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tv   Stephen Colbert Presents Tooning Out the News  Comedy Central  January 18, 2023 11:30pm-12:00am PST

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>> leslie: exactly! see something, say something. [cheers and applause] >> but they are really being affected by this dobbs decision, because on the other side of every single abortion, every choice that someone makes to not continue a pregnancy, we are also seeing the impact on miscarriage management, we are seeing the impact on their wives, on their daughters, on their sisters, on their workers, on their coworkers. so men i would say are showing up in a much stronger way. there is a lot of them out there free styling because i still don't know how our bodies work, however. nots work, how pregnancies work but a lot of men are showing up because it is important to give them the energy to continue to do that. >> leslie: yes! [cheers and applause] yes! how do we combat that? this thing about rights and everything, how do we keep things?
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>> well, first of all, i mean, we have to be clear that the supreme court made a decision, but the supreme court doesn't get the last word. we do. [cheers and applause] >> leslie: yes! >> and we are going to need to fight because they are coming for birth control, they are coming for ivf, they are coming, they are literally trying to bankrupt us in texas, planned parenthood and texas. they are trying everything they can to stop people from getting access to care. but what we have -- and people like you are just passionate about freedom, passionate about justice, an opportunity to really be a leader and a volunteer. >> leslie: [cheers and applause] ooh! [cheers and applause] now we can do some thinking!
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[cheers and applause] come and quick so we can fix your dick! >> yes! yes! >> leslie: we are going to take a quick break but we will be right back after this! [cheers and applause]
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[cheers and applause] >> leslie: yes! that's our show for tonight. but before we go, planned parenthood is an irreplaceable part of this country's health care system, for many people, it's their only
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source of health care. if you can support them in their work, please donate at the link below. now, here it is. your "moment of zen." ♪ ♪ cryptocurrency, the future of losing your house is here. tonight on "tooning out the news" -- the conservative hot take says speaker kevin mccarthy must honor his concessions to the extreme right, including not complaining when they make him eat lunch from a dog bowl. then, the jet setters at "inside the hill" welcome the "new yorker's" david remnick to discuss whether the debt ceiling fight could cause a financial crisis so unprecedented that wall street will have no way of profiting from it. but first, republicans
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declare war on president biden for leaving a box of classified documents in his garage instead of securely using it as a table for the mar-a-lago shrimp fountain. it's time for some big news. ♪ ♪ good evening. i'm james smartwood and i have a faster car than my dumb neurosurgeon brother. top story -- a nation concerned that republicans would ignore global calamity and instead of investigate the bidens for crimes real and imagined can rest easy tonight knowing their concerns are actually spot on. house republicans are focusing on how biden mishandled classified documents and why the feds didn't conduct a bin laden style raid on his abbottabad, delaware, compound. that's according to house oversight chairman and baby food jar baby all grown up james comer. >> why was mar-a-lago raided, but the president's home not? why are the president's lawyers still allowed -- >> the president has loggers? >> -- to go rummage through, looking for documents after a special counsel has been appointed? >> yes.
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>> it doesn't make sense. it's not fair. >> comer there channelling every day americans frustrated that different things elicit different responses. joining the chorus of anti-participation trophy republicans whining about fairness was president trump who took a break from his rigorous campaign schedule of shuffling peas around his plate to post on truth social, which after months of research we believe is something on the internet. mar-a-lago is a highly-secured facility with security cameras all over the place and watched over by staff and our great secret service. i have info on everyone. that's right. mar-a-lago famously runs an intense background check requiring every guest to name one difference between their back and the ground. joining me now to lodge our fingers into the bowling bowl of truth, chuck it down the slippery lane of analysis and hit a perfect news strike before realizing we tore our scoop-ula is democratic strategist who dressed as a tray of chicken piccata to sneak into barbara walter's funeral, lydia parker. >> good evening. >> chief washington bureau chief who somehow got in a group chat with a dozen greyhound bus drivers, jonathan keene.
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>> hello. >> chief field correspondent who was out all last week because his gerbil had babies, james smartwood jr. >> hi. >> and pbs "firing line" host and "tooning out the news" contributor who has never encountered a human being wearing sweat pants, margaret hoover. thank you for being here, margaret. >> oh, thanks for having me. >> absolutely. now, margaret, the house oversight committee leading these investigations will include paragons of discernment and virtue like marjorie taylor greene, lauren boebert and paul gosar. are these hearings a political winner or could it backfire when hundreds of c-span viewers call an ambulance because paul gosar looks deeply unwell? >> the american public can see the difference between apples and oranges. they can see the difference between the documents investigation in mar-a-lago and the documents investigation of joe biden. in both cases, classified documents belong nowhere in a private person's hands. but they have been handled very differently and with different degrees of honesty and transparency, frankly, by each president.
