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tv   Nick Adams The Most Dangerous President in History  CSPAN  January 5, 2023 8:37am-9:59am EST

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invest in them, maybe be the customer. if these committees come together to support this entrepreneurs, the communities will rise and have more growth and opportunity and will slow the brain drain of people leaving these different cities including many people, family members left with a group to go to other places because he felt the opportunity was better in those of the places. how do we change that dynamic him chained to narrative so there's less of the brain drain, more of a boomerang of people returning which will renew and revitalize these communities and have potential asef a say before to really revealed and unite the country, i'm going toth take off thishi microphone, leave his office in new york city can go back to new hampshire were used to livee and go start a company track your all right. go for it. i'm ready to come on the bus and hear your pitch and maybe invest in your startup. >> host: all right. thank you so much, steve. it was ah great pleasure to tak with you. >> guest: thanks, thank. >> tonight we have an incredible special guest. i am beyond delighted that my
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longtime friend, nick adams, is a speaker tonight. c-span is here tonight to broadcast mix presentation across the country. there's much i can say about nick adams. i am so impressed by this young man, his spirit, his intellect, his kindness. he is a true gentleman. i am, this is his fourth time to speak herehe with us at the women's national republican club. [applause] i store member the first time i saw him and heard of him. it's my little story about nick adams. i was walking past my television with fox on all the time, as it always was, and the president of the united states, donald trump, was walking out on the veranda
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with this incredible young man, and he had a book in his hand. and, of course, you know the press, the minutes, they see donald walking on the veranda they come running to the veranda, and they started opening up the mics and he started to tell about this great, terrific young man, nick adams, who had just written a fabulous book. and he recommended it to everybody. and so i said to myself, i have to give him, i have to get nick adams. so i called at the white house and i said, can i have his information, please? and they said well, we can give you his publicist but not really hisca directive, so i did. called the publicist and that was the beginning of my wonderful relationship with nick adams. this very special man. i still, nic has achieved so much, and he just recently
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turned only 38 years old. he has written best-selling books. he's always on fox. he's always on national radio. he works so hard. he's everywhere. i spoke to him on thursday. he was in phoenix. i spoke to them on saturday. he was in omaha. and now here he is in new york. his organization, flag, the foundation for liberty and american greatness, does it was amazing work inspiring k-12 american students to love and understand the country. more than 1.3 million kids in america use one of flags resources on our founding document. that's really amazing, wouldn't you say?
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nick has also become a huge social media influencer. with millions of followers on facebook, twitter and instagram. if you are already following him on facebook, make sure you do, you're missing out. or president trump loved him so much in 2020, he gave nick a presidential appointment to the smithsonian institute board, a role he has since come will be until 2026. newspapers were calling nick trump's favorite author, because the president read three of next books and in his four years and white is even bob woodward spoke about in his book, recounting trump, telling him about nick's book when bob woodward was in the oval office.
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so he didn't stop talking about this wonderful young man. think about this for a minute. coming to this country as an immigrant and then becoming a u.s. president's favorite author within a few years is truly amazing, don't you think? that's the american dream right there. personified. anyway, nic has his new book out, which we are here tonight to listen to learn about, and it's called "the most dangerous president in history", and it is all about joe biden and what he is doing to our country. anyway, nic has a new book out which i just told you about, and we're very proud of him because he's written many books. i am so happy, nic, to call you
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my friend. ladies and gentlemen, may i introducee you to nick adams. [applause] >> thank you, ronnie. good evening, ladies and gentlemen. what an honor, pleasure, and privilege it is to stand before you here tonight. as ronnie correctly pointed out this is indeed my fourth visit to the women's national republican club. and every time i come here feel just a little bit more in love with the organization, with the building, and with the group. [applause] a lot of that has got to do with rebecca, ronnie, -- ronnie perl. a lady that is a magnificent patriot, a very kind person.
