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  President Trump Rally in Montana  CSPAN  September 6, 2018 9:09pm-10:31pm EDT

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all right all right! ♪ ladies and gentlemen, please welcome the president of the united states, donald j. trump! ♪ it tomorrow all the things were gone i worked for all my life and i had to start again with just my children and my wife i thank my lucky stars
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to be living here today 'cause the flag still stands for freedom and they can't take that away and i'm proud to be an american where at least i know i'm free and i won't forget the men who died who gave that right to me and i gladly stand up next to you and defend her still today 'cause there ain't no doubt i love this land god bless the usa. ♪ ♪ lakes of minnesota to the hills of tennessee across the plains of texas from sea to shining sea houstonroit down to and new york to l.a.
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there's pride in every american heart and it's time we stand and say that i'm proud to be an american where at least i know i'm free and i want forget the men who died who gave that right to me i'd gladly stand up next to you and defend her still today doubt there ain't no i love this land god bless the usa i'm proud to be an american
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where at least i know i'm free men whon't forget the died who gave that right to me gladly stand up next to you and defend her still today 'cause there ain't no doubt i love this land god bless the usa! ♪ president trump: thank you. "usa!"]hanting president trump: hello, montana. this is going to be a lot of fun. thank you. [cheers and applause] president trump: there's no rosendale a rally.
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but there is no place like a truck rally, right? [cheers and applause] president trump: we had a good time. and in the election, we won state by a lot. i am thrilled to be back in big sky country with so many of my great friends and true american patriots. thank you. applause]d president trump: from the rocky mountains to the great plains, the people of montana love our country so much. they honor our values, and you always respect our great american flag. you see what's happening. [cheers and applause] this is anrump: incredible time for our nation. we have the best economy in history. the stock market is at record highs. unemployment is at historic lows.
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and more americans are working ever [cheers and applause] president trump: that's a great stat, isn't it? more americans today, and it grows every week. every week it gets higher and higher. more americans are working today than have ever worked before in our country. that's a big stat. our coal miners are back to work. [cheers and applause] president trump: and we are fighting every day for our great , and as miners and farmers we are working quickly. we are rebuilding our military, crushing the terrorists, and taking care of our veterans. [cheers] president trump: america is
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winning again, and america is being respected again. [cheers and applause] president trump: as you all saw this week, the senate is now considering a truly exceptional nominee for the united states supreme court, judge brett kavanaugh. [cheers and applause] president trump: and he is doing really well, but do you believe the anger and the meanness on the other side? [boos] president trump: sick. it's sick. the whole country is now seeing his amazing intellect and his brilliant legal mind. judge kavanaugh deserves overwhelming bipartisan support. i think he is going to be one of our truly great supreme court justices. [cheers and applause]
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so tonight wep: terrificd by truly republican leaders from the great state of montana, anluding a friend of mine, incredible senator, somebody who works so hard, and i can tell you -- i don't want to embarrass him, but i can tell you he loves you. senator steve daines. [cheers and applause] president trump: thank you, steve. steve is a worker and does an incredible job. you also have a great attorney toeral, who i have gotten know over the years, tim fox, doing a fantastic job. [cheers and applause] president trump: your secretary of state, corey stapleton. corye?
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-- corey? thanks, corey. superintendent of public instruction. he is a fantastic person. elsie arntzen. [cheers and applause] president trump: she has done some job. i have heard all about you, your reputation. thank you very much. and your outstanding montana gop .hairwoman, deborah lamb [cheers and applause] how are we doing now[cheers and applause] compared to election day almost three years ago? better? even better. good. that is what we are doing in most states.
