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tv   Scott Horton Enough Already  CSPAN  January 14, 2023 12:08am-12:31am EST

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>> the director for the libertarian institute the director of and the author of a this book, enough already. mr. horton, 20 years since 9/11 and us troops in afghanistan a what isn your reflection? >> as far as the war of afghanistan goes we never should have find it should be over by christmas 2001 if they focused on the extradition or
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on targeting the very small number of fighters that he tried to do a regime change against those that did not attack us and wage at 20 year war to prop up the new government and nowp after 20 years they have admitted what has been to for at least ten years that the war was lost and the taliban wind and they never could have won the war. now the critics were right all along and the proponents were wrong. host: 20 years later the us is pulling out of afghanistan what do you think the results will be? >> i think it will be real travel for the parties that america has supported all this time and we far for the super majority of was the victory because they did not need us
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but the government thatll america created in baghdad is so the government in iraq. in afghanistan is different essentially we have been attempting there is a coalition of minorities on the plurality of the country a 40 percent of the population and essentially they have no political representation in the government and have been sworn to resist american occupation since they started fighting and again in 2004. they will takee over the country almost certainly and that means there will be hell to pay for those left then popped up in power by the united states so far. and it would be great if they could negotiate a peaceful resolution to the problem in the form of a new government but i expect the worst. host: you describe 9/11 as
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blowback? >> that was a term coined by cia in 53 it doesn't mean just consequences that long-term consequences a secret form policy so when they come back to haunt the united states american people don't understand the context of what's going on like the iranian revolution of 79 but the american people didn't know the cia had overthrown the government 25 years before and this wasea the consequence also and 79 carter on july 3rd signed a finding to have the cia back the medication team to provoke the soviets to invade the country and the word was to give the soviets their vietnam a hopeless
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long-term order to break the bank and destabilize the country and we t did that. and through the reagan years of policy continued on and wasn't just backing afghan jeanine but the era of afghans the muslims from the philippines in the united states and especially the middle east to all travel to afghanistan to fight against the soviet union. then when america occupied saudi arabia permanently in preparation for the iraq war and continue to bomb iraq that is what caused osama bin laden in the group to turn against the united states t of america and first and foremost those
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bases to saudi and support for israel and at that time and support for dictators around the middle east such as the king and saudi arabia and mubarak in egypt. pressure on the nations to keep production high and oil prices low at their expense and thed nodding criticize america to turn a blind eye to their wars and suppression of muslims. the bill clinton government supported the al qaeda forces in bosnia and xhosa vote and check sheena even they had been one —- chechen a of the picking of the tabs against the chechen rebels at the same
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time and in fact after september 11 brad sherman said something to the effect of how can these muslims attack us after all we have done for them lately? but the reality is occupation saudi arabia had not ceased support for israel and the dictatorship had not ceased so the democrats had failed all motives to attack the united states were sworn and importantlyas not just that they were angry about the policies that they had a strategy to provoke the united states into doing something stupid the action is in the reaction of the opposition and in this case they were not trying to gett america just to turn
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around and run runaway that to provoke a full-scale invasion of afghanistan to replicate the war we help them fight the soviets and in bin laden's words beat us to bankruptcy forced the american empire out the long way and the hard way and in fact osama bin laden son omar gave an interview to rolling stone magazine when bin laden was still alive and said that when bush won the election of 2000 my father was so happy this is the kind of president he needs, one who will break the country so please send cruise missiles but you been there for ten years and in clinton's time america was smart.
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and this is an important point because brett stevens just a couple of months ago and is a paper tiger and brett stevens in the newspaper of record for this is proof that america must stay to double and triple down forever. these are simple taunts by bin laden because that's exactly the reaction they are trying to get from the american establishment that america needs to stay at war because of dollars are completely destroyed. host: the subtitle is time to end the war and what date do you see that starting?
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>> . >> and of course the cia had efforts against al qaeda the middle east and in the war on terrorism was a bait and switch from the very beginning the bush government inflated al qaeda to warn the americans of theng impending attack and then went the secular atheists dictator of iraq were there were no al qaeda members never suicide bombing in the entire history and using the fear of terrorism and a phony and fake and dishonest alliance between saddam hussein and osama bin
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laden to lie to the people of the united states and the former chief of the cia bin laden unit set of afghanistan was all he ever wanted then americans going to iraq to attack the socialist infidel would be the, hoped-for but unexpected gift to bin laden and by taking the shiites and swelling from 400 men at the time of september 112 tens of thousands during the war and then luckily that tribal leaders tried to marginalize and 2006 toev solve the problem to a great degree but then just at the time barack obama was killing osama bin laden and pakistan spring 2001 he was taking his side in libya and then is and then come home
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just as they had come home from the 1980 war in afghanistan they came to start base thought in the iraq war number two obama took their side and a nine-month air war special operations to overthrowi qaddafi and it was plunged into absolute turmoil and violence and civil war raging ever since and then they took the guns and would ship them off to syria for the next regime change and as barack obama explained in 2012
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to say the iraq war has empowered iran. don't you think if we got rid of assad in syria that would bring down iran? and obama said absolutely and jeffrey goldberg says what more could be done to see this through and obama says essentially i would tell you but i would have to kill you i cannot tell you because you are a class of eyed clearances and high enough so he meant the united states saturday lunch day covert action campaign in coordination with saudi arabia qatarat jordan israel to support al qaeda in iraq in syria and they call them moderate rebels. and then and then to the al
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qaeda forces. in the days of bush was the wellness war propaganda like glenn back. and that was part of the wildest dreams. in the war in syria they succeeded of the islam a fascist caliphate and the total casualties in iraq and syriaer and barack obama and
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then that would help to coordinate september 11. and then to attempt to detroit over christmas day and then i skipped the politics but by the end of 2014 a shiite group friendly with iran came out of the north you can read this in "the wall street journal" there was a great piece in the monitor. the current secretary of defense lloyd austin was a four-star general of centcom.
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and then to target until the arabian peninsula january 2015. and then and that were launched by saudi arabia by united arab emirates and their allies and then al qaeda has been a major part of the coalition the whole time. and those that they were using and then to take in the battle. and then with a couple of others this is embarrassing so the uae made a deal and that
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was the arabian prince not that that's not true. and then acting asng a coalition with the bin laden -ites against the enemies just because they are friends with iran. >> c may see this as a question but had you protect american interest abroad if we end the war on terror? >> the first thing we should do is stop supporting terrorist groups they say we can't leave afghanistan because we can't leave the safe haven behind but through
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the churcher still supports the war this horrific war of genocide proportions and then to target with brutal sanctions and so the first thing for his regime change stop supporting terrorism. we have to call off the entire policy. and ending the war on terrorism. and then in the middle part of north america has to renounce the mandate to rule the rest of the world and the arab middle east.
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>> the author of this book and also the libertarian institute editorial director. >> the most important project on the internet we've been aroundte for 25 years a very catholic an organization and have all the best writers aroundm the world with the foreign-policy the best news writers and the most important project on the internet. host: just to extrapolate and share the us have an
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international basis quick. >> and must for the only reason and then to hold the north korean threat over south korea and japan to let us keep the troops there. and then asth far as europe goes look at the controversy with the natural gas pipeline.
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>> in the last two times germany and russia fought it was the worst thing that had ever happened. >> and then refusing to spend 2 percent of gdp in the military and angela merkel it did not play the russians are coming the soviet union has been dead and gone for 30 years. and in the baltic states. ando in our world empire are the aggressors and thehe destabilizes in eastern europe and things would be much better. >> joining us from freedom
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fast in rapid city south dakota his book enough already. thank you for your time. . .
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