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this is a bittersweet evening for us because this of course as you all know, as roseanne . at a few moments ago, this is ronnie's last meeting physically being here. and another i speak on behalf of of every single person in this room when i say, ronnie, thank you. god bless you. good luck in florida, and we love you. [applause] i have a brand-new book out today, and it is called "the most dangerous president in history." and i'm delighted that c-span's booktv is here to cover this particular presentation. before i get into the book i want to speak a little bit about my feelings about the united states of america, because as
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conservatives, as patriotic americans, i know that many of us were deeply disappointed with the results of last tuesday nights election. and i share that disappointment with you. i share that shock with you. and later on as we get into our question and answer, i'm sure that there will be some questions that are more than happy to take those, but i t you to know that despite my disappointment, despite my shock i want you to know that i still believe in the united states of america. [applause] and if there is one take-home message that i have for you this evening, if there's one thing that i want every view of c-span and every patriot in this room and beyond, from east to west come from north to south, all over the country to know, it is that despite the indisputable
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problems, challenges, threats and realities currently afflicting the united states of america, this is still easily by far and away, hands down, head and shoulders the greatest country in the history of the world. [applause] every single time i speak to an elementary school, middle school, public hi school or college audience, i look though students in the eyes and a calvin, the day that they were born in the united states of america, or the day that they moved permanently to the united states of america, is the day that they won the lottery of life.if [applause] and they get the most amazing combos and credible, the most remarkable, the most sensational
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head start on anyone and everyone everywhere else. this is the best country in the world to be born in, to live in, to work in, to start a business in, to realize a dream. this is the only country in the world where people can call the outside of the lines and not be punished if this is the only country in the world where success is not yet presented, but still admired and aspire to. this is the only country in the world where you can blaze a legacy.d leave a this is the only country in the world where your first language or your last name means absolutely nothing. this is the only country in the worldod where anybody can rise above any set of circumstances of their birth to go on and achieve whatever it is that they want to achieve. and this is the only country in
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the world wherere failure is not fatal. what you can fall down 5000 times, but if you've got grit, determination and also, you can get up 5001. thomas edison had 1000 cracks at the lightbulb. colonel sanders had his recipe for fried chicken rejected 1009 times before he got a taker. abraham lincoln lost his first half a dozen elections. pt barnum said first two circuses were abject failures, yet he went on to become the greatest showman. walt disney went bankrupt twice, almost three times. same story with henry ford. again and again and again. the lesson, the theme throughout american history, has been that those with perseverance, those with persistence, those that refusee to yield end up leavinga
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legacy well beyond their time on this earth. see, , america is special becaue america is not just a stretch of land, not merely a geographic entity. america is an idea. it is an ideal, a notion, a value system, an improbable and daring experiment that actually remains equally as improbable and daring today. none of that changed on the eighth of november, 2022, one week ago tonight. none of that changed, that exceptional culture, that culture of opportunity. it's a very. you can make it an american if you work hard. the american dream is alive and well. and i know. it because i live i. i know it because i travel all around the country and get to
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meet people that are living it every single day. so do not mistake america's credit issues, , as serious as they are, do not mistake them to mean that this country is finished, or that this country isti still not the greatest country in the world. i still wake up every single morning and kiss the ground that i'm on. that's how grateful i am to be here and be able to take part in this life. it's also a very special moment this one here for me because while this is the fourth time that i've addressed this particular club, it is my first time doing so as an american citizen. [applause] that happened in december of last year, and that has given me just a little bit even more
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excitement, energy and verve to my daily routine. i'm delighted to now be able to call all of you my fellow american. [applause] of course that means that last tuesday was the first election that i've ever voted in. so i did very much enjoy that honor. i do think being able to vote in election is about it and i think everybody should vote and take an interest in what is going on, particularly when we have a president that is as dangerous as joege biden. my book, "the most dangerous president in history," outlines why joe biden is definitively
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without question the most dangerous president we've ever had in the united states of america. the biggest challenge in writing a book about the dangers of joe biden is the length. because of course you could write an encyclopedia almost on just how dangerous president biden is. do you begin with his policy? you begin with the corruption of the biden crime family? do you talk about his very obvious dementia and mental decline and cognitive issue? do you speak about the people that are running joe biden behind the scenes? because we all know that he's not capable of doing so much of what he does himself. so there are so many different elements to the danger of joe
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biden, and that's why i enjoyed writing this book. but it was difficult making it readable and in a condensed way because there was really that much to say. but all of you know, having lived in this country the last two years, that in every single aspect of your lives, life was better two years ago under president donald trump. without a doubt. whether it is the record inflation, whether it is the record crime spree that we've not seen since the early '90s. and new york is like yourselves, know about this even more acutely than most people in the country. whether it is going up to fill your car with gas and noticing the difference in the price. grocery prices have increased.
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two hours ago we got word that a russian missile hit in poland and killed two people. and now wesi are discussing what is going g to happen. it is not an exaggeration to say that in many ways joe biden has put us at the brink of world war iii, potentially good becauseim vladimir putin only respects strength. that is why it was only under donald trump and mike pence administration that russia did not attempt to go and get any more land. this started with obama. it's intended with the joe biden. s&s vladimir putin and every bad actor in the world saw what happened with the botched
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withdrawal in afghanistan, saw theaw weakness of joe biden, saw the mental decline and cognitive issues of joe biden, they said this is the time to test america's will. this is the time to try america's resolve. and that is precisely what we are facing today. when joe biden goes and speaks at an event that is being organized for him in the white house, elsewhere, he gets a cue card. i'm sure you've seen on television. and this cue card tells him where to stand or where to sit, who to call on, the name of the journalists, how long to speak for, when to leave, what side of the stage to leave. this is because we have a
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president that should not be president. and one of the things that i note in my book is that it is agree just enough for president biden to bea in a job that he knew and knows he cannot properly carry out the functions of. but what about his wife? what about dr. jill biden? what kind of a person must you be to be so incredibly ambitious to put your husband through that, to be ridiculed, to shake hands with the invisible air as he has done on the multiple locations, to trot him out when he clearly doesn't know whatat to say or where he is or what's going on. it wasn't reported very much,
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but about four weeks ago he was in vail colorado and he stated that his late son, beau biden, died in iraq. beau biden served in iraq but he died of brain cancer. it is so sad to see what we have to see each in every single moment for these last two years. it's not good for america. it's not good' for americans, ad it's certainly not good for the world. because the world's fortunes travel with the united states of america. when the united states is strong, the world is strong. when the united states ista wea, world becomes a week and dangerous place. and that's what we have right
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now. the democrats, joe biden's handlers in particular, have joe exactly where they want him, in the white house and senile. because they are able to use them as a puppet to achieve their extreme ends, and make no mistake about it. 95% of the extremity in american politics today is on the side of the left. it comes from the liberals. it emanates from political correctness.s. it emanates f from wokeism. it emanates from counsel culture. we have a situation where a nationally known speaker turns up at a college or somewhere to speak and he is unable to because of the threat of
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physical violence, then you know that something is wrong. the real bullies are not conservatives. the real bully is not president trump. the real bullies of the democrats and the left and the bloke, and all of those people that want to change our lives. they don't like the united states of america the way that you and i like the united states of america. this is something i i speak at a lot in this book, "the most dangerous president in history." the left, using joe biden, want to transform the united states ofst america. it is something it is never been, something it isn't, and, quite frankly, something that it should never ever be. and that's what we're faced with, and that's why the perils of the biden presidency are
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truly unprecedented. they are unprecedented on day one, president biden, one of the very first actions he took was to cancel the keystone pipeline. meaning that every single ordinary hard-working american, whether they are white or where that have a small business, whatever they happen to be, whatever you happen to find them, missouri, kansas, nevada, wherever they are, they had to pay more at the gas pump. why? because joe biden is absolutely lock and key under the control of the green lobby. .. deal.
