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tv   Sen. Bob Menendez on Bribery Charges  CSPAN  September 25, 2023 4:12pm-4:36pm EDT

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series in partnership with the library with congress, books that shape america featuring the federalist. essays written in 1787 in 1788 by alexander hamilton, james madison and john jay urging for the ratification of the u.s. constitution. u.s. court of appeals for the armed forces and calling director for graduate studies at arizona state university will be our guest on why they are considered for interpreting and understanding the original intent of the constitution. watch books that shaped america featuring the federalist. tonight, live at nine eastern on c-span, c-span our free mobile video app or online at c-span .org. also be sure to scan the qr code to listen to her companion podcast you can learn more about the authors of the books featured.
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senator bob menendez said he would not resign ignoring calls for them to do so amid allegations of bribery. the democrat offered an explanation for the thousands of dollars in cash found in suit pocket in his home saying the money was withdrawn from his own savings account. family have it picked up during their years in cuba. this is about 20 minutes. >> good morning. thank you to all of you that are here today. especially the new jerseyans. on friday the southern district of new york wrote charges against me. i understand how deeply concerning that this can be. however the allegations leveled against me or just that. allegations.
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for anyone hello has known me throughout my 50 years of public service they know i have always fought for what is right. my advocacy has always been grounded in what i learned from growing up as a son of human refugees, especially my mom, my hero, everything i've accomplished i worked for. despite the naysayers and everyone who has underestimated me. i recognize this will be the biggest fight but as i have stated throughout this whole process. i firmly believe when all the facts are presented not only will they be exonerated, but i still will be the new jersey senior center. for now i want to address four things. first, a cornerstone of the foundation of american democracy and our justice system as the principal that all people are presumed innocent until proven guilty. all people. i asked for nothing more and
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deserve nothing less. the court of public opinion is no substitute for our justice system. we cannot set aside the presumption of innocence for political expediency when the harm is irrevocable. to those who have rush to judgment, you have done so based on the limited set of facts framed by the prosecution to be as salacious as possible. remember, prosecutors get it wrong sometimes. sadly, i know that. instead of waiting for the facts to be presented, they have rush to judgment because they see a political opportunity for themselves or those around them. all i humbly ask for in this moment is my colleagues in congress the elected leaders in the advocates of new jersey that i worked with for years as well as each person who calls new
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jersey home is to pause and allow all the facts to be second, my long record on egypt. one fact is indisputable. throughout my time in congress i have remained steadfast on the side of civil society and human rights defenders and egypt and everywhere else in the world. if you look at my actions related to egypt during the period described in this indictment and throughout my whole career, my record is clear and consistent in holding egypt accountable for his unjust attention of american citizens and others. it is human rights abuses, it is deepening relationship with russia andth effort that have eroded the independence of the judiciary among a myriad of concerns. and 2017 i led a bipartisan letter to then president trump expressing grave concern with
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the worsening situation in egypt that same year i sent a letter to the senate appropriations subcommittee supporting u.s. assistance to egypt as long as egypt adhered to the camp david accords and urge the appropriations committee to include the requirements for assistance reform strategies outlined in the egypt assistance of 2013. in 2018 iron secretary to focus more on human rights issues in egypt and raise concern that the electoral environment ahead of the elections at the time was not free, fair and credible. in 2019 i met with the president at the munich security can't print and emphasize a level inside of egypt risking eroding our security cooperation and raising concerns about the intent to purchase a russian missile system. in 2020, on the senate floor for international women's day,da
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citing the cases a human rights lawyer and ezra a human rights activist and reporter who was unjustly detained in egypt for fighting for human rights democracy and a free press. i have placed holes on foreign military sales funding and in the presence of other united states senators i have challenged president cc directly on human rights abuses, arbitrary detention and freedoms and the list goes on. throughout my 30 years in the house of representatives and the senate i have always worked to hold accountable those countries including egypt for human rights abuses repression of the citizenry civil society and more mythose who now are attempting o malign my actions as it relates to egypt simply do not know the facts. third, for 30 years i have withdrawn thousands of dollars in cash from my personal savings
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account. which i have kept for emergencies and because of the history of my family facing confiscation in cuba. this may seem old-fashioned, but these are from my personal savings account based on the income that i've lawfully derived over those 30 years. i look forward to addressing other issues at trial. four. i want to speak directly to the people of new jersey. as i started these remarks, you are the reason why have dedicated the entirety of my adult life to improving the lives of hard-working new jerseyans and all americans. some of the people calling for my resignation for political reasons have lost the trust of new jersey. that could not be more wrong. today i'm surrounded by everyday people and constituents that know me. i have filed for important policies for reproductive health care. funding for health centers and
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lowering the cost of prescription drugs. they arees here because i have fought for working people. working from nine-five. i have always advocated for the rights of workers to organize for better wages and working conditions and have been a staunch supporter of delivering critical services like affordable childcare. we are here because we are in the darkest days of super storm sandy. making surein that new jerseyans were made whole and had the resources to build stronger and more resilient than before. the worst pandemic in a century i went for about for small business owners to make sure that they could keep their doors open and their employers on the payrollce. when state and local governments were faceday with excruciating decision of how to lay off frontline responders, police officers and firefighters during the pandemic, i delivered billions of federal funding and
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investments to keep our state, cities and towns and hospitals afloat. throughout my career and some may not have liked the positions i've taken, i have stood against authoritarian regimes and achieved nuclear weapons. or cuba and its dictatorship. or authoritarianism and turkey, venezuela, russia. wherever in the world where human rights and democracy have been threatened. they are here because i've made it my life's work about protecting refugees and immigrants that come seeking a better future for our children just as my family did. they are here because during the past 30 years i have fought tooth and nail so new jersey would receive critical infrastructure funding and against the force to try to dismantle the gateway product. my earliest days in congress i've repeatedly stood up to the gun lobby to stop illegal firearms from claiming too many lives and destroying communities
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they are here because when tragedy struck one of new jersey's federal judges i made a promise that i would not stop until they passed a law to better protect the dedicated public servants in the judiciary last year i delivered passing legislation signed into law by the president that will better protect judges and their familiesev. they are here because i never gave up on delivering justice for 9/11 families. especially the widows and children of those killed who were previously and unfairly excluded from the state-sponsored terrorism. in december working with others i delivered billions of dollars in long-overdue federal relief to that community and other u.s. victims of terror. they are here because when other members wanted to turn their backs on our veterans and not passed the act to provide healthcare for veterans who were exposed, i was there. they are here because i successfully passed legislation to better serve world war ii vets as well as those.
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for now i remain focused on remaining to do the important work. i remain every dayy on the 9 million people who call new jersey home. everything we canis to avoid a government shutdown. catastrophic natural disasters and assure the people of ukraine have everything theyed need to defeat putin. i returned to washington this week to do exactly that. let me say a few words in spanish. [speaking in native tongue]
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[applause] >> c-span is your unfiltered view of government. funded by these television companies and more. including cox. >> this syndrome is extremely rare. friends don't have to be. when you are connected, you are not alone.
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>> supporting c-span as a public service along with these other television providers. giving you a front row seat to democracy. >> today first lady joe biden meets with leaders of the smithsonian library of congress the national park service and the national archive to discuss preserving historical sites. watch that live at 7:00 p.m. eastern on c-span2. c-span now our free mobile video app or online at >> the administrator warned lawmakers the agency would have difficulty responding to any natural disaster as a government would have shut down as congress faces a september 30 deadline to approve additional funding. this came as testifying on disaster preparedness before the house transportation and infrastructure subcommittee on emergency management.


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