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tv   Democratic Lawmakers Address Federal Workers Union  CSPAN  February 15, 2024 8:06am-9:04am EST

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>> american history tv saturdays on c-span2 exploring the people and events that tell the american story. at 6 p.m. eastern, authors talk about the role of african-americans and the civil rights movement before the 1950s and 60s. at 7 p.m. eastern we continue with the series free to choose coproduced by nobel prize-winning economist milton friedman and his wife rose friedman in the 1980s. this episode is titled what's wrong with our schools? at 9:30 p.m. eastern on the presidency constitutional law and criminal justice professor looks at franklin roosevelt's relationship with the u.s. supreme court and as the court reflected a four-time vision. at 10:30 p.m. eastern on historic campaign speeches we begin with a look at a 2000 speech by republican presidential candidate john mccain at a michigan campaign rally followed by vermont
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independent senator bernie sanders speaking at a campaign rally in dearborn, michigan, in 2016. exploring the american story, watch american history tv saturdays on c-span2 and find a full schedule on your program guide or watch online anytime at >> several democratic lawmakers joined the american federation of government employees to call on congress to avoid a government shutdown in march and passed the federal adjustment of income rates act which would give federal employees a 7.4% pay increase. they spoke. they spoke on capitol hill for about an hour. [inaudible] ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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>> good morning. >> good morning. >> brothers and sisters, how you all feel this morning? [cheers and applause] listen, listen. are you ready today to tell congress that you need a raise? >> yes. >> are you ready? >> yes. >> listen, i come in today with the message, okay? you can with a message, is thatt right? before we sent our message let me take the privilege to say happy valentines to everyone in this audience today. [cheers and applause] >> all right. and happy birthday to one of our staff today, okay? but listen, i came in today and the glad that you are here with me. we are here to send a message, a loud, clear message, right?
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to our senators and our representatives here on the hill. do your job. [cheers and applause] >> y'all say that with me. same with me. say it with me. do your job. >> do your job. >> do your job. >> do your job. [chanting] >> all right. not only do we want them to do their job but we want them to fund the government, right? keep the government open, keep the government serving the american people. this is the most basic function of congress. but right now the house is setting new lows on this functionality. what do you say about that? distractive nurse, chaos, incompetence, and, ignorance, brothers and sisters. they want our military arm
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prepared for battle. they want our prison properly staffed and guarded and our borders protected. they want their meat to be safe, there in water to be clean, and their workplace to be -- some members of congress, it's time for you to stand up and deliver. [cheers and applause] because if you don't, there are many candidates out there who easy can become effective lawmakers, right? and guess what? we will help them get elected. [cheers and applause] now, and here's something else we are here to tell congress. it's time, matter of fact it's past time for federal employees to receive what they are due for our hard work and service to the american people. [cheers and applause] and that last, at least a 7.4%
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raise. [applause] a raise that our members naturally deserve. 7.4. 7.4. [chanting] 7.4. 7.4. 7.4. >> all right. so before we go to [ti our first speaker, i want you to say it with me. on the hill, at their door. what do we tell them? 7.4. >> 7.4. >> 7.4. >> 7.4. >> 7.4. >> 7.4. >> 7.4. >> afge, i love you. [cheers and applause] i love you. let's get this job done. now, i would like to introduce
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representative valve lawyer. as member of the house committee on transportation and infrastructure, and house committee on resources,nd she fights for our department of sanitation and national parks and interior employees. before she came to congress she was state labor commissioner. she was a strong advocate for organized labor. pleaser. welcome afge friend and representative, representative val hoyle. [applause] >> thank you. thank you. brothers and sisters, thank you for being here today. i am proud to cosponsored the bill to give you a 7.4% raise. [cheers and applause] i'm here to apologize because it is not nearly enough. because over the past few
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decades your pensions have beena gutted. your wages have been stagnant. because we have people in government, my maga collects,, the want to break the system, the want to give tax breaks to the wealthiest while they make you have to work to back jobs. right? one job should be enough. and then not give you staff and blamed you when things start breaking. it is not right. it is not fair. you are expected to show up at your jobs even when government shutdown and you are not getting paid, and you do. because you are patriots. because you care about this country. while our colleagues want to get paid to not show up at work and break the system. it is wrong. it is absolutely wrong. but here's the thing.
