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tv   U.S. Senate  CSPAN  March 22, 2024 9:00pm-10:08pm EDT

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>> the point to do it no american poised to spend one third more dollars they receive, the spending $60000, no american family can do that. that is what is happening here come the spending that has been brought forward, for her spinning plans is your, lead to
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a $1.5 trillion deficit and so $4.5 trillion going to spend,■ $6 trillion and it is reckless, it leads to inflation, and it is a direct vote is still your paycheck. because what happens money, the federal reserve just prints up more money and no pay for all of the deficits created but that devalues yourlar is when he got the grocery store coming to prices have risen, putting percent, you can think the people today the doorff every program under the sun that their mother their mother there bye-bye they want and they're going to give you, but they're going to borrow the assuaging ts like will what you want america, given she is pretty don't have to do anything but it's borrowed. they give you stuff, but they borrow the money come they create inflation and this is been going on for a while.s accn
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alarming pace now. with the covid-19 lockouts, we were borrowing $3 trillion, then with the biden years globe are borrowing over trillion was to borrowing at $1.5 trillion. why, because her proposals, they take most of the spinning off limits, two thirds of our spending use entitlements also getting medicare medicaid, food steps,ha is the spending tl the money you pay in taxes. they take it off of the limits of their sector had the center they said we will entitlements and if you don't you're not a serious person if you don't, your part of the problem and entitlement is two th(ir of the spending. we want to do something, i think joy going that we have to reform these know but if you do not reform them, they are an acre around the neck of america are destroying us west many many we do not have
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to address. and now the remaining one third of this betting that's what we vote on, military spending, nonmilitary s spending, and the remaining one third, they took half of that off of the table. so entitlements is to third of the spending, this got up about five - 6 percent and the remaining third that we have boat voting on military and military this it will be up continue to expend military, is going to go up to 3 percent and so what we left with some of your left at one half of one third, 16 of the government about 16.6 percent going to say, will we are really going to try to rein in spending their and there were they do is the winter 2 percent this bill spans, one third more than comes in and was going to lead you to has been leading to, as the erosion of your paycheck, explosion of your gas prices, the exposing of grocery bil. nothing is changing, and you ask
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yourself the republicans, we have the republican majority house and extensively republicans are for reducing the filibuster minority in the senate and extensively senate is and also taking control of a dead yet ha, the spinning goes on apace deficit grows by day. so when we get the spending bill. they had months and months to do this when did we get it, i 2:32 a.m. on thursday. and now rush rush rush move gotta shovel the money out the door most of which we do not have or one third of which we do not have and we gotta borrowing because the government will shut down friday at midnight. it was a government try to get away but we up against the deadline, because they did not until 230 the morning on thursday. do you think we had reduced, do you think we gotta know what is it.
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republicans and democrat leadership gave this to us at 232 in the bill, over a trillion dollars, no one will be able to thoroughly read and know what is in their until after its past but it's rush rush rush borrow money under embargo monies for the money than try to deceive you into thinking that we gave you about you mammoth from heaven gave you all of these gifts, just these bottles get a lot of free stop and because you like him to theen it, but they won't tell you the truth, that is his borrowed things when inflation and it is the biggest threat to our country. we are not threatened by other countries invading our country, we are strong and mighty country to which i do not believe we■m external threat but we have threat internally and most of it resides in this body was of a resides in this body into with spenders are not
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adequate concerned with spinning comes in. just jolly well borrowing it and sending it abroad and you look woke my some things are with ukraine but my first obligation is to my country we can just borrow money descendents ukraine and you was a war is finally over which has when they will be over the couryed with barbs on both sides, so what is going to be also pay for and that will beautiful salmon a soccer, that wille asked to pay for it. this bill that we are looking at, has 138 pages, and over 1400 earmarks. totaling $2 billion and was earmarks, and spark, not acknowledged by theution and the constitution say that we contact and spend money for the general welfare and where are alloditution, only if it is for everyone so by
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path in rhode island are people who live in one city in rhodev island pretty and they should tax the people of rhode island of his you do not text everybody for by god that is against the
