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tv   Inside Politics With Dana Bash  CNN  March 28, 2024 9:00am-10:00am PDT

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designer brands. hill's house. the designers that get your heart racing had inside a prices, you every day, hurry. there'll be gone in a flash designer sales at up to 70% or so of today today on inside politics, lights, camera, court, the georgia election racketeering case against donald trump is back on. we'll bring you all the breaking detail else from the first hearing since a judge allowed fulton county da fani willis to continue spearheading the case, which the former president's legal team is trying to get dismissed >> plus >> three presidents and a queen. if you count, >> queen latifah, that's who will attend an unprecedented start our study fundraiser for president biden tonight. that's already brought in millions of dollars, but will those dollars translate into votes and i did it my way? >> traveled every high bod more
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then this notice to change of tone here >> i did in my joe lieberman singing his favorite frank sinatra song, it sums up how the democratic vice presidential candidate turned >> independent senator approached his decades in public service will pay tribute to lieberman's legacy with his former colleague and dear friend, senator get our susan collins i'm dana bash. let's go behind the headlines and inside politics first step president biden is on his way to new york where the stars and two former president's are coming out for a massive fundraising using event tonight. the fundraiser with firepower has already brought in millions for the president cnn's mj lee is live from new york. mj dana yeah this. is a pretty eye-popping hall from the biden campaign, some $25
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million. and counting tied to the single fundraising event in new york city tonight, the campaign is clearly capitalizing on this rare joint appearance up by the three presidents, one sitting and two former. and this it was a notable political moment for several reasons. first of all, you can't understate the importance of the money here. this is a campaign that had already ended the month of february with some 71 million of cash on hand that was a double the amount that the trump campaign had and now they get to make a significant add to that pot of money and reason sources. and secondly, there's just the symbolic significance of seeing these three presidents of banding together to take on the former president, donald trump and trying to stop him from returning to the white house. now sources have told cnn that president biden has been in regular touch with both former president barack obama and bill clinton, and that those two former presidents have also been in pretty regular contact with senior white house
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officials, like jeff sites or steve raj chetty and when we see dana, tonight's conversation moderated by stephen colbert we expect that the two presidents are basically going to be lending president biden a hand in helping explain to voters for the stakes of the election upcoming in november, the idea here, of course, is that quite literally. there are no two other people that can better understand and explain to people exactly the importance and the urgency that the biden campaign sees heading into november as they expect a rematch between president biden and former president donald trump, dana mj. >> thanks so much for that reporting. i wanted to bring in my political panel to talk more about this pbs newshour is laura barron-lopez, the national reviews romesh, pono, r2, and isaac arne's dorph of the washington post. isaac is also the author of the new book, finish what we started the maga movements, ground war to end democracy. that does not sound like a comedy you so much for being here, all of you.
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let's just start big picture about the significance of this event tonight, laura. i mean, there's so many ways to slice this and look at this one of them is the money. another is the fact that you have three democratic presidents to formers and a current at a time where the last republican who happens to be running for his job back not only his own vice president isn't even supporting him. never mind. other former republicans. that's right. this is really a show of force on multiple fronts on the fact that these former establishes this choice is one that is about democracy and freedom and where the campaign has really made clear that they're going to be hammering at home. it's also about the money, as you said, dana, which is that? this event alone surpasses almost every kind of fundraising, not just
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event, but hall that the president has had to date this year in february, he raised some 21 million, but this is already beyond that. and so there really revving up the campaign is they have a big springs ad spend that is prepared round i think 31 million or so. and that is going to be how they're establishing the choice. they're far ahead of trump and the republican national committee in terms of the amount of money that they have on hand in order to make that established and to play devil's advocate of the argument that we're, we're all hearing from the biden campaign we have all covered campaigns and elections where the person who had way more money than the other candidate didn't end up winning money, doesn't always help doesn't hurt necessarily, but it doesn't always get them across the finish line. >> i think that there are two components to this. the money is important, of course, but it's also the message and the message is all hands on deck.
