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tv   Secretary of State John Kerry and Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov...  CSPAN  September 10, 2016 2:51am-3:42am EDT

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they said she has more senior military leaders. on average they are younger and more closely in touch with the security challenges we faced. one them a greek american former commander of nato said he appreciated the fact that mr. trump wanted to spend more money on the military. but he said we don't need that much more. he said the military is not a disaster. it is a treasure, and we should honor it and not ridicule it. and we should honor the parents of fallen soldiers no matter what their religion is. [applause] but then he said an interesting thing. i wore the uniform of this country for 35 years, and i can tell you we are not going it kill our way out of this crisis. we are going to have to work our way, argue our way and win our way out of this because of our belief that we are stronger together. which means that it is absolutely crazy to go around
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terrifying an alienating american muslims who love freedom, hate terror, work themselves to the bone, raise their kids with good values and are trying to build a better life here. we need everybody to work together to help us beat this problem. [cheers and applause] so that's it. this is a really simple choice. but when you read the paper every day, it is just about who can say the worst thing about who else, isn't it? and it is not just the candidates. like i said, surely there is something i can think bad to say about you today. we are celebrating the life of a man who died at 43 today. in church right now his funeral is going on. this was brought to me by someone who went there first and came here. i have now lived 27 years
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longer than this man did. but he gave 43 good years. so here is what i want you to think about tomorrow. don't you want to live in this neighborhood where no young african-american male is afraid to walk the streets and walk out? [cheers and applause] wait, let me finish. and don't you want to live in a neighborhood where when you see a policeman or woman in uniform, you are glad to see them because they are helping your kids stay safe? [cheers and applause] you want both. his life. so tonight when you watch the news, tomorrow when you think about this, think about this man's life. he was playing football at pitt. he probably thought he would live to be 90. he didn't know the day or the
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hour, but he made a huge difference with his life. and he didn't make it by ignoring the real life flesh and blood challenges of the people in his church and the people in his community. we have to get real about this election again. this is about you and your children and your future. and the only two things that can keep us from having, i think, the best 30 or 40 years this country has had maybe ever in terms of economic and social progress, massive discovery, everybody in this audience under 30 years old has a legitimate chance to live to be 100 without the athlete of aults or other dementia because of all these advances. and they will create tons of jobs. i think we are on the jerge of this. we have to pick a good leader,
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and then we can't be derailed by political gridlock in washington or economic and social turmoil around the world. she ought to be president. if you watched that commander in chief program on cnn, she ought to be president with the standing and the understanding to give us space enough to grow our way out of this mess we are in. so i ask you, go out and talk to your friends and neighbors about this. people say everything i read is bad. i think i will stay home. it doesn't make any difference. oh, yes it does. it makes 14 million jobs worth of difference. it makes the minimum wage, equal pay and family leave worth the difference. it makes being able to pay off that college loan without brumenting yourself and being able to move out of your parents house worth the difference. .t makes all the difference don't substitute anger for
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answers. don't substitute resentment for responsibility. emember, empowerment comes from being stronger together. we can do it. you can do it. but hillary to do it has to win pennsylvania, and that's you. thank you and god bless you. [cheers and applause] [captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 2016] [captioning performed by the national captioning institute] ♪
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♪ >> this sunday night on "q & a," author and columnist, david k. johnson discusses his book, the making of donald trump, which takes a look at the republican nominee. >> i me donald. he is p.t. barnum. he is selling you tickets to the mermaid and the woman. because he was the dominant force in atlantic city, i started asking about him and his exet first, including steve
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wynn and big gamblers all said donald doesn't know anything about the casino business. >> sunday night on c-span's "q & a." >> after a 12-hour meeting in geneva, secretary of state john kerry and the russian foreign minister announced a cease-fire agreement for syria at a news conference today. the cease-fire is set to go into effect sundown monday, september 12. this is about an hour. >> so thank you all for a tremendous patience during the course of a very long day, which obviously has required a lot of detail work . and we appreciate everybody's patience. today, the united states and russia are announcing a plan
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which we today the united states and russia are announcing a plan we hope will reduce violence, easy suffering and resume movement -- rds a negotiated peace and a political transition in syria. as itieve that the plan is set forth, if implemented, if followed, have the ability to provide a turning point. the suffering that we have witnessed in syria over the course of more than five years now is beyond inhumane. people have all seen the pictures. tortured.ldren, gas. on aorld has been shocked constant basis by what we have witnessed.
