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tv   Laura Coates Live  CNN  March 28, 2024 8:00pm-9:00pm PDT

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you can own the next year for only $20 a month x >> i'm paula reid in washington and this is cnn closed captioning brought to you by >> are firm only represents mesothelial of victims and their families. if you or a loved one has been diagnosed with mesothelial, call us now
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we've got brand new information on the big biden obama clinton fundraiser and what it all means >> for the campaign in and five million. but caitlin clark to play against the guys >> she take the deal tonight. i law codes live while they certainly rolled out the red carpet, the celebrities and the cash for president biden in new york city, we saw three presidents with who are united with one mission raise as much money as possible to help defeat donald trump. >> the >> venue radio city music hall, the crowd. oh, it was sold out. the stars were, let's just say there were a lot of them from stephen cold bear, to mindy kaling, ben platt, to lizzo
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>> we're told >> clinton and obama ended the fundraiser by putting on aviators and doing their best impressions joe biden, and all the biden campaign says they raised 25 million. that's in one night. the campaign tells us that that's the biggest single fundraiser for them so far this year >> and i'm >> more than trump raised and the entire month of february, trump he's apparently unbothered saying, you ain't see nothing yet versatile as his campaign is hoping to beat that number at a florida event, just coming up next week >> we'll see >> but to me it's not really about how much they raise. it's why so much money is needed. the reality is that this is a razor tight race. are cnn poll of polls has at 47% trump 44% biden. and if it wasn't so close would tonight's fundraiser have even
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happened? and the fact that it's such a tight race is precisely maybe why president obama is helping out. it's why obama is quote, worried according to an aid, and it's wise, you're going to see a lot more of him as this campaign unfolds. trump's allies are suggesting that this fundraiser and the celebrities that came out to support shows one thing that biden is an elitist who was out of touch with the everyday person. now, >> who do you think they think is the menn of the people? >> donald trump. >> because while biden was they think hob knob with tensile town, trump was attending a wake for a fallen nypd officer i don't. >> think you've ever seen a more perfect example of the sparkling obscene lee aloof elites in your life? >> but let's flashback just a moment >> why would this be so >> triggering for say trump
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there was a time it wasn't so long ago that donald trump does celebrity would have loved to have been in the room tonight to mingle with the so-called hollywood elite that he once crossed paths with >> samantha, a cosmopolitan and donald trump. you just don't get more new york and that, wow but one isn't it? let me have a nutty buddy >> oh, my god. you're donald trump >> look at this ray here on this drake excuse me. where's >> down the hall and to the left >> remember these when he would get support from hollywood, forget the music scene by the way, to the support that he wanted after he came down the escalator or wanted to play their music at his rallies and they said no or the endorsements he sought out or
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for them to sing at his inauguration but that was then and frankly, this is now bleeding off our discussion tonight is democratic strategist matt bennett and former bush campaign adviser, mark mckinnon >> motley. begin with you here, because this was quite the lineup of people. biden, obama, clinton, a whole host of hollywood stars all onstage tonight, reports of obama and clinton, even rasing brighton and die aviator sunglasses. good fun and they also raised a whole lot of money in the process, but is it enough to either elevate biden or give them a lifeline >> it's necessary but not sufficient. money is the lifeblood of politics unfortunately, you got to have a lot of it. and tonight raised a lot of it. i mean, he raised more tonight than trump raised in all of february. as harry enten, you're seeing earlier tonight, trump is now a bible salesman currently and he would
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have to sell 415,000 bibles to match what biden race night. so this was a very good event for joe biden and it showed that we are a party that is a big tent that has a very diverse set of points of view and it. but we are united behind joe biden. there's no question about that. and bill clinton and barack obama made that point very clearly. >> a mark that tent included protesters who were pro palestinians who were protesting the war in gaza. there was many disruptions. what does that say to you about what biden is facing? >> i've only faces a lot of challenges and that's just one among them, but i mean, it's a good night for biden, although i would say i think that money is far less important in presidential campaigns in terms of what the money actually does is more some important in terms of what it represents, in terms of enthusiasm for biden. listen, i'm the guy that's spent three-quarters of the budget and presidential campaign and thought we met wasted most of it. >> so >> the dollars are not that
