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tv   CNN This Morning  CNN  April 25, 2024 2:00am-3:00am PDT

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fifa is peaceful exchange of ideas. that's something very different and that's what we're saying they need to get control of when they camp out around the campus and they prevent students from exercising their rights that's the problem before you go obviously, we're here in new york, is there has been threats to your speakership back in washington what does it say about your standing as speaker that you are here at columbia university dealing with this issue right now, the speaker of the house is very important constitutional responsibility it's an, an officer listed in the constitution. the speaker speaks for the house of representatives. and i felt it was very important, important for that voice to be heard, not just about what happens at columbia but about what is happening right now around the country. and we have to stand unequivocally for the right and the good. and i'm calling on all my colleagues on both sides of the aisle to speak out against this not to not to endorse it, not to caudal these people, but to say this has to stop, we have to treat every
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single person with dignity and respect and that's not happening here. it's an atrocity. >> speaker johnson, thanks very much for your time. thank you thanks for joining us. >> the news continues now on cnn it's thursday, april 25th, right now on cnn this morning former trump allies, rudy giuliani and mark meadows, among 18 people indicted in arizona for trying to overturn the 2020 election the supreme court ready to hear arguments in a case that could blow pull up every prosecution of the former president and president biden, apparently changing his mind about sending long-range missiles to ukraine all right 5:00 a.m. here in washington on live with the capitol hill on this thursday morning morning, everyone, i'm kasie hunt. >> it's wonderful to have you with us. it is an incredibly consequential day for former president trump.
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>> you have those immunity arguments. >> his hush money trial resumes, and breaking overnight a grand jury and arizona handed up an indictment against a group of trump's allies for their attempts to overturn he is 2020 election loss of source familiar with the investigation tells cnn that the indictment includes several people connected to trump's 2020 campaign his former lawyer, rudy giuliani, and former white house chief of staff, mark meadows. as far as members of the arizona gop whose certified themselves as alternate electors? for trump. the former president was not indicted, but as listed as an unindicted coconspirator arizona attorney general, kris mayes, who led this investigation, spoke about the indictments yesterday. arizona's election was free and fair. the people of arizona elected president biden, unwilling to accept this fact. the defendants charged by the state grand jury allegedly schemed to prevent the lawful transfer of the presidency
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whatever their reasoning was, the plot to violate the law must be answered for me now to discuss is former january 6 investigative counsel, marcus children's marcus. good morning to you. thanks so much for being here. can you help us understand why why we're learning about this now, how this has unfolded in arizona, and how it plays out. in to the bigger picture of all of the legal challenges around the 2020 election well, it's always nice when you can kinda zoom in and see how this was impacted on a state-by-state level. >> and i think it's an interesting juxtaposition that we have here today. you mentioned supreme court here in this case, and that really got there from the federal january 6 case against the president that looked had a had a nationwide view and now we're getting a glimpse into arizona specifically, and it's not different than really georgia, michigan or any other states that have investigated the fake electors scheme. but it looks at overturning the lawful election as the attorney general just said. and in arizona and trying to prevent the loss full transfer of power, specifically on arizona legislator the arizona electors
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that were sent to put pressure on the vice president yeah. >> let's hear a little bit from one of these fake electors because i do think it is worth remembering that these, they're actually people, people, right? yes when you say fake electors and it almost, it seems like all is that a piece of paper? >> no, it's a person here's one of them my name is anthony current. >> i am a current state senator representing legislative district 27 and i'm here in front of the superior court building. this morning because i was an alternate elector in november 2020 for president donald trump i was asked to step up along with other ordinary citizens. and i chose to accept i was honored and will always be honored all right. >> just kinda remarkable to hear that from someone. i mean, he calls himself an an alternate elector. i think we should be clear. that's not a thing fake, correct. >> fake. elector as we listened to all this this happened and
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see this unfold. what does it mean for our 2024 election for this year that we're in now. i look, i think it shows the extent that some parties and including the former president who's running for reelection again now, was willing to go to claim victory over joe biden who had lawfully one, i think we look at the fake electors scheme in a silo rather than looking at as part of the multi-prong larger attack on the institution, you'd look at the fraud that folks like sidney powell were spreading and that's what these lawsuits were based upon. and this what these fake electors are alternate electors were supposedly put in place let's contingent just in case one of these cases were to be successful. but they still sent the paperwork into washington, dc. it was still used to try to pressure the vice president into certifying their slate of electors or maybe sending it back to the state legislators, or even putting pressure on the state legislatures. and that's what you've seen us indictment, is that pressure campaign? at the state level on the vice president and unindicted coconspirator number
