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tv   House Republicans on Jan. 6 Investigations Prosecutions  CSPAN  June 16, 2023 6:23pm-8:03pm EDT

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nothing happened while they were in the store. they came out at the store and a short time later, i don't know how long ms. brandt comes in the store and emmett love to make people laugh. he was a jokester so he whistles to make us laugh and he gave a whole twizzle. whistle. you have to understand the atmosphere 1955 in mississippi a black man whistling at ahite woman. that in itself --
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[inaudible] [inaudible]
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>> good afternoon. i'm going to call this field hearing on january 6 to order. from time to time numbers of congress hold field hearings to function as force multipliers for the analytical legislative work of our various committees. we are now looking toward the appropriations process where we will have to make key decisions about authorities and capabilities for the department of justice and the fbi and it is my hope that we get a more wholesome understanding of the events of january 6 in the followar on actions that have concerned many of us in congress regarding people's treatment and civil rights and to start her hearing we have short audio. despite millions of americans watching the event event of january 6 unfold on their tv screens that have been several
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conspiracy theories including one that the federal government facilitated the riots. >> these are unnamed as of yet uncharged does not mean that they were working undercover for thet fbi. that is the crux of this fbi conspiracy. >> all of these allegations have been debunked up and down. >> how many fbi agents were confidential informant to actively participating in the best of january 6? >> i can answer that. >> confidential human source is embedded in the january 6 protesters. >> as i'm sure you can appreciate have to bee very careful about what i can say where we have and have not used confidential sources. >> you have access to 11,000 hours of video. >> there maybe, maybe
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confidential human sources whose identity we need to protect. >> there might have been some kind of potential federal involvement on january sixth and i thought it was important enough that it would warrant our attention. >> there must be moments where you think if we could have infiltrated this grouper found out what theyld were doing and o you have those moments? >> absolutely. in that testimony to the senate you believe that christopher wray indicated there were no confidential informants, no fbi assets that were present at the capitol on january 6 that were part of the t riots, isn't that right? >> yes sir. >> the washington field office that we can give you the evidence because itgt might disclose what you are concerned about. >> much of our work has been
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covered some things that initially were deemed conspiracy theories but we now have sworn evidence to prove that is not the end of the story. the critical feature of our gathering today is to better understand how people were treated and the follow on to january 6 and in that regard i'm very pleased to welcomeha our witnesses. jeff clark is a senior fellow and director director of litigation at the center for renewing america and former former acting assistant attorney general for the civil division andis holding that time during e mr. schneck to be confirmed by the jeff served as the assistant general for the environment and natural resources division. he holds degrees from harvard university and economics in russian history from the university of delaware and urban affairs and the georgetown university law center. outside of politics jeff served as professor at george mason school of law and an attorney at kirkland and ellis and we have today with as ed martin
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president of the eagle form education and legal defense fund formerly a member of the republican national committee and cheered the missouri republican party. he's an attorney for the private sector and his legal work involves a justice and human action network and the americans united for life. he possesses degrees of medical ethics and philosophy served as the missouri governor and chief of staff then he currently hosts theno pro america podcast. we are joined today by jerry -- geri perna and her nephew was subjected to months of delays by the -- the peacefully surrendered to authorities. matthew is scheduled for march march 2022 and this was delayed by20 persecution. he took his own life in his friends andif family say that broke them. geri perna runs are web site to remember math history and we are
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joined by sara mcabee the wife or ronald mcabee a deputy sheriff. ronald suffered aggravated shoulder injuries while attempting to render medical assistance to a protester rosanne boylan a spin charged with seven crimes among them assaulting a federal officer. ronald pleaded not guilty to the charges in videose footage shows mcabee protecting helping multiple capital officers and we thank him for his together sara and her husband have faced legal bills in the smear campaign manipulated evidence and imprisoned without a sense. we areri joined by brandon straa straka founder the walkaway campaign. straka run tyrannization 501(c)(3) political action committee and sociall media campaign and a grassroots political movement per brandon was charged with disorderly conduct as a result of this present the cap on january 6 and subsequently sentenced to three years of probation with three
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months of home detention. .. lso joined today by john strand, a model, writer, actor, musician and host of frontline flash during the covid-19 pandemic. john but the beverly hills freedom rally in 2020 to defy california's lockdown orders in support of doctor simone gold, he worked as a medication directors will create a director for america's front-line doctors. john has been since more than two years in prison for his presence at the capital i enjoyed curtly by my colleague paul gosar of arizona we may have other members that i know are watching and observing this from their movements about the capital and you may join us >> mr. clark, you've submitted written testimony all of the testimony from today and off the record that is being kept today will be available for members to smitse for the official record f the floor or house in the judiciary committee upon which i serveover oversightor it that doctor and many other members
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serve so thank you for where are written testimony and summarize that in five minutes you're recognized mr. clark. >> representative gaetz and members of>> the house attending today, doctor gosar, at this field hearing thank you for the opportunity to testify. letou me make seven quick point. first, one of the original sins of government that is carried and caused poor treatment of the january 6th protester defendants is -- the lawless formation of the house select committee. thes january 6th committee leading to it acting in a one sided and due process free way. that committee was jerry commandered by speaker pelosi ranking without a member or council to ranking member. lewis cheney granted vice chair status to try to cover that up. the committee then had a series of carefully scripted by hollywood hearings where the entire q and a pat was prewritten and meshed with cherry picked of highly edited
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audio i'm sorry video, and audio doctored video. the committee interviewed a thousand plus witnesses that says but only about 200 transcripts have been0+ release. second, the january 6th committee worked with regime media, "the new york times" washington post, cnn and msnbc et cetera in that way, the fake narrative that an insurrection had occurred on january 6th was blasted everywhere. based on secretly recorded video we now have on tape nancy pelosi's documentarian doctor and friends admitting no real insurrection ever occurred the collective effect of the january 6th committee shameful way of proceeding plus ---- the reenforcing media blitz poisoned jury pool in washington, d.c. trial venue transfers out of t d.c. should have beenns permitted media narrative among p ring indeed ws also the preoriginal sin therefore of this entire issue because it laid the groundwork for the january 6th select
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committees hatchet jobs. third, many of the defendants were swept up in a vast drag map that i believe violated fourth amendment because it was the equivalent of a january warrant that our framers sought to ban this was done through u.s. of geofencing technology and sent to tell come providers additionally, many protesters arriving after president trump's speech in the finished did not see any signage that areas normally open to the public were closed that day setting up a trespass trap for the unweary. fourth, the justice department did not treat these cases with appropriate respect for the first amendment rights of the protesters. the 2020 presidential election was incredibly contentious and many citizens in this countries disagreeds with mainstream media pronouncements that shea should in essence sits down and shut up about election and how it was conducted. by contrast i was at the justice department getting daily updates
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about the marco hatfield federal courthouse in port land attacked nights after night after night in the summer of 2020. insurrection is a far more appropriate for targeted antifa lawlessness that assemble crowd agitated by tear gas and rubber bullets. yet the first amendment issues led to the self-agitators in portland being treated very differently and with special kid gloves. this takes me to my first point. the january 6th defendants have not been dealt with in the same fashion as the antifa and blm protesters who engage this threatenednduct house did millions of damage in property to property -- in that summer. in the lead up to the presidential election -- this is a flat violation in terms of comparing those two categories of defendants or potential defendants of the equal protection of the laws. many americans think this selectiveot prosecution on dispy here is blatant.