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it's a message to democrats saying, forget about your qualms, about biden's age, forget about your policy disagreements on this issue or that issue? two were behind in the polls. the other guy is unacceptable and everybody has to get in this together >> we want to show you some some humor since that tire as we see, often on late night. and that is, this is from seth meyers, from last night, i believe. take a look at sorry, >> president biden is set to appear at radio city music hall with former president barack obama, and they definitely know how to sell it just to clarify, that's not actually what the market looks like. and i just want to say that because you never know, because the point that he's making is a real one that barack obama obviously is the draw right now. >> well, there's a lot of history there between biden and obama, and being his vice president and sort of feeling
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second fatal. and there was some awkwardness when obama came back to the white house and accidentally referred to one of them referred to them, i think maybe biden referred to what they were the >> roller was >> using >> yeah. >> and and obama, it's been hard for him to be on the sidelines of this. and he still one of the most popular figures in the democratic party and expect to see a lot of him out on the campaign this year. >> yeah, out on the campaign this year. and remember, he was very, very active at the end, at least of 2020. so was his wife. so it was the former first lady. >> let's do again a little bit to the challenge that the biden campaign has and we talk about obama and we talk about the obama coalition and the various groups that he brought together to doing not once but twice at the white house, one of the key aspects of the obama coalition are voters of color. and that
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is an area where joe biden is struggling. i want to read part of a new story out today from our colleague, ron brownstein >> the >> headline is the unexpected dynamic that could decide that trump biden rematch. the more important question may be whether trump can sustain whatever level of support he now has among non-white voters, both national and battleground state public polls consistently show trump at this point, drawing more support from black and hispanic voters than any republican nomination. since at least 1960 >> and we've talked a lot about the realignment of the non educated white voters are working class white voters and college educated white voters. they flipped right in modern elections where those non-college educated working class white voters have gone to trump and now you're we're starting to see where he is chipping away at the working class black and brown voters. and that's where he's drawing
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voters away from president biden and also especially young black men and young latino, man, that is where he seen in, in, in that with those voters. and that's something that president biden clearly has to address it a number of democrats have talked about it's a big concern of theirs. they do still feel though as though between now and election day that they have enough time to win back those voters. they're going to be key. they were the reason that president biden carried states like arizona and carried states like nevada. and if he's going to carry them again, he has so when the match. >> and then we just put a little bit of meat on the bones as i like to say, and look at some of the numbers that our team put together to give a sense obviously, if you look at these numbers, joe biden is still in the past in 2020 when he won. did much better with both black voters and hispanic voters. but he did less well when you start with 1992, 96, 2008, 2,012.20. 20, which is what we're talking about. 75.
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if he did again well but not as well as obama did in 2,008.20, 12 with both of those groups, particularly with black voters, which >> one of these is something he needs to fix? one of the surprising results of 2020 was that the racial polarization in voting shifted a little bit of declined, a little bit with non-white vote being a little bit more republican than it had been 2016. and white voters being a slight bit more pro, democrats than they had been in 2016. and right now, it looks like that trend is continuing and it's going to have all kinds of effects. one of them is, what does it do to republican get out the vote efforts? it's going to take a lot more investment of money okay. >> you guys don't go far. we're going to come back to politics in washington are on the campaign trail in a minute, but coming up a hearing just wrapped up in georgia's election interference case against donald trump, but the former president was not in the fulton county courtroom. neither was de a fani willis. >> and later, remembering
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still closed captioning brought to you by our firm only represents mesothelial jomo victims and their families. if you or a loved one who has been diagnosed with mesothelial. carlos now now to georgia where donald trump's lawyers just asked a judge to throw out the election subversion case against him. it was the first hearing since that same judge rejected their efforts to disqualify district attorney fani willis from the case. she was notably absent today. cnn's katelyn polantz is outside the fulton county courthouse. caitlin, what happened >> dana? no ruling. no no trial date? no. donald trump or fani willis physically in the courtroom today. >> but >> these hearings, this hearing, are important ones in this case. because this hearing is where defendants like donald trump today his team is able to
