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tv   The Situation Room With Wolf Blitzer  CNN  March 27, 2024 12:00am-1:00am PDT

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>> now the time serfaty in washington in this is cnn property. >> now, breaking news and active search by air land, and sea for at least six people missing after a major baltimore bridge was rammed by a cargo ship and collapsed into the water cnn tbs are on the scene as the rescue operation and the investigation unfold. also tonight, most of the us supreme court appeared skeptical about imposing a nationwide abortion pill ban. we're breaking down
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the oral arguments and the justices questions in the most significant abortion case since roe versus wade was overturned. and the judge in donald trump's hush money case just imposed a gag order on the former president as the criminal trial is set to begin in less than three weeks, the judge blasted trump for his history of making threats and personal attacks against jurors. and court officials welcome to our viewers here in the united states and around the world i'm wolf blitzer, a urine the situation room the skis, cnn, breaking news. >> tonight, federal and local authorities say the investigation into the baltimore bridge collapse is getting underway, but their first priority right now is the search for the missing cnn's pete muntean is in baltimore following this breaking story for us, pete, where does the search? rescue operation stand
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this hour wolf were about one hour till sunset here in baltimore, which will no doubt complicate the search and rescue operation here, we know from officials that 22 members of the crew of mv0 dali are safe, but six crew who were on on board the key bridge are still missing tonight. they were repairing potholes and doing deck repair work. and that is so significant because the search and rescue operation continues and they had maybe only seconds warning before disaster here tonight, the catastrophic collision and bridge collapse outside of baltimore remains a search and rescue mission with several people still unaccounted for >> we chose not to board the vessel today to allow some time for the search and recovery which we didn't not want to interfere with. >> investigators have new questions about the final moments before the crippled
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container ship dali veered off course and into baltimore's key bridge, the 911 calls to stop traffic frantic as steel and concrete plunged into the potassium go river below >> entire feverish in the harbor. i advised to hold all traffic from committing to the bridge. i advise again, higher team for its has fallen into the harbor >> officials say the dali said sale at 12:28 a.m. under the command of a port of baltimore pilot who boards large ships as they navigate the 700 foot wide channel security the video shows minutes before the impact, the lights on board, the dali shut off twice, then the bow swung right, briefed by the coast guard, maryland congressman dutch troopers berger says the crew experienced power issues and a loss of propulsion with alarms on the bridge blaring. the preliminary investigation points to an accident. we haven't seen any credible evidence of a terrorist attack. >> key to investigators will be
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the ship's black box mandated by international law, a voyage data recorder captures parameters like heading, speed, and water depth, as well as the condition of the engines, thrusters, and rudder the recorder also captures crew conversations on the bridge. key to investigators probing what caused the crew to apparently lose control. >> it will be critical. it's a critical piece of our investigation, which is why we have a recorders team here are the latest data shows the dali was traveling at a speed of eight knots, roughly 90 miles per hour asked enough to trigger a disaster that could have been much worse. >> undoubtedly >> that made a call from the ship, saved countless lives. so i mean, there have been collapsed as a bridges and the united states where there wasn't mayday call and obviously many vehicles went into the water the national transportation safety board there investigators are hanging back right now as to not hamper the search and rescue operation >> here, they don't want to get
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involved with that. that means they have not been able to recover the data recorder on-board the mv dali also means they've been able to verify the reports that the dali lost power before colliding with the key bridge here, the ship was flagged out of singapore and officials there say that the mv dali dropped at least one of its anchors in a desperate attempt to avoid disaster here. >> well pete muntean reported for us, pete, thank you very much. i want to take a closer look right now at how this disaster played out. see there's time forming is joining us. he's over at the magic wal, walk us through what we know about the ships pass path. we know that it wasn't very long to begin with. it had just left from here in baltimore, please call breezy, point. it had left here and it came out and turned under the guidance of two tugboats. now i want to go to a different version with a satellite tracker here and explain what you're seeing being as it starts out here. the ship is the red line here. there are two blue lines traveling with those of the tugboats watch what happens is it moves forward the tugboats split away, the ship keeps coming.