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significant. both of these candidates are going to have plenty of money to run the more important point is that people are enthusiastic and they're giving money to biden campaign. they're not enthusiastic, they're not giving money to drug. and by the way, biden at both presidents previous presidents with him, you haven't seen george bush out with donald trump ever, or the last nominee mitt romney, either i mean, matt does the dollar translate too enthusiastic voters >> the one metric that you can use any, none of these are really going to tell you exactly how the buddha is going to act. the size of rallies is the number of campaigns, signs. you see, these are things that people always point to. and now i'm a real we won't know because this race is so close. if you pointed out won't know what any of this means until we get much closer to november, but i do think because there's
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been a lot of coverage of the protesters because there are real there's real anger out there on both sides. i think a big unifying event like this is a big symbolic win for biden and it comes at a good moment for him, those stated union was a big success. economic numbers are looking very strong. this kind of thing can really carries momentum forward. so i think it's helpful if not dispositive mark, it matters who isn't was the acid, right? i mean, if you're talking about this fundraiser for biden, talking about hollywood stars, if you're talking about the donations coming through trump, it. there are people who are the he wants you to suggest are the everyday americans who are not part of the establishment does that translate you think to getting him more support at a general >> well, listen, i biden doesn't have any trouble with the hollywood community there. their form and the trouble he has is in middle america with white-collar voters and voters of color. and the coalition to
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form a coalition of the ascendant. it's not ascendant anymore. in fact, it's been descendant. so listen, matt knows what if democratic colleagues note which is this race is really, really close, can't take anything for granted they need every positive step that they can take every single day this is a positive step. the reason a lot of money, but the money doesn't mean anything in terms of celebrities, of border hollywood's abort that that can even be harmful. but question is, how do you use that money in translated into middle of america and the coalitions that biden needs to get reelected matt, how do you address the criticism that this fundraiser suggests that democrats are elite and elitists >> suggests that every politician is a lead to lead us, me donald trump lives at mar-a-lago and bathroom has been on a gold. >> so like >> forgive me if i find that
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unpersuasive, but the fact is that large dollars come from rich people in politics and has always been the case no matter how populist you pretend to be. if you're going to run at hey, joe level in american politics, you're going to need money from wealthy people there were a lot of people in that squared orange night who were giving a lot less than the maximum. but look, let's face it, all fundraiser seem elitist and that's just part of the game of politics. unfortunately, i mean radio city music hall, know shabby place to have it, but a lot of the money is going to come in and translate. of course, to the actual voters. matt bennett. thank you so much for joining us tonight. mark mckinnon stick around. we've been hearing four months that voters do not want another biden-trump rematch in january reuters asked voters in a poll if they were tired of seeing the same candidates run for president and more than two-thirds said, yes, they weren't tired of it. numbers like this, of course, had fueled the possibility of third
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bids from groups like no labels, the group says that it wants to appeal to more moderate voters and turned the heated political rhetoric in this country they've already secured ballot access and more than a dozen states, but here's the hang-up. they >> still >> don't have a candidate that's willing to run. they've been basically playing the ultimate guess, who game. >> for who will be the no >> labels candidate. >> there were so many >> contestants as you can imagine, but one by one, they all turn down the job bill cassidy larry hogan, dean phillips, nikki, haley david petraeus, jon huntsman, joe manchin, geoff duncan, and chris christie, who just turned down the job yesterday mark mckinnon, let's talk all about this right now since you were one of the original co-founders of the no labels group, even though you've no longer have any affiliation with them, you