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argue to the judge why they think the law is not right. the facts are not ripe, or this case needs to be dismissed. the judge heard their argument because what it's about here is the first amendment. they have been arguing quite forcefully that what is charged here in this case in fulton county, georgia, racketeering conspiracy against donald trump trump that that is just protected speech. it's things that she should have been allowed to say under the constitution, his tweets, his speech on the ellipse. all of that it's not amount to a crime under the law. here's a little bit more from donald trump's attorney, steve sadow, in court today >> what president trump? trump said speech wise or expressed, either through his speech or conduct, which is still freedom of expression. because that's false in the eyes of the state. it's lost all protections of the first amendment, just the
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opposite. if anything, under the circumstances, it needs more protection but the prosecutor done a wakefield was also able to argue to the judge that this case is rightfully charged, that the >> law is correct here in the way that the da's office has interpreted it, and that donald trump was making false statements that were false statements that were lies after the 20 2011 flexion. and that is the core of the criminal activity. the criminal conspiracy that they allege trump is at the top of. now, the judge didn't say what he's actually going thing to do here. he's heard challenges like this before to this case from other defendants said they were unsuccessful and move the case along to trial. that is quite a possibility here because the other thing that prosecutors were arguing was, let the law stand and let the intent question come down to a jury. dana caitlin thank you so much for that reporting. i want to now talk to this panel of cnn all-stars, kristen holmes,
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paula reid, and sara marie. nice to see you all >> welcome back from maternity leave. yeah. >> we're. going to talk about the trout a second, but i just realized all three of you are moms to babies. that is two that's very cool >> okay. and we all support each other and back and back, back to our regularly scheduled programming. sarah, what was your takeaway from what we saw this morning? well, look, i think >> the first thing is just the optics. this is the first time we're seeing the case. get back to what defendants allegedly did here and what's actually on trial as opposed to fani willis's personal life it was probably a cognizant decision shade not to appear in person in the courtroom to let her team minus nathan wade, of course, is no longer with them run with this and look at the trump team made a valiant effort paul i can talk more about this, but trying to say why everything that donald trump did is protected under the first amendment and why we don't need to do a pesky thing, like a trial, we can just toss this indictment outright now, but i think one of the points that prosecutors
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made is that a tweet itself does not have to be a crime. a statement itself does not have to be a crime that the way either racketeering law works in georgia, these things need to be acts that further this broader countries conspiracy that trump and his allies were evolved in to try to overturn the 20 2011 as you come and paul, i just want our viewers to hear some of that argument from the chief senior da, donald wake, board it's not just that he lied over >> and over and over again as counsel for the defendant points out by listing all of the instances in the indictment, is that each of those was employed as part of criminal activity with criminal intentions >> yes. so the trump team is arguing what this was, a group of politicians talking about a presidential election that's political speech. the government, they're saying, wait a second, there are limits on the first amendment and the protections afforded to political speech. one thing
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this was false falsity is not a viewpoint that is protected the trump attorneys then say, no, the government doesn't get to decide what is true and what is false. look, good effort on the trump team, but this is not something that is going to carry the de. but look, the trump lawyers, they have an obligation to file every action for their client. and i'm told that in addition to the perpetual delay strategy, they're playing a long game here. they have to file these motions to preserve them for an appeal. so hypothetically, this goes to trial if there is a conviction, their hope is that there'll be enough issues, enough mistakes over the life of this case that they can eventually kill this sort of a death by 1,000 cuts eventually on appeal. >> and i will add to that. this isn't >> one of those >> cases where those arguments that they thought was going to change the trajectory of the case. what i'm talking to them is it sure. we're going to be keeping an eye on it, but you don't. trump's not there. we see him in court all the time when he wants to be there, if he wants to be at a hearing they are necessarily hanging their hat on this argument. but as paula said, and as one of his senior advisers told me, look, donald trump is paying
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these lawyers a lot of money. they are being paid to exhaust every single avenue possible end to really fight for that end game, which is to delay this trial as long as possible and delay this path that november election and they do believe at this point particularly falling what we saw the fani willis, that it's going to be likely that they can get this delayed past the election so on fani willis, as i mentioned, she and caitlin did as well. she was not in court today. this was the first hearing since that same judge said that she can stay on the case. she did speak out on saturday about what happened. >> let's listen i'm not embarrassed. mighty thing. i've done i guess my greatest crime is i had a relationship with a man. i don't feel like we've been slowed down at all. i do think that there are efforts to slow down and strain, but the train is coming >> i think fani willis has definitely a defiance strikes are similar to donald trump in many ways. and i do think that