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administration, the united states, is going the extra mile because we believe that russia and my colleague have the capability to press the assad regime to stop this conflict and to come to the table and make peace. working together, russia and the united states and our teams have a more what we think is prescriptive and far-reaching approach than we have been able to put together to date. if,i want to emphasize the if the plan's implementation in good faith, if the stakeholders do the things that are available to them in her being called on to do, this can be a moment multilateral efforts
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at the diplomatic table, the negotiations could take hold and provide the people of syria with a transition. minister and i have had frequent conversations and meetings most recently in moscow and here geneva. each time we have worked together to try to build a consensus on the broad steps and then develop specific ideas on how those steps could be implemented. as we have both stated several times, we did not publicly spell out these measures earlier because the details of how they would be carried out were andial to be finalized because each had an impact on the other hand we know that
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especially in syria plans do not implement themselves. today, we are announcing an arrangement that we think has butcapability of sticking is defended -- dependent on people's choices. it has the ability to stick providing the regime and the opposition both meet their obligations. we expect other supporting countries will strongly encourage them to do. obviously, the russians have an ability to be able to encourage assad and we have the ability with other countries to encourage the opposition. what specifically have to agree to? we agreed on the steps through which the regime will come to a place where it will not fly combat missions anywhere where
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the opposition is present in an area we have agreed on with very real specificity. once this arrangement is full effect, the regime would no longer be able to do in the future without -- what it has done in the past which is go out there and hit moderate opposition. and mask attacks against the legitimate opposition claiming it is going after nisra. this step is essential. it is a bedrock of this agreement. by all accounts, the assad era airhave been -- era tax -- attac have been the main driver ofks the hostilities -- of the hostilities in halting all the regime's military activities in
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key areas that are defined. managed in a different way also. that should put an end to the indiscriminate bombing of civilian neighborhoods and has the potential to change the nature of the conflict. whether it does or not depends on compliance. second, the united states and russia have agreed on steps which we will take providing ofre is a sustained period reduced violence and after that sustained time, we have agreed that we will then work together providing both access and produced violence -- reduced violence. we would then work together to develop military strikes against
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nisra. i want to be clear about one thing on this as i have seen reporting that somehow suggests otherwise. going after nisra is not a confession to anybody. -- concession to anybody. it is in the interest of the united states to target al qaeda into target their affiliate syria. an organization opposed to a peaceful transition. an organization that is the enemy of the legitimate opposition. organization that is plotting attacks beyond the syria's borders, including against the united states. we must go after these terrorists. not indiscriminately, but in a strategic, precise and judicious manner. so that they cannot continue to use the regime's instrument bombing in order to rally people
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to their hateful crimes. it is our belief that nisra and isil have grown stronger because of the bombing. that is our belief. saidrd, in moscow we also before we could move forward with the steps that we have identified, we would need seven days of adherence to the cessation of hostilities in order to convince the people of syria and the opposition that the actions of the regime will be consistent with the words that we put on paper. i've talked to previously about the words on paper not meaning anything unless the actions follow them up. of course, the opposition will also be expected to adhere to the cessation of hostilities. that is why today the united states and russia together are calling on all sides to recommit
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to a nationwide cessation of hostilities and to honor its previous terms. this will be effective at sundown on september 12. that was the beginning of the holiday. we can think of nothing more appropriate than for all the parties to come together and make it a more meaningful holiday to the people of syria. this requires halting all attacks, including aerial bombardment. any attempts to gain additional territory at the expense of the parties to the cessation requires unimpeded commander access to all of the besieged and hard-to-reach areas, including aleppo. , we know thatre aleppo continues to be the cityged and bombarded
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taken on by the regime and its allies. if aleppo is in peace, we believe that the prospects for a diplomatic solution will brighten. if it continues to be torn apart, the prospects of syria and its people are grim. that is why this arrangement also requires forces from both sides to pull back from the road . we have agreed on that pulled back. costello road is a major artery into aleppo. what this will to his create a demilitarized zone around it. permitting as quickly as possible the resumption of communitarian and civilian traffic along that road. aat will be achieved over period of time by monitoring. meanwhile, in the gap area in
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southwest aleppo, both pro government and opposition groups will be required to provide safe humanitarian, commercial and civilian access. under the opposition or the government will be permitted to attack or to take territory held by the other. obstruct thedd, to delivery of humanitarian goods. finally,eginning -- beginning september 12, we will then commence preparatory work for a joint implementation center. these preparations will include initial discussions that some sharing of information necessary for the delineation of territories controlled by the groups in the area active hostilities. the more comprehensive process of delineation will be conducted
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by experts once the joint oncecation group center, it is established. aftert is established semicontinuous days of adherence -- seven continuous days of adherence, the u.s. and russian experts will work together to nisra.aesh and i want to emphasize that these measures can only be implement it effectively if all of the parties live up to their obligations. if groups within the legitimate opposition want to retain their legitimacy, they need to distance themselves in every way possible from this rough -- ni sra and daesh. we expect that russia will make
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sure the syrian government adheres to its requirements. this based onding trust. it is based on a way of providing oversight and compliance through mutual interests and other things. we are determined to explore everything will have an impossible for progress. holds, thenngement we will see a significant reduction in violence across syria. we will seek to maintain -- humanitarian aid relief efforts. reducedperiod of violence, then we will see the in other states taking corrugated steps to isolate and defeat the terrorist groups that have added immeasurably to serious suffering and misery.