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time. there was a conservative democrat by the name of william proxmire from the long time ago though these were used to be conservative democrats are cared about the programs that he talked about was and get out oft he said it was one of his neighbors, he said that the government in their infinite wisdom decided to discover whether or not that if you gave jen to a son for versus tequila, which would make the sunfish, moree. think about it these are pressing problems, $100,000 to get tequila to sunfish engehe we aggressive and do you think that so crazy, certainly that's what off we discovered this kind of waste and we made a better and talked about this for 15 years enter the seniors that he talked abouto crazy research like this, that not a penny should be
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spent on, increased and in fact, fast-forward to last year, we os enter what he was talking about, and last year, the main organization probably the most wasteful scientific accumulation at their aggressive national science foundation and was about you, never a public is no oted to double budget for the national science foundation what else that they do it there and let's see, wellv nearly a million dollars payout study whether or not the japanese quail if cocaine, with a more promiscuous in your tax dollars, so anytime you're bringing over there doing is worth knowing the money remind them with their spinning it on nearly million dollars to study japanese quail to see if the more promiscuous and they take cocaine. in another oneely for autism. he got to that autism they set
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printed in the city here and there that you never know what it wil with you some of us call them eggheads is nice is what i can think of, study what did armstrong say what did neil armstrong say when he landed on the moon, one small step for man or was man, $750,000 was spent studying what he actually said, those into the crackly old audio from the black and white tapes, when the moon landing, and then be in $750,000 later, they could not■t decide. one step for man and one step for a man is the craziness that goes on and yet he goes on and on a and here's what i would even want to something justified, so it's a family members members who has alzheimer's and i have a mother not died not tooon w something for the disease and more
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vigorous company and we can spend some money and alzheimer's disease. but at the same time, we cannot bankrupt our country solicit we spent a hundred million dollars last year on alzheimer's disease and micro go to wedding we should spend 95 million this year, the never happens, nothing ever get smaller around and everything gets bigger and everybody that want something gets it and they put it on uncle sam stabbed, and we have a 34 going on 35 trillion-dollar debt heard is fema now in our budget within about a years would be interestn and here's a couple of the new your marks this bill, $2 million for the construction of shellfish nursery in maine. you might say will my taste really good and i like to eat couple good, there's already a 15 billion-dollar private market
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for kelp there are companies including in maine, that are growing kelp, then i say wonderful. i'm not so sure giving us of the government or to government universities is going to help these businesses or compete witb in the federal government to be involved in these parochial concerns and another your mark that we discover this bill is 1.5 million to encourage video gaming in new york. and i you know i video games 1.5 million to encourage them i don't think it's be better off than 1.5 million to discourage kids from playing video games when i see no reason when we are down in the hole thishat we would do this and this is an out on to these add-ons from their earmarked in the name of probab the senators from new york, they had decided that they want this videogame thing in
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your notes of any that industry i don't know, maybe a friend ofu do not earmarks think that is why are supposed to be for the general welfare don't just say, something avoid give to a specific parochial state. the third item that we have is $388,000 for columbia university and i'm sure if the this earmarking would be saying, well i just love education and i'm just for education pretty well so i have a product of public school education and product school education and lots of education and i am all for that you know what, currently of the, the me $388,000 in 20 days of interest to pretty do think maybe they can spend their own m to get into columbia, which i think this money may be related to, theost $12500 for a three
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week course at columbia we are talking about extraordinarily wealthy people paying this going to school there's the taxpayers to be giving a rich university $13 billion any money. and next earmarked that we found was $249,000 for the baltimore symphony. people say will gosh i love the symphony and i love music for sunday why the things he is, that the way the government supposed to work as that if you think that there is a general need for symphy symphony bill to give money to all the symphonies and we would make them part of government well we don't have the money to doeven worse, we should not be n the symphony business in the federal government we don't have any money and is not part of the general welfare the people in te appropriations committee that have seen seniority the means you been here you know 50 - will be between 50 and00 years mt of the time besson exaggeration was a 50 years so they been here 50 years their eyes to top and