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in the states we won, we are doing better. thanks. great job. i am also thrilled to be joined by montana's terrific member of congress, a true champion for montana. i will tell you, this man has fought in more ways than one. [cheers and applause] brechtian forte gianforte. he is a fighter and a winner. he loves your state. thank you very much. votebody has taken out and for greg and people who are going to vote for us, because without that you would lose a lot of the things we won over
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the last two years. can't let that happen. but i am here for a specific reason. please welcome the person that we have such respect for, now leading in the polls. [cheers and applause] president trump: but i don't want to say that. i want to say he is just a little bit, like, one or two points behind. is that ok for me to say? but he is somebody who is going to be a phenomenal united states senator from montana, matt rosendale. matt, come on up. where is matt? come on up, matt. [cheers and applause]
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mr. rosendale: welcome back to montana, mr. president. [cheers and applause] mr. rosendale: this crowd is all here for you. what a crowd it is. us,k you for fighting for and for always putting america first. [cheers and applause] montana --son: mr. rosendale: montana is going to write a wrong this november, and we are going to send you the conservative reinforcements we need to continue your good work. [cheers and applause] mr. rosendale: my promise to
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each and everyone of you is that i will always put montana first and stick with president trump to make sure we advance his agenda. [cheers and applause] mr. rosendale: we are going to repeal and replace obamacare and give you options on health care that you can actually afford. we are going to protect your public land and fight against the liberals that are trying to track your guns. [cheers and applause] we are going to confirm more justices like neil gorsuch and kavanaugh, people who will uphold the constitution and defend your second amendment rights. [cheers and applause] speaking of the
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second amendment, we have some breaking news tonight. we were informed and learned nra hasht that the endorsed my campaign. [cheers and applause] mr. rosendale: we are going to secure our border, enforce our laws, and build that wall. [cheers and applause] [crowd chanting "build that wall!"] mr. rosendale: we are going to keep this economy growing, your taxes low, and keep government
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off of your back and out of your wallet. [cheers and applause] we have all seen the problems with big government , politicians representing themselves and not us, intoxicated with privilege and power. they start worrying about the next election instead of the next generation. president trump, i agree with you, we need term limits. [cheers and applause] mr. rosendale: that's why if you elect me, i promise to serve no more than two terms. the people of montana support term limits. they believe in doing your job , and so do i.home
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[cheers and applause] mr. rosendale: president trump, thank you for your support. we need everyone in this room, and across this state, to step up, and we can win this race. president trump and i are counting on you to help us here. [cheers and applause] mr. rosendale: tonight, i humbly stand before each and every one of you and ask for your vote this november. [cheers and applause] willosendale: together, we win this race, and we will send president trump the support and help that he needs back in washington. [cheers and applause] thank you -- mr. rosendale: thank you,
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montana. .hank you, president trump may god bless each and everyone of you and the united states of america. [cheers and applause] president trump: thank you, matt, very much. thank you. [cheers and applause] president trump: very, very important that we elect matt and, frankly, other republicans. we will get things we want. we have started the wall. we have spent $3.2 billion on the wall. we have to get the rest of the funding. the democrats want to obstruct our great justices. by the way, you instruct these justices, you are going to lose your second amendment, your right to those guns. be careful. [boos]
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president trump: the careful -- be careful. and don't forget, tester is going to vote with the waters and pelosis. can you believe it? maxine waters is the new leader of the party. [boos] president trump: i will say this. their policies are horrible. they are for open borders, meaning let all the crime come in. they are against so many things that you want. saying itn saying and strongly, they are going to hurt your social security so badly, and they are killing you on medicare. remember that, i am going to protect your social security. we are going to take care of your social security. matt rosendale is going to make
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sure we are not judging your social security and your medicare is only going one way. that is stronger. they are going to and up taking it away from you, and you won't even know what happened. on top of that, you will pay more taxes. jon tester will never dream swap , -- will never drain the swamp, because he happens to live in the swamp and loves the swamp. jon tester -- i feel a little guilty, because he did run the most beautiful commercial. i heard yesterday he started and he's like, my best friend, president trump this, president trump that. it's amazing when you win a state by a lot points how even democrats can like you. but the problem is, he is never going to vote for me. but he has taken more cash from lobbyists than almost anyone in the entire senate.
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he is controlled by his donors. one of the saddest things i have seen is when jon tester and what man,d to a great, great admiral ronnie jackson. [boos] president trump: admiral jackson was subjected to horrible lies and smears. i am a victim of that too, but i am sort of getting used to it. at least it's my job. i am a politician. i never thought i was going to say i am a politician. i guess i am a politician, you know? [cheers] president trump: i guess i am a politician. i did not want to say that. one of the few times i have said it. i have only run once, and that was for president, and i won.
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how did that happen? [cheers and applause] president trump: a lot of people have spent their lives trying to the president. some we respect, some we don't too much. but ronnie jackson is a doctor, he is an admiral. he is actually the doctor that gave me my physical. he said that i am in great shape. [cheers and applause] president trump: and the democrats and liberals, the deep state, they were very upset to they got tougher and tougher and they lied more and they write more books now. there are books stacked up this high. actually, the ones that are really good our number 1, 2, and three on the bestsellers list. is byally good one justice -- she's a judge, but
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she is justice to me -- judge .eanine the media does not talk about those books. they only talk about the bad ones, of which there are plenty. they are lies, but they are plenty. admiral jackson, his reputation was attacked. all of those horrible things that were said about him turned out to be lies and false. remember? people do not want to say that. in the last election, washington democrats put him in charge of electing extreme liberals. i am talking about serious liberals, many of whom you are watching attack judge kavanaugh
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and looking like for, frankly. looking like. . -- looking like. . one of and applause] them will most likely be a candidate to run against your favorite of all time president, maine -- me. when i see the anger in their , when i see the anger of what they say to an intellect far greater than theirs, not even a contest, the anger and the hatred, what are they doing? they are losing by doing it. losing. , what to finish off tester did to admiral jackson should never be allowed. ronnie jackson is a great man.