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we will facilitate a political transition which is the only way to bring about a durable and to this work. i want to emphasize that the crisis in syria is enormously complex. relatively simple at the same time. it is complex for reasons that we all understand. the number of stakeholders with different agendas. the ones that haven't inflicted by years of fighting. the ideological divides. the urban and suburban were zones. the brutality of extremists. and the honorable actions of some outside powers. let me be clear, out of all of complexity,ty -- there is a simple choice between war and peace. andeen human agony
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humanitarian relief. between the disintegration of an aged society and the rebirth of a modern nation. the specialank envoy to week will hear from later in many governments from the middle east and elsewhere who have been supportive. the religious and advocacy groups that have been working for years to aid victims and halt the fighting. on behalf of our president and country, we call toevery stakeholder support our plan to need the hard work of bringing the catastrophic conflict the nd through the political process.
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goal is to find the day when this round the clock diplomacy is not necessary. i would you think he and his team. they had been patient as we work through a very long day to make sure everything was done well. him for hisl to average in trying -- effort in trying to help provide for this opportunity. it is an opportunity until becomes a reality. thank you. serei. >> good evening, ladies and gentlemen. i understand how you can feel at this time of night. john has said we are grateful. grateful to each other for our nations.
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we hope that this was not in vain. we have a huge piece of for that began on direct instruction from our president in february. ongoing without impediment. it hasn't taken on by experts and ministers. been taken on by experts and ministers. a year ago, our proposal to met a coolcoronation response from our american critics who are engaged in a deconstruction that is allowing to avoid incidents. president andthe
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the conversation called for an initiative to make additional efforts to ensure sustainable cessation of hostilities. on this basis, a number of meetings took place. today.lminated this justified -- is a spine by many actors of difficulty. -- justified and explained by many actors of difficulty on the ground. the stakeholders involved. -- a lot of stakeholders involved. this is not help us as was the lack of trust between the russians and americans. and the syrian matter particularly. say that the trust
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remains and the russian people would like our arrangement to be , it is an arrogant announcement of sanctions on the verge of the meeting of our in anotherin china announcement of additional things met. we are not offended. we are sticking our position. we believe the settlement of this crisis is not a topic on which one can speculate. we believe that this is the primary responsibility of cochairingers were the syrian support group. it is our responsibility and
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obligation with their international partners to do to reach the necessary conditions to settle this conflict. despite all the problems that have arisen, despite the attempts to undermine today's arrangement, we have managed to .evelop a package of documents today's document is not the only one. there are five documents in total. organize and expand the humanitarian access to toppo and allows the ability enhance the secession of facilities -- hostilities. it creates the conditions which has been stalling.