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by going to get money for their symphony and their city. the way the government is supposed to work in writing would be less place with the surplus this is the mr. barling is of the tuner symphony, this would be borrowed from china race all up in arms about china what we are going trying to be coming weaker than try to because we keep spending money that we do not have next earmarked was million■ dollars for cambridge massachusetts, the community center to install some solar panels hello, i like solar panels as well as anybody and i think that is really critical to get solar energy from the solar panels but this is a risk community where harvard is where some of the largest mystics successful corporations and resources are in boston and do you think they cannot pay for solar panels solar panels about the general any father said that all spending and taxation had to be from the general welfare want one step
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further coming to an article one section all the things that we are allowed to do. my list of those to buy solar panels for one town you would think that a wealth of the nim mit and harvard all of that wealth and cambridge were to be able to bind their own solar panels but it has no place in the is $1.5 trillion in the hole. only makes us weaker. the next mark is million dollars for martha's vineyard hospital, when the richest zip codes in the united states. i've been to martha's vineyard is bea can only afford going type of the things is if you live there, it's wonderful them all for wealthy people and i love that they have all these beautiful hom think id there pretty but the thing is, take during hospital and i'm a little tiny hospitals with 40 bed center really rural community, that is all of the rules and regulations are barely breaking even in kentucky i will
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season is transmitting million dollars to vineyard but why did you go there. because somebody's been here for 50 years, and there on the appropriations committee, they put it in your market and said that i want the fourth good martha's vineyard to do but it makes the debate in with martha's vineyard needs that more than arlington kentucky majestic at because they been your very long time was a terrible way to legislate but it's a terrible way to legislate in the unmasking. this mill is teaming with about $2 billion worth of earmarks and assign when we cannot afford the additional data for stays into the new york of the treasury department announced the u.s. debt$34 trillion, hard to fatho. chairman of the federal reserve came out and said that it is an rgan chase, came out and said it was an urgent problem in the
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heels of people saying things in urgent problem, what happens,-= ises to the occasion of borrowed money. talk about tone death, completely tone deaf them over just pointed borrow the yields 34 trillion we are spending is such a rate that the right now we are averaging trillion dollars to every 90 days and if that pace continues, instead of 1.5 trillion it could be up to 4 trillion in the next year.bora day and think of that. borrowing money over $300 million per our. $3m dollars per minute is being borrowed borrowing money at $85000 a second grade in this just many literally out-of-control feeling that crop up on you can see the numbers
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if were to judge the backroom negotiations, between the union house by results we can the only conclude, they got a speeding problem seriously. republicans talk such a good game about government spending and respect for taxpayer dollars when they are at home, they cannot be depended upon to fight for fiscal saturday , when p comes to shove. our nations greatest threat comes not from abroad, but from within the halls of congress. in every opportunity look for ways to ignore our spinning problem in expediter economic ice predicts, that will add an average of $2 trillion to her debt every year for the next decade it but there is a ea, there's a point at which they print so much money, that you could have a catastrophic loss of a value with this is what's happened in south america, decades so it happened in central america, we don't want to at least i don't
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want to happening in our country in the cbolso estimates of that net interest payments, will outgrow defense spending this year, will become the largest idle over $800 billion just an interest rate and this reckless level of borrowing and spending is unsustainable, the ever-increasing hikes of her debt, and a weak econo inflation, and tax rates. in another words today spending, threatens tomorrow's prosperity and we are approaching a predictable economic crisis in apropos spending freezes, balanced budgets, spending cuts, deciding in our nation back on path, and today though instead of a balanced budget emily asked us, this will be sent back to the appropriations committee and they report to full senate about how to responsibly cut 5 percent from this bloated monstrosity and would not eliminate anything but every thing you want to spend money on, grandma mother
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and apple pie, will get 5 percent less predict that's what it would take us start balancing the budget would not do it just on this bill because we would actually have to do that to everything and all of us when be doing here today which of the somebody is serious about the spending. my instructions even leave the to determine where to reduce the spending and this is not asking that much, it is a lopsided compromise in which the select and a full of members he this bill, they get 95 percent of everything they want. that's what it would mean if we were to passes cut realize that when vote on this cut though them to not window that will vote to cut 1 penny seriously that if we all effort and amendment to cut 1 penny every wood but he would vote know the resisting voting out because were to the people at home will discover with your voting for pretty is more than just therat cares about the deficit many republicans profess to care but half of them will vote with the