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they think they can get away with it because they think we are asleep at the wheel. but here's what i will tell you, is that when you take on one union, you take on the whole house of labor. applause]d so, what i will tell you is, i don't know if you notice, the right of labor is not asleep at the wheel. no, they have woken a sleeping giant because when i could to take it anymore. and i'm proud to stand with you. i am proud to fight with you. thank you for helping me get here and i will never ever, ever walk away from working people. so let'swe hope we get more peoe and congress that would do that. they need to do their job. [cheers and applause] >> thank you, thank you. do your job. >> do your job [chanting]
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>> all right. [chanting] afge. [cheers and applause] >> 7.4. >> all right. listen, , brothers and sisters please help me welcome representative great closer. he's a member of the oversight and accountability committee where he fights for federal employees rights, he works hard to produce, to protect our department of agriculture employees and food safety, as member of the agriculture community. he's a staunch advocate for working people and the fire for labor since his days on the austin city council when he fought back against right to work. please help me welcome
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representative great case are. [cheers and applause] >> thank you. >> on the hill at that door. what we tell them? >> 7.4. >> on the hill at the door come what we tell them? >> 7.4. >> what we want? what do we want? >> 7.4. >> and when they say they don't have the money for nobody can spell out the like a union member. we know the money isn't there. we know the money isn't there. just the other day we saw them send hundreds of billions of dollars in tax breaks to their corporate donors. just the t other day my very fit bill as a member of congress, they said they want us to work on, these guys who say they care about inflation. these guys syndicate about working people. the first billl the sp to vote n as a o member of congress was to cut the irs agents that go after corporate tax cheats.
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boo. they always find the money but for when is for the billionaire buddies. they always find the money when it's to wage war to hurt people. but we know the money is there to pay the everyday person that is doing the work of protecting this country. that meet doesn't get expected on its own. those workplaces don't get cut safe bundle. people look at the social to check on their own. that healthcare is something that people fought for and bills indigenous congress that you delude and is tied for u.s. congress to do our job. do your job. do yourto job. do your job. do your job. i think it's ridiculous. eichinger from texas wanting to make sure that we took care of working people, make sure we get rid of right to work for less laws. make sure people can bargain a fair contract of have warfare economy and instead what we showing up in saint is don't shut down the entire u.s.
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government. that's what were fighting over, really? and the reason for it is because they are the arsonists and to try to blend the firefighters for a flames. are we going to let them blame us for the flames? know, going to hold the arsonists accountable. were expose -- -- we're going to expose -- do your job. do your job. [chanting] dodo your job. >> so i think as a member of congress, i'm also union through and through. [cheers and applause] and so as a close aqi as who are we? >> afge. >> who are we? >> afge. >> who are we? >> afge. >> i am with you all thehe way. thank you all. >> all right, all right. who are we? >> afge. >> all right. already?
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listen, please help me welcome a strong labor friendly representative of illinois. years she's both to her labor brothers and sisters and work for the united food and commercial workers international association of firefighters. afge, she is a labor, she is labor. she works with us and brought home a top seat in illinois. she settled agriculture committee where she stands up for afge members write every day. not some days but every single day. help me welcome congresswoman nikki budzinski. [cheers and applause] >> thankki you. thank you. it is great to be with you. wonderful to be at a union rally. i am a proud union member and
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proud to be endorsed and supported throughout my career by af ge and the hard-working men and women of your union. thank you so much. i want to talk about doing your job. you have my commitment that i will do my job. my job is, as you know, keep the government running. you work hard every day and you deserve the pay at the end of the day for the work you've done and you don't make enough. you can count on me to do my job to raise your wage by 7.4%. and you can count on me to do my job to oppose a fiscal commission that some folks on the hill are thinking about that will cut your pay and benefits and reduce the impact fees of workforce we have that we desperately need. i will oppose a fiscal commission and stand with you
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absolutely. and i want to say i'm on the house veterans affairs committee. are there folks that work at the v.a.? thank you. thank you for the hard work you do. you are asked to do so much and not given enough, to do very important jobs for our men and women that have served. i want to say a huge thank you for all of you in the work you do. i want to take a special moment of privilege to honor my sister april from my district and i want to share something with you . every member of congress has an opportunity to bring someone to the state of the union. i am bringing a member of the afge. april is coming with me. and what i hope you know in that is my respect for the work you do and issues that you fight for every day that i want those to be front and center for all of congress.
