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tv   Panel Discusses Elections at CPAC  CSPAN  March 4, 2024 7:38pm-8:02pm EST

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us may the politician in my lifetime will be much poorer for having served in this country. that is the best evidence we should reelect him in 2024 he is actually sacrificed for this country in a way that's very unusual in politics. but because he actually does it for the right reasons are going to try to destroy it they have been trying to destroy him the russia collusion hoax that new york fraud case is about destroying the guy's wealth before he reenters the oval office. all of these are about showing the american people you can have the president you want destroy him if it's not approved by the elites of this country. it is why we will renominate him for the folks in south carolina were voting to phobic out the crazies and let the judges determine who our nominee is right we decide who our nominee is and we decide to our president is two. >> well said. i think we will leave it there
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senator thank you so much we appreciate it. >> thank you all thank you very much. ♪ works on ladies and gentlemen the non- don on don't forget to vote and enter your pin number located on your badge. remember every vote counts. >> ladies and gentlemen please welcome founder ceo jack connolly. [inaudible] you're a moderator center for election integrity. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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♪ >> good afternoon. how's everybody doing? you know, i don't ifked up on this but something was said he was called billy no maids in england which means he did not have any friends. what ironic about that is he is from england he had so many friends of this term in this country he knows so much of a peep on the left don't know. it matters to more than just america who the president of the united states is a. >> amen. [applause] speaking of elections to the next president of united states will be its fastening ofabout elections and election integrity we have a great panel with us with you here this afternoon. you are here in this room today you know elections have
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consequences. fact good policies made good results. n bad results. we use at step to point out the back to reagan and say look how good it was in the 80s. folks we had a record-setting success in record-setting times justhree y it donald trump was able to do by implementing america first policies that really improve the lives of all americans regardless of race, religion, color or creed. you knowe see all the instances of fraud and irregularities anomalies that happen across this country in various states. elections this time around will be a whole lot better off than they were before so many groups working around the country in a state to make sure laws that votes and legal voters. that is good news.
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>> coming into weird cackling harris. provides the states that are on the country as well. and by the way i said how get me too pronounce her she said it's like steven segall. and like nevada. you've got it right you've got it right. i used to do weather and local tv there is no youtube then sunoco looking for this i know it was nevada not nevada. so there you go. so starting with you news broke out of nevada today wait until the crowd about. talk about the landscape there you have it mail and situation going on and people are concerned people have questions. tell us what you see at play in nevada. >> the latest story that as many in this room know
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legislature passed a law in 2021 to hold the presidential preference primary. we knew it was not going to binding upon the party. they decided to go with a caucus because a cotton assist controlled the weight we want to do it with voter id, paper ballots, same day voting. no mail in biology. everyt share as republicans as part of the republican ideology is what the ne do. turns out everything we had anticipated was wrong with having presidential preference of primaryprimary with bail in ballots. within two weeks of boating and no voter id actually turned out to be accurate. why? this week a huge story broke in nevada thousands of mail in ballots were recorded when people never mailed in their ballot for their presidential prefence primary. for the last three years they have been calling s election
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deniers they are saying it's rigged elections and at the end of the day we caught them in the act what they are saying is nevada secretary of state issued an apology today for the glitch it's a glitch in the system. what we really need to understand as is we had an outcry from our a base about this glitch. the million-dollar question we all what would have happened had we not caught that glitch? and how long did that glitch go on for is it a 2020 glitch is it a 2022 glitch? now that we caught it would not have fixed it if we would not the moral of the story is let's go back to paper ballots same day of voting and no mail in ballots and everything that we did in the caucus.
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product from a 99% victory in the caucus. >> interestingly enough, you mentioned this and i have to say it you can ask questions you ought to be able to ask questions about the outcome of elections. remember in 2016 is your patriotic duty to ask about outcome of that election. in fact you work for russia if you dared not question what happened in 2016. so just asking questions we should be able to do in this country. questions to ask but a lot of answers are happening too. what the left hates is transparency whether it's your kids behind your back or critical race theory or with her teaching her colleges and universities that do not like yarden gonen they do not like with election integrity. it is monitoring drop boxes and are suing in several states tozo prevent that. i state i think has done a pretty good job as the state of south carolina where you are from. i am from south carolina.
