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tv   The Chris Wallace Show  CNN  April 27, 2024 7:00am-8:00am PDT

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for fighting for what matters. this is cnn it's time to, break. down the, big stories with some smart people today, we're asking us anti-war demonstrations spread across the country. can president biden continued to have it both way, saying he understands why protesters are upset while backing israel's gaza offensive then sucking up the oxygen is all the attention donald trump's trial is getting all ready. a win for the former president. and stop the skeptic. the new posh to make all travelers wait in line at airport security the panelists here ready to go? so sit back, relax and let's talk about up first, the protests of
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our gaza have ignited a firestorm on college campuses the growing demonstrations, but coming a political issue drawn condemnation from speaker mike johnson and a muted response from president biden all over the us. pro-palestinian protests on college campuses leading to hundreds of arrests at the university of texas, state troopers use wyatt here to break up demonstration well, at columbia, the epa cetera, the protests, things took a polar good luck old term was some democrats touring the campus protests here at columbia or a new luck on top republicans like house speaker mike johnson also showing up. we just can't allow this kind of hatred anatomy, antisemitism to flourish and calling for the school's president to step down. >> i am here today joining my colleagues and calling on president. sure. fee to resign. if she cannot immediately bring
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order to this chaos. but president biden has no plans to visit columbia as heine between defending the protesters and denouncing. >> now, i condemn somebody protests. that's why i've set up a program to deal that. i also condemn bonus don't understand what's going on with the palestinians here with me today, author and podcast host, kara swisher, editor in chief of the dispatch and columnist at the la tom jonah goldberg, lulu garcia-navarro, new york times, journalist and host of the interview, a new podcast from the times now leanna johnson, editor of the washington free beacon. >> welcome back everyone jonah, as we saw on that piece republicans seem to think they can score points on all the protests going on on campuses across the country. how did these protests play politically i think republicans are smart to do it i'm take aside the issues about israel and gaza
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and all that. >> just the feeling of chaos and things spiraling out of control is bad for joe biden, the sense that things are not returning to normal was bad for joe biden and bad for democrats. and plus these protests we want to call them pro palestine or anti-israel or pro hamas. they divide a big chunk of biden's coalition and unite basically the republican coalition, which is bigger than the trump coalition. so i think it's almost all political upside for loop. i'm going to pick up on that. and how big a problem isn't for democrats specifically the two points that johnson made. one, just the sense and chaos and disorder which is spreading frehse was a columbia thing. now it's all over the country and also it sharpens, deepens a divide within the democratic party between people who are supportive of israel and people who are upset about the humanitarian situation in gaza. i think that's right. >> i mean, i think it is a real big very big problem for democrats. there finding at the
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moment that they don't really know how to grapple with these protests. on the one hand, they want to be supportive of their base many of whom, especially young voters and voters of color who think that what is happening in gaza is terrible. and they wanted to show support for the palestinians. and on the other hand, of course, we've seen anti-semitism and anti-semitic comments in many of the protesters in many campuses. and of course, they want to condemn that, but they're caught in the middle. i mean, they really are struggling to figure out a coherent message. but you're seeing republicans like john sen. come out and try and say, they should bring the national garden to quell these protests. this is a man who of course supported january 6 and the insurrectionist. so there is a little bit of political hay being made on the right that perhaps is going to benefit them as we showed in the set-up piece, biden is trying to straddle. this is really trying to have it both ways on the one hand, he's condemning
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anti-semitism, but on the other hand, he's expressing sympathy for the palestinians and their situation in gaza. and donald trump season-opening here, take a look this is tremendous hayden. >> we have a man that get dark about it because he doesn't understand that he doesn't understand what's going on with our country. >> hello yana ten biden, keep trying to play it both ways here. >> he can do it, of course, but i think it's a missed opportunity for presidential leadership. i think it's good politics to come out against protesters who are telling jews to go back to poland and i'm, saying zionists don't deserve to live. those are direct quotes from leaders of the columbia protests. it's good politics for biden to stand against that. the problem for him, of course, is that the left wing of his party representative, ilhan omar, are showing up at the protest to shore them up. so of course, he would alienate the left flank of his party. but i do think