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jackson has led a great and beautiful life. him, i lies told about would never repeat what they are. in my case, they repeat them. i say don't repeat them, they are terrible. they say no, we will deny them. we left sean hannity -- love sean hannity? [cheers and applause] -- up all of these losers who say horrible things. one after another. , he has lasted up to. it is tough. i stand up here giving speeches for an hour and a half, many times without notes. then they say i have lost it. yet, we have 25,000 people showing up to speeches. [cheers and applause] by the way, look at all the fake news back there.
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[booing] donald trump. they go, donald trump. donald trump has lost it. republicans,at , a couple ofernors great people like ben carson. ben carson was tough. i beat 17 great people. i respectfully say, i beat the bush dynasty. ok. [cheers and applause] that felt good. pretty recently. ok. now i have the privilege of going against hillary clinton. [booing] i beat crooked hillary.
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[cheers and applause] i beat crooked hillary. the electoral college is hard. we are starting to find things out that we didn't know, it is hard and harder to win then popular vote. popular vote is three or four states. the hundred yard -- versus running the mile. you practice differently. she forgot that. she forgot to go to important states. i don't think i'm going to go to michigan. i don't think them going to go to wisconsin, she said. her husband said, you better go to michigan, you better go to wisconsin. fortunately, she do not listen. think of it. i beat the republicans, governors, senators. i beat the bush dynasty. respect.
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, who stole it from bernie. bernie should have one, but that's ok. superdelegates. but she has superdelegates. bernie should be angry. why is in he angry? crazy burning. he is so crazy. i saw him the other day on television. he is ranting and raving behind a microphone i will do this and i will do that, his hair is flying, he is going crazy. he's going crazy. i said to my wife, honey, look at that guy. you got a hand it to him. he does not quit. he does not give up. i do not understand why he allowed that to happen and he goes back to being an independent. he is going to run. think of it. you beat to dynasties, all of these politicians.
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when i announced i was going to run -- [cheers and applause] he said, why would he run? he didn't know me -- he said, this is the finest field of republicans ever assembled. i looked at my wife and said, that is his business. these are the finest ever assembled. why am i doing this? then i said, i will do it anyway. let's see what happens. [cheers and applause] all these senators, all these governors, brilliant political minds. i beat the other side. is he competent? i think i'm pretty confident. don't you think so? -- competent. don't you think so? is a competent? their ratings are down. people get it.
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it is funny to hear that you have all these victories -- more important than the victories, winning in the u.s. we are winning on trade, with military, knocking the hell out of the terrorists. we are winning in the u.s. look at what is going on. we have new deals eating made. a deal we just made with mexico, a fair deal. not the herb and this deal made years ago that should have been changed. we negotiated with canada and we'll see what happens. we are in a skirmish, but doing well with china. really well. [cheers and applause] i have great respect for president she of china. we have to be treated fairly. last year, we had a trade deficit of anywhere from 375
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billion-504 billion. either is not acceptable. we are doing that. i just came on stage and was said somekim jong-un terrific things about me. he said i have faith in president trump. [cheers and applause] you don't hear that from them. just moments ago, they put on that he said strongly that we want to denuclearize north korea during president trump's tenure. [cheers and applause] he just said it. in the meantime, even if he did not, we got our hostages back. no more missile testing. no more rockets flying over japan. there have been known more
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nuclear testing. we have a good feeling. he likes me, i like him. i can tell you, the day before i took office, i must say, as you know, the rhetoric was tough -- it is interesting. with him, i had tough rhetoric. fake news said it is too tough and he is going to get us into a war. it is terrible, he is being too tough. it's horrible. he knows nothing. i watched all of these guys who have been losing for 30 years explain why my method of negotiation was not working. [cheers and applause] right? i will tell you what, i respect him and he respects me. i think something is going to happen. take your time. sanctions are on. we got back our hostages.
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i did not pay $1.8 billion. [cheers and applause] nothing. we paid nothing. funny because other than nato, i got them to pay billions and aliens of dollars more because we are paying for nato. we are paying a massive percentage of cost protecting europe. i got them to pay billions more and the fake news said he was not respectful to the leaders of other countries. they are right because i said, you have to pay up. you are delinquents. and real estate, we say, you are delinquents. me, one of the leaders in front of the other 28 who i get along with -- they respect us. for years, nato spending was
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going like this. this is spending to protect them against russia. they keep talking about russia. i get them to pay billions of dollars more. they said, sir, can we ask you a question? it is nice when a president or prime minister calls use our. that means he has a respect. if you do not walk away from these meetings with us paying what we are supposed to be paying or more, will you leave? i said yes, i will. they all said -- [cheers and applause] we will pay. we will pay. now, the mainstream media does not want me to say that. they want me to say no, no, sir, i will never leave you. then there is no reason to pay. suppose they asked me the same question.
