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tv   Laura Coates Live  CNN  March 26, 2024 8:00pm-9:00pm PDT

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chase a car, made it easy. when you go for something big like this, your kids seeded and they believe they can do the same earn on limited 1.5% cash back to duckduckgo on all your devie duckduckgo comes with a built-n engine like google, but it's pi and doesn't spy on your searchs and duckduckgo lets you browse like chrome, but it blocks cooi and creepy ads that follow youa from google and other companie. and there's no catch. it's fre. we make money from ads, but they don't follow you aroud
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join the millions of people taking back their privacy by downloading duckduckgo on all your devices today. recommend force back to rush to walmart, on leash or potential with four stagger. >> i was still alvarez at the white house and this is cnn closed captioning brought to you by >> her firm only represents mesothelioma victims and their families if you or a loved one has been diagnosed with mesothelial call us now say i'm taking you >> inside the baltimore bridge disaster. there are new details in the lives lost how it all went so wrong, and click anything had prevented it tonight, i'm laura codes live well, if the news no one in baltimore wanted to hear the search and rescue operation has
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now ended for six people who were on the francis scott key bridge when it collapsed in the early hours just this morning now though six people are presumed dead in the crash, that flattened the bridge into the water. with people hearing it and feeling it, comparing it to a bomb or an earthquake. now, this is how it happened minute by minute. at 12:28 a.m. the container ship, the dalai takes off from the port and begins to move headed toward the bridge. almost an hour later at 01:20, a.m. the dolly's lights flicker. you see the ship on the far left the lights continued flicker on and off as the ship loses power at 01:26 a.m. the ship begins to change course, leaving the planned route and instead heads for the bridges pillar and experts say the pilot did everything he could to stop. what was about to happen? the moments before impact. radio
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traffic captures officers stopping traffic and desperately trying to clear the bridge why do you guys. in the south side? why do you guys on the north side? hold on track or home key bridge there's a ship of hershey i just lost their steering. so they tell you that under control, we got 01:27 a.m. the ship slams into the bridge, causing it to quickly collapse. if the river below isn't as a whole bridge will now start. sar, whoever everybody, the whole reads just the last haley msp to deal and stop traffic calming more down on a deep branch then at 01:50 a.m. the first buyer unit arrives on the scene amid
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reports of multiple people on the bridge who they feared. we're now in the water water temperatures in the '40s, temperatures only be survivable for 30 to 60 minutes without flotation eight construction workers were on the bridge when it collapsed to them were saved from the water shortly after six. now presumed dead so we have brand new satellite imagery showing the bridge before. and after so the question we all asking tonight, as so many of us are watching some of our worst commuting fears realized. is this could anything have prevented this tragedy engineers who spoke to new york times question whether the bridges peer had an appropriate locking device of offender to blunt any collision? potentially secretary pete buttigieg says nothing could have protected the bridge >> i do not know of a breach
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that is being constructed to the sandy directly impact the vessel or the size now, look, this was no ordinary bridge it's part of a major artery along a major highway, 695. and the water under that bridge, a major shipping port, the port of baltimore. and its collapse has completely stopped shipping in and out of it. and who knows for how long? now the supply chain is at risk and deliveries all along the entire east coast could be affected but to the people of baltimore, just the sight of the bridge was something special. i can't tell you how many times i've been over it. >> it was so >> iconic, it was named for the author of the national anthem so special, it had a starring role in hbo's the wire. remember this and listen to what maryland's governor himself put it for 47 years. that's all we've known and so