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>> now, i have to agree with margaret. if your entire agenda is big show trials, have some fun with it. i would love to see jim jordan interrogate merrick garland while hanging from aerial silks. >> democrats shouldn't worry about this document scandal, considering biden is extremely good at articulating incisive counter-arguments, assuming it's telling a mouthy union worker to get bent. >> now, let's move on to a new report on republican congressman who during congressional roll call yells out present after every name just to be safe, george santos. the "washington post" says he has deep ties to a businessman named andrew intrater who is the cousin of a sanctioned russian oligarch. the evidence suggests santos may have had a business relationship with itrater as santos with first entering politics in 2020. it also shows that intrater put hundreds of thousands of dollars into santos' one-time employer harbor city, which was accused by regulators of running a ponzi scheme. santos being a potential russian asset is obviously a huge liability if he does not enjoy being revered as a god by republicans.
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now, margaret, house leadership is refusing to take action against george santos, even giving him committee assignments. republicans protecting violent insurrectionists who soiled the house chamber is one thing, but a liar? >> pretty remarkable. look, george santos should resign. the house leadership should take him off committees, not give him any responsibility and frankly there should be a special election for that seat. what's quite interesting about these reports is that finally we're starting to get some color on why his self-worth has doubled, tripled, quadrupled changed by orders of magnitude in the last two years. >> george santos is learning that you don't waltz into congress with some oligarch's dirty money. you cartwheel in with peter thiel's dirty money. >> george santos winning his election using a barely scrutinized false biography exposes serious media shortcomings. to hold ourselves to account, let's go to james smartwood jr. who "tooning out the news" embedded with the santos campaign leading up to the election. >> uh-oh. >> junior, why do you think you in the news media missed this story? >> well, with the media companies squeezing their
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budgets, i didn't have the resources to conduct true investigative journalism. so instead i just repeat what alisyn camerota said yesterday. >> oh, we love camerota. >> for sure. >> so, keene, what's the solution here? >> the solution is accountability and that's why i am replacing myself on this panel with a different guy. >> who is that guy? >> which one? >> the guy standing over there who looks like he's never worn shoes before. >> oh, him. that's my replacement, the newest member of the big news panel. >> okay. you don't get to do that. this is my show? >> sure, but this is my chair and that is my guy. >> jesus. does he talk? >> it's my understanding that he does talk. >> okay, wonderful. now, margaret, jump in here. isn't the election of george santos just a symptom of a much larger systemic failure of our institutions? >> you know, you can call it that, but the truth is -- >> you're a jerk. you know that right? >> i'm not a jerk. >> yes, you are. >> and you're making me look bad in front of the guy. >> i don't care what the guy thinks. >> well, he's going to be in your house. you should care. >> he's not moving in.
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i will move before -- >> i told him you were cool with it. >> i don't care. i can go back on my word. it's not a big deal. i never gave my word. >> oh, i wouldn't go back on my word with the guy. >> oh, great. he's violent? >> oh, for sure, margaret. i agree. >> you've got to buy me some armor. >> all right. okay. i've got a guy. >> all right. we got a deal. not that guy, is it? it's not that guy, is it? >> it is that guy, yes. >> goddamn it. >> he's a blacksmith. >> i don't want the guy who's coming after me to be the same guy to protect me. you understand that, right? >> well, he's bringing his anvil so he'll make it for you there. >> what, does he have like a split personality thing, like, he's two guys? >> no, it's just the one guy. one is kind of rounding up if you know what i mean. >> hold on here. the guy is gone. does anyone know where the guy went? >> i'll tell you where he didn't go, out of this building. >> all right. junior, get back here and start rooting around the ventilation ducts. >> great. i love ducks. >> all right. it takes consistency to become the night swim guy at the public pool, so i gotta go. thank you to my analysts and "tooning out the news" contributor margaret hoover. thank you so much, margaret.
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>> thanks, james. >> she is the host of "firing line with margaret hoover" on pbs where she has mastered the rare conservative art of speaking without turning red and sweaty. the conservative "hot take" is next. tyler, what concept that you only just heard about will you wage a 50-year crusade against tonight? >> thanks, james. joe biden selfishly put our national security at risk taking home classified documents that trump already called dibs on to sell to the saudis. stick around. each morning i start with quaker oatmeal. if you wanna be a champ, you gotta start like a champ! yes coach. okay, pick up the pace! put your heart into it! you call yourself a manning? quaker oats. the official oatmeal sponsor of the nfl. tony here from, quaker oats. helping people see the true cost of bad credit.
