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tv   CNN This Morning  CNN  March 27, 2024 2:00am-3:00am PDT

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you. it might make a voter think about it. >> it's a good question, but he has a huge family that's a good question. yeah, it is a good question. he has a higher and 20 family members. i do things in life my family doesn't agree with >> your family, doesn't it? i'm just joking around i understand. so you all feel strongly about that. that's not an issue. final question. do you really think this guy could win the presidency rfk junior? >> yes >> i didn't believe it yeah. >> gary, i know you're with a larger group now. how did they say they would vote if kennedy jr. wasn't in the race some 31 people here, i've asked all 31 people that question of rfk junior was out of the race. would you lean towards trump, biden, or either 22 of those 31 people say they would not support trump or biden aid of the people. say trump only one of the people, the woman you saw in the story says it's biden's. so this obviously our case, tennessee in this particular place on this particular night affects trump more. but at something we have
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to keep an eye on nationwide. >> gary tuckman. thanks. the news continues right here on cnn it's wednesday, march 27, right now on cnn this morning >> this is not just not just unprecedented from what we're seeing and what we're looking at today it's heartbreaking the search now suspended for six workers who were on the francis scott key bridge when it collapsed and the supreme court set to decide whether to restrict access to an abortion pill used by millions american women and donald trump gagged what the former president cannot say at his upcoming hush money trial all right. >> 05:00 a.m. here in washington, alive. look at capitol hill on this wednesday morning. good morning, everyone in kasie hunt? it's wonderful to have you with us >> search and rescue >> efforts have ended, and six missing workers now presumed dead after the tragic collapse
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of the iconic francis scott key bridge in baltimore, the coast guard says eight workers were on the bridge early tuesday when a cargo container ship lost power, veered off course and crashed into a pillar setting them all into the freezing water >> based on the length of time that we've gone in this search, we do not believe that we're going to find any of these individuals still alive two people were rescued and recovery operations are going to continue today. the governor says the ship did issue a mayday before the crash, and he praised the quick response from emergency officials that time between when they started calling for mayday and the time that the ship ended up hitting the bridge and >> the bridge collapse we're talking matters of seconds. and while today has been challenging and difficult for a lot of marylanders, most importantly, these families of the impacted families, we have also seen a lot of marylanders
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rally in a really beautiful way >> cnn's gabe cohen joins us live now from baltimore. i gave good morning to you. so officials at this point investigating exactly what cause this massive shift to lose power, because in the video we see the lights flickering and black smoke coming out just before it hits the bridge. it what kind of evidence are they looking for? is there such a thing as a black box in this case? >> yeah. look, they are case you're looking for recorders on that vessel. we know that ntsb investigators are expected to finally board the dali that shipping vessel a little later today, they're going to be interviewing the crew, looking at those recorders, trying to collect any information and data that they can and they have said this could be a very long process. so we're not necessarily expecting those answers immediately as you mentioned, the ship experience some sort of total blackout
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before all of this unfolded as the ship was approaching the bridge, you mentioned the lights flickering of the pilot lost control of the vessel. that according to a pilots association that the pilot had tried to stop the vessel, tried to slow it down, drop anchor, but just couldn't get get it. the vessel under control in time, eventually leading to that collision >> so gabe, what do we know about the six victims of this terrible tragedy? >> well look. we are starting to learn more about them again, they were part of this construction crew that were part that we're filling potholes when all of this unfolded, they were on top of the bridge. word just couldn't reach them. look, it was a frantic scene, right? we talked about this yesterday. police got this, made a call, they managed to shut off traffic, but they were getting ready to head up onto the bridge, having stopped the flow of traffic onto it, knowing that there was a crew up there, but they only
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add a matter of seconds suddenly collapse and look, we are learning about some of these people. the information is very preliminary, but the devastation you can feel it from some of the groups that have come out and talk several of them are spanish speakers, mexican nationals of guatemala nationals, and again, we're still collecting information on that, but these were people with families, members of the maryland community, some of them for several years. and so it really is heartbreaking to hear about >> it is it is very, very much so. >> the >> secretary of transportation, pete buttigieg, was up on the scene on tuesday and he talked about the bridge itself, the port of baltimore, and how long it might take to get back to normalcy. watch what he said there is no question that this will be a major and protracted impact to supply chains. it's too soon to offer estimates on what it will take to clear the channel and reopen the port
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>> so game, this is an absolutely critical port two, so much of as he points out, the supply chain there. how is this going to impact the region in the country? >> well there's a significant impact. i mean, look first off for people in baltimore, we are talking about thousands of jobs that are at stake for those poor workers with operations they're basically frozen right now because of that massive portion of the bridge that has blocked this river, there are ships that are, have been stuck in chesapeake bay. and for those workers right now, there's not a lot of options. and so the federal government has said they're going to come in we know that the army corps of engineers is sending more than 1,000 personnel to start work on getting this bridge rebuilt and officials, they didn't really want to talk about hope that yesterday kasie, they really wanted to stay focused on the search and rescue, but things are obviously evolving today. their major implications are we know that a lot of those ships are going to move to other ports.