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this is this is, this is not just, not just unprecedented from what we're seeing and what we're looking at today it's heartbreaking let's go down. to cnn's danny freeman, who's been talking to witnesses, daddy, this is truly heartbreaking news for the families of loved ones. and >> tonight, rescuers are suspending search efforts. >> what else can you tell us? >> yeah, truly heartbreaking news. laura especially for those family members and i had a chance to speak with family members who said their loved ones, we're working on that bridge almost 24 hours ago when it collapsed. and when i spoke to them early in the afternoon, they were upset. they were distressed, but there were still some hope in their hearts that those six who are missing might be found alive. so this news tonight that this is now recovery effort truly even more devastating, laura, let me tell you a little bit about what we do know about those folks here what we do know is that most of the folks that were on this merge, they were working for a low construction company
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that's really just about five miles down from where we are right now. and we also are learning tonight. that's several were immigrants from latin america, including a 26,000 and a 35-year-old from guatemala, and we know that because that's according to the foreign ministry of affairs of guatemala. and i'll just note, laura, that a coworker of the eight who were in this incident actually told cnn that these six who were missing they were fathers, they were husbands, and they were just in this country trying to do right by their families >> unbelievable to think about the devastation with their families must be thinking tonight, danny, we're also hearing a new account about the pilot who was steering the ship. what is the american pilots association saying about what happened here? >> yes, laura, this is actually fascinating. the executive director of the american pilots association told cnn that just minutes before the ship hit
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this bridge i'm there was actually a total blackout on the ship and the pilots association said, and i want to quote here that the pilot of the ship did quote everything that he could have done to slow the ship before that ultimate crash, that includes calling for a hard turn to the left also, it meant calling for the anchor to be suddenly dropped in. of course, it meant calling for traffic to be stopped, to call the dispatch and say stop traffic on this bridge. and also this executive director and i thought this was french thing told cnn that it's not unheard of actually for the engine or a generator on a massive ship like this to have some problems. but he said that this time it happened at the worst possible time i'm believed was like a 1.6. i mile long bridge by the way, danny, do we know at all why they were working on the bridge, what the contract workers are actually doing? >> you know that's one of the things that actually i think stood out to a lot of people those workers who were on this bridge, they were not doing
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massive infrastructure changes are massive repairs. they were out here basically doing routine maintenance. that's by the secretary of transportation here in maryland, they were fixing potholes to make sure that this major thoroughfares you described, it, is smooth to drive for folks who come across this bridge every day again, just heartbreaking that people were just out doing their jobs and something like this. so wild happened. >> laura freeman. thank you so much for your reporting i want to bring in an eyewitness to this bridge collapse giorgio camino. giorgio. thank you so much for joining us. i mean, you you live just i think a half a mile from me this bridge and i understand that you woke up around 13 this morning and you thought there had been an earthquake. what exactly it is you hear and see at that moment that's right laura. >> thank you so much for having me on at around 130 in the morning. >> i >> felt allowed rumble.
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>> it was almost like there was a >> low flying military jet flying over my house and it was either that or an earthquake. and we don't really have too many earthquakes up here. but certainly jolted me. and it's certainly woke me up >> when you've lived in baltimore four years and you cross this bridge all the time for work when you realized that it wasn't an earthquake? it was not a low fighter jet that in fact, this bridge had collapsed and it was in the water how shocking was that for you >> what it was we're still in disbelief to be quite frank with you. i mean, this bridge that was standing beautifully just a few hours ago is now at the bottom of the river and like you said before, it's such a critical artery for traffic for local residents like myself, who traveled to work to go to washington dc.