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i'll remember that chapter of my life forever. we laughed. we cried. we protected that progressive home & auto bundle day and night. we left our blood, sweat, and tears on that yard. well...jamie did anyway. ♪ ♪ tiktok: the brain guzzler. hey, it's host who has a special bowl to stop me from eating too fast, tyler templeton, alongside co-host who's been told they won't resuscitate her anymore at four different wave pools, bonnie
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davis. co-host banned from walmarts for putting a gun she didn't want to back on the "frozen 2" toy shelf, susan shepherd. and co-host who does not realize every story about his girlfriend indicates she hates him, austin sparks. cut social security so horned up 80-year-olds don't have enough cash to stalk tom brady. this is "hot take." ♪ ♪ if i die, i'm still host. i don't want to hear it. >> got it. >> thank you. what's up, diy tonsillectomy gang? top story -- a man i've always said was worthy of whatever job he so desires, merrick garland, announced he has appointed a special counsel to investigate joe biden for leaving the white house after swallowing 50 condoms full of classified documents. >> i gotta be honest. it feels kind of weird to talk about a biden scandal that's not completely made up. where is the artistry? i far prefer biden scandals delicately manufactured whole cloth after chugging pine sol in a steam room. now, the mainstream media is
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making a false equivalency, saying trump did the same thing as biden. but if that was true, why wasn't i mad when trump did it? >> merrick garland created a special counsel for biden and a separate special counsel for trump. that's separate, but equal. it's essentially jim crow. somebody else jump in before anyone does the math on that. >> where are the visitor logs for joe biden's home? we know every single person who visits mar-a-lago because they are patient zero for a novel gut fungus. >> and look, biden is telling everyone exactly what happened, just like, that's right, kevin spacey in "seven." trump has some shame and only acts like kevin spacey in his personal life. >> hmmm. kevin, seven. >> yeah. >> that rhymes. moving on -- speaker mccarthy is showing early promise that he will dutifully enact whatever dan bongino's most-liked facebook post happened to be that day. take a look. >> there's been some interest among some of the rank and file republicans to possibly introduce a resolution to expunge one of former president
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trump's impeachments, or possibly both. >> when you look -- when you find the final information that the russia document was all a lie, when you watch what went through, i would understand why members would want to bring that forward. >> now, some argue he's only saying that to hold on to power since that's the only reason kevin mccarthy has ever said anything, but it's still nice to hear. still, when it comes to the speaker, we must trust, but verify. that's why i invented a device that, with the press of a button on my smartphone, will gently encourage the speaker to keep his promises to conservatives by deploying an 8,000 psi crotchal pulverization. it's wifi enabled and like a lexus, you can barely hear the 400-horse power pistons doing their magic. it's whisper quiet. >> this is a nice start, but if we want to stave off biden's agenda, we need to bump up the psi to 10,000. >> whoa. look, i know mccarthy. he will do what we say at 8,000
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psi. >> you don't know what you're talking about. >> you're gonna blow out the machine. [ talking over each other ] >> hold on! hold on! hold on! look, in times of strife it's tempting to devolve into petty gripes and ad hominem attacks, but let's no forget what unites us -- a common desire to hold our leaders to the most extreme positions imaginable under threat of having their bean bag turned to dust. >> i'm crying. that was beautiful. >> yeah. all right. i'm chaperoning a middle school brawl tonight. so let's wrap it out with "i'm not done." ♪ ♪ the commissioner of the u.s. consumer product safety commission, a job i wasn't aware of until this week, but now i hate with all my being, said this about america's most sacred institution, the bedrock of civilization since the dawn of
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man -- >> we need to be talking about regulating gas stoves, whether that's drastically improving emissions or banning gas stoves entirely. >> hello. we need the gas stoves to cook the cockroaches after our gas obsession destroys the planet. of course, we are not all talk and out of petty defiance, have installed gas stoves throughout the "hot take" desk. bonnie? have y'all heard of these things? poems? i am irate about all the scary new feelings that stir in me when i read them. ravens talking to goths and some dope asking little lamb who made thee and raging, raging against the dying of the light. i've had it. susan? "avatar: the way of water" is a visual masterpiece, but it pushes a pro water agenda on our corn syrup worshipping nation. that's why i'm calling on james cameron to rerelease the film as
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"avatar: the way of soda." austin? >> austin? austin! >> my man, you have got to go to bed earlier. >> yeah. thank you to my co-hosts. when "tooning out the news" returns, "inside the hill" warns that washington's debt ceiling chaos could affect kitchen table issues in american's ocean front outdoor kitchen. that's ahead. i don't understand how austin can fall asleep like that when this room is spinning so much. >> announcer: "tooning out the >> announcer: "tooning out the news" the podcast is a we really had our hands full with our two-year-old. so naturally, we doubled down with a new puppy. thankfully, we also have tide ultra-oxi with odor eliminators. between stains and odors, it can handle double trouble. for the #1 stain fighter and odor remover, it's got to be tide.