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they've already been heading further south into virginia and there could be serious economic impacts here. official so let's about that yesterday. the amount of cars that come off the line off some of these ships here at the port in baltimore. it's one of the biggest in the country, so yeah, major major issues there significant potential impacts on automakers who are going to have to scramble to adjust to this and whenever we see these pictures, you can obviously tell just what what a job lies ahead to try to get the port reopened, the bridge reopen for commuters. of course. as these families start to mourn the love, their loved ones, gabe cohen. thank you very much for your reporting. >> coming up next here. she's young and rich. what else? what else do we know about rfk juniors, newly minted running mate plus everybody deserves health care >> president biden, siding with
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protesters who had just cut him off there and the attorney general of texas cutting a deal in his security fraud case >> if you work in spaceflight, this is the worst possible thing that could ever happen >> my dad died doing what he loved >> space shuttle columbia. he final flight from your sunday, april 7 at nine on cnn >> we're building a better postal service all parts working in sync to move your business forward with the streamlined shipping network and new high-speed processing and delivery centers. >> for >> more value, more reliability and more on-time deliveries the united states postal service is built for how you business and how your business is with simple, affordable, and reliable shipping usps ground advantage kinda riva support your brain health.
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and less joint pain. >> and that means everything ask your dr. about how sky was he can come with your skin or joint symptoms. learn how api can help you save >> so would you get to nashville hot tenders and three mandarin orange tenders would three classic tenders for big butterfly shred four of a kind baby. >> i said always a competition. you can't handle the shrimps. >> see about that. yeah, we will. >> i'm natasha bertrand at the pentagon and this is cnn >> welcome back. the supreme court now tasked with ruling on its first abortion case. since overturning roe versus wade two years ago. yesterday, the high court heard arguments on whether to restrict access to the widely used abortion pill, mifepristone stone several justices, including some of the more conservative members, sounded skeptical >> you need a person, you need a person to be able to come in
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and meet the court's regular standing requirements. so who's your person? >> we've had one might call it a rash a universal injunctions or vacant years. and this case seems like a prime example of turning what could be a small lawsuit into a nationwide legislative assembly on on, an fda rule or any other federal government action. >> i'm worried that there is a significant mismatch in this case. between the claimed injury and the remedy that's being sought and that that might or should matter for standing purposes. >> all right. try me now to discuss this congressional reporter for the hill, michael no, michael. good morning. great. thank you. thanks >> so the most interesting part of this, i think i mean they really are just talking about not the merits of the case, necessarily. they are talking about whether or not the people
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who brought the case have standing which seemed to open the door to base typically give them away out of what is an incredibly potentially controversial decision about a political issue that certainly democrats view as like a cornerstone in this election year. what did you hear in these arguments yesterday and how does that play out as we face this election? yeah, it's looking at one of those offerings it's right that way that they can skirt off making this controversial decision and starting outcry because they don't want to meddle in this issue. it could then have implications for other fda rules and other drugs that are regulated by the fda and sort of set a precedent there. so we did see the justices cast some doubt which could lead to them not interfering in this fda rule, but in this is a nice massive implications for the 2024 election, regardless of what the ruling is over the summer, the court once again for the first time, as you mentioned, since roe taking up this issue of abortion rights, of reproductive robs, you mean since dobbs significant because
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we saw that that decision in the summer of 2022 had far-reaching locations for the down-ballot races in the midterm elections republicans were talking about this, having this red wave, particularly in the house that was blunted by better than expected returns from democrats in large part because the issue of abortion. so i think that regardless of how the justices rule on this case, when the decision comes out in june, this is going to be a good sign for demo crowds because they're gonna be able to campaign on it and message on it, regardless of what the outcome is and we've seen that republicans haven't really figured out messaging on this issue yet, and they'd been ruled on it by democrats. >> one thing michael, i mean, about this drug that we are short-handed, often as the abortion pill, it's also used extensively in health care around women who are dealing with miscarriages, women who are dealing with tragedies later on in a pregnancy where they need to find a safe as possible way to wind their way through that. i think one of the big picture themes is that the fall of roe via dobbs has