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democrats as of this is really a bipartisan problem so don't let anybody tell you this is just all about joe biden and it is about the previous administration is lonely borrowed $7 trillion i shut the economy down with covid-19 lockdown to extravagant borrowing and more than ever seen and we are continuing until problem. that means that rather than spending 1.2 trillion in this package, i propose with spent 1.14 trillion. seventy-seven say god is going be very dramatic at all and how did you become so moderate. that's true then invite margaret, but will cut $60 million. sixty dollars they will unanimous on the democrat side vote against this because there is getting 1 penny and our side half of our people on our side, vote against any also and this is a modest god, and only the beginning of what you would have
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to do to bring fiscal sanity and reasonable compromise and even month it is not balance the budget, significantly or even cut the necessary spending and i'm willing to vote for spendin. by agreeing to this motion, which will be an amendment later today, we can show to our constituents, that we respect them as fact internet tax and are over the most reasonable attempts to take down the unsustainable level of spending and mr. president i ask that all consider a yes on my amendments when the time comes madam president. >> at about total 1:00 a.m. tonight, about 70 percent of the federal government will run out of funding, if congress does not act democrats and republicans have about nursing hours to work together to make sure the government stays open. that is not going to be easy. we will have to work delays. and this morning the house will rule first on the funding
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package, and as soon as they send us a bill action. to my colleagues on both sides, is finish the job please avoid even the weekend shut down. let's finish the job of defending the government to for remainder of the fiscal year predict but there is no reason to delay and there is out this e senators cooperate on the time agreement company we prioritize working together just as we did two weeks ago, i'm optimistic that we can succeed pretty but of individuals sinners resort to partisanship and stonewalling into the ring, those individuals almost guarantee that we shut down. in the process could drag into saturday, sunday, and possibly beyond. i know this appropriations as not been easy. but i'm glad that after months of hard work, we've arrived in the funding package of assignments can be leased with the fdi long way to supporting american families, strengthen our economy safeguarding our national
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security and increases funding for child care services read this disease research, and prevention and school mental health programs and suicide prevention since something to so desperately need. we are strengthening border security were protecting our elections. and most importantly we will have avoided most cuts and poison pills, the hard right has pushed for months. and once we fully fund the government, will also avoid the terrible size of budgets equipment - hanging over congress since last year. not done yet, but i rise to once again i would like to think like chairwoman murray, vice chair carlson for their outstanding work here in the of the appropriators for their work, i think all of their staff especially my own staff because i greatly appreciate the remarkable work you do every single day. getting things done and divided government is hard, getting
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things done in this divided government is even both sides hh a strong funding package that ignores extremism and post the needs of country first predict that's a credit to the leadership besides, and i thank them for their work. tee's budget, earlier this week, house republicans, released a heart of right wishlist masquerading as a budget plan. estate commissions the republican study study committee's new budget can be summedor , dangerous, disastrous. in this republican study committed budget plan is dangerou■5 bause it doubl down on the hard right war on women print and endorses a national on abortion with zero exceptions for a princess, which remains the ultimate goal of the hard right, should they come to power. anybody's asking what would happen if the republicans have the house pretty took the senatn
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abortion, just read it the study committee's budget and a national ban on abortion for zero exceptions for rape and incest that is the goal the republican party should they gain power and are able to do it and will do everything we can of course, to stop them and the budget plan also rose back cess to mifepristone and safe and reliable and widely available medicine to millions of americans abuse, for over 20j critically endanger access to idf that is much as republicans have tried to recently sound moderate on it, when they have to put their pen to paper and say what their proposals are, their radical agenda is going up in their faces and all you have to do is read the rsv budget plan, to see that they have moderated when iota and women's health whether it is abortion oy
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committee which represents the vast majority house republicans, please like a hard right anti- woman document. it but that is not all, the rsv budget is disastrous, because it proposes a stunning $1.5 trillion in cuts to social security while raising the retirement age for millions of hard-working ari is crazy. mr. president, remember the republican study committee is noome arce offshoot of the republican party, he represents 80 percent of the members in the house including all of their leadership. for all intensive purposes, the budget plan represents dark republican agenda and what is the republican agenda, from getting back dramatically on women's rights, national ban on abortion with no exceptions, had also is cutting