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one, the former president being involved in this action? >> yeah, it's a really remarkable snapshot of something that clearly was a much bigger plan. marcus, you worked extensively on the january 6 committee, of course. today they honestly historic de these arguments at the supreme court to hear whether the any former president any president should be completely immune, at least that's the trump team's claim from actions, official actions, or i should say, from actions taken while president of the united states what are you watching for given your deep understanding of the events of that de and the legal ramifications as these arguments play out in the court really eager to see how the supreme court treats this notion of accountability fall under the law. this is truly you mentioned it already at the top of the show is one of those historic moments history, and i don't say that lightly. this is really going to dictate whether we truly believe that
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everyone is accountable to the law. the former president is arguing that by allowing him to be prosecuted, it's a moral threat to the presidency because he was performing as outer perimeter of his duties, citing the nixon case and that it will prevent presidents from feeling free to make decisions as best for the country if they're, if they're fearful of being prosecuted in the back-end, i tend to agree with the special counsel's argument that we are a nation of laws and everyone is accountable to those laws. and i want to really want to make the point that overturning a lawful election while sitting us president. i don't see a world with that can be considered part of the outer perimeter of the president's duties. and i expect that the government, we're making that point today. all of the supreme court typically doesn't weight into facts i expect those themes to be competing back-and-forth here today of the moral threat of being a president versus accountability under the law do you believe that there does need to be some sort of distinction made, like should
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there be some areas where the court says, well, if you make a decision as commander in chief in the context of sale war, et cetera that that shouldn't be something that's prosecuted well i'll be interested to see if one of the justice asked trump's attorneys to name a criminal statute where it is illegal for a president to make a commander and chief decision. i don't think those are on the books. what what is on the books is a conspiracy to overturn an election. but we've never seen a president prosecuted for decisions made as a commander in chief especially when it comes to like foreign policy type decisions, because there aren't any criminal statutes that impose that type of liability on the president. but there are statutes on the book for overturning an election. >> so you're saying we are a nation of laws or have been thought through and they're being executed. >> all right, markets, shoulders for us this morning, marcus, thanks very much for starting us off. i really appreciate it are coming up next the pentagon confirming the us has delivered long-range missiles to ukraine, plus a
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tense standoff at usc between police and pro-palestinian protesters and david pecker back on the stand, expected to face questions about stormy daniels every piece of evidence tells a story how would really happen with jesse l. martin sunday at nine on cnn i brought in a juror, max protein with 30 grams of protein. >> those who tried me felt more for energy and just two weeks here, i'll take that ensure match protein, 30 grams, protein one prim sugar, 25 vitamins and minerals in a new fiber blend with a prebiotic i can do this but you and you
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on, caked on oil, boils and splat are no match for stove guard. the been part of cooking is the eating not the cleaning of the time that it takes to clean the stove, especially from oily products, is so long stoke far to super easy if clean, you just rinse it and there's literally nothing left to clean up on the stove. >> each dove guards is custom designed and precision cut to fit your stove model, we go a lot of spaghetti light, the water can boil over and staying the stove top and david tomato sauce that will bubble up. but then you really got to mow. i just pick up the stone guard, take to the thank wash it off and on. i couldn't imagine an easier way to do it. >> still, guard has thousands of five-star reviews. it's ignited a revolution in kitchen, and it's so so easy to order, simply locate your model number behind the door or drawer of your stove and enter it into stove >> and our us based-team will send you your custom perfect fit beautiful stove guard. don't settle for cheap
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imitations that our weights don't. guard premium is six times thicker than the competition and wrong go to stove right now to order your custom fifth so far and get free shipping. and if you order now, we'll also send you the stove gap guard free to help you say goodbye to that hard to clean gunk between your stove and counter-top, just pay a separate processes. this is not available in stores. go to stoke our daughter com, right away, or scan the qr code on your screen order now a heart attack. do they have life insurance? >> no. >> but we have life insurance john i'm trying to find something we can afford fortunately, it only a few minutes. >> select boat found jian g $500,000 policy for only $29 a month and his wife a a bipolar thousand dollars policy for only $21 a month go to select now and get the insurance your family meets at a price you can afford select quote, we shop, you save
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there are giant so much they are the minute woman building davies, next generation submarines they are giant and what they do because they work in a place where they can grow we're, they can learn the skills to build careers as powerful as that. >> they four we build giant because it takes too one this is cnn the world's news network welcome back the, us secretly supplied crane with long-range missiles earlier this month. >> that's something that president biden had been reluctant to do in the past. now, there are plans to send even more. >> us officials have been wary of provoking russia by helping ukrainians with long-range attack capabilities president biden's position shifted after russia received ballistic missiles from north korea.