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sewn unintended consequences across the country and that is something the democrats have been able to point to, to say, look, they open the door to all of this and now there are major questions about whether women in louisiana, for example, can be cared for appropriately, just while they're pregnant. like forget if any of this other of these other things are on the table. it seems like this may fall into this category. 40 >> yeah. >> the pill access portion. yeah. and in addition to that, we're gonna be seeing a case before the supreme court. i believe it's next month. that's going to deal with well, if the life of the woman is in danger, can physicians perform an abortion to save the life of a mother? we've now seen the increased frequency of cases and legal entanglements surrounding abortion rights. reproductive freedom, following the dobbs decision. and this was something that the justices said themselves, it was in that conquered opinion. i don't recall which of the conservative justices it was who said next, we're going to be looking at contraceptives next could be marriage equality, mexican be looking at those other cases. it's sort of
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opened the floodgates to having these challenges. now, when you talk about it from a political glass spec, again, democrats have done a really good job of messaging on these issues. we saw it in 2022. we're already seeing it now. republicans have an exactly figured out how to make gains on it. so i think that republicans want to protect these rights. of course, at all costs, it's a cornerstone of their platform and of their campaigns. but the end of the day, keeping these issues in there headlines, it gives them a real leg up against republicans >> let's change gears slightly because while we're to talk about this in terms of the election terms of republicans versus democrats, we gotta reminder yesterday that is actually an a third-party candidate this time around could have significant impacts on what happens rfk junior named a running mate. i just want to remind the word that the democrats are using right now for rfk is spoiler, right? they've launched this whole team to try to push back against rfk's campaign. here's
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what rfk once said about that. >> art is a spoiler. i agree with >> this >> for president biden and for president trump >> what is your sense of which of those things is actually true? and what do you hear from members of congress who support either biden or trump about whether they think rfk juniors campaign is more likely to hurt the president or the former president no one is really thrilled with this third-party bid from rfk junior, other than rfk himself? supporters there. i mean, look 22016 was not too long ago when we saw jill stein sort of throw things off course with her third party bit. there are some real flashbacks. so what happened there and folks are concerned that there could be a replay of the 2016 debacle. this year because rfk junior is continuing his bid. now look in terms of whether he thinks thought he was it is a spoiler that and whether or not he's serious about his bid now, i don't know. i don't know what's going on in his head in terms of his strategy, but i do that both sides are
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not happy about this. you mentioned democrats, the dnc has launched an entire team to go against third-party candidates. we saw the trump campaign yesterday saying that rfk juniors no independent then nicole shanahan is some progress save liberal who is bringing onto his ticket. folks are not happy about this bid and i'll let you know. nicole shanahan, bring her on. she's a she she she has a lot of money. >> she can help >> pump cash into rfk juniors campaign, give him a lifeline as it continues to get on the ballot in all 50 states, this is not a good sign for both sides who are concerned that he could siphon support. >> i did think it was really interesting that the trump campaign and trump himself overnight on truth, social's attacking rfk junior is kind of a new development and shows that they view him as a little bit of a threat and thanks very much for being here this morning. i really appreciate it. >> are coming up next here. crews passengers who can't get back to shore because of the baltimore bridge collapse? so i'll tell you about that. plus alternatives to invading rafah, a top israeli official is in washington, is listening this
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79594061 >> call now there is no media personality >> business >> woman, celebrity chef leichhardt the mini lives of martha stewart now streaming being on macs >> all right, 23 minutes past the hour. here's your morning roundup. carnival cruises says, well, if it's baltimore operations to norfolk, virginia temporarily in the wake of the key bridge collapse, the company says that passengers will be bused back to baltimore when they arrive. president biden seeming to side with pro palestinian protesters who began shouting during his health care speech in north carolina on tuesday everybody deserves health care >> bye. now also said, quote, they have a point as the