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sixth, there are widespread brady violations how violations are dealt with today and i'll confine that to two areas for ouril purposes today. first, thes conceal or underreported footage issue around the capital. so thehe house is to be commandd for allowing tucker carlson julie kelly to review footage and seconds it is hard to imagine with 800 plus or so unreleased january 6th committee deposition tripghts that there's not at least some evidence in there that is not yet been seen by the relevant defendants and their lawyers. thes january 6th committee in shorty acted like a star chaim earn there's no reason for this congress to let that go on. sefnght and lastly, the judges on the federal district court here in washington, d.c. seem to have come under the spell of the january 6th committees original sin, and in that way they allow the constructed mainstream media narrative to influence their decisions. and to the legal matters,
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they're by and large allowing a statute designed to close in obstruction of justice loophole that arthur anderson exploited in the debacle to be applied to entirely different activity that in many instances is protected by the first amendment and should appropriately be treated differently. as a he result, antifa and blm not an exaggeration to call them thatie engage in worse conduct t off scot-free and worse yet, many of them left with bags of cash from civil settlements by contrast the census being handed down against januaryca 6th defendants or widely disproportionate for all of these reasons i'm glad to be here today. before you -- >> thank you mr. clark, mr. martin. one of these microphones. >> just a mile or two from here -- there's a meeting room for lawyers to meet with their clients in the jail, the d.c.
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jail here. and the room is not descripght it looks like half of our grammar schools growing up with cinderblocks and plain walls heavy door and you go in that room plastic chairs -- and everything about it is ordinary. and nothing about what is happened to these defendants is ordinary.. and i sit before you with gratitude because as you said congressman gaetz being a force multiplier i'm talking about what happened on january 6th as porpghtly what's happened since then wouldn't be more porpght and i salute you for that. but if it were -- the mistreatments of these j6 defendants -- that they're targeted they're lied about in the press. the prosecutors leak on them all things you all recognize from your own work. and yet that would and should be a tragedy. but it's coupled with a travesty of the select committee that benny thompson and liz cheney convene and spent 21 million to
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go through systemically and cause damage to the system not the individuals. the system that we rely on so much and so thank you, by the way i didn't -- chairman -- congressman gaetz i represent three of the defendants also. as attorney -- and that were in the jail here, and i'm on board of one of the organizations patriot freedom project that try thoaps the families and it how i know so many witness they're extraordinary today. so -- for this, and broadly speaking any testimony which i'll summarize and cover a few points overlapped with some of my colleagues here but it is this. the stham we rely on and due process that's at the heart of america has been denied. to the individuals here -- and when i say that it's not due process being denied it's not some assertion it's a description of the corruption in the system. and so as we go through this things like speedy trial delayed --
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i've been on the calls with the judges where a one after another speedy trial is told calendar that you move along is told for good reasons except that reasons are created by the system that hase caused delays based on -- evidence based on videos. the -- the leaking by the way -- of the prosecutors and others about individuals about their personalities, theiror families, has been it not just mean. and unkind terribly nasty it's also impacted juries and see it if you go in courts and you wonder why the legal system the judges has not addressed it you wonder how they could say over and over again that the people should suffer through this when our system doesn't -- doesn't expect that. again, if the select committee back to the silent committee for a moment if their conduct was only detrimental to politicians or politics or individuals it would be one thing and at this panel with candor defamation
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slander mean or terrible we don't wantit it to be what we se out of our congress. but we --o this conduct is different, though. that's select committee had an impact not on on jury pool. atbut on the judges. if you can get a lawyer in that system that practices in district courts in d.c. to be honest with use even they'll say they've never seen it happen like this. they've never a seen a dynamic where they actev like this and - i want -- i want to highlight five areas just to bring light to it happy to exfound on this and other places. but the improper charging alluded to by general clark -- the department of justice people that should have been dealt with if they vangdz liesed a car at a football game or trespassed on property at a school. were charged with all of those misdemeanors and they added a charge and construction of the proceeding. this charge was created by
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andrew weisman and his crew 15 or 20 years ago and managed by lisa monica and crew and added us to say and our witnesses can tell you about it and charged with a misdemeanor, misdemeanor, oh and then a felony 20 years in jail. it is absolutely improper and never been charged and it was never intended for a proceeding that was gaveled in or gaveled out it was witness tampering it is a lie by the doj in federal courts and they don't address it. targeting american citizens as terrorist instead of protesters. all of these men mostly men that stayed in jail for years before trial did so because they said it was an armed insurrection not a protest. if it was a protest they would all go home and prepare their defense and instead they were in a terrible prison you know that and marlee taylor green has particularly shown a light as louie and d.c. juries are not impartial it is brazen as the
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court ends, the juror goes out and interviewed on c xan c-span by brian lamb and she said i decided to tell my fellow jurors what it meant and clearly in the interview didn't understand the law. >> time expired we'll be back to your questions for this matter and greater detail you're recognized. >> on the 25th of february, 2022, my nephew maths ewe lawrence went into his garage placed a rope around his neck and hanged himself. he was 37 years old, broken and close to unrecognizable matt had stopped going out the, stopped sleeping, stopped eating and was vomiting blood. we are remarkably close family, and we did everything we could but it wasn't enough. i will let matt tell you why in his own words from a note he
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wrote on the worst day of his life. i sacrificed my freedom when i entered into the capitol building on january 6th. and in despair, took my own life the night that i wrote this. signed matthew my nephew was extraordinary he was honest and strong. and defined by his love of all people she should have never been pushed to the point of despair. hehe had no intention of going into the capitol when he traveled to d.c.. in his mind he was standing up for all of us. matt believed we are still entitled to free speech in the united. states of america and dd not think expressing would cost him his life. he wanted to witness history and record it for his growing following on social media. matt had never been in trouble in his life. the doors he went through had already been opened. video has confirmed this. congress has been out of session
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for almost an hour at this point. he did not touch break or steal anything and stayed within the velvet ropes taking pictures and recording. these 14 minutes cost him everything. for the people who drove my nephew to kill himself that was long enough to go after his reputation, his freedom, his business, hisre social media presents his standing in the small community that always had been his home. his joy, his love of life, everything -- whats followed was one betrayal after another from the moment matt found out the fbi was looking for him he turned himself in. the agents said it would make it easier for him that wasaf a lie. he was told his clean record would count in his favor. it did not. he was told that having no affiliation with any organized group would help. that was another lie. then he was told that he would most likely face a fine and nothing else. not true eithers. his attorneys said his sentence
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would be less if he made a deal and pledul guilty to all charge. that was perhaps the greatest lie of all. in fact, that deal was a trap and the terms meant nothing to the doj because after matt pled guilty, the prosecutor decided to present a sentencing enhancement of terrorism which could have meant many, many years behind bars as compared to the 6 to 12 months that he was originally told. we all have a breaking point and that was matt's. do not make the mistake of thinking that my nephew was weak nothing could be further from the truth. matt could run a 35 foot marathon finishing on torn bleeding skin pushing through the pain. but a life in prison was unimagine to believe him. on the phone he was inconsolable stuttering and could barely form a complete sentence. the fear in his voice was heartbreaking. i told that i am i loved him and that we would get through this.