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thank you for joining me. have a good rally. >> all right. are you ready? brothers and sisters, i want to take a moment to recognize our sisters and brothers on the first rail wide -- nationwide flight attendant day of action. they are doing actions at more than 30 airports and i want to raise our voice in solidarity. more than two thirds of u.s. flight attendants have contract negotiations right now. let's send them our solidarity. can you say it with me? go sisters, go brother. united for flight attendant rights. go sisters and go brothers. united for flight attendant rights. but who are we? >> afge.
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>> what do we want? >> 7.4. >> i can't hear you. >> we want 7.4. >> we want 7.4. i'm so happy you are here today. afge, i don't know what i would do without you because you always step up and take care of the job. always on task. and today, we need to send a clear message to the congress of the united states and the senators of the united states of america that we can't take it no more. we want to be treated fairly. we want fair contracts and dignity and fairness on the job. we want to be paid what we are worth. 7.4. we are knocking on your door. 7.4, we are knocking on your door.
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ok. i don't know if you want to have a word or not, but if you do, i'm calling you out. all right. do you want to talk to the people? if it's up to me, i will keep talking. don't ever say that everett kelley is long-winded right? , because you also may try to get the mic up right. i'll take it, i'll take it. ok. what are we here for? 7.4. what i'll be here for? 7.4. 7.4. afge i love you. i love you and there's nothing you can do about it. so don't even try. because we are what? we are who? who are we? afge. afge.
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the one and only. can't nobody knock us down because when we unify and stand together, we win. when we stand in solidarity, there is nobody and nothing that can come between us. right now we are telling congress, we want what? >> 7.4. >> when do we want it? >> now. >> what do we want? >> 7.4. >> 7.4. listen. all right. ♪ >> ♪ for the union makes us strong.
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solidarity forever solidarity forever and the union makes us strong the union makes us strong solidarity forever ♪ >> let me hear you. >> ♪ solidarity forever, for the union makes us strong ♪ ♪ >> let me hear you. let me hear you. solidarity forever, for the union makes us strong.
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all right. ♪ >> all right. do y'all feel all right? i enjoy being in front of afge members. especially the day before valentine's day. listen brothers and sisters, our next speaker has played active an active role in the labor movement serving as a student advocate for workers' rights for the past 50 years. he got his start in 1973, brother fred reverend. in the middle of the steelwork again wasted many positions during national vice president -- overseeing the union human rights department. in 2020, he was tapped to chair the cio task force on racial justice where i was privileged
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to work alongside him and groups of labor leaders to implement plans to address racism in our country and pull his -- police violence of black people. fred made history as the first black man to hold the position of secretary-treasurer of the afl-cio. under his leadership, the afl-cio has made great strides, afge please give a warm welcome, an afge welcome, to my friend, my brother, the secretary-treasurer, fred redmond. [applause] >> afge is in the house. first of all, i want to thank my brother everett kelley for his leadership. everett is the inspiration of working families everywhere. there's no better advocate for federal workers and it is an honor to call you my brother. thank you, brother.
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good afternoon, siblings brothers and sisters. ,we are all gathered here today, we got folks from different unions and different walks of life to support federal employees. that's what we are here for. we are here to call on congress to do what is fair. we are not here to ask them to do us any favors. we are not here to ask them to be kind. we are here to ask them to do their jobs and do what is fair. that's all. and we make that ask. we hold our heads up high. we can stick our chest out and make that ask because union members love this country.
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federal employees love this country. this is a nation that you serve every day with dedication, with pride. you care for our veterans. you serve our seniors. you protect our environment. you keep america healthy, safe, strong, and free. you wake this country up every morning and took us to sleep at night. that's what you do. but there are some members in congress who have forgotten that. some members of congress only see u.s. ponds in their self-serving political game -- pawns in their self-serving political games. are you pawns?