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just saw from our visual there of of the who's no longer there and all all of the guests who's there, not a part of it. no one's stepping up. why >> great question. >> i mean, >> i wanted to just tip my hat to joe by two. joe lieberman that who was the chairman of no labels who passed week. who was just a giant of a human being and a great heart, huge saw and he helped, he helped chair the organization and he just had a vision that many others did that helps started and are part of it, which is that there's too much partisanship in the country. we want to try and heal the partisan breached. bring people together, and hey, by the way, and the greatest democracy in the world shouldn't we have more than two choices, especially in a situation where? up to two-thirds are beyond, are unhappy with having a couple of 80-year-olds is or nominees if, if the system produces 280 year-olds, maybe the system needs some reform the problem is you can't just wake up in may of this year and decide
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you're going to do that. you have to pave the runway because the way the system is rigged for the parties, you have to spend, but no labels spent upwards of $50 just getting the ballot access in case somebody could step up and be an appropriate candidate. now the thing that joe lieberman said from the very beginning unequivocally, is that whatever they would do, they wanted to make certain the whole point of the exercise was to ensure that donald trump was not reelected. and a longtime, a year ago, others like me say, well, what happens when we get to now and joe biden's down and maybe down by a lot to drop what's the plan b so that the idea was just to have an option. now, as you pointed out, there haven't been any obvious people stepping up and that says a lot about the system. and i think that people are afraid of reality, which is that which chris christie did. i mean, he tested it himself and he determined that he could draw more votes away from biden, that it could from trump's so good for chris christie. but that's that's what the organization itself said. we're
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not gonna do anything that would help trump in any way. so it man, in the end, turn out that there's no candidates and by the way, i think that part of the reason for that is that there was a lot of disinformation about no labels objective, that there were people selling the notion that they were intentionally trying to help trump, which clearly they never were. joe biden, joe lieberman is a biblical man of his word. when he said unequivocally, it that we're not gonna do anything to help trump i believed them and and i'm certain that that's going to be the case, going forward. >> although >> i will say there are some other options, laura that i talked to liebermann about, which is that even if they don't have a unity ticket that they talked about running, there's some possibility. i mean, they they can put no labels candidates on a certain states that would draw votes. they could put popular republicans on-site. paul ryan and wisconsin or something like that, or or the former governor of north carolina. there was a no labels co-chair and didn't draw boats away from trump and
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the answer would probably just do those are actually possible candidates though, who would do that >> i don't think they'd been asked and i don't think it's been tested yet. i mean, they've wanted to try the moon shot first and it looks like that's running out of gas. i'm just saying that they're there are some other options because there aren't they they have ballot access in some of these states. so if they're true to the word of joe lieberman, which is two do everything possible to ensure that trump's not re-elected. >> they could do >> that, they could run republicans, popular republicans in their home states dropped away from trump and help, help save this might help save the republic. >> well, you know what they say? there is a perfect presidential candidate out there but she hasn't want to run or he has one around to paying by who you ask mark mckinnon. thank you so much. we'll see >> ticket. >> well, rfk junior siding with trump today, criticizing biden for going to his fundraiser in new york and not going to slain
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officers wake. harry dunn, who is a capital police officer defending the capital on january 6, tells us what he thinks i don't know what the thinking was and biden white house. i don't i don't think it was a good judgment space shuttle columbia, the final flight, ramirez sunday, april 7 at nine on cnn >> luck and good guys. >> situations are better with the credit god's on your side. >> comment >> for awards once available to the few are now accessible to the many earn points for travel with credit one bank and lives lost what i look forward a contractor is someone who's reliable and skillful. >> that's where angie comes in with top rated certified pros and over 500 categories. angie can connect you with the right pro so for any home projects, fine, top rate and certified pros in your area at >> it's better outside with the ninja outdoor family. cook outs are better with master
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see how much you can save them to the world with my music now i want to focus on what's happening to our planet i'm going to visit coastal communities that have a new ally in the fight against climate change is blue car, is blue carbon. >> we >> just need to plant and we need to protect nature will do the rest in carbon let's sunday, april 21 at nine >> donald trump attending the wake today for slain cop jonathan diller. diller was an nypd officer who was shot under his bulletproof vest what conducting a traffic stop on monday the man who shot him was charged today with first-degree murder the suspect had been arrested at least 21 times