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i say this decidedly red. there's been a lot but you wanted to expand what you are doing in that state on a national level into other states. and so while we are up here and you and i talked the same there's a whole lot of country coming to town with me and chad setting up your, explained to this group what you see i blocks the holes in our ground game who we target who would get out to vote when 48 million evangelicals don't vote every cycle devoted we would never lose an election. never up to because i'm sick of losing are you guys sick of losing question work we have been way too good at losing the last few cycles. all i know we can prove we spend aspenta billion dollars last cycle. i know this the experts cannot find the christian voter the0 come 3,548,000,000 people who don't vote that's a real problem. we spent a bonthe digital, the tv they can't reach them last 15 years totally
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focused on reaching a pastor building relationships i don't work for somebody i don't work with someone who doese an authentic pastor outreach. you cannot do it by faraway digital ad thing you've you got to go vote. with the biggest reasons people vote somebody they respect say it's a big deal. we spent all of our time tryin to reach that 40 or 45 million people. they're taking their kids to the soccer matches they're not going to go vote. we have to go after those people. i believe we spent our entire time working in the states to build relationships with pastors for multiple denominations to do two things. number one leave anyone unregistered. number to teach them to vote biblical values rinse and repeat we do small meetings that come big meetings that identify and buy those pastors who lead the way. we empower them. there's something powerful about
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it. the experts across this with the parties of the committees i sat in the rooms with them i was a state party chairman you listen to them we can reach them. no you can't spread some of you cannot identify church and pictures. we need people who actually kno have open their bible before who are believers and christians and are leading the way we tell them. jesus ain't running which is a south carolina thing. jesus ain't running. we are always voting for it lesser of two evils. you've got to look at not personal part of a time you got to look at policies and principles of light of the biblical worldview that iswe find pastors that get empowered, they get activated they're not just data points their multipliers. with 38 pastors in the room. one of those expert consultants was with me. i said your problem as you walk in your youon't think your ate should be here it's a candidate is not in the racing heart worship 30 pastors here? i said yes that pastor there has 1200 in his church. pastor there's
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five campuses pretty think these guys are data points that multipliers and were missing it because not being authentic and that is what our ministry does. >> rate. >> and chad and i did a little work together in virginia for a guy n younger and behind-the-scenes under the radar and some of these churches. and as i recall be a zoom in other in 312 churches registered 77000 people. youngyoung guide won only one by 65000. i'm not saying we did it all the fact is finding those people, getting them registered getting them to the polls is how it works but more involvement matters now back to nevada. we talked about this backstage getting involved at the local level. you can effectuate the most ange the more local government. in nevada get these people fired
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up. get them some information some hope because a lot of what we hear us about a negative but there are good things happening to people signing up to be poll watchers and poll workers and door knockers and ballot chases and bout harvesters with a cancer talk a little bit about what you guys are doing over there too. >> march 1 nevada gop no excuse nevada which is literally a grassroots movemen where we will literally send people out to have them work as poll workers. poll watchers. we saw in the last legislative session our poll watchers wings clipped i c regulation. but we want to do is make sure watchers. another thing we want to make sure they do is early voting. nevada is an early voting state. voting day to get out there. we have to start beating them atwn
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game. ballot harvesting, nevada was one of the first states that decriminalize and ballot harvesting in 2021. until we change the laws in and harvest ballots on day one. we have to continu day no excuses nevada is that movement that activates the grassroots and i want to tell you something. not because i'm from nevada i really believe nevada has a grassroots in the nevada gop. >> good. [applause] for state known for gambling you are not leaving much to chant to everyone to get out there with a duper quickly put everybody to work let me tell you. something you hit on being in the rooms he is going on folks if you're not at the table you're on the menu. involved and be in these rooms to see what's going on, have the eyes so they know and wondered things you worked on you started registering them you gave them the awe shucks what else can we
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do they all went to get involved are all fired up he said here's an idea get involved at the local party go where ever you want to go. but, get involved nonetheless by. >> we were amazed this was a byproduct of doing voter registration. we picked out the places liberals won a buy limit that's our whole score let's go to the places let's run up the get all of those discouraged people on the third and 12 churches that did the registration people said what you do customer said you're concerned about election integrity so we started recruiting poll workers watchers in. we recorded 1343 people in churches. they did not see them coming these were sunday school classes were not political happiness they weren't experts and consultants they did not work for the campaign or committees they were people at maple str street i wrote a little three by five card reader to pray for you want to pray with you what we would it we might see a copy of the new registrants since last friday night at midnight blew them away blew them away why did they calledcallthis look for two things