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it's a missed opportunity for him. to fade into the background of this. well some people are saying that and i think you have to be the question is, do you are you for order and against chaos or for protests and the right to free speech. >> and what's interesting is how quickly everyone and shifting all the free-speech warriors are suddenly like order. order. we must have order. and so there are your heinous things that are said, but there is a line where you have to support also young people, especially when they do things that they do badly, not to support them, is sort of anti-american and speech is fine, but usc has canceled this graduation. columbia university has canceled classes and put them online. we've gone well beyond free speech and into shuttering the operations of universities. and i do think it's a missed opportunity for biden to say there are limits. we've gone beyond speech and into harassment and disruption here not stand for that. >> yeah. i think we've also
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those seen a reaction from some of the police and others that have been deployed on campuses that have been access, access today or indiana because then then that's a whole different story as these young people, you are changing the political mentality of young people right now. if you push down too hard on an especially at this age and not being able to express yourselves. i think you have a much bigger problem later, but just to get back to the politics of the politics. but the problem is it seems to me that biden is really quite his coalition on the one hand, there's an awful lot of the democratic party that is foursquare behind israel. you don't want to alienate them. on the other hand, there are a lot of people including some jews, who are for israel, who are horrified by what's going on as gaza. and so this is how do you walk that tight rope? >> this is also a gift to netanyahu. i mean, these protests, i mean you can look
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at this and whatever the protesters think that they're doing what you have seen, is that you have seen israelis. i spoke to the israeli opposition leader for my new podcast, the interview. and he was absolutely horrified by these protests. he said that they didn't know what they were talking about. they didn't clearly under stan, the history of the conflict. and so you are seeing here it activating not only here in the united states, but also how it's, how it's being played in. >> i want to bring one other aspect of this up. there is growing talk linking the protests that are happening now, for instance, on the campus at columbia university, the anti-war protests us to anti-war protests like those at columbia university back in 1968, which did not turn out well for the democrats. jonah, how legitimate do you think is the comparison of what's going on now on campuses to what was going on during the vietnam war on the substance, i think it's a pretty weak comparison. the anti draft movement, the
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anti-war movement was a much bigger thing, much more galvanizing force. but at the level of atmospherics and sort of psychology, i think there's a lot of similarity, a lot of college kids, i get the whole free speech argument. a lot of kids basically have selma and v, they they're taught to be protest is sort of part of who it is to go to college. and it is so some of this is sort of cost play into my mind and just is what it's part to be a young person to push against ideas, ready for some young people just want to go to their graduation of a class but this is more like dry apartheid movement, as i recall when i was there more on that level, because there's not americans in it was married in vietnam has a very different conflict. >> i was going to say the personal stakes are completely different than 3 million people in 1968, american soldiers in vietnam and 200,000 that's right. mostly college students have been drafted at that point, so i will the personal
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stakes very different while president biden is speaking up about the protest, he's keeping pretty quiet about donald trump's hush money trial. but is that the right move? >> then unconventional wisdom? >> the new effort by some republicans, two possibly replace kamala harris on the democratic ticket and later rolling the dice. but growing money-making trend but some career renting consequences i mean, you know, i was there in some of those protests and 68 and you've thought a very personal lives and the nation's capital, one of the most unforgettable nights in dc, this rotor will read back here again, president biden, and comedian collin joseph headline the white house correspondents dinner, live tonight at seven eastern on cnn gotta get rid of this because it stinks having a triad down here refresh. it helps remove voters three times better than detergent alone. >> it worst guys, yeah downey
