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tv   House Freedom Caucus Holds News Conference on Budget  CSPAN  March 22, 2024 9:04am-9:56am EDT

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20 14. and by the national defense which gathers african, latin american asian officers once twice, three times every year global concerns global problems, but from an alternative kind of perspective. so i think this is key. e second is to build alternative defense diealogsdialogs. and if we look at the forum, rights that took place, for the first time african countries were invite today participate in it. so it was hosted by the pla, national defense university and the dean of that university one of the things he's said-- >> we're going to leave this and take you live for a press conference with the house freedom caucus. good morning, and welcome to our press conference a we're
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going to be voting on. you know it's very telling. we had a republican conference meeting. our weekly meeting this past wednesday and it was very clear, during that meeting, that a majority of republicans, republicans, mind you, are willing to vote for this spending bill today. wednesday morningway the 72-hour rule would be violated. we didn't have text yet, 48 hours out and it was clear though that a majority of republicans were willing to vote for the bill today, irrespective of what was in it not knowing what the spending levels were not knowing exactly how much it was pelosi-schumer levels still in place today from the omnibus passed in december of '22, not knowing the exact spending levels not knowing how harmful the policies might be beyond the ones that the american people are suffering in still in place from an omnibus and one member said he'd vote for it if it was 72 minutes instead of 72 hours. we don't need 72 hours to vote against a bad bill. you would think if you're planning to vote for it you t want to know what policies you will own by the
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virtue of your yes vote on that bill. is there anything that some republicans won't do to keep this government open? why are we in a rush to keep this government open so harming the american people by the very policies but the bill hey, one positive i guess, it will have thousands of ear dollars, used to buy or reward bad votes for bad votes. >> bad votes for the bad bills that will pass today it seems. again, maintains the pelosi-schumer policies and spending levels increases the spending levels 60 billion dollars in the omnibus we all voted against half a year ago. new things it's got a billion dollars for thelimate focus of the military. how absurd is that? think about what we might be able to do with a billion dollars for our military department of defense to local on lethality, force readiness, so that we might win a conflict we hope not to have.
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instead the biden administration is getting a200 million dollars to the fbi. why would anyone in this vote give the fbi 200 million dollars. it's to fund china use today deceive us during the administration and joe biden put funding back for. the who that biden wants to rur render our sovereignty to i 60-some days from now. in a crisis who, we would be forced to comply with what the who said whether it be climate crisis so-called gun crisis and continue to fun 32 million for the u.s.n population fund i mistake, the abortion fund. an and 300 million for the
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department of security. and this under biden and mayorkas on the american people. and we've entered a new era on the border a new era. the video we saw, is this a third world country a banana republic when we saw the alien bum rush to force their way into this country. how have we gotten to that point today where we are allowing illegal aliens to bum rush border officials and force their way into the country? yet the biden administration's response is it to ramp up efforts to repel the invasion? no intention is to prevent texas from securing their border. they will go to unlimited lengths to prevent texas from securing their border and keeping their citizens safe, but they don't seem to care about the aliens forcing their way, literally forcing their way into our country overcoming
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border personnel. either we show the willingness to respond and repel and deter this kind of activity or we can just go ahead and fund it and the bill that's being voted on today will be republicans joining with democrats to fund this dhs. instead we must say enough. not on our watch. and we need 146 republicans today, 146, two-thirds to vote against this bill today. one third can go ahead and vote for it if two-thirds are with us it will not pass on the floor with suspension. and i'm here with my colleagues to speak against this government and policies and speak against funding this border invasion which reached a new low yesterday and with that i deter or yield to chairman scott perry from pennsylvania. >> thank you, mr. chairman i thank my colleagues and i thank all of you. it's march, right, march madness. while some people in washington
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d.c. are misspelling their favorite team on brackets the rest of the country is watching their country in march in the madness burn down in washington d.c. and at their southern border. as a person who was honored to wear the uniform for decades, i watched those service members, uniformed service members at the border. what were they supposed to do, right? they're put there, somebody put them there to invasion. how are they going to stop it? what are their rules of engagement? and mind you, ladies and gentlemen, the people that ran over them that ran right over them ran to border patrol, ran to border patrol to come into this country. border patrol taking orders from joe biden and secretary mayorkas. that's the march madness that's happening at our country, and what is the democrats, what are they going to run on when they pass this bill? 22,000 border agents 41,500
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detention beds. 22,000 border agents not on the border not standing on the border with uniformed service members because they're back processing people illegally into the country. that's what they're doing. the beds the beds will go unslept in. we're going to have more of them. these people aren't going to the beds. these people are coming to your community to sleep in a bed in your community, in our day funds all of that continues to fund all of that. every single republican should vote no. should vote no and should be ashamed of ever voting yes. this is our opportunity. this is the time. remember this is-- this was supposed to be done last september. we're march of the next year. this is their opportunity to say, what happened on the border yesterday, that all of ooking at as they wake up this morning, this is going to stop and it's going to stop with us and if they don't vote no on this bill what they're saying to their constituents bosses to sent them to washington d.c.