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people overwinter to the. [inaudible conversations] vote. more than six registered house of these are not trained expertise or church people one day they called to be of a house 17 people registered and what you think? i said that's a really big house. when on short run out there sooner is it was eight field notes structure. first commission official and indicted was that lady that was going on in michigan suffered by hundreds of weights on the first 200 names over 100 we found online obituaries for 67 of them. i know there's no cheating and no fraud but you've got to have eyeballs on it. we believe no secrets of like you said no silver bullet we should get the churches involved they've never done this before only two had ever done poll watching there are god fearing the flag-waving tax paying americans who love the station the sick and tired of what's going on but you got to talk to
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him authentically we are going to be in every state we can possibly afford to be in to find those pastors to embolden them on say i want to get involved. >> there's a lot of reputation floating around about people from the south of using some from the south the talks faster? it is unbelievable. one more question for you as we begin to wrap up here. i saw this on your twitter bio and i had to ask about it. you say it you you are a base to mama. # firebrand progressed. >> firebrand american nationals really want to be involved in this country make her better place for generations to come. tell us do you see that happening in the upcoming l work together to get it done. >> absolutely buried there pray there definitely things we could do to end sure the election interference laws that i call them can be changed. if you want to see all of the legislation repealed what you
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have to do is support your state legislature. if you flip your red, every bad lot on the book will go away. and that is where it starts really. >> last question for you. your talknetworks or talk about a lot of different states. are you seeing those groups not just form, wanting to get active in the key swing states question. >> i am telling you god's people are waking up. i was in wisconsin i could tell the story every state this guy came up where during our meeting he said let's your buddy asked some pretty skeptical i said pastor wha is skeptical about a simple political thing i said you think i want you to be politically said yes i got so he said no i want you to be biblical. since i'm not sure i he understands it stick around listen to me talk he said and got to go staye there the entire time. comes up to me after words as a key spot in a place like wisconsin a swing state grabs him by the arm after i get done he says i want to be ground zero for everything you do in wisconsin.
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it gives me goosebumps right now. we just wake up the church a little bit. just a little bit 40 -- 45 million mom voting christian people want the brigh shiny stuff. go find the low propensity voters in the churches the way to access them are the pastor's relationship. >> absolutely. you and i have talked about this to god ordained the family he ordained the church. ordained the state sign for the churches to wake up and get involved and i'm sure they will thanks for the effort you're doing. >> process begin to wrap up the pam i want to say something personally here. such a blessing to be a small part of what matt mercy have built a member used to be at the years ago for a.much smaller. didn't do anything internationally now notes of behemoth it's a movement is not going to stop it's only growing every single year. i was born in a very small town in north carolina i was raised in a smaller town in arkansas lived in south dakota 20 years.
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great relationship with my father by parents got divorced when i was about five years old i was raised by a single woman for all intensive purposes. i do not have a fancy last name like kennedy or bush or clinton [laughter] >> thank you. i am just saying i'm a nobody from nowhere. i should not be able to work and it administration for president of the united states. but secretary in the white house under donald trump i get to walk into that white house every single day go right to the gates it walked on the world-famous colonnade right there by the rose garden you know reagan walking by their and his tan suit with all of those leaders i got to walk there every day i put my hands on the columns just to feel it. i got to walk in there every day in my office was here to that clock 20 paces away from the oval office. i got to go that incredible
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room every single day and stand in front of the of the united states advice. now he never took any of it. [laughter] but that is not the point. [laughter] the point is only in this country somewhat like me get to give it too. i am supremely confident. [applause] i am supremely confident there are people around the world who use our american flag walked through their streets chanting things like liberty freedom because they know what everybody in this room knows that the left does not know. this country is still a beacon of hope and of strength and of democracy and goodness all over the world. i am supremely confident with people in this room people on the stage getting involved in lections is going to stay that way. not just for this generation for generations to come but thank you very much for today. thank you god bless. ♪y ♪
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♪ u.s. supreme favor of donald trump in a the ballotrt overturned the colorado court former president trump was an eligible to runcause of his actions leading up to capitol. the court said the col court had wrongly assumed states ca eligible under a provision of you can read the court's ruling on our website >> here is what is ahead on cspan2 tonight. up next a discussion with women's rights activist how to address geopolitical challenges. that winner and finals of the women building discussing conflict and peace in their country. that is followed by a debate with presidential candidates from the green libertarian libertarian unicoi and socialist party. all coming up tonight on cspan2.
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♪ c-span's "washington journal" a libra form involving you to discuss the latest issues in the government, politics and public policy from washington d.c. and across the country. coming up tuesday morning we will discuss the on campaign 2020 for 2024 tomorrow's super tuesday primary tea party patriots cofounder and the editor of national journal hotline political newsletter. then they the congressional integrity project former staffer talks about her
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