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security and raising the retirement age predict what is the republican agenda, hit is also appealing $35 insulin for seniors on medicare. and revealing his authority to negotiate cheaper drug prices with is a republican agenda, it is trillions of dollars in tax breaks for the over wealthy and trillions of dollars in budget cuts come into the children's health program predict the and these are just some of the terrible things that budget plan and it's awful and a scroll but amazingly, hit is what the overwhelming of the majority of the house republicans endorse. on judge shopping, mr. president, yesterday i sent a letter to the judicial conference, urging them to defend theirense policy reform, limiting the practice of judge shopping. i also sent a letter to the chief judge of the northern
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district of texas, the judge shopping is running rampant in urging the district to apply the reforms of the judicial conference as quickly as possible. the bottom line is this. the shopping jaundice is the fairness of our entire legal system. when hard right plaintiffs, they often funded by hardht groups that just hired lawyers when they can pick and choose which judge here's their case, which i chris is in the northern district of texas and amarillo first four cascades of cases are being filed by right wing across the happens, and hard right plaintiffs can pick and choose which judge here's the case, ittos it causes the american people to lose faith in our reports. in the judge shopping was precisely what led to the terrible case in the northern district of tchoice extremist hd picked magnet judge from the only one sitting to revoke fda
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approval nationwide in this one judge extreme right, no one is extreme right before he became a whole country, because of form shopping. and it's awful. and i applaud the judicial conference for taking the initiative to limit the judge shopping and i urged the courts across the country to apply these new reforms and when my republican colleague say that they support this, it shows that they are not for fairness of the judicial system, they are for outcome determination aheadf2e with the cases would argue. and unclean jobs, that does not even been two years sceent bidea historic investments in our infrastructure, clean jobs and advanced manufacturing and already we see the cuttings factory openings and boom and clean energy investments. best we can, house republicans are pushing a number of bogusnes
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that would undo all the hard work that we have done to create more jobs and clean energy. while doubling down on giveaways to big one bill pushed by house republicans would force the taxpayers pay more for the massive oil guesstimate is a public land predict by refilling ira rule requiring companies to pay if a rate to lease public resources at a time when big oil same record profits, having oil was consolidated, so there's very little competition house republicans want to give them even more giveaways on making taxpayers pick up the tab. the number other bills republicans opposing without the repeal of any of job creating investments in the ira and that is terrible because they're working so so well last year, we saw $240 billion in clean energy investments, triple the level of 2019. these investments in these good paying jobs, whether republicans are trying to world in
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our transition to clean energy pretty a lot of jobs good paying jobs along the way. the makeup republicans, hold fatally beholden to the big oil and the big lobbies they are pushing to kill clean jobs and kill these historic investments, and extinguish years of future potential prosperity for the communities they represent. shame on them you'll the floor and note the absence of a >> the test before congress this week completing annualy8work every . in fact is among our most basic fundamental responsibilities but not in decades as the stakes in providing for the common defense and as high as they are, right the first time since the cold war, america faces an
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find the great power competition. and of course this is news, presidential administrations have completely recognized this fact. in at least on and international security strategies. these documentsav challenges frs in russia and china. those the greatest threat to the endurance of american leadership that has defined politics and economics. for decades. today, we face major adversaries nothing more than to bleed american influence. and the resolve torch our
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credibility and fuel void if we leave behin w built on fear and subjugation. we face and rogue states, committed to help them soul chaos. south korea, sitting thousands to train cars full of ammunition and fue invasion. in the proxies signaling to russia, and chinese ships, though be permitted to traverse the red sea unharmed. but it's not enough to recognize these challenges are named check them in policy favors, wit t cos
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have to act and investike were willing to meet them. president biden's actions undercut any of his administration's apparent recognition of the grave moment that we are facing. and for four straight years, the commander-in-chief is requested defense budgets that don't even keep space under pace with inflation inact the funding, dot signal seriousness about without completing our biggest adversaries. then china's defense for example is growing by more than 7 percent year over year. any date of the presidents hammering and delay over equipping in ukraine with af
