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tv   [untitled]  CSPAN  June 6, 2009 1:00am-1:30am EDT

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>> coming up, it's an nlcs rematch. the dodgers, best record in the majors take on the defending world series champs who have won seven straight themselves. if game one is any indication of how the nba finals are going to go, it could be a long week for orlando. we'll tell you what the magic need to do to put a spell on kobe. we track tiger woods and roger federer who are both trying to find their "a" game a continent apart. let's start right now.
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captioning by captionmax >> hi and welcome to espnews. along with the coach, jonathan coachman, i'm j.w. stewart. friday night it was the best of the east against the best of the west in both the national league and the american league. >> it was kind of fun. we start at fenway, a place the texas rangers have found near impossible to win in, losers of eight straight in beantown but the men in blue did enter friday night leading the majors in home runs with 86. brad penny on the mound for boston looking for career win number 100. top three, getting some defensive help. watch dustin pedroia, catch, turn, throw all in one motion, fantastic defense. ian kinsler, career .232 hitter against the red sox, three-run jack. kevin millwood solid, seven strong, five strikeouts, no
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earned runs. boston has their four-game winning streak snapped. >> philadelphia leads this game 3-2. jonathan broxton on for l.a. trying to keep it a one-run game. jamie moyer in line for career win number 251. two earned, four hits in seven innings. phils have the seven-game winning streak on the line. highlights of this one as soon as it goes final. >> elsewhere in los angeles, kobe bryant has been receiving a lot of attention for his game face but there are so many different types of game faces. for instance, there is the thoughtful game face. then, there is the "i know something you don't know" game face. then there is the "i just don't know what else to do" game face. the "are you kidding me?" game face. and finally the "i'm going to take your head off" game face. and that's the game face kobe has as he tries to win his
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fourth ring but first without shaq. mark jones anchors our coverage from l.a. >> kobe bryant of the los angeles lakers with his eyes squarely focused on the prize, he had the look of a champion in game one, a transcendant performance with a finals-high 40 points. to go along with eight rebounds and eight assists. hello, everybody, welcome to espn's continuing coverage of the nba finals from los angeles and staples center, mark jones along with jalen rose and j.a. adande, jalen, kobe bryant with 40 points in game one, how much better can he play? >> i think you're going to see a lot more of that, and the great thing about a player like kobe bryant is he always thirsts to get better, and he practices on his game immensely on a daily basis. look here on the post-up. that's a contested shot, ladies and gentlemen, but as a shooter, as a scorer, you still have to keep your eyes on the basket regardless of who is cheering, who is booing, who is contesting the shot, whether your defender
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is 6'7", whether your defender is 6'10". look at this. this is a fallaway jumper from 18 feet. mickael pietrus goes to the huddle and says, "coach, i contested the shot." he says, "put your hand up, you've got to play better defense," he says, "i did, coach" then you watch the film and marvel at the greatness of this player who finds a way to get player who finds a way to get it done regardless of the defense. >> when you look at the cuts they showed us you only see one hand. they need to do what the denver nuggets did, send two or three people so there are two or three hands in his face. he took more shots last night, 34, than he did in the last two games of the denver series combined. kobe recognized what the denver defense was doing. he had to pass the ball. from the very beginning of game one of the nba finals he had single coverage. courtney lee, isolated him on the block, they are going to have to jump the screens, crowd kobe bryant to force the other guys to take shots. >> the los angeles lakers went after courtney lee on the defensive end of the floor in game one, on the other side the
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orlando magic, their bigs struggled, dwight howard with one field goal, hedo turkoglu with three, rashard lewis with two field goals in the game. how do they get better for the next one? >> dwight howard, first and foremost his activity, he normally gets going because he's rebounding, because he's running the floor, because he's blocking shots, getting steals. normally that fuels his offense. to have one field goal that's totally unacceptable. that means his activity level wasn't high. and as he got the ball near the basket, a lot of times he wasn't in position to make the shot because the lakers did a good job of keeping his post catches out of the paint. jameer nelson, however, he is a guy that can get to the paint. that's why it's going to be imperative if he's going to be effective in this series to be able to penetrate and drop it off to dwight so dwight can get high-percentage shots but also, the lakers did a tremendous job of crowding dwight, forcing the orlando magic to become a jump-shooting team, but pick and
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choose who is shooting those shots, like i say a lot of times when i'm playing ball, -- when i'm playing ball, sometimes you're open for a reason. right there rafer alston was open for a reason. >> they forced dwight howard to become a free throw shooter sending him to the line 16 times. rafer alston said he felt uncomfortable playing a quarter, coming out for a quarter, playing for a quarter, coming out for a quarter, that's not the way he was used throughout the playoffs. anthony johnson didn't get used at all in game one. you wonder how he feels, helps his team get to the finals now they have no use for him. jameer nelson trying to work himself back in game shape in the middle of the nba finals, calling plays for himself, taking shots, this is not the kind to work out kinks in your game. my former teammate rafer alston needs to play. >> jameer nelson is an all-star point guard, they're working him in because they expect a long series. rafer has to get used to playing his role. >> imposing stat in favor of the los angeles lakers. phil jackson-coached teams a combined 43-0 when winning game one of a seven-game series, all time. >> lamar odom -- he had a double-double in game one.