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podcasts. ♪ ♪ lenovo: the thigh heater does email. welcome back. tonight, we welcome "the new yorker" editor david remnick to discuss how the debt ceiling fight could damage the unshakeable foundation of our financial system's house of cards. >> let's go "inside the hill." ♪ ♪ >> i'm rich ballard and mackenzie bezos, my dms are open and i have a normal shaped head. >> i'm sarah sabo and i turned my daughter's room into a gym on her first half day of preschool. >> joining us now is thrice deceased "wall street journal" columnist eleanor palmer. >> hello. >> and princeton history professor who mutters i bet you have some stories to tell to every suit of armor, dr. ike bloom. >> greetings. >> let's jump in.
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top story -- the battle in congress over raising the debt ceiling could harm america's most vulnerable wealthy nobility. economists from the human rights organization goldman sachs write, it seems likely that uncertainty over the debt limit in 2023 could lead to substantial volatility in financial markets. >> wow, dear. >> no, no, no. >> god. >> this is not why we bought both our nation's political parties. >> congress, this isn't some meaningless culture war like medicaid or women's health. this has real consequences. >> here to discuss is pulitzer prize winning editor of "the new yorker" david remnick. thanks for joining us, david. >> great pleasure, rich. how are you? >> very well. >> now, david, you're an astute observer of democracies around the world. is it a sign of a healthy nation when a few barely elected members of congress representing mostly roving bands of coyotes can inflict financial armageddon because it plays well on newsmax? >> well, you may have answered your own question, sarah. i don't think we live in an -- in an especially stable time in our democracy.
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this -- this business about the debt ceiling is just a symptom of how crazy things are in congress, for sure. >> there's a simple solution to getting congress to raise the debt ceiling. wealthy people do their own january 6th. i'll bring the exclusive charmin quadruple ply 900-thread count toilet paper. >> now, david, you wrote extensively about the january 6th riots and the role of donald trump. let's listen to what congressional sisyphus rolling matt gaetz's forehead up a hill kevin mccarthy said after his resounding humiliating victory. >> i do wanna especially thank president trump. i don't think anybody should doubt his influence. he was with me from the beginning. he was all in. he would call me and he would call others. >> oh, come on, speaker mccarthy. donald trump only has the suicide cult support of a mere plurality of republicans in 2024. >> david, we in the media know that donald trump could never be elected president of the united states, especially after the january 6th report describing
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his disastrous presidency. back us up. >> no, i'm not gonna back you up. i'm afraid that a lot of people believe what he says. they think that his attitude toward the establishment, despite his being a very rich man and being the establishment himself, but by posing himself as this anti-establishment figure, he speaks for a lot of people who are angry at the managerial class. >> whoo! >> -- at the wealthy, at east coast elites. >> whoo! >> i'm, you know, not expressing agreement, but i'm saying this is why he has so much support and there are a lot of racists. >> whoo! sorry. it's not good to be racist. but, david, remember how that one congressman wouldn't talk to donald trump on the phone. that means he's not relevant and i'm absolutely not desperately extrapolating because i can't handle counter evidence. >> i think eleanor's right about trump's irrelevance as described in my book, "the end of trump," which i published in 2016, as
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well as "the final days of trump," "trump in exile," "the final days of trump part two," "trump is done," "the final book," "now trump is done," "the real final book' and the upcoming "now trump is done." the real final book updated edition with that photo eleanor mentioned. >> now, moving on. david, as editor, you have final say over which cartoons will
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appear in the legendary pages of "the new yorker." sarah and i actually came up with a couple cartoons and just for fun would love to get your thoughts. >> go ahead. >> okay. here's mine. it's a dog at a restaurant asking the waiter do you have any dog food that's gluten free? what do you think? >> you know, we have three baskets. yes, no and maybe. we'll put that in the maybe basket for the moment. how about that? >> oh, screw you. that's funny. >> you jerk. so funny. >> the problem is you're too dumb to get it. >> yeah, you don't get it because you are dumb. >> yeah. that might be it. >> yeah. if you got it, you would be falling over laughing. >> well, he doesn't think it's funny because he's a coastal elitist. >> ugh, bleh. disgusting. real america would love that job. >> this is why trump won. >> david remnick got trump elected. >> undoubtedly. >> undoubtedly. >> great. we agree. >> anyway, thank you so much for the feedback on that one. >> you bet. >> okay. so here's mine, david. it's a cat on the stand in a courtroom and he says, it's not indecent exposure. it's how i take a bath. what do you think? >> well -- >> you monster. >> what is wrong with you? >> that is funny. that is funny stuff. >> you're a psycho. that's what you are. >> when trump gets elected, which will happen because of your mind-boggling elitism, i hope he sends you to gitmo. [ laughter ] >> that's not a joke. that's what we wanna happen. >> well, that's all the time we have. >> thank you to our esteemed guest "the new yorker" editor david remnick. "the new yorker's" edition of the january 6th report is available now. thank you, david. you're welcome back any time. >> thanks so much.


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