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against russia and russian and vaguely president biden seems to have a deep-seated discomfort of cultivating and exercising the hard power unnecessary foundational part of the statecraft that protects america and preserve his our interest. what congress has to say, and the responsibility, and a fiscal year 20 oh fn represent the critical down payment but the requirements will remain unlocked even after the needed investments in this defense bill will make. and republicans recognize the constraints of the to ensure isa national security pass in theury
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and defense industrial capability. earlier this week, the commander of u.s. pacific command they made the■v case for passing a supplemental to our house calling saying, any - for russia is a win for for china and what we do is quote, supporting the ukraine problem set also providing the deterrent value in the indo pacific. together with appropriations a supplemental and serious urgent and unnecessary investment an american hard power and i continue to urge the house to pick it up and pass ií#■d but as the center prepares to finish her work on annual the appropriations committee
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with the work required to get to this point read and senator murray and senator collins, mid and commitment you nearly a year to go to restores much regular order processes possible workcr. and i'm special grateful to my friend it susan collins, his leadership and skill and ■
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tools and technologies to viewer service members the upper hand on the battlefield. for brandenburg, they produced new armor systems to enhance the next generation of combat and lexington, with the spring innovation in areas critical to our war fighting capabilities to partnerships with the university of louisville the university of kentucky. and of course, funding the government this week also possible right behind missions even closer to home like our fight against the substance staggering impact and my home state. and were having more resources to the kentucky national guard to reinstall and reinstate the local log person as they come
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about that flow available draws directing buildings or states like kentucky so we can promote long-term recovery, and on finding ways to treat addiction, spare more lives from this deadly crisis. through prevention, treatment and enforcement, were taking ■bdirect aim at crisis that is hollowed out our communities and hit middle america eecially pretty work far from finished proud about the callings will accomplish to close out the apps and it is now time to finish the job. to test the forum kobe officiated without objection thank you and i know much i might be short tonight because we finally have come to an agreement about the rover they wanted to come tonight, to talk
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about why am voting against this bill and going to vote against this bill because the house and senate over here without funding and into support ukraine and i think that is shameful and i think that is a complete edification of the house responsibility to her own national security and to democracy around the world and it's to come out here and criticize united states senate and i've done it times when i was grateful, to be part of the senate when we had about a six month negotiation9ús what ws called the supplemental which was a budget bill to among other things fun ukraine it was money enough for ukraine money and that for taiwan, there's money that for israel humanitarian aid in their as part that deal as well and there's a lot of
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disagreement about a lot of things. but every six-month time, we actually finally came to bipartisan agreement, and got 70 votes in the never gives 70 votes for anything in this place unless its easy pretty almost never gives 70 votes for anything in this place that's hard and yes, were able to put together a coalition of democrats and republicans. to t, that funding ukraine was very important. and that the united states and its, despite our disagreements over many many things, were united in idea that we had an obligation to fulfill here on behalf of our national security on behalf of democracy and on te
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has led and we had to overcome, to be sure that isolationist voices, mostly in the republican party, during that debate. there are people making arguments from that isolationist wing of the republican party, that we heard before world war i, that we heard of before worwn tradition in the american history the people we come out of make this argument ended such unknown tradition the people are missing the arguments are calling themselves by the same name of some of the■q were the most isolationist before world war two. in america first, that's what that's what they are calling themselves again and you would've thought thought that they would've learned histories lesson based on the way that
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history shown on the last version of the american forces never try to keep us out of world war ii. and when my mom was being born in 1938, in and paul and the polish of the country was completely runover. or about to be runover. but all of these years later he had the same people in the same way the same party facing the oe arguments just don't make sense. when the ones i think that is hardest to argument that we can't simultaneously support ukraine pretty way of the knighted states of americaansimultaneouse and prepare for a possible conflict with china which i'm sure the nobody here would want.