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>> here's national security adviser jake sullivan we've already sent some we will send more now that we have additional both authority and money. >> what we have seen from the russians is their willingness to accept long-range which missiles from other countries specifically north korea, they have used those in the battlefield. they have used them to attack ukrainian civilians as well all right. >> trying to me now, is cnn's max foster. max, always good to see you. thank you so much for being here walk us through the shift here. how does this make a difference potentially? in the war. and what does it represent in terms of possible escalation while of the kremlin doesn't like it as spoken out against these long run, long-range missiles. >> and your right to pick them out because it's the american was refusing to send them for a long time. now they're sending them something has changed there. i think in a very basic terms ukraine is meant to be doing in theory is defending is homeland and pushing russia
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back to the russian border as they see it what long-range missiles allow them to do is to fire into russia with american weapons, which suddenly becomes more aggressive rather than defensive. so i think that's the bigger issue here. also, a big package going to ukraine, a huge amount of money. but is it really going to change where the front lines are? probably not just allowing them to hold those front lines. so it's not necessarily a situation where we're going to see ukraine managing to take its territory back at the same time. it does now have this potential to fire into russia very interesting, max, the other sort of piece of fat package of aid that ukraine sent was, according to reports and politico and other outlets, a significant lobbying campaign from european leaders. >> you and i had talked about how david cameron went down to mar-a-lago to meet with donald trump. there also was a meeting between trump and the polish
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leader duda that have been characterized as actually part of a push to convince him not to stand in the way of the aid package that was working its way through congress here in washington. and now politico on yours side of the atlantic, they operate here, but also in europe has a pretty significant piece. they write this, the former reality tv star is returned to power. they're talking about trump would not only be the biggest test and transatlantic relations and post-war history it could pose an existential risk two european unity as tensions over how to work with the world's most powerful country, pull the continent apart on issues ranging from trade policy to the fight against climate change, to the defense of european territory. can you help us understand how it is that trump might divide europe among itself? >> well i think the last election when he was last president, he was new to it and trying new policies out. they can handle that this time he's coming back in is much clearer
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about his policy. also, the territory's change. so we've got this war in corrupt a debate about when you can take another country's territory, no climate change, trade these are more tense issues now, if trump comes in is very clear on them, much tougher on europe takes a completely different the line on europe than what you have to have is a common response from europe. and i think probably what this article is alluding to is the fact that having one clear, cohesive, common response from europe, which is strong enough to counter the us view, is going to be almost impossible because getting agreement within the eu and then tied to the fact you got the nani eu countries like uk to factor into that would it have enough power to counter or will it be individual countries working on their own against the us view? that's the challenge and it
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does become x essential because it basically makes the eu defunct, isn't operating in a political bloc, just an ico want my blog, very, very difficult. all right. max foster for us in london. max always grateful to have you. thank you so much. >> that's crazy. >> all right ahead here. arizona republicans voting on a bill to overturn that civil war era on abortion plus ban on abortion, plus the supreme court ready to hear donald trump's claims of presidential immunity rionda, new album is breaking records gets what country is comey country beyond, say, a nashville's renaissance. april 26, streaming exclusively on mats. >> my name is susie loftus, and i'm the head of trust and safety for us data security, tiktok i'm a former prosecutor and it's my job to keep american tiktok users safe a big part of that is making sure that their data is protected.