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the main thing about these arrangements would be that the first step -- the rate confirmation -- reconfirmation will do everything for the parties to take the necessary steps and reconfirmed their covenant -- commitment. the permanent cessation we are pushing for. is optional for seven days, we will create a joint -- if it is adhered to for seven days, we will create a joint group and we will be engaged in installing particle matters of
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separation of -- practical matters of separation from the terrorists and moderate opposition. be strikes against terrorists. the air force is a russia and u.s.. we have agreed on the areas where such corrugated strikes will take place. those areas are neutral agreements and are -- mutual agreements shared by the syrian government as well. only the air forces of u.s. and russia will be functional. syria will be personal outside of areas singled out for russian-american oteri cooperation. i would like to highlight that the task of separating terrorists and moderate in physical
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separation of them on the ground is enshrined in the document which we have agreed upon today as a key priority. another topic is humanitarian assistance in the document we should have agreed upon today, we have a shrine to the mechanism -- enshrined the mechanism of humanitarian delivery. -- aid delivery. is cooperation with the u.n. and the red crescent. we have the procedures of response on the cessation of hostilities. they day if the 12 of september. that moment, number of steps will be taken and antiterrorist context and the humanitarian
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assistance contest -- context and enhancement of cessation of hostilities. john has mentioned that the supported thing is how it is implemented. had the agreements are fulfilled. -- how the agreements are fulfilled. we and the united states take the obligation to do our best to engage and make the stakeholders comply with the arrangements. the syrian government has been informed by these arrangements it is ready to fulfill them. initiative.the we will do everything. it's understandable that not everything depends on us. , the real views
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of the opponents of the regime from some good that call themselves supreme committees, there have been ultimatums, the refusal to cooperate as well as threats for humanitarian convoys you have received from the opposition -- who have received from the opposition. the humanitarian convoy was ready to defend when we last -- we met.the last time the opposition said any convoy going along the coast on the castillo road would be shot at. costello road would be shot at. many groups need to be influenced.
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this process have had a lot of situations -- has had a lot of situations where someone could slip away from the commitments and look for reasons why it was impossible to fulfill the obligations. today, we had developed a significant and concrete package of documents. these are the reasons mentioned by john. we cannot make it public because they contain rather sensitive information and we do not want this information to come to the hands of those who would try to undermine the implementation of with regard to humanitarian access and other parts of the arrangement. those documents are already entering enforce position. oficially the 12th september. i'm very glad that john had an
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important thing he said. is aimed to fight nisra and those who believe the fight are wrong. that is important. people suppose the united states are not desirable to fight with nisra.they are just keeping them john is welcome by me. worlds not the end of the . it is just the beginning of our new relation and new hope that all of those who deal with value willntegrity of the --
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support the arrangement. we expect to have close cooperation with our friends on because we are convinced that since the beginning of implementation of these arrangements, there will be favorable conditions as it has been said to resume the negotiations on the political settlement. thank you. >> thank you, very much. underscoringur that russia has artie talked to present a solid -- already talked to president assasd. we're going to hear a word, he will not take questions. we do want, as you have heard tonight, the u.n. is a critical partner in all of this.
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we are grateful for their many efforts with respect to syria. i would like to introduce the u.n. special envoy. >> thank you very much. it has been a long day. good results. i will read a statement which is representing the position of the u.n. with the mission rather than talking off-the-cuff. the u.n. welcomes the understanding of today by the russian prime minister and secretary of state john kerry. this understanding regards the cessation of hostilities in syria so that the departed can return to talks, resume military
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acts andumanitarian the cessation of hostilities against the we welcome the fact that the russian federation and the united states of america are prepared to work together to defeat daesh. the united nation's hopes and believes that the political will that led to this understanding is sustained. it creates a window of which all relevant actors in the region and beyond should face to put the crisis on a different path and reduce the violence. let me be clear, europe and asking me and i'm ready to say that the united nations stands ready to deliver and to do what
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every -- whatever it can. partiespected that all will facilitate u.n. efforts to deliver humanitarian assistance to the population in need hard-to-reach to exertwill continue all effort to that end. changeital that the real is felt by the ground of the syrian people. lastly, the u.n. hopes that implementation of this understanding will facilitate renewed efforts to reach a sentiment political of the conflict as called for in the geneva communique. personally proceed to consult with the general ban
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ki-moon. this will be on the 21st of september with a few to advancing the objective and discussing the date for the renewal of the next round of talks. let me say thank you to both of you for allowing us to reach out to work. thank you. >> we have flights that have been delayed. we're going to take one question. we apologize. >> from cnn. thank you. about implementation as being the most important thing about the agreement, the entire iss g along with the syrians and
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opposition agree to a cease-fire in february and was endorsed by the un security council. how is this different? how can you make sure the respective allies are ready to respect the terms of any agreement? secretary kerry, we have to ask you about north korea, for seven years in administration has attempted the same policy of increasing sanctions and strategic patience with north korea, this security council and russia past the most biting sanctions ever and for three has only increased its weapons program, white is not -- why is it not time to try the harder embargo or new negotiations? as part the implementation of the arrangement, no one can give 100% guarantees.