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conflict but is more thanh that hypothetical, hit is possible that someday we might be in conflict pretty the idea that we would stop supporting ukraine, and an actual conflict against tyranny and international conflict fascism and that in the hope that we would somehow be better prepared for later, makes actually no says that when you look at the of th, the bills that we passed mr. president, as part of the suppleme being spent, all across america in 40 states mr. president, and 70 cities. our industrial production, for military is up 20 percent since we were not investing. not in our production before
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that happened heard and thata fl security we are doing it now, all over this country, all over the united states in big cities and little cities, and rural communities and urban communities this overdoing and we will retool defense conflict. mr. president, could you ask folks to please give mel a chance. >> the senate will be in order members of the staff remove the conversations from the floor. >> thank you. as so if i except deny granted theur i■ksolationist wing's vief this predict what i would say is even if based on your own arguments, you should do before these bills predict because these bills are making the
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united states stronger, and the refreshing our industrial dates in a military base. the making us more prepared to come and not what is going on in russia today before one cano and is utterly self-explanatory pretty and that is why i think not engaging. and i think he is in isolationist pimples and independency that we've seen before and we saw it when the united states shamefully did not get in to world war ii until years after we should've then we see it again here, but this is a different case than that because were not talking about american troops american support so were talking about, retooling our industrial base, were talking about creating jobs here in the united states were talkingy of the money that we authorize the
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bill in the united states of america, not in ukraine but here. and i suppose that it woulde one thing if ukraine had not earned our support but on top of everything else they have. and then were invaded they did not ask for and they have done everything in the world they could've asked of in more than the world the vast of them. and you know, another point here mr. president, that were not sending our most fanciest equipment either predict and were sitting them older equipment that is a lot better than the soviet agent equipment that they had but it is allowing us to have the newest versions of ukraine, but they've used it
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magnificently predictmong the intelligence committee and then in the intelligence community is telling us that the ukrainian people have fought make this magnificently whenever some of the isolationist on the other side of the aisle they will we don't know the money is being spent. therefore we should not spend any more money had there is no why think it is safe to say mr. president, that there is no enterprise in the world that i choose my words carefully, there is no enterprise in world that has a better set of receipts the men and women that have been fighting on the ukrainian frontline and i challenge any of those people to me where they said ukraine was going to throw pushing off
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half of the territory that he took from them but they had. that they have been able to attack the so-called impregnable supersonic missiles. in ukrainian people do not even have a navy not really and i don't mean any offense but is to come they don't really have a navy and yet they've been able to keep pushing out of the black sea and that is meant that they been able to transport we from ukraine of the world so the people can eat. these fighters have the receipts in the success that they have had and it's important to understand this is not just a five for they have fought medicinally in a fight for the west and it is a
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for democracy itself they did not ask for this fight and was a lindsay never for the fight three years cutting were on a television program that he ran for president get elected because such concern they said worried about television guy in charge maybe a better and improved invaded this country takinoing to be able to decapitate the regime and 72 hours thinking that zaleski was going to run and thinking that they would not set out to his invasion. in the first invasion since we settled the stuff at the end of world war ii, the globalm va orr and commitment to the rule of law. my mom is still alive and the
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one that my mom i mentioned earlier, born in 1938, she still alive and she can't believe she's lived long enough to see another man were breakup in europe and in a diff voice an incredible adjustment to the but realizes this been so long since we've had somebody with this audacity to do what putin has done pretty think that even into the ukrainians for all of us, because we don't have to center people there. and he does not having to send come of the people there. and are willing to fight and die for democracy and are asking us to support them not with our people, with our military support and with a little bit of
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moneyf0 as mentioned earlier, that's the bill the 72 votes over for ukraine and half of representative has completely boarded. that same isolationist the wings, that is over here, is now in the house of representatives, is declining to fulfill our responsibili, world. they left town today, without having supported ukraine. and arrested by the way, the center, there has been an incident in moscow today and i'm very sorry for the theatergoers that are there emma for theirue
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illustrations of h complicated this world is, let me tell you something mr. president, there is about the house of representatives the failure to pass the senate bill then vladimir putin. he reason newspapers. social mee manipulates her social media and he knows what is thatç- in the ukrainians know what is at stake in this is not fanciful in the questions ever secure the wood avenue russia environment putting got reelected by something over 95 percent of the vote in
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moscow, and of course he was manipulated, and then he went out and he said that this is endorsement for my war. this fraudulent election is the endorsement of my war. look what happened in hong kong last weekend, esther per reside. where with chinese communist party from beijing, completely thrown out the rulebook inch isn of commitment to the rolloff, free enterprise, a place that we can predictably run a business or have a newspaper, have an opposition. in this weeke, sect of the last numbers that were going there on the right to be able to do that n life prison and maybe even worse than the life prison in hong kong,
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have you defied would beijing said. just likelelexander involving it was put in prison by pushing him leading oppositions figure in russia, put in prison by putin now, then died of natural causes. him. while, while, members of this at munich, during there in the security conference and he knew without it was and he was sitting like care so little about your opinion of this that i'm going to kill alex of all the while you are all there. soon going to come to an end
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because i can tell that the people need to move on to the nice thing with me just say mr. president, contrary to what i've heard in a debate around eeded behind it but beyond anybody's most wild dreams predict the evidence is so clear that is even the most recent town that was defeated which was a smoldering ruins by the time the russians got there, the russians and 30000 troops, to get out village. and otherwise setting the fact that their edibles and their out of the artillery and that at this point, in some ways the kind of fighting with overhand
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switches which sally staed in this war. responsibility here, that is not a service to ukraine. this is a service to our national security. this is a service tomorrow candace into our grandkids and this is a service that is same as the one that was provided by the people before world war two were able to overcome the america firstbrownd play its unique role in the world. ...