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college campuses usc in california, protesters clashed with police leading to the arrest of nearly 100 people& at ut austin, students were met. i texas state troopers in riot gear, more than 30 demonstrators, a sported off-campus in cups secretary of state antony blinken landing and beijing for high level talks with his chinese counterpart. he has expected to push back on china's stance on taiwan and their support for russia the republican state house in arizona voting to repeal an 18, 60 steve four ban on abortions after two failed attempts last week was paves the way to leave a 15 week restriction in place more than 15 million people facing severe storm threats across tornado alley in the central plains, such bring heavy rain to the area and even more people will be at risk as the threat expands going into the weekend, are weatherman, derek van dam here with us to break it all down. derek. good morning. what are these folks looking at yeah, good morning.
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>> here's the 15 million people under risk of severe weather today. but check how this expands. and then balloons into the next couple of days. so we're talking 37 million americans under a threat of severe weather morrow and then 53 million americans for the de on saturday. and the fact that the storm prediction center already has these enhanced risks highlighted right here where you see the shading of orange for both day two and day three is saying something because they're giving high confidence that something is about to go down. but let's talk about the most important day hey, that is today, we have to keep an eye to the sky if you're located in dodge city, all the way to the texas and oklahoma panhandle. you see that hatched area we have overlaid on top of the orange coloring. that is the area that we've highlighted that has the greatest chance of ef2 tornadoes or greater, that means a minimum of 111 mile for hour winds potentially within this area as they see the greatest risk of tornadoes within that particular region
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that doesn't mean a tornado can occur outside of that, but that's where they think the strongest tornadoes will occur. and then on top of that, we've got a larger space and coverage for two-inch or greater in diameter hail that is baseball-sized hail or greater falling from the sky within this particular location, these storms will advance eastward on top of the severe weather threat is a flash flood threat multi hazards multi days, and millions of americans on the threat going into the weekend, kasie. >> all right. good to now. we'll keep our eyes on that. are weatherman van damme, derrick. thank you very much. really appreciate it. >> coming up next here are donald trump back in court this morning as the judge ways whether or not he violated his gag order. >> plus house speaker mike johnson calling on columbia university's president president to step down live from the nation's capital, one of the most unforgettable nuts in dc. this wonderful read back here again, president biden comedian collin joseph, headline the white house correspondents dinner live saturday at seven eastern
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adults, elderly dementia patients have increased risk of death or stroke report fever, confusion, stiff, or uncontrollable muscle movements which may be life-threatening or permanent these aren't all the serious side effects capsulated can help you let in the light ascii doctor about kept lighter, find savings and support at kept >> i'm kevin liptak at the white house. and this is cnn hello i've looked at new york city where donald trump's hush money trial resumes this morning. >> good morning. thanks for being with us. i'm kasie hunt trump will be back in a new york courtroom and four hours that criminal hush money trial resumes while here in washington, the supreme court hears his arguments, claiming absolute presidential immunity in manhattan, former tabloid publisher david pecker, it takes the witness stand again for two days. >> he's detailed how he'd find stories that were damaging to the former president. then he'd buy the rights. i need bury the stories. prosecutors
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alleged that those catch and kill deals like the hush money payment to stormy daniels. >> we're all part of a scheme to influence the 2016 election we're also waiting for the judge's ruling there on whether trump is in contempt for violating a gag order i'm not allowed to defend myself and other people say whatever they want about me trump appears to be referencing attacks from michael cohen cohen now says, quote, i will cease posting anything about donald trump on my account until after my trial testimony. joining me now is legal analyst and criminal defense attorney, joey jackson. joey. good morning. this is very interesting. that cohen would say this. may be reads like someone's advising him to do this or that he acknowledges that it might end up you might end up in a situation where trump is no longer gagged and attacking him. what do you think is going on here?
