reporter: they have first amendment rights to say what they want about our country, that's what the constitution guarantees. do you see not agreeing with you as the same thing as hating the country? pres. trump: they have first amendment rights, but it does not mean i am happy about them saying bad things about us. we can certainly feel it.
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we have first amendment rights. we can feel and say what we want. reporter: what do you mean one or two tankers? pres. trump: we are going to be speaking with the u.k. this only goes to show what i am saying about iran. trouble, nothing but trouble. remember this, the ridiculous agreement made by president obama expires in a short time. it was a short-term agreement. when you are dealing in countries, you have to deal in 50 years and 100 years. you don't deal in the short term. that was a ridiculous agreement. it goes to show you i was right about iran. let's see what happens. it is not american ships, it is u.k.. it can be one or two. we will be speaking to them. they have a new prime minister coming soon. that's good for the u.k. reporter: in the past, you said america is a laughingstock in the world, you don't believe american exceptionalism. why is it ok for you to criticize america? pres. trump: i believe everyone is great, but i love our country, and i'm representing our country. people cannot go around speaking about our country and saying garbage. this is the greatest country in the world. we have the strongest military by far. we had a depleted military when i took over. we spent $716 billion last year, $7 billion the year before.
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we have a powerful military. more powerful than before. we have the greatest economy on earth. you can't speak about our country the way those congressman -- they said garbage, they say things about israel that is so bad i will not repeat them. they can't get away with that. [indiscernible] pres. trump: these women have said horrible things about our country and the people of our country. nobody should be able to do that. if they wanted to do that, that's up to them. i can't imagine they will do very well as the polls. if the democrats want to embrace people who hate our country, people that are so far left that no one has ever seen anything like it, if they want to embrace people that are so anti-semitic
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and anti-israel, that is up to them. but i don't have to do that. i think what they say and what they have said is a disgrace to them, the democrats, and our country. 15 years ago i had a call. i did not get along with him. [indiscernible] pres. trump: i don't really know.
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i would have to look into it. reporter: are you in favor of banning plastic straws. pres. trump: i think we have bigger problems than plastic straws. it is interesting about plastic straws. you have a little straw, but what about the plates, the rappers, everything else that is bigger and made of the same material? the straws are interesting. everyone focuses on the straws. there are other things to focus on. [indiscernible] pres. trump: secretary mnuchin had a call with the chinese counterpart, they had a good talk, we will see what happens. we are dealing with china, we are doing well. may have had the worst year they had in 27 years, we are having the best year we have ever had. we will see what happens. farmers are doing well. i have taken some of the billions of dollars of tariffs that we collect from china, billions of dollars of fees in tariffs. i gave it to our farmers. false information, it was fake news.
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i talk about it, but they did advise me. what you are saying, sake news. -- fake news. rand is a friend of mine. i have 53 very good friends. they are in the senate. i also have a lot of friends, you saw that when they brought a ridiculous vote up and 4 republicans out of hundreds voted against. i have a lot of great friends. i'm 94% approval rating in the republican party. rand is a friend of mine. he asked to get involved. the answer is yes. if other senators asked, i would probably say yes. we will see what happens. i have many people involved. iran will work out very nicely. iran is showing the colors. iran is in big trouble right
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now. the economy is crushing. it is coming to a crash. they can't pay. a lot of bad things are happening to them. it is very easy to straighten out or for us to make it a lot worse. pres. trump: you know what is racist to me? when somebody goes out and says of the horrible things about our country, the people of our country, that are anti-semitic, that hate everyone, that speak with scorn and hate. that is a dangerous thing. i can say some words than others. if you look at the statements they made, when they call the people of our country garbage, when they hate israel the way they hate israel, so horrible, to me, that is a disgrace. we should never forget it. we are dealing with people that hate our country. [indiscernible] pres. trump: they had an
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impeachment vote the other day, a big waste of time. it is a disgrace. no other president should have to go through it. the vote was a totally lopsided vote, with many democrats voting in favor. as far as i'm concerned, they already took their impeachment votes, and it was so lopsided, it was a massive victory. at some point, they have to stop playing games. i will not be watching mueller. [indiscernible] reporter: the president of zimbabwe says because of the
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sanctions, it would be hard for them to work with you. pres. trump: we are looking at zimbabwe right now. pres. trump: the first lady feels very strongly about our country. the first lady thinks it's horrible what they said about israel and what they said about our country. they cannot call our country and people garbage. they cannot be anti-semitic, they cannot talk about evil jews. which is what they say. [indiscernible] [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. visit] [captions copyright national
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cable satellite corp. 2019] >> the president with several morning,weets this first criticizing the washington post for its reporting. and on the group of minority women lawmakers. carolina,n north phony sources that do not exist, fake news, trump tweeted, referring to a rally in north carolina, his campaign held last week. the only thing people are talking about is the record-setting crowd and tremendous and susie as an, far greater than the democrats. he will see in 2020! added residential harassment a separate tweet before tweeting make america great again intercepts one. he also posted this. i don't believe the four congress women capable of loving our country. they should apologize to america and israel for the horrible in it rings they have said. the democratroying party but are weak and insecure
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people who can never destroy our great nation! topics on the sunday news programs. guests included representatives of elijah cummings and ron johnson and cory booker. >> when the president does these things, it brings of the same feelings i had years ago. don't think this is becoming of the president of the united states of america. we can do better than that. friendsour republican .ave to stand up you have to go further than that it is inappropriate. you have to say mr. president, you're absolutely wrong. on.e will move
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>> the president did not like the chant and i did not like the chant. >> what about his tweet this morning saying they are not capable of loving the country? >> that is his opinion and i do not agree with it. -- worseuy is worst than a racist. he is using this as a weapon this is someone similar to george wallace. using the same language as someone at these rallies. i have seen it black and white and now, thought our country was beyond this, i am seeing it in full color. >> representative derek kilmer of washington shares the new democratic coalition and the committee in congress talks about his legislative priorities. newsmakers today on c-span.
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you can also watch trump's nominee to serve as defense sector be -- secretary testifies. ands a gulf war veteran, urban secretary. here is an hour-long portion of the hearing. you can watch the entire hearing at -- at >> the meeting will come to order consistent with our policies and start on time. good morning. we are considering the nomination of dr. mark


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