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there are a lot of stakeholders involved. i connected to a whole number of them. the fact that we have managed to joint the iss bg by the efforts, other countries influencing our represented included the saudi arabian and iran. this is a great achievement. that -- theg capabilities of this group must a responsible an emotional discussion should be avoided. everything should be prepared in advance. the documents we have approved
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informwe will have to the issg and the un security council on the nature if we want to receive these organizations. there is no other way to -- except organizing the exclusive dialogue. this inclusiveness must be extended to enter syrian talks talkser -- inter-syrian and the circle that needs to be closely involved in assisting the talks. korea, an official statement has been made by russia. expressing our nonacceptance of the actions that violate the resolutions of the council and we consider this actions as
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neglect of international law. them tot allow undermine the nonproliferation regime which threatens the peace and security. righther hand, you are that the current situation shows diplomats doormats -- should be more creative than just resorting to sanctions and sanctions. i'm convinced that by condemning the dangerous exploits of the korean government, we must refrain from steps that could lead to further escalation. and put the region on the verge opposition.
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the similar situation with iran there have been created approaches used by all the participants. here in norththat the opportunity to have accretive understanding of the of -- an and develop creative understanding of the situation and development of a manner. we should look for ways to resume the talks. thank you. >> the question was asked, what is different about the situation relative to the previous announced cease-fire. we work are hard to make sure
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that you were not just repeating the same thing. that does not mean it is going to automatically succeed. we are created an entirely different pressure this time. -- structure at this time. what happened in the past was that, first of all, the assad regime continue to fly and bomb indiscriminately. everybody knows the record of the bombs and hospitals and schools. what happened was because of that continued bombing, those others who had signed up to the cease-fire felt compelled to fight to save their countrymen. number two, there was always a sra versuswith ni illegitimate operation group -- opposition group.
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legitimate opposition group. the assad regime said they were going after them but at the same time they would be attacking those who had signed up for the cessation of hostilities. that confusion lent itself to a complete fraying of the cease-fire structure. thing, you have a combination, the flights, bombs and confusion with viscera -- n isra. we have told you, if it is implemented, the initial seven days of a genuine reduction in violence and seriousness of purpose, when that is happened, with attractive women taking group is set up as a consequence
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of the increased mentoring access and reduction in violence, then we will be working together to beat delineating and separating nisra and working together using our knowledge and technology and assets to be able to do a more ofpoint/strategic set operations to deal with nisra and/or isil. the warning me get to opposition groups who have up until now found it convenient to work within this is that it would not be wise to do this. it is why two separate oneself. that's will be different. there is a deterrence and that. there is also a deterrence that russia holding us accountable to
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his problems. this is a new equation. we believe this new equation offers an opportunity, not a certainty, an opportunity for people to be able to find a peaceful solution because we do not believe there is a military solution. the current trend is integrating more terrorists, more extremists and destroy the country in the process. earlier, president obama has gone the extra mile. way tor to try to find a end the carnage on the ground in syria. obviously, i think it is a courageous decision. it is the right decision. putin has madet a decision to commit the resources to make sure the assad regime lives up to its
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obligations and to work with us. hopefully this can turn some things around. that is what we are working towards. with respect to north korea, we have made overtures after to the dictator of north korea. we have medically to him that we are prepared to talk about peace, peace on the peninsula, about food assistance, normal relationships with the world, a nonaggression pact. a host of different ingredients hehe will simply acknowledge is prepared to come to the table and talk about demilitarization and his responsibilities to the world. he has refused to do that again and again. yes indeed, last round of sanctions was the most biting senses is today.
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as you recall, it took a number of years and a fair number of rushing up the sanctions to bring iran to the table. ultimately, iran came to the table and negotiated because of realized it was the response will thing to do. our hope is that we can get back to the talks. we are prepared to go back. is say is to do prepared to talk about demilitarization. unfortunately, he takes the opposite path, three commits to this program and against all u.n. security council resolutions, continues to shoot missiles and continues to threaten and be provocative in the region. this is why every country in the region, every neighbor of his in the region and outside the region are opposed to what he is doing. he stands alone and he invites greater isolation.


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