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tv   Erin Burnett Out Front  CNN  April 19, 2024 10:00pm-11:01pm PDT

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well, suddenly the numbers have grown from couple here, possibly to ten, maybe 20 over by the tree line over there possibly coming in this direction this is already too close if they charge, it would all be over torchlight used to always be enough, or they were banging pots and pans now, nobody wants to risk going soft so they reach straight from done powder usually the elephants just run button, but sometimes they charge and it's us who have to run ben walsh
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says is full report elephants versus man errors this sunday night. >> on the whole story at 8:00 p.m. eastern pacific right here on get cnn. >> the news continues right here on cnn front next at breaking news, opening statements for trump's hush money trial. now set for nine 30 monday morning. we'll take you inside hi, the courtroom for details on what trump was zeroing in on today. what did they tell us about his legal strategy? plus marjorie taylor greene says, it is civil war in the house of representatives just hours before a boat that could very well end. mike johnson sit as speaker. and breaking news just into cnn, a quote, huge explosion reported at a pro iran military base. we are working on those details. >> let's go out front good evening. >> america hill in for erin burnett outfront tonight. the breaking news opening statements in the first criminal trial of donald trump is set for 9:30 a.m. on monday. the jury of 12 and six alternates have been sworn in
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and it appeals court judge rejected trump's last-ditch effort to delay that trial further, as he tries to move the case that of new york city, all of this comes after a flurry of pretrial motions from trump's legal team, the judge, it's shutting them down. and finally this afternoon telling team trump it has tothere comes point where you accept my rulings will trump appears to come to terms with opening statements starting on monday. take a listen droughts tax on monday, which is long before a lot of people for the judge went to go as fast as possible. eraser the stakes are, of course, high emotions running even higher today in court. >> some perspective jurors broke down as they were being questioned just a head. you're going to hear from the courtroom sketch artist who was there just feet away from donald trump. i do. first though, want to turn to my colleague, evan perez, who is out live tonight? i'd outside the new york courthouse, so evan, we're waiting from a judge from a ruling from the judge that could come any
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moment would tell us what we may here at trial why is that so important? what will it mean well, one of the things you've heard, the loan, one last things you heard from the former president erica, as he was leaving court was that he intends he still says he intends to testify on his own behalf when this trial begins. >> so if that is the case prosecution is arguing that they should be able to bring up a number of things that would be able to impeach his credibility before this jury and the things that they want to bring up. of course or some of his past legal problems, some of the rulings that have gone against him. and of course, a civil some of the civil fraud, a judgment or the 300 $55 million civil fraud judgment that was rendered against the former president. just a few months ago, just a few weeks ago. >> the fact that he was he bought violated a gag order of judge had ruled that he violated a gag order, things like that. >> the prosecution says should
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be used, they should be able to use to impeach his credibility before this jury today, during that at the end of after they had sworn in the jurors, they stayed behind to argue some of these points to trump team. again, saying that they don't believe any of these things should be able to be brought up. the judge said that they will he will make a decision before monday before we begin our trial on monday. erica. so as we wait for that, evan, i do also want to ask you about a really terrible incident that happened pinned at it really just across from where you are outside the coordinates courthouse today you were there as it happened, a man set himself on fire. >> what have police said? about this incident and about that yeah, like this saw this all happened about just 100 meters away from where i'm standing and at first we thought it was somebody had said that a trash can on fire and then it's not until you saw the form of a human being actually on fire
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that we realized this is what was actually happening. >> and according to the police this is a man that appears to have been disturbed. he had a number of conspiracy theories that he was focused stan, and he came here, it appears had nothing to do with this trial and the proceedings are going on in the court behind me. he set himself on fire and according to the authorities, he is still in the hospital being treated for those burns. now, one of the things that the police said it that is he didn't violate any of the security precautions here that he didn't violate any of the superior security precautions before he did this, and that does raise some concerns because this has been a pretty wide open access area the street obviously is still functioning and they've allowed cars to be parked right behind us. it's kind of an unusual situation compared to some of the other courts where the