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he told me that he loved me. and thanked mess for everything -- i did not know that would be our last conversation. matt had a deep faith in god and, though, he prayed every day and sought help, no one could tell him when this nightmare would end and that made everything worse. he had struggled from the start to live with shame and damage to his beloved family and many friends s caused not by guilt bt those criminalizing the first amendment -- dishonest inaccurate reporting in the false j6 narrative in local and national newscast matt as a violent domestic terrorist a campaign of lying death threats and cruel accusations and it pushed him to the edge. the flame of this seat shattered friendships and close relationships and everyone around him suffered. i am only standing before this committee because my nephew hanged himself -- and i am outraged congresswoman
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marjorie taylor green cosponsored the act of 2022 when former congresswoman submitted it. she's the only person who cosponsored it. and has. been the vocal among hr peers about unjust treatment of the januaryer 6thers and called for impeachment of matthew graves who is just one of the many responsible for mentally torturing my nephew to the point of taking his own life. ms. greene has been my greatest support and i'm extremely grateful for her fearlessness -- this bill could save someone in the future from a total overreach of power by our justice department. i ask you to bring this bill to the table and encourage your constituents to pass it -- please i ask you do not let my nephew's death be in vain his funeral was attended by all over the country qhof never met him and online guest book receiveds over 1,000 entries representing 13 countries and 45 states. but disappointingly not even one
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sympathy message from anyone in congress -- or the department of justice. how could strangers from australiar taiwan and angt arctc and many in congress have yet to hear his name. since matthew's death three people have contacted me through social media. all three told me about a neighbor or a friend that found this picture on the fbi website for january 6th. rather than waiting to be raided in their homes or turn themselves in, all three shot themselves in the head. how manyes more are there? we are never going to know. my amazing nephew matthew lawrence left behind a father and a brother -- who are beyond devastated. our family struggles every day knowing that he died at the hands of our own justice department. we have become a country i no longer recognize. our citizens have quickly been
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conditioned to fear speaking out for their beliefs. this needs to end. nothing i do will ever bring matthew perna back. i have absolutely nothing to gain by being here today. but i will spend the rest of my life ensuring that he's never forgotten. thank you for having me. >>te thank you for being here today. you are recognized. >> first of all thank you so much for. holding this hearing. my name is brandon strzok powngdzer of the walkway campaign and of the walk way social mobile app i was in washington, d.c. of the scheduled speaker for permitted event on the grounds of the u.s. capitol. i sat in the front row of the ellipse that day listening to president trump speak and made perfect sense to me when he told hundreds of thousands to march peacefully and patriotically to the capitol as the events was called march to save america and it was my understanding that the
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crowd wouldn march to the capitl and that attend permitted rally to listen to dozens more speakers. as i was approaching capital from speaking obligation i began receiving text messages from people around the country at home watching on television saying that they were hearing on the news that people were going inside the building. my first thoughts were of the numerous times throughout the years that left wing protesters have gone inside government buildings to protest. and several instances left wing protesters have disrupted government hearings by shouting out and behaving cay yachtically and typically the distinct ends withth protesters being removed and business resuming as normal. after years of attending producing dozens and dozens of right wing rally and events i told d highly unusual -- so i began shooting a video whiley and shoot one long continuous video for ten minutes i arrived after 1 p.m. and walked up to capital building on east side there were zero, zero
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police officers visible on east side grounds.. what might have been at one time closed barricades were now fully open. the large sidewalk on the east side was w fully open and unobstructed there were thousands of people strown about all areas of the east side grounds calmly talking and enjoying each other's company there were no signs and no people present straight or indicating that people were not allowed to be where they were at the time i arrived. i walked very calmly up to the crowd on t the east side steps. in my video a man is seen shouting down to the people below they've opened the doors. we're going in. i continue to the top of the east side steps and filmed a crowd of people for eight minutes. some of whom were trying to make their way in and they were inside filming like myself i never entered the capitol on january 6th and never engage in any violence, theft or destruction. i uploaded video i had shot to twitter and removed it a few short hours later when i was back in my hotel room and began
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to see on the television for the firstm time the image of people breaking windows and engaging in acts of violence none of that was on thes 40 minutes or so i was present so i took my video down. however, already copied by left wing troll who is began reposting it over and over again every day demanding that the fbi arrest me.e. two and a half weeks later, they got their wish. a team of fbi agents raided my home on the morning of monday january 25th. i was gotten out of bed and handcuffed and told that i was facing multiple felony charges for what i had done on january 6th. the agents began stripping my apartment of computers, phones, ipads, thumb drives hard drives, camera equipment clothing and more. i was taken to jail, stripped searched given an orange inmate uniform, locked in an eight by eight concrete cell with a metal door told that i wast placed in 23 hour lock down. i was released from jail
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wednesday morning later that week. uponon my release i learned thai was being charged with two felonies and a misdemeanor and threatened to be charged with the obstruction of an official proceeding felon i-in in f addition which the prosecutor was sure to tell us carries the possibility of a 20-year prison sentence.o interestingly one of my felony charges was occupying restricted grounds. the m majority of people who entered the capitol were being given misdemeanor occupying restricted building charges. i was being given a felony for being outside of theil building. i was also charged with another felony because fbi initially alleged that i shouted out to encourage the crowd to impede law enforcement. i was also charged with a misdemeanor for disorderly conduct withit intent to disrupa hearing before congress. the news of my arrest and allegations around me which i had no opportunity whatsoever to defend myself against spread internationally during the daysw when i wasys in jail. the media reported as a matter
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of fact that i went to the capitol to help attack police officers and to encourage violence and mayhem at the capitol. when i was released from jail i went back to my apartment and found a a letter taped to my dor saying thatl my building was terminating my month to month lease due to media coverage and that i had 30 days to vacate building. seven days later i received a mail from government telling me precheck status revoked no longer considered a low risk traveler. w over the course of the next several weeks i received notice that i'm permanently banned by paypalme venmo, stripe and my organizations walk away foundation and walk away campaign pack were permanently banned from being using these payment processers and initially banned from donor portals both of my p organizations and i were bailed fromnn mail and went to contact who took our account for a short time and banned us after left wingg contacted them to tel them that i was a violent
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insurrectionist using platforms to raise money for political violence. >> that's end of your time but i think we'll get back to you for questions if that's all right. ms. maccabee. >> thank you for making this possible in light of recent discovery surrounding the distinct in washington, d.c., i am compelled to bring attention to the violation and denial of basic rights experienced by individuals involved in this event. including my husband, ronldz colton served as a law enforcement officer for seven years. on august d 17th, 2021 our home was raided by the fbi resulting in seizure of several items including our front porch bag. since then kol tan has been moved seven times facing the unseelingsing reality of being in six different facilities. there havehe been instances whee even his own family was unaware of his whereabouts for up to five days he's endured prolong periods of 24 hour solitary
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confinement without necessities such as a shower unfortunately these circumstances are not unique to colton but are rather common experience shared by the january 6th defendants. as a a result they're fundamentl american human and god given rights have been dndz. over a span of two years, these defendants have endureds unjust treatment including extended periods of time of solitary confinement denial of haircut religious o services and visitation rights both in person and videos. it took 597 days before i was graduated a mere 30 minute visit with colton conducted behind glass these examples exemplify system denial of their basic right stand contrast to principle we hold dear as americans on september 25th he was to the d.c. jail. the assault involved the unwarrant employment of an entire can of o.c. spray sprayed directly in his face. the guard then proceeded to handcuff him forcibly throw him on the ground and deploy additional oc spray.