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protesters were escorted out the texas attorney general, ken paxton striking a deal with prosecutors investigating him for felony securities fraud, will pay $300,000 in restitution and performed community service while taking ethics courses >> all right. time now for your morning weather or wet weather this morning as a cold front moves across the east coast, just as the coast guard is resuming recovery efforts for six victims in the baltimore bridge collapse. our meteorologists i can down has been tracking water temperatures and tides in the area. derek, what are they looking at as recovery efforts continue today >> yeah. good morning, kasie. this morning in baltimore, we do have a few showers moving through the area. the wind has picked up somewhat from yesterday at this time, water taps are staying relatively a consistent around 48 degrees. so upper 40s, current air temperature at 44 right now, and you can see on this radar, there are some showers building just to the west of the baltimore and dc suburbs. so
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we'll expect those to move in between 09:00 and 10:00 a.m. this morning, coastal flood advisory still in effect, high tide this morning around 8:00, 53 and then we'll start to see that reversal of the tide. here's the chesapeake bay so potential for some rip currents for the rescue operations, the recovery operations going forward so that it consider there's the rainfall in the forecast temperatures will top out into the lower '50s for the base. so this is part of a larger storm system, bringing rain to the east coast, maybe some stronger storms today across the eastern sections of florida, heavier rainfall into the carolinas particularly north carolina. and then you can see the wet weather over spreading new york all the way to boston showers today. but more so into the day tomorrow, there's a rainfall outlook. you can see heaviest rainfall again across the outer banks and into portions of north carolina because this low pressure continues to traverse the east coast, the rest of the country looking clear and cool and not so bad, but the good news about this forecasts all you spring breakers out, they're anticipating a break next week, including myself.
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we've got a warming trend and sunshine. so that's good news. >> okay, so there's some good news. we could use that. all right. are weatherman, derek van dam, derrick. thank you. i really appreciate it. >> okay. coming up next >> here, investigators getting ready to board the ship that took down the francis scott key bridge >> jazz are met and you put in the effort, >> but it starts to freeze >> you skipped a step >> trisomy silk zero, use before styling for three days of weightlessly smooth hair that sprays can't be i mean, it's resume keratin smooth collection >> 10,000 my next month, i >> we won't know unless we try right >> how long have we >> waited for something like >> this will have to alert suppliers, coordinate shipments already alerted already coordinated every supplier sees changes as they happen. >> since when can we just scale up mid-cycle since we brought in vdo people who know know vdo
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>> ask about velar and learn how abby can help you save welcome back to cnn this morning, a live look down the national mall, the washington monument. good morning. thanks for being with us. i'm kasie hunt >> federal investigators are set to begin >> boarding the container ship dali, the national transportation safety board says, they're planning you to collect evidence from the vessel, analyze the bridges structure, and examined debris that fell into the water >> anything that may have occurred prior to this, any sort of safety history with respect to the vessel, any sort of maintenance that was done to a vessel or component the vessel or component? on the ship, we will look at all of that >> all right, cnn's i've been watson joins us now from hong kong where he is out on the water. hong kong, of course, also a major port. ivan good morning to you at what do investigators hoped to learn
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here? >> right? well, they're gonna be looking at the safety >> record of the ship, of its crew, of its operating company, which is based out of singapore, the shipping question is the dali container ship we've been looking at ships like it steaming? through this channel all day, they are just massive and the dali is no exception. it's around 300 meters, just under 1,000 feet long. i mean, that's three football fields and it's not even considered one of the biggest of these kinds of ships that the world's trade relies so heavily upon. it can carry up to 10,000 containers but was carrying a cargo of about a more than 4,700 containers at the time of that deadly collision in baltimore, the operating company is called synergy marine, and it's based out of singapore, the singaporean mirror for time
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transport authorities. they say that the ship's crew, 22 indian nationals who were on board, and we're all okay after the collision, they did report a problem with propulsion onboard that vessel before it hit the bridge in baltimore. now, the ship itself, since so it was constructed in 2015. kasie. it's been inspected dozens of times according to marine industry statistics that we've looked at in september of last year, the us coast guard looked at it and found no problems with it but in june of 2023, officials in chile briefly held the vessels saying that there were problems with some of its gauges also having to do with its propulsion system. so that may be a link that investigators will have to look at as part of this investigation. i want to add one final detail. >> just >> last month, not far from where we are in the pearl river, that hong kong and this