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before according to police, he's also spent time in prison for first-degree robbery and attempted murder trump's speaking at the funeral today, take a listen >> we have to stop it. we have to get back to law and order. we have to do a lot of things differently because this is not working. this is happening too often. we've got to toughen it up. we've got to strengthen it up. >> joining me now, former us cap police officer who was at the capitol on january 6, harry done. he's also a maryland congressional candidate. harry so good to see you. thank you for joining me this evening. i can't imagine what your reaction is that you see, not only that an officer has been killed but do you give any credit to trump for having attended the wake >> laura. thanks for having me on. the only thing that goes to my mind right now is that poor officer and his family and that's what this story is should be about first and foremost. and only about the
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officer. a man losses his life defending his city committing his life to public service and that's what this story is about. donald trump makes everything about himself and he, he does things for political gain, and he doesn't really have any sympathy for officer. well, maybe he does, you know but also, i do. i will give him credit. he did say something that is problematic and this career criminal has been arrested a couple of dozen times and he was still out on the street and he killed public servant of new york city. and that's the problem. that's what we need to talk about. that's what we need to focus on. no, i don't give donald trump any credit for attending the wake because he did it all for himself donald trump, still to this day, has not reached out to mrs. signal the mother of calling capital police officer brian cygni, who died after january 6. they attack on the capitol he hasn't reached out to any of the hundred and 50 plus officers who were
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injured in the wake of january 6 back the blue is only a convenient slogan. when they it helps him out you mentioned the events of january 6, trump, as you know, with the same person facing charges for his actions surrounding what happened on >> january 60, solutes the january lack of action or lack of actions, your words are more precise in that respect and those allegations you are correct. he's also been looting the january 6 anthem at his rallies, he calls those who've been jailed as a result, hostages. >> how do people >> square that with his call as you say, for back to blue or law and order? can you >> yeah. >> no. he also, you know, you can't square is donald trump talking and you try to make sense out of anything that he says and you know what you're going to get he planned to pardoned the january people arrested and jailed on january 6. many of those individuals
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now outside of the ones who were just trespassing, but many were arrested and charged convicted, tried and convicted for assaulting law enforcement officers. so the hypocrisy is strong with this one, but it's always been that way. and that's why when donald trump's mouth is moving, you just know it's always something to benefit himself how can you in one hand support law enforcement? but then pledged to pardon individuals who attacked law enforcement because they did it in his name. that's how that's how he can do it. so loyalty is all that guy cares about. it's all about him not your mind. is that sorry, you the story is that officer who lost his life and gave his dedicated his life to public service. it's not about donald trump, but and also also a time to talk about criminal justice reform, about an individual who is able to be
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out on the street after being arrested dozens of times, still with felony with some of those felony convictions two. so that's problematic and that's one of the things that when i'm elected to congress that i look forward to addressing the criminal justice system and criminal justice reform that is needed. >> well, how do you plan to fix that >> well, first of all, we have acknowledged the problem, but we don't even acknowledge there's a problem. people just talk about it for talking points that's all they do. we need to empower judges. we need to empower police officers. we need to power prosecutors to be able to enforce laws that are on the book and not have to worry about some backlash that's out there. these people career criminals, like you said they, those individuals they had their chances and we just have to fix that. and it escapes the logic that this individual was still out on the street and able to take this man's life to take away from the community of new york,
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which he pledged his life to public service. >> it baffles me. it makes me very angry, and there's no reason that should have happened he did leave behind a young baby as well and his wife and just i know as a former officer, your heart breaks every time you hear about what takes place and how violent the work is, and how you do truly as not only first responders, but you are the gatekeepers of so much, harry. done. thank you so much. >> thank you. for having me on have a good evening. >> you tell i have a question for you all. >> what if you could say anything? >> true or false >> whether it harm people are not well, that's what trump's lawyers are trying to argue. >> again, by the way >> will it work this time? >> sanity needs a safe space >> you have a show. we're right and left up to each