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>> yeah good morning to you, casey, i think it's the right call i think that right now this has to be about the trial and nothing but the trial we know of course it cohen is a central witness. we know of course the pecker and giving his testimony as he has and as you will resume doing so today really corroborates a lotto i think is designed obviously to lay out the scheme and corroborate michael cohen that we look at their. and so i think he takes himself away from the being the central role, or at least the central focus of trump's ire. and provide hi, it's or takes away any excuse that trump might have for being in contempt of court or violating the court order. and i think he takes himself right off the table. and so yes. to your point, casey, whether he's advised to do it, whether he took his own counsel to do it. i think it's a smart point. i do not think that it's a justification or excuse for trump to violate the gag order. but certainly currently at neutralizes the argument that, hey, it's unfair. i'm simply responding to colon you know, allow me to do it. i'm the victim here and
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i think it's the good move. we'll see what the judge does. i expected judge to do something with regard to trump completely violating the order multiple times on multiple occasions, on multiple dates do you see a distinction between the gag order preventing trump from talking about cohen, who is basically a public figure by virtue of his past as compared to the judge's family court officers, anonymous jurors so i do see a distinction. >> i think that that is a very fair point, right? michael cohen certainly as someone who predicated upon him being in the media based upon his certainly vocal discussions about trump and his disdain for him, his podcast, his own really bouts with the criminal justice system has gone to jail hello, this that's fine before congress. that does make him a laundry list that we made. >> it really is casey. and so i do think it's sort of elevates him to that public figure level
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and distinguishes him. the only problem though is that the judge noted no witnesses and no witnesses. it means no witnesses doesn't say public figure, private figure. those will popular or unpopular, those known to the public, not known. >> it says, no witnesses and certainly trump waxing poetic about michael cohen. >> michael cohen really gets him in the eye or of the judges we saw before that is his attorney at least when his attorney was trying to defense trump's postings. and so it'll be a notable what the judge does. the judge has to do something to get this on control. we just started the trial and here we go and serums of the hearing about violating a gag one yeah. >> i'm not sure. i'm surprised by any of that. considering what i've learned covering donald trump for how many years, but but here we are at joey, what do you expect in terms of what we're going to see on the stand, we know that david pecker, the former publisher of the national enquirer, going to be back up there. they have been kind of building in something have a
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crescendo to the point of the stormy daniel story, which we haven't really dug into yet. are you expecting that today? >> what are you looking for yeah. >> i think that's it. i think i'm looking for a couple of things. certainly we know just in terms of resetting that pecker being a person who was involved with the national enquirer, sets the stage for this entire scheme. what scheme? the catch and kill, we're going to get these stories. we're going to pay for them and we're going to kill them, suppress them from public view certainly, the prosecution it has been laying out the as they call it, the prosecutor's this conspiracy and cover up not the conspiracy is tried, but it notes this meeting in 2015 where they will go on to boost trump's electoral prospects by really denigrating his opponents and taking things belonging to trump out of the public domain now, in terms of the testimonies we look at them. they're right, mr. pecker, what happens is is that he of course, has testified already as to the doorman& in terms of
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whether he fathered a child that is trump noting that that was false. he testified about the whole situation involving karen mcdougal. that was the playboy model and trump's relationship and whether that we get out. and so to your point, the crescendo, i think that now begins with stormy daniels in terms of the whole entire thing about her being paid. and i think he continues that as mr. pecker& the prosecutor, to build up this notion that michael cohen was the conduit. he was acting on behalf of donald trump and corroborating cohen's testimony. so when college i'm testifies to exactly what pecker did, we can't say. he's a liar, liar, liar. that's not true. pecker already said it was because that laundry list you noted about that that makes michael cohen a public figure, also raises a heck of a lot of questions about his credibility that we know the defense is going to talk about joey jackson. thank you very much for being with us this morning. i really appreciate it. >> nothing going on, casey. >> nothing at all. all right. >> now, to this house speaker mike johnson calling on columbia university's