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her office really views this as what was a consenting relationship between two adults that got unfairly blown? out of proportion. but the reality is, this is now something that is still hanging over the case. the case is proceeding. we saw that today the focus was on the criminal case at hand and the defendants, but the judge has allowed the trump team to continue appealing. that's something that's going to hang over her you know, what the judge said in his ruling, which was it's not very flattering to fani willis or to nathan wade still hangs over the court of public opinion. it's still hangs over a potential jury pool. and so we'll see what happens. but i think the best thing for them was that this was a hearing that was focused not on fani willis and her personal life today >> yeah. i mean, the idea that my only cry and what is right. having this relationship will no no one accused you of a crime, but the judge has criticized your judgment, your professionalism, and called into question your honesty, not a good sign where you're heading into a trial like this. but what i will save her is at least the cases moving forward, the judges hearing motions. she said she's going to keep pushing to trial. final thought
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i think it's both instead buy them the idea is that yes, fani willis gets to stay on the case. yes. she has defiant, but when we play this out in the court of public opinion, that was a scathing ruling that donald trump is planning on using thank you all. >> appreciate it. don't go anywhere because coming up, cnn exclusive reporting revealing how much money was paid to drop the sexual assault lawsuit against a well-known republican lobbyist that's after a quick break >> sanity needs to save space >> you have a show we're right and left. talk to each cnn presents an encore presentation of hbo's real time with bill maher, saturday at eight on cnn >> life diabetes. there's no slowing down. each day is a unique blend of people to see and things to do that's why you choose. glissando to help manage blood sugar response uniquely designed with carb steady glue, sirna, bring on the day >> protect your vehicle was smart binders, custom fit, full coverage floor liners,
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cnn's jaime gan gal that conservative heavyweight matt schlapp is agreeing to a hefty settlement >> to end a sexual assault lawsuit, even though the accuser is claiming there was not a payout from schlapp. cnn's jaime gan gallup broke the story and joins the panel. can you explain that, j. okay. we're here, we go. what we've learned is, in fact, there was a payment to settle this suit that it was $480,000, almost half $1 >> it is a >> significant payout in a case like this it was paid by an insurance company on behalf of schlapp and the acu? that's the important distinction here. >> so it's >> also notable because when schlapp and his legal team announced that it had been dismissed they made it sound as if he had been exonerated and cleared. he made a statement saying from the beginning, i asserted my innocence. he did
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an interview. that's made it sound as if he had been cleared. he posted something on twitter which has now been deleted >> i >> think what they did was they were trying to do a pr move, but they thought was clever the first day and make it sound as if he had been exonerated when in fact, he had not. >> let's take a step back. you i'm done some reporting on this as well, too why this happened in the first place about the allegations. the text messages and other evidence that i know that you just have, right. welle reported in the past. >> well, not only this allegation being exceptionally well documented, in which is can you explain what? the allegation is that it was a campaign staffer for the walk senate campaign in 2022 who said that what he was assigned to dr. matt schlapp to a
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campaign event. they went out drinking that night and that matt schlapp, ghraieb, tim against without his consent, which is something that schlapp denies. but that was corroborated by text messages between them at the time and the staffers accounts to a handful of people on that day, all of whom confirmed it. not only that, we found out in the course of litigation if this case had gone to trial, there were depositions taken of previous accusations that the cpac board and officers were aware of that were reported to them? two previous instances where slapped allegedly made unwanted sexual advantages on unwanted sexual advances >> so one of the important things that isaac is raised is the contemporaneous witnesses there were already a lot of depositions taken in this case, and there were some upcoming depositions that i am told
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could have been very damaging and embarrassing for match lap >> one of the things >> carlton huffman, who was making the allegations, he reported this in real time. to the campaign manager for herschel walker, who we interviewed at the time of the allegations, i spoke to me again recently. they thought the allegations were credible. they also pointed out that match lap, who they knew never called them and push back on any of it. >> i mean, extraordinary reporting and that is a lot of money. i want make a turn staying with republican politics to throw that, you have today. and i'm just going to get your views on it. that is the very intense push up by republicans to try to catch up with the notion of their voters getting out to organize for early and mail-in voting.