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former president is facing various trials. so we'll see whether the police reassess the security situation as a result of what just happened, erica, let's see how that all plays out on monday morning and then appreciate it. thank you. >> our experts out here with me now. let's deal a little deeper into what we saw today, but also what we're going to see on monday, paul martin, opening statements are set for monday do you have any concerns about any jurors dropping out over the weekend? >> well, this is a heavy case. we already had jurors that weighed on him throughout the night. so this is definitely a possibility that a juror to may rethink this situation, especially when they hear about what has taken place outside the courtroom but that's not unusual. i think they have six jurors prayerfully. that will be enough during this full for this process, but time will tell as we watch for that jennifer rodgers, a former
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federal prosecutor, i was struck. you're really focused on what we may hear from the defense come monday morning at donald trump may have given us perhaps a little clue as to what the defense strategy may be, what we may here earlier this week is he was going into court. he said and i'm going to quote him here. i was paying a lawyer and marked it down as a legal expense, some account and i didn't know marked it down as a legalist expense he threw that out there unprompted do you think that's what will here and those opening statements? >> yeah. it's hard to say. it's always a guessing game with the defense is going to do i mean, i'm wondering if they're going to try to gain some credibility by admitting some things to the jury. maybe the thing they've never admitted, which is that there was an encounter for between stormy daniels and donald trump, although i wouldn't bet on it. but yeah, this is this is our opportunity to see what they're actually going to say. they're definitely going to say that he didn't know that those payments were fraudulent, right? i mean, that is clear and of course, they're going to deny that anything was tied to the election. i think that we can count on other than that i'm waiting to hear based on the judge's rulings that are coming from the sandoval hearing if he's going to
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promise to testify at this, lawyers will promise it'll testify. that'll be a big one too, which that we're gonna get into in just a second by doing it. ryan's take. what do you think in terms of opening statements? what will you be looking for monday morning or listening for? >> sun, the prosecution's opening statement. i'm looking for how they frame the case. it's do they frame it in a way that's also meant for the public about this is about influencing an election unlawfully. or do they try to narrow it down to the business records as the center of the case, and then tax fraud, which might just be an easier case to win in some respects, i think that's one part of it. and then the other is who are going to be there witnesses. how much do they center michael cohen or for other people that we haven't heard of as much like david, who was apparently allegedly in on the deal from an august 2015 meeting at trump tower to set up the catch and kill operation and then when trump is president, trump thanks him, allegedly for helping with the campaign, which all means that this was about election interference. and so the certain sort that's what i'm looking for. who exactly other witnesses and how do they frame it? >> speaking of those witnesses, this came up again today where the defense really want they
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want that witness list. who were the initial witnesses going to be in? the prosecutor said, we don't trust you. essentially, i'm paraphrasing here, but we don't trust you to not give those names to your client donald trump. so tell you what will give you the name onset sunday, but the prosecutor then went on to say, sharing the first witness only warning should that be tweeted, it will be the last time, meaning the last time they'll share a witness in advance. what do you think the chances are the team trump can keep their client offline? >> wow. well, i don't think they're going to stand a chance in heck to keep him offline and they are going to share this with their client because they need to know what the contact they had with this individual, what this individual may have said, not said. >> so he's definitely going to know sunday night, but time again will tell whether he gets on his little phone and starts tweeting it but it's necessary. it's important for the defense to know who these witnesses are, so they can spend the weekend to prepare when we look at this as you were alluding to, right. >> we're waiting to see what happens after the sandoval hearing that happened this
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afternoon, the judge sexual by monday has evan told us about how much prosecutors can ask if donald trump testifies what they can bring up about his past as he was leaving today, he was asked again if you would take the stand. here's what he said. >> yes. there you have it. i mean, look, we've heard donald trump say before he will testify time will tell do. >> you envision those scenario where it makes sense to put donald trump on the stand. i don't think so because their case is really about like breaking down the government's case, right? so they're just saying it wasn't about the election. you can't prove was about the election. >> it was legal expenses. >> it wasn't to pay off, so they don't really have to prove anything formatively, which is why he doesn't need to testify to put that into evidence and he's such an undisciplined witness to put it mildly it's just such an unknown what would happen? there's so much cross even if the judge, as i think