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democrat or republican what you saw at the border, that's fine with me. that's good. let's get more of that. i urge all of our colleagues not just the brave ones standing here today in front of you, but every single member of the house, republican and this bill. i yield. >> thank you, chairman good thank you, chairman perriment when i came up here i thought we had the majority. we don't have the of fiscally responsible individuals. the uni-party put forth a thousand page bill no one can tell me they read. when i first came to congress i was warned that this is how this town operates, but i had a glimmer of hope that we had the majority that we had enough people and this time it would
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be different. different. here we go again. for the last three years we've been complaining about all of these things republicans who campaigned complained about the border issue. and yet, the actions today refuse to do anything about it to actually do anything about it. we'll pass bills, you know that ultimately mean nothing because we know that they're in the fully going to pass and areno make their way through the senate hr2, impeaching mayorkas the new laken riley resolution all of these things ultimately are not going to change anything and yet today, we're going to use our majority quote, unquote, majority to enact no changes to fund it all. the bottom line is that this is a complete and utter surrender and i won't-- a no a hell no on this bill. it completely ignores the fact that we are atla we've never been in the history of
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the united states. at 34 trillion dollars in debt we're at a greater debt to gdp than we were during world war ii. and we didn't just finish a war, folks. we're approaching potential world war iii across the globe. how is the united states fiscally going to be able to sustain any kind of major conflict when we're not willing to make the cuts that are necessary? so i'm glad to stand with my colleagues here today who are the fiscal lyly responsible parts of the house of representatives and i'll yield the next part of my time to my good friend from texas, chip roy. well good morning, everybody. i want to thank my colleagues i'm so proud to stand here alongside these great these great patriots who are willing to stand in the breach for the american people while unfortunately we see the uni-party to use the phrasing some of my colleagues have used
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in action. you know people i could go down the laundry list of problems. chairman good did a great job outlining and so did chairman perry, we could go down the list of earmarks egregiousnd i did on the house floor last night, but the only thing that really matters here right now are the out there who are left holding the bag, when the people that they send to washington campaign on doing one thing and then come here and do the exact opposite. i've been watching social media today because i called out some republicans on the house floor last night and i called out some of the so-called conservative groups out there last night on the house floor, who are mia in this fight, because they like to havepower. the time for all of that is over. the time for continuing the same games in this town is there's no more time left. i was meeting with automobile manufacturer this morning, talking about the extent to which the rule that was
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finalized on wednesday, tail pipe rule will force them to go to basically two-thirds 2032. which means they've got to start building out their supply chain right now. that will fundamentally alter and destroy the livelihoods of millions of americans, driving up the cost of that i remember vehicles driving up the cost of goods. while you've got ev's piling up on lots as we speak. i could give an entire speech on that issue alone. wh today? fund it. you all know what's going on in the border. my friend chairman perry talked about the 100 that bum rushed the national guard in el paso that's making the headlines in the last 24 hours, but it's relentless every single day. republicans pass a bill and name it after laken riley and pat themselves on the back and look what we did. we sent it to the senate to die