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by downloading duckduckgo on all your devices today. suffered is on the arizona mexico and cnn today, donald trump's lawyers argue to a judge that anything he says is protected speech. now imagine if i told you that whatever you say true or false, there are no consequences and especially if it has to do with politics well, that's what trump's lawyers are asking a judge to believe out. you know, your miranda rights >> anything you say can and will be used >> against you in a court of law well, unless we're donald trump, i mean, just listen to this >> what president trump said. speech-wise or expressed either through his speech or conduct, which is still freedom of expression. because that's
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false in the eyes of the state it's lost all protection of the first amendment, just the opposite. if anything, under the circumstances, it needs more protection actually. >> know your ears are not deceiving you >> here's >> how prosecutors are responding >> it's not just that he lied over and over and over again as counsel for the defendant points out by listing all of the instances in the indictment, is that each of those was employed as part of criminal activity with criminal intentions >> now, i want to get right to cnn, legal analyst elliott williams. okay. elliott, we know that speech does in fact have consequences. but their attorney say it shouldn't. all be protected because all political. >> what's a little creaming among friends, but no, it looked there is a gray area in which there is certain political speech that ought to be protected under the first amendment. and there's probably
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some sphere where things that politicians say ought to be protected. the problem is that if your statement is itself a crime or if your statement is itself an act in furtherance of a crime, it's not going to be protected if i say to you, if i if i'm going to speech laura and i say, i'm going to kill you, laura coates. that's a crime. it's a threat that itself can be punished if i were to say in a speech as a politician, hey, laura coates, let's work together to subvert an election that itself is an act in furtherance of a crime. and so this idea that simply by being a politician, one is completely immune from any sort of prosecution is nonsense >> i am from minnesota, but don't ever pointed me again, right. to kill me on that point though i'd like this is decision though part of the issue here has been the >> first amendment issue has been decided in a separate court >> yeah. >> it's interesting to talk about that when dc right. which judge tanya chutkan, because
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although these are two separate entities, one state and once federal she is saying it oughtta go to a jury, decide whether they believe you've proven your case that it's knowingly false state and it's an important distinction i'm glad you're asking that question. it's important distinction that folks understand the difference between federal cases, state cases, and what matters now, judge chutkan, as you pointed out, it's a federal court in washington, dc that actually believe or not even though it's a federal court has no bearing on what happens in atlanta, they don't know whats called precedential value, what she rules, doesn't matter. and atlanta, that said it's still persuasive. they are reading her opinion. they're relying on her judgment and she's ruled on this already in effect, said no, as a politician, simply by being a politician, you don't automatically get immune from prosecution. simply by being an office. and so that is certainly an opinion they're going to look to. and maybe even site or rely on the hearing wrapped today with no ruling. we didn't have indication of when what was coming. what do you think are the next steps here? because fani willis wasn't there, but
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she is promising the train is still coming for these defendants. >> the train can still come for the defendant's, i think would no one should be alarmed that a judge is taking some time to write an opinion that what you and i are here sort of poop pooling the arguments a little bit, but it's a first amendment claim and it's an important legal issue that ought to be written up in a bunch of former president involving a poor president. you don't want to do this on the back of an envelope. and so god bless this judge for taking a minute with it and making sure that you know what he puts on paper is correct. now a trial can still happen in a few months if the judge even take some time to write an opinion and i don't want people to believe that all is lost and this defendant can never be held accountable simply because, uh, judges taking a few days to write an opinion, what do you make of the fact that fani willis herself was not arguing this might say this as, oh, well, based on the disqualification finding and undermining her credibility that she's distancing so >> i didn't expect to >> see her and the quorum. >> we'll get this or anything.