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there are commercial centers on both sides of the bridge. residents live putting on both censuses a bridge, port workers it's so critical to life here and to the local economy and to see that it's just gone in just a few seconds it's just unbelievable unbelievable. >> it really is. i wonder since you are so familiar and the whole world really and the whole nation is watching this unfold and it's something out of some have called out of an action movie. and the tragic consequences of the suspended search and rescue operation now, but what do you want people to know about your city in your community during this incredibly difficult time as it remains surreal >> well, first and foremost, i know that i speak for everyone in my community when i share and put out heartfelt prayers for the families, the loved
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ones and for the whole community dundalk is a very proud, very resilient community. no stranger to hardships. >> but this >> working class town is has a sense of family has the said some glands we and i can tell you that this morning and throughout the day, people were out at coffee shops, at community centers, at diners, at firehouses looking for ways to help >> many >> of us are involved with non-profit organizations i'm on the national board of the order of a hepa that focuses on some disaster relief when tragedy strikes. and we've been collected patients i have put if you're interested, >> but this is a real resilient, wonderful community and we're going to come out of this united and we're going to
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be, we're going to rebuild, but it's going to take a lot of time, a lot of effort, and tomorrow and for the coming months and perhaps years, we're going to be feeling the effects of this. giorgio convenience. thank you so much for joining us >> thank you so much for having me >> well, you know >> that >> disaster in baltimore is brought back haunting memories at the tragic collapse of the interstate 35 w bridge in my home state of minnesota in the city of minneapolis. it happened back in 2007. now, of course, the circumstances are very different. but scenes of the wreckage and the frantic water search for survivors in baltimore, there are some similarities to what happened in the twin cities, even back then 13 people died after that collapsed and another 145 people were hurt and tonight, minnesota department of health rotation announced the i35 w bridge will be lit up in maryland's colors and they
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show support for the people of baltimore. i want to bring in the governor of minnesota at that time tim pawlenty, governor. thank you so much for joining me. today. i remember so well, when this happened, i was practicing law still back in 2007 in minneapolis and i remember the news. it wasn't in the middle of the night this happened. it was during the day you were the governor of minnesota when that bridge collapsed. so i need you to take us into what it's like to get a call like that and what happens from the governor's perspective from then on? >> sure. and good evening to you and to your viewers, laura. and this tragedy today does bring back in a parallel fashion many of the elements of the tragic i35 w bridge collapse when the word first got out, of course, there is shock there is confusion at first. there's a grief and sadness because the loss of life becomes known pretty quickly, or potential injury
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becomes known pretty quickly and you want to do all that you can to respond. and there's an avalanche of things that have to be done very quickly, including consoling those who may be worried about their loved ones funds, robot, lost loved ones or injured family members communicating with the public in a calm and confident and informed way so that you don't mislead or send anybody down a rabbit hole and then coordinating a massive recovery and response effort including local, state, and federal officials. so there's lot for public leaders to have to manage. and this is a moment where the leaders have to rise to the occasion and b, the council or in chief, in terms of converting the public and those families impacted directly. but also expressing confidence and a clear vision and plan for how the rebuilding is going to take place and all of that was present in minneapolis certainly present in baltimore today >> you know what you describe is daunting to say the least and having to juggle all the
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roles you described an and also trying to figure out and ascertain the state of affairs for those who were still on the bridge. i remember there was a school bus at one point on that bridge either way i want to play for you, what president biden had to say about his expectation of congressional resources to help in baltimore. listen we're going to send all the federal resources they need as we respond to this emergency i mean, all the federal resources. and we're going to rebuild that port together. it's my intention that federal government will pay for the entire cost of reconstructing that bridge i expect the congress to support my effort >> governor, i want to go back to a time when you were the governor of minnesota and you also heard a similar message from a different president with a preps, a very different republican party. listen to this we talked about the fact that bridge collapsed and that
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we in the federal government must respond respond robustly people they're not only recovered, but make sure that lifeline >> bridge >> gets rebuilt squared is possible >> that winner, given the political climate that we are in today, i wonder if you have any concerns um, or changed expectations that the president's promise will hold true. now for maryland's governor, wes moore >> well, even in >> these polarized >> times, i've got to believe and hope and pray lord, that we will come together on a bipartisan, and non-partisan basis. and address the situation as president bush did as president biden is now doing. and of course, the federal government is a critical partner in these situations. and we got the minneapolis bridge built by the way, rebuild from the time construction started to the time it was up and running in blend here, which was a near
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record for any large infrastructure project in this country. and there's a lot of reasons for that. but one of the reasons was an unbelievable amount of teamwork with our federal partners in terms of funding, but also in terms of the project one big difference in this situation between baltimore in was in minneapolis after the bridge fell, we didn't know for quite some time why it fell. and there was a lot of speculation politics involved in those weeks and months following the collapse. later, it was determined fell because of an original design flaw dating all the way back to the 1960s. and so that's speculation, turned out to be wrong in this case. they know why the bridge fell. it's going to shift from what happened on the bridge to what happened on the ship. and the issues are going to circle around the management and mechanics and operation of that ship. >> a really important distinction at this investigation is ongoing. it's been less than 24 hours since this tragedy and catastrophic collapse has happened. thank you so much for letting us pick your brain and lean on your insight at this moment in time.