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washington, and this is cnn bad publicity has sometimes better than no publicity at all. >> controversy in short, cells donald trump wrote that in his book, the art of the deal. and after a week of wall coverage of his criminal hush money, trial. follow embarrassing details about his personal life. crop must be hoping those words still hold true. >> so we have another day court and everything is very cold but on the stand scorching details from former national enquirer boss, david pecker. >> he testified about a scheme to get trump elected in 2016. pecker saying he told trump i would be your eyes and ears? her testified he told trump about two women playboy model, karen mcdougal and porn star stormy daniels, who had stories about alleged affairs with
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trump. pecker, paid mcdougal $150,000, then never published her story. part of a so-called catch and kill schemes. trump's lawyer asking pecker you had similar relationships with other people. pecker answering? i did. but the public seems unbothered by the case so far in a new cnn poll, 45% of voters say it's irrelevant to trump's fitness for the presidency up from 39% last summer. and while some front credits are speaking up how about the trial as far as i know, you don't pay someone $130,000 not to have sex with you. >> president biden is choosing to stay silent. >> president biden or trump trial little-o, i know it's only week one of a trial that's going to go on for five or six or whatever weeks. how's it going for trump so far? >> sorry, i'm smiling that romney quote was just really, really funny how's it going for
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him? >> i'm not a legal analyst, so i don't know it on the merits, but i can tell you that i had been riveted even though we can't see it. >> it is salacious. first of all, the window into how this all work, this catch and kill, and how this man whose name is david pecker, like it feels like i'm already in some weird alternate universe with the name alone is so amazing and i think what i keep coming back to is trump. every day he shuffles out of the courtroom and he rails against what is happening happening. and there's this idea and he's constantly talking about his victim hood and yet it's about he basically was this wealthy man who had this, who was plugged into one of the most read tabloids in the city. and they were trying to find if there were people trying to if there was word on the street that it was slipping with people. i mean, it doesn't seem like because much of a victim to me. so i think it's going to hurt him. jonah, i got to say i
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was surprised at how much the prosecution got out of its first witness, david pecker, and especially the fact that he said, look, when when he was worried about these women, it was all about the campaign. >> it wasn't about trying to protect his family. melannie wonka me about i mean, that that's an important point because that's what the contention is that paying the soft was a campaign issue. it wasn't a personal issue. >> yeah. >> just on the strictly legal part of it it's not illegal to pay off somebody to keep quiet during a credit is illegal to call it a business expense, right? right. so it's a misdemeanor to call it a business to falsely call it a business expense, and it's a misdemeanor under federal election law, and you what brian's going 22 and misdemeanors together to get 34 felony is i don't think that math works legally, regardless. i don't think this is particularly great for trump it it does take time out of campaigning. it's gotta be a wet blanket on fundraising no, actually, it's rising a lot of money yeah. i mean, about like bigger donors and all that
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kinda stuff. but the number of the watch is that 45%, 45% is basically trump's share of the electorate. if it gets higher than than that, then this is starting to work for him. but right now, 45 i would expect 45% of the electorate to say they don't care about this because 45% of the electorate says they're going to vote for him no matter what. coverage of the trial is drowning out. all other campaign news. i defy you to tell me what joe biden are kamala harris did this wake or anybody in congress. and when trump goes in that shot, when it goes in or out of the courtroom, all the cable news channels carry it lives. so elliana is is this a win? all the attention? is it a win for trump? that was striking to me, trump has this free airtime to deliver his message. >> but i think it's really hard to argue that it's a win for trump should biden be talking about it more in, out there,