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the radical environment that is true. communism if you go back and a look at the history of environmentalism, you'll notice that after the berlin fell all of those that were involved heavily in the >> so heavily in the communism and socialism and all of that stuff, they realized at that time they could no longer do all of those things so they decided to pool their energy into greenpeace. go look at the background of so many of the prominent individuals that are involved in the green lobby and that now have got the most powerful man in the world, joe biden, hostage. but joe biden says he's from scranton, pennsylvania. he says that he's for the working man.
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come on, man! that's what he says. he's for the working. no, he's not, not at all. joe biden is for the elites of this country. joe biden and his administration have done nothing, but hurt the little guy in every single action they have taken over the last two years. that's what joe biden's record is. joe biden's record is one of promoting wall street, promoting hollywood, promoting the liberal mass media and weaponizing law enforcement agencies to target political enemies. that's what this president is all about. news just yesterday that no charges will be brought against former new york mayor rudy
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giuliani. [applause] >> it's great news, isn't it unbelievable it came six days after the national election and they decided to withhold that crucial information from the electorate. why? because it was in their interest. same with the student loan debt. biden and the democrats knew it was illegal what they were proposing. they knew it. they knew it would get struck down. they knew it would be knocked out, but they decided to use it as a ploy to get votes and guess what? it worked. record youth turnout at this election. voting for joe biden, voting for the democrats. now there were a lot of elements into that and we might get into that in the q & a momentarily, but that's exactly
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how democrats win elections. stolen elections, to use the phrase, doesn't necessarily mean that they happen ballots, exactly, they don't necessarily mean that ballots are manufactured or created or counts are deliberately not done the right way. what stolen election can mean is when you have big tech and the fbi colluding, like they did in 2020. when you have mark zuckerberg pouring tens of millions, hundreds of millions of dollars into an election and tilting the scales towards joe biden and the democrats, is that not a stolen election? when democrats propose something that they know is going to fall down, yes, it's smart politics, but is that not a stolen election? when they conceal that all of
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the stuff about rudy was america's mayor, i might add, his book leadership had a tremendous impact on the 2000's. when they deliberately conceal what's happening with rudy, can you not say that this election-- half the people were voting without the proper information before them? is that not in some way fraudulent? of course it is. and all of these reasons, all of these tactics, all of the democrats' ploys have led to this man being in the presidency and i'm sad to say, having almost no repudiation of his policies or his actions. joe biden has to lose in 2024.
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i am convinced that he's going to run again. they're going to wheel him out if they have to. i believe they're going to run him again. i believe that this is somebody that needs to lose and the reason that i wrote this book is that as a new citizen, deeply in love with my country, i want the united states of america to reach her full potential. i don't want the united states of america to ever become a socialist country, but under joe biden, it is becoming a socialist country. under joe biden, it is becoming an america where that opportunity and that exceptionalism that i spoke about at the beginning of my presentation is deeply endangered, incredibly imperilled, and if we somehow get another four years of joe
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biden if he can even make it that long, then, then i might stand before you here at the women's national republican club if you'll have me and say to you, now i don't know what america is anymore. we can never ever let ourselves get to that situation. so, i wrote this book, "the most dangerous president in history" to make sure to begin the process, the journey of exposing joe biden because the media have been running a protection racket for joe biden for almost 50 years and average americans have got no idea what this man is truly like. they don't realize the extent of hunter biden's corruption. they don't realize who the big guy is.