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now, importantly, by the time it gets here shortly before it gets here. you see this tug boat has turned and is already coming back to rejoin the ship that happens just a moment before it gets here. so that seems to be a reaction to this call that there is some trouble coming. and then of course right after this happens, once it gets up here and that tugboats starts coming back then you see other boats are coming in as well as soon as they hear about the impact, trying to offer some kind of aid, no doubt >> so that's what >> we know about this. what we also know now is if you look at this, what we've talked about a little while ago was the idea of pete was mentioned, the idea of the heading of the ship if you look at this course on satellite tracking of it, one of the things you notice is that there's a little jog, right there. >> this would >> be maybe about a half-mile before the bridge. if you compare it to nautical guides if you kept going straight this way, just perfectly straight you would be more like here
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this is the channel that they're supposed to be in so this would have been where the shift occurred, why it occurred? we don't really know, but we do know that if the warning came out here a half-mile away, maybe three minutes. but listen to the radio traffic wasn't enough >> what do you guys in the south side, what do you guys on the north side? hold all traffic. one key bridge there's a ship approaching has just lost their c-ring. so they tell you that under control, we ask that all traffic hey, this is the whole bridge just well now start. sorry. whoever everybody the whole bridge. just last so you see wolf there. it seems like a small amount, but out there in the open water, this is like a highway that it should be on end. it was on it to begin with, the channel they're supposed to follow. this is exactly where it goes somewhere. it changes wolf.
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>> it's interesting time because the video of the ship just before it hits that bridge is pretty revealing. yeah, it really is. if you look at the video of the crash itself, you see another slight turn right at the annual really quite be able to see it here because you have to watch it for a little bit of time. but there's another slight turn, right before it reaches the bridge here, pete talked about the notion that an anchor had been dropped at some point here yeah, there is a sign of an anchor chain down, but i will point out that the anchor chain that is down here is on the port side of the ship. if it caught on that side, it should have technically pulled it back toward the channel, but it went away from the channel an awful lot more syllabi figured out what exactly why this happened. wolf, and how it happened yeah. >> heartbreaking to see >> that bridge collapsed >> especially for those of us who have gone over that bridge so many times over the years. tom. form. and thank you very, very much joining us now. senator chris van hollen, he's a democrat from maryland, senator. thank you so much for joining us in our heart goes out to your community on this
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very tragic day. first of all, senator, what are you hearing? about where the search and rescue efforts stand right now for the six construction workers who are still unaccounted for, they were on top of the bridge. they were fixing potholes. and as you know, a lot of these workers work overnight because there's a lot less traffic on the roads well, that's right. well, it is a tragic day here in baltimore and like you, i've been over this bridge, many, many times. we are still hoping and praying for the six workers. and their loved ones. the search and rescue operation is ongoing. i just saw a helicopter fly by. we have the coast guard here. we have the state police here, we have the baltimore city police here. so the effort goes on to search for those who are missing >> can you clarify, senator, if there were any additional vehicles or people for that matter on the bridge when it collapsed >> so wealth to the best of my
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information, there were no vehicles on the bridge other than those vehicles associated with the construction workers, those construction workers? who were there, eight of them. and we're still looking for the six, but because of a real heads-up by some of the bridge authority of folks they stopped traffic, they got that mayday signal from the ship in time to prevent a new traffic from coming onto the two bridge, which was a lifesaving measure and heads-up work by those individuals certainly is a we are grateful to them. you spoke senator with president biden today. i know that he's assuring all of us that the federal government will fully pay for rebuilding this important bridge how are you working with congress right now to start to accomplish that goal >> while you're right, i did speak to the president shortly before he spoke to the nation and secretary of
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transportation, pete buttigieg was here. the first thing we want to access is something called the emergency relief fund, which has an existing file fund within the federal highway administration. the state of maryland needs to submit some of its requests. i'm sure they will do that promptly and that will help allow that money to flow to the state of maryland that will not be enough to finish the job in terms of rebuilding the bridge that will be long and expensive so we will be working center card and myself and the delegation have already been in communication with other of our colleagues in the senate, will work with the house i hope we can move something on an emergency basis we faced a similar situation nationally around 2007, 2008 in minneapolis we hope the country will come together and support baltimore at this time. >> so, so critically important, senator, how much could this potentially strain maryland's economy and even the broader us