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more. >> i think biden's exacting costs that don't require him to talk about it. trump is tied up in a courtroom every day. he's not on the campaign trail, able able to prosecute his message, his schedule, and availability for fundraisers is not what it should be. so i think let me bring cara him because the fact that matter is he was talking about the trial and how cold it was. >> but now he realizes i got a free three or four minutes on every channel and he's talking about other things. he talked about the campus protests di mean this week of just talking about the debates so it mean he's getting his message is yes, but it's not a great place to get your message out there doing this in front of a courtroom or you he also continues to complain about the weather or whatever was inside the courtroom and other things that are going on in the courtroom. this sleeping is not good. this is not good for him. this is just not right. it's like it's the same shot every day going in and out and it looks this is what's going to happen in the coverage unless something happens, this is going to go down because an early riser, right? i mean, usually went down to the oval office by 11 and now he's gotta
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get there every day. >> this is an older guy. it's ake a physical, it's getting sleep rather crack at 9:30 i want to talk about getting rest and that's important for him. he's sleeping actually during the trial. but then low, low, there's this issue who about biden, who is talking about everything except the trial? take a look. he's taking some shots at trump here they are maybe it's coming from that bible. >> he's trying to sell almost wanted to buy one, just see what the hell's in it. remember what it's trying to deal with companies who just inject a little bleach in your event hey, miss it all went to his hair he clearly biden doesn't want to play into the trump narrative that biden is somehow behind these prosecutions. >> but is it the right move to just stay quiet and keep quiet about the trial while it's going on. >> i think it is. i just don't i don't think he has anything to gain by getting involved in that at all. if someone is
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drowning and there your opponent why go out there and go around a life raft around them? i mean, it's sort of like just let him do his own thing and i could dig the diggs are good. >> the little digs a little things, but it's always you to be part of that. >> yeah. and i also i don't think biden at all should want to play into the idea that he is behind the prosecution's that's what trump is arguing. and and i think him prosecuting the case is this dangerous for him, while some republicans liked to use kamala harris as a campaign talking point against president biden others within glb, maybe pushing to get her off the ticket, plus a big award reversal that few people saw comma the whole myth has to be re-imagined feed if you didn't know whether you were next they were both he tied up. yeah. yeah. i was called in
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i'm kevin liptak at the white house. and this is cnn closed captioning. brought to you by gilt visit today for up to 70% off designer brands has the designers that get your heart racing had inside a prices new every day, hurry. they'll be gone in a flash designer sales that up to 70% are soft today vice president harris says taking a bigger and more prominent role on the biden reelection campaign. >> this week, she's kicking off an economic opportunity tour starting with stops in atlanta and detroit that focuses on communities of color. harris has already visited more than a dozen states this year, talking about reproductive rights and gun-control. but despite being out front of those issues, interesting news recent focus groups conducted by the super pac republican voters against trump from that swing voters don't like keras. and focus groups conducted by the democratic national committee also found harris rubs some
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people the wrong way. so jonah how big a drag is kamala harris on the ticket? >> i think she's a pretty big jag. i think he was arguably biden's worst political decision of his presidency to pick her in the first place. and one other special reasons that she's a drag is biden's age concerns people. they don't they worried that he can't fill a term. they worried that he's not up to the job. and so the vice president matters more than they normally do. i generally think going into the future that democrats really should not nominate or front people who come from decidedly all blue states unless they're like once in a generation, talents like barack obama because kamala harris does not know how to talk to the center or to the right. she only really knows how to speak the language of the base of the party. and that's 34, 11. >> let me pick up on that because it's not just focus groups that are down on harris right now in a recent poll national poll, 40% approved of the vice president's job performance, while 55%
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disapproved and karatay, jonah's point, given the fact that people are so worried, voters on ols political stripes are so worried about biden's age and whether he's going to last for four more years is it a problem when there they're not very, very satisfied, are reassured by the person who would succeed. it doesn't really matter. she's not going to be replaced and they don't like or there's lots of reasons i don't like her and i don't think the vice president matters as much as people think. i don't think they think about it unless with an ad that might i get that, but right now, i don't think that's the first thing that we think about his her necessarily. >> i just don't i think they've not liked her is she's had not a successful vice president ceo, although i don't know what that means at all, because i don't think people thought of mike pence very much or dan quayle or anybody else. and so it doesn't matter because she's not going anywhere and he's not going to replace or think about that. think about the earthquake that would cause. and so i think let's write though, in the sense that he really does struggle with her communication skills she really, really interesting you say that because the vice