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go ahead and have a look at biden's brother. these are dark times for us. there is no way of putting that nicely. we are in a real struggle. we are in a real war, a culture war. culture war. joe biden and the democrats want to make this look like a european socialist country because they don't like the fact that up until now the united states of america has always been the most conservative nation, a center right country. they don't like that. america is the scar on the left's mona lisa. the rest of the world, they can
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live with, but the united states of america because of her conservative underpinnings, because of our foundational values, contained in the united states constitution, the declaration of independence, the federalist papers, because of those values they want to make sure that america changes. donald trump knew this, that's why his line was make america great again. because he knew that under the democrats this country can never reach the full potential. yes, it can remain on some level great. it can be greater than any other country, but the united states of america has so much more potential than that. this is the shining city on a hill, as reagan put it. this is a place unlike any
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other and it's up to us to keep it and it's up to us to research and know and find out and expose somebody like joe biden, the most dangerous president in history. i know that so much has happened over the last couple of weeks and i know that tonight there's a big announcement from the 45th president of the united states and we're all eagerly awaiting to hear what that announcement is. and i know that the stakes are very high. so, i want to open this up to question and answer. so you can ask me any question that you like about joe biden, about the midterms, about the danger of the democrats. what i see happening in the future. so, please, go ahead and ask. if you can just say your name,
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i know a lot of you already, but if you can just say your name, that would be great. patty page. first up. hello, young patty. no, someone else. >> my name is michael. >> hello, michael. >> i'm from new jersey. i was excited about the election, the midterms, because i thought it was a referendum against biden, but to me, it looks like it was a referendum against trump. what are your feelings on that. >> michael, it's a good question and it's one that's being discussed on every television network, every radio show all across the country, countless opinion pieces have been written in the last week or so, since the results of that election. let me begin by saying this. tonight in answering your
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question, i want to try and give you information that is not readily available or deliberately downplayed or concealed by the fake news media. the first and most prominent of those is this: do you know that republicans last tuesday night won the popular vote by almost five million votes? five million more republicans vote for republicans than for democrats. five million more. do you hear about it? you don't hear about it, no. isn't it funny that the democrats and the left always love to bash the electoral
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college. they talk about how awful it is, and how terrible it is, and it should be the popular vote that counts. all of a sudden, they're not talking about the popular vote, they're not talking about eradicating the electoral college, why? because it happened to benefit them last tuesday night. that's the hypocrisy of the left. donald trump endorsed, i believe, somewhere in the neighborhood of 279 or 300 different candidates for congress, for governor, for senate, on al levels. and there were only 19 of the candidates that he endorsed that lost. another point that is not being highlighted or raised at all by the media.
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he's being -- president trump is being hit by people saying that we lost pennsylvania, the governor's race, and that dragged the rest of the vote down for people like dr. oz running for the senate, and other races. he's accused of the same thing in new hampshire with don bolduc. here are things that people don't realize. doug mastriano was going to win that with or without donald trump's endorsement and trump endorsed him as late as possible, maybe he'd already won the primary. and donald trump did not
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endorse general bolduc until he'd won the primary. yet in every opinion piece i've read, president trump cost us new hampshire and he cost us pennsylvania. i don't think that that's fair. i don't think that that's true. i really don't. so was this vote a referendum on donald trump? michael, i'll say this to you, like you, i was expecting a repudiation on the level of 2010. in 2010 after two years of barack hussein obama, republican split 64 seats, 63 or 64 seats in the house. i was expecting something like that. instead, it looks like we're going to win by two. i didn't expect that.
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and i didn't expect that because i believe that if you, last tuesday, were voting for your own self-interests, which is typically what you would expect of people, then there was no way that you would have voted for a democrat. you would have wanted to send a message to joe biden and his ak accolytes, about the incompetence and embarrassment that joe biden is on the national and international stage. there should have been a repudiation of joe biden last tuesday, no doubt about it. but i don't think that it was because of donald trump. now, it's true that donald trump is a polarizing national figure.
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i happen to love him. i think he's the greatest president we've ever had and that includes ronald reagan. [applause] >> i happy to find him very entertaining. i happen to find him very funny. i happen to find him very patriotic. i happen to find him a very kind man. he helped me when he had no reason to help me and forget me, all of the stories that donald trump has kept quiet about him sending his plane to go and help people, to bring them to hospitals and to have various care and whatever else they've needed, all of that stuff has been kept very quiet. so donald trump is a good man. there is donald trump the public persona and then there is donald trump the real family man and i've always said if you want to get a measure of a man, look at his family and look at
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his children. i tell you what, and i'll talk about this in the book, joe biden's children compared to donald trump's children, there is a very big difference, very big difference, and every single mother and father across the country should realize that. if you have children, you know what you did throughout their lives to help them get to where they are and it doesn't say very much for joe biden when you see hunter biden's exploits. what's on hunter biden's laptop and so forth. so he is a polarizing figure, but i believe that this election was, if you want to say lost, even though we've got more than five million more votes in the popular vote, but the reason that this election
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did not go the way, michael, that you and i thought it went is again, because of the lies perpetuated by the media about donald trump, about -- i mean, these guys run a protection racket for biden and the white house every single day, whether it's on inflation, whether it's on-- they are constantly making excuses for him and again, the democrats, they are better than us when it comes to politics. can i tell you what i find so infuriating, so infuriating? i don't know if you remember, but about two weeks before the election, it was just after fedorman and dr. oz's debate. do you remember that, chuck
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schumer was caught on the hot mic, saying to president biden on the tarmac. he said mr. president, we're looking great. everything is going really well, but we're in trouble in georgia. and i remember thinking to myself, chuck schumer's got no idea. he's crazy. you guys are in trouble in pennsylvania, you guys are in trouble in arizona, you're in trouble in nevada. you're in trouble everywhere. georgia's the least of your concerns. in fact, if anything, maybe georgia will be the tough one for you. chuck schumer was right, chuck schumer was right, the only one that's gone off to the runoff election was georgia and they won all the other ones. and his confidence and joe biden said, i know he was saying what he was told is a say, but still, joe biden said, i think we're going to come close to keeping the house. we'll definitely win the senate. and i remember thinking, what drug is this guy on?