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president to resign during his tense visit to the new york city campus yesterday johnson visited with jewish students and delivered remarks works with other republican lawmakers as he was booed the entire time. >> it is manifest my message to the students inside the encampment is good. go back to class and stop the nonsense. stop wasting your parents money enjoy your free speech following that tense news conference, johnson defended his appearance at columbia in an interview with cnn's erin burnett the speaker speaks for the house of representatives, and i felt it was very important, important for that voice to be heard, not just about what happens at columbia but about what is happening right now around the country. >> i'm calling on all my colleagues on both sides of the aisle to speak out against this. this has to stop. we have to treat every single person with dignity respect, and that's not happening here. and it's an atrocity i try me now discuss furniture. >> mary congressional reporter for the associated press
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furnished good to see you. thanks for being here. thank you. >> so johnson's going to columbia. he was there are backed by other republican members. he was heckled for the entire 18 minutes of that press conference. what was he trying to accomplish? and did he do it even considering the way i mean, you could just see watching that video, how it played. yeah. >> i mean, this has been a political maneuver by johnson and even before him, by kevin mccarthy of trying to fill what they see as a vacuum of support for israel within democrats right party, right. you've seen how the war has divided democrats, whether it's sending aid to israel, how humanitarian aid goes into gaza, it is become an extremely contentious issue among democrats and republicans as you'll notice, who's behind him, those are some of the most vulnerable biden 18 district republicans that are standing. we had them obviously new york mark republicans, but they are trying to rewrite the history of who, which party is more is more on the sayyed and
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supportive of israel. and for so long it has been democrats and this war has really been able to help republicans capitalize on the fact that it might be then yeah, i mean, i would argue that. >> i mean, certainly we republican hawks have been supportive of israel and a very staunch way. and then the trump administration, they moved the embassy to jerusalem et cetera. but i do take your point on how they are trying to reframe this and point fingers at, at democrats who are grappling with this. as you note, tough issue inside their own conference, how do you think it impacts or relates to what johnson is trying to do in the wake of him deciding to put the ukraine and israel bill on the floor, one that divided his conference right. is he trying to unify his conference around? this? take a stand for himself. and what is johnson standing right now in terms of this threat still hanging over him for marjorie taylor greene? yeah. no, i mean, it's really interesting. he he said that interview with aaron she
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mentioned you're also you're pushing for the ouster of this the president of this, of this university in your you yourself are facing questions about whether you're going to be able to stay in this job. and i think for johnson, he has seen israel as a really politically advantageous area for him, arena for him that he's able to coalesce even the folks who are against ukraine aid voted for israeli it's not as contentious as what's happening, queen, there is this staunch, as you said, history of support within the republican party. and that has grown even stronger in the past six months since the war began. and i think johnson is just really trying to point the fingers as look at we're we're together on this issue. look at democrats, look at the way that they're unable to come together and have a unified message. we are not like that. we're going to show up at these universities and we're going to stand unified on this message, right? >> and we shouldn't forget about, frankly, the anti-semitic elements that have come in to some of these pro-palestinian protests as
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well. furniture marry for us this morning, furnish. thank you very much. appreciate you being here. >> i haven't up next in court set to hear donald trump's claims of absolute presidential immunity. it's a historic de plus coming up in sports, the miami heat, taking the home-court advantage an edge away from the boston celtics will bring you the bleacher report i had how it really happened sunday at nine. >> once cnn she ever worry we wouldn't get you enjoy this seriously because he's gotten bland, great. >> meanwhile, come on the green and all i can think about as all the green, i'm spending on three kids in college. >> it's mentioned the kitchen remodel then we just we want the the bathrooms last within power. >> i get all my financial questions answered, so i don't have to worry. >> so you're like a guru now. >> oh, here join 18 million americans who take control of your financial future with a real-time dashboard in real life conversations empower what's next there's time in prison yeah you then inside
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job now at stock every weekday morning, cnn's five things has what you need to get going with your day if the five essential stories of the morning in five minutes or less cnn's five things with kate bolduan, streaming with days exclusively on macs what's the greatest invention of all time, new hands-free sketcher slip ends. >> you just slip in and they're on. it's like they have an invisible built-in shoe horn. so you're foot slides into place, hands-free sketch your slippers, closed captioning is brought to you by skechers, hands-free slip ends give a president doesn't have full immunity you really don't have a president or president of the united states must have immunity. >> and i'm not talking from myself. i'm talking for every president of the united states up president of the united