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president's to have lulu is saying well, you know, she got off to a rough start, had whether it was just one year or two years or whatever, but she has finally found her voice, especially on reproductive rights. here's a case in america, freedom is not to be given it is not to be bestowed. >> it is ours by wright and that includes the freedom to make decisions about one's own body and not have the government telling people what to do to lulu is kamala harris finding her voice as the biden camp says, i mean i hate that term, finding her voice. >> i mean, she's always had it, but this is an issue that i think is one that is good for her and good for biden. biden on this issue? isn't particularly strong. he has his faith, he's talked about it. he feels uncomfortable talking about reproductive rights and abortion in particular, this is
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perfect for her to go out. this is a really important issue for the democrats and she is a good messenger you know, eliana i find it kinda ironic that the biden campaign talks about her finding our voice and they have said this repeatedly over these four years because in these focus groups that we're talking about, one of the things that people objected to was her voice. they said they found her voice, especially her laugh. >> a nor oh, dear. >> now, it's, it is amusing. and i put in google kamala harris fine too. boys, it's not just the biden it's not just the harris team that's saying this. when you google that, you get several articles by reporters, it is the media that's saying this. and about once every six months, the media writes a story, kamala harris finds her voice, and usually it's on the abortion message. if she had a strong assistant voice and was really finding a lot of success as vice president. we wouldn't read an article every day because whenever it's about
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wyman and their voices, no one ever writes about women's smiling are being, you know, i kinda been i'm sorry, but what about robert f. kennedy jr. and his voice? >> not that much. come on i can really annoying voice by the way. >> but that's besides the point precisely the point so if you got a problem with communicating, she sounds like a prosecutor. >> i would say that's probably that she sounds like what she was for years. i think the issue is she's also a woman. she's also one of color and that's i'm not blaming it on that necessarily, but he she has got a lot of in-built thing. are you suggesting that women don't face a double-standard and politics, i'm just saying that i think the voice question with her is that she does have a voice that people find annoying, just like they do with robert f. >> kennedy. i think there are limits to how this double standard well, you know, it's not limited to women. >> i think ted cruz struggled with the same once you're going way down the line and on hand hi globalize annoying. give it is not likable that's a neither sheath all right. jonah
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yes, he's not down ten. i mean, i take keras point he's not going anywhere. >> if she just disappeared, would biden the better off with another running mate? oh, i think it depends on the running mate, but yeah, i think so. i mean, look, i think this whole thing gets the causality backwards a bortion is an issue that's good for biden and harris and it has coattails for them. they don't she's not helping the abortion issue with the abortion issue is helping her from a presidential ticket to a plane ticket up next the new push to stop those travelers who pay and they know who they are to skip the lines at airport security and we have as a treat for the panel that's a tough yay or nay, for those of us with a sweet tooth we'll chew on it right after the break the whole story with anderson cooper tomorrow at eight on cnn there's nothing better than a subway series foot-long, except when you add a new foot-long sayyed, like the ultimate bmt with the new
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all de and all night heartburn as it prevention with just one pill a day. choose hazard prevention. >> choose nexium three really big game history i cannot wait the last javelin, his magic funder pelicans celtics coverage begins today at 12:30. nba playoffs presented by google pixel would round one coverage presented by nerd wallet on tnt once again, has time to get our groups a yay or nay, on some big talkers up first, the return of an award that's been 14 years in the making this week, former usa running back reggie bush got his heisman trophy back in 2010 and nc investigation found bush received thousands of dollars in gifts from a sports agent which wasn't allowed at the time pushed denied it, but still gave up the trophy honoring the best player on college football now, citing changes that allow college athletes to get paid, the