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he will limits what the prosecutors can cross him about there's still so much material there i just think it's too risky. >> you're thinking logically trial, which i would imagine his attorneys are also thinking logically. >> i'm sure one would think right. here's a solid, i mean, these are attorneys that i think many of you at this table no. actually, as certainly i know number of our legal alice do when we look at this, there was also the separate hearing, ryan, today yet another appeal from team trump for a change of venue. so the judge denied the stay in that as this as this moves through court, donald trump wins again saying he can't get a fair trial in new york. he was complaining after leaving court today that this was moving too fast. this isn't the interest of the judge. they seated a jury so quickly, it's actually a fairly diverse, well-rounded jury. when you look at it how do you think this will play out? there was also this argument that it was untenable, right? that it was untenable in terms of the jurors, that there was some sort of some sort of bias because there's so many jurors had been dismissed that that was untenable is that valid no,
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i don't see any validity to it. in fact, i think that the american public saw a really great process over the past week. and a cross-section of americans are going to serve in that jury, including their news sources, varied, new sources varied walks of life. and if anything, i think it really undermines the idea that he's going to get a better venue somewhere else. this is really just, americans have proven to the judge and as well too, what else we can see from their interrogatories that they will try to be impartial and that they will be impartial so i think he's actually gotten a pretty fair shake in terms of the jury that's come out of this process. and now we're off to see what will happen with the actual trials. nothing that i think is going to stop it or move it to another location. >> buckle up. i know where we will all be at 9:30 on monday morning. and you'll probably i'll be back here throughout the day. and when? monday night. thank you all. >> i've run next the breaking news. we are just learning of what has been described as a huge explosion at a pro iranian military base in iraq. those details just coming in, we have them for you the plus more breaking news about what
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happened inside the courtroom today talk about the emotions on display. some potential jurors prying, trump team reprimanded the court sketch artists who was there joins me and tensions boiling over in some never before seen video of voters in a focus group going after each other. >> take a closer look at what's going on there you have a president who takes on women, minorities, everything but white one election why didn't handle that 2024 so far mba play in tournaments for these teams make it to the playoffs they got to win to get it display a table when and the play in his real spectacular
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blast at a pro iranian military base in iraq. video surfacing show massive explosions and fire. the explosions took place in an ammunition depot at 1 million let terry base now a source added that, but not provided further details are elaborate on the cause. so that is what we're working to get more of those details for you. and as they come in, we will be bringing them to hear but understandably the entire region really on edge at this point following israel strikes iran last night. this also comes as a rock just hours ago, warned that any in the military escalation following that attack could quote, threaten the security and stability of the region as a whole. so we'll keep an eye on that as we continue to follow the other breaking news here in new york president trump lashing out after learning that opening arguments in his criminal hush money trial, will in fact begin monday morning all 12 jurors and six alternates have been chosen by the attorneys what's happening here with me judicial system is an outbreak at all
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over the world that much again this is a giant which a familiar refrain from the former president, who is also claiming baselessly that the judge is speeding up the timeline for this trial to begin. >> cnn's jeremy herb has been covering this for the day one in court again today. what did you notice? most today, jeremy, about his behavior? your his demeanor barrika, you know, what's interesting is seeing there's sort of two trump's when he is in trial at times, he sort of aloof uninterested. >> he's leaning back in kara his eyes maybe closing from time to time. other times he is very attentive and very into what is happening and what's going on particularly when some of the jurors are being asked a question about in their opinions about him. he is watching them, he studying them, he's listening to their answers. he's also particularly interested when they're talking about some of the stuff that annoys him with this case. when that happens, that happens quite a bit, not surprisingly, we had a hearing this afternoon where prosecutors are going through all of the other cases they want to bring up the civil fraud verdict against him jean
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carroll defamation verdict said have gone it's him when one of the prosecutors raise that verdict, trump's shook his head and was glaring at the prosecutor one other interesting thing, just seeing that this afternoon, the end of the day, trump pete went to get up. he thought that hearing was done and we thought it was too is trying to write it was wrapping up. but as trump's sit up, the judge turned him and quickly said, serwer, sit down, please say the down. it was just it was another reminder, erica, of trump is not and controllers on movements air and he he listened to the dej as told, but this is certainly it's something that we will continue to watch going get not a role that he's perhaps used to jeremy say with me, i also want to bring in with us. jane rosenberg has one of the sketch artist for this trial, january, also in court today, even even doing this since the 80s you're doing a lot of trump coverage these days from all the town hall trump all the time jeremy was talking about the various moods that he saw. what what do you notice because you really need to hone in on the details of all of these people there to bring us inside the courtroom. there are no cameras, so we're grateful that you're there what really stood out to you?