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economy for that matter. let's steps are you taking united support, immediate help for people whose livelihoods have been affected? >> while well, if you're exactly right, this is the immediate issue beyond the search and rescue is opening up that channel that the ship was supposed to be going through because the ship is stuck there. there's debris in the channel. and that is put a stop temporarily really to the port of baltimore. i understand there are about four ships in the port that can't get out. i understand there were about 20 ships that were waiting to come in. so until we clear that channel, the port of baltimore, it can operate and that they're there thousands of workers at the port of baltimore, just the folks who are unloading, offloading the ships and then tens of thousands more depend on what is one of the most vibrant ports in the country. the biggest port for automobiles, rolling on and
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rolling off and other kinds of cargo so this is the most pressing issue after search and rescue to get that channel open. that's why the army corps of engineers here. that's why the president has also asked the navy to look at what assets they can bring to bear on that on that issue. so we can get ships getting through that channel again. >> yeah. so so important and all these ships that are made, whether in germany or france, or italy, or the uk, they almost all come through baltimore, but that's closed at least for now. senator chris van hollen and marilyn. thank you very much for that update. good luck to all the folks. there. just ahead the us supreme court weighs that ban on a widely used abortion pill were digging into today's arguments for clues about are the justices might rule plus donald trump now faces a gag order in his new york hush money case. what it could mean for the criminal trial. that's >> everybody wants super
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nationwide ban on a medication used in more than half of all abortions here in the united in states are chief legal affairs correspond to paula reid is taking a closer look >> hundreds of protesters gathered on the steps of the supreme court today as the justices considered the most significant abortion case, since they overturned roe v wade this case focuses on expanded access to mifepristone, one of two drugs typically used in the process known as medication abortion, which accounts for roughly two-thirds of abortions in the us. but during tuesday's arguments a majority of the justices appeared likely to maintain the expanded access to the drug which was first approved by the fda in 2000. >> we've had, one might call it a rash of universal injunctions or vacant years. in this case seems like a prime example of turning what could be a small lawsuit into a
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nationwide legislative assembly on an fda rule or any other federal government action shortly after roe was overturned, a conservative group of anti-abortion doctors and advocates, sued the fda over its approval of mifepristone and the case now focuses on fda approval of expanded access to the drug but during the hearing, justices from across the ideological spectrum press the group challenging the drug as to whether it had standing or the right to bring the case, asking their lawyer about what harm group faced. >> may i ask ms holly about your basic theory of standing i mean, you're just saying even fda admits that they are going to be sunnah adverse events. people are going to show up in emergency rooms. people are going to come face-to-face with
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one of our doctors who objects to some aspect of the treatment just to confirm >> on the >> standing issue under federal law, no doctors can be forced against their consciences to perform or assist in an abortion, correct? >> justice ketanji brown jackson pressed on why the group believes restricting everyone's access to the drug is necessary given the doctors can raise religious objections under federal law. >> i mean, it makes perfect sense for the individual doctors to seek an exemption but as i understand it, they already have that and so what they're asking for here is that in order to do prevent them from possibly ever having to do these kinds of procedures everyone else should be prevented from getting access to the this medication. so why isn't that plainly overbroad
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scope of the remedy, the end of this case we expect this decision to come in late june. of course, that'll be the heart of the presidential campaign season. so whatever the justices designed to do here could play a factor in that critical race as you know, after roe was overturned, democrats have used abortion. to galvanize their supporters of former president trump has taken credit for row being overturned he's also said, look, there have to be some concessions because we want to win elections. >> wolff, sorry, paula. thank you. paula reid reporting, i want to bring incident legal analysts carry cordero right now and see them medical correspondent, meg tirrell, carrie, let me start with you. what's your takeaway from today's oral arguments that we heard? >> well, i wonder whether the justices are ever going to actually get to the merits of the case because it sounded from the argument today that they're inclined to potentially just rule on standing. that is whether the group of doctors who brought the case even has justification to bring this lawsuit at all.
