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tv   Republican Senators on Tax Reform  CSPAN  November 30, 2017 10:12am-10:19am EST

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and her husband had a heart raking discussion at the beginning of this year whereby she and he decided that she would stop taking a medication that had reached $90,000 a year. no change as far as i know in the ingredients, the manufacturing process or anything else. it just had crept up, cracked up over all of that time. >> this hearing available online, search azar at are really the remainder of this and take you live to capitol hill. senate leadership is speaking to reporters and others. >> my colleagues who work so hard to get to the place where it's accurate guide to small business administrator linda mcmahon with us as well as the small business entrepreneurship council president and ceo of karen cure again. certainly, karen has brought a number of people here today who know they are going to be affected by this bill in a
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positive way you look forward to seeing the next steps as they get this closer to being on the president's desk. i'm convinced that it's going to happen this year. i'm also convinced when it does happen, no one will have been more responsible for getting this bill and the president's desk in the majority leader of the senate, senator mcconnell. >> thank you, senator blunt. we're on the cusp of a great victory for the country and particularly small business. we are happy to have linda mcmahon here and i'm happy to have one of our great small business people who will be hearing from greatly. we are in the stretch. we are going down the home stretch, headed towards the finish line late tonight or early tomorrow. but sms for his tax relief to
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build more of america and to get the growth rate up and it's already beginning to pick up as you've noticed on these last three quarters in anticipation of what we are about to do and also in recognition of the greek deregulatory offers the diverted and going going on during this administration. i congratulate all of the successful small business persons and will make them even more successful. thank you so much. [applause] >> i would like to echo a little bit of what senator mcconnell had to say. i'm linda mcmahon of the administrator small businesses is the nation and i've also said if you want to know what small businesses and, ask them. i have been out crisscrossing the country. things may have been in about 25 states. i've spoken to over 450 individual small businesses.
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i've conducted business roundtables and i have two words small businesses. without fail, each of them has said to me, tax cuts is one of the single biggest things you can give us to grow our business and we will take that money and reinvest in our business. hired that next employee or employees. we love the location. roulette equipment, do i want to do. we are entrepreneurs. our goal is to grow our business center guard business we need more money in our pocket and if you give us tax cuts, that is what we will do, tax cuts are passed. i'm bringing the message back to washington, advocating on behalf of the 30 million small businesses around her country. imagine if they get tax cuts and grow their businesses and start new businesses how we are going to really continue to grow our economy. small businesses are the.out of this economy so we want to do all we can to support and help them to grow. really happy to be here this
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morning and we are hoping the wind is that they're back. very much. and senator thune -- okay, senator d. [applause] >> thank you for coming and taking time from their businesses because i know you are the driving force in the business in one day out of stuff on a small business. we appreciate you came to washington to have their voices heard. the administrator has done a wonderful job traveling the country. we've been in and out of our states and all different types of businesses to talk about the same thing she's sad and mad is hard-working small businesses and what the impact tax relief will have on men and tax cuts. today we have and i hope he gets here, i imagine he's tried to get into the building i can imagine. matt fisher is a small business in martinsburg, west virginia and hope leahy will be taking here shortly.
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and business roundtables, a few takeaways that we had were exactly what the administrator said and that senator blunt said. with tax relief, with tax cuts and we are going to raise wages for businesses because we will raise wages for employees because to keep employees well-trained and we want to have in our businesses, we've got to pay them to show them work so they don't go somewhere else or try to find another occupation because the pay is not concerned with their experience. and i am excited today in my state or across the nation a small business in my state, smoltz did higher than not. over 50% of the people working in private businesses are small business employees. it is critical that they can't get tax relief they deserve. this is money they earn to put
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back into their businesses, lifeblood in a lot of cases. some of them started businesses with great ideas. i am very, very excited about what we are going to do today with the leadership categorizing them as. i think we are on the winning horse and i think we are going to pull it through at the very end. with that, i would like to introduce my colleague from the state of mississippi, senator wicker. >> thank you -- [inaudible] >> apologize about that. video signal problem. we'll show that in our program. we can tell you this senate gabbling in, coming up in about 10 minutes. 10:30 eastern to resume debate on the texture farm bill. we'll have live coverage here


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