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>> i was glad i heard his report because today i was seated behind his head and i didn't get a good look at his facial expressions, but yesterday and the day before i was i was a friend piu, and exactly the way he described him, he was today. he was very attentive. i noticed he was turned really looking at at the jurors who were being interviewed very interested. >> but i also have seen him on other days falling asleep like i couldn't keep his eyes open. but today he was really paying attention to the jurors. >> so your view then that gives you more of a view of the jurors. >> today. today, i'm in the yes so what was what did you notice from the jurors because it wasn't fairly a monel de their work couple of different moments where it got fairly emotional people raised concerns about their anxiety about perhaps being outed as a juror? >> yes they're anonymous and it's a little risky to be outed as a juror in the trump trial. >> and even as a courtroom artist, i get i get mouth
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emails from his base. you have to watch out so i know the judge is probably being protected people, anybody involved will have have to watch it. so does that concern you mentioned you've gotten emails. have you ever felt threatened? >> i know they say nasty things to me. i haven't been threatened with my life actually been i once responded and i won't do that ever again. yeah. i guess that's a lesson you learned yet, probably a lesson that you learned pretty quickly it jeremy, as we look at the things, as we look at how things were playing out rather in court today, you're talking about the end of the day. >> there were donald trump of course, was was told to sit down and did listen as you point out as we are moving into monday to there are a lot of questions about what that will look like donald trump saying again, that he does plan to testify. >> what is the sense and what are you seeing from the attorneys as they are working with him throughout? >> the time when they're
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questioning some of these potential jurors, he's leaning and how engaged to see you certainly engaged. >> and yeah, he's speaks a lot with his lawyer, todd blanche and as other lawyers he's he's certainly enter these trials when we watched him, i watched him also in the fall during the civil fraud trial. that was a lot of times a boring trial about accounting, but when witnesses like michael cohen came, he was incredibly engaged and i think what we're going to see now going forward with opening statements, there's going to be a lot of michael cohen's including michael cohen himself. >> we're going to have stormy daniels testify and hope hicks testified. >> and i think trump is certainly going to both be engaged with what's happening, but also he's gonna have to help himself not to react. >> remember back earlier in this week, the judge reprimanded trump for turning toward a juror and muttering while the juror was speaking and trump trump is really going to have to watch himself as the judge's already put him on notice and we're going to have a hearing, of course, on tuesday about the violating the gag order. so the former president, he's certainly going to be engaged just here, but he's, he's also going to have to be careful with what he
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does when he is in that courtroom. among the moments today, i was saying that there were a few emotional moments. >> one of those there was a woman who went to his hand the microphone during the voir dire process is they're going through the questionnaire. she said and i'm quoting her here. i'm sorry, i thought i could do this. i wouldn't want someone who feels this way to judge my case either. but jurors have been very forthright. it seems at least in reading the transcripts, as i've been doing& jeremy's according, can you walk us through what that was like? >> well, i'm not allowed to draw their faces so i can't i can't get to the jurors. >> but she was very emotional, tears and tissues and i just too bad. >> i wish i could have drawn her. yeah. >> do you notice a difference with this trial and other trials again, you've been doing this for decades. is there anything different in that? >> i don't think i've ever seen people get so nervous or anxious about actually being a juror on a trip and why do you think that is i don't know that