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and so i can campaign all year on the border so i can use that beautiful little girl as a campaign prop. enough! those same people that funded today, they own it. anybody who votes for this bill today owns every stinking bit of it. they own the destruction of the american economy with all of regulations killing families. they own the wide open borders causing death and destruction. they own the into communities. if you fund it you own it. and unfortunately, too many republicans come to this town and they use what's called the swamp glossary. go look out there on twitter. good friend of mine puts a bunch of stuff out that outlines the swamp glossary. you guys here it every single day and frankly our residential r republican leadership are walking swamp glossary. always a reason majority is
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too thin. i could be there if i could wave my magic wand. we've got elections this year. i asked one of them on the floor yesterday i said well what happens if we get-- we run the trifecta and win the white house, get the house back and get the senate what are you going to do next january? what are you going to do? what they're going to do, we don't have 60 votes in the senate. you know what the individual said? we'll have to have a conversation about that. there's always an excuse for republicans to fail. we're here to say we're going to succeed for the ame people. i'm here and i'm happy. this is as happy as i can possibly be because these people came to fight for the hardworking american getting screwed by the swamp, cronyism making health care unaffordable streets unsafe making a cthey're tired of it and want their country back and the excuses coming out of republicans are not getting the job done. so today, i want to be very
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clear. any republican who votes for this bill they own it and they are the onesking the election. it's the people that are going around saying, but, oh, it will cost the election what happens if we have a shutdown? they're the ones running in fear rather than leading. they're the same one standing up on normandy on june 6th praising the men who walked into a wall of bullets, and safe our country from fascism, praising their colonel, while curling up in the corner. enough. i'm proud to stand with the patriots to say n to the american people. no to the uni-party coalescing against the american people and rather we're going to stand up and fight for them. i'm not afraid of ashutdown. that swamp-- i'm for the government standing up and doing its core
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constitutional duty and with that i'll pass over to my friend from south carolina mr. norman. >> thank you, chip. i woke up this morning to a text from an elderly lady in south carolina. she had watched the bum rush. and she said when is congress going to do anything to stop the invasion at the border? and she ended her text with the deaths t going to be on the hands of congress for not doing something about it. folks, how long are we going as chip said and bob and others fund a government that's working against us? how long are we going to put up with thousands of our young people dying for fentanyl due to the invasion from china? how long are we going to put up with this insane spending? biden says pay your fair share. let me ask you the question you want 500 million to go to put up a wall.
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help egyptians go to college in egypt. and an 8% pay raise for a guy that we just impeached, mayorkas who is implementing all of this? do we want 286 million going to title x funding and as bob said to fund the abortion industry? folks, enough is enough and stand with these true patriots who are willing to take whatever comes. the bum rush for each one of you in the media, it's coming to your city to your county to your state in a different form, but it could be that exact form. now, what's the solution? you know i've heard enough of we're going to lose the majority. we've got the majority now. we act on the majority nonumber, but now is our time to highlight anybody that signs this own it. they own it with all of this insane spending which we get 24 hours to review a thousand pages? would you buy a thousand pages that
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you don't review? would you buy a toaster, would you buy anything? no. now, what's the solution? here is what i'm calling on speaker johnson to do. and only he can do it. after we leavetoday, the mace has to be in place, 184-year-old mace when the house is in session. take it down and cut the lights off and say, we will not come back until you stop thet the border. hr2 or any other logistical that will shut it down. not just paper. shut it down. take the mace down and not come back. if the senate wants to sit on it. sit on it. the one owning this. and as chip said it's going to be-- always going to be an excuse. -x we don't hav votes, don't have this no. it's our time this is our time to do something good for the american people.