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i want a bit of what he's smoking. but sure enough we're only just winning the house, it got announced today by the slimmest, the barest of majority and the senate, well let's see what's happened in georgia, but they've got 50 already, it's a question of 51 or 50. so, these guys always seem to know what's going to happen. they had the same confidence in 2020 and i remember thinking to myself, there is no way in the world that the united states is going to throw out donald trump. there is no way. and sure enough, these guys, they predicted the election results. they predicted it. so they are always one step ahead than us. they knew to go and plant this seed, you know. i speak to students all the time because of my work with this organization that i founded and run, the foundation
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for liberty and greatness flag, flag we're all about teaching civics and promoting patriotism in k to 12 schools. can i tell you that when i go around and speak to students, one of the things, one of the common things that i hear from students all across the country is mr. adams, we've got to stop fascism. fascists must be defeated. they're getting this information from joe biden, the most dangerous president in history. they are getting this information from the left. and like i say, the true tyrants, the true tyranny, the leftist tyranny, it tells us what we can say and can't say. it tells thaws we've got to respect totally unscientific things. i can say i identify as skinny blond woman. how does that work?
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but the leftist tyrants, the cultural bullies, that what they're doing to us. they've indoctrinated the youth and they are great at mobilizing the votes and this mail-in ballot stuff is awful. it's awful. unfortunately, it's the new reality and republicans are just going to have to catch up. but the democrats are way behind us, they bank millions of votes before all of us get to vote on election day. so, we've got to get up to speed on that. i know that it doesn't come naturally to us, but no choice to get up to speed on that, and if we don't, we'll be in all kind of problems. yes, ma'am. >> i want to tell you-- >> your name? >> lorraine. and i think something else is going on with this election and the election about of this. you have elon musk, okay, now,
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nobody ever questioned how elon musk managed-- sorry, i said, no one questions how elon musk managed to get all the information that tesla has, but i will tell you this, if what you're seeing right now has nothing to do with the democratic party or the republican party. what you're seeing now, whether you believe it or not. tesla, we know that he had 958 pat temperatures patent. and one of the patents, we know that hd wells and him constantly with no doubt went up and back and forth through time. i know that sound really crazy to most people. okay, what you're seeing now is kind of like a war of the worlds, okay. tesla's technology is what
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you're seeing right now. that's what you're seeing. and i know that sounds really crazy, but that is a fact. okay? it is probably trump did win, okay. and they robbed it. okay? yeah. (inaudible) >> yeah, hi, it times like these when we have the most dangerous president in america is we have separation of powers. can you tell us how having a strong majority in the supreme court and margins in the house could help us raise the next two years before we get to 2024? . great question. i saw mike pence last night on cnn which i watch from time to time, and you should, too, because you have to know what the enemy's talking about. one of the problems i think on
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our side is-- all sides, but one of our issues is that we often get into an echo chamber with like-minded fellow traveler type people. and i like turning on cnn because i like to listen to wh they're saying and messaging is so i can think how i can counter that and how conservatives can counter that and further our own country for much better interests from what they have for the country. mike pence said last night on cnn, sondra, he said that, i don't remember the direct quote, but it was something like he said, whether you win ugly or you win beautifully, a win is a win. and the fact that we have now officially, it's been called, taken control of the house, that is good news. and it's good news that should be celebrated because whether your majority is by two or whether the majority is by 60,
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you still have a majority. so this means that we're going to take back all the committees. that means that the absolutely rubbish january 6th committee is all over. okay. that was a kangaroo court, pardon the expression coming from me. and that means we can start investigating hunter biden, okay? we can start investigating exactly what happened in afghanistan. we can start investigating-- we can find out what's been happening over the last two years because so much of it has been kept in the dark. so it bodes very well for us that we now have taken back the house of representatives. and it will get even better if
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hershel walker can win in georgia. [applause] >> because even though kamala harris will still have the casting vote to break a tie, she's got to expend extreme political capital to do that. so it's always better to at least have it 50-50. and i might add that the senate has been close for a very, very long time. so the other thing that -- i mean, we were sold absolute nonsense by pollsters and i think we were set up, i think, to be honest with you, about the media and pollsters about this red wave, that these expectations that we had. the only reasons that we were so disappointed last week were the expectations and a lot of those expectations were born from what we were seeing in the polls, what we were hearing on