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ex-president is a big deal. to people. yeah. i think maybe a little bit of starstruck. i don't know it's a it's an important decision to make from the country for trump in his life we'll see yeah, jane appreciate shiniest tonight. thank you. >> thank you, jeremy. >> thank you i outfront next, marjorie taylor greene, essentially accusing her own house speaker of backstabbing republicans and striking a deal with democrats what, has he promised he will give them in the future. >> and this is why we have to remove mike johnson from the speakership and we're saying on this breaking news reports of a massive explosion that approach iran and military base in iraq. new details coming in now from the region, stay with us. we're going to bring this to life the
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designer brands has the designers that get your heart racing had inside a prices, new every day, hurry. >> there'll be gone in a flash design, a sales that up to 70% or so of today tonight, a civil war on capitol hill that's what marjorie taylor greene, the congresswoman from georgia says, has erupted in the house of representatives after more democrats than republicans voted to advance a ukraine aid bill brought to the floor by republican speaker mike johnson an outrage. >> green is now urging other republicans to join her effort to oust johnson from office, accusing the speaker of making a secret deal with democrats what has mike johnson made a deal to do? what has he promised he will give them in the future. and this is why we have to remove mike johnson from the speakership melanie zanona is outfront on capitol hill, so there's now another house conservative congressman paul gosar, who is joining and marjorie taylor greene's effort to remove johnson. where do things stand tonight?
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>> yeah. we'll speaker mike johnson's job is in real jeopardy and that is because he has had to rely on democrats throughout every step of this process to advance these foreign aid bills, including on key procedural votes, which are almost always done along party lines. so that is really spark a revolt on the right. and it also fueled new calls to oust him from the speakership. as you mentioned, a third republican has now officially signed on to a motion to vacate the speakership. and meanwhile, other hardline conservatives or not yet willing to go that route, but they are making their anger at the speaker known take a listen it's tough to defend him right now and that's that's that's hard to say, but it's just a reality for five months we've done nothing but advanced things with more democrat votes than republican votes. i don't defend the performance of the speaker. i don't defend the actions that have taken, including today. i think this is a terrible well mistake now the house has already adjourned for the day. >> so the earliest that
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marjorie taylor greene could potentially force a floor vote on this motion to vacate is tomorrow. that is also when house is expected to vote and pass that package of foreign aid bills before they send them over to the senate. but just given the simple math here, given that there's three republicans on this resolution and that at this point, johnson can only afford to lose two republicans on party-line votes. that means that he is going to have to rely on democrats to potentially bail him mouth and save his speakership. now, democrats have not made any commitments just yet, but they have signaled some willingness to save him. and that is because they appreciate the fact that he was willing to defy his right flank, put this package of foreign aid bills on the floor. i package that does closely mirror the senate passed version. and there's also just some general concern, not just among democrats, but also among republicans about the chaos of a potential motion to vacate. but of course, around here in this congress, nothing is guaranteed. so it's certainly something we're going to be watching out for it and the coming days. there for in some ways to feel sick, the chaos is guaranteed though in this congress. but i'm going to maybe that's just me. melody.