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kobe bryant put up big numbers. andrew bynum came up big and pau gasol had 16 and eight. l.a. leading the series 1-0. game two on sunday. >> after every nba finals game is over on abc, turn over to espnews for the post-game news conferences. >> coming up on espnews. more baseball. when we last saw carlos zambrano, he was using a bat to smash a water cooler. friday he used a bat to smash something else. >> no smashing involved when it comes to zack greinke this year -- at times unhittable, major league leader in e.r.a. coming for some reason greinke forgot to take his best stuff to toronto with him resulting in his worst outing of the year. plus, who would have ever thought it would end this way. we'll tell you what has tom glavine feeling betrayed and still wanting to pitch. and with rafa nadal out at the french open, the road to history should have been an easy one for
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roger federer, right? you are so wrong. we'll fill you in. and roger's buddy, tiger woods, playing a tournament he has won three times but woods will have a ways to go after shooting his highest score in nearly two years. a ways to go after shooting his highest score in nearly two years. ♪
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hey kevin, filling up with nitrogen-enriched shell gasoline? it seeks and destroys the engine gunk... left by lower-quality gasoline. yes, winner! everyone wins with new nitrogen-enriched shell gasolines.
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>> cubs and reds. carlos zambrano pitching for the first time since getting susp >> cubs and reds, carlos zambrano pitching for the first time since getting suspended for throwing a baseball into the stands and beating up a water cooler. friday night he beat up on the reds, brandon phillips in the first, seven strikeouts for zambrano who took a no-hitter into the fifth. in the fifth, he hits a home run, second of the year, 18th of his career, making it 2-0 cubs. bottom five, jerry hairston jr. off zambrano. look at michael hoffpauir.
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how you make up for an 0-4 day, zambrano 6 2/3 scoreless innings, in the seventh alex gonzalez back at zambrano. he gets his 100th career win. cubs take it 2-1. >> tom glavine was drafted by the l.a. kings and could have played hockey with wayne gretzky. instead, he chose baseball and pitched for 22 years, 17 with atlanta. after how the braves treated the future hall of famer, they might get two minutes for roughing. trying to come back from surgery on his left shoulder and elbow, the 43-year-old glavine says he was released to make room for top pitching prospect tommy hanson to be promoted this weekend. >> i feel i guess a sense of betrayal a little bit, i have a little bit of resentment for the way things were handled. i didn't feel it was a performance issue. i felt as though it was a business issue and they had better options with tommy hanson or medlen or -- as things turned
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out they had an opportunity to get nate mclouth and by not paying me, i think that freed up principles of limited government. the idiots that people like my mom instead of going on welfare we should reformate because getting the job from an employer is better than getting a job offer from the government because you can take pride and teach your child a work ethic. b.a.t we should not leave our country with a huge debt we should the bit better off for our children. every generation until this generation has always sought the next generation would have a better. this is the first generation that does not believe that. it is a lot because of what we have done and the people we have elected to office that have spent our children's future and what that is what i want to talk about how we turn
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this around and what is the principles or the vision we should have for america. barack obama elected to office on hope and change. we heard all about it. he came in coming granted it was a tough economy he was handed. i believe by the way bad economy was mostly government created, not private sector the government incentivize it whether through the community reinvestment act, they were all good reasons people wanted to increase low income home ownership, a fannie mae, a freddie mac got involved that allowed wall street to get involved with these financial instruments. everybody was happy when all of this was happening because home prices kept going up and everybody was making money. my state was one of those states that was leading the bubble. when the bubble burst california and nevada and
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arizona and florida we suffered the most during that period of time but the rest of the country god drug down with us because all of the financial instruments were tied together. his answer to fix the problem is basically but fdr did. it is like we don't learn from history. it was not fdr's policy that brought us out of the great depression. if it did would you like to stay in it for 11 years? basically we're in the depression but for 11 years the only thing that brought us out was world war ii. not his policy of spending, it was a war. by the way the economy is still not good. the stock market did not recover for 26 years. do you want to see the dow not recover for 26 years? settled think that is the policy we want. i believe the stimulus bill