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harbor leads to in the city of guangzhou chinese city, there was a different ship bridge disaster, a deadly one where a chinese cargo ship slammed into a bridge in the city of guangzhou, at least five people died. part of that bridge collapsed and corps vehicles were plunging off the edges of that bridge perhaps a coincidence that to deadly disasters like this happened only just about a month apart, but also maybe something thing that authorities around the world have to take a look at the size of these ships. they are just gargantuan and something that certainly the francis scott key bridge was not built for back in the '70s, kasie know, it certainly was not an ivan. i realized you guys are out. i'm wondering if that's container ship over for over your shoulder. it's this fabulous live shot. so thank you for bringing this to us. i know you're trying to give a sense a container ship kasie
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excellent. i its scale of it. >> i mean, just enormous >> it almost looks to be, it's like you look over your shoulder is like is it an island? is it a ship? i really appreciate yeoman is work out there, ivan. thank you >> all right. joining us now, councilwoman, a councilman, excuse me, for baltimore's fourth district, mark conway. mark. good morning. thank you so much for being here. i first just want to say we have all been thinking very much of your community. i really appreciate you spending some time with us this morning. >> thanks for having me, casey >> let me just start with what was going through your mind when you saw video of the collapse and what have you heard since as the families have tried to grapple with their grief? >> first, i'll say today is a very summer day here in baltimore and across the city. i think everyone feels pretty high incredibly sad for the
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victims and the families affected by the collapse of the bridge i think initially, folk folks including myself felt shock and disbelief to see the bridge fall into here are the circumstances of its collapse were still reeling after what happened and try to think about what this may mean to the area but it just a tough day today >> absolutely >> there are, of course, going to be ripple effect impacts across the community we've talked about psalm in terms of the impact on industry. but when you think about that, that actually has a major impact on workers, people who go to work every day at the porte, who need to put food on on their tables how are you thinking about those people? what they may need? are they going to be able to get through this period where the port is not going to be operational here for awhile. >> yeah this is something we
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absolutely need to get on top of immediately the port will still be operating to my understanding folks will be able to come in and out of the port, but cargo will not be able to make it to the port until we are able to clear the bridge and the area yeah >> they're >> still at this point, no telling how long that may take so i think we're trying to think long and hard about what that may take and we're very, very fortunate to have the full support of the president biden and secretary buttigieg to fix fix up that area and get back in business so councilman, we heard from a governor, wes moore last night. he talked a little bit about the strength of maryland, the strength of your community. i have family roots in the baltimore area. i've been a lifelong orioles fan all my life. so i was just listening to him talk about what it means to be part of the community and what's next.
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listen to what he had to say >> i have seen classic examples of what it means to be maryland tough. and i've seen classic example of what it means to be baltimore strong. we've watched a community rally we've watched the community that takes care of each other while today has been challenging and difficult for a lot of maryland most importantly, these families of the impacted families. we have also seen a lot of marylanders rally in a really beautiful way. >> it is a really tight-knit place. what are your reflections >> yeah, i couldn't agree more with government, more we've been incredibly fortunate to have the full support of multiple teams in the area, in the region and to see the federal, state, and local partners come together there are two immediately respond and to initiate the search i'm encouraged by what i've seen to date, and i expect that we'll see more collaboration and more
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of a very strong effort to get back, get back up and going so really, really fortunate to have all the folks that have come in dive teams from all over the region to respond quickly. i think we'll see everyone back at them very soon. >> councilmember what does it mean to not have this bridge be part of the baltimore skyline? it's pretty iconic >> he had this bridge represents so much, so much about the history of the city and this bridge was the location where we believe francis scott key wrote the star-spangled banner and this is a bridge that folks traverse every day to the tune of 30 plus thousand people so it's gonna be a significant hit to the region but i would say we are very fortunate to have strong partners that are going to be working incredibly hard.