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talking about billions -- last , head ofretary general nato, he is my biggest fan and i like him, to. , last year is when i was minor. i did not want to use too much for barreto. they paid $44 billion extra. last year. this year, it is higher. i asked them in a more form manner -- firm manner. they were saying that i did not treat them well. if i would have done what they said or what have done what the consultants and at these people i watch on television, he used to do this, they all failed. we have our own way, a great way. when interesting because was dealing with north korea,
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they said, he's too tough. wasof my best meetings ever with vladimir putin. they said he was too nice. nice.ce-- too they wanted me to have a boxing match on the stage. ,e talked about ukraine, syria the protection of israel, so many great things. they came back and said, it was terrible. i said, what was terrible? we had a great meeting. when i came off stage, everyone said, that was great. i got onto the plane and they said sir, i don't think they liked it. i said, they liked it but they are fake. we had a great meeting. it was a great meeting. tough,ny thing, if i was if i said you will never do this again, there will be no more of this and that and stood him in
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, youace and started boxing know what would have happened? they would have said, he is too tough and that was a disgrace. the truth is, with these people, you cannot win. we are winning. i am president. we're winning. [cheers and applause] everybody knows jon tester's game. he says one thing and montana and does the opposite in washington. that is what happens. he will come home and tell you about the second amendment and vote for something where you were knocked out of it. jon tester talks like he is from montana, but he votes like he is nancy pelosi. [booing] look at his voting. it is the same of schumer -- of
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-- as schumer and pelosi. he voted no on tax cuts and voted for obama care, which we are most repealed and replaced. we will get it done. remember this, we got rid of the most unpopular element of obamacare. the individual mandate. [cheers and applause] we got rid of the individual mandate. that was the most unpopular thing. that is where you have the right to pay a fortune for the privilege of not having to pay a fortune for that health care. right? it's incredible. obamacare was going up 115%, 125%. all different places.
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-- repeal replay you and replace. if we have enough republicans, we will have better health care. [cheers and applause] we will do it. we had it done. remember, tester voted no. he voted no on kate's law. look to be better than kate law? he voted no on enhanced betting for refugees. let's not get them, but let them -- vet them, but let them into montana. jon tester voted in favor of deadly sanctuary cities. [booing] that is not a person from montana. i have a lot of friends in montana. i don't get it.
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how did he get elected? for veryr voted liberal obama judges. 99% of the time. yet, he would make it impossible for an incredible, distinguished, admiral, dr. not to get in. , many oferal judges whom are mocked and scorned, jon tester voted against our incredible supreme court justice neil gorsuch. how do you do that? [booing] first in his class at harvard. first in his class at oxford. he decided, i will vote no. by the way, justice as gorsuch is great and doing a fantastic job. just as kavanaugh will do the
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same. [cheers and applause] embarrassing to watch those people make full of themselves as they scream and shout. you are not just voting for candidates, you are voting for which party controls congress. very important. i do not even bring it up because i view it as something -- they like to use the impeach word. maxine waters says we will impeach him. he didn't do anything wrong. it doesn't matter, we will impeach him. how do you impeach somebody that is doing a great job? that hasn't done anything wrong? our economy is good. how do you do it? [cheers and applause] we will impeach him! but he is doing a great job! it does not matter.
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we will impeach him. it is a hell of a place in washington. if that happens, every time a republican or democrat opposite got elected president -- let's say a democrat gets elected someday, hopefully a long time -- let's say we have a republican house. we will impeach that democrat. ? freight than a republican -- a republican. we won by a hell of a margin. that is a lot. that electoral college -- we won by a lot. we are in their and we have the best employment numbers in our history, the best economy. look at the numbers in every category is great. we are doing a great job. putting on phenomenal judges. you take that and what you are
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going to have is a country that is going to turn into a third world country because if the opposite party becomes president , every time before it even starts, before you have found out whether or not he or she is going to do a good job, they will say, we want to impeach. it is ridiculous. i will worry about that if it happens. if it does, it's your fault because you did not vote. you didn't got to vote. that's the only way to happen. i will be the only president in history -- they will say what a job he has done but we are impeaching him. today's democrat party is held hostage by haters. absolute haters. left wing haters. angry mob, deep state radicals and their fake news allies.