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the government cannot continue to run ram shod over the taxpayers and anybody that signs this anybody that agrees to this as we have said they're going to own it and they're going to agree to all of this spending of money that we do not have. i call on my good friend warren davidson. davidson. >> thank you all, thanks for covering this and it's a sadday for our country. we're here really to solve problems and serve people and we're here talking about something that you anyone can find an excuse. leaders find a way and i'm sad because we have not yet found a way to have a smaller we've not yet found a way to restore a government small enough to fit in our constitution. we could afford a government that size. we can't afford this kind of government. this government isn't even doing its most basic responsibility which is to secure and defend this country. we literally have an invasion
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at our border we have a leadership structure in the executive branch that's undermining the entire concept of citizenship a servicing the citizens of this country. they're back home being buried crime buried by this invasion at the southern border literally buried by fentanyl alld of other drugs, suicide at record high levels buried by endless wars failing schools, corruptions, it's a fatal overdose of government. we have people that are trusted to stop that. voting for this nonsense not solving these problems they've wasted all year finding a way to preserve the status quo and not even that making it worse. we're adding one trillion dollars worth of debt every 100
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days and accelerates the path to the crash site. eventually we'll arrive at it and with the benefit of hindsight af the these same people will stand around the smoldering crash site of our country, and sovereign currency the world's currency and they'll claim the problem was we didn't have enough government. we can have a smaller government. we told the people we are goingd the people we're going to secure the border. today is a total failure. it's a sad day. i yield to my colleague, eli crane. crane. >> i'l brief. i'm definitely not as eloquent as many of my colleagues up here. first, i want to speak to the politicians up here that arepj going to vote for this. like many of my colleagues have said you own it. all the garbage, all the funding for borders overseas,
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but you won't left a finger to stop the invasion at our southern border. here is the deal guys. the american people though they may be busy running their businesses raising their families, they are busy, but they're not dumb and they don't expect us to win every fight. they know that we're outnumbered up here. but here is the deal. they do expect us to fight and that is something that this party has refused to do time and time again. and it's one of the most ng to be a part of is to be-- we know what the democrats are going to do. they're going to destroy the country. they're driving us off cliff at 95 miles per hour. well guess what? our solution the republican party, we're going to dial that down to 90 miles per hour, but we cliff. we're backing it down a couple of degrees. and it's pathetic. all right. pick a principled fight. i don't know maybe like the border invasion?
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i hear leadership say it's the hill we're going to die on. really? k means? that means you've got to take a hill and be willing to die on it. i don't see it. and until i see it i'm not going to be-- i'm not going to be like a lot of politicians up here and be a cheerleader for it because it's garbage and it's destroying this country. it's destroying the future for my kids and your kids. now, i want to speak really quickly to the american people. i know you're busy. i know it's hard out there. i know you're being killed by inflation. i know many of you have lost your kids to fentanyl. if you want to help us start paying attention and please quit sending here who come to your town who come to your lincoln, reagan day dinner talking about fiscal responsibility border they vote on this crap repeatedly. you can help us. quit sending them up here
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because in case you guys haven't noticed, we are radically outnumbered. it's always the same names. it's always the same names of people trying to stop it. and it's always the same names, unfortunately, who talk a good game in the media and back at home in their districts and then they come up here and they vote for this crap hoping that you don't pay attention. you can help us. clearly i'm a hell no on this bill. thank you. let's see. next. >> thank you, good job. >> well thank you for being here and thank you for my-- to my colleagues. roughly 2:30 in the morning, a thousand pages were dropped over a trillion dollars of spending we're expected to vote without reading it. as nancy pelosi said you have to pass it to know what's in it. yet, this is republicans pulling that crap. some will say that t majority