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appreciated. thank you i'll front now, former republican congressman ken buck of colorado, who knows quite well about all of the chaos he just retired of course, from congress before his term was overseeing the dysfunction was worse than he had ever seen in his more than nine years in washington. >> nice to have you back with us tonight, sir speaker johnson, relying on a majority of democrats to help advance this ukraine aid the bipartisan coalition. there. does that strengthen or weaken him well, i think one this package of bills is popular with the american public. >> i think mike johnson's on the right side of history. and i think that republicans and democrats will rally around someone who is showing leadership on capitol hill. it is a rare commodity on capitol hill. mike has the backbone to move forward with very important and controversial legislation the devote should be two to vote for or against this package, not to vote for or against the speaker. if you don't like this package, that
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is not something that should be happening. and i think mike survives. so you think he survives, but what about this coalition itself? >> democrats marjorie taylor greene as you just heard her saying, oh, there must be some deal with democrats here. what did he give up for them? they may be expecting something in return. we know some republicans want to punish johnson as we just heard, for reaching across the aisle. what about this bipartisan dynamic? could it last? >> well, more than 180 democrats signed a discharge petition trying to move this bill to the floor. these bills to the floor. so i'm not surprised at all about the coalition. i think the coalitions are based on the particular legislation that's going to the floor. and not necessarily a standing coalition that some republicans have with some democrats i think that bipartisanship used to be something that people celebrated. now, it's evidently a sign of weakness or some backroom deal. if marjorie knows about a backroom deal, she should bring forth the evidence. if she has a recording or she was present when the deal was made, or
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there's another witness present? so nonsense and it's all designed to get the american people riled up about something that isn't true. >> well, to that point is at wishful thinking, then that pose some of this bipartisanship, perhaps even some cooperation, which has also become a dirty word. it seems in washington could start to become more than norm. could we actually see some legislation from this congress well, you're seeing legislation now. >> you're seeing is really beyond the pacific rim yeah, i think before this, you saw legislation, you saw the appropriations bills pass this. the government hasn't shut down as a result of republicans having a very small majority. again, because mike has shown leadership, i wouldn't have voted for the appropriations bills because i think we need to reduce spending and those bills increased spending, but mike had the skill to bring together a coalition on that particular spending package and get it passed just as he's done with this foreign aid package. >> so as you said, you don't
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think he's going to be ousted from office. we're going to watch for that. i am curious. you were on this show. you called you called green moscow, marjorie the nickname seems to really taken off and her anti-ukrainian rhetoric is also getting a lot of attention on russian state tv. i'm not sure how much of this you've seen, but i want to show you a little bit now. >> a positive johnson you congreve speaker johnson. >> the issue is now a johnson speaker. johnson is not the one who's running congress marjorie taylor greene is running congress everyone is afraid of her weight easily answer, but congresswoman marjorie taylor, greene, congresswoman marjorie taylor greene is proposing for the us to withdraw from nato. she believes that americans should help when quite the same. >> it's there on russian state tv. what do you make of that? >> well, moscow marriage areas as reached a new low during the russian revolution, lenin talked about american
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journalists who are writing glowing reports about russia at the time as useful idiots and i don't even think that marjorie reaches that level of being a useful idiot here. she is just mouthing the russian propaganda and really hurting american foreign policy in the process. she's acting completely irresponsibly and again, when history looks at this period of time, russia invaded ukraine ukraine is fighting for its freedom, and we should be with the freedom fighters in this war. >> however, son ken buck, appreciate your time tonight. thank you thank you. i'll front next, we are following the breaking news out of iraq, reports of a huge explosion that a pro iran military base. new details next plus, never before seen video i'm a group of young voters what they have to say may surprise you is our democracy in danger of failing
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of baghdad& it's a military base that belongs to the iranian back popular mobilization forces. this is an iraqi group that iran funds and equips and trains and we understand this was an ammunitions depots. so the images that we are starting to see a quite dramatic, huge fires, we see by the side of the highway. now, this took. place very recently, a security source in iraq telling us that this was happening at this point. we don't have very much more information do you understand though that it is that the calcium military base, we understand that an investigation team we're being told on the ground has now arrived they've done they are trying to investigate to find out exactly what's happened. there has been material losses. we understand the has also been injuries the security source saying that they are going to provide us with details once that preliminary investigation
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has been undertaken. but as you say erica, it comes at a time of heightened tension here in the region. it comes just hours softer, israel carried out that retaliatory strike get against iran. it comes at a time. of course, when there is the warring gaza on going with their attentions. here in lebanon and brian the wider region at large. so at this point, there is no indication that it may have been an attack. we simply do no. of course, there have been in the past that these incidents of badly stored ammunition, for example, that a depo that can cause this kind of damage this point, we simply don't know what caused it, but we do know there has been material losses, so there have been injuries and the ammunition depots the standard security source is currently on fire. erica paula