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states has to have immunity. there is nothing more important to a presidency that immunity, you have to have a guaranteed immunity if our president, the president, you have to have immunity the supreme court set to start answering that question for donald trump today, the court hears oral arguments about those claims. >> he's making of absolute immunity for his actions on and around january 6, at the heart of the case, whether or not trump's attempt to reverse the results of the 2020 election qualifies as an official presidential act. >> it is arguably the most politically consequential question that the high court will have to answer since they decided bush versus gore back in 2000 and it will demonstrate as our next guess puts it, the courts quote unrivaled influence over the 2024 election turned to me now cnn senior political analyst and senior editor for the atlantic. >> ron brownstein. good morning, ron. good morning to you. so here let's show everyone a little bit from your piece. you say that all roads lead to the supreme court and the quote whatever. and whenever the court sides the
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immunity case has placed it in a familiar position with a decisive role in framing the terms of the competition between the parties. they really have everything in their hands. yeah. look, i mean i think you can make a strong argument that in an era when neither party has been able to hold control, the white house or congress, various so long. >> i mean, we were never a real political instability. the supreme court is the most durable source of influence and setting the nation's direction and pulling it steadily to the right, not in every case, but the overall body of decisions that they have put down over the past few decades on voting rights separation of church and state, environmental regulation, gun regulation, and of course, abortion has delivered to the conservative movement, arguably their most significant victories of the 21st century. and now, again, in this case, they have already delivered trump, a tactical victory by taking it and taking it up at all and taking it up
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in such a leisurely fashion. and it's highly, i mean, it is, it is entirely possible that they will decide this in a way where they do not give him his claim of absolute immunity but nonetheless, functionally prevent the case from coming to trial before voters will render a verdict on trump in the fall. i mean there is 1982 case nixon versus fitzgerald, right? where the court rule that a president could not be could not face a civil suit after leaving office for official acts. but kind of leftover from the possibility that you could for acts that were not official. i mean, if they extend that line or some version of that line to criminal cases, which i think a lot of conservative commentators think is a possible, even likely outcome. they could create a situation where you have to have a trial of back to decide which elements of the indictment fall into which bucket in which case they would be pushing the trial consciously pushing the trial
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past the election, but without seeming to side directly with trump. the court has just become i think, just an enormous player in in our political system at a time, as i said, when neither party has been able to stay in control of government for very long, the court is there year after year, exerting this kind of magnetic pole on the way we live the three of the justices that are going to be on the bench today were appointed by donald trump. how do you think the dynamics on the court between them and john roberts, who is conservative, appointed by president bush, but who has clearly seemed to have taken this role in feeling like he needs to make sure his institution is protected terms of credibility in the eyes of americans, how does that tension play out? >> i think john roberts does not want the court to be seen as an entirely part as an actor and certainly not as in the pocket of donald trump. i mean, when we had the five, four republican court, there were two cases where he provided decisive vote with four
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democrats on the census and on trump's effort to end daca, to block what the trump administration was doing. he also voted with the majority to uphold the muslim travel ban under trump, which was the most important case that a policy case, probably the supreme court decided in that in his, in his presidency, i think he will be reluctant to hand have a decision that is seen as overtly favoring trump, that doesn't mean he will not participate in a decision that has the effect of denying the striking thing here is that you know, there there were briefs filed by constitutional law professors by historians the founding, who talk about the extent to which the founders explicitly considered and chose not to provide immunity for the president. criminal for their acts. and in fact, argue that the refusal to provide such immunity was an important part of ratification of the