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vote: it is much more common to see right makes rate rather than to exercise those freedoms. the ukrainians know that from the guys from the front line to president zelenskyy. in fact, that is why they are fighting so hard for this freedom. that is why we need to pay attention when putin takes out his leading opposition. that is why we need to understand the implications for us when china sweeps into hong
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kong and rips away people's freedoms and rights in front of the entire world. it's what happens with a shutdown opposition newspapers. this is something we should be able to agree on without respect for politic parties. i worry a lot about what is going to happen over the next . because there are people out there who are not telling the truth about the what the battle has been in ukraine. there are people out there amazingly to me who think the united states cannot support ukraine effectively and for what might be coming down the pike. there are people who don't our e retooled.
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and i am really worried in this moment crossing our fingers and hoping for the best is not recipe for a good outcome. that is why i believe it was critical for us to try to force, in this debate on this bill inclusion of ukraine funding. and i have said that all the way along for the first funding bill that came over here at six months ago i threatened to shut the government down over that bill becsenclude ukraine. adil has been cut behind closed doors between the and then speaker in the house and others in the house to allow the bill to come forward without ukraine funding and i said to my colleagues here we have no plan to fund ukraine. we had no plan to fund ukraine. and as a result of that threat we were able to get commitments
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from the leaders of the democratic party. the republican party that we keep working on it. we keep working on it. several months later we had the same kind of moment we were able to get the same kind of commitment. because we all work together on this notwithstandinghe political division that exists in our country we were able to get to that 72 person vote. we were able to show putin we will stand up against him here. against him here. and unlike some people he knows exactly how things are going on the ukrainian battlefield. he knows he has got ukrainian battlefield because it took 30,000 people to succeed the last village he was able to secure. and he kno this nation of
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macgyver's has shown up time and time and time again to figure drones, ortake him on with with our help. but i am sorry to say this, mr. president, i think it is true the battlefield that he is trying to succeed on is the he thanks he is going to win onó this battle. he's dysfunction, our division, our petty disagreements and lack of understanding about what is at stake hear from a historical point of view or from democracies point of view. want to send to our allies into our foes around the world. tonight he's going to sleep a littleed to do it.
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i am not here to say i'm going to shut the government down for this nothing i can do at this point to bring the house of representatives back to washington d.c. that is not there would not be any benefit to do it. i am going to vote against this bill because it does not include ukraine funding in i would take to my colleagues who are here supported the ukraine funding when it came through. we've got our work cut out for us over the next two weeks■r# to make sure we persuade the people in the house of representatives there is no more time left. that the ukrainians, as i said, are out of bullets, ammo, and
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time. we are out of time too. the whole world is watching. i do not know the speaker. i would be very surprised if he was to go down in■/ as the person or the politician who who lost ukraine because he had to hold onto his job for her lost ukraineople and his party d not resist the celebrity benefit of going and raising money a crazy politics that does not recognize the stakes for what they are. we were able to close over
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