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>> no. >> hell, no, you're not pawns. you are patriots. yes, sir. you are heroes. you serve the public day in and day out. and to do so with dignity, integrity, and professionalism. and today we're going to remind the congress of that. we will remember -- remind them it is high time for congress to give public servants the professionalism that you deserve. we want respect. we want government workers to be able to do the work of the government. we want to put an end to the policies that attack your jobs and pay, your benefits. this labor movement, we have made this country great and we have had to fight tooth and nail to make it great. they haven't given us anything. we fought for every victory. we made jobs safer.
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we made health care more affordable and accessible. and we made sure that at the end of an honest days work, that there be honest pay. afge and the american labor movement, we are going to make damn sure that government workers get the honest pay that they deserve. look, don't let nobody tell you anything different. a 7.4% pay increase, that isn't a lot to ask. not for the federal employees who love this country. you have contributed more than your fair share. now it's time for this congress to step up and contribute back. it's time to stop playing games. no more shut down threats.
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no more debt default threats. it is time to fully staff federal agencies and fund the government. it's time to pass the fair act. and it's time for all federal employees to have collective bargaining rights. so let's use our voices today and make sure this country does not work without us. brothers and sisters, i respect all of you and the work that you do. the work that you do making this country grow every day. -- run every day. you don't owe the government anything, they owe you. let's not get this twisted. let's be clear.
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let's be precise. this is our moment and this is our country. we are strong, we are powerful, we are united, and when we rise up together as a powerful labor movement, we all win together. keep up the fight. hold your heads up high. we will win. we will win. thank you very much. >> all right. all right. thank you. >> [chanting] we will win. we will win. we will win. [chanting] we will win. we will win. >> we will win. all right, all right, all right. all right. all right. all right, brothers and sisters now, i would like to introduce you to representative donald norcross of new jersey. he is the cochair of the congressional labor caucus and a dead -- dedicated to getting the word out about key labor issues.
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he's helped out when we need signatures or letters that support labor and he's a proud, card-carrying member of the ibew. let's give a warm union welcome to representative donald norcross. [applause] >> all right, how are we doing? we got anybody from jersey in the house? well, you know, what we say, if are not, you got a problem with that? [laughter] listen, i spent 43 years in a labor union and ibew before get job. i will tell you, it has probably been a very long time, two union rallies in one morning here in washington. let's hear it. president kelly, great to see you again.
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unprecedented times. i know i'm preaching to the choir. shutdowns because you don't like the way things are working? are you kidding me? decide not to go to work and not pay people? we have a problem here, folks. we got a big problem. talking with threats. the afl was at our labor caucus meeting we had at a democratic retreat. we created the labor caucus about a year ago. i never thought we would need it in the democratic party. but what has happened over the years is you sometimes forget about your family. and labor is fundamentally a part of the democratic party. we are here to remind everybody, what you do each and every day, it it was a rough time during the pandemic.