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and the justices, several of the justices it says across the spectrum, really were pointing to that particular issue, questioning whether or not these doctors can demonstrate that they're harmed at all by the fact that this medication is available to women across the country, indeed, >> mega or medical correspondent mifepristone was approved as we heard by the the fda, what 24 years ago in two, in 2000, how widespread is the use of this drug right now? >> well, it's increasingly widespread. it accounts were 63% of all abortions that were obtained in the united states in 2023, there are more than 1 million abortions that years. that's more than 600,000 people who are accessing this medication. this is one of two that are using this regimen mifepristone in my is a prostitute. they've been around since 2000. their efficacy is 95 to 98%. and in terms of serious risks that occur to patients taking this medication, it's about 0.3% that they've seen in major clinic. my major studies as we all know, carry the court has
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already overturned roe versus wade. so why potentially could this decision be different? >> well, this decision is incredibly important in light of the fact that they in the dobbs case, they overruled. roe versus wade and kasie, the follow-on case because this is the mechanism medical abortion based on listening to the statistics that mega citing this is the method through women, through which women all across the country still can obtain this option given the fact that state, in certain states now obtaining a surgical abortion is not possible. sable the gravity of this particular decision. and i think this is one of the things that justice gorsuch was pointing out in the piece that paula highlighted, which was that in this case, you've got a few doctors who bring this litigation. and yet the district court issued a nationwide injunction preventing potentially preventing ting access to the medication for women all across the country and justice gorsuch
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is question and i think point that he was trying to make in the oral argument was that this should just be a small litigation case not something that potentially affects women all over the country. >> oh, ruling against mifepristone impact the availability of medication abortion, there's medication, abortion, and there's surgical abortion. >> of >> course. >> and what's really interesting right now, of course, is you're just talking about the impacts of overturning roe v. wade, which presumably returned to the decision about abortion access to the states. but what this would do is actually impose a restriction on access to medication, abortion across all states. so right now we know there are 14 states that have banned abortion almost completely where people are not supposed to be able to access medication abortion. we know they potentially can through certain means other also 15 states that have restrictions. but if the supreme court were to agree with the appeals court, this would re-implement restrictions on how people can access medication, abortion in all states it would not necessarily remove it from the market, but it could make it harder to get through things like telemedicine, which is increasingly important, very
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important that you guys thank you very, very much. meg tirrell, carry cordero appreciate it. >> we're >> to take a closer look at donald trump's new gag order just ahead of his hush money trial and whether he'll abide by a plus will share the first response from an attorney for sean diddy combs after the federal raids on his properties space shuttle columbia, the final flight premieres sunday, april 7 at nine on cnn >> and important message for
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by cnn senior justice correspondent evan perez, along with former federal prosecutor on kush khardori. i've and what does this mean for trump? >> well, wolf, it means that he has to watch what he says >> the judge >> pointed out that there was an uncontested record. he said if for him it establishes a sufficient risk to the administration of justice and what he was doing is not only referencing the previous statements of the former president in some of his other legal cases, but he was paying close attention after yesterday's hearing where the former president went and he spoke to the media at 40 wall street. i'll read you some of what the judge wrote. he says his statements were threatening inflammatory, denigrating, and the targets of his statements ranged from local and federal officials, court and court staff, prosecutors and staff assigned to the cases and private individuals, including grand jurors performing their civic duty. he raised particularly concerned about witnesses will of course that includes stormy daniels, who this case revolves around. and
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of course, michael cohen, who the former president, has repeatedly attacked >> the >> judge, goes on to say, notably within within hours of the court appearance on march 25th, setting the trial date in of april. april 15, 2024. the defendant targeted and indiv individual prosecutor assigned to this case. that's matthew colangelo's who is a prosecutor who has been leading this case. the clear implication here is that he has to see since attacks against people like mathy colangelo's he can however attack the judge and the district attorney, alvin bragg. >> interesting, you don't crush your former federal prosecutor. do you see this gag order in this particular case appropriate >> i'm actually generally not a big fan of gag orders. >> are >> restrictions on the speech of criminal defendants in the run-up to a trial. in this particular the killer case, though it is hard to argue with the judges assessment, trump has largely walked himself into this position through this series of inflammatory statements he made across all of these cases. and a judge,