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[booing] those people are the best. they're the best allies. you look at the washington post or the new york times. i can never get a good story. look at this horrible thing that took place today. is this suburban -- subversion? treason? say liberals that hate me that is terrible what they did. it is really terrible. when i won the election, the new york times -- all of their subscribers were leaving. when i am alternately no longer president and about six and a half years from now -- [cheers and applause] the new york times will go out of business. all of them will be out of business, even cnn. they are almost out of business now. [cheers and applause] they will be out of business. the new york times, you remember
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, it is famous. they apologize.for their bad coverage of me . to theirogized subscribers because after i won, everyone said, what the hell happened? we are reading this garbage and the guy they kill every day, he won. they wrote -- does anyone remember? they wrote an apology to their subscribers to stop the flow of people leaving and giving up their subscription to the new york times. it was quite amazing to watch. honestly, for two weeks, they covered me well. and then it began. it got worse and worse and worse. now we have reached an all-time low. the level of hatred is great. on the way over here, i saw a liberal pundit. he was filled with anger and he
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was attacking me and our great administration. we have great people. the white house is really working did. -- good. did you see that my wife put out a tweet today? she doesn't do this. she put out a tweet. they had me stomping around and screaming with anger up in my area of the white house, where i live with my wife and son, baron. they had me screaming, shouting like a lunatic. -- there were six people in my office. we were having a talk on trade. it happened to be trade with canada. they said, sir, you are not up there screaming and renting. you are talking. that is how dishonest it has come. i asked a young staffer of mine, why are they so filled? with
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this much hatred? jobsountry is thriving, are booming, prosperity is soaring and the future has never looked brighter for the usa. the young aide looked at me and said, mr. president, these liberal pundits come a they haters, they are angry because you have upset their entire way of life. [cheers and applause] i said, but let's get this straight, the country is really doing well. and he looked at me and he said something that may is true, i find it hard to believe. he said, sir, they did not care -- they just do not care. when you look at everything that is happening including military rebuilding and everything we are building is being made right here, the best missiles the world, the best plainsman world, the best ships and the world are
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all being made right here. the so-called resistance is angry because their horrible ideas have been rejected. by the american people. it is driving them crazy. they are the ones who have been driven crazy. is latest active resistance the op-ed published in the new ,ork times by an anonymous gutless coward. nobody knows who the help he or she is. it is probably she. for the sake of our national security, the new york times should publish his name at once. their reporters should investigate. that would be a good scoop. [cheers and applause]
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that would be a good scoop. unelected deep state operatives who defy the voters to push their own secret agendas are truly a threat to democracy itself. heartened when i looked. it has backfired. us de that do not take us, and people who do not like me, are supporting me. we have picked up a lot of support. this whole thing is going to be exposed and it is bad and dangerous and sad for the media and mainstream media. . it really is sad. when i tell you about the good news coming out of korea, they will hardly even reported. if this were president obama, that would be the biggest story in the history of the country. it is going to be, sooner or
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later, it will be exposed. the policies of our political opponents have brought about only failure, destruction, and humiliation to the country. look at what happened. look at where we were and look at where we are. [cheers and applause] we have tremendous potential upward. other countries are not doing well. had i not one, we would have been in negative. we would not be at 4.2. we would be in negative numbers. we were going down. we were low heading down. we freed up this country with deregulations and tax cuts. we free to the country and it is great to watch. [cheers and applause] if you do not elect mast, i tell you -- matt, they can change it
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quickly. nancy pelosi said yesterday she wants to raise taxes. [booing] is raising your taxes supposed to be a popular thing? what is going on is they have been driven so far left, i do not know why they do not talk about red waves. historically, the person that is president when you have the they having the president, do not do well in midterms. nobody has ever had an economy like we have. nobody has ever had this economy. hopefully, you will remember that. they robbed our middle class. ofle spending trillions dollars on adventures overseas. we are pulling way back but we are so respected now that we can pull back a little bit. we are so respected that they are not playing games with us anymore. do not want to tempt them by
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telling you things that don't happen anymore. there is no reason for me to tell you. when you see some of the things that happened four years ago or sixers ago or eight years ago, take a look at what happened and take a look at what happens now when we take the horrible iran deal and terminated it. [laughter] [applause] as ae respected again nation. we are respected again as a nation. but these people enriched themselves well, shipping our jobs to other countries, and they oversaw the greatest transfer of wealth in the history of the world. it's the greatest transfer. nafta was such a bad deal, they said please, extend nafta, i said, we have to renegotiated. such a bad deal.
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and when i was campaigning i said, we will renegotiated or we will cancel it. i don't care. but these disastrous policies 2016,n the ballot box in and they lost and they lost big. that is why we are here. [applause] in 2016 the american people voted to reject corruption, they voted to reclaim their independence, and they voted most importantly to make america great again. it's very simple. [applause] soon we will be changing it to keep america great. keep america great. seriously. when should we do that, by the way? soon we are going to have to change because we are doing well. but when did we change make america great again to keep america great? i don't know. [applause]
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soon. soon. we are draining the swamp, and the swamp is fighting back. but don't worry, we will win. we will win. we always win. we always win. need to vote you republican, vote for matt rosen dale, and vote to put america first. have to do it. have to do it. republicans stand for stopping illegal immigration, fixing cutting trade deals, your taxes in a major, major way, biggest tax cut in the history of our country. [applause] and in addition to that, we got know what that is, right, and alaska? they've been trying to get that approved for 50 years.