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we lost loved ones. we lost workers but what we didn't lose is our pride to be a part of the union movement. [cheers and applause] so we had this little thing back in jersey.e if you're not at the table, you were on the menu. and apparently they thought that unions were not at the table anymore and they were going to feast on them. well, you are here to tell them what? we are at the table. we are at the table. we arebl at the table. and we're going to make sure whether it's the fair act, fair act does exactly what it says. pay them what they are due. you ain't giving them nothing. they are earning it. make sure this fiscal commission bullshit -- [booing] >> come on, you were elected to to do something. you don't have to set up a
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commission that hides behind closed doors. do it in front of our faces. if it's a good idea will do it. but you know what? when you're setting up in the back rooms, you are not at the table, and you will be on the menu. so great moments for labor unions. when i started as as a busins agent for the ibew, the ratings, unions were down here. when you are used car salesmen and congress. it is labour leader unions appear 74%. [cheers and applause] unfortunately congress is still down here. but we're here standing with you. i know with glenn ivey of maryland who is one of us, , who comes of usho who understands u. but we're just here to say we stand with you. we stand with you yesterday. i stand with you today. and most important, we stand
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with you to march. god bless you. [cheers and applause] >> all right. stand up. >> fight back. >> stand up. >> fight back. >> stand up. >> fight back. >> stand up. >> fight back. >> all right, al l right, all right. brothers and sisters please help welcome representative glenn ivey of maryland. [cheers and applause] he is in his first term but is already done so much for afge members. he sits on homeland security and judiciary committee. he fight for rights and against unconstitutional maneuvers. as a member of homeless security committee afge members count on him to stand up for the collective-bargaining rights. please give a warm welcome to representative glenn [cheers and applause] >> thank you. how are you doing? you did let alone snorkeled weather stop you, a did you? and join up and let no
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republican stop you either, argue? that's exactly right. the fair act is going to pass them right? 7.4%, you are long overdue. matter-of-fact you all are the backbone of this government. when trump was in the white house, who kept it together? that's right. now we have helped triple constraint runs into a ditch. these boys 15 times to pick a a speaker. that's how bad it is. they tried to impeach mayorkas last week. you want to talk about a cloud show? those guys take it to the next level. that the american people know that they can count on you about how dysfunctional house republicans may be, they can count on you, right? no matter how dysfunctional trump made the white house they can count on you, right? and we are going to make sure that you'll get the pay raise that you deserve, right? my father was a federal employee back in the reagan years i.t. was just talking about and he tried to run the government into
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the ground then but we withstood it. we stood strong a kept going forward, right? and we're going to keep the government, going tofo keep the country on the right track. you all keep up the great work, keep the faith. let's make it happen.n. have a great one. all right. keep up the good work. [applause] >> all right. [chanting] [chanting] >> all right. we will remember in november, all right. all right. listen, give me one more song over there. give me one more song. allth right. and then -- all right. ♪ ♪ ♪ pour myself a cup of ambition. >> yeah. >> jump and shout in the blood
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starts pumping, out on the street the traffic starts jumping. the folks like me on the job from nine to five ♪ >> working nine to five. the get by. it's taken and no given. you will lose your mind and to never give you credit. it's enough to drive you crazy ifer you let it. >> nine to five for service and devotion. you would think that i would deserve a fat promotion ♪ ♪ want to move ahead but the boss won't seem to let me. i swear sometimes that man is out to get me. they note ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> all right, all right. listen. listen. one thing applied about is we do have friends in congress. and our friend works.
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you understand what i'm saying? we're scheduled up two more congressional people here but they were doing some work that they couldn't leaflets i i wao apologize for that, okay? but we still know that they heard us, right? did the heroes? >> yes. >> what we want? >> 7.4. >> wind we want it? >> now. >> we want right now. brothers and sisters will be got to do is continue this journey. we've got to rise up. got to rise up together and went to fight together every chance we get. we need to tell congress we deserve 7.4. let me hear you say it. >> 7.4. >> all right. this less on your you all know this oneow national anthem. can you all do that? franklin beverly and maize, we are one. have you got that? what do they mean?
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what? i got it. 7.4. can we do that? can we find it? united [chanting] >> we got to do that one time. this whole time we haven't played we are one. i know folks are upset because they know that's what i believe in. that song reminds be of afge because guess what. sometimes are going to act like we love each other, don't we? we get all confused but at the end of the day, we are what? >> we are one. >> at the end of the day we are one. all right. we're going to get that and they were going home, all right? all w right. are we ready? all right, all right.
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here we go. here we go. you may go. let me see you. let me see you. all right. ♪ ♪ ♪ >> everybody, everybody, just raise that one hand up just as a sign of solidarity. we are one. think about it. think about these were two. think about your afge family. ♪ ♪ ♪ we are one ♪ >> all right, all right.