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the president brought us was the wrong prescription. big government, that is the answer to more government spending, mortgaging our children's future, running up their credit card, we are getting the fruits of is supposedly and running up their credit card they have to pay higher taxes when you look at the stimulus bill and add interested is over $1 trillion. $1 trillion. now it is bad enough the following week they brought spending bills to us that increased last year spending bill by 8% then shortly after that the president brought us this budget that was the scariest thing i have never seen come to washington d.c. because the president's budget, if you take all of the debt that was accumulated from george washington three george bush, all of that he doubles it in five years and triples in 10 years. it is unsustainable.
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i don't know if you have noticed some of the reports were the chinese are getting nervous about buying our treasury bills. they're getting nervous. they quit buying our treasury bills comment europeans, if they lose confidence of the dollar the only reason they continue today is because every other country is worse than ours but two were three years from now will it be that way? under this president's budget there are a trillion dollar deficits as far as the eye can see. of we keep running these up and printing money and the rest of the road does not have confidence in the u.s. dollar they quit to buying our t-bills our economy collapses and it will be catastrophic. catastrophic. we need to turn things around and we need to stand up and the american people need to say enough is enough and it is time to be fiscally responsible to future generations and stop being so
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selfish we give us what we want. [applause] i think we need to take those principles that ronald reagan talked about and apply to modern problems. one of the issues is healthcare. some say there is not a health care crisis in the united states. if you are a mom with a child and you don't have health insurance and that child gets a disease of some seriousness it is a health-care crisis to you. of you have a small business and do have been providing health insurance and health-care cost is so high it drives you out of business or look at our of companies and do see the health care costs, it is a crisis what every you call it it is a serious problem and we need to fix it. we don't need what some of the
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democrats and the president what to do it is what they call the public option to disguise the term. it is nationalized health-care basically. just one quick statistic, they like the european for the canadian model preview were woven in the united states you get breast cancer your chances of survival in five years is 98%. great britain, if you're a woman your chances of survival only 70%, the problem in those health care system is a bureaucrat gets into the decision-making process between you and your doctor. there should not be in that decision making process. that should be between the two of you. we can cover all americans. they say 47 million it is greatly exaggerated the real
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number is 11 billion people who truly don't have the coverage they need in the united states. but whatever the number, we can cover all americans if we do it taking the principles of the market and let the market work. even today agreed to not have a free market system. the person who receives the care is not responsible for paying for the care. there is no association so people don't shop it is not a marketplace. safeway a couple years ago of their health care cost was out of control so they decided we have to do something bigger spending $1 billion per year and it was going up 10% per year when the company sees that happening they see the destruction of the company so the ceo figured out that if they focused on four conditions they thought they could control the health-care cost somewhat. it worked much better those
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four conditions they lower the premiums for any betty who either did not smoke or would quit smoking and paid for the smoking cessation programs they gave them $350 less than premium if they did not smoke. or would quit. if they were the proper way two or if they would lose weight they gave them the incentive as a lower premium. if they would control cholesterol, not if they had high cholesterol but control cholesterol they gave them a lower premium if they controlled blood pressure and controlled it, they would actually give them a lower premium. do you know, what happened to the last four years? compared to the rest of united states they lowered health-care costs buy 40%. we spent $2 trillion on health care in the united states a nigel loring that by 40%.