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husband folks decided bush should get a statue bath, qarrah, are you yea or nay on reggie bush told his heisman once a guess. >> sure. i think college athlete should get paid. i guess. i don't honestly care. i'll be honest with you. good. yeah yea. wow so council of a graphic, jonah college athletes can get paid now, but they couldn't back them. >> so how do you to feel and i love this. how do you feel about the heisman trust as it's called, applying the rules retroactively and saying even though it wasn't allowed, then you got your husband back? >> yeah. i think it's a judgment call, but ultimately, i think it's yea i think the circumstances specific to him are such that it's on the bubble and why not okay yay. or why not next it may be harder to jump the security line at airports or proposed california law looks to possibly banned services like clear, which allows people who pay $189 a year to skip weight and girls
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straight to security ahead of other passengers, including those with tsa pre-check. if fast clear would have to provide its own dedicated security lane or stop operating in california, lulu, as our social justice advocate, are you yea or i am now? you're worn out? bureau chief, social justice, social airport equity ever called me that is a journalist. okay. so what i would say about this is what i find interesting, is i am a clear user. i love swatting up to clear waving at the tsa people and saying a by. and in america, i've never heard of anyone objecting to the fact of paying to get better service so that's what i would say about that. i personally like it. but i also do take the point that this is a public resource, right? which is like an airport and should a private company be able well to use this public
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resource to get their customers that are social justice advocate is like by biden all the lines, the regular because i wasn't really should clear something like that where you can pay your way to skip the security lines. yeah, you're night i'm 100% yea. there was a great line in the article about this, i said, had somebody objecting saying this is pay for play to get through airport security lines i'm totally for pay for play to get through airport security sidelight, a must-have mash up, known. >> oh boy, as the cookie. yeah. if you haven't heard it's a combo of a croissant and a cookie and it was created a year ago in paris, but recently went viral on tiktok. all right, panel take the wide shot. we have one for each of you. so it's time for a taste test. >> everybody you got to do this blend appetit know no kara, no
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it's like sacrilege. >> i don't know what to say. stop messing with a croissant. people. >> i am going full. john mclaughlin, you long tastes great. it's absolutely deliverable. who or what do we think yeah, i'm totally it tastes very much much like a lot of pace, like a chocolates if my people, it's a very jewish, he kinda strewn all kinda i'm work. >> i'm all in it's delicious. >> i love and now it feels very american though. >> it feels like something that is so all right. >> i don't care. >> you look innovation and fusion and all these but assad is perfect it's not, going to replace the croissant it's adding to the exact line up next so wrong and over or that's actually a betting on the over-under let's just delicious riyadh. >> today's new album is breaking records gets to say what country is comey country
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18006, 510200, coventry direct redefining insurance. >> i had to go montgomery in tokyo and this is cnn are over, or under this week as literally about over unders sports betting is exploding in the, when you watch a game, it's hard not to be flooded by ads for betting naps that make gambling easier than ever. >> we see spreads to cover over. >> and chances to live fed from the first downs in the final whistle so don't just watch football this season. >> parishes. >> while is gr americans bet on balls, 120 billion on sports. part of a huge rise over the
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last five years. and sports league subs sine marketing deals with betting platforms like draft kings and fanduel while it's led to big profits for the legs, it's also lead to scandals since players aren't allowed to gamble on their own sports. this week, the nba permanently banned jontay porter of the toronto raptors after an investigation found he bet on basketball games and last year 11 pro athletes were punished for gambling-related infractions. so jonah is pro sports rolling the dice by getting involved so closely with gambling. >> i think this is the most foreseeable disaster of a major institution is going to lead to all sorts of problems. it's going to lead to think of violence in the stands. it's going to have all sorts of corrupting influences on sports i think it's a terrible idea. i'm not for banning all gambling, but making it instantaneous and basically the tiktok of wagering is a bad idea.