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this excessive use of force sphrem failure to wear covid mask while walking to the medication cart. following the assault he was subjected to a scalding shower and forced to ware same jump suit contaminated with the o. c spray and they were isolated and in cells to astonishly he was left in the contaminated jump suit for 12 hours allowing the chemical to reactivate before proper medical attention i was remiss if i didn't mention that bartons a marine veteran battlig non-hodgkin's lymphoma is to be -- released soon request no place to go. during the event of january 6th kol tan acted to aid officer in distress and save a life. however, during his bond hearing judge emmet opghted not to review the audio evidence instead of accepted government narration it would have reeled call to officer offering his
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assistance and he asked to cease action. ironically due to actions colton isos behind bars awaiting trial forol a period exceeding 25 mons regrettably not isolated case as they've been systemically deny adjure of their peers access to crucial evidence, right to present witnesses and the right to be tried separately from codefendants today recognize the foverreach of government authority and thefe lack of transparency within the judicial processs surrounding these case. as members of congress and your staff you play a crucial role in justice and accountability according to 18 u.s. code section 4, it is the legal requirement that anyone who has nong of felony committed within jurisdiction of the united states must promptly disclose failure to do so may result in fines imprisonment for a maximum of three years or both. today i want to officially state that i am reporting that death
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of ashley rose disain kevin and benjamin phillips it is crucial that these deaths are thoroughly investigated to ensure justice is served. imimplore not to be observers but hold those responsible for these injustices accountable it is imperative that we restore faith in our justice system and safeguard rights of all individuals involved in january 6th. thank you. >> thank you. mr. strain you're recognized. >> lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter. martin luther king, jr. i'm john and dispite any first amendment protected speech on social media where i have voice concerned with the legitimacy of the 2022 election i did not travel to washington, d.c. in january of 2021 for the purpose of protesting at the capitol. although i openly supported protesters who remained peaceful i was present in official capacity for doctor simone gold
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along paul and many others, at a rally be w government perpght outside the capitol. i had no plans with anyone else that day. i never engaged in any action outside of my responsibility to protect my client. who herself didut not knowingly engage in any violent or unlawful act and no intention of anything beyond fulfilling obligation of giving speech. to reiterate neither my client nor myself had no criminal intengts or enghaij any criminal act that we had present knowledge to be unlawful. also, the factt that my client was illegally cohearsed into accepting a fraudulent plea does not in any way whatsoever negate these facts. i refuse to take a plea. because the government statement in that plea was nefariously false and because i was not guilty of any criminal but i was convicted by an openly prpbltion d.c. jury and recently sentenced to nearly three years in prison and another three
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years probation by a judge who explicitly stated his punishment intensified by resentment of public criticism of the government. six moree years of my life ruined -- after two and a half years of brutal government and ensuing public prosecution all because i protected a woman in a crowd. this is an unmitigated travesty of justice. i will briefly outline four key points of grave concern number one american law dictates each individual must be held accountable for their specific actions. it is anti-american to criminalize a single victim with act of another and, in fact, protesters charge in the 2017 presidential inauguration rate acquitted because prosecutors associated them with a specific criminal act of others without evidence proving criminal activity by those individuals being charged. yet -- this is exactly what the doj has done to me and hundreds of defendants with 100% conviction rate. they are openly punishing individuals from nearly present
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at a political protest. number two america survival is a constitutional republic depends on right of free speech. president george washington said, quote, for in men are to be precluded for a sentence on a matter thatd would suggest idea that reason is no use to us and freedom of speech is done and led by sleep to the slaughter. doj dishonest distortion of my free speech to frame mes a criminal and mislead a jury have led to my wrongful conviction of crimes and a fury at public krit sip of the behavior has landed me years in prison. that is the textbook definition of fascism this is the slaughter george washington warned of and should horrify everyone and equal protection clause and due process guarantees the 4 4th and 14th amendment right. i ask you is how occur during active session of congress explicitly for drupghting thatit
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proceeding yet protest reverse legally excused and publicly praised thisli happened in 2017. it was excused because thaiz supported agenda of the left countlessed examples always end with charges dropped by those who support such froes regardless of the violence frequently incurred if you cannot see the harshly stark con trees of the prosecution inflicted on many j6 defendants then you're willful lis and shamefully blind. number four vertical overcharges is illegal and title 18 u.s. code 1512 requires congress to act because executive brarnlg doj and judiciary are violating legislative intent. clearly abusing statute that was written 40 years ago to punish those who written and destroy evidence. it is never been used this way before until now against protesters -- for j6doj grapessed to wield 20
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year prison penalty to ensure immediate compliance of most defendants with their fraudulent pleaur deals. the misapplication and weaponization against political protest is literally extremely dangerous to our democracy. january 6th is fought with alarming evidence of government involvement government coverup and government fraughted. and j6 has rule of law in a trampling of the violations are unprecedented abuse of power against the american people. it must end or our republic will be lost. thank you. >> thank you for your testimony doctor gosar you're recognized for questions. >> thank you very much matt. first i would like to say to all ofst you my condolences matt -- perna empathize with you and you know how i feel about ashley -- i'm going to come to you mr. clark. who is in charge of washington, d.c.?
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>> well, bowser is the mayor there's a city council, and there's a home rule statute that congress passed so -- >> congress right. >> it's congress is ultimate backstop and control over that. >>te house speaker -- >> house speak speaker -- >> nancy pelosi. >> over the safety involvement and anything in the capitol? >> relevant committee as i've researched in the past functionally reports to her. >> how does a small little paragraph that was put in the mda years ago that allows federal government to cars incarcerate for any reason and how does that affect this case? >> i'm not sure i know the answer to that congressman to be honest. >> well i think it played a big part because it allows government to without real merit and that was placed into a mda and still part of the process. [laughter]
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>> did nancy pelosi have advance warning in regards to intelligence that there was things happening? >>ua my understanding is yes congressman there were reports from secret service agents, there were dhs reports that have been gotten a lot of coverage there's a lot of advance intelligence and indeed remarkable story that i don't think has gotten enough press in "newsweek" about the one year anniversary of january 6th which indicatedd that there were -- tactical teams you know sort of the most highly trained and elite units like hostage rescue team they were sent to the capitol in advance.ta but because of all of these reports bydv the justice department and attorney general acting attorney general jeff rosen acting individually without apparently really in a lot of coordination it's -- puzzling actually why you would do that and wouldn't have a harder security perimeter if you
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have those teams there on the outside to stop people from coming in in the first place. >> so when you look at 16 versus 20 was there a bigger presence on 16 versus 20? >> looks to me like things were locked down in 20 around the capitol, i mean, there are famous fences you know i've seen pictures it lookings like a military zone it's not the kind of thing i expected america it reminded me actually of the time when i was in law school, you could drive past the white house and now -- you know, that's been that's been locked down apparently due to terrorist threats but i thought what happened with the capitol after -- you know the last, you know, in qex last presidential election was true overreach and overreaction. >> so -- ms. pelosi had ability to take that information and put to good work but she turned down national guard and capital police did she not? >> she turned it down and mayor
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turned it down as well. >> and -- who did chef a meeting with regards to the military? >>s i'm not recalling precisely who she -- >> general milly. >> incriminating comment. >> i remember that now. >> it seemed to me that general milly was engaged in conduct that was shocking. and him coming and commander in chief and he's coming and basically indicating that, you know, he's willing to work with pelosi to engage as a safeguard against donald trump and we know, you know, even though the second impeachment against donald trump tried to cut short what his speech was and presented a urging people to violently attack capitol but he told people to march peacefully and patriotically. so general milly had to -- been aware of all of that and been aware of what was being said in internal meetings yet he
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pretended as if donald trump was some kind of threat congressman. >> so let me ask you this. plea see made this comment trump has a right to trial to prove his innocence. >> this is exactly what's transpired with anybody that was arrested on j6. inversion of our system we have a presumption of innocence and after i j because i realized tht there were, you know, lining me up as one target. in their -- in their hearings, i refused -- i had initially refused based on executive privilege strungted to take and invoke on law enforcement privilege with the justice department to me to invokear on lawyer client privilege you nail it rejected it and privilege which innocent
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under supreme court entitled to take as well. didn't stop benny thompson he went on msnbc and he said -- that if you take the fifth amendment that's partial of being guilty so this is mindset of these folks that we face i think that benny thompson and nancy pelosi are of a piece. >> so again, leave with one last comment. pictures are worth a thousand words. somebody made comment that was act against democracy and that was people so like we have to turn people loose in regards to all videos all videos being access to believe all members of the united states, and to help us find those people uncover with antifa fbi that's the way we get to bottom of this. thank you. >> mr. norman. first of all i want to thank you for y'all for testifying i know sarah came to the office. ashley's mom and others --
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this is heartbreaking. particularly -- with your w nephew and way you'e been treated it is interesting there's a police officer and i'm from south carolina -- who came to the capitol, and he just he's 25 year marine, been around a long time he sent something was wrong. and he left -- because he said something is just not right. the gathering that took place where it was people that turned hat around. they were 50 to 100 of them. the picture of ray let people in. where is the arrest for hem? the lady i met at a conference who i just sit beside or from south georgia. who had ten fbi agents show up -- ands said they were going to arrest her she said for what she said you're in the capital show
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me evidence they had taken when they showed the picture it was the hotel she stayed in. it was not the capitol it had a rendering like it this was in south georgia. so -- all of that this happens in third world countries not in america i want to thank you for having a voice and not being quiet. and fora coming here it is not easy i know -- for those who it's just unjust it's not right. and matt i want to thank you for putting this on congressman gaetz has been -- all of this from day -- day that it happened going forward, the tapes have not been released we heard a lot of different ideas as to why excuses -- the people areto being arresteds we speak. whateo is your from a legal stad point what is your opinion what should we do as congressman -- and how would we -- what is your take both --
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really either one of you. so congressman, i think that what i would recommend is that you proceed step wise i think the most urgent need is that every single one of the defense council and every single one of the defendants they need to be given access to the entirety of that video record. because they neediv to try to fd any brady material in there. i think the system in which, you know, overzealous prosecutors they will screen it for you and they'll tell you what they think is exculpatory i think it is defense lawyers who need to be able to look at that kind of material and w decide what they think is exculpatory to define defenses for their clients as to public release initially i had the view that all of it should be put out so that it could be crowd sourced like wikileaks were.