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obviously, he has an overriding imperative, which is to make sure that this trial is decided appropriately. within the confines of the courtroom and not as a result of some truth, there's something that trump sends out attacking someone. so it's in line with the other gag orders that have been implemented. so i would expect it to stay in place subject to any kind of attack you might try. >> we'll see how that unfolds. >> as we know, there have been other >> gag orders against trump night in early well, your legal cases seems to have ignore them. what happens if he ignores him this time? >> look, i mean, you can have a resolution like for example, in judge engoron's case, where the previous civil case where he was fined a couple of times for violating a gag order. he's been warned in the federal case here in washington, dc he the case overseen by by judge tanya tanya chutkan. so i think there's gonna be a great reluctance by judges to take the ultimate punishment, which is to throw him behind bars, right? that is a thing that we've seen done in other
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cases. but i think you're gonna see, uh, judges really, really try to make sure that he abides by these rules that most defendants have no trouble abiding by >> kim trump, appeal his lawyers appeal this gag order. >> he can certainly try. i mean, he's a big fan of trying to appeal things even when they're ordinarily not appealed. and even though he has a i would say pretty low odds of success, he does have a political objective appear too. so even fighting over this in the courts may ultimately be something is quite happy to do because it furthers his narrative of being attacked in restrained by process. >> get a lot of experience in this area. what does this gag order suggest, if anything, to you? about how the judge is likely to approach the trial. that's coming up next month. >> well, it sounds like the judge wants to hold them on a pretty tight leash for lack of a better word and to make sure that this trial proceeds in an orderly way without a lot of circus and nonsense outside the courtroom or digitally in the online sphere, see what happens. i'm crushed. khardori. thank you very much. evan perez. thanks to you as
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well. just ahead, we're getting the first response from an attorney for sean diddy combs after the federal raids on his homes i'm going to share that with you right after a quick one at university of maryland global campus, getting a bachelor's degree doesn't have to mean starting from scratch. here, you can earn up to 90 undergraduate credits for relevant experience. what will your next success speaks >> if you're about to replace your roof, stop, here's a solution that's a fraction of the cost roof max guarantee to extend the life of your roof up to 15 years at fraction of the cost of a new roof, muth max's scientifically proven bio oil restores flexibility and water protection to strengthen, and extend the life of your roof. >> they applied the first treatment and fall of 2016, and many of our neighbors who have had their throughs replaced, that are rufus get of time. so we're very thankful to.
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our, there's breaking news that attorney for wrapper and producer sean diddy combs is maintaining his innocence in the >> first public statement since yesterday's federal raids on his homes in florida and california. cnn security correspondent josh campbell is joining us now from los angeles with bohr. josh give us the latest now, we'll fall an attorney for sean combs blasting thorugh, a federal agents who were at both residences yesterday in miami and here in >> los angeles, blasting what they're calling a show of force by armed tzachi cool agents, the attorney describing this as a witch-hunt, saying that this was a gross overuse of military-level force. still he says that combs is cooperating with investigators. i'll read you part of the statement. he goes on to say neither mr. combs nor any of his family members have been arrested nor has their ability to travel been restricted in any way. there has been no finding of criminal or civil liability with any of these allegations. mr. combs is innocent and will continue to
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fight every single day to clear his name. of course both the law enforcement action that that attorney is criticizing involve dozens of federal agents showing up yesterday at these residences. this team of federal agents, wolf, responsible for investigating very serious federal crime thanks sean diddy combs, music mogul now the target of a federal investigation carried out by a team that specializes in human trafficking crimes. two homes belonging to combs, one in los angeles and one in miami beach were searched monday according to a law enforcement source briefed on the investigation. a second law enforcement source familiar with the search warrants tell cnn agents were authorized to search his homes for documents, phones, computers, and other electronic devices armed vehicles descended on the property simultaneously. a precaution related to armed private security teams employed by combs. his homes were searched by hsi, the principal investigative arm of the department of homeland security, with personnel stationed across the globe,