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thank you >> anytime thank you, laura well, it was a pretty big de for one former president donald trump, his media company, publicly >> trading on the nasdaq stock exchange for the first time. and it was, well quite the debut. trump media and technology group now has a market value i've nearly 11 billion. >> yes, 11 >> billion. never mind the fact that the company is burning through cash piling up losses and truth social, their main asset is actually losing users, losing users, but they haven't lost their biggest user. and that's mr. trump >> bring trunk from talking about potential witnesses like
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one of the favorite targets, michael cohen, attorneys, court staff, family members, or jurors surrounding this case again, i ask why? well, because after judge one merchant announced the historic criminal trial will begin on april 15th, the jury selection trump. he went on a tear, holding a news conference to attack the case. the judge, a prosecutor and that's where we get back to truth social on his own platform last night to attack them all all over again, going so far as to talk about the judges daughter and you better believe judge merchant was paying attention, but he had a heads up he's not the first judge to slap a gag order, a limited one at that on trump. there's the gag order in the election interference case brought by a special counsel, jack smith and washington dc another one in the new york civil fraud trial, where he went after judges clerk. remember that trump was buying twice for violating that one here we are again
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>> but the big question >> is, what will happen next there's bad news tonight as well for sean diddy combs, a member of his inner circle arrested in my ami as diddy issues are defiance statement? the former lead prosecutor on the r. kelly case is live with us next >> we deserve a real king because if you cannot protect his own family how is he supposed to protect us >> awful man is going to taste. good luck. >> you always are going to help us anymore. >> i'm going >> to do this myself >> flex your muscles man and the loss kingdom. now streaming exclusively on macs cracked windshield schedule would say flight and will come to you to fix it. this customer was enjoying her morning walk. we texted her when we were on our way and she could track us and
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here's why you should switch fo to duckduckgo on all your devie duckduckgo comes with a built-n engine like google, but it's pi and doesn't spy on your searchs and duckduckgo lets you browse like chrome, but it blocks cooi and creepy ads that follow youa from google and other companie. and there's no catch. it's fre. we make money from ads, but they don't follow you aroud join the millions of people taking back their privacy by downloading duckduckgo on all your devices today. wolfgang buck go to ships station slash, try and get two months free >> space shuttle columbia, the final flight from your sunday, april 7 at nine on cnn >> well, new tonight and arrest made in connection to the raids at sean diddy combs his properties and these attorney is speaking out about those rates for the first time, maintaining in his client's innocence, these attorney releasing this defiant statements saying, quote, there was a gross over use of
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military level force as search warrants were executed, at mr. combs is resonances. there is no excuse for the excessive show of force and hostility exhibited by authorities or by the way, his children and employees were treated. mr. combs was never detained, but spoke to and cooperated with authorities now as for the arrest, brendan paul, a member of diddy circle, was charged with possession of cocaine and marijuana, lace, candy. it's important to note, diddy is not mentioned in paul's arrest affidavit. we do know that duty is to target of a federal investigation led by the department of homeland security investigations. a lot of new information patient here we've got an expert to break it all down elizabeth getty's was the lead prosecutor and the racketeering and sex trafficking case brought against singer r. kelly was but thank you so much for being here this evening. there are a lot of questions. first of all, a lot of unanswered questions. we are still really in the