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the news. and again, this is the way that the democrats so successfully manipulate the news and manipulate us into seeing and believing things that just aren't true. and the senate has been all the time. i'm sure the democrats would have liked to have increased their numbers in the senate. did they? no, they didn't. so, i think that we're going to see over the next two years, sondra, republicans aggressively make the case against joe biden. i think we're going to continue to-- don't you love the supreme court? i love the supreme court. [applause] >> the supreme court are going to continue to make good decisions, patriotic decisions, the right model decisions. i mean, it's amazing. this u.s. supreme court delivered, by the way, by
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donald trump and let's give due credit where credit due, mitch mcdonnell who really did hold his nerves to help that -- assist that situation becoming reality. but we, the supreme court has given us a chance to start again with life, with the right to life. so, the supreme court, i think, is going to play an even greater role in life over the next couple of years, in politics, i should say, in the next couple of years, and that, combined with the house of representatives, being in control of that, joe and jill won't be sleeping sadly as they have the last two years, that's my prediction. yes, ma'am. >> good evening. >> good evening. >> it's a pleasure meeting you
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and what we're up against as the democratic party, you seem to know them very well. so, i think everyone here in this room, most everyone here wants donald trump to be our next president, yes. >> yes. >> so i say to myself, what is he up against? so i hear the news quite often and we hear about ron desantis and we hear about -- they want them to fight. i get the feeling that the democrats want donald trump and ron desantis to fight, and i wish that that doesn't happen. i wish that maybe somehow, some way, these two egocentric can let their egos go down and become a team together. maybe as quite often, why do the democrats always get along and we never hear them fight. why is it that the republicans are always fighting? maybe we could try to change our way a little bit and maybe you can convey that message to
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donald trump. >> well, i appreciate that. i didn't catch your name. >> what was that? >> what is your name? >> oh, my name is sondra. >> oh, another sondra. i'm not surprised that that's been asked because in all the different radio and television interviews i've done today i've been asked that same question multiple times and it's a complicated answer. and i'm going to give it to you again in a way that perhaps you have not heard of before or maybe you haven't considered before. donald trump wants to run for president again. this is going to be his third team. we think, we don't know yet. we're a couple of hours away, but we think that he is on the precipice of announcing a third
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run, a third nomination for president. what donald trump is thinking in his mind because donald trump is very primal and he's a master thinker. he really is. the left like to say that he's stupid and -- donald trump can buy and sell the democrats multiple times over within the space of 60 seconds. and he's the only one that got the left's playbook and he's the only candidate the left's playbook was not able to injure in 2016 and during most of his presidency. donald trump wants to run for president again. and he's looking at what
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obstacles stand before him. this is politics. politics is not pretty. politics is ugly. and in a fantasy world that's nice to think to ourselves, you know, wouldn't it be great if, you know, donald trump put ron desantis as his vice-president and then we'd have this amazing ticket of trump, desantis and that would just be spectacular, but that's unfortunately just not how politics works. what donald trump is doing by calling ron desantis, ron desanctimonious, and having a shot at youngkin, governor glen youngkin, yes, he did.
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i thought it was quite funny, but in any event, what he's doing, he's firing warning shots and here is why. if ron desantis gets in the race, everyone gets in the race. mike pence, mike pompeo, nikki haley, tim scott. asa hutchinson, there are a litany of people that will run for president if ron desantis challenges him. if nobody challenges donald trump, then he will win the nomination without any issues. so, he is firing these warning shots to say, hey, this will become a blood bath, stay out of my way. it's my turn still. i want this, wait for your turn. otherwise you're going to get
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bloodied. and we know that if anybody is capable of bloodying, i mean, donald trump retired hillary clinton. that was quite an achievement and he also retired cnn pretty much. so donald trump has retired more people than social security, i think. so that's what trump is doing. now, do i like it? not really. do i enjoy it? no. i live in florida. i just voted for ron desantis, my first vote ever was for governor ron desantis. [applause] >> and i'll vote for ron desantis again. ron desantis is, without any question, the greatest governor in the country right now and it's not particularly close. he is the standout. he has led florida amazingly.