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they're trying to do that despite pushback from once again, the guy at the top of the ticket or will be donald trump. i'm going to read from his piece, isaac's piece, republican officials privately say whether republican voters adapt to early in-person and mail voting could swing the 2024 election and closely contested states. but those efforts remain intention with the fraud claims that animate trump and the grass roots movement, it's not just if i may the tension in fraud claims that are coming from within, it's what donald trump is still saying on the stump. let's listen to that. >> mail-in voting is totally corrupt. get that through your head. it has to be the votes. it mean it has to be if you are a mail-in voting. you automatically have fraud have you, how well there's mail-in voting in florida to one if you have it, you're going to have you used to be one day. now
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it's 40 days and 45 days and 48. >> this is the mass smile out ballot let's go the ballots are a disaster mass anytime you have mail-in ballots anytime you have mail out or mail-in, the column, different names anytime the male is involved, you're going to have cheating how are republican voters going to square that circle? >> well, i think they're going to listen to donald trump that has been historically what they've been doing since he became the leader of the republican party, the sabbah tour of the trump campaigns get out the vote efforts is the candidate, donald trump himself. because if he gives up on the idea yeah, that mail-in balloting is inherently fraudulent. you'd something you can't police or take care of. that means he has to give up the central point that he makes about the 2020 campaign that it was stolen from him because of this and his entire campaign, his entire since he launched, it has been about the fact that 2020 was stolen, that false claim
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>> mail-in voting has been so key prior to donald trump to success for republicans. i mean, not just in states like florida states like arizona, utah, you name it and it's something thing that i've talked to republican strategists and some of those swing states like arizona, who are just frustrated because they feel as though they wouldn't be able to get more voters to come out and vote if the leader of their party weren't attacking this very democratic mechanism for voters to cast their ballot, which is the crux of your piece, right? >> exactly. the party the line, meaning the rnc is that we can believe two things at the same time. we can believe that we don't like mail-in ballots. and when we get back in power, we're going to take them away because we don't trust them. but until we get there and as long as we have that system, we have to play by those rules. they think that they say that republicans can believe both things at the same time. when you talk to voters i don't know that they do. and you talked to republican canvases who are going door to door asking republicans to mail in their ballots and saying, i don't trust the mail this is the
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chaos and the ego of donald trump here, a gop source said to me, i read your piece this morning and i call the strategist and he said, earth one to donald trump, reality check. those votes can help when it's pretty good. >> all right. thank you so much to all of you. up next, we have new video in to cnn of the final moments before that catastrophic cargo ship crashed into baltimore's francis scott key the bridge. and later senator susan collins remembers the late senator joe lieberman as a true moderate, who worked fairly across the political aisle. >> check. >> we hear nothing. >> the space shuttle accidents usually not one thing. it's a series is that part of the wing coming apart space shuttle columbia, he final flight or mere sunday, april 7 at nine on cnn, i brought in a juror, max >> protein with 30 grams of protein. those who tried me felt more energy and just two
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it has the designers that get your heart racing had >> inside a prices new every day curry, they'll be gone in a flash designer sales that up to 70% shop today new this afternoon, the white house says a heavy lift crane vessel will arrive at the port of baltimore later today as >> part of the bridge collapse, search and recovery process, their cnn's gabe cohen is in baltimore as he has been for the last few days gabe, tell us what the latest is right now >> well, dana, this is a significant development in this salvage operation with those for construction workers still missing. officials have said it's just not safe for divers to go back down into the water given all of the wreckage and debris down there. and so so this heavy lift crane vessel is really the first piece of major equipment that we're expecting to arrive later today and in the coming days and it could take several days for them to clear all of that wreckage out after that officials say divers
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are going back down into the water. they want to recover those four remaining men and offer closure to their families please but look, dana, another obstacle in this could be the hazardous material that's been discovered around the ship more than 50 containers, more than 700 tons of flammables corrosives, lithium batteries officials have said it's just not safe around the bow of the ship right now. where that bridge actually came down. so there is still working on clearing that and investigators as well are having a very busy day talking to those pilots. again, of the ship, still trying to piece together what caused this power outage, this total blackout that led to the pilot luis, thing, all power, all ability he to steer the vessel and ultimately led to the crash into the bridge and the collapse stana game. >> thank you so much for that reporting. we appreciate it. >> and up >> next, senator susan collins remembers her dear friend, former senator joe lieberman,
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became well-known during his near quarter century in the senate on many issues, including national hello, security. he spearheaded the idea of a new department of homeland security for better government communication after the 911 terror attacks is hawkish views earned him a democratic primary challenge in 2006, which he lost, but then won reelection as an independent lieberman was an observant jew. he didn't work on the sabbath in the rare case that he had to, he walked miles to get to the capital. he walked the walk every day in every way, immense with a wicked sense of humor joining me now, republican senator from maine, susan collins, who was a close friend of senator joe lieberman. thank you so much for being here. i'm so sorry for your loss. and of course, the country in the world is mourning. the senator. just yesterday, you were at a town paul in your home state of maine. you were speaking to