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infancy of our knowledge about this investigation, even having seen the images come out, elizabeth so far, we know that this person named brendan paul is the only arrest that we know of related to this search. is more going to come out. do you think and when yes, i think this is just the beginning and over the next several weeks and months, i anticipate there >> will be a lot of additional information coming out and potentially it will lead to the arrest of sean combs. will see time will tell but i anticipate there'll be a lot in the news coming in the next couple of weeks. >> the timeline, i think people watching wanted to be along their curiosity timeline. they've got a deadline in their minds when they wanted information. it's right now, this is not of course, and a high-profile case of this magnitude or this level investigation the timeline belongs to the prosecution, the investigative team. do you have
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a sense of how long this might take >> know and i suspect it will not be as fast as some would like it to be federal investigations are often complex and lengthy, but it's clear that this investigation is well underway given that there were two federal search warrants that appear to have been authorized by federal judge judges. and so it appears that the federal investigators have already amassed a substantial amount of information so it could still be months >> before we >> hear more, but i anticipate that the prosecutors and agents who are working on this case will be working very in diligently to bring a case to the extent that there's a case to be made in short order
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>> getting is attorney said that neither a nor his family's travel had been restricted in any way. again, there is not a pending or an actual charge. there's no indictment that we are aware of any kind but the fact that there hasn't been any restrictions on travel, does that surprise you >> it doesn't >> until there >> is an indictment and a potential bail hearing, which could include a limitation on a defendant's travel. you would not expect in this type of case there to be any limitation on his travel. so i do not draw any conclusions whatsoever from that >> there's a lot of criticism from the attorney as well. elizabeth, about the scale of the raids, noting what he called an advanced media presence, calling it an ambush. >> do you see it that way? hey, or is this how hsi operates? you'd handle cases of magnitude that does this and trafficking
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>> yeah, that's right. and look, there just from some of the information that was that was set forth in some of the civil complaints. there were allegations of sean combs was having firearms and using violence and having people in his network be aware of that. and so it is not atypical for law enforcement agency executing a search warrant to take measures to protect themselves and protect the integrity of the service there was nothing again, particularly surprising at least based on what i've seen about the two searches that we're done. >> now you you brought are kelly to justice? he has been sentenced two decades in prison for his crimes. now, we don't know as you've said, the major fully of this investigation, these are separate people one cannot be attributed to the other specifically, but i just
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question what is it like for the audience to hear when you are investigating and prosecuting someone of this level of fame you know, i think that responsible prosecutors and agents would treat this case >> no different than they would treat other cases that they have. they're going to again, take a close look at the evidence, speak with asthma any witnesses as they can, and then make a decision about whether there's sufficient evidence to bring charges and i don't think that these prosecutors who have excellent reputations and agents who have excellent reputation will let the fact that hi, mr. combs is a celebrity affect that i don't think he will be treated differently as a result of his his celebrity status what's
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with getty is thank you so much for joining us this evening >> thank you for having me. i appreciate it >> well, abortion is back on the docket at the supreme court in a way, just in case you thought you were done hearing about it from matt court after the dobbs decision? how will we decide this time when it comes to access to mifepristone >> sanity needs to save space you have a show were right and left talk to each other cnn presents an encore presentation of hbo's real time with bill maher, saturday at eight on >> cnn this tiny homes trend >> not for me. now, this is more like it. the same goes for my foot worth why one hands-free with wife fits, get your slip is just step in and go without bending down or touching my shoes wide fit, hands-free skechers, slip is meet the jennifer's gen x and y and gen z each planning their