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we got an approved, as part of that plan. we will be defending your social security, which is the democrats will destroy. and we will be defending your medicare, and defending the safety net for truly needy truly needy americans that need help, that our americans, not for people that come into our country illegally. [applause] democrats want to raise your taxes. they want to raise them. i don't get it. i don't think i could win it if i said, ladies and gentlemen, i'm going to raise your taxes. alice, i don't think i'm voting for that guy. i'm going to raise your taxes. i don't know. maybe they know something i don't. blue wave? they will raise your taxes, let
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crime go on all around our we have so many people that are great people, these are warriors, these are warriors, i don't want to do it. you don't want to do it. i look at these people in the front row, two of whom i know, they don't want to do it. , let's go outke to dinner. they have done an incredible job. so they want to raise your taxes, they want to open your borders, they want crime to poorly and because that is what is going to happen when you open your borders. how about the governor, the governorship of california? he just announced he wants to open borders and wants to let anybody command that wants to. and then he wants to pay for all medical, for all school. what happens, i said, if the entire world decides to go to california he can as they get free medical care, and free education?
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california has just increased in size to 500 million people. become onehas just really large person. california, think of it. he says it want to open the border am i want everybody to come in, at the same time for illegal aliens, illegal immigrants, a lot of different names, he wants to get rid of to cut down on law enforcement and he wants to pay for their medical, their health care and their education. look, it's all about common sense. i think i won because of common sense. [applause] you,ecause, like you, like you, me, we are smart. we are really smart. but i said to myself, this is common sense, everyone's going to come in. i may even moved to california to get free health care. i may move there.
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the last time democrats were in power, they cut medicare by more than $700 billion to pay for the scandalous obamacare. now democrats want to steal trillions of dollars from medicare. they are going to ruin your medicare. watch. they want to turn america into venezuela. i don't think so. [booing] destroy medicare would medicare for all, you heard that, medicare for all. they will run out of money in the third take, and then it will be medicare for non-, or it will be 1/10 medicare what you've used to get. they want to rob our seniors of their medicare, and they want to raise your social security.
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a will destroy your social security. and i'm going to save your social security. we are not touching your social security. the remember when -- do you remember when i ran? i said, i'm not touching social security. and everybody else wanted to do things with social security. i said, we are not touching your social security. right? i didn't touch your social security. remember what i said? growth. growth will take care of it. and that's what has happening -- that's what is happening. growing, beyond what anybody expected, beyond what anybody said was possible, we are growing. a lot of money is coming in. democrats also want open borders, and all of that equals massive costs, massive, massive crime, and massive tears. tears. you look at the families who have been so badly hurt. republicans want strong borders.
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we want to finish the wall. we are up to $3.2 million. we have done a lot of work on the wall. a lot of people don't understand that, but is that ok. we've got to finish the wall and we will get that approved. we will get that approved or did move it along. i could do that all thing in one year but these guys are holding back. the only thing democrats are good for his instruction and resisting. there'll campaign is resist come resist. i don't get it. have no crime. we will protect america's people and great citizen. we want to protect american benefits. and we are doing that, and i have done that. in maryland, the democratic candidate for gu governor wants to give illegal aliens free college tuition courtesy of the american taxpayer. [crowd booing]
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. come on in, free college. in florida, the democrat nominee for governor wants to abolish ice and release hundreds of criminals onto our streets. he wants to also take care of their medicare, and every other thing you can take care of, you name it, he wants to take care of it. ad florida will be disaster. florida is one of the most successful states in our union, and it will be a disaster. you have a great candidate in florida. it's called the republican candidate. ron desantis. ron for governor. this election is a choice between democrats want to abolish us, and republicans who want to abolish ms 13. it is very simple. people have no idea how bad they are. nancy pelosi got extremely angry at me when she started yelling,
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they are human beings, don't talk to them like that, don't call them animals. remember she said, don't call them animals? and then you see what they do and how they do it and the vicious a summit. -- and the viciousness of it. sorry, you are going up the wrong tree, nancy. proudly withtand the brave men and women of ice, with border patrol and with our law enforcement. [applause] ice isingle day, tracking down drug dealers, child predators, gang members and vicious killers. and we are either throwing them the hell in jail or getting them the hell out of our country, and we are doing it better. [applause] this election is about safety.