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in the house, but it's clear that the democrats own the speaker's gavel because this a republican piece of legislation. keeping the border open. it's funding transgender kits and proms in the northeast. it allows for gain of research gain of function research in china. think about that for a minute. we're finally coming out of covid, our economy is still ying to revive itself families are hurting, inflation is high. and there's an allowancethis bill for gain of function research in china. what the hell are we doing? this is not a conservative piece of legislation, it's not a republican piece of legislation and you know what? leadership's panicked because last night, they didn't have e votes. and i don't know what they're going to have to sell or what they're going to have to trade to get there, but if this
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passes no, they sold you out. they sold and i for one am p-'d. this bill if passes will like lie determine who controls the house of representatives and this bill will most certainly determine who the next speaker is. i yield to the next gentleman, mr. cline. >> thank you to the gentleman from tennessee and thank you, chairman good for leading this. well we have officially the swamp's recipe for the failing of the american people a massive government funding bill chockful of wasteful policies and pork projects. truly, and i mean truly released in the middle of the night, as was mentioned 2:30 in the morning. giving lawmakers a little more than 24 hours to read an over one thousand page monstrosity only to pass itndere rules relying on more democrat votes than republican votes in a house republican majority. just like the first package,
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the swamp's second half of the omnibus represents a totals surrender by republican leadership. compromise is onething, but capitulation and surrender is a whole different beast, one that routinely serves washington instead of serving the american people. to my house and senate republican colleagues it's time to put your money where your mouth is. because you can't claim to be a pro-life champion and then fd abortion abortion travel and aborted fetal tissue research. you can't rail against president biden's intentional illegal invasion and then fund the policies that are causing the chaos without assuming the same responsibility. just like you can't flaunt your vote to impeach secretary mayorkas and then his policies. you can't defend liberties and fund gun control by the c.d.c. and protect young women and
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fund transgender surgeries and fund educational institutions that allow biological males compete in women's sports. i don't call them men, i call them biological males. their work and hard achievements of women. all of you women hear you like riley gaines speak up. we're fighting for you. you can't advocate for election integrity and then fund illegal aliens voting in federal elections. you can't complain about the violations of the america's first amendment rights a fund for government board and government by proxy censorship. you can't sound the alarm on our economic outlook and rubber nancy pelosi's levels from fiscal 2023 and the list goes on and on. republicans cannot righteously denounce democrats disastrous
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policies destroying our great country and then turn around and fund them. yet, many will that that very thing later this morning and the american people will surely take note when they do. if you fund it you own it. but it's not too late. we promised the american people that we would fix these problems not fund these problems. so i urge my colleagues to vote no on the swamp second half omnibus so we can deliver on that promise. you now, i'd like to yield to my good friend from arizona, andy biggs. >> thank you for being here and i thank chairman goode pan chairman perry and my colleagues behind me. you know just yesterday, it's ironic senator braun's resolution that the national debt is a security crisis a cuassed you see in the senate.
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ironic isn't it? when i introduced that piece of legislation several years ago, there were $21 trillion in national debt. speaker at the time wouldn't let that the floor. and now we're sitting at 34 1/2 trillion rolling it up about a trillion every 100, 120 days in national debt. new national debt. and the same yo-yos that just passed acknowledged that a national debt is a security threat they're going to take this package and they're going to pass it. that's what's going to happen unless sanity begins to rule. now, if we take a look at the budget controlling act, requires 12 appropriation bills be passed in this body where the we original spending bills and it gets to the senate, we're supposed to get to the senate by june 30th of every year. you know the last time that
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happened? ow i'd give a prize, 1977. that's the last time that was what? we were promised we were promised a little over a year ago when that speaker was brought in. he said we're going to do those 12 spending bills for 2024 we're going to get them over to the senate. and that was one reason some of us acquiesced and said okay if that's-- we've got a shot at it we want to do it. we got one and then he didn't transmit the bill. and now what we've got is we've got a speaker, we've got a speaker who says we're going to have-- it's all we can do. this is all we can do. it's tough. we don't have enough. well what i say to the speaker, and i've told it to him to his face and i say it again, is you american people they're watching what we do.