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>> i'm completely opposite. this is what's happening is going on underground. i'm still recovering from that heinous baked good i'm trying to suck it out from the twin. my day. >> this is what's been happening and it's better that we see it out in the open. it's a little like weed. it's like everything else people are using it. i shouldn't be advertising for it. >> i mean, gambling, gambling people suffer from an addiction should be like alcohol and tobacco, but that's because then it gets regulated and we figured out ways to have it rest of the there's going to be gambling and you could end the supreme court incidentally said, it's legal in any state, right. but when the nfl or the nba actually has a betting partner, a fantasy partner, every mix the messages on the one hand, we're going to make much money as we cannot again, humbling, but you as a player, you can't bet on again oh, play shouldn't be able to. that is actually the correct answer on that when they shouldn't be it's not know. we all agree they shouldn't that on a game, but it should, but is it a mixed message? are
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looking over here because they're looking over here and seeing all this money being made illegally or under the table or in las vegas? hey, guess and then they want a piece of it. these people have to find other revenue streams as others shift around them i don't know and i know you're not are our social justice advocate, not ours going on today? >> i am not anything but it gets even dicier because there was a thing airports then called plot batch, where not only do you bet on which team is going to win, you could even have a bet on is this quarterback going to be able to complete next number of passes over or under. now, it's not whether the team is going to win an individual player. good actually get involved and make an win or lose a bad. i mean, doesn't get kind of dicey. >> i think it gets dicey. i don't support it in the sense that i think that it's bad for people and the other thing that i would just say is that in the social justice realm, it is often poor people and people of
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color who are using these apps. and getting taken advantage of the panelist back with our texts on hot stories. and i have my own special best shot. that's right after the break. >> so now you wouldn't brace social jocelyn. >> and shocked at gambling on what is it about the titanic why are we so obsessed with this ship every piece of evidence tells a story 100 years later. it's still leading people to adapt. this special to our titanic premier. of how it really happen all week now want cnn life, diabetes. there is no slowing down each day is a unique blend of people to see and things to do that's why you choose glissando to help manage blood sugar response uniquely designed with carb steady glue,
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predictions of what we should be looking out for. so jonah hit me with your best shot so fbi director christopher wray has repeatedly and with increasing urgency warned that we could have majors terrorist mass casualty events that the threat matrix is very high. >> he's also made these very urgent warnings about chinese penetration. and i think it's largely falling on deaf ears. part is the trump trial stuff is so soaking up all the attention. and i don't think that our politics are ready to be able to deal with a terrorist attack nor do i think our institutions, our qarrah year focused on a ruling by the federal trade commission this way, and it's, it's the ban on noncompete agreements which i think is a huge deal and aims at one of the most anti-k competitive tools and business this is the ability for companies to enforce these noncompete agreements. and it goes down to chefs and hairdressers and things like that. it makes sense that the senior executive level, but otherwise it's a transfer of money from labor to
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shareholders and people. for innovation, people should be able to compete and get jobs after they leave job it's ridiculous. >> elliana, that shot best shot. i am watching the first-quarter economic numbers that were out gdp growth was lower than expected at one and core inflation was up which makes me think that not only will joe biden not have the flourishing economy that he wants ahead of the november election, but also the fed is probably not going to get the soft economic landing. it has been hoping for the good news, keeps rolling him for the biden administration before november lulu, you climb, you haven't i told you so for your best shot, i do. >> i am right. and qarrah and chris are wrong is what i titled my email i was very interested to see that reportedly apple is cutting production of the vision pro. if you remember how reportedly
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with those lovely glasses and everyone was talking about was new thing. and i was saying, how utterly user fronted, not how it's not user-friendly it all, who wants to sit around the dinner table with vision pro on your head? and i was right. >> and you will rock. >> well, it's interesting because i kind of anticipated it does from you. i would have thought better, but this is what i anticipated and it's actually a case of wildly revisionist history. go to the video type i find it really exciting in terms of entertainment. i really like the way they've done it. i do think it's the first-generation of where this is going. >> i tried at those week he and you it's pretty cool, but i thought the headset it's a somebody is wearing here. it got uncomfortable, not something you'd want to wear every day now, i wanted to play that tape for two reasons. first of all, to show that i actually also had doubts about the vision pro, but mostly because i could show kara you
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can't get enough of that directionally, correct? >> sorry, i'm going to stick with it this week. i have my own best shot and it's a two parter. >> first, congrats to qarrah, who was honored with the 2024 webby lifetime achievement award, honoring excellence on the internet congratulations. thank you. it's my greatest achievement and i want to congratulate our team for winning a webby for this clip, which went viral from my interview with john but teased on our max show, who's talking, where he demonstrates how music can cross genres well, you know, two blues which just goes to show if you're with giambattista, you're on the right track. >> it was a great conversation. you can catch my entire talk with john on max gang. thank you all for being here. thank you


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