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its election is about jobs, safety and it is jobs. thanks to republican leadership, our economy is moving like never before in our history. think of it. in our history. nobody knew this was going to happen. if i would have said this on the campaign trail, if i would have used 4.2%, adjusted upward from 4.1%, four .2% gdp, the press would have gone after me, they would have said impossible. jobless claims just fell to a 50 year low. 50 year. [applause] created over 4 million new jobs since the election and lifted almost 4 million americans off of food stamps. think of that. not only is it good for them,
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our country saves a tremendous amount of money, but it is good for them, they have jobs. we have added over 400,000 new manufacturing jobs that the democrats say are done, and that is going very shortly, with what is happening in some areas, it will go to over 600,000 manufacturing jobs. something that makes me very happy. it makes a lot of my friends very happy. african-american unemployment recently achieved the lowest, think of it, the lowest ever recorded in the history of our country. [applause] remember i said, what do you have to lose? go with me, what do you have a loose -- have to lose? so good. we are going to have tremendous african-american support. before i said, what do you have to lose?
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c, look at what is going on, the lowest unemployment in the history of our country, hispanic, and asian-american unemployment has also reached their lowest rates in the history of our country. history. youth unemployment has just reached its lowest rate in nearly half a century. unemployment for americans is so important. without a high school diploma, has reached the lowest level ever recorded. think of that. [applause] women's unemployment recently reached its lowest rate in nearly 65 years. 100,000 jobs building pipelines and supporting the production of oil and natural gas. [applause] added something great to
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our portfolio, bite increasing exports of clean, beautiful coal by over 60%. 60%. [applause] knows something about coal. over 60%.t that, we freed it up. it's a great natural resource. clean. i call it clean, beautiful coal. what they can do with cold today. in the first eight months of 2018, montana coal production increased by 2.5 million tons. that's a lot. that's a lot. [applause] to continue this incredible elect moree need to republicans like matt rosendale.
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off, itit can be turned can be turned off so quickly. last week we made another truly historic announcement, we are replacing nafta with a beautiful it is a muchcause different deal. it will be called the u.s.-mexico trade deal. [applause] one on one. and hopefully canada will come into that deal, but if they don't come of that will be fine, but if we do, that will be fine, either way we can live and will be very happy. i think they will. because we do love canada. they have treated us pretty badly for the past 40 years, but that's ok. wasn't my fault. we are going to make a fair deal with canada, just like we did with mexico. we are cracking down on unfair trade practices emanating from china.
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america is tired of getting ripped off. get a great deal for our farmers and ranchers and factory workers. we are giving our workers and business a level playing field. republicans passed the biggest veryge of tax cuts, and importantly, tax reforms. the average montana family of 2281 extraake home dollars this year, and many will take home much more than that. and our tax cut saves family farms and ranches and small businesses from unfair estate tax, also known as the death tax. [applause] , you have a beautiful
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farm, your husband or wife, and you love your kids, by the way, if you don't love your kids, don't leave it to them, don't worry about it but you want to leave it to your kids. you would like your kids to take over the farm, but you couldn't do it because they had to borrow a fortune in order to work it out. we got rid of that tax. that's a big deal. that's a big deal. [applause] so you can leave your small business or your farm or ranch, and they won't have to go into a big bank and say, geewhiz, wouldn't it be great if we could borrow some money? by the way. frank, i fixed it. dodd frank has been changed. we are canceling obama's illegal , anti-coal, so-called clean power plan. it sounds so beautiful. that you know what that means. it, this sounds so
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nice, clean our plan. there is only one problem. it doesn't work. it doesn't work. it will put our country out of business. it took away our greatest natural resources. we couldn't do anything with them. it was such a pretty term, clean power plan. it's out of business now. we are going to have clean power but it's not going to be under the clean power plant. and we are strongly protecting hunters andands for fishermen and everyone who loves the outdoors, like my son don, who comes here a lot. [applause] my son comes here a lot. a lot of you know my son, don, liveshere, let hunting -- loves hunting. we just veteran choice, giving right to see
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his private doctor. we also passed the landmark v.a. accountability act. they have been trying to pass both of them for more than 45 years. i got them both asked. passed. them both and now, accountability, when a government worker abuses one of our great veterans, we love our veterans, we turn to them and say, you are fired, folks. a record 700 billion dollars for our military this year, and $716 billion next year for our military. [applause] theon my direction, pentagon is working hard to create a sixth branch of the united states armed forces, the space force. so important. so important. people don't know. we are not just talking about
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going up to the moon, going up to mars, we are talking about, you need it. now you need it. you look at russia, you look at china, you look at what's going on, what they're doing, we need it. we will be the best in the world very shortly in space. i with drew united states from the horrible iran deal, and i also recognized the capital of israel and also opened the american embassy in jerusalem. big deal. that was a big deal. embassy is already built. it was built about 20 years ahead of budget schedule. i would say we are probably about 20 years, you know that story. i'm not going to tell it. but we built it real fast. we had the best location. they are all looking for a location, and a friend of mine, the ambassador to israel said, we already have the best piece of land in all of israel, the
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best piece of land in jerusalem. and we have a building on it. let's renovated. so instead of spending $1.2 billion, we spent $400,000. in 10stead of opening it or 20 years or maybe never, we opened it about four months later. it's been open for a long time already. a lot of people working there. so we have the embassy already opened. do i get credit for saving $1 billion? not really. someday. someday. lincoln, when abraham made the gettysburg address speech, the great speech, did you know he was ridiculed? he was ridiculed. he took the horse and carriage up from the white house, he wrote it partially in that carriage and partially at a desk in the lincoln bedroom, which is incredible, by the way, and the white house, and he went to
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gettysburg and he delivered that speech, the gettysburg address. by he was excoriated the fake news. they had fake news then. he was excoriated. they said it was a terrible, terrible speech. they said it was far too short. many of us know it by memory. and it wastoo short, far too flowery, too flowery, fourscore and seven years ago, right, too flowery. then he died. 50 years after his death, they said it may have been the greatest speech ever made in america. [applause] pretty good. pretty good. i have a feeling that's going to happen with us. in different ways, that's going to happen with us. for years you watched as your leaders apologized to other countries for america, they apologized.