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now, i want to give, as -- i want to try and -- it's hard to say what i'm going to say without it coming off like i'm not paying ron desantis proper respect, but i want to make it clear that i have so much time and respect for governor desantis. i think he is in many ways the future of the country. but here is also what you're not hearing in the media. over the last three years almost one million, over 900,000 republicans from all across the country in the 49 other states have moved to florida, okay? so, almost one million more republicans, republican refugees, came to florida and they came to florida to be
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really republican because they couldn't be really republican where they were living before. that's number one. again, know the to take anything away from the 20-point victory of desantis over charlie crist, turn coat, perennial loser. not to take anything away, a million people moving to your state, that's different than when donald trump stepped in, and it's different. and i've heard discussion that florida should be the model for the country. florida is not a good model for the country and i'll tell you why. the second thing. yes, there are a lot of hispanics in florida, but
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unlike the hispanic populations of other states, they are predominantly cuban. cubans are terrified by what they see the democrat party in the united states of america becoming. because it reminds them of home. it reminds them of what they escaped and the last thing they want is for this country to turn out like the one they left. so they're anti-communist to begin with and the trend started in 2016, in miami-dade county, and it continued in 2020 and now in 2022, ron desantis won it. okay? that's a great achievement, again, i'm not taking anything away, but cuban hispanics are very different to texan hispanics, or hispanics in
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other places. so, you can't necessarily say that the same success that has been had with the hispanic voting population in florida can be replicated automatically somewhere else. maybe it can be, but we haven't yet seen that. the other thing that i would -- let me ask you, do you remember in 2015, there was all of this discussion about how we needed a governor that was strong, that had stood up to the unions, stood up to the liberals? there was a lot of that. scott walker was discussed. scott walker was the golden boy for a little while. rick perry was considered strong and was a great governor, i liked him, but rick perry was made out to be the man. chris christie had a record in
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new jersey of standing up and fighting and taking the fight. all of these things that we really liked, that was refreshing. we're sick of -- what donald trump could achieve in four years, how much he could have achieved, it would have been monumental, his own party been behind him, but they weren't in large part. they weren't. they undermined him like termites undermine a house. so, there was all of this talk about governors the now, then we've got-- ended up getting donald trump and i believe he's the only person that could have beaten hillary clinton in 2016. that's why i supported him from day one. 16th of june, 2015 when he came down to escalator, i was on his side. i picked a winner and it was hard. i'll be honest with you, it was hard because i knew dr. ben
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carson, i knew governor mike huckabee. i knew governor perry. governor perry appointed me an honorary texan. dr. carson blurbed by book and so did governor huck abee and there were some on the show and i had some interaction with them, but i knew somehow this early that where the country was at that time we needed a blunt instrument. that no politician, no matter how talented, no matter how suave, no matter how articulate, no matter how well-presented, none of them. no politician could beat hillary clinton and the clinton machine. but donald trump could, i believe, and he ultimately proved me right. he did. now, governor desantis, it's not a criticism of him, it's a reality. he's untested national.
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we don't know what's going to happen when he gets up on a national stage. i can tell you, donald trump has a record of making really great and big governors look really, really small on that debate stage. that's his gift. that's something that he's able to do. now, i'm not saying that he could necessarily do that to ron desantis, i don't know. ron desantis might prove to have great political guile and be very quick on his feet, but my personal observations of ron desantis and-- or let me frame it to you this way, what is different about donald trump and ron desantis, of course, you always hear, you always hear the bad stuff about donald trump, okay? that people say they're both strident, but ron desantis is more polished. people say they're both
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authoritarian, but ron desantis has better limits. they say-- that's kind of how they frame it. i think that the way to look at ron desantis and donald trump is through a very different lens. i can tell you that donald trump is a man that is full of charisma. okay? he can go to a rally and he can pack stadiums out. he'll call someone up and they'll play with his hair or he'll see a baby in the crowd and he'll call that baby up and look how beautiful in baby is and he'll kiss it and he'll do all of those things. he is a showman. 's entertaining. he's funny. now, believe it or not, that counts for a whole lot more in politics than what you might
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realize, a whole lot more. now, you're not going to get that from ron desantis. ron desantis, i think, has less charisma, okay? ron desantis, so far from what we've seen and he's been on the national level now for a while, i haven't seen the humor. i haven't seen the self-dep prication. i haven't seen the humor in ron desantis. ron desantis does it in a controlled environment. when he's got the mic, he's great. amazing. no one better. but i don't know if you go and have a look at some of the debates of ron desantis against anded draw gillam in 2018, the candidate who ended up being a cocaine addict or whatever he was captured with a prostitute.
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only the democrats. so if you go and have a look at those debates. if you have a look at the recent debate with charlie crist, okay, did desantis is not as good. i'm not saying he's bad. but he gets the job done, obviously. but he's not as good on his feet in a less controlled environment. i hope to vote ron desantis for president in 2028. [applause] >> i think he can wait four years. florida needs him. florida wants him. so i want him. so i think he can wait until 2028. and wouldn't it be unbelievable to have four years of donald trump and then eight years of ron desantis, 12 years to
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change this country, to get it back? it would be amazing. it would be the best thing that could possibly happen to this country. so, both men are tremendous patriots. i'm worried that if governor desantis gets in, he's going to get hurt and the best thing i think would be for donald trump to get this nomination without much fuss because i still believe that he is the man best suited to fix all of america's problems. >> last question, yeah. >> it's not a question, it's basically agreeing with you. i was listening to news max one night and they were talking about ronald reagan and the thing that made him so special was that he was so funny and he was so warm. >> yes. >> and he made people laugh and then i thought, donald trump does the same thing. and then i want to say one more thing that i saw on news max with greg kelly, he was showing
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how ron desantis was studying donald trump and copying his mannerisms, started to talk like him and started to do his mannerisms and i thought it was kind of interesting to share. >> thank you, certainly is. the greatest form of flattery and it's true that ron desantis and got to be honest, even me, starting to. [laughter] >> so, i -- he is a -- i do think that ron desantis is looking up a lot at donald trump, has been. he's seen the success of donald trump, but we've just got to remember it's not necessary -- people say i'd like to get trump policies, but without trump. again, like i was saying earlier, it's easy in our minds to think about, well, wouldn't it be really great, but there's reality. and the reality is that a lot of trump's support is tied to
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his personality. it's tied to him. so this -- it's sloppy intellectual thinking to think that you could simply get trump's policies, put another person there and automatically, it just all goes over. so, it could happen over time, but it's certainly not an automatic thing. i would caution anybody that says, well, i want trump policies, but i don't want trump. you know, that, again, well, it makes basic sense and we would all love in some ways to have those kinds of things be real and be able to be materialized and come to fruition, they're just not going to. donald trump has a very significant following and until ron desantis or mike pence or any of these other guys start packing stadiums, then we can listen to them. >> okay.