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listen, listen, listen. now i would like to introduce representative john larson of connecticut. [cheers and applause] >> he's a regular of the ways and means social security subcommittee and champion of the social security 2100 act. this bill would ensure socials could well into the future for us and the next generation. and without undue cuts to federal pay and benefits. he's championde -- over half of the democrats in the house opposing a fiscal commission which would dash it so security, medicare in federal pay and benefits. please give a warm afge welcome to our friend representative john larson. [cheers and applause] thank you, sir. thank you. >> thank you. >> yes, sir. >> thank you, mr. president. are you pumped up? we got a fight on our hands. they are trying to go behind closed doors without hearings
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and a side of the 535 members of both houses, seven people will determine the fate of social security and medicare and federal employee pay. seven people. and guess what? they don't have to have a public hearing. they go behind closed doors. they got four people that are unelected, so-called expert. and then six from the senate, and six from the house, three republicans, three democrats frome each body, but only seven required to pass legislation that in the case of social security impacts 70 million
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americans. [booing] >> we don't need a commission to study socialy security. what we need is a vote in congress on social security 2100, and not only extend solvency but enhance benefits for the more than 70 million people. imagine, and the wealthiest nation in the world, 5 million of our fellow americans get below poverty level checks after having paid in all their lives to a program, below poverty. 23 million americans pay taxes that under social security 2100 would be forgiven. they have got a lot of talk about taxes over there for leaders of corporations. what about the people of
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america? what about the social security recipients? what about repealing an unfair practice that was put in long ago? i stand with president biden on that who sought for direct repeal in repayment and how we going to pay for it? well, we are going to lift the cap on people making over $400,000. i want you to do me a favor. raise your hand if you're making more than 400,000. a funny thing about that, mr. president. everywhere i go nobody raises their hand. that's because only six-tenths of 1% of america makes over 400,000. shouldn't they pay the same
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thing that someone making 50,000, or 75,000, or even 125,000? of course they should. and guess what that does. that extend solvency out for more than 30 years. but more importantly, it enhanceses benefits. when is the last time congress enhance social security benefits. 1971, richard nixon was president of the united states. 53 years and congress hasn't voted to enhance benefits. i love the card you're taking around to people. i've got one for you to take it from every office that shows them just how much social security dollars come into the district. where do those dollars ago? they go to individuals. so it's the greatest economic development program that we could have in this country.
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because all that money gets spent right back in your congressional district. they are not going out and purchasing stock options. they are buying food to put on their tables. they are trying to heat their home. so god bless you for standing out here and taking the fight. we are with you all the way. and let's count on every door and make sure everybody understands, i want to commend senator wyden for calling this outfit he said hey, , when you didn't say fiscal division, that's just a buzzword for cots. and i want to thank president biden and the white house when they were asked about it, they said that's a death panel, not a commission. let's go knock on doors and knock some sense into people over there and pass social security 2100, enhance benefits for people that haven't been done in 51 years. god bless you. god bless america.
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[cheers and applause] >> yes, sir. thank you,ic sir. the pleasure is mine, yes, sir. thank you. all right. all right, brothers and sisters. are you all right? we are happy now to welcome to the stage our own national vice president of women's -- mvp. all right. all right. thank you. >> all right, afge. are you fired up? now, i know we might be the fed, boyer said the hell up. we get tax on the sole security administration, the fact they're not even willing to give reasonable accommodations to employees with disabilities. that's a complete violation of the law. the understaffing at the v.a. and the blatant racism that takes place. we are fed up. the bureau of prisons, the sexual assaults and attacks that take place on our law enforcement officers is
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unconscionable. psa, the bullying and micromanaging that takes place when theys can't even get off work to spend time with their families. hyde, census, the list goes on and on. when i say fired up you say fed up. >> fired up. >> fed up. >> fired up. >> fed up. >> fired up. >> fed up. >> when i say stay you say ready. >> stay. >> ready. >> stay. >> ready. >> we're going to continue to stay afge ready. thank you, president kelley. >> thank you, thank you. all right, all right. are you already? 7.4. 7.4. [chanting] 7.4. 7.4. 7.4. >> do we have any h marvin gaye over there? do you all feel like that?
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we got one more -- we just need to give him about three minutes come is at all right? okay. all right, okay. listen, i feel like a little marvin gaye. do y'all feel like like a e marvin gaye? d all feel like a low marvin gaye? i i don't hear you. all right, all right, all right. they getting is this over th, tell you. the ddj is on point, i tell yu that. okay. you want me to sing? listen, we want folks to stay out here. all right. eight no mountain high, you all know that. ♪ >> ain't no mountain high, and a valid low. >> if you need me call me no matter how far, don't worry, baby here just call my name, i'll be there in a hurry. you don't have to worry.