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one to clear the area into being, begin immediately working on the rebuilding of this bridge. i think this is going to be an important time to reflect on the families and the folks who were lost in this accident >> and we're going to find ways technology those folks and rebuilding of this bridge, i would expect. but this is something that we're going to throw are full, full effort into as we look at what we're gonna do in the coming days and weeks all right. baltimore city >> councilman, mark conway at mark. thank you very much for being with us. i appreciate it >> thank you so much >> all right. us defense officials warning about the risks to civilians in gaza, israel invades rafah defense secretary lloyd austin, reportedly discussing alternatives to a ground operation with his israeli counterpart yesterday. earlier this week, israel pulled out of a scheduled trip to washington after the us allowed a ceasefire resolution vote to pass in the united nations, cnn's ben wedeman has the latest here, a ben. good
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morning to you. of course the israeli defense minister has significant political profile as well that makes these meetings significant here in washington. what are the alternatives they discussed and what is the meaning of his visit? >> well, what we understand is the alternatives and the united states is suggesting is that israel had, take a more precise targeting of hamas leadership in rafah, but more than anything else, i think what the americans are really worried about is that the fact that they're one million people who have taken refuge in rafah, which i've been there many times. it is not a large area. and so if there is a major is military operation, there, the americans are concerned that you will see a skyrocketing death toll ready? the death toll in gaza from 173 days of war is more than 30, 32,000 and
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we heard lloyd austin, the us defense secretary, saying that the civilian casualties in gaza is far too high. and the amount of aid getting into gaza is far too low. now, if there's going to be a military operation in gaza, the question is, how do you get all of those people? the 1.5 million people who've taken refuge there out of the way. and there really isn't much anywhere they can go. much of gaza has been destroyed if they go to the north where are they going to stay? the israelis don't seem to be able to answer. many of the questions that the americans are posing to them. kasie all right. >> ben wedeman for us on this story, ben, thank you very much for that come up next here are the dangerous conditions that forced divers out of the water while they were searching for key bridge survivors. plus a judge about to decide whether to disbar donald trump's former
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morikawa on 18. he is really boxed in here. -not a good spot. off the comcast business van. into the vending area. oh, not the fries! where's the ball? -anybody see it? oh wait, there it is! -back into play and... aw no, it's in the water. wait a minute... are you kidding me? you got to be kidding me. rolling towards the cup, and it's in the hole! what an impossible shot brought to you by comcast business. >> check >> we hear nothing.
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>> a space shuttle accidents usually not one thing to series of events is that part of the wing coming apart space shuttle columbia, he final flight or mere sunday, april 7 at nine on cnn >> close captioning is brought to you by skechers hands-free slip ends >> we talk on the phone hands-free. go hands-free to turn on our lights and now there's hands-free footwear hello, skechers, slip ends. we just slip in and their on try sketches, lipids >> what are you guys on the south side? what are you guys on the north side? hold all traffic one khyber is there's a ship approaching has just lost. their steering so they tell you that under control, we got out ball driver hey this, nice the. whole bridge as well. now start sar is whoever everybody, the whole bridge just last >> those were the moments just before and after the key bridge collapsed in baltimore yesterday. recovery operations in the khattab sco river are set to resume later on this morning the search for survivors was called off last
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night because of low visibility and dangerous conditions. and today, dive teams are expected to start the process of underwater mapping as cruz tried to assess the damage left behind so there's a lot of there's a lot of still underwater there's bridge deck underwater. there are a lot of hazards down there and will reach steps with the divers are literally feeling their way around so that has a lot to do with why the operation has ceased or the night that the course compounded by darkness >> jaime now is dave downey. he's former chief of miami-dade fire rescue. dave, good morning. thanks for being here >> good morning. thanks for having me. >> so can you just take us inside an operation like this? what is it like to do an operation like this in the water under these conditions? >> well, i think the challenge now is making sure that we keep the rescue are safe they have made the decision to transition
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into the recovery mode and the goal obviously is to bring closure to those families who have lost loved ones. and so you want to use everything available able to you to keep it safe for the rescuers as we just heard previously, you have complex dive conditions. so you're going to want to dive in the daylight hours as best you can. so you have a little bit improved visibility and take the time to methodically map out the search area so that you can have a reasonable grid to search >> can you walk me through what that mapping effort looks like? like how do you generate a map like that? >> well, it's going to be in two phases. i know they're using side-scan sonar to help kind of map out the underside of the bottom of the waterway and divers will literally take compass headings and based on their visibility and the size of the area that they can see,
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go back and forth in kind of a linear line pattern creating search grids >> so once that's established what are the biggest obstacles as they tried to search through? the wreckage mean, how do they grapple with the debris field and potentially the current as well that flows through this. it's a tidal current r12 that's going to be part of their assessment is trying to do most of their work during the slack >> tides in-between the tides and monitoring that and then they're going to be going under and around and over this debris field most of that is going to be settled, but it's not stable. and so some of it is going to have to be removed. and it's going to be a very slow methodical process. you've got so much debris piled up down there that it's going to