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really appreciate it. thank you so much. we know you'll stay on top of it. let us know as you're learning more. i just want to bring in now retired army brigadier general peters whack, for us state department official wray take a good to have both of you with us. i'm john, if i start with you, we're also learning there have been a total of five explosions as paul just made mention, and wounded three wounded no indication is paula said, that this was an attack? yes. things have happened in an ama ammunitions depot before, but based on everything else that is happening right now, general, what are your questions as you see, the few facts that we have right now? >> yes these are the questions are absolutely spot on i'm not sure and i think everybody that's smart was saying they're not sure but there is awful lot of coincidence in this ammunition dumps do blow but the fact that is an amide ammunition dump linko one of iranians, exse me, a real
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iran-backed shia militias near badad is highly significant just had the counter strike and countetre and strike with israel and iran. that's out there in my nd, it would be logical if israel we're going to take fight tonybody. they take it to the malicious outside of iran who have been pestering really tormenting him in the middle of it also, as you well know, we have to 2,500 american service members in there. >> and the baghdadi the sudani government, the prime minister of iraq, who was just in the white house earlier this week.& in lansing, michigan coincidentally this has got so iraq is in the middle of all this stuff going on it's got running groups. it's got us, it's got right now anything could happen. but for me, the
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fight going to the proxies would make a lot of sense israel, wanted to find a, find a way to get out of nation on nation getting. but after groups that are really, really tormenting them, i do want to point out to us officials have confirmed there's no us military activity in that area of the calcium base where this is happening, right? when you look at this, what are your biggest concerns in this moment just how volatile the region there's worth taking place in gaza possibility of war in order from to your syria, moreover, the self, we have had a direct competition between israel and iran for the first time, to 45 years now, to see you proxies under stress, whether by israel or some other entity. >> this situation is real, possibility of getting out of hand even more out of on this cooler has prevailed and fail to see how that could happen
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into the fact that there's no mediation efforts i'm not quite sure it's general measure. you get this, but it's certainly the stability of this very turbulent time and as we watch this, iran's foreign minister told aaron in an exclusive interview last night that if there was an israeli attack, as we saw overnight, that their response would be quote, maximum, here was that moment i'm not as teacher regime in case that the israeli regime, a bit hard. but dome embarks on an adventurism again and takes action against the interests solving iran the next response from us will be immediate and at a maximum level so again, these explosions and we don't know who was responsible. >> this was at an ammunition depot. this isn't an iranian backed popular mobilization forces in baghdad. but the fact that that's what we heard loud as night. and then today,
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right? what we're hearing from iran is essentially laughing at the attack that we saw overnight even when israeli official calling it lame. is that iran trying to save face in this moment? >> well, the comments by the foreign minister was part of the general public diplomacy by iran before this really striking from the more comprehensive strikes were not comment that particular contexts do the iranians take the israeli threat seriously loud airspace was penetrated, the humidity, and walk the newest three pieces was easily targeted. that has to be concerned 41 years in terms of penetration that probably the israeli strike surprised them in a sense that it wasn't as confidence of essay we have anticipated but this is still an ongoing event. and many things will happen yeah general really quickly we have about 15 seconds how quickly do you think we could know? who is in
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fact responsible for these explosions the answer is, i don't know the we do have sensors and i imagine as this is just hours ago that there's a lot of work on it and i have a feeling they will find out either either come through technical means or it'll come off the street you gotta be careful. the twittersphere is full of this right now with the all kinds of theories, yes, that is good advice on pretty much any random tuesday to be a little cautious about what you see out there in the twittersphere. really appreciate you both being with us. thank you for your expertise. it's your time tonight absolutely. >> thank all front next new video just into outfront voters that a focus group really going after each other. >> the insults flying. what is going on? in these mole. >> i'm from i'll give is running yeah, no worries among them. some of them can raise
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zachary cohen in washington and this is cnn new tonight president biden taking a swipe at donald trump during a union conference when i look at the economy, i don't see through the eyes of mar-a-lago i literally see through the eyes of scranton and where i grew up, my grandpa ps kitchen table. >> i see through the eyes of work and people like you whilst 2024 shapes up to be a bitter rematch, longtime republican pollster frank lenses sharing some never video from his focus groups, sharing it without front take a look todd, and sending was obama, but stand watch that guy he just looked down on top of everybody. trump will get down into currently work with you. so you want respect, but you have a president who takes on women, minorities, everything. but white why you one election why didn't handle that? he did.
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>> i don't know why he's right, so i'd like to ask you says bah those mexicans are ripeness and margarines yes, she did. sunday sorry are you talking about i'm coming home. he was running. yeah. no this side why they send i worked on my mom yes. >> some of them can raise some. show me asked me what i feel frank is with me now. >> so that's just i mean, that's a small snapshot, right? you shared a fair amount of of video with us when we look at that you've said the country is more divided than ever. >> i think a lot of people would agree with you, but this video evidence why how why is it this bad? what are you learning from these groups in these moments there's no editing anymore, there's no censorship that we now say what we think we say, what we want people to hear rather than trying to learn to me, it's
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not about the mistakes made, it's about the lessons learned and no one's trying to learn anything from this. >> they simply want to be heard and they will shout to be heard. >> they want to be heard, they want to listen. >> no, they don't want to listen. they don't want to learn. and my issue during this is children are watching, our kids are watching this and they're learning model behavior. there's a reason why in universities and in schools all across america, more young people are acting out. his more shouting is more aggression and that they see it from the politicians. they see it from washington dc they see it in focus groups school board meeting, and the school boards are the worst parents go there and they threaten the people under school board. you have to get cops in there. what is wrong with this country that we've gone that far, that's my question. i keep asking. so i think it's a question a lot of america kinds are asking. i was struck to you also sat down recently with some younger voters and you talk to them specifically about democracy. i want to play those moments is
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our democracy in danger of failing? >> raise your hands if you say yes wow, i'm shocked at how many does anyone here by a show of hands, think our democracy is truly strong? you got two people. that's it two hands. >> we're in trouble we're in trouble. >> i don't know what to do about it. >> this is my craft. this has been my trade for the last 30 years. i've been seeing this get worse and worse. 74% of americans now say they're mad as hell and not going to take it anymore. 83% say are more divided than we've ever been. even people 65 and older, old enough to remember the killing of martin luther king, bobby kennedy one of the cities burning down. they say, this is the most divided. it's ever been. >> they're mad as hell, they're not going to take anymore. he said what, 74%, but why are they mad? can they
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articulate why they're mad? >> yes, they believe they've been ignored forgotten,& the worst of all, betrayed. and i'm paying attention to the words and phrases they use because the schwann with the language, the greater the anger. and i've seen this and i feel this and i'm reminding them, your children are watching, your friends are watching, and they don't care anymore. they want to own the opposition rather than change the opposition or top to the opposition really quickly too, because i do wanna get to one other topic with you. the younger voters who you spoke with there who see the democracy at risk. only two of them said that democracy is strong where are they, are they mad as hell? are they just throwing up their hands? they want to try to change anything. >> they don't like anybody. they see joe biden is being too old to see donald trump is being corrupt they don't like anyone. they don't everyone to follow. they're looking for a role model, looking for someone to aspire to be. and they don't see it. >> that's the substrate. >> that's the frustration. we're going to see if they're able to change that. i do want to ask you about you posted
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probably a lot of people who are watching we have seen a tweet free of pwerm you in the last day. you posted that you suffered a stroke on monday and yet you're sitting here tonight part of the reason you want to come in with to share that information, but also to talk about some real health concerns. and before i let you go, i do want to give you a moment to do that and to share with our viewers why that's so important. two because it's personal responsibility and i'm i'm supposed to act properly. i'm supposed to know what is right, what is wrong. i was very active in getting people vaccinated during covid. i've been very active in a nonpartisan way trying to teach people what's the right thing to do. >> and then i behave badly and i suffer for it. >> and so i looked people right what your doctors tell you to do. and we have to take personal responsibility in this country. we can no longer blame other people, no longer say it's their fault it's my fault. i got it wrong. behave properly and do the right thing. and we can save our country. let's see if this
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starts. i said maybe on a better track, frank, i'm glad you're doing well. pledge felt