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but i do recognize what julie kelly has said to media and precinct is there's nefarious organizations that were threatening, you know, some of the witnesses y here today with these tactics the hunters so i recognize that there's a valid concern about not putting out and that's why i would represent step wise process. make sure all of the information gets to defense counsel that's the i most urgent thing. >> congressman norman, i represent three of the guys right so it is for everybody that yougr may know it. but there's a system of looking at the video evidence that the doj has made available to the defense lawyers and individuals it isef burdensome, unfair it is terrible it's nasty it's terrible. it's hard work. and then congressman and his team have made it available to people that asked. i looked at it and looked at it myself julie kelly it is hard to do and i sat in there and times
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40 trying to watch this thing went past you and they've been great. i give their staff a lot of encouragement. but i differ with the general here.f i think at a certain point the hunters are going to find us anyway pelosi already gave tapes to everybody anyway and fbi i will tomorrow. so we dongt need 44,000 but there's tens -- there's a't 10,000 hours that would reveal what went on i sat and watched pipe bomber we haven't mentioned it before and two major parties we're told faced hot bombs that didn't go off the hour after they were set. the night of january 5th and somehow weret discovered next dy hot bombs they said real bombs atf told us you can go on there and watch the bomb and fbi is lying and bomber i don't think to virginia and there'sin a car behind another car. on c street next to capitol hill club and goes in and out of the club and no one has talked about it and we tagged it.
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my point is we need more eyes on this so more can find out who was there. congressman sessions has asked doj and his capacity on one of the committees to tell us who who undercover agents are and let the public figure out who the people are -- and we'll know every ray from here to leach california and back and justice will be served because they won't stop if they can keep hiding they can we'll never know who did what. >> i yield back. >> thank you i'm going to recognize myself for questions mr. strzoker you were describing some of the blacklisting -- that you encounters in your events can you elaborate on that? >> sure. go back to the statement -- >> yeah. sure. okay. >> where i left off i had said that i've been permanently banned by paypal and i was in
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drk on january 6th as a private citizen. not on behalf ofn any of my organizations -- nonetheless my organization walk away foundation and walk away campaign pack both were permanently banned by paypal and stripe and number of payment processers as well as donor portals. we were first banned by mail chimp as e-mail service because it was said we were using e-mail service to sending and receive e-mails about planning violence or fund raising for political violence constant contact then banned us and after that we were banned by four more e-mail services including mailer light. we -- let me stop you there. >> we have developed evidence indicating that bank of america turned over all of their records regarding anyone who bought a cup of coffee in washington, d.c. on january 6th -- i want to know what your perspective is on that on the fact that such a large private company would of their own --
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turn over so much stuff and violate people privacy. >> i think it is horrifying, obviously, i think there's attempt to try to understand who is if you funding whom certainle was an interest in who gives to my organization things like that. w i am personal friends since january 6th with fellow jay running for congress in west virginia major banks told him they were canceling bank mortgage and he had 30 days to find new bank to finance his bank mortgage h going into -- through the most high profile criminal case in american history. >> does january 6th open the door to need for the congress to look at legal reforms so that -- we don't see people of any political strife barred from the financial world by virtue of their nonviolent politics? >> somehow -- we the defendants of january 6th
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need to be able to have a voice, i mean, i'm probably one of the most high profile people who was arrested in conjunction with january 6th nonetheless, i felt like it was a david versus goliath situation. i mean, i could not keep up with amount of banning and cancelation and, i mean, payment processers e-mail services donor tiportals, the government put me on a terrorism watch list along with every other j6er we have a designation of what's called quad s so when we go to the airport now we have to go through hours of special screening it is literally tsa told me this is the highest level terrorism list you can be on and still t be allowed to fl. they follow you around the airport teams of agents sometimes they have dogs. they station themselves all around you at the gate they bring special equipment and swab every item in your bag for explosive terrible stick their pants down your pangts they do this in front of passengers people with misdemeanor
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charges -- misdemeanor disorderly conduct charges. >> well this is helpful because during appropriations process we can put riders to prohibit the use of funds on some of the things that would seemingly violent peoplend due process mr. strand i wanted your advice on legislative concept i've been talking about with some of my colleagues and it is something from the matter of venue because we've seen a number of defendants drug into the jury diction a jurisdiction of washington drk and then they face a different jury dynamic than they wouldhe otherwise face elsewhere in the country what would be yourr advice to the congress about looking at some venue reform to give -- give defendants the ability to face these charges for their fraud? >> thank you congressman i couldn't stress importance of that i'm going to take it back from the future and say right now -- i am about to walk in, about to go to prison for three years i did nothing wrong and only reason that happened -- not the only reason but main reason is happened so easily
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because i was denied the constitutional guarantee of a fair trial by a jury of my peers. notia only that but sentence worgsened by a judge who explicitly said read the tripght that he was furious at me for criticizingan the government publicly specifically he was furious at me for making the claim which is my first amendmentp protected right to do but the evidence bares it out that washington, d.c. juries are entirely bias and so -- if i could tell the short story of my experience during my eight day trial most interesting part was day one. which was jury selection -- and this was not a random assortment of citizens fulfilling duty to parpght in a jury trial these were people tharn hanging on every moment hoping to get chosen so that they could experience the personal gratification of -- of crucifying someone that they politically despise. they openly admit this.
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>> mr. clark i have a question for you do you believe you were framed by the january 6th committee? >> absolutely congressman, i do. i think that -- know, i was the only person that the justice department, you know, had a assistant level senate confirm spot who was interested in investigating the election. >> i know that to be the case mr. clark and i'm glad i get to say this on a public forum i'm aware of evidence that u.s. attorneys were developing showcasing fraud in the election. and perhaps that evidence would lead nowhere perhaps it would lead to the crime of the century but it should not have been squelched and bill barr was spretionz ade and stopping it from being developed that showcased irregularities and fraud where people were fraudulently requesting those ballots and i told my friend scott perry down on the floor that i was aware of that evidence.