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we are so sorry, so sorry, so sorry, and now you have a president who is standing up for our country. [applause] standing up. look at the size of that guy. man. look at this guy. do i like him? wow. [applause] we are not going to mess with him tonight, i tell you. thank you, man. that's cool. that's really great. thank you, very much. we are standing up for your values. we are standing up for montana. and we are standing up for our national anthem and our flag.
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[applause] but if democrats get back into reversehey will try to all of our incredible gains, gains like nobody thought possible. you need to get your friends, get your family, get your coworkers, and get out and vote republican. get out and vote from that rosendale. he is going to be a great senator and he will always vote for what we want. he will always vote for america first to make america great again. always be voting for us. it won't just be talk. loyal citizens like you helped build this country, and together we are taking back our country, at times not so easily, but it is happening and it is happening fast.
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we are returning power back to where it belongs, back to the american people. our american ancestors braved the oceans, tamed the wilderness, won a revolution and fought to victory in two world wars. triumphedd fascism, over communism, and we delivered millions into freedom. theancestors built railroads, linked the highways, an they proudly planted american flag on the face of the moon, which is not shown in that movie. they did not show that in the movie. see, what they are missing is beenthat movie would have a much bigger success if they had planted the flag like they were supposed to. we stand on the shoulders of generations of american veterans
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who knew how to work, new have to fight, and knew how to win -- knew how to fight and knew how to win. dislike them, we will keep fighting. we will not bend. we will not break. we will never give up your read will never, ever back down. and we will always fight on to victory. we are going to have a victory, we will keep it going. and ourwe are america, hearts bleed red, white and blue. [applause] we are one people one family, and one glorious nation under god. and together we will make america wealthy again, we will
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make america strong again, its strongdy happening -- again, it is already happening. we will make america safe again, and above all, we will make america great again. thank you very much, montana, thank you. ♪ ["you can't always get what you want" performed by the rolling ] ones
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♪ i saw her today at the reception hand.s of wine in her i knew she was going to meet her connection. at her feet was her footloose man.
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you can't always get what you want. on c-span. house will consider a bill that will define violent crime for the purposes of immigrant deportations. live coverage of the debate begins at 9:00 a.m. eastern. c-span2 will have live coverage at supremeer four court nominee brett kavanaugh's supreme court confirmation hearing. that will be a 9:30 a.m. eastern. and on c-span3, our live coverage of the water infrastructure hearing begins at 9:00 eastern. >> kids are kids. everywhere, they want your attention, they want to feel important, and they want to understand what is going on in the world. my worry is that they are intimidated and become a little mouse in the classroom. they don't have those dinnertable conversations. therefore they feel they can throw their ideas out. i tell them, let's have a
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karaoke contest. they know the songs and will go on and on singing. and i go, let's have a contest and talk about the issues in the song. i think when i make it relevant, they enjoy it, they engage and they learn. >> saturday 10:00 a.m. eastern, meet the middle and high school civics teachers that participated in the c-span classroom manual educators conference, d at 10:00 a.m. eastern on c-span, or on the free c-span radio app. sunday at four clock p.m. , stern on reel america ♪ over there, over there. film, the3 army pershing story, on the life of general john j version of a commander of expeditionary forcing us -- general john j pershing, commander of the
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expeditionary forces of world war i. and filled with an emotion which i'm unable to express. pursing himself was decorated by nine foreign governments as well as his own country. america sunday four clock p.m. eastern on c-span3. >> at a senate hearing, the administrator of the tsa talked aviation security and reform efforts at the agency. this is the commerce, science and transportation committee. this is one hour and 40 minutes.