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♪ ♪ ♪ >> all right, all right, all right. listen, brothers and sisters, please help in welcome representative maxwell frost of florida. [cheers and applause] >> he is the youngest memberpr f congress and -- someday make him the dean of the congress. he's beenss a fighter security. on behalf of our members and he sits of the committee were stands up every day against untruthful allegations about the majority. please help in welcome representative maxwell frost. [applause] >> how is y everybody doing? what's disgusting? unionbusting. what's going on your? i might the right rally? what's disgusting?
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>> unionbusting. >> hello, afge. it's a blessing to be here this morning. thank god it's not raining. it was in last year. issue it's not raining and it just want to first of thank you all so much for doing your jobs and doing a damn good job at that. you know, now we need congress to do the same. we need congress to do their job. job. we need to do our job. we got this week and do we go home for a week, three more days at then the government shuts down. iys have heard this for my republican colleagues on the plan for the next week on how we're going to make sure that y'all stay in work and that the government continues to function for the peopleen which is why we are set here in the first place. we cannot let the government shutdown. and here'ss the thing. my colleagues have created this laddered approach, a two-part
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government shutdown. the reason they are doing this is they're trying to set themselves up politically so if it shuts down we have less talking points is what they have said. but what it willl tell you is f this. i don't care if it's a quarter of the government. i don't care if it's half. we can't shut down any part of it at this point. not with the housing crisis we have right now.ho not with our veterans being left out right now. not with retirees needing what they need right now. and it is joe who make a possible and i just want to thank you so much. as was mentioned i said on the house oversight committee with some of your favorite people, marjorie k the green, my bad, my bad. [laughing] >> wrong rally. >> wrong rally. but let me tell you this. let me tell you i sit in this committee hearings and there always come after you. always come after gel. w stifel words, there was that the bureaucrats of d.c.
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i come up nsa about anyone to know this. when i could with the use the word bureaucrats like that, when very use the word bureaucrats like that, who there actually talking about our civil servants. whether actual talking about our working-class people making this government run. making it that way we can take care of our constituents. so we have to call them out for the blatant attacks on unions and on working families. it's not about no bureaucracy. it's about the people who make this government work. here's the other thing. my colleagues will spend all day on these committees complaining about our government agencies, event the time comes vote at the one to underfund it. they want to spend all the time talking about defund the police and et cetera but the want to defund the government. they want to defund social security. they want to defund the irs. we needal more resources, i do want you all to know i know you
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need help. i know you're doing the best job that you can do with the resourcesre you have. we understand that for these agencieses to modernize anita hl of al lot more money to moderne with no risk towards the people. and so we need to call out republicans on the hypocrisy. we knew to fund the government. we need to pass the proactive we need to make sure everybody has health care in this country, that we fight gun violence and that we know what we did to do. so you all thank you summit having me here. all. and in the words of congresswoman barbara jordan,, what the people want is simple, a country as great as its promise. thank you for fighting for the promise every day. let's [cheers and applause] >> what's disgusting? >> unionbusting. >> god bless you all. thank you so much. >> thank you. all right. all right. all right, give it up for
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representative maxwell frost. [cheers and applause] >> all right. what's disgusting? >> unionbusting. >> what's disgusting? >> unionbusting. >> what we want? >> 7.4. >> listen, brothers and sisters, i think would come down to the close of this rally but i appreciate all oft you for being here at supporting afge this initiative. we are going back to the hill and we want our voices to be heard, right? we are going to let them know we don't want no shutdown. >> we want a 7.4 and we want respect on the job, right? are you all with that? all right listen. i love you, and don't forget at 2:30 at the capital room and the hotel i will be receiving an award and you're all invited to acome by, you know, at 2:30 you know, in the hotel. thank you, and afge, i love you.
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all right, thank you. .. ♪♪ >> a healthy democracy doesn't just look like this. it looks like this where americans can see democracy at work. when citizens are truly informed our republic thrives. get informed straight from the source on c-span, unfiltered, unbiased, word for word, from the nation's capital to
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