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duckduckgo comes with a built-n engine like google, but it's pi and doesn't spy on your searchs and duckduckgo lets you browse like chrome, but it blocks cooi and creepy ads that follow youa from google and other companie. and there's no catch. it's fre. we make money from ads, but they don't follow you aroud join the millions of people taking back their privacy by downloading duckduckgo on all your devices today. bats apparel in the game. >> this is cnn. the world's news >> well, the supreme court hearing a very important case today about access to mifepristone. that's the drug are part of a two-part regimen which as of 2023 is used in 63% of abortions occur fast. this
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country. today, they began asking questions to the anti-abortion activists to find either that the fda should never have approved this drug back in 22,024 years ago, or they should roll back access to the drug back to what it looked like in 2011 so what would rolling back access actually look like? what that would mean, no telemedicine prescriptions no retail pharmacy dispensing, and the drug could only be used up to seven weeks of pregnancy rather than the fda approved ten weeks why? while the anti-abortion activists told the judges that the fda failed to follow the appropriate evaluation of this particular drug. and now that argument could frankly have very far reaching effects on other drugs, not just mifepristone. >> and >> the court isn't even sure, by the way, they've got the right folks standing in front of them to make any of these claims whatsoever. it's called standing. now with me many two mirage you president of reproductive freedom for all,
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and also tiffany are right, a former law clerk for justice, sonia sotomayor. thank you both for being here just to be clear, and people are thinking, well, this is not the dobbs case, this is not truly whether to think that abortion can be legal or not or illegal. this is about access to abortion medication. but maybe for wondering why the justices even took a case like this. >> what's your thought >> well, i think in dobbs, you remember the line where they said that this was just a neutral opinion. we're returning the issue back to the people and their elected representatives. and every time abortion access has been on the ballot since then, abortion access has one. and so now what we see is not a fight over whether or not it should be legal or return to that neutral position. but whether or not women can have access to the drug that most women used to end early pregnancies. and so i think that this was a secondary attack on the right of women to exercise bodily autonomy. and they took it in order to test whether or not that access will remain available.
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>> many i mean, there was a time for the dobbs decision. everyone talked about and roe v. wade, frankly, about having a politician in the room with you and your dr. now, the conversation is maybe this supreme court in the room with the fda deciding whether drug should be able to be on the market. i thought the dobbs decision had a lot to do with returning the issue to the states >> if they rule >> in a way that says no mifepristone access or roles it back. that would have the effect of a nationwide ban, right? >> yeah, we've been calling this about dr. or national abortion ban. this is a way to restrict access in states where abortion access is legal, right? california, michigan, ohio, just codified access in their state constitutions. but this would, this would remove access to medication abortion because it undermines fda authority and look, what i've been working in this movement for over 20 years when et row as lot of the land to your point access was always the issue, right? like, i'm from texas women of color and
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immigrant women already had access issues. we had 72 hour waiting periods. we had mandatory ultrasounds. we had a chipping away at access and that's how you really get to abortion bans on this country. that's the old way we used to do it. and now that that's federal courts have resolved so-called resolved dobbs we're now seeing anti-abortion activists using the same tactics that they've used for decades in these states to try to go after access and states that have already said this is legal, this is codified. you're nodding in agreement. the issue of standing is a big one. two, in terms of who can actually come before this court. i mean, you have to have an actual harm. you can't just say, you know what, i feel like weighing in on this matter. and so you have to entertain me supreme court justices. they had questions about whether the right people were in front of them. and it seemed as though the arguments for those were the anti-abortion activists suggests that while they might one day have to deal with people or treat someone who has complications or side effects from this, from mifepristone, making them menn injured party. >> yeah.