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and now, i believe we see you and we see our colleagues scott perry unfairly targeted and i want you and the world to know that if you had a willingness to stop the u.s. department of justice from rat holing cases and. squirreling away information, that would have been helpful to learn on that day, you were acting your patriotic duty to doo so and i m deeply ashamed as member of this government particularly at the way you've been o treated -- at this time i like to recognize ms. greene for five minutes and we may ask imix of panelist invited a guest here that she would like to question of whom may be behind perna so a quick musical chairs you're recognized. >> thank you very much, and first of all i would like to thank each of you -- for being here and so heavy on my heart that we're doing this today when president trump is
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being arraigned all because of the weaponize government that's been weaponized against each of you and it all started on the day januaryay 6th when we were doing our constitutional duty to object to joe biden's fraudulent electoral college votes because we all believed that the election had been stolen. and i can't believe that we're here talking about this. but first i would like to express my deepest sympathy for each of you and all of the pain and suffering that you've all had to go through. because y of there government ad it is wrong and i can tell you right now there's many of us that have bowed we're doing everything to defund department of justice to defund the fbi -- and to fight the weaponized government. but i want to explain also the serious situation that this is -- that we're all in. we have no control over the department of justice right now.
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we have no control over the fbi because we do not control the white house. and that means that -- everything from january 6th tapes if they were to get out and i support releasing them i've said it all along but if they do get out hunters will come, and i know that everybody can look at it and say we all know who everybody is now but at the same e time, that means that of justice will be t coming after more people. i don't to see anyone in that like maths ewe perna. i do not want to see anyone in that like jerry that's too much i don't to see anyone end up like you brandon and go through what you'redy feeling through ad through john i don't want to see you go to jail. i don't to see it and i don't to see it happen to anymore people because of -- sick evil people that believe that -- that they have to hunt people downav using facial recognition
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software and go after more people. i don't togn see that. it's -- it's too much. and i would like to taylor hanson is here today and if someone wouldn't mind letting him sit in. taylor could you give just a brief bio of yourself and i invited taylor here today because taylor isin an eyewitnes and videoed ashley babette's murder and i wanted him to talk about it. >> thank you guys for having me now that button works i'm an independent journalist i was there to document what i believe was going too be left wing violence due to the constant pattern of the maga million march and people, you know, being violently attacked by left wing organizations. so you know i showed up to the capitol i was at the ellipse and next thing i knew i heard a
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group around 12:20 talking about hey we're going to form a group we're going to the capitol early. you know we're going to march in a few minutes so i thought that was suspicious and nationally i followed them. and this group actually ended up being thes very first group to breach the initial barriers. this group had ray and ryan amongst many other people and after first initial barriers was breached there was almost 10 to 15 minutes of people just gathering -- you know, in this area. and when you're behind you couldn't even tell what was going on you know you're a hundred people behind you can't tell what's going on right in front of you so there's this surge of g people continuously pushing in. and i'm at the very front and i can see everybody is being peaceful at this moment that's when as a crowd forms, you know people are singing national anthem people are being patriotic they're doing their due rights in protesting and doing first amendment rights.
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and -- >> pause you for one second. >> was president trump still speaking at the ellipse at this time? >> by time the capitol was breached trump was still speaking, yes. >> okay. i'm sorry you can continue. >> and that's when the first concussion grenade flew over my head and deep into the crowd and i noticed this hit children that were in the crowd it hit elderly people and women and at that moment the tone completely changed. it was a completely 180 i've covered all of the 2020 riots i was on ground consistently i have still to this day never seen a reaction of law enforcement like they did that day. you know i would say they did start it. that's not a common reoccurrence from what i've seen at the riots or protesters and that first initial grenade went by and then a i had to put people out on fire and rubber ammunitions that weren't being violent and standing by and that's when the initial crowd was pushed even
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further from crowd surge and man named derrick pushed off the side of the ledge as he was going up the wall and that caused almost a stampede of sorts and we went up the stairs. i recall going up stairs with everybody and there was these double doors that were wide open. and people were just flowing in there was three cops in sight as i arrived to to have the capitol directly to the right of me i entered in west wing door and they were just standing around they were drinking water handing out water bottles to people to protesters actually -- and you know i remember going into the capitol walking down the hallway -- and everybody is chanting stop steal no violence yet. i haven't seen pretty much anything -- and -- >> except violence from the police --nc seen people fighting back and you have the occasional person in the crowd p with a gas mask that was unidentifiable. i have a video of someone they recognize from my time reporting in portland oregon, that's affiliated with antifa. >> her name?
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>> i don't know her name but you're from portland i recognize you all on video and she nods her head and rushes and runs and later seen setting up what seems to be a shot of one of her other friends that was there also. committing violence against the police. >> let me ask you another -- okay -- just a little further you covered all of the antifa and blm across the country was antifa in the crowd that day and could you speak to their involvement and can we just go a little longer? >> they were without a doubt in the crowd that day you have multiple of them talked on twitter about how they were there and nothing is going to happen to them essentially. >> there's evidence of this? >> there's evidence of this. and video evidence -- >> social media post? inch social media post that's where the majority were posted to was twitter. >> were you ever questioned by the january 6th committee? >> no i actually reached out
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multiple>> occasions more times because i was a witness to what i would argue one of the most significant deaths in american history.e i was not investigated by mpd or interviewed by homicide team or capitol police when the fbi talked to me they have no interest in what happened to ashley but john sullivan and my connection to him which was a in person meeting with me and -- it wasn't what it was supposed to be. they were trying to entrap me i had two phones hacked basically completely wiped. and amongst that, i mean harassment has just been -- nonstop. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> representative knells you're recognized. >>ng thank you -- apologize if i'm a little late i'm in another committee hearing. important business faa reauthorization we all want to have safe flights. i got involved with this really early on i was in congress for three days i think you too we were in congress for three days
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when it all took place. probably be the last member if not the last member on that day a law enforcement officer for 30 years as a sheriff of eight years so i stood at the back doors leading into the -- into the chambers. i had a conversation with an individual on the outside and anyway -- it was a few weeks after that i was approached by marmingt leader kevin mccarthy asking me to produce, to read the senate version, senate reports because you know senate had some hearings early on. i think it was in march and april. so kevin mccarthy approached me and asked me to read all of those reports and write a report on what my feelings and my thoughts were. because of my extensive law enforcement experience and i did so. i provided a 14-page document and when i looked at the report andoo oig recommendation everything that i saw that day
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january 6 folks was a law enforcement failure. an epic law enforcement failure. when you, kevin mccarthy now speaker mccarthy asked me to be on the select committee, i was honored to be asked and then, obviously, nancy pelosi did what nobody else has done as speaker rejected minority leader pick so we weren't on committee and she picked rhinos -- and all committee is all about donald trump. anyway -- so when you look at january 6th and you read the special event assessments because i expect a lot of time on this and when you look at the december 7th into january 3rd especially assessment we knew things were going get ugly up here it was clear. we knew capitol itself, they, they meaning the leadership of the capitol police i.i. assistant chief pitman here they have all of the intelligence they had all of the intelligence
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that it was going to get ugly up here. extremist group qhiet supremacist h groups for violen, they knew thousands of people were coming. and it was the january 3rd report it was on page 12 out of the 14 and it said things -- and i believe me personally, i believe thatel they hid the intelligence. it's like they've wanted this to happen. i say that because you remember harry are one of the first officers he testified he was one the four harry system he says i didn't think it would be any different than any other day. kind of like the big marches they have iner november and december relatively nonviolent he didn't think this was going to be like any other day, and so when you look at the hours and hours of video you see most of the capitol police officers don't have any type of shield or stuff. it was a metropolitan police that came prepared. but the u.s. capitol police, i