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if we weren't in crazy town, 2024, the world that we live in right now, we wouldn't expect the chief prosecutor in an office to come in and argue a case. think about here, washington, dc, where you and i both work. the us attorney rarely comes in an argues cases. the attorney generally it states doesn't go to court and it's sort of we're used to seeing finding roles in court because of some hearings that she's been a part of, but no this is the kind of thing that would have been argued by one over deputies. and i think that's what happened today. >> i doubt we'll see jack smith as well. i can >> so that that's probably the two. thank you, elliot williams, always great to have you here. >> now. all of trump's legal cases they cost a ton of money and that's just in lawyer's fees. there's also trump's $175 million bond which comes due now and just a few days. so maybe you've been seeing headlines like these, talking about how trump's truth social is gonna make him a ton of money. >> well, >> today the stock just finished its first week being publicly traded. so just how much is trump's investment worth today? cnn economics and
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political commentator catherine run pell is here, so catherine tell us how much is it worth >> well, on paper and that's what we're talking about here. >> he has 60% of this company >> which translates to about 4 billion. again, that's on paper what are his options now for turning what's on paper into cash? >> that is exactly the right question to ask because if he's gonna pay those legal judgments, he needs the actual cash. he has a few different options here. he could sell the stock he could borrow against it, or he could do something a little dodgy er that i'm going to call self-dealing let's look at what those are. selling. that's sounds probably pretty straight forward. the idea that he's got these stocks, you could just sell them on the open market except it isn't generally there's some sort of lock-up period if you're an insider in a company that's recently ipo, you have to wait a little while unless he gets permission from the board.
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well, who's on the board lots of friendly faces. you've got bob light highs are rahm trade for trump and the trump administration? cash patel, who did a whole bunch of national security related jobs, lins, man, small business administration, devin nunez can't former congressmen, who was a very big trump or, and then of course there's this guy don junior, who we all recognize. he's probably not going to go against his pop's, but it's not only the board that matters here. it's also his investors it's because if trump dumps that stock, it could potentially cause the price of that stock to plummet. we have seen this before, for example, with other meme stocks a big investor in bed bath and beyond dumped his shares called the cause the price to plummet fall in about half and a couple of days regulators looked into it. >> and >> in that case, the investors were also pretty ticked off and they weren't even asked to vote for that guy. in this case, we're talking about trump's investors who are also
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his followers who may not be too keen on losing their life savings so he could borrow against the value of the stock. however, that requires getting banks to play ball, right? banks and trump not on the best of terms. these days beyond that, the collateral here is not super attractive. we're talking about the stocks themselves, the shares that trump owns being held let's collateral in these loans. well they look super overvalued right now. if you look at the price of the stock relative to the expected income stream, to how many subscribers truth social has. it doesn't look like the safest bet may not be able to get money out that way then there's potentially self-dealing related party transactions it's just a fancy term for trump owns a bunch of different companies and he can use them to selfing, sell things from one to the other. he could sell mar-a-lago, he could sell trump tower and whatever evaluation he wanted to this new publicly traded company and get the cash out
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that way. again regulators may not look super favorably on that either same deal with licensing fees. so we've heard of trump's we've heard of trump vodka, trump sneakers. trump can say, hey, my name is on that company. i think i should get some license syncing fees that might be a way to get some cash out to. >> so what would be the potential consequences for the average person who's investing in this stock >> potentially pretty dire again, this stock looks super overvalued. it's had a lot of hype behind it, but we've seen that happen with other meme stocks before you all may remember game stock for example gamestop that had a lot of hype online, eventually reality caught up with it and the value plummeted. you could imagine something similar happening with this doc doesn't necessarily mean it'll happen tomorrow. there is a fair amount of dub money out there. there seems like there's always a greater fool, but at some point the party may run out and a lot of people could lose their shirts. >> catherine rom pal, so
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informative. thank you so much. you're breaking all of that down for us. >> thank you >> wael from catherine run pell to caitlin clark. that's the one isn't offered are reported $5 million to be the first woman to play an ice cubes men's back esca ball league. >> she take the gig carry champion is here to talk about it next if you work. in spaceflight, this is the worst possible thing that could ever happen >> my dad died doing what he loved space shuttle columbia. he final flight from your sunday, april 7 at nine on cnn. >> your harvest smart farms in abu dhabi does a technology enabled agribusiness solving global hold challenges? we're taking proven methods of farming and decoupling the relationship of food production from climate. and instead marrying it to technology, energy, and capital sources given its heritage and farming, great infrastructure to build a company and the ability to attract foreign talent of dhabi