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constitution in several, states. the argument was explicitly made. we are not doing this now. >> if you you have to think about the context of this. >> if they in fact say that if they tried to draw a line between what is and what is not subject to criminal prosecution is the message of donald trump going to be this very clear line. this line they've drawn, or the fact that they gave an inch and he will take a mile. >> well, i know it will and especially if he is reelected, if he if he is reelected, he will he will basically believe the voters had accepted his views of unlimited presidential power the seal team six well either so that's what i'd like to do is just remind everyone the seal team six argument that ron is talking about here raises the question, could a president order the us military to take out a political rival? this is from the arguments could a president who ordered seal team six to assassinate a political rival who was not
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impeached he be subject to criminal prosecution if he were impeached and convicted, first, answer. your answer is my answer is qualified. yes right. >> qualified, yes so that is the baseline that trump's view is essentially that there is nothing that he could do that would warrant that would allow criminal prosecution unless he is impeached and convicted for us, which is a functional and possibility given the level of his control over the republican party and what the court even if, if the court basically says yes, there are some actions you can be criminally indicted for it. >> some you can't again, is trump going to say, oh, well, they've, they've drawn this distinction that i have to respect or they had backed down when outs and i can push as far as i wonder where we're gonna be. >> all right, ron, stick around, you're going to join us at the top of the hour but first time now for sports, the heat shock, the top-seeded celtics in game two of their
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nba playoff series please. >> annie scholz has this morning's bleacher report and good morning. >> good morning. kasie, you this so the celtics were 14 and a half-point favorites last night and game to not many people given miami a chance without there star jimmy butler, but shack, not only believed he had a bold prediction before the game tim welcome to go to get me. all right, so shack said, he by ten, they were down three at the half, but shack never wavered on his prediction. and while the heat making him look like shacks, shirt, alma's, miami red hot from downtown making a frame while record 23 threes in this $1 here i have 24 points, 14 assist. and would you look at that? >> the heat when by 10111 101 and jack was taking calls polls after the game format. >> okay right. how you doing, sir your mic?
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>> what a prediction the thunder meanwhile, putting a beat down on the pelicans to take it to only the narrow series shai gilgeous-alexander and are leading okc to an early double-digit lead. and this game was never really closed. sga finished 33 points and the 12490 to win. and afterwards is teammates at own brand said that there's no one better to say, what is the mvp right here mvp of the league. i'm going to say n40 because he won't say it all right. >> so file continued is not with three games, two of them on our sister network, tnt, the sixth is going to try to dig out of that tuo whole. they host the next at 7:30 eastern ball by the lakers also in a tuo whole hosting the nuggets are in the stanley cup playoffs, kings and euler's, they went to overtime last night, tied it for elleithee is going to get the puck up dodge and copa tar and he's going to smoke the rishe into the net to win it for else play. edmonds and ban. they were just stun their two minutes into overtime. cope qatar he had an
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overtime winter for the kings and 2010 when he was just 22 years old, he's the only player in nhl history to score a playoff ot goal with the same franchise at 22 are younger and then it 36 are older. at series is now tied it a game of peace, or the nfl draft kicks off tonight with the first round, tens of thousand fans expected to pack heart father in downtown detroit for the three-day event and chicago bears, they got the first big they're expected to take usc quarterback caleb williams, the washington commanders are going pick second, followed by the patriots, cardinals, and chargers. we couldn't see some trades at three, four, and five one of the big questions tonight where we'll michigan quarterback jay, jay mccarthy end up going. we could get for quarterbacks going in the first four pics tonight, which has never happened before. >> i'm finally back to that thunder playoff game one okc fan out himself. >> are really great night eli walsh had a chance to make a halfcourt job for $20,000
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jumping. around a staff. the vast got 46 year-old case. he said he's going to use that money to pay for his wedding but and get this kasie second straight thunder game where the fan made the half court shots $40,000. >> i love it. >> that's amazing thank going to rethink that next year congrats on the wedding for sure. >> but hey candy. so where's where's jj mccarthy going to land for my wolverines? well, a lot of what people are wondering is he going to the people who is going to trade up or the cardinals going to trade out a four and it's someone going to go up to get mccarthy there? could it be the vikings? could it be the broncos? that's what's far-right. the nfl draft is just don't know you never do. all right, andy, thank you. i appreciate it. coming up next tier, former president trump's closest allies indicted in arizona plus more campus protests, getting heated with police test of presidential power. in a former commander-in-chief, be prosecuted for actions taken
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