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spent some time and i focus a lot of my time on the shooting of and killing of ashley babette i was one of the first i think paul you said it as well. i believe ashley babette was murdered that day. now you say well how can you say that i'm a sheriff. i've had deputies shoot and kill people i'veut had it deputies st and killed the point is i know a little bit about use of force. and whatt disturbed me about tht investigation into lieutenant byrd is it never went to a grand jury. you want to have a vote of confidence in the american people send every law enforcement shooting justified questionable whatever. sending to a grand jury. it never went to a grand jury. most of the people are capitol police will tell you hey this was a quick investigation. hey, lieutenant byrd and i hope when we have a new president in two years -- that he goes to a grand jury thatoe shooting should go a grad jury. and that's my commitment to you
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ashley -- to babette if i can do anything that should go to a grand jury at a minimum my point i'll leave at this. when you look at those assessments in that january 3rd i had an opportunity to talk to then the national guard commander, and i said to them. i said general, i said -- if you read that report, the national guys should be on nation's capitol on january 4th he agreed with me if he would have read the report it just -- intelligence was there. and general walker said to me, that national guide would be on nation's capitol on january 4th like the intelligence suggested. january 6th would have never happened. so then what happened we were in the house, and where does pitman go she has a nice curby job uc berkeley and nancy found her a job. nancy found her a job. apparently i guess up here last
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week for house i don't know but i wish i had five minutes with her because if there's one person -- that to me could have prevented this from taking place, it's ms. pitman and she should be held accountable because there was one of the of the darkest days in our nation's history one of the darks days and they just sat on the intelligence -- shameful we can never allow to happen again. and i'm going to end with this but -- my jury was talking about everybody donald trump speaking in the first breach that took police station at about 1:10 p.m. donald trump was still speaking. it was a it 22 block walk it takes a half hour and you see mr. ray -- right. from the guys here, bomb and they put bicycle racks and ten and thousands a rack that couldn't keep your cat in your yard. right, i mean none of this just made sense. so these are some of the things we wanted to do on that select
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committee because i could have exposed them for who they truly are shame on them but the greatest leader much hi lifetime keep the faith he's coming back. sthawng sheriff and thank you for your right on this subject and begin on the screen. >> jerry i'm going talk to you specifically. yeah. l you are the aunt of matthew perna who committed suicide after the agony of finding out that it was going to continue the harassment -- the prosecution, by the department of justice was matthew graves the prosecutor leading the investigation and to your nephew? >> yes. >> matthew perna for everyone here if you don't know --
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i'm sorry matthew graves is the attorney for the department of justice that leads the investigation into many of you. and he has the special privilege of being able to prosecute crime here in washington, d.c. and he's a u.s. attorney that can go after federal cases. he ignores 67% of the arrest here in washington, d.c. but focuses and harnesses his office and their efforts on people like your nephew people like you john, people like you brandon so many others, and it's shameful. so jerry i'm just going to ask you a few questions. and i'm sure you're speaking on behalf of matthew and all of your family. >> yes. >> if matthew was here today, what do you think he would tell congress that we need to do? what would he tell matthew graves that should happen?
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>> well, many of the things that he would say are the very things that are in the bill that you cosponsored. the overreach of power -- the change of venue first of all the change of venue let's look at that one because had matthew beenth able to even fathom a far trial he would had never pled guilty and that's what's going on with defendants that have pled guilty they have no choice and not going to face a jury of their peers so i plead guilty -- why are they subjected to no change of venue? that is such an important aspect here you wouldn't have the guilty pleas that you are having if they were given a chance at a fair trial so they plead guilty and not only are they already guilty in the court of public opinion. now that they've pled guilty they're prosecuted even more well he must have done it that's what my nephew faced from his community from the local media,
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from the national media -- well he pled guilty -- my nephew when he called me the weeks that he hanged himself he said to me on the phone just sobbing -- aunt jerry i must be guilty i must be guilty they're telling me i'm guilty everybody thinks i'm guilty.y, he was at that point where he actually believed it. but had he been given a chance to be fairly heard by a fair trial -- he never would have pled guilty because he didn't do anything thatau deserved several years in prison. and i think you need to examine these constitutional rights first and that's what matt would say because matt believed in the constitution. he believed in the justice department and he loved the united states he loved this country. he loved it so much if you could look at pictures of matthew from the time he was a baby -- i swear to you 90% of his photographs he's wearing red white and blue i'm not joking.
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i can show them to you on my phone he was fascinated with the american flag even as a child. he constantly pointed it out whether it was driving down the road or in a magazine or in a commercial. he loved this country and this country failed him. miserably and you have to understand that it's not just the january 6ers lives who are being affected here. their families, their friends, matt's father suffers from parkinson's disease, i cannot tell you how badly he declined after matt's arrest. i -- i wish you could see him now and see him two years ago -- he's a different person. the affect is -- massive. so it is not just the people being arrested. it is their families, their friends, and it is the fear that has been placed in the americans
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don't speak out. you may end up like a january 6er. >> that's right i think that's how most people feel. most people do feel that way and it's because of the weaponized government. it's the d weaponized government --f and that's why we're committed committed to working everything, everything we can do. to stop it -- thank you jerry. >> thank you margery i want to thank you personally for the articles of impeachment for matthew graves. i want to thank you for that, and your fearlessness -- [applause] you have been, you have been a huge supporter to mess and my family. i am the -- speaker for my family. matt's father is not capable of getting in front of this committee or any committee or cram to talk about his son -- we're devastated beyond belief that this happened. but more so because it happened to hands of our own government.
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>> yeah i can't imagine actually -- but we haven't been enough because people are still locked up their rights are still being abused. people like john face three years. l brandon can't get through an airport i tell you you get more security than i do and that's backwards completely backwards. when brandon was talking about his experiences at the airport i want you to know that it is not just thehe january 6ers matt's father faces absolutely the worst --te the worst searches at airport matt's girlfriend also -- matt's aunt on his other side of his family these are people that never ever faced issues with tsa. and now every time they travel they're held up by tsa my brother's hands are swabbed he's searched to the point of being
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embarrassed. >> were they there and in washington, d.c. -- >> no they were not which is the craziest part. >> do they think their names are in the system -- >> flagged? >> yes. every time they travel through the airport? >> my brother was just in -- the cleveland airport, pittsburgh cleveland airport and denver airport two weeks ago. and i asked him has it occurred again he believe unbelievable i was humiliated. >> whatt happened so they go through tsa -- their hands are swabbed. their can you describe -- >> searched to the point where it's -- invasion of privacy honestly. >> p and my brother like he said he walks with a cane he has parkinson's disease, and this happens to e him every time he gas through an airport. i want him to come down to florida and he said jerry i honestly don't want to fly anymore. >> can i ask does anyone else have family members or know that this happens to their families
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that were not happen to your family members and they were not in washington, d.c.? sarah you don't know -- okay. brandon -- family members friends -- that were not in washington, d.c. >> nowhere near washington, d.c. people i've traveled with ten years ago. this is happening to them too. soi yield back matt is giving ma hard time. >> yeah. so i want to get back to this point because d.c. is special. and not in a good way -- [laughter] you know, the congress has a power of the purse thought they did we really don't right now. he's divided by executive branch because they put everything in national emergencies. so back to you mr. clark. this --u
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this -- system here in washington, d.c. is it conservative or liberal? >> it's worse than that. it's radically left. >> so put it at 15 -- >> yeah. syou know it is like -- the movie where the amplifier goes up to 11. >> now -- final tap that's it. >> so this happened and brewing for quite some time this is justice out of control. >> benghazi -- and fast and furious through the scandal and ukraine gate biden gate and obama gate. is anybody held accountable? >> well -- i'm not interested in looking back to accused but you bring a point at this point -- ifou the american people don't start to see people held accountable their frustration is mounting andra this is so obvios