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students. you were asked to name your favorite person you've ever worked with. i want to play for our viewers, your answer? >> i've been fortunate to work with an awful lot of people that i really liked >> but i >> took pick one it would be former senator joe lieberman of connecticut >> he what's the democrats now? independent we came from different states, connecticut in may. we had were different parties, but we weren't together as a team >> what made joe lieberman so great to work with >> zhao was very principled, but he was also very pragmatic. he wanted to get legislation across the finish line he was voted to its country he was
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>> and i've worked on with him particularly in the wake of the terrorist attacks of 91101. >> we were >> both leaders of the homeland security committee and we pass the several bills to strengthen our nation in >> every case, we work together, reza team, he was a terrific senator >> and most of all >> he was such a dear friend. >> you were, of course, very close to not only him, but to john mccain and lindsey graham. they were known, they call themselves the three amigos. i remember them calling you and amiga. you traveled a lot with that around the world in those trips, i know you get to know each other very well what about those trips abroad? do you remember specifically about joe lieberman
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>> i learned so much about joe on those trips. he had a wonderful sense of humor and a understanding a knowledge of history that was really unsurpassed he was a great counter to john mccain and a lot of ways because he ps always calm and reasonable and john would get pretty fired up at times and i remember we went to afghanistan together right after hamad karzai, the leader at than smuggled back into the country. and our meeting in a patched army tent with them i learned so much from joe >> one of the >> best stories that i can tell you is we once had this long discussion about guilt and he of course bao zhu, i am a
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catholic we finally agree that his words, that his people invented it. my people perfected that was typical philosophical and yet funny conversations that we would have >> yeah, that does very much sound like like senator lieberman i'm sure you know that john mccain seriously considered joe lieberman to be his running mate in 2008. i want you to listen to what liebermann recounted to me. he recounted a conversation that the two of them had about it starting with lieberman's very raw and funny reaction >> serious. said i am, i, so you don't have to do that. i mean, i'm i don't know how you can do it as a matter. >> you're not a republican john was smart enough, smarter than i was two realize that if he was going to have a chance to win, he had to do something
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different and what would be more different than to have a genuinely bipartisan ticket. and we clung to it a long time even after people in the party were telling that there would be a walkout of like a third of the republican delegates that was back in 2018. i wonder if you can reflect on what might have been boy that would have been a wonderful team for our country. i had to have and jelly for men, his vice president, it's hard for me to think of a team of more patriotic americans who would work together to achieve consensus and get a great deal done so i think america really missed an opportunity. there. they were >> dear friends of mine and with one another and you could see by that exchange that joe
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was concerned about what the impact would be on john rather than the fact that this was another great opportunity for him yeah i'm given the fact that he was already a running mate on the democratic ticket and he did tell me that he was actually vetted >> for mccain's second to be second on the ticket. i also want you to listen to you mentioned senator lieberman humor. another one of his his good friends at former ambassador mark wallace said the following in a statement whenever i had the privilege of introducing him, i'd always conclude with an inside joke between us calling him the national treasure senator joseph lieberman, he'd humorously respond, mark, you've got to save that for my funeral. assuredly today, he would quipped me, mark couldn't you have waited a little longer to use that like ten years. >> it's all in an effort >> to bring a smile and laughter to the most difficult
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moment senator it is a really difficult moment. i personally am having a hard time coming to grips with the fact that he's gone in that we exchange the emails just last week joe was great about keeping in touch even after he left senate and he was someone whose advice i always treasured >> he worked very hard for the >> centrist group. no labels. and he was very concerned about the direction. the country was headed in because we were so polarized, we are so divided >> and that was the antithesis of only for menn he was a person who and that's why he was such a productive and six senator, he knew how to work with people on both sides of
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the aisle of different theologies and he just wanted to get the job done and serve as country well, as we say, may his memory be a blessing. thank you so much for coming on, senator, and contributing to the world, knowing much more about the person, the public servant and the match that we both knew. center. thank you >> thank you >> and thank you for joining inside politics, cnn news central starts after a break okay. >> yeah, we got orders coming starting is never easy. a star new eight months pregnant, that's a different story. >> i couldn't slow so now we were starting a business from the ground up people were showing up left and right. and so did our business needs the chase, a car made it easy when
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