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we can cover all americans and duet with less money and guess what? america would be healthy. we have a serious problem it will get worse and worse unless we incentivize people to have healthier behaviors. we can have the free market principles in health care with a healthier country and do it for less money and not bankrupt once again our children and grandchildren with spending with the president says $1,000,000,000,000.02 make sure that they ensure the uninsured. we can do a for less if we have republican principles of the forefront. the next issue you may have heard the president introduced the supreme court nominee. it is good that we take this very seriously and give it some intellectual thought that this is something we take
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seriously. but we need to talk about what the philosophy should be of somebody on the supreme court. i don't believe it should be somebody who actually makes laws. the founders produced the greatest political document in the history of the world. it is truly, one of the reasons we're so blessed as the country because of the united states constitution and the vision of the founders put down on paper. guess what? they said if you want to change it here's how you change it. they did not say supreme court you can change it because you believe the rules should be different. they put in the amendment process and made it very difficult to change because they figured they got it right. maybe we could see things a little better but they made it difficult to change. unfortunately too many people on the supreme court and appellate court have decided
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they think they know better and want to become legislators and make lot instead of interpret law. that is fundamental. if you were the activist judge you have no place on the supreme court [applause] they talk about the litmus test that is a litmus test for crichton know if you have seen recently the supreme court decisions that folks have cited international law over the u.s. constitution. that has no place. it should be the u.s. constitution is the supreme law of the land. period. but is the way it should be [applause] last year and we have high gasoline prices and people are talking about energy. we have to do something and gas prices started to go down and the debate faded away.
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does anybody believe gas prices and energy costs will stay down? we need a national energy policy. absolutely. i believe very strongly in decree and energy i was a sponsor of the energy bill last year so i believe strongly in the solar power, biodiesel, wind, we have a lot of geothermal i believe then that stuff. but it is not the full answer for the united states. if you cannot get there in a short period of time to let people would like to see as a greek economy, it takes time for the technology to develop where we can afford it. the president has proposed cap-and-trade. what does that mean? >> taxes. >> exactly right. every time you flip on a light switch come maritime you drive your car or buy something it takes energy to produce the
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average family will have taxes co-op by $4,000 per year on average. , the people in america due you think can afford that right now? that is the wrong approach to energy policy for the united states. i believe there are answers. first of all, while we are transitioning to a greek economy which will take time we need more american energy. we need more american and oil, natural guest we have huge supplies of natural gas [applause] we are the saudi arabia of coal we should develop clean coal technology. by the way i have yet the mounted in my state. it was not the answer for nuclear waste it was a huge waste of money we should definitely invest more in
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nuclear power of the french can have a nuclear power then we should have nuclear power [applause] lastly, the issue of energy is critical not only to the economic security of the united states but the national security as well. i don't know about you but looking who read by a lot of oil from they are not exactly our friends. hugo chavez from venezuela, ahmadinejad come as some of these other folks that have oil in the world are not exactly necessarily friendly to the united states. the bottom line is we should be independent of foreign sources of energy in the united states. we have the energy if we have the will, but we can do it and we can do it together [applause] this is the issue you don't
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hear republicans talk a lot about and i don't know why it is an issue i think we can take from the democrats come with the issue of education. has been said education is the new civil rights because to compete in the 21st century they need the best schools, the absolute best schools they can go to. by the way they already haven't in colleges and universities anywhere in the world. people all over the world want to come to america to go to college and university. we have arguably the second to worse k-12 system in the industrialized world. we're not teaching science or math or inspiring kids to become engineers they need the tools in the mathematics feel to compete in to the 21st century. talk to anybody at the university's they say they're not coming prepared they have to teach the remedial courses
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because they are not prepared. the democrats have controlled our schools for too long. they have allowed special-interest to be in front of our kids education. we need to take back our schools. education is certainly mostly a local and state to issue. there are things the federal government can do but if you look at the number one difference k-12 and higher education, the number one difference if you get a pell grant, a student loan, a gi bill, as some kind of financial assistance coming to go to a college you can go to any college as long as you can get in. colleges and universities go to rise schools to recruit they are competing for students. they want the money, the
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talent, they are competing what happens k-12? for 95% of americans it is where you are live where you are so did is no competition but a monopoly situation. more choice in education will lead to better schools [applause] there is no one at simple answer to approve the k-12 system but there are lot of answers that will help, a charter schools, public school choice, vouchers come with the idea to take bereday to say if you are a good teacher we want to pay you more and by the way in exchange for that if you are a bad teacher, go do something else because we don't want you to ruin our kids' education any more is setter protecting bad teachers let's put our kids' education first and foremost


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