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>> so i think the mark of a good judge is when you're willing to make the right decision, even when it hurts. and what we saw today with samuel alito doing it his best to not do that because he's been one of the fiercest guardians of the courthouse door and saying you have to have standing. these doctors do not prescribe mifepristone. they do not take mifepristone. they will never be in a position to have to provide abortion care because there are federal law protections that protect them and allow them to make moral or religious objections the idea that these physicians have any sort of standing is not a tenable one, but we saw justice alito bending over backwards to make it one thankfully, he's on an island by himself. it appears well, there was that moment he asked as the fda infallible, i think was his phrase, has there ever been a time when they've had to recall a drug because they were wrong about maybe it's efficacy or the potential injury that it could actually cause. and there was a response to that. obviously it's not an infallible agency. >> but if they were to change the way the fda evaluates drugs
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it couldn't just apply to mifepristone, right? it could apply to the gamut of prescribed medications. are they willing to go that far >> the most effective i think argument with the fifth circuit atmospheric court was pharma, right? pharma intervened. it took us a while to get pharma to intervene, but they did because of the mass of ramifications this would have on approval falls on innovation, on the entire ecosystem of pharmaceuticals of this country. you open the door here than nothing is to present a group that says, i'm anti-vaccine from filing the same kind of grievance against a vaccine manufacturer, a bending so many medications and treatments that are deemed controversial by certain groups. so look, i mean the fda mifepristone. this is the top takeaway, is incredibly safe safe for the tylenol. it's been authorized for 20 plus years. >> and >> we know it has recently been introduced in brick-and-mortar pharmacies. it's more critical than ever that we have this access in the wake of dobbs and i thought justice jackson,
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kentucky brown jackson had the right retort to that question, right? she said, has the supreme is the supreme court ever fallible? and i think the answer is from us. absolutely. and it's recent and they have to be cautious there at the lowest approval ratings in this country that they've ever had. >> it's a very important point. there's already been adjustments anticipated by medical providers about taking away this one part of a two drug regimen. and then you've got other issues that dr. talking about in terms of what it could do for even miscarriage treatment and beyond. ladies, thank you so much for being or tiffany write many time mirage you. thank you. >> both. >> well, rfk junior, he's got a new running mate and she's got some deep pockets. and by the way, i'm not going to my own horn. i told you it was gonna be last night if you're watching the show, you already knew. but how worried are democrats? i'll ask dnc chair jaime harrison next with jake tapper tomorrow it for cnn
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>> those the big data it's time pain who that do >> rfk junior announcing his running mate today, her name? nicole shanahan, as we told you just last night, the way 38 years old and oakland, california, native, a tech entrepreneur who is stone age democratic presidential campaigns, and was formerly married to google co-founder sergey brin. sergey brin, but that's not all rfk juniors campaign says choosing a vp allows them to get on the ballot in 19 additional states. so should democrats be concerned, dring, now dnc chair fair? jamie harrison, jaime, so good to see you. how are you today? >> i'm great as gracing you as well >> well, as you know, rfk is picking a young and wealthy
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tech lawyer as his vice presidential running mate. aside from the? money she can inject into his campaign. are you at all afraid are concerned with the dnc that his new running mate could pose a real threat to president biden's reelection prospects well, we're not concerned about that. let's just step back and think about this new rum running meet that he is selected. he selected nicole partly because everyone else he has said no. and secondly, it's because we know that she is written what $45 million so far to support his efforts through third-party effort so if you want it to be on a vp ticket, we just needed four or $5 million to give over to rfk. we could have been there. >> i mean, in the end of the day, we have to understand what this guy he's an extremist he is not in the mainstream of this country and that he shared
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something very much in common with donald trump. their biggest donors for both trump and rfk, the same person this guy is not serious. he's flip-flopped on the abortion issue. he's he's way out in left field as it relates to gun violence and restricting gun violence. and when you know this is a problem when your family cannot support you and do not want to support you and actually are actively supporting the other guy that has to send red flags there. all of us this is not the guy to be president of the united states. so what the dnc is going to do, laura is makes sure that voters are educated not only on donald trump and how he is threatening our freedoms, but also that rfk and the things that he believes also threatens how we live in this nation. >> i take you at your word that you don't feel worried, but there is a red flag in that he's not polling at zero. he