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which specializes in countering human trafficking focused both on rescuing victims and identifying and prosecuting suspected traffickers. this investigation coming on the heels of several civil lawsuits. >> all of them were incredibly graphic accusing diddy of rape grooming, sexual assault drugging women there's a lot of similarities in these lawsuits. >> one of those from a former girlfriend, cassandra ventura, who goes by the stage named cassie, alleging rape and physical abuse, was settled in november and december statement combs responded to the claims and all the lawsuits, saying sickening allegations have been made against me by individuals looking for a quick payday. let me be absolutely clear. i did not do any of the awful things being alleged. cassius attorney responding to monday's searches and the investigation, hopefully this is the beginning of a process that will hold mr. combs responsible for his depraved conduct. another lawsuit filed in february by a former employee, producer rodney jones, who goes by the stage name lil rod, accusing
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think combs of, among other things, sexual assault. the musician was not an either home at the time. his whereabouts still unknown. >> this is a huge stain on his reputation to say the least. in this really feels like a fall from grace for one of the biggest stars and moguls in the music world >> now of course, wolf, the big question, what, if anything, did investigators find at either residents at a miami and here in los angeles and how might that information factor into this ongoing we will investigation that's right now, wolf investigators aren't saying all right. >> josh campbell reported verse, thanks for all that. let's bring an attorney and legal affairs commentator or riva martin right now. a river. what's your read on this defiance statement from diddy's lawyer? >> well, it's something that i expected and what when you look at the statement that diddy himself made in december, he has been pretty consistent in his statements that these allegations against him are not true, and that these individuals that have filed lawsuits are doing so only to
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try to extort money from him. that was one of the statements that was made after jones the producer, filed his lawsuit in february. so i think it's consistent with what we're hearing from combs is legal team >> where does this investigation or riva go from here? could did he actually be criminally charged anytime soon in this federal sex trafficking probe? >> well, what can we do know wolf is that in order for this law enforcement agency to rate both of his homes in a way that they did. they had to get a warrant and to get that warrant, they had to present a probable cause statement before a magistrate judge, so they had to produce some evidence that they were going to find evidence, of criminal activity in his homes. otherwise, they would not have been able to get those search warrants. so we do know despite not hearing directly from these law enforcement agents, that clearly there is a criminal investigation underway and that they believed that there would be evidenced of crimes in one
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or both of these homes. and if you read that rodney jones lawsuit, it is replete with very, very serious and salacious allegations including allegations that combs had cameras throughout his homes where he videotaped himself and others having sexual activity with sex workers and some cases even underage girls. so there are some very serious allegations that have been made against sean combs out of previous lawsuits against diddy alleging sexual misconduct, possibly inform this new investigation? >> well, you know one thing what that was always curious was as the civil lawsuits were being filed, the question was always looming as to whether these same individuals making a claims and civil lawsuits were also talking to law enforcement agents. if you are claiming in a civil lawsuit that you've been raped, that you've been a drug that you've experienced sexual assault one would imagine that you've also made
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those same complaints to some local district attorney, fbi, or some law enforcement agency. so i'm not surprised. i don't think many people are surprised that there is some criminal investigation that is running parallel to the civil lawsuits, particularly when you look at this nature of the allegations and again, their allegations nothing has been proven in court, but they are very serious allegations. >> as they are. do you expect their rava we may actually hear from diddy himself anytime soon i do not think so. he gave that statement on social media in december, but now that his homes have been rated by federal agents, i don't think we're going to hear anything from him. we will continue perhaps a here through his attorneys, his continued denial of the allegations that have been made against him, but i have to imagine that his lawyers are telling him but anything he says that this momi could be used against him if these criminal charges ultimately result in some kind of prosecution and trial. so i
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do not expect that we will hear anything from him either in person or on social media, or river martin, thanks for that analysis, really appreciated coming up president biden and vice president harris or touring, are touting obamacare right now in north carolina, why democrats are bending healthcare is a winning issue. to help them turn that state blue in november >> cnn the world's news can the riva support your brain health, >> mary janet, hey eddie, know appraiser, franck. franck, bread. how are you? fred, fuel up to >> seven brain health indicators, including your memory, joined the new riva brain health challenge like again, time. >> 60% of misguide >> and >> it's not just sports tickets. also concerts oh again. time last-minute tickets, lowest price guaranteed.