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to normal people that january 6th is being used to target individuals. so obvious that i think you're really -- there's a real need and this is an opportunity frankly for the republicans in the house to stand up andtu do this. but it's a real need. >> well, i like fact that you said it is an opportunity. because i want to go back to the videotapes. pictures worth a thousand words isn't it?ta >> p correct. yes. >> they're all going to come after us regardless. >> yes, sir. >> so it seems to me we ought to be making a big push and maybe -- turn the tide. for example bounty -- maybe everybody deputies. look at those tapes and people that are undercover antifa. the bomber and -- absolutely what was the comment
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about fear? >> you know, they're not free you don't want to stand we have tyrannyd in washington, d.c. we have probably one-third of the federal government. and i think that we have to get smart. videotape has to come out you have to employ america. and we need tholed people accountable. maybe we can do that in the budget process. go by the rule and line by line by line take salary down to one dollar. >>al last person to do it. with mark gabriel. but right time is up. and this is the biggest assault that they used rule for radical against all of us. whyy do they hate donald trump? >> weaponize rules into government. but -- >> may i say congressman gosar
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as to the video the doj already is using video to target our people. they when they want to they find brandon he's in a little bit kind ofk he's famous. and they targeted him clearly. there's all sorts and my opinion would be -- hunters and that's extension of the doj in terms of their mindset on our side we do need citizens, citizen journalist to rise up and say there's the other ray -- he's a cop who's undercover we have those reports. we have video that shows people putting on wristbands in this case if itsm is such a travesty and the left says it is, and we agree, then let's get to the bottom of it we're not going to do it by waiting to take it up it's not going to happen. >> we have we have letters of inquiry -- and so -- mncht of you know that was censored and what we've started doing is letters of inquiry that require the given committee
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which iso a sign to ten days to actually do something and so we went about doing that with ray epson everybody else so once again, i think there are some tools at our dispose to make this work about and they put a light on us. they put a light on them. and i think -- fair play. so thank you. matt for putting this on. appreciate you. >> i'll recognize myself for my portion of the questions mr. martin i want to get into some of the violations of people civil rights and due process. have you observed those in your work with january 6th defendants? >> certainly. to come to that conclusion is perhaps a c longer process. but yes. i mean, clearly the speedy trial act which was requires faster than t we've seen clearly i thik the conditions, you know, as soon as the word was out that the republicans were likely to win the house, things they started moving prisoners out of d.c.. the d.c. gal to other places and
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tried to clean things up because they didn't want the scrutiny right s so we have specific instance of care in the jail that are beyonda what we expect. but look, i think and -- general the general i is more qualified than i am to understand doj. but thehe system in terms of violations, due process, that brady violations, you can't really get to everything that's exculpatory it is a requirement that the other side give you what is exculpatory you can't get to it fast enough. you have a situation where the juries areas really, really -- they feel biased. again, it's very difficult to prove that, right? the federal court system. the judges, we've never seen anything like it with the judges. let me say donald trump, president trump is living with us grand jury empanelled in washington here's evidence. all about mar-a-lago and done they read the evidence the grand jury transcripts to the if florida grand jury, and why did they do t that?
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there's only one reason because the judge in d.c. was friendly to breaching attorney client privilege and making sure that they have all of the access they wanted. you wouldn't have gotten away with that in a normal federal district court. you're getting away with it here because this has been so politicized.d. so -- the civil rights, it's broadly the system is breaking. and it's breaking in washington, d.c.'s district court. the question is what do we do about it? i would submit by the way, i second the idea. take away jurisdiction. that any january 6th crime should be just put them anywhere. put them in denver, atlanta anywhere would be better than this andhe do it tomorrow. jurisdiction is completely yours to move thats away and that's not done enough and also, you know everybody says they won't impeach judges. few yo look closely at the conduct of the judge there's a conversation to be had about why is -- whye are they lecturing people and you know it doesn't happen in other places. again impeachment is harder standard you guys are expert at that. but jurisdiction tomorrow, you
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could get rid of jurisdiction and take cases away. one of the things i've been troubled by is the conduct of someone o with the public defenders supposed to be advocates for their clients. what should the congress know or think about when we see public defenders in these casings going on social media and seemingly sharing their own bias against their own clients? >>se again, system generously straining to breaking point taking away generosity is saying is system totally gone and it's again -- federal public defenders if you're stuck with a federal one of the organizations i work with patriot freedom project is raise money to pay for lawyers to get private lawyers in you go down the line brandon john, sarah, they're all trying to find ways to hire lawyers. the iss is not breaking. now a lot of people congressman yous know, that would say that the public defender system has been breaking for a long time and another subset of left
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leaning people asking them to take a january 6th case and can you imagine? again, get venue changed and go where public defender lives among people who hold the similar values, you might have a shot. but when you're in washington, d.c. by their own admission, the people in washington, d.c. and jury pool as well as in those courts has been inundated by media and select comeed with a message these are -- terrible people and you can't unring that bell by asking them abide by rules. by the way let me drop if i can sorry footnote. the d.c. bar is showing their true colors, by breaking all of the norms of the d.c. bar to come after one guy. like that i done to other lawyers across the country. they have a project named the 65 project the left with tens of millions of dollars to target the 65 lawyers who work on election cases. and so our sides and the bar sits isn't that nice we're activist there's no one on our
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side saying adam schiff he lied according to the durham report there's the bar against him so -- why don't they take it up like durbinm did senator to come aftr the general here. so -- the starnghtd is not just double. it's one sided and it's penalizing we the people all of the time. >> we likely could have an entire hearing on weaponization of bar associations against people as a consequence of politics and -- we can have accident tensive testimony and we want to thank panelist who have attended there's work to do now and -- we have drawn in sharp relief from all of you and from my colleagues here is that we have to use power of legislation and we have to use power of appropriations writers we have to use power of the rule as doctor said to look at specific bureaucrats who have turned against their oath and we may
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have to use power of impeachment and congresswoman t greene and i believe strongly in that when it is necessary and we have taken action on that and we have work to do to persuade some of our colleagues and we endeavor to do that and we're certain that the conversations you've had with us will help focus the congress on critical issues before we conclude david has traveled here and -- represents the stop hate organization i understand, that you have -- youan have a number of pieces -- i'm just recognizing you not recognizing you and not going to interrogate you with questions. but i did want to recognize you for coming and i understand that there's -- a number of pieces of evidence to share and we have our colleagues review that and the evidentiary work continues. the legislative work continues. oversight work continues. and we certainly are glad that you've all been here to share this today. >> would it be possible to make a quick point before we adjourn very briefly because well pointed out it's been pointed
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out issue with jury diction one thing i would like you to know is not only are they not releasing jury diction of these cases but of our sentences so for any of us if we plead guilty to a class b misdemeanor is to playing music to lewd on a friday might or my -- i haveut a sentence to three months of house arrest in three years of federal probation but that is not released which my probation officer told me is incredibly atypical typically they release jurisdiction to state so if god forbid they go before a judge during course of the probation it would be a judge in our local jurisdiction. but the judges in d.c. are maintaining jurisdiction even if our sentences including incredibly long -- probation periods so that's something you should know as well. >> i was unaware of that. very helpful and it is worthy of review. >> final point to make it also about the plea deals -- because this is a huge thing too. i believe as an american citizen
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we'reie supposed to be presumed innocent until proven guilty unfortunately the standard is so loww and my case my -- it didn't even go before a grand jury i was arrested on what's called a complaint meaning one fbi agent went to one judge and requested an emergency order to have me arrested. and told the judge we would like to charge him with this felony and this felony and judge said absolutely go get him. and at that point when -- when presented with the options before me i made the decision to attack a plea deal. but i want to be clear, if we actually had a legal system in which prosecutors were required to prove their case before bringing charges against people, this wouldn't be happening either. >> thank you all for taking the time to come here we apologize for some of the scheduling delays and that arise during congressional votes but it's been highly productive endeavor and we stand adjourned. [applause]
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[inaudible]. [inaudible]. [inaudible conversations] [inaudible conversations]
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