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>> my name is marlene. >> hello, marlene. >> i believe that the root of all evil are these mail-in ballots. >> i can't hear you. >> i said i believe that the root of all evil are these mail-in ballots. where before the mail-in ballots were for the infirm and now they're for everyone. is there any way to do away with that? >> great question. look, i don't like mail-in ballots either. i don't like mail-in ballots at all. if i was in charge, do you know what i would say? i would say unless you are sick, disabled, or out of country, it is the law that you have to turn up and vote on election day. [applause] >> so how can we do away with that is this is there a way of doing away with that? >> so, that would be what i would have happen here in this
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country. mail-in ballots are here to stay, i'm sorry to say. yes. >> no. >> i don't forsee a future where mail-in ballots will disappear completely. it's important to note that mail-in ballots have been happening for a very, very long time. it's only that they were expedited and increased-- >> during covid. >> during covid and that we saw in 2022, i was hoping that it would kind of go back to normal and people got use today it and the democrats realized that that was a good way of running elections and doing politics and allowed them an advantage, whatever else, and so that's what -- that's what i think we're seeing now. i really find it quite amazing at -- you know, i think the left has to bear -- this issing again, you're never going to hear on television, but it's my personal belief that the left has to bear a lot of
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responsibility for what happened on the 6th of january. and i'll tell you, and it might not be the reasons that you think. i'll tell you why. because the 2020 election was so unprecedented in terms of the mail-in ballots, in terms of how many people were voting early, in terms of how long it took to count votes, in terms of -- out comes the everyday american really couldn't wrap their heads around. for example, senator john cornyn in texas, more republicans voted for senator john cornyn in texas than voted for donald trump in 2020. that's what the official results say. same thing in nebraska. senator ben sasse, who i don't
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like at all, supposedly beat donald trump in nebraska. that's to say, more nebraska republicans voted-- well, they voted for the senate and they did not vote for donald trump as president. now, all of these things combined, okay, gave americans, i believe, a lot of legitimate reason to question this election, that election and to doubt it. so hold on a minute. hold on a minute. you've got mail-in ballots, it's taking six days to declare a winner. you've got these really odd results, split balloting where these less important races are getting more votes than the votes for president.
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this is, this is not -- you know, the left did absolutely nothing, not one thing, not the media, not the democrats, not the president-elect at the time, the vice-president-elect, they did nothing to explain what they -- what their version of events were. they did absolutely not. now, of course, they can say and they would say, well, what do you want us to explain? an election is an election, the votes were the votes. but given the extraordinary circumstances of that election and given that it was conducted in an unprecedented way with turnout, 80 plus million votes for a guy that didn't even campaign. that hid in the basement. why should any american believe
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na result? that result. now, in 2022, we're wondering why we doubt what happened in pennsylvania. well, we doubt what happened in pennsylvania because the guy that won is literally brain damaged. and that's not a joke. that's-- i'm sorry that he's in that state, but he can't mount a debate. he can't answer a question. he can't speak coherently. he can't string a sentence together and this guy beat a cardio thoracic surgeon? it's -- but again, the left does absolutely nothing. they just, oh, we won, we won. and oh, you're election deniers, that and that. >> and given what happened in 2020, the democrats had a responsibility, particularly when they saw how many people doubted what happened. and they like to say trump
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ginned it up and whatever ems. there are tens of millions that still don't believe the election results in 2020. and the democrats did nothing. they didn't say we hard to believe, prima fasha. and you had a president because of covid wasn't out there and mail-in ballots sent out in a way they've never been sent out before. we understand why you might think that this is not right, but these are the reasons. mail-in ballots, there were x amount of mail-in ballots, there were, to go through and kind of assure the people that the election has been conducted properly, but no, typical elites, that's the election, we won. you do ent--
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you don't like it, you're an election denier, screw you. and i'm not making an excuse for january 6th, that was awful. i was never there there, i would never go to something like that. but there were a lot of people that were very, very frustrated and confused and in many ways they were saying, please, help me make sense of this, and the left and the democrats had a responsibility to do that and they didn't. and that's why in many ways the democrats are as responsible as anybody for what happened on the 6th of january. thank you very much, ladies and gentlemen. [applause] >> i really appreciate it. thank you. >> i just want to say thank you so much to nick adams and where is the best place to be tonight? as donald trump would say, is
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