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is polling at a significant enough of a percentage. there are those who say that he might be able to take away votes from either a republicans or democrats in this case, trump or biden. but specifically the concern is that a third party candidate and independent run based on his polling, could actually take away votes from biden. you don't share that concern? >> well, it do you see we won't take anything for granted and we won't take anyone or any voter for granted. we're going to make sure we go out and educate voters about the candidates that are in race and what joe biden brings to the table. we have a president who wakes up every single day thinking about how to improve the quality of life of all of them characters, people. that's his focus. we see it in terms of how he's gotten out there in the the legislation that he is pushed forward. we see donald trump over playing golf and giving themselves awards that his golf tournament. and we see rfk hunting for more money in order
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to try to get on the ballot? >> but >> in the end of the day, this is about the american people and who's going to fight for them, who's going to stand up for them and their families and their communities. >> we know joe >> biden will do that. and so it's our job part of the campaign and the dnc to make sure that the voters know who's on the ballot and where they stand on the most important issues. and we're going to do that carlos, if you are the republican nominee or some third party nominee whose florida as a democrat libertarian, and any other thing in the middle. just so he can get his name on the bow >> it's making a voters biden needs and has in the past relied on the black vote when i recognize to say the black vote black voters are not a monolith yet is a very coveted vote to try to get there is some polling to suggest that trump is gaining. their support. you had your fellow south carolinian james cli burn in january saying that biden's message was not breaking through the maga wall, so to speak. has biden's message done anything to change that
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>> well, i fundamentally believe as in past elections, the african-american community, the black vote will be there for joe biden in this election. >> when we look >> at what he has done and accomplished this, not just words, but actually how he's delivered. he's made sure that we've had as a community a seat at the table just think about this personally. yeah, there has been no democratic president who's ever appointed a black person to be the chair of the dnc. >> now we've >> had chairs at the dnc had been black, ron brown, and donna brazil, but joe biden's of first president that actually appointed a black person to that role. so first-person appointed black woman as vice it's present first-person to a a black woman to the united states supreme court. he changed the primary calendar to put african americans not at the back of the bus, but at the front of the bus, so that the issues that are important to us get to have the element of the booby get to be elevated in terms of the presidential discussion she didn't dialogue. but look at
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his policies from what he's done in terms of going after diabetes and making sure that insulin, which two diabetes disproportionately impacts the black community making sure that we dropped that down to $35 a person. >> there's >> so much that i can point to that joe biden he has done in order to lowest unemployment for the black community in my lifetime. and i can go on and on. and so we >> have a president who is actually delivering for the community, not just words, but his actions as well >> let me ask you surely you have been falling the news about your counterpart and the rnc, the former chair ronna mcdaniel she has made quite a splash in her post rnc world and life. she faced a huge backlash for her election-related lies. she is now no longer a paid political analyst, four nbc news, i
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wonder, what does this whole episode tell you about where american politics is right now >> well, you know, lauren, one of the things that we have to understand is ronna mcdaniel it's one. of the, architects of undermining our democracy, and undermining our elections in 2020, which led to the disaster and the chaos that we saw on january 6 at the nation's capital so when you have fundamentally, there's been only one party chair republican or democrat that is ever really been in the midst of making sure that they're fake electors to undermine our elections. and that's ronna mcdaniel and so why should somebody like that? who is fundamentally done something to undermine american democracy then get promoted and to have a free space two what out her
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alternative facts >> you >> shouldn't be rewarded for that and kudos to the nbc for cleaning that up and making the right decision. it's not about democrats or republicans it's about making sure that we do what's right for this nation >> jaime harrison, always a pleasure to speak with you. thank you for joining >> thank you for having me >> and thank you all for watching. hey, i'll be on instagram live at the laura coates is a couple of minutes. be sure to tune in. our coverage continues check your nothing. >> a space shuttle accident. it's usually not one thing. it's a series of events >> is that part? there's a wing coming apart >> space shuttle kalisa, final flight or mere sunday, april 7 at nine on cnn, how could anyone possibly know that every single one of these pistachios is guaranteed to be wonderful by reading, right here. >> wonderful pistachios are the
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