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persistent. they've tried to repeal it 50 times, not a joke >> democrats are. optimistic they can flip the state after donald trump narrowly carried it back in 2020 cnn's dianne gallagher has this report on the crucial battleground president joe biden and vice president kamala harris, making a rare joint appearance in battleground north carolina. >> i see if here's your health care as a right. >> tuesday's stop in raleigh to talk about health care in a state that only expanded medicaid last year is just the latest sign of ramped up efforts from the biden campaign in the tar heel state bar, concerned with john, a very lucky that we're getting to see that this early in the campaign >> anderson clayton chair was in north carolina democratic party says, democratic voter priorities are clear >> education jobs in health care. health care, abortion is health care access, right? >> biden campaign officials are calling north carolina a critical piece of his passing to reelection. >> one >> of the fastest-growing states in the nation with
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exploding diverse populations in cities and suburbs of charlotte and raleigh it's investing early with state-level staffing, spending time and money. >> here biden has been up with ads on air in north carolina since the start of the campaign. >> on joe biden. and i approve this message, >> the best is when they start cranking it up. but republicans like strategist jonathan felt, who advises the super pac supporting gop gubernatorial nominee mark robinson believes that the early investment is actually a sign of weakness i think the fact the president and vice president have come here in march, the reflection of they know they've got a base voter problem. >> north carolina has been something about white whale at the presidential level for democrats, the so-called swing-state has only swung to the democrats once since jimmy carter in 1976 and the party has been unsuccessfully trying to recreate that 2008 obama campaign magic ever since. in 2020, biden came close, losing to donald trump by just about one point. it was trump's
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slimmest victory on the map. >> biden's campaign here got started late in 2020. i think they finally had organizers on the ground late june, late july we've got people that are coming out to canvasses right now that hadn't knocked doors since 2008 >> now the trump campaign doesn't yet have advanced staff on the ground, though he did make a campaign stop in greensboro days before the march 5 primary. but felt isn't worried nothing to lay up in 2024. i don't think for either party, but i think trump has the significant banners felt believes one of those advantages is a competitive down-ballot, even though the state often splits tickets, the governor's race between the current democratic attorney >> general, josh stein. and republican lieutenant governor robinson is expected to be tight, popular with the gop. robinson's long list of past bigoted and inflammatory remarks it made national headlines. >> mark robinson and donald trump, they helped turn out democrat votes and joe biden, uh, josh stein, they helped turn out republicans. but the difference is mark robinson or donald trump. they really helped turnout republican votes as well. but when we cooper, >> that twice elected term
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limited democratic governor believes the republican candidates will turn off the unaffiliated and moderate voters that both sides are chasing. republicans >> have nominated a real slew of extreme candidates for governor attorney general, superintendent of public schools that are probably the most extreme slate in the country in wilson, a purple patch in the swing state, we found undecided voters like generous king, who voted for trump in 2020. but it's open to hearing what biden has to say about health care in the economy. >> if he sticks his, where is esm? lot of words and big shoes the field when it comes? no carolina know kalina, they believe in action so >> health care was a top issue for letizia perez to along with education and immigration. uh, once biden now undecided voter, she's underwhelmed with what she's seen so far. are >> i wish it would have been >> enough for me to say, hey, >> you know what, i got you this time but i don't i don't
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know. >> i'm >> not even boat i'm just waiting and seeing and watching and see, you know, listening to what's going on. >> now, both harris and biden attended a high-dollar fundraiser here in raleigh tonight as well, republicans in north carolina insist that donald trump is taking their states seriously and they point to his recent hand-picked elevation of the ncgop hare to the republican national committee, leading that as well as along with his north carolina native daughter-in-law . now, look, they also point to path polling that had donald trump ahead in the state, but wolf a marist poll conducted this month found there was no clear leader between the two of them. one thing that is clear is that both sides believed that the path to the white house likely leads, but likely goes through north carolina good point dianne gallagher. thank you. coming up >> nbc news >> just took action in response to the backlash from its on-air talent over the hiring of former rnc chair ronna
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>> you have no idea. i had no idea >> i'm evan perez and washington. >> and this is cnn >> this justin to cnn, nbc news has ousted former rnc chair ronna mcdaniel just days after hiring her as a paid political analyst cnn's senior media reporter, oliver darcy is joining us right now. oliver, what more could you tell us? >> that's right wolf than mcdaniel mess is over her ouster from nbc news coming after an unprecedented on-air rebellion from nbc's top anchors over ronna mcdaniel is role in subverting democracy in 2020. i want to read to you he wolf a statement that just went out from nbc news group chair cesar conde in the note to sent to staffers, he says, after listening to the legitimate concerns of many of you, i have decided that ronna mcdaniel will not be an nbc news contributor. no organization, particularly a newsroom, can succeed unless it is cohesive
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