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be very difficult to get in and around all of it without trying to start removing some of it >> dave, you mentioned it's gonna be a long process and i think this is something that we've heard officials like people are judged the transportation secretary try to speak to your experience i'm not sure if you've worked on something this big that's significant is there something smaller that you worked on that could provide a comparison? i mean, how long does it usually take to clear something like this >> well, i have i have not worked on anything such as this in the water. obviously, my experience comes from structural collapse. i am a rescue diver and have worked in blackwater dive conditions and rescue i've settings but the complexity is drawing a parallel to the surfside collapse just slowly d layering the structure. in this case slowly removing the debris in order to continue the search
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operations. unfortunately, it's not something you can easily move by hand and so it's going to take time to get that done. do first map everything out there with access the areas that they can access as best that they can hopefully they can recover those victims easily but they're going to have to essentially until all that debris is removed and everything has been checked in and around. they're going to continue to work >> all right. dave downey for us. dave, always grateful for the service of a first responders like yourself. certainly, those first responders in baltimore bringing unfortunately, i hope is lost, but maybe some closure to those families in baltimore. i really appreciate your time this morning >> thanks for having me, casey >> all right. time now for sports, the lakers rally to beat the bucks and a double overtime thriller without lebron james, andy scholes has this morning police report and
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good morning. >> good morning. case you did not well, good for the lakers last ipad know the broad as he was sitting out with an injured ankle, they are playing in milwaukee against giannis in the box and they were down 19 with 8.5 to go for it. austin reset. well, they had a choice two, things you can do. you get you get fold and go to the next to memphis tomorrow you could man faced the challenge head on it's a mental thing when it gets to that point, you've got to just bear down and just show what you're made of you know, i've i've been forced to do that my whole career so when it comes to this is just the same thing >> the lakers vivid up forcing overtime and no tie. the game was tied. damian lillard going for the wind, but anthony davis, the block their at a monster game, 34 points, 23 routes, plate 52 minutes and reaves certainly didn't man up in this when he had his second career triple double and made that breathe air at 38 seconds left in double ot to give la the lea lakers was when 12081
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24 elsewhere the nashville predators extending their points greek to 18 straight games last night, but it wasn't easy. they were down four to one in the third of the gold knives for storming back to stop nyquist, the power play goal here ties it at four. we'd go to overtime and then there was roman yossi is going to weave is way, it is a win in five to four >> nashville, they haven't lost in regulation. february all right. a day after holding a press conferences to explain the gambling scandal with his former interpreter, shohei ohtani, made his return to angel stadium for the first time as a member of the dodgers angels fans, given the two-time american league mvp, a standing ovation after a video tribute for his first day back and ohtani, he went oh, for two in the exhibition game and check out though reflexes though of angels third base coach erik young about ball company. here's away. their the bottom of this seven year-old hitting the deck there are some nice reflexes for very young.
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>> all right, by the nfl lately revamping how kick offs are going to look next season. so the kicker is still going to stick kick from that 35 yard line, but the other ten players are going to line up on the opposite 40 yard line just five yards away from the receiving team. now, none of those players can move until the ball hits the ground or the returner catches it and kickers they're now going to have to kick that ball into what's being called the landing zone between the 20 yard line and end-zone because they can't just blasted through the end zone anymore because a touchback is going to result in the ball being place at the 35 yard line. >> this new rule >> is hopefully going to help reduce violent collisions that results in concussions also kick offs in case you've not going to be thrown away plays anymore like they were last year. and i mean, they were returned only about 22% of the time last season, which is a record low, is a boring play as i go kick off, it's going to be a touch back. hopefully that won't be the case anymore. it'll be interesting to see how
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this goes and christmas is your kc, it's on wednesday, the nfl, so there's still going to have games even though it's going to be on a wednesday okay but that's kinda look really strange. not going to lie. i >> i'm going to use do for me. >> it's certainly going to take the time to get used to. it's almost going to be like its own, like running play because of how close the players are going to be at the kickoff, it'll be fascinating yeah. >> i'm >> all for it because kick offs for boring last year yeah. that's fair enough. also, andy, i will say caroline, i were very worried about you after you didn't appear here at five in the morning after houston's very narrow win. so very happy to see your healthy and i wanted smoke games of my life case, he wants the cougars pulling not one or a&m. i mean, for the five-star to spelled out one. >> of the reps doing come on. >> yeah. no, i hear you. good luck to you. i'll morrow, i hope. >> all right. coming up next here on cnn this morning, donald trump wants to make america pray again for the low, low price of 59, 99 all
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