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and they know something. if you surrender, you losetime. but if you fight, you've got a chance to win once in a while i'm not saying we don't have a tough road because we've got in name we have a very slim majority and in reality, maybe we don't even have a majority. but doggone it fight! this is capitulation. this is surrender. the reality of it is these guys behind me and me we're all together. very good. i didn't forget you. we all know that this bill is chockful of crap and you know it and the american people know it. and people
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who campaigned on the republican party platform of reduced spending reduction of the national debt responsible government reduction of regulation pro-life that's the platform. but they're all going to go up there and they're going to give enough votes for this to pass today today, maybe, unless rationality sets in. and if there's no rationality setting ine're g adding to the national debt and we're going to further the destruction of this country. and i'll just tell you this the invasion you saw in texas yesterday, that's an ongoing thing. don't tell me this is the hill you're going to die on, mr. speaker. look at this is going on in lukeville, they're cutting fence and people are flowing in
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every day and that's in arizona. that's in arizona. this is an invasion. what you saw yesterday is just another example of the invasion. doggone it mr. speaker, do the right thing, pull this bill run legislation, which i've introduced which would give awe partial shutdown, but stop funding the government that wants to emasculate the sovereignty and the freedom of the american people. with that i'll yield to rosendale. >> thank you, everyone for being here and chairman goode, thank you so much for organization organizing this press conference today. and i'm proud to be with many of the folks standing on the floor and in this room talking about what we need to do to rein in the size and scope of our federal government. i'unenviable position of being pretty much the last guy speaking so all the points have been made. i'd like to start off with i concur.
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i concur with everything that's been said here so what i'm going to go to is the process. the process is something that we've fought extremely hard for, january, a year ago, to restore regular order in the united states congress because everyone recognizes that this place is broke, that this system is broke and the reason that it is broke is because process has been ignored. process has been thrown out the window and we've seen the consolidation of the power of the decisions that are being made here in this city placed into the hand of a very few. and that is not the wayposed to work. that's why we've fought to get 72 hours notice for any legislation, that's why we fought to make sure that we had single subject legislation instead of these monstrous bills that contain so many titles and subjects and issues
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that people don't have the ability to separate out and let each one be considered on its own merits and that's why we fought to have an open rule system so that we could have collaboration, and amendments not only in committee, but on the house floor and all of that has been thrown out the window. you've got the leadership and the white house making decisions about how the entire country is supposed to be 450 people outside of the discussion and that's not what the american people asked for. that's not what the american people elected. and so what i say is if you have a bad process, then you're going to end up with a bad product. and folks, what you see on display today is exhibit a. that's what it is. it'sery bad product. and hopefully enough republicans will gather up the
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courage to say enough is enough we're not going to watch our country be destroyed any longer with the mounting debt or the invasion that's taking place on our southern border and we will not support this bad product. now, i will guarantee, somebody in this room when we go to q & a is going to say, but members, isn't there something that you like? isn't there something good in this piece of legislation? e against the entire thing? the only good thing that i have discovered so far is that it only has $2 billion worth of earmarks instead of the $12 billion worth of earmarks that were sandwiched into the last. that's the only redeeming feature i've found in it. with that i turn it over to my good friend. >> to quote the immortal words of "forest gump," thank you
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letting him crash the black panther party. i'm the sole person who not a member of the caw . the border issue, i said no border no budget. that's how important it is, that's how important it is to the american people. we talk about having the majority and what that means. i don't care if we lose our country, it's not worth it. it's absolutely not worth it. and i-- i talk about my folks all the time, but i always think about the sacrifices they made and i remember my daddy talking about an island that they hit afraid. he had a bad feeling, but he knew he had to do the right thing. and he did the right thing. and he was victorious. and if we do not do the right thing in this occasion we will lose our country. you're seeing the beginning ofthe end for the united states
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of america. and i stand with these wonderful men and woman and this day, and i stand with pride because they are doing, dadgumit they're doing the right thing. we've got to make a stand and take our country back. if you don't like the people in office vote them out. i don't care if you play golf with them if you go to church with them. get them out of here. they'remzj i an
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