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iconic and groundbreaking equality turning point in sports. it was now a modern-day battle of the sexes may be coming to a pro basketball game near, you, the college phenom known as caitlin clark reportedly offered a whopping five million to join the big >> that's >> amends three on three league founded by ice cube. he sees it as a win-win we think, with a move like this, you know, all boats rise, you know, with the time. so we think this will put the league in a different stratosphere and, you know, everybody across the board in the league would benefit starting me now a cnn contributor at kari champion carry. so good to see you. it's a knight that's a hell of a figure $5 million. she take the offer i would not take the offer if i were, i have a few issues here with this. the
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first of it is that i hear what ice cube is saying. all boats rise with the tide. he's suggesting it helps his lee. he suggests it helps women's basketball, the nba. i just don't believe that kaitlyn needs to play with a bunch of retired menn to prove her value and what she's worth in fact, the reason why he's asking for it, because we are getting ready to watch in real-time. he's asking for caitlin clark to be on the big three because she's going to really help. and so many different ways and bringing the wnba into a new level >> other >> talent him, laura, this girl yeah, that part is so important because so often people will say, oh, that's the person's a great athlete. but could she be a man? you had the three-point shootout with steph curry and ionescu's over the all-star game weekend. i thought that was a really important moment and a lot of fun to watch, frankly, especially to have steph curry really battling it out with her. and then you had all this belittling by sports broadcasters, including kenny smith, who really just diminished her performance. take a hydrogen from the
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women's line >> you make a good >> point about the idea of why do women have to prove themselves only in relation to men? >> it's unfortunate, especially in this sport. i often a floor and you'll, you'll understand give me your top five athletes and i and i will put serena in that with hands down any de and they'd no, no, no. i mean, the guys that those and that's just not fair. and this is why i truly believe one there were two things that happen with this offer sabrina, excuse me. caitlin does not need to play in the big three for her value. also, ice cube what about all the other women that are currently in the wnba? did you skip right over them? asia wilson, for instance, who is another other player, i want everybody to sit down, take a beat and a break. i enjoy caitlin clark two, but she's not the best thing since sliced bread. there are other people to get some sunshine as well. so i think she'll be smart and probably make more money if she goes to the wnba with
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merchandising, licensing and all the different things, name, image, and likeness she could make more money. i'm sure but that goes the same point though. her making that much money, even at the wnba and endorsements will still be a huge distance from other talented athletes. what do you think that is? >> i think that in this country we are slow, especially when it comes to acknowledging women in sports. i shared with you off camera just the other day i had an opportunity to be greeted by madam vice president and she was honoring women in sports because of women's history month. and what we're realizing is that all that was needed let's just a little more time and attention and every now and again, you get a player that breaks through. but until then, there's this, there's this huge gap and it's not just in sports, but in other disciplines and other institutions in which we work and live in. and so it's going to stay that way at least for now. but it's leveling out lower on the college level, the nil, the women players are making just as much as the men. and i love it and we're going to catch up. it's i don't know
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if we'll see a day where it's equal, but it'll be commensurate. >> well, certainly commensurate would be the one of the goals, but looking ahead caitlin clark is not a part of the wnba. her team is not yet crown champions, if they will win, that's up in the air still. >> do you >> think that the attention that she gets is going to make it a difficult more difficult experience for her if she does get to this is such a great question. i want to tell you a question that we have had in our friendship groups. when i am texting with other friends that are in the business, unless i had a really good friend of mine said, there's something about her. let's just put all the fanfare aside. there something about her that makes me think that all she's interested in is playing ball. she doesn't care about the lime lights, the attention the nil, the money. yes, that will come. but there's a purity in her heart when she plays. and i have i'm hard. i would have a
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hard time believing that she just wouldn't excel. >> she >> is for lack of a better term, forgive me. in your audience, she's a dog. she has it in her. and so when i watch her play, i'm thinking that's all she cares about. i just don't believe she will not succeed at that next level. >> well, from your lips to hurt me. >> that's carried champion. thank you so much. nice to see you as always >> all right. luck. >> we're minutes away from beyond, say his new album release the countdown is going to start with us and the beyond a reporter, right after this 16 dreams >> greatest stage the told about lifetime grief while the
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mesothelioma victims and their families. if you or a loved one has been diagnosed with mesothelioma, call us now this same texas >> no >> them down now no, no >> i gotta get ready, everyone, because it's count down time. it got pick a hat. i'm not going to be caused slipping for the bianna album to drop at midnight or we do an option one? nope, not you're not well, hold on. how about this option two hormones i get i get this right because in case she's watching, hold on. >> no. home. i second wait okay. >> we always bet on black. there we go. nothing is going to stop me from listening to this album as getting ready to come out. i can hardly wait for this album to drop carb cowboy carter. i got my earpiece all messed up from my cowboy hat, but it looks cute though, so we're going to do i everyone's owns because you'd have all the phones in case my phone does not work to get the album dropped at about yes. thank you. all that you get
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your phones that gives so much. is their ipads. i'm wealth. we have who don't hold back eight everything right now because i got to be able to have everything ready to go to the break, the internet we are counting down right now. okay. we are seconds away, really from midnight because this album was getting ready to drop and i want to bring in the usa today reporter who was on the beyond, say beat who couldn't. i can't think of a better assignment for you because shea macleay for all of the details, i've got my hat. i had other options hardware, cache, i am ready to go. what can you tell us about this new record? am i going to be pulling an all nighter? why be having spaghetti, wink, wink >> well, first i want to say, i love the head grape juice yes. he's. very cute. this album is huge and i think is going to be groundbreaking, not just to country music, but to the music industry as a whole. >> i'm going to be pulling all-nighters there all night tonight. i think when i say drops, anything, it's sort of an experience. so there has been fans all over the world
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have been listening and the respect of time zones. but i've been waiting to experience that. and i think bianna thing has collaborated with some country music legends as well as putting a spotlight on black country artists and boundary vendors the industry. >> i've got all these phones going thing if anyone's getting it live or early for some reason, no one has yet. i want to be the first you've actually be able to have a chance and you're waiting for the 27, 27 tracks. there also collaboration's. what do we know about who's audit? >> yes. so beyond say was very deliberate and intentional about iv collaborators. i mean, she has been so intention throughout this entire process and the entry and the music when she posted the track list, a few days ago at the top, it said cowboy carter and the rodeo gitlin circuit and the get land start great in history was a collection of venues that employed and celebrate black artists that otherwise weren't during the jim crow era. so i think this is going to allowed
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declaration and reclamation of country music. we can expect some big collaborators like dolly parton. i mean, she's come out and ties that. >> but >> as well as some country music artist, pat and present and just sort of giving them their flowers. so this will be huge. >> i mean, we've got a countdown clock. we've got less than two minutes now, i keep refreshing everyone phones. i. everyone give me their passwords because i want to be the first to hear it and have a collective experience and basically in her own words by the way, she has said this anna country album, this is a beyond, say, album. she is very intentional about her body of work, so help us read the tea leaves here. what is the message he wants to be conveyed? >> well i think she's saying this is just a country album. >> i >> mean, you know, beyond say, her already are charting on multiple formats, not just country charts. and so that just shows she isn't constrained to the boxes that people like to put her in, but also, i think she highlighted the irony of country music and its invisible black roots. and,
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you know, she sort of features lynda martell. she has a track called the linear martell show and lynda martell was a prominent black country music our she was the first black woman to perform at the grand ole opry. >> that >> was huge in the past. and even now, so i think she and her career, linda martinez was short-lived because she didn't get all the flowers she deserved. and be honest, they the same look. she's pointing out the irony of this. she's pushing the envelope forward, she sifting culture. i mean, i think this is just huge like for present day and it'll be huge and beyond >> i mean, i already loved the tracks we've already heard for so we are like less than 30 seconds away cash it with clay >> i am so excited. i know i feel the energy two, i'm so excited. >> listening >> party has to happen right now. i feel like it's almost this is actually kind of a new year's eve. i know there's then you do the new year's eve show, but let me take a